Baby Boutique Hair Bow Tutorial. How To Make Hair Bows. Diy Hair Bows Tutorial Laços De Fita:

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#hairbows #hairaccesories #hairbowtutorial As I use AliExpress, EBay and Amazon to buy my bow making supplies, I have joined their affiliate programs, so any links you use may result in me earning a commission from your purchases. I will however, only share the links to products I highly recommend!

Hey guys, I'm making my little girl some teeny tiny little bows today. These are gon na be used for the end of braids, because sometimes I like to do her hair and braids and some of the bow she already has they're a little bit too heavy for the ends of her hair, and I like good to have just a Little bow in so I'm making these in little pairs they're, basically like a little tiny boutique bow. So I've cut some 10 millimeter wide ribbon, it's 1 centimeter or 10 millimeter, and that is Kurt 228 centimeters in length taken the or lengths of ribbon. You want to fold it in half just choose a little bit of heat to mark a crease in there like that, and then we're going to fold it from the top around 3 centimeters from the top. I guess we're gon na fold that over and again mark a little crease using a little bit of heat like that, so you've got three creases in there and then I'm just gon na be using this all-purpose glue. You can use pins to pin it if you like, but being such tiny ribbon. That'S quite hard to work with pins are not cheesy if you've got some kind of glue like this one. So on this, scent align just gon na place a bit of glue over that Center crease and then we're going to bring this end round like that and then you're going to overlap so that this crease is in the middle of this tile piece here. You'Ll even flip the tile over so you've got this crease here in the middle of the ribbon, and this crease here is in line with the edge of the ribbon and make sure the loop goes round like that. So that's the first piece and then you want to stick another little bit of glue and then bring the opposite side round to form a figure of eight so you're bringing this round and then you're going to stick that on the top of that, make sure you Don'T fold over so the ribbon is folded. You want to make sure you just bring it round so basically, this is obviously the bottom of the ribbon and it comes round - and the bottom is stuck here if that makes sense and again on line - and this crease up here with this edge and I'm lining Up all of these sides, so, as you can see these little tails, they all line up as well. You'Ve got this figure of eight next. You want to fold it in half, so you've got the figure of eight like this you're going to fold it in half and then again taking a bit of heat, we're going to mark creases in these halfway of the loops. So when you open it up, it looks like that and again using our adhesive place a little bit in the middle again and you're, going to bring this piece to the center line on the crease ups that goes straight across the middle and where this overlaps. Here. This edge is just where that joins there, where the overlaps like that and then another piece of adhesive on there and you're going to bring this bit over and do the same so line this side. Up with where this meets up and to the crease make sure that goes straight across that middle sticking, all the towels for now we'll sort them out in a minute. So this is what you've got and then taken a needle and some double-strength thread with a knot. At the end, you want to flip that over so you've got the X show one at the top we're going to sew right through this middle we're going to do four stitches so start and where this crosses over one two three or like that, you can pull That all the way, through back around that cent for a few times, one two three then on the underside. You want to just go in just to seal that off. Then you go through that loop once twice and then I'll just drop me and that will just form and not so this is what you end up with now for the tales I'm going to do what we did for this. What am I going to cut so? The point is this side diagonal round like that, so starting from this outer corner, starting from the outer corner, I have it all come to go. I liked around mine a little bit so just take the hand round a little bit like that same with the opposite side, so starting from the outer corner curved round diagonal and then heat-seal both of those tails you've got now because I'm making these four braids to Put on the ends of braids, you could use bigger, elastics or small. Elastics is up to you, whichever you prefer. My little girls got really fine hair, so these clear, thinner, elastics of what I usually use on our hair, but I've also got these ones. These are also Don tic elastic bands which used for dentists in braces, and they are really tough and strong. So these are what I'm gon na use for these bows. I also use these for my dog collar birds or pet collar bows to thread onto the collars. They are super strong. These are quite strong, but they're, not as strong as these. You can get them in different sizes. These are a 10 millimeter size and then I've just cut off a couple of strips of the same ten millimeter wide ribbon. You can use 6 millimeter wide, preferably if you've got it, but I don't have any that's what I'm gon na do. So I'm going to cut this down to around 6 millimeters, I'm just roughly guessing I'm cutting two, because I haven't done the center on all over of them. Yet so I'm doing them both together with Wireless and then on the ball. Reg that you've cut just can't see all that. I don't matter if that melts a little bit that will straighten out when you stick it on so, therefore the center so take them. One of our bows place a little bit of glue on one end, I'm just gon na start kind of at the top to the side and then stop wrapping that around making sure. I cover all that thread then, on the underside, I'm just gon na slide. That and you don't want to place hot glue on the band's, because obviously they're rubber they will melt and break, which is why I'm not gluing on the underside to begin with all the way around. And when you get to the underside, I'm going to trim off that excess that band out of the way. But I don't want to melt it and burn it and then carefully. You pop your hot glue and the underside just stick that last bit down and there you have your little elastic with a bow on it to put on the end of your braids. My little girl is going to be having a bath in a little while. So I shall show you the finished bow on her hair when it's all done just finish off my other one. I start kind of at the middle to the side, wrap it around and on the underside. That'S right around the elastic on the underside middle, be careful with the heat around that band, and there you have your little pair little pair of baby boutique bows ready to go on the ends of braids got a gold pair here that I made earlier. This ribbon is really hard to work with because any heat that melts quite quickly but they're, really cute. I'M gon na make my little girl loads of these. So whenever she had braids she's got plenty of colors to choose from to match her outfits. I hope you enjoyed this quick little tutorial if you got any questions pop them into the comments below and I'll do my best to get back to you. Thank you for watching you

Amy McKenna: Just wondering where you got your pink mat? Is it a measuring/cutting mat?

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