Best Curly Clips-Ins Ever?-Yvonne Kinky Curly Hair Review

Hey ya'll so it's me Bri from Reg & Bri! I'm here with a new hair video. I am reviewing some kinky curly clip ins I recently got, a brand called Yvonne hair! The hair was super nice and I'm in love with these clip ins! I hope ya'll enjoy this video and don't forget to LIKE, COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!!

Where to buy the clips ins!!

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Hey what's up, y'all is Deline very from rage and bring, and today I'm coming to you guys with a new video today, I'm gon na be reviewing these clippings that I recently got called Yvonne, kinky, curly clippings, you've on me a wide vo and in E. So I like to use around Black Friday, I got a Black Friday deal. I got these clippings for in Tahoe, I paid $ 90 of the clippings, but that's because shipping was $ 25 because they come from Hong Kong. So really I got it for like 70. Something dollar seeks me some dollars. This shipping is just a lot, but I thought it was so good price for the hair, because all the other hair companies I have seen we're charging like $ 200 for just like one bundle. So I thought this ones were a really good deal. So first I'm gon na start with what exactly I got so I have them in right now I have. I got the 16 inch and what I got was two months to pass. They'Re like two bundles and and one bundle comes it's a seven piece set. So you get one um for Pete's like four piece clip and then you get to 30 piece clips and then you get for two piece clips up altogether. That is seven, so I got two of those, so I got double of everything and it actually got here. Pretty fast, I probably ordered them on on Friday, either Friday or Thursday, and they got here the following week on Wednesday. Don'T you have to look for it for yourself and originally, when you look for the tracking number in the email, the email, when you click on the tracking number, it will go to a Chinese. Chinese. Japanese, not really sure what the symbols were but um. I couldn't read it in the language, but if you just get the number that they send you and put it in a regular like the FedEx like go to and put in the tracker number you'll be able to track it just fine. So I was able to do that. Everything was on point like when it said I did arrive that day. So no, no weird fishy things there what it smells like when I first got them, they smell a little funny. I can't really like describe the smell, but they they smell funny. They kind of smell like like you've, been sitting in the shop all day, kind of smell like that smell and she's, been like a lot going on so yeah. That'S what I smell like, but I've watched these already twice, so they don't really. They don't have that smell anymore. It'S easy to just watch the hair and as far as just how oh, how the packaging, once the packaging was nice, there's really nice packaging. They send. You this little this little thing with it. It'S cute little well saying they send you some clips as well like extra clips, just in case of any other them fall off, and then, of course, the hair and, as far as the actual hair, what it's like. So right now, what I did is, I just tell you about the hair, so the hair is, you know, can you currently um the pros of this hair? This hair looks super natural. It doesn't look. You know there's a little like hair that I've dinged around my head, that makes it like it. Just it just looks like a my hair looks pretty natural. So that's what I love it about the fact that it looks super natural. Then it doesn't look like non natural, curly, hair and um very pretty hair. When you first get it out. It looks a little funny cuz me personally. I have never bought clippings I've, never worn clippings. I'Ve only had hair in my head one time for prom and it was a part and so in so really like weave himself. I'M not super well-versed on. I don't really know a lot about we so getting. This was a little nerve-wracking, but I did a lot of like research and there was a read reviews on the Yvonne key curly hair. There wasn't a lot of reviews on the clipping, so I really want to do this video, because there wasn't that many videos about the clip ins, so the hair is really nice I'll just show what you guys. This is the hairs in this. This is like fully dried, fully washed hair. What I use on it is this: the products that we use on my own hair. I use canting leave-in conditioner, I wash it with my own. You know regular products. The con is that they usually get really the MZ. It really tangled up like when you're trying to detangle it, which is very similar to real kinky curly hair, but it just it gets super tangled a thin. So I would say that it's probably the con. I really don't have any other problems with this hair. I think this is good hair to have as clippings, because you could kind of take them out as you please and kind of keep up with him, because curly hair is already a lot to take care of and then kinky curly hair is already harder to take Care of so the fact that I can take these out and kind of tastes like make sure there's how I want them to be every day I can, I can be able, to, you, know, put the leave-in conditioner on them and have them in sections. I don't have to it's not like connect it to my head. All the time is really beneficial for this hair, but all over. Overall, I give this hair like a big thumbs up. I really do love these clippings. I really do love this hair and it just it keeps it helps me to prep my hair, because I right now I haven't twist up under here, so you wouldn't even know because you can't even tell but um yeah. I really. I really give this hair big thumbs up. It was you know, quick, it came quick, nice, hair, nice packaging and all the clippings were there all the clippings are nice easy to manage put in there good sizes, the hair thickness is pretty nice, like. I don't even have a lot of clips in my hair right now, like total clips is I have like a two to two. I have one three and maybe two fours, maybe to fourth either way. I'M I didn't use a whole like the whole two on that, like the whole two packs that I got on my head, so you know this: this thickness is really good and it's really um manageable. To take care of, I feel like the only con is just the ends, get super tangled. It'S not funny when it came, but that's something you can easily get rid of. So that is my review on the Yvonne, kinky curly hair. If you guys don't want to know where I got them from, I will put the link in the description box below and I'll tell you guys. I got a room, hi wig calm. You can also give them on Aliexpress when they were more expensive on Aliexpress than the original site highway comm. So that's why I got them there yeah! That'S it if you guys want to see a tutorial on how I install these clippings or how I put them in. I can do that, for you guys. This is just a really simple style that I, like you, think it's like cute and simple or whatever, but yeah. That'S all. I have for you guys today. Alright bye,

Deandra Turner: Yessss, they look so good! I’d love to see an install video

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