How To Grow Natural Hair Long And Fast | My Top Tips For Maximum Hair Growth

  • Posted on 21 May, 2019
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

These are my tips on how I grew my natural hair long and healthy! You too can grow your natural hair!! Hair growth doesn't have to be so complicated, just try out my tips and you will see a difference in your hair for sure! Also, if you have any suggestions of any natural hair videos that you would like me to make please leave a comment down below, so that way I know what you are interested in seeing from me:)

I am actually thinking about trying rice water for the first time, I have heard that it can really help with hair growth, so I want to see for my self if it really works or if it is just a myth, let me know what you think!! Anyways love you guys!!!!!




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Hey, let's Kayla welcome to my channel today, I'm gon na be sharing with you. Some tips that I use to grow my hair, so I'm gon na first start off by doing like a length track. Just so you can see how long my hair is cuz. I'M hot so I'm just gon na actually put it up, but I'm gon na go ahead and show you how long my hair is right. Now it's dry there's a lot of shrinkage right now, so I'm just gon na kind of pull it to show you when I go ahead and show you that really quick. So this is how my hair looks when it's stretched that's about as far as it goes. Like kind of past my waist a little bit and then in the back, I'm just showing you where at the top of my butt, is and then that's how far my hair reaches okay. Well, I'm back okay. So these are my tips. Basically, the things that I feel like are the most important reasons why my hair has been able to grow as long as it has. So, I'm not saying these are for everyone, I'm just gon na say these are my tips. This is what I found to be the most important things that I have done. I just I'm repeating myself, so I know a lot of these tips will work for everybody, because it's pretty much science. So, although I'm not a scientist, I want to go ahead and put that out there um. I actually did just take four science classes, this past semester that just ended like last week. I maybe know one thing or two literally, that day um I did horrible. In my um general biology, but anyway, okay, so my first tip is to go natural. So if you're not already natural, I would say that is the number one tip that I can offer is to go natural. By that I mean like no chemicals on your hair. So like no perms or texturizers, I also don't have any dye on my hair either yeah. My hair is completely natural, there's nothing on it and I found that to be like one of the best tips that I could recommend. Okay, so another thing that I wanted to mention when it comes to dyeing your hair, I would say, if you like your hair, you know just like believe it, because I did dye my hair and I dyed it. One time I have gray hairs, and so I just wanted to dye my hair all black and not worry about the gray hairs and uh anyway, so I dyed my hair and then um when I washed my hair, the curls were just they fell flat like they Were not, they were not bouncing back, they were just my curl pattern was basically ruined and I had no idea. I had no idea that dyed my hair would change my curl pattern, so I think something about like when you dye your hair. It breaks the bonds in your hair and then it's looser something like that, but I will have to actually double check that but yeah. So if you're wanting to dye her hair, just kind of give it a second thought and just think about it before you do that, because they can't change your curl pattern because it did that to mine yeah and so actually no, I just if I see you Gray, hair I'll just just kind of like pull it out. I just pull. I pull out my gray hairs anyway. If I just keep going off topic, this video is gon na, be so long um. My next tip is no heat, so I use heat on my hair, sometimes like the last time I pay heat on my hair was actually 9 or 10 months ago, and then before that, like I was doing it a little bit more frequently and then before that. I went a whole year without putting any heat on my hair. I did like a one year, no heat challenge and I have videos of that on my channel. I will link them in my description box down below so y'all can check those out if you're interested. I found that putting no heat on my hair makes a huge difference in my hair, but sometimes I want my hair straight and so I'll straighten it about the heat. When you put heat on your hair, that's just like it's just so damaging. There was a great in time where I was my hair was like the link that it is right now and I was just so happy that it had gotten to be as long as it had so I was just like straightening it all the time, because I Wanted to see my length and I just loved how it looks straight and long, so I was flat ironing it all the time and so then over time doing that my hair, I just noticed it was just like being thinner and then and when I would wash My hair, the curls weren't, really bouncing back my ends were just extremely thin and I think I have a picture somewhere and I'm gon na insert it, and I'm gon na show you what I mean by that okay. So when my hair was like this, I was trying to hold on to the length as long as I could, because I knew I needed to cut it, but I just didn't want to because I knew my hair would be much shorter. So then, this is how it looked when I cut like some of it. As you can see the part that was cut it just makes my hair look so much healthier at the top, and also you could see how much I had to cut. I had to cut a lot of length off of my hair, and that happened just because I was straightening it all the time, so this could be completely avoided as long as you take care of your hair and you don't put heat on it frequently because you Can still be natural and put heat on your hair and it will see like it's not growing, because you're just like putting that heat on your hair and then your ends will split and then I'll split and split and break off. And when they're breaking off it's gon na seem like your hair is not growing when it's actually growing, it's just the ends are breaking off, so your hair is just looking like it's the same length the whole time, but actually it has been growing but you're, not Taking care of it in a way to see that link that growth, okay, so another thing that I do is I only detangle my hair when it's wet, and so I just do that in the shower. I don't really do tangle my hair outside of the shower, unless I have just gotten out of the shower, you know, and it's still wet but like today, right now, I wouldn't just like do taking all my hair or anything like that and another thing. That is really important when it comes to detangling your hair, you need to have patients say you come like you're, trying to detangle your hair and you come to like a tangle or a knot in your ear. You don't want to just brush it through and rip. It out instead, you take your time and you kind of just like stretch it for me. So if I have like a knot in my hair like right here, instead of just like brushing it through until the knot came out and the hair broke off, I would just kind of like spread. It spread the hair and you can feel it just kind of like spread it like this. Basically, until the knot comes out until you can just kind all the way down and once it's all through then brush it with the brush and then you're good to go. You just want to take your time with nuts and stuff like that. That was something that I didn't do in the past and that's something that I started doing once I became natural and I wish I've been. You know it's just something that you should start doing. You just need to have patience whenever you're, detangle and you're here, because you don't want to rip it out because then you know, what's the point of trying to have healthy hair, and then you just you know you need to care for it. Okay, tip number. Four is protective styling. Basically, I wear my hair in buns all the time like all the time. I just have my hair like this today. Just so, I could show the link of it for this video, but otherwise my hair is in a bun, I'm like ninety. Ninety eight a little bit about ninety eight percent of the time, if you like, wearing your hair and buns, wear your hair and buns all the time. I really never got sick of it. I wear a high bun. I wear a low bun I'll wear it with the part without a part to this side to the middle I'll. Just do like different kinds of buns and switch it up. Baby hair, no baby hair, just a little curls on the side, there's different, there's different types of ways that you can do blends and you can make them look cute and that's what's worked for me. I don't ever wear my hair out curly. If I do wear my hair out, it's because I have it straight and I just have it down but um. No, I don't wear my hair out and I'm not saying you can't because you can I'm just saying for me. I don't, and I always um, because keeping your ends like tucked away just keeping your ends from just being rubbed on stuff they're, just tucked away, and so cuz you're in are the oldest part of your hair. So you need to protect your end. If you want to see your hair grow, okay, so a lot of people like to comment on my wig videos about. Why do I wear wigs? And so the thing is I have here, obviously, and but I like to wear wigs because sometimes I want straight hair but instead of me actually straightening my hair, I just put a wig on and so much easier, not damaging my hair, I'm not manipulating my hair. I think it well, my hair is just you know in a couple braids moisturized and in some braids under the wig, while the wig is straight and then put heat on my hair and my hair is fine, so you know if I want to do that. If I want to have to right here for a day, it's better to just throw in a wig, then actually like straightening, my hair and um yeah. So wigs are fun, but what I will say about wearing wigs, if you do like it, if you glue it on or tape it on make sure that you you were whoever the person is. That'S doing. It knows what they're doing, because you know if you get it like the glue on your edges, if you're, not careful how you take it off, you could actually rip off some of your edges, which you want to avoid, and that's another thing to be careful of. With protective styles, when I first went natural, I went to this like hair braiding place and they were more about just like hurrying it up and like getting my hair done quickly, not so much about the health of my hair. So when they were like parting, my hair, just like ripping my ripping my hair and doing the braids so tight, just it would just be so uncomfortable. You know in your hair like if you get your hair done, it's so tight. You get like pinching bumps like I would have like tension bumps, and that is not good. Here'S the picture of what could happen to you if you get your hair done and your hair is too tight, so this is called traction alopecia. This happens whenever you have your hair in a style where it's pulled back too tight and there's so much tension. It causes permanent or temporary hair loss to that area. So if you're getting your hair done, you need to make sure that it is not too tight to where you get tension bumps or to where you're really uncomfortable, because this could happen to you. So, however, you get your hair like if you want to wear protective style, make sure that whoever is doing it actually cares about the health of your hair, where, if you're doing it, you should care about the health of your hair so like, for instance, if you Want to just have braids or something if you want to do, cornrows in your hair or whatever just you know, moisturize your hair first and then do your protective style throughout you having your style in just try to like put a little moisture on your hair on Your ends, if you can on your scalp as well, you know keep it moisturized, so um, that's actually the next tip moisturize. Your hair here needs moisture so like. If you have straight hair, it's easy. Okay, so your scalp produces oil sebum! It'S just like a natural oil that comes from your scalp, so it comes from your scalp and then it will go down your strand of hair. But so if you have curly hair, it's harder for the oil from the scalp to get to the ends of your hair because it has to go like all the way down, and so it's harder for curly hair to stay moisturized. So we just have to add the moisture ourselves, so what I like to do whenever I take a shower I'll, take my shower I'll, wash and condition my hair and then, whenever I get out of the shower, I apply some type of moisturizer. Some moisturizers already have good types of oils and then, if you watched my watched, a video, I share the product that I like to use. It'S like a kid's, it's a kid's product actually by Cantu, so I mean but there's so many options out there for a long time. I used to curl enhancing smoothie by Shea Moisture, but I just feel like now I just when I walk past it and I'm looking at it in the store. I just don't see myself spending $ 13 or $ 14 on hair product. I don't know why. I don't know why I just don't I used to I used to all the time I out like, but I just don't I don't. I can't I just I mean I made from time and time, but I haven't bought it in a long time and my hair spine and also whatever I would use a lot is. I would just get a lot of different oils. Like coconut oil, grapeseed oil, avocado oil, shea butter just a lot of difference like oils, natural things, and I would just put them all together and like a bottle or a container, and I would use that on my hair. I used to do the most with my hair, but it was just easy: just grab a moisturizer with those types of oils and then already and you're good to go. So what I do now and the one I use. I think it has coconut oil and shea butter and it keeps my hair really moisturized. So just make sure you keep your hair moisturized cuz. If your hair's moisturize, it's not gon na, be dry brittle. If it's not dry and brittle, it's not gon na break off. If it's dry and brittle it will break off. Another thing I already talked about was just be gentle, like be gentle with your hair. You know if you're doing something and you're getting frustrated, take your time. You know if hairs really tangled or it's really matted don't rip through it. Just take your time and be gentle, it just be gentle with your hair. Anything you do with it. Be gentle if somebody's doing your hair they're getting a little rough like speak up, because it's your hair at the end of the day speak up and say: hey you're, ripping my hair out like Choa. You know, speaking of chill, my next tip is to just not do the most like just don't do the most. Basically, I don't do too much like I don't do too much, and so I'm not really manipulating my hair. A lot like when I, when I wash my hair, is when I'm like doing the most and that's once a week or it'll, be between one week to two weeks that I wash my hair. So at that time is when I'm kind of just like going at it like detangling it and all that other stuff, I'm not trying to do like I'm, not just trying to switch it up all the time and doing a whole. But like I'm doing, I'm not doing the most basically because if you're constantly like combing your hair, it's just like you're putting tension on it, just chill just chill with it. You don't have to do too much and I don't - and I don't that's one of my tips. Okay, so I think this might be my last tip, and that is patience if you have just gone natural, I'm sure you like check your hair all the time to see if it's grown. You know I did that a lot. I did that for a long time. Actually, I'm on my old computer has so many pictures of me doing like length checks just to compare it. I would do it like. Every week, like I got a bike, there would actually be a difference in a week, but I would do that. I would always just be like just always just trying to see my hair is grown. Just like became really obsessive, like extremely obsessive, so I would say, don't be still be too obsessive just chill because as a time goes by, your hair is growing. So, basically, as long as you're alive, your hair is growing unless you have some type of medical condition or something like that. But otherwise, if you're, healthy and fine, your hair is growing and if you don't feel like it's growing, it's because you're not taking care of your ends and your hair is breaking off. So as it's growing it's breaking at the same time. So it's looking like it's not growing and then that it's the same length so just know that your hair is growing. Just take it easy, don't stress about it too much! You don't have to do the most. You don't have to spit alone products. It'S a simple process as time goes: you'll definitely see the difference on your hair. I mean I do think it's a good idea to take pictures. You know every now and then so you can so you'll see for yourself that your hair is actually growing. So you don't get discouraged, but I wouldn't recommend taking them like all the time, because then you may actually get discouraged. If you don't see a difference in your hair growth. I think those are all my tips actually so yeah. I think those are all my tips and, if I think of any more I'll make a part 2 of this video and if you'll have any questions for me, leave me a comment down below and also, if you're new, to my channel go ahead and subscribe and Put on the notification bell so that way you don't miss any videos and you'll know every time I post and yeah. I think that's it so leave me a comment: if y'all have any questions and I'll see y'all next video bye,

Diamond Jordan: I’ve noticed since I’ve been in nursing school and I’ve had to wear buns like literally 24/7 I’ve been able to grow my hair a lot. The buns as a protective style really works for me.

Imteyaz: Instead of dying your hair to cover grays or pulling the grays out, try using henna/indigo, not only do they naturally color your hair thus covering the grays, but it’s also a strengthening treatment for it!

Teresa Spurlock: Black hair doesn't grow as quickly when it's dry so it is imperative to keep hair moisturized. Kinky, curly and coarse hair thrives when it is moisturized at the strands, roots and scalp.

Chrissy Got The Coils: I'm always nervous and scared to go to the salon because they don't care about treating your hair right

Maia B.: New sub! ‍♀️ You’re soo pretty!! It’s nice to see a plus size natural YouTuber!!

Mallary 101: I’ve officially fallen in love with your videos. All these girls be talking about products that cost around 30 dollars while you have tips for us normal people. Lol thankyou

Giggles: I've noticed the most growth when I leave my hair alone. Just wash, deep condition, moisturize and braid or bun. I figured out how to do my own knotless braids via tutorials on youtube. Makes my life easier for the summer and helps me to leave the flat iron alone.

Simply_JodiAnn: Great tips ! I just made a video with a few of the same tips on how I was able to grow my natural 4c hair to waist length fast!

Breana Hayes: Going natural is the best thing I did for my hair health

Family Vibez: So glad you went in depth! I’ve seen so many videos of ppl say the same stuff but not explaining . Love that you explained every step and really made it personal

Bre: After 3 years of being natural, My hair was finally "long" I always wanted blue tips, so my dumb ass went and got it bleached/colored. It looked amazing the 2 weeks it was straight. BUT when It was wash day I was so upset. I'm obsessed with healthy looking hair and everything bleached was just stringy and straight. I grabbed scissors and ended up cutting my hair back up to my ears I was depressed for a month tbh... but I forgot how easy the short hair phase was and actually enjoyed it now I use hair wax. it lets me enjoy different colors without damage. I can't stand wigs they make me itchy

Ruby Jackson: Health also contributes ri hair growth. My hair lacks protein, so I use it bi weekly in the crown and once a month all over.

V_the0nly1: As a plus girl myself. You are my idol/inspiration for everything. . P.s. eyebrow tutorial please and thank you.

Jasmine Nicole Cogdell: You are just too gorgeous for words you seem to be as sweet as you are beautiful! your hair is definitely goals ‍♀️

Azariah: This was sooooo helpful! Thank you so much <3

Brooklyn Banks: I'm a swimmer and lifeguard so I get into the pool for practice and meets a lot. What would you recommend doing to protect it? You know besides the swim cap because sometimes it has to come out. what products do you think is good for 3c hair to grow and keep moisturized?

Sandy D Lea: It's always best to get your hair coloured in a salon, also Olaplex is your best friend if you colour your hair

Cutie Pie: Your hair is my goal

LifeWithZinnah: I’m gonna have to learn to do my own hair smh. These people be acting dumb with my hair.

🤡queen jester🤡: Thank you i needed this i cant wait till my hair gets longer so i can be able to style it and also still use your tips at the same time oh i love being black

Weird Myst: Over here with the 8c hair....watching a woman with 3a hair

BahJa X: I have exactly same length and curls (on a good day) as you but my hair is not thin but not thick enough like i would like it to be. Any advice? my curls is everywhere but doesn't feel full and voluptuous

Andrea B.: Question, when you say no heat does that mean blow dry too? I wear a lot of protective styles like braids, but when I get braids I have to wash and dry my hair before, so I wanted to know if you mean just flat iron. Also, how do you trim your ends if it’s not straight? I’ve only gotten my hair straight maybe 1-2 times a year. So far this year only once in March and I REALLY want to get it straight because it’s definitely time for me to get my ends clipped, but if I don’t need to straighten it, I won’t!

Alexxx.: When I dye my hair my curls are more define is this happening to anyone else ?

DaFaBBMiSs3s: When you do your braids for protective styles do you stretch it or get it braided in its natural state? I find that when i go to get my hair braided since i can't braid my own hair for nothing, i find myself stretching it

Shunita Williams: Thankkkkkkkk You So Much For Tha Hair Tips They Really Helped Out Alottt

Dania: Dayyym girl you're drop dead GORGEOUS PERIODTTT!!! ❤️

Chynna Wellington: Beautiful & Hair goals asf!!!! And I also need this natural makeup look torturial as well

brandilyn camille: if you want to dye your hair DON’T use hair dye. Use Hair Wax it’s better and it doesn’t mess up your curl pattern and you can wash it out to get back your original hair color

ANGEL FISHER: Sis you are eVeRyThAnG...gorgeous, classy, and a volumptuous beauty. Love the hair. Thkx for the great tips.

Ame T.: You're so beautiful and I love your hair! Thank you for the tips ✨

Jamie: Also one more tip and you might have it on right now, but keep it bonnet on when u come from where ever ur coming put on, my mom always told to put it on so it can keep moisture in my hair.

Dominique Preston: does no heat include no blow drying? that might be a dumb question but i need to know

The Cure: Sis the natural hair stuff is now on clearance at Marshalls, and TJmaxx. I know what you mean. they got TGIN too. Also Burlington has it as well.

keilah: The video I never knew I needed

Golden Love: I use clairol colore tones in black and it never changes my curl pattern I don't no if you have tried that but it works pretty good on my hair and I'm 3c4a but what I always do first is wash and deep condition my hair the day before I dye it then the next morning I put the dye in my hair and use the coditioner they put in the box and I'm good to go.also you are so beautiful and your hair is lovely.

Miss. Brittani: Great tips! Glad I found your channel! Your so pretty!! You got a new subscriber!

Ms. C: Use henna to get rid of gray hair. It has no chemicals and it has great conditioning properties.

denise3676: Very informative

Elizabeth Sam: Happy to follow and subscribe to your channel!!❤️

MrYungdredz: It's called color spray at the ends of the tips for a day of fun or the color crayon nothing abrasive if your looking for a fun day it's washes off no hassle no sacifice i wouldn't that all the time though still even if it isn't as abrasive as box dye permanent mess

J. K.: Your so beautiful and your hair is my goals too ❤️

Karysa Pnkgeek: Omg yay an actual hair video yes queen

Janice Parker: Your hair is beautiful waiting for updated video on how your hair has grown for the new year

Kiki: I started getting grey hairs in my 20s. I used to dye my hair every month and my curls was still there but I wasn't retaining length. I noticed my curls are looser but I think its because I stretch my hair with heat. Now I need to get an elasticity masque

Xochi Bull: Thank you for the tips! What type of brush do you use? it's difficult to find long tooth combs that actually detangle your hair without pulling on it? Do you use wooden brushes?

Mango: After your curls wouldn't bounce back from the dye, what did you do to fix it?

Viviana: my hair is damage from keratin and i’m 99.9% sure my natural hair looks like yours (half of my hair like the roots and have way looks like hers)

chelsea…: Gurl I stopped flat ironing a month ago and there's already a bunch of growth

by lyn: Argon oil one and only rinse Temporary worked for me. I ruined my curls 3 times looking for a safer coloring. My mom has soft fine hair and rinses only, I wished I had asked her from the beginning.

samantha williams: Kayla Jay try the bentonite Indian clay apple cider vinegar it bring the curls back.. DON'T FORGET the DRAIN O cleaner use after the clay mask ...

Boujie Barbie: I sucked at biology too but somehow did pretty good at Chemistry and Organic Chem...Completely changed my career because of it

Ani Monroe: New sub time to binge watch your videos

MrsG: Did you get your hair professionally colored? That may make a difference

MiSs OoOoOoOoF: Your so beautiful, girl! That Melanin is POPPING and that color looks amazing on you❤❤

Seema ibrahim: I dyed my hair using a cheap dye and my hair got so much rougher and was not as soft as before so i miss my old hair if anyone has tips on how to make hair softer again please help me

J A Y D A: I do all of those things but my hair literally has been the same length I don’t know if I should start taking like a hair growth vitamin to help any advice ???

Curlytash J: You’re so beautiful!!! And your hair is goals

RJ Audios: Hi Kayla I have a problem and questions. I told my mom I want to go natural which I am but about the tip of reducing heat my mom does it everytime. About the knots tip I do that when I do my hair but when my mom does it she just yanks it out. Im trying to maintain my hair but can't really buy the products. I try my best to moisturize, detangle,and to go natural, but my mom just ends up flat ironing my hair saying it will be easier to grip. Do you have any tips/ideas for me to do?(btw my hair is transitioning)

L: I wonder if there is anyway to revert back to your curl pattern back from dying it? I dyed my hair twice and my curl pattern kind of changed and isn’t as bouncy as it was before. It kind of lays flat. I found a salon that specializes in natural I’m just going to grow my hair out and get it cut every month maybe to cut all the dyed hair out of my hair to go back fully natural again. Wish me luckkkkk! i love your videos btw!

yerika071: I dye my hair( in a professional salon) and it’s the same as it used to

Gamaya’s World: you are a BEAUTIFUL young woman. God bless you :)

Blessed: Beautiful hair!

jeanette Hinds: My dad used to pay us to pull out his grey hairs.10p a hair.

Teresa Jones: Has your hair always been this long? Even before going natural?

hotties3v3n: Is it not true that if you pull out grey hairs, they come back more?

Honey: Nothing wrong with coloring your hair it’s probably because you used box dye I know a lot of curly girls including myself who have colored girls you have to treat it like a baby And go to professionals Box dyes are the worst for Your hair

jmarie: I'm a new subscriber! You are so beautiful and your hair is gorgeous! I'm in school too. Good luck in school.

AuthorHollingsworth: Beautiful and Healthy Black hair!

D Wilson: Beautiful hair!

asia91070: I just stumbled across your channel. You are gorgeous!!

Nita Vee: Four science classes?? Yes Sis you are a scientist

Felisha Lewis: Queen your hair is beautiful!

Ethiopian Girl: I loveee your curly hair and ur beautiful

Just My Opinion: Thank you for sharing your hair growth tips. You are a beautiful lady.

chezamoonangel: Beautiful hair

Melody Nekomba: Hope it works For me

Therese Ayo: Who’s here for that beautiful dress , love your hair as always

Just Nobody: If you do get your hair braided please PUT GEL ON THE EDGES they will braid them in with the hair if you don’t say anything please put the EDGES DOWN WIGH GEL❤️

Tiff: Henna with indigo can naturally dye your hair dark brown black. . . . You should look into it

Picture Us Gaming: All tips was helpful. Thx you

Grace Clover: I like buns but my head shape is soooo bad :(

T Iee: Do you have any suggestions for taking biotin?

S. Reina: How about dying hair without bleaching?

BadSniperA Martin: I wanna go natural but my hair is short(shoulder length) so I don’t know what to do with itbtw I have 4b hair

Lina: Beautiful woman! Love your hair

Marquita Freeman: The people at the salon don't care about health at all. Obviously they don't know how to comb from the ends up!!

Apple A Day: Them brows and your hair ❤️

Itsmeh3177 _olivia_: Can you put heat on your hair/flat iron like once a month

Pea Brain: I use my fingers to detangle my hair right after i get out of the shower, is that not good?

brianna: I hate how people do their hair in difficult hairstyles so they can show you how to grow your hair,i like how you just put your hair out to atleast show us how long it is ☺️

babyno7: Great vid. Lovely energy you have lady...

Yanna: How do I get rid of split ends with out straightening it to cut it?? any advice

Leanne Welsh: Your hair is lovely ‍♀️

Zoë H: Kayla I love your gorgeous self and hair ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Monet Bouie: You’re sooo freakin pretty new subscriber btw

Kamara Cullum: How long did it take you to grow your hair

Queen Jolie: I love your video but I do have a question you have work so hard to have this beautiful hair and you don't show it all what was the point of growing your hair so long if you're wearing wigs and always have it in a bun? Do you have other goals for your hair?

Caleah Coleman: I have died hair and my hair is healthy as can be my curl pattern is fine I think it’s just the die u used or how long u keeper it in idk buh my hairs fine ‍♀️

Only1You: New subscriber!!❤️

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