Zala Hair Extensions Honest Review | Everyday Hair Routine For Fine/Thin Hair

Hey guys, what's up it's your girl, blond bambina back at it again all right, so i am doing a hair tutorial haircut, a hair tutorial. I had studio and um because i've had so many people ask for it. Sorry my hair looks ratchet right now, but i will show you what i do with my hair and how i get it started. This is me just literally hopping in the shower blow-dried it. So, let's get into it. So, first things: first, i don't want to ever make people think that all my hair is so thick and luscious and silky. I really don't do that much with it. Um i'm not gon na lie. I got extensions and i just want to take a quick second to talk about these extensions, because these are the best extensions i've ever had in my life, and i don't want to. I don't want to fake anything to you guys. I want to just be pretty honest and say how you can get this, the hair that i have and it's i mean it's - it's mine i paid for it. So all right. These are called zala, hair extensions and i love love, zala, hair extensions. I will link it below once again. This is not a promotion um. I just genuinely love their products, so shout out to zala. You should definitely give me some discount code. There we go girl, um, but yeah, and they are just awesome. I'Ll show you the inside of them so they're like it's almost like you know like tape in extensions, that's kind of what they look like. So it's really nice, it's like pretty hidden in your hair. It looks like that. You pretty much can't even see it um and then it has little clips in it. These aren't for necessarily length. These are just for to thicken zola, hair extensions love them. So i always start off with this. I just dry my hair, like normal shampoo, conditioner um i'll, put that right up here, too, or link it below which ones i use um. I it always changes my my best friend who's, a hair stylist would get on my butt about not using better hair stuff, but this is what i got to work with. I have super thin hair. Look at this. That'S all my hair right there is that not crazy! Oh god bless my genetics right but yeah. So i use these bad boys and i love them before getting started. I'M just going to comb all my hair. My hair is super thin and see how it's kind of wrinkly. That'S like my natural hair, it's pretty pretty dang straight, but i'm just going to comb it out and i'm going to comb out my extensions and look at how look at the bottom. It'S so hard to find good extensions that like stay in such good shape and don't like thin out at the bottom, loves all the hair extensions they're a little bit more expensive, but it's so so worth it all right, then, what i'm gon na do i skip To stream my hair um after i put these in so i'm gon na go ahead and put these in i'm gon na put my hair up. First, i'm gon na guide. It all the way around like a little crown and then i'm just it's just literally one of these and that's all i put in i always get so nervous with my hair extensions that, like someone's gon na see it sorry guys. I got allergies, not the corona allergies, um, so yeah comb, these bad boys out and i'm gon na go ahead and just tease it you can use hairspray. I just don't have hairspray right now. Um is teasing, is just going back. I don't do it too much. I just did a little bit just so it holds um these teas tease, tease, tease, tease, okay, so that's all done with you can definitely use hairspray. I just don't have headers for right now and i don't plan on getting it. So this is the strips and i'm just gon na bring it on the back of my head and i'm going to try to even it out so that it's not like sitting weird at my ears. If you guys know what i mean, let me either go one side more, this side, so this one's behind my ears or maybe i'll just try to do both this time never ends up working for me because then they kind of stick out, but it's actually not That bad, then i'm gon na go ahead and clip in the back whoa whoa whoa nice, nice, nice, nice. Actually they sit pretty well on my head right now. So yeah looks pretty good. So now i look like rapunzel um, i'm gon na go ahead and just comb it out, and i have this wet brush that i use. Actually, it's my sister's shout out to danielle um and i'm just gon na comb out my hair so that it looks decent and it looks like it looks like you wear extensions in, but once you do something with your extensions, i swear either curl it or strain It make it look good, don't just put in your extensions, make sure it matches that's the biggest thing with extensions um, because once i start straightening this out, you guys saw how long my hair was before it's. This is just a little bit more length yeah and then i'm just gon na go around with my um straightener and guys it's a basic straightener from target. If you have different types of hair than mine, if your hair is super thin, don't waste your money on a super expensive straightener just get one from wherever i don't know. If target is all around the world but walmart or something like that. But if your hair is super thick, then maybe it it is a good investment to go in and get a good straightener. But i'm telling you right now i don't put on any sprays. I just want to be so bluntly, honest with you guys. I don't want to act like i'm something i'm not so yeah, i'm just going to go ahead and strain this out cause all that hair damage, love it yeah. So this is the final result. My biggest key to everyone else is try to stay away from the dying every single month. Do it maybe, like every two months, do a balayage get those roots blended in so that you can grow it out and then another thing is, i would say: wear your hair up girl, don't wash it every day, do not wash your hair every day? Okay, let those natural oils get into your hair help the growth um don't feel like you have to trim your hair every flipping month, make it look nice, but otherwise, just put in some hair extensions and you're good to go. So just don't do the extra stuff. It'S more healthier for your hair, keep it natural! Okay! That'S all i got for you all right! Thank you guys so much for watching my channel. Please please hit that subscribe button. Alright, see you guys again soon.

Chantelle Louise: aww you look so pretty ✨ nice video! I live in Australia and I just bought a halo 20inch! super excited to try it out

- Take a trip with me: which length and grams did u got? im planning to get them as well

Jess N: Hahaha! I love this review! Nice work babes!

Tracy Lee: Looks great. I was undecided on Zala but I'm going to pick some up on Ebay.

NY B: You’re the cutest. Love your personality

Hannah Houck: what color and length did u get these in?

Brandy_Lish: I'm thinking of trying zala idk I see mixed reviews..instead of teasing your hair, when you go to put the clip in your hair, move the clip in little circle then clip it..thank me later!

Sandy Haas: Thanks. But you didn’t give info on length or which extension? . Assuming It was the single add on from Zala?

Karlee Davis: Those look really nice on you. Very beautiful


Timea Vizi: Bruh. I can literally hear the hair taring and ripping from how hardcore you are brushing them I have anxiety lol That is the number 1 rule is to brush from the bottom and to the top last. While holding your palms on the clips! Gahhhhhh

Runature Hair: We love the video you shared. I want to fight for an opportunity to work with you. Looking forward to your reply

Megan Jeffs: You're so beautiful

harajukukid126: Who tf washes their hair everyday?

dragmania : Girl wtf no color , thank u

Ellie Cuneio: What color are these??!

Leauna Hauser: Look at the length babbbbbyyyyy okurrr

K F: I have enough hair to cover 3 heads and I would love to have your hair so I don't feel like I'm carrying a blanket on my head

Colleen Martin: Girl what color are these??

Allyssa Bocalan: You're so cute

Taylor B: What color

Hayley Jensen: What colour is it babe? X

Keyana Monday: Hi

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