How To: Easy Clip Ins For Natural/ Curly Hair Ft. Yvonne Kinky Curly Hair

Hey ya'll I'm back with another hair video!! Me, Bri lol with how to install my curly hair clip ins with the Yvonne Kinky curly hair clip-ins!

Where to buy the clips ins!!

Please: hey wassup y'all. It'S me brew from Reggie Murray and today I'm coming to you how's it with a new hair video. I don't know if you guys check out my last video, but I did the best air clippings feature. The vine kinky curly hair - and I will put it up here so you guys, can go check it check it out if you missed it. Basically, what I'm going to be doing is showing you guys how I install my curly clip-ins eye style, the rest of my hair. So I already have my hair in twists. That'S what I do every time I install my clippings. I always do my hair into twists that way. I don't have to worry about always like doing my hair up under and I can just keep it twisted up, and it's almost just like when you, when you braid your hair down and you have like a salad or something it's kind of like the same deal And it's also easier to kind of like clip on to like those sections of the twist and whatnot, so I'm just gon na go ahead and start that real quick for the bottom. I pretty much wear my way out, so I have clips with two two clips. Three clips and a four clip if you want a more in-depth of the hair like an in-depth conversation about the hair and how it was, and all that you can check out the other video, because this one is just more just the installation process. I start with the two at the bottom. What I do is I can now by now I can tell where I'm gon na put it, because I've done it so many times now. I know where it's gon na go so those two right there. So here's another. Two - and I usually put that basically what I do is, I know which each section that I've made the twist. So that's how it will go. That'S why it's always easier to use like a rubber band or something to section them off, because they can easily get caught in between some sections that you might not want to so so far. Basically, I have two tubes now I'll make it into a three. I didn't even show you guys like how the clip you know clip like this and then go clip it off to your scalp and right now you can see how it looks I didn't wash these today because they didn't really need to be washed. Yet I did try to wash them just like my regular hair, so like once a week or like a week and a half I try to like wash it condition them. So they'll still be looking pretty good and they won't be looking all crazy and, as you can see it's covering up the twist pretty good. You know right now, it's a little bit noticeable, but I still have like two more clips to put it and I try to make sure to get them down as hard as possible, so they don't like be bunching or anything. I already know which ones are gon na be in my top section, so like needs for these four twists are gon na, be where my last, my last clip goes so these two right here I've been wearing these clippings I've had to clip in since, like November, And it's currently in um January, so they've been doing pretty good. I'Ve been wearing on my hair. I'Ve seen my hair high some growth because I don't wear my hair out and much anymore. I go to school and it's just easier for me to do this everyday and not have to put so much like stress on my hair, because I am in a field. Why major, where I kind of have to be presentable every day. That was a three I use another three for that, and now here is the last section and what I usually do when I'm, when I'm making sure to have the twist nicely put as possible. I make sure to like have a nice part right here. So that way, the last clip in isn't just like any types of the ways I have a nice part, so I know exactly where it's going where the last clip is doing. So here is the last four. I don't when I first got these clippings. I put like wait. I tried to put in all of them in like it was just way too much on my head and then I was just trying to put them in with my hair out, like not twist it up. It was just too much like having a twist, and you know, having them in a certain area. Divided in a certain way, makes it so much easier and it doesn't weigh down your head because you don't want to be uncomfortable in your clippings here. In the twist help to keep you in a certain order, then it's easy and then of course I leave at the top part, because ya know we can't be having clip-in be this show, because that is print. So I usually leave out the top part of my hair must have time out where, like twist in the front just like a to twist around the front, just to keep it pretty. What'S the word for it, you know in a style home, I guess and also the key is to have like your edges and stuff that you want your edges and stuff out. So I something looks like it cuz it's coming from your scalp, because you don't want it to people to know like the key of clippings is hat for people to not really know that you have clear in saying this is like you have clippings in what is Part it in the middle and I make sure to cover the back, so I'm gon na spray, my hair just a little bit. You know I usually don't really have to use any of the hair from the clip in to do the twist. I usually just kind of do it and I'll leak, this hair out and it shirt it covers the back. You want to make sure like when you're twisting it you're twisting it like. You can go towards the back, so you don't get that bump. You see how, like I put it back, and I have this bump right here. You have to make sure you twist it like you're going towards the back my hair. So you see, you don't see no clipping on low alrighty, then I'm gon na take it so uh dad you happy. You got your clippings in nobody even knows I'm gon na cave until like boom. I don't really mean I was gon na like spritz it, but I don't really even think I need to. Sometimes you can just let you know go over and spritz the hair if you need to, but today they're doing good the clippings are doing good. So that's the hair and, as you can see, you don't see no twist no twist anywhere. What I usually do is I usually go in and sometimes I'd do. My little baby hair usually go in with my gel my clear ice gel and then I just do a little bit of it here. But yes, they look. I did a good job. I'M really surprised because usually y'all that shuffle doing my clipping but not struggling doing the clippings been doing my hair on top, but today I do really well hmm, that's all. I have for you guys today. If you guys want to know where I've got these clip ins, I will have them link down in the description below it's from hi wig. I'M pretty sure, then I'm on telly Express too, but they be texting a little bit, but I did get them from Black Friday. So I don't know if that affects the pricing or anything but yeah. If you want to see all those extra detail check out my other video, like I said and um yep, I will catch you guys next time and hope you guys enjoy this video. I see uh I'll, see y'all next time. Alright, bye, you

Curlyhead Rain: Great video beautiful hair

Taï Express: It's a really pretty and cute style! are the clip ins 16 inches?

ayia Abd: Is the hair type 3b 3c ?

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