How To Fix Super Dry And Color/Bleach Damaged Natural Hair

  • Posted on 20 December, 2017
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

Hey y'all! Ragin here with a video on how I ruined my hair and how I plan on fixing my super dry and brittle natural hair! My hair hasn't looked or felt this bad in a while so I hope that these tips help you too!

I got permission from the artist herself to use this song! PLEASE check her out here:

I hope y'all enjoy!

xoxo, Ragin


My initial HerGiven Hair video:

Watch my Sleek Bun Tutorial HERE:

Watch my Hair Journey HERE:

Watch my Curly Hair Routine HERE:

Watch my Sleek Bun Tutorial HERE:

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Oh, my god, what did I do YouTube? Let'S talk. What'S up y'all, it's West India right here and I am in the process of ruining my hair. I don't know if you guys can see this, but my hair is so dry and brittle, and every time I take my little twists out, you know get a little bit of breakage or fall out super depressing super dry super fried looking it's just bad. I don't. I don't know what to what to call this. So honestly, a lot has been going on with my hair right now and it feels like super brittle. It'S not the hair that I'm used to having my whole life. It'S not cute, it is not. My curls are not like juicy it's it's all bad and, like the only thing is, I can't say that I'm scared, because I've been through this before I know the reason why there are actually two reasons. The first reason is because I just haven't been taking care of it. The way that I shed with it being color treated - and the second reason is because at my job and if you guys think that you know where I work put it down in the comments section, because I want to see, if you guys like can piece it Together about this clue that I'm gon na give you, but at my job we have to wear hair down everyday, no exceptions, and we can't even put bobby pins in it so because of that, I'm forced to always end up doing something. With my hair that I really don't want to do, if I you know like I'll wear a unit or some like weave or one of my clippings, which is all good usual, you think ok, protective styling, but the way that I've been wearing my clippings is just Like I take them out, and then I put them back in really quick and I just do a bunch of flat twists and then time open the back and just put the clippings over it like I'm, not using the care that I should be using when I Do it like my hair, is not going into the protective style, all moisturize and juicy and stuff like that, like that's, simply not happening, because I'm so busy and I'm so exhausted, and I'm really just trying to make this money? Okay, so long story short, my hair looks terrible, and I can't do this anymore so today, I'm gon na show you guys how I'm going to go about fixing this problem that I have, because I just I can't do it. I can't afford to have my hair like coming out like that. I can't afford to have my hair super dry. I can't afford to have it being dry, even when it's in a protective style or when it's in a bun. I can't do that. Okay, so I'm just gon na show you guys the products that I'm using and kind of like walk you through step by step, my deep conditioning process that I'm going to do today, but first before I get into all of this good information hit that subscribe button. If you haven't already now most of these products I have used before when I was trying to revitalize my hair and my hair was very colored and mint, because I let this lady ruin my life. So I'm gon na show you guys what those products are and I'm gon na introduce you to the new thing that I've been using. That has been helping me and was helping me until I got really lazy again. I mean like give me credit, though at least I'm being honest, like a lot of it is my fault, so I'm just gon na walk you through what my routine is gon na be for today. Okay, so, first of all, I'm gon na go in with this new product, it's by function of beauty and it a customized shampoos. Now this is what mine looks like it is function of West India Ray, and I am not getting paid by this company to tell you guys about this product, but I think it's amazing long story short. What they do is when you go on the website. Function of beauty, which I'll leave in the description box below you'll, see you like exactly what I'm talking about, but you basically go on there. You list what your hair goals are. You list what type of hair you have and you just go through this mini quiz and what type of smell you want. I chose to do like a musky type smell, not musty, because musty is disgusting, but musky type smell and I chose for it to be colorless because I just don't see the need to put extra dyes and stuff like that in or on my body. So that's what I chose, but you can make it pink. You can make it smell fruity. However, you want it. So basically they just have their chemists, formulate a shampoo and conditioner for exactly what you want to use it. For so I decided to get the shampoo. The smaller shampoo, because I don't use that much shampoo and I got the 16-ounce conditioner. I believe this one is eight ounces. You can get whatever combination, they even have bigger bottles, and this first off, I'm gon na go in with my shampoo, I'm going to completely cleanse my scalp, because since I wear a side part all the time, I tend to get build-up over here of what gel And just like flakes - and it's just a really bad look, so I'm going to especially focus on this area and especially like massage that area too, because of my clippings and like just the fact that I wear a side part I get the most pulling in this Area - and this is my natural hair line like I know it probably looks like I'm balding, but I'm not it, but I don't want anything to happen to my edges, so I make sure to circular motion like massages this area so well. Every time I touch my head because I need this hair to be popping. I can't afford to not have baby areas so first off, I'm gon na go in with the shampoo um, wash rinse repeat, wash rinse, repeat and well two times, I'm being extra. Sorry, I'm gon na watch from two feet and then I'm gon na go in with my conditioner, and this conditioner has the same smell. It makes my hair feel very soft and, like it just completely transforms my hair with in one wash, I'm not even kidding you. It just feels great afterwards, and I've used this independent of the rest of my routine, and I can say that I've seen a really big difference. So after I wash the rest of my body and like give this time to sit and like really soak into my hair after I wash it out, I'm going to pour this on my hair. Now I can actually drink this. It'S like it doesn't taste that great, but I'm gon na used to drinking apple, cider, vinegar and water mix together, because it's really good for you. So I'm going to just do a rinse with this over my hair. There'S also, I don't know if you guys can see this, but the cup looks really dirty simply because there is olive oil in there. So I also use this for my oil cup, because I'm really just not a fan of bringing kitchen stuff into the bathroom. So I'll just take a cup from the kitchen and pour oil in here and douse it over my whole entire head up. Next, you guys know I love my macadamia natural oil, deep repair mask and it's really good. Only problem is I'm almost out of it. So what I'm gon na do to make it stretch is put something else that my hair seems to love in it. I'M going to mix some honey in it, and I'm going to leave this on my head for at least 4 hours. I'M here it says up to 7 minutes, but I'm in a business but not ok. I don't care what it says on the bottle. I don't care, it could say, don't ever ever ever exceed 3 minutes and I'm gon na leave it in for upwards of 5 hours. That'S just it. I mean you're, not my hair. So how would you know what I like, and that's honestly just the end of conversation like I'm not about to have this argument with you, I'm leaving this on my hair and then after I am done with that, I am going to moisturize my hair with olive Oils, because coconut oil just does not work for me at all and then from there. I am going to spray it liberally with Mario Badescu x' facial spray with aloe herbs and rose water. Now on here it says facial spray, but you can miss it on to your hair, face and skin throughout the day as needed. So I really do like to spray this over my hair because I just feel like you know: the rose water. I don't know what it is about it, but I just feel like it replenishes my hair in a lot of ways, and it really gets to my split ends because I do have split ends and then last but not least, I'm going to apply some of t Gi ins, butter, cream, daily moisturizer and I'm going to flat twist it the right way and then with every flat twist that I carefully carefully do being careful not to wipe my hair or pull too hard. I'M going to stick my fingers into some olive oil flat twist it and stick my fingers back into the olive oil and just wet the ends with it. Like my life depended on it and like I have never seen olive oil before and my hair is going to break off. If I don't put this on there because it just might I've worked way too hard to grow my hair? If you look at my last video with my hair out compared to this one look help me look how much roots I have, but if you look at it how much growth do I have not as much as I should my booboo just sex me not as Much as I should, because my hair is breaking off and I refused to accept that reality, so I just walked you guys through exactly what I'm gon na do, and I hope you appreciated this video, because if you use this routine over and over and over again, I can guarantee there's no way that your hair won't be poppin. Last time my hair was in way, worse condition, basically melting off of my head. This was like two years ago and guess what, within a week my hair was replenished. So that is my thing that I do it's what works for me if it doesn't work for you, homegirl homeboy, you're, gon na have to find your own way, if maybe I'm doing something wrong and that's against hair rules. To be honest, this helps me so I'm not gon na stop yeah but yeah. That'S just what I do and I'm getting back to basics, and I hope that you guys can try out at least some of these tips and possibly change the life of your follicles. Have a good day,

YoursTruly_1913: My hair looks EXACTLY this right now! Granted I'm quarantined with the rest of the world, I'm stressed and drinking more than normal. Haven't had as much water either. I'm listening.

Isas Dance: I literally did the same, my hair still curls but my ends are dry af & Breaking

T J: Omg literally my life right now my hair stay falling out from bleaching and depressed

Kay Imani M'rie: I'm super late, but I like how straight-up you are . Also, this aligns with my life. I appreciate this video. Def looking forward to trying this.

Beaux✨: This is my current hair status now smh. I loved the burgundy/red color combo a little too much and now my ends are just trashed smh

Aleah Dior: Yayy another video lol I had this problem over the summer I started trimming the dye I did liked months ago and then I deep conditioned it followed with a hot oil treatment

JUST LUVONE: You are so beautiful! I'm having dry hair problems so I found your channel. Just subscribed. Gonna try the shampoo!

Aries Empress: I was (or should i say "am") in a similar position, my twa had me crying. I did a homemade deep, protein treatment and left it morning i rinsed and applied cantu leave-in and grow strong strengthening treatments. I could feel and see the difference in my hair. Will be doing it every 2 weeks until it is fully repaired.

sugamehoney: You are so cute... I’m going through the same thing and I’m done chopping my hair off.... tfs I’m going to try this

Jai McCrary: I luvvvvvv the attitude& tips ❤️ “ can’t tell me what my hair wants...You’re not my hair..”

Boredliz: Hooters! But I cheated cus I follow you on snapchat. I’m going through the same with my hair cus it’s color treated and very damaged to the point the bottom back of it has broken off up to the uncolored part .

kalena Glory: Hi.. Were you able to recovery your hair with the treatment? Did the breakage stop?

Taryn Ruffin: I been thru this! You know what helps. Deep condition your hair the put a rinse over it. Something about semi permanent rinses help a whole lot. Use one every single wash is not damaging and you can do it at home. If you currently like the color there are clear ones. I personally use jazzing! I swear. It’ll save your hair

karen horton: Do your thang girl Only you know what works best for the hair on Your head

Late Night Gossip: Omggg that’s me right now I hope your tips work man

JaeProd: I’m late discovering your channel but you’re beautiful

Ashli: in a few weeks can you do an update on this? I know you said you did this before and it worked for you or maybe a video of you doing all the steps one day.

owlpurplv: Is there a site where I can check out the conditioner and shampoo?

likewaterforchocolate: Updated skin care routine please

serenity bracey: Omg! Don't big chop, nurse your hair back will take time but it will definitely snap back. also a really amazing product is Olaplex!!!! It's sort of on the pricey side but worth it. That helped revert along of my color damage once upon a time ...good luck !!

Coco: my hair does the exact the same thing it’s really getting on my nerves

Shaoligy: finalllyyyy someone with literally the same hair & situation

universal assistant: You are Soo Gorgeous hun. Keep doing your thing. Like your accent. Love and Light from England

Sharon Mashar: i saw this video some time back and took a screenshot of it but didn't screenshot your channel nameit was a struggle but finally i got it and i've never been this happy

BonitaHaitian _: i love this color . what color is this ?

Romelia Polly: Try Weed Born

AmórAllyne: My hair literally the same color and texture , I love the color but it sucks cause. I don’t know what to do with it

Alesia Harrington: 4:12 products start

Lexa Sakie: The way you speak just cracks me entertaining Thanks for the tips!

Aries Empress: Actually coconut oil DOES NOT moisturize hair. It's good for adding gloss and luster to the hair. And the fact that 99.98% of coconuts here are GMOs, it's even worst for your hair. ((Just saying))

Elijah J-L: Does it work for men too?

Very Vanessa: Sounds like Hooters! I used to work there and always had to wear my hair down.

Melkia mull: My ends are the same way and when I straighten it get all staticky at ends. You said guess where you work i'm thinking like hospital because my mom work at one and they can't keep nothing in their hair because of patients condition might be suicidal

Frankie: Wish they'd ship to the UK

cal: Will you be visiting Trinidad anytime? Because I NEED to meet you <3

Iansa Beautie: I didn’t know u can spray gave spray on ur hair.

Brichanise Nicole: God bless wrap bun in silk scarf

Mrs. Robinson's Curls: Hooters? I worked there for 5 years and my hair was in terrible shape. I was so tired from that place just constantly working.

Bandaid Baby: 3:35 products used!

caliwlove: protein treatment and deep condition

Guess Who: When does she reveal it i dont wanna hear the effects i have the effects i just need to know solution

Kookiemya: I love your nude lip color what are you wearing??

Rhonda Denis: Get a trim. It will make a world of a difference.

Prod. James Cultz: Jezz you fine af them head movement tho ❤️️

Tarah B.: u should try fenugreek spritz

Shay Lynn: Maybe u should put some braids in it for awhile

Tay Clay: sounds like you work at hooters maybe? how about trying crochet braids and wearing those down?

Marbelys Amparo: Samee

Nappyjamaican nappyjamaican: Swear I hear you speak Jamaican Creole lol

Daniela S.: They won't ship to Germany

Bemmy Bae: Where do u work at?

Seana LaNise: First one here heyyyyy!!!!! and I think you work at Hooters?? Stay beautiful

Adam Wooley: My crush still out here maken videos!!!! Follow me on ig thatboiwooley

Beautiful Kira: I think you work at hooters maybe

Ras Berd08: Hooters or on pole lol girl lol

super novaa: Hooters?

Nekeisha johnson: Nursing

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