Why Black Women Really Wear Wigs & Extensions!?

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You you have your lunch menu for watching on education, also known as the more aunt Asia here on YouTube. I am just going to do a little rest here because I've been interests, but a lot of men may tweet about wearing extensions, and it's really annoying. But honestly, after arguing back and forth on my video about how my edges stopped from using my glue for weighting stuff, like that, this guy in particular I'm gon na read, comment. It didn't make a lot of sense and it makes me kind of like retrospect on. What'S been going on in the black community, far like wigs and weeds, and I just liked because his argument was that I'm going to read the come in and say so, I'm going to go on by argument, let it maybe introspect to most importantly, I always pay Criticism especially like constructive, I tried to pick up in and see like you know it's about it or not or if I could even pay attention to it, but, for instance, by a lot of you automatically assume like I'm wearing a handful of hair is actually a Wig for my hair company, you guys automatically assume that I hate myself. I wear makeup. I hate my skin I wear week, so I must not have any hair, I'm bald head or something like that and if I know I ain't for you all, stop making those assumptions, especially you white man, you love to come on here and lie and say the Black girls are the only ones who, where we are, you kidding me: white men wear the first one, but look at freaking George Washington broken up dollars. He'S on that month. With a nice roll arrest, a girl, a whole wig, so I'm going to sing it late. This isn't like about race here, but a lot of people make it about the Kardashians in where feelings and weight. But what makes you have to think about this topic and that's women's acclaim baby. I have a question: why are you black girls, where we fight all the time like that, all you wear? Basically anything you never see. White women wearing wigs, keep it white and he said where he didn't say age, and he just said wife, though you know, I immediately corrected him. As I said, you know they actually do. White girls have been wearing extensions for years, and you never know because it's been low and also for Asian women, a lot of them. They were with like older women, things where we naturally cut their hair pins or they deploy, wear wigs and go and there's a lot of people who have cancer or going through chemo treatments and they wear wigs. So I thought it was stupid and actinide for him to say that all black women wear wigs, buy it just religiously, but then I had to think about it and he came back to another comment. He said no, they know I've never met a single y term. If any woman, where we in my entire life, not even one okay, that's false the only time a white Hispanic or Asian woman wears a wig is if they are on cancer. Patient visit at chemo or thereafter wait for film already on a mental condition and made them fully ball. Never women's normal women never wear them here. A simple tip does well demonstrate and find a single white women being a white woman wearing a weed. You will not even find one a lie. The only thing I can say to Asian women to occasionally. First of all, you learn how to write. Occasionally, where is hair extensions, not weeds, and we first of all what you think Elise is, but I guess you'd say like extensions, that's art like clip in a lot of Playgirl forces in whatever and each and then they are only accessible for like special occasions. Only like a party wedding, etcetera or not every day now I do have to agree with him on that part, and I start to think about it and you can go every. Those comments went back and forth and he just even said the Kardashians do, and he says you know, that is what normal wealthy women do when they decide to wear fake hair and a wear extensions for accessories or whatever, and you know their zero point, zero point And wearing a weave and the white person, because world's the difference between extensions, we even you know all the others of anything destroyed it all here: inflation and get it straight professional outreach. You like it was a million times better than a wig or a week and earlier on here you have your problem: severe loss babies got, which is sure, though, I'm going to get to that loss, edges and wheezing whatever he said, and I said well, some black Girl, like myself, where we can protect our natural hair for life, you know to grow into whatever that's done. He said to submit you denied to wear a wig, to protect your hair or and help it grow. That'S a common excuse that literally makes no sense. They wear them all of the time. I never saw this face for second hair. Now, that is the truth. So anyway, here's my fifth on it, I'm kind of like look. Okay. This is the truth about the matter a lot. I will almost a like the average black girl, almost every well, the majority of black women who wear we and weight not including those who have cancer, not including those who have like amazing you, some not including them, but the every just black girl, where we, whether It is great or whatever, but like as far as weaves and wigs. I am seeing that a lot. A lot of girls are starting to wear these leads, and it's like a year in year, out type of thing like it's a weekend without like base week, and we they just they never take care of their narrow here, underneath to be never even where they here And I'm kind of wishing that you know it's almost sort of like we're all insecure about our natural hair. Like I understand that sure you know I think you're here, but then you want to grow and whatever, but like you say, there should be an expense to wear this up like to the floors. You can go ahead and wear your natural hair and protect the style. Like this, you don't have to have. Let me make this choice. You don't have to wear we to grow your hair, you don't it's just a quick, easy message that on a most like to do, because, especially for those of us who are like nursing or have jobs were like you, do too much sweating or you. You know you don't have time to pick up your hair do whatever I understand that, but a lot of leg girls, especially young college girls, like I, used to sell as a college - and I would be thrown, come see me and will they don't eat their hair And for like three months, they would not we'll just go and they went, but when it's time to pick it out, I'm like okay girl. It'S time for you to go, get your hair done. Okay, I sure hope we'll get from the conditioner these conditions. So in some protein treatment you need to clip your ends and then I want you to rewrite it and fit in. I know this is not healthy, but it's really not healthy for us women period to where we'd like that and not take care of our natural hair, I'm not back to the girl to where we, obviously, I have a hair company. This is why I do where we use uses, because I do have natural here and it's a nice list. I have natural hair tutorials, so I'm not the type of girl who, just only whereas we I'm not ashamed in my hair. I don't even care. It'S just versatility like what am i sometimes so nonetheless go. I I did. I had to agree with him on that part. I, like white girls, normally don't wear a head full of fell in and like weaves or something like that, which is actually kind of unhealthy, especially for the average girl who doesn't know how to maintain those things and so ends do cause breakage. When you know you're not putting in them incorrectly and over time out there, how would you put it in your hair? Is won't you break out because of all that three, I'm just saying, especially when it's like super tight and the braids so like your hair needs to breathe, and I understand that part and he did at a valid point. I had arguing because I, when i arguing arguing people but when we like talk, you know in our discussion. I try to take what people say and take consideration. You know I don't like to just dismiss what he said totally, because in the beginning it was asinine. It was because what girls do where we, and which I know a lot of you, think girls who just only wear ways. I don't know why it, but maybe they have a medical condition. I don't know, but on average, if you look on YouTube, the average girl wears her on. Here I got you know. A lot of girls are really impressive and they'll neglect. Very later. Okay buckle girls, they're, like ooh girl. I was excited to have my next repair done, because I'm going to do so anyway, so it doesn't matter and when I see a lot of these gurus, all here's doing all of these, they like it, they hear it back up now, some of them, I won Grammy sure be opposing her on here. Her hair is super long. It'S gorgeous to me. It was better than offering all of it, but her hair is Bourdonnais. That'S how she grew her hair out. So I'm not hating on that, and I know that that's a good message. I get that myself but, like you know, she makes that quit, but she wears because she wants to she's not influencing all these other girls out here to only wear weaves, and you know stuff like that. So I do think that a lot of these girls out here who are pushing the beauty trends and lot of us - are only doing it because we're getting paid yes, girls on here, get paid or they get free, hair and three wigs, and so they promote it. But, like I feel like in the black community, we really kind of don't really educate like that on by self-esteem and stuff, like that, it's so easy to get caught up into the glam and the YouTube, and you know TV or whatever we kind of neglect our Own hater, I don't think that's cute. When you take out, don't even go here and still not in Rome, then we do not take care of it. You know if you're taking care of it, and I have no issue but like for those of us who are just like walking around here with us, be here, and you think that you can replace your hair okay with someone else's hair. That'S not the point of like where we like, I'm just saying, but I mean do kind of below what your take on it is. You know please come as low. I definitely wan na start stressing, but I was just saying for the people who are probably meet the young girls, the iSchool girls, little girls, even girls, but in my classroom I wear my mess in here. I make sure that I speak my students like except yourself, our we, because sometimes I want to tell them. I make wigs primarily for those girls who has medical conditions, those girls who do have cancer or whatever, and they want to wear weight so glad or they're. Using this ever protective sighs, you know, but I just always you know, I'm a careful look who follows me because I don't want them to go astray, because it's me this is my responsibility over here on vision. So I definitely want to encourage the girls to make sure that you maintain your hair hair and get comfortable with yourself. Like I had a guy I was dating. He could not stand my natural hair. He walked with us because he calls it a tree. You know what it's not even funny, but it's called a Haida Club and I think it's cute, especially when, if I really truly am you know, really pester what we do in really dry and you know a little dusty looking, it does looking with like a little Bit wait but he didn't feel his annoying. He just did not like my nation here at all, like, maybe if I would have like Ashley started wearing it like how I do in my tutorials, like you know, flex Li and, like you know how to get tucked away in a bun or just wear it Flat straight out, or with nice curls and something like that, a property look like it, I'm not going to look them all the way, because I do kind of feel better but I'll be paying for those curls and a guy's like they forget them. But you can miss all of me my pale ball all today. I hate when men do that, and this is the place making the deal it's always from being on here. Having so much to say like how about guys are watching our videos, I'm a girl, and why are you watching to do English? Well, not for me, because I do have other content is like professional content in front like you know how to publish your own look. So I have demographics from everywhere, but I make my girls, who consistently only do makeup in here, like I think, that's really corny for people to come on there and respect them right. That'S with their villain. I think something's wrong for like drag queen myth. That'S not a compliment, that's not cute, but that's what they want to do. So I don't want their pages and I anything that's on my wrist about care. You don't say: that's like me, being a Christian and going to a Muslim Spade and saying: hey you're going to hell become another person. I don't do that. That'S Peggy and that's not even cuddly like got a different impulses. Will nuts, you know it's the choice that you have to meet. You want to be a Christian or whatever, so you know I'm just saying like y'all beginning to get on bit if you're not based you're, not sleeping with me honey. So it really should matter with what you think and what you're saying over here like you're trying to preach to the choir. That'S not listening like we're Worsley like we're now this videos, what I do like criticism, I really do, but I mean for the guy forget to say the stupidest things on here, like also in Sydney I had a guy say to all the Dumber. They were basically because I made a short time, video about how you sedated drug dealers I used to as a kid like 16 years ago and the moral of that video. If he was so beautiful, pretty stupid, he was even if you paid attention like you know, classes taught in high school. He would have watched the end of the video. Where I said you know, I encourage kids to not do that cannot be in games and stuff. Like that you know so I just always pick me off. We will get on here to talk crap for no reason about black women. It is always black women. I never seem to fall into white girls pages and saying stuff like oh. You seem really proper comment. Like it right out of here, I don't care white, lucky bro, my coffee, let's get on for me with it, but anyway that's just my brain comes below which taxi. Thank you guys for watching thumbs up this video. If you agree with the topic or disagree so thumbs up and see you in my next video

Amor Antasia: My natural hair is long and I do wear it often so please don’t start with the biased comments

Candace nikole: Constant Wigs and weaves are simply a sign of quiet defeat. Be strong, not conquered.

Jacke Dickerson: That’s a young generation thing! However I wore weaves for year and personally because I WAS insecure about my hair. As a result of this insecure it pulled my edges, broke off and damaged it. I never wore my own hair. As I aged I became tiresome and went to a dermatologist. I have no medical issues and she sent me to a natural hair stylist and I’ve been wearing it naturally locs ever since. I’ve received a million compliments through the years. I love myself more and my hair now. I feel free and my self esteem can’t be broken. Ladies if you struggle with that try natural hair you’ll have a true reformation. Love yourself! So worth it!

Sofia: Always thought black natural hair to be beautiful. Especially when styled big and curly. We need more women owning and wearing their natural hair in order for the younger girls to look up to that and understand that natural is powerful and if women wear a weave, that’s their personal style, but definitely not mandatory for having beautiful hair or looking presentable.

Karry Kay: The puff is cute whether it's super defined and curly or not imo. We should love our hair when it's curly/defined AND when it's "frizzy" or kinky loved the video !❤️

Bite Sized Cars: Embrace your hair people ! It doesn't matter what type of hair you have ,just Embrace it !

Samantha Moon: I loved this video so much! I had hair extensions for 2 years when I was growing my hair out from a pixie cut. Now I wear wigs for more volume since my hair is really fine and flat. I also wear wigs for different colors. I would love to dye my hair crazy colors, but, color fades fast and it can be expensive and damaging to constantly get it touched up.

Missy Cabic: Wouldn’t wearing a weave or wig actually hinder your hair from growing and being healthy rather than protect it? I think black women with natural hair (and usually not straightened) is so pretty. I’ve seen some black women with long Afro type hair styles that looks awesome. But, you have to admit that a much larger percentage of black women wear wigs or weaves compared to other races.

Taja Moore: Personally I got one weave and never did it again because it made my scalp really irritated but I still wanted to have a style that protected my hair and allowed it to grow so I bought a wig and its been working for me. I can go from natural on Monday to wearing a ponytail on Tuesday then wearing a wig on Wednesday I think wearing different hairstyles shouldn't be frowned you just gotta have the confidence to do it and own it.

Road Runner: I have found that men of other races appreciate the more natural look on black women....natural hair tends to get more hate from the black community...hate to say it.

Ardeen Walker: People love to assume to much and judge a group of person based on what they see one person does. I've never been into braids, weaves and wigs because I love mi natural hair, but now I'm considering them cause sometimes I ain't got no time to be styling me hair every other day.

Imelda Mayer-Taylor: It took me years , 52 years old to embrace my natural hair . It does take time to care for it of course . There can come a time in one's life , when it's neccary to wear wigs due to illnesses etc. No judgement of others , I just prefer my natural hair . I haven't worn a wig or braids , just my personal choice .

The Dynamic Flashy: Wearing weave is understandable. Wearing weave that doesn't resemble your natural hair is a manifestation of your insecurity. Pretending that isn't the case is dishonest and makes your insecurities offputting rather than endearing. For the record, most black men, of which I am one, prefer black women with natural hair and subtle makeup.

Michael Francisco: I was catfished and now I’m doing some research ... I just think it’s odd to find attraction in someone only to have kids and them not look like their parents because of all the plastic surgery, fake hair, fake eyelashes, tons of make up, can’t even trust eyebrows anymore ... can we just be real

April Rain: I'm so glad you did this vid. You are a gorgeous young lady without your weave. I'm sure you know that but I wish more black men would affirm how good black women look without the "fluff of fake hair/lashes and nails. Learning how to prevent breakage without using wigs and weaves should be our new standard. Not only would our self love grow our bank accounts would too! For years other races have admired our full lips, hips and wonderful shades of smoothe brown and dark skin. More of us need to wake and and see how beautiful we are. The world already sees it....the Kardashians try to look black to be attractive to the black men they are with. Just my 2cents.

Veronica Shertoine: Black women don't wear their natural hair because they are insecure. It's because these other races and some black men literally make fun of their hair, and also because, some schools and jobs tell us that our hair is not appropriate and tell us to straighten and style it. I had this problem on more than one occasion. The question is why are people who aren't black women always in black womens business, and telling them what to do with their hair???? I bet a lot of black women would stop wearing wigs and weaves when they stop the name calling and leave black women alone. Just saying.

Andie Jay: Honestly- do whatever you want to do. The world is full of “know it all,” “loud mouthed” idiots. You can’t please everyone so you may as well please yourself. You are a lovely young lady.

king lames: Amor Antasia, you have very beautiful natural hair. I'm glad you addressed a lot of these issues pertaining to weaves, extensions, and fill-ins because I had the very same questions on my mind regarding the reasons black women, in particular, are known for "not being too fond of their natural hair." Now I know that it's not a quality issue because you have beautiful natural hair.

Doug Olson: Glad to hear your comments. I became curious because there are many wig shops where I live in Oakland so wanted to learn a bit more to appreciate it. My take away from your informative piece is: 1) Relax everyone, hair is fashion so doesn't need an excuse, 2) Social pressure exists especially among younger generations. It's not ideal but it is reality, 3) There are medical or practical reasons where shorter hair is required or more practical. A woman has a right to choose how they want to look when not in those moments. Why not enjoy the opportunity to experiment or have a little fun? I'm a little older and am a dad. if asked , or badgered I'd tell men to chill out and focus on something important to women like being treated as equals. All women are beautiful and something as simple as a hair extension should be seen as an act of independence and not some mark of insecurity.

Gail: Most men don't really care and shouldn't care about wearing weaves/wigs. As well as other women. What I do with my hair is pretty much my business. What you do with your hair is your business. I have hair past my shoulders but I enjoy the variety and ease of wigs and braids. People need to stop judging people based on hair. Of all things. My main thing is that you take care of your hair and let's try and look presentable. Trust me, there are underlying issues to the "hate" of weaves and wigs. It ain't just about hair. Everybody do what makes you happy.

Beautiful Dreamer: A black woman cannot win whether she wears her hair natural, relaxed or in extensions. Someone always has a problem and it's usually men who DO NOT understand what it is to be a WOMAN. I wear my hair both naturally and under wigs for my personal reasons and I can astest, protective styles do work. (Plus I am a hairdresser, I am not letting my skills go to waste). On the other side of the coin, yes black woman do need to wear their natural hair out more. However, people need to stop jumping to conclusions.

Vikki Smith: Hey, if you feel good about wearing a wig, then do it. Women love to change and we love looking beautiful....so there is nothing wrong with changing. You look beautiful.

Tommy or Nothing: I’m Hispanic and very much dislike my thick, coarse hair. I’ve always wished for thin hair, but as I get older...I feel blessed to have a full head of hair tho hard to tame! My Caucasian friend’s hair is too thin in her opinion. She wears extensions and wigs. We all do something about it and have hair challenges regardless of color....wigs, weaves, taming, etc. That George Washington comment had me rolling!

This _Jayla: I Never Had A Sew In Or Never Wear Wigs But I Do Use Braids But I Feel As If People Shouldnt Care About What Are People Do because It’s Not Their Head

aquosrising: Most men know when you're wearing a wig or whatever & there's nothing worse than when it smells horrible.. would you date a guy that wears fake hair? Exactly!!

BitchyBrunette: I love to see women of color hair natural!!! Anything from just up in a bun, to big bouncy curls, to gel’d or slicked back, I’ve always been so jealousy of how much is just there!!! I have very thin hair and love to see anyone confident in their hair

Jen gomez: Thank you for answering this question. A true sign of intelligence is that you can change your opinion when presented with a different perspective. Awesome job!!!!

David Green: She said it, "insecure about the natural hair". If you meet a man, and he sees you with too much extra hair, what will he say when you take off all the hair, and he sees the real you? Just be real and natural, and you will meet, not find, a real and natural man. And reduce the make up,be real all around.

Lauralee Simons: I'm a white girl and I wear clip in extensions every day. I want to and I like it... but I'm worried about judgment from potential partners. However, I've finally got to the point where I can say... love it or leave me... because I'm more than my hair!

Carsen Mcdaniel: At the end of the day, I am happy with women doing whatever they want, regardless of race. I just hope that black women don't feel self conscious of their hair because it's BEAUTIFUL. Nobody should have to feel bad about something they have no power over.

beach me: During the winter months I do wear a wig just for a little extra warmth. My hair is very wavy,thick,natural and healthy. Taking care of what you have is the key.

dami: I love my natural hair although it's short i prefer having my natural hair then extensions

lovely Patterson: I'm 30 years old been natural all my life...just started wearing wigs and I love it I moisturize my hair as often as b4 and I really appreciate the ease of a wig as a mother, wife, and business owner. Plus I can switch it up without color, or clipping off my real hair.

Darrell T: I for one appreciate natural hair. I'm watching this video to TRY to gain an understanding for why weaves are becoming the norm for black women. I'm telling you that most men don't like it. Take a polll. I know women say they don't care but you are lying to yourself.

R A: We just can't win. We are often criticized or even worse politicized when we wear our natural hair. Now we're criticized when we where extensions. Some of us like to be creative. Don't listen to these people. Just make sure you have as much in your head as you do on it. It's your head do what you feel like doing with it.

Zari: 2:38 You're exactly right but they wear wigs/extensions that mimic their hair texture. More often than not Black women wear wigs that fit in line with eurocentric textures. Granted that's what the market had but when a supply is in demand they will cater to that. Only recently have I seen Black women embrace kinkier textures of wigs/weaves and extensions. I think the bigger issue is Black women prefer eurocentric textures and so it's more noticeable.

NeeT65: Where do I begin? As a woman, i get it! We do place a heavy emphasis on our hair and view it as our crowning glory, but I think beauty is not defined by the hair on your head, nor by your race or ethnic group. We women are just beautiful regardless . I saw a young woman in a YouTube video shaving off her hair for no apparent reason, and I was drawn to the fact that once she was done, she was still stunning. Angelina Jolie or Gabrielle Union could wear a mop on their heads and still be beautiful. The point I'm trying to make is that you should NOT need to wear a weave 24-7 to make you feel beautiful. As an accessory that you add to your look, yes. But there are some women that do not let anyone see them without the weave, and to me that's just sad.

Henry Fuentes: There’s no reason to wear weaves, as long as you have hair there is no need for that shit

karlos _infamous: I watched Good Hair by Chris Rock and the summary is that the majority of the American population (whites and blacks) don't have a positive view of black people's natural curly/kinky hair. For most black men, they simply shave off their hair or use the fade hairstyles. Because straight hair is the standard of beauty across the world and also is preferred even by black men, black women are pressured to straighten their hair or use straight hair weaves/wigs to be accepted into jobs and to be seen as beautiful/appropriate. Personally, I don't find anything wrong with curly/kinky hair as long as it properly done and maintained. I actually find natural hairstyles/afro beautiful and eye-catching but I understand it takes a lot of work and time to style it. As a summary, it really depends on the woman what makes her comfortable/beautiful and if she has the means/time to what image she chooses.

Road Runner: i think what that white man was trying to say is....why do black women wear wigs that don't look like their natural hair? If you were walking around with a twist out or an afro wig he wouldn't even know it was a wig. I have to admit that the wigs...especially the really long super straight ones can be a bit too much.

SERAPH: Everyone in the comments wants to get on black women for not wearing wigs/weave that match our natural hair but then look the other way and say our hair isnt done and we look janky when our 4c hair isnt drowning in super glue with our edges laid. We just cant win when it comes to our hair. We wear a wig? We’re insecure and lazy. We wear our natural hair? “Oh why is your hair so nappy?” “Why dont you lay your edges?” Its a lose lose.

Lulu: Unless you have a medical reason, too much work on one’s hair is damaging, regardless of your race. It will only makes it worse.

Madison October: How bogus of that guy to assume so much about womens hair. People like that are the worst. I'm white and I've been doing bonded extensions and sew ins for years now. It definitely has taken a toll on my hair even though I've kept up with it. Now I'm trying to regrow and not wear any extensions or weave. It's so hard though! Missing long hair

Joshua Hayes: Just reminds me of the movie "Im gonna get you sucka". If not born in the 80's look it up. Ive dated black women, not a fan of the wigs, extensions, and the rest. Natural is best.

Morgan Nelson: Im a regular white girl and i wore extensions for length lol I'm also a hair stylist and plenty of white women I've had as clients have had all sorts of types of extensions...men just don't notice its not their real hair i guess

Mr. King Cringe the SIMP King: i love it when women just care about their hair, i also love that you went interperspective on it and spoke on how some just dont care. i think it costs a lot of Money and time and worry in being self conscience about it. id rather come pick you up with ur hair natrual confident cute and happy its easy and cheap and powerful and beautiful. and george washing made a point to wear his own hair but he did powder it for look and to clean it. wigs were french and english

Ash: A guy?! What do they know lol. I am white but have thick frizzy dry hair and have looked into wigs to save time. It’s called being practical and also being a woman! You are too nice to give an ear to a guy who has no idea the struggle of looking good in a reasonable time.

Em G.: One day I want my hair to be in a kinky high puff and then the next day I want red silky straight hair. It’s my hair whether I grew it or paid for it

Liee Bieebs: When I was little I used to see African American women on tv and tell my mom, damn they have such good hair I wish my hair was like theirs (i’m a Melanesian pacific islander with long curly hair) and my mom told me that it is wig. From there on I appreciated my hair but I still think African Americans hair (natural or weave or wig) is still beautiful and they are beautiful people ❤️

Joyful Judy: Hi Amor, people come in all shapes and sizes. Some was born with hair some can not grow hair. Black women are always explaining why we wear so many different hairs styles. If a woman wore her hair natural or not, she shouldn't have to explain to anybody but God! Why do people care if a women hair is natural or not, Believe me I know why? Some women don"t have arms to do their hairs, some women can not see to do their hairs. Some women can not afford to go the hairs salon or buy expensive hairs. The only thing I think people should be concern about if a woman who hair smells, help her wash it and style it the way she wants! <3 I enjoyed your channel and subscribed! Please check out my channel and I hope you subscribe! God bless

Renee Collin: Some of "us" wear weaves & wigs (daily), because somewhere (back in the day) we were told that to be "beautiful" you must have European attributes! Sad . Plus we've become LAZY when it comes to hair. Slap a wig on and keep it moving, whereas our mothers, grandmother's had beautiful hair that they "kept in check" themselves. No one want to do the work anymore! Sad again.

Las _lv: If you’re black and you want long hair, grow dreads

Nicholas: Best hair black women can wear is to grow an afro and curly. It looks the bomb! No women of other races could ever do that! Weaves and extensions are alright. Full blown wigs are whack!

C00kii0: What I don't get is when my fellow black woman will diss another for wearing her natural hair. If you want to wear a wig do you but don't diss another. The average black woman that I myself grew up around prided themselves on long hair (but not healthy hair) if you're going to use wigs as a protective style okay it's cold out or your hair is damaged from coloring or whatever and a wig is a simple easy way to handle that issue then fine. The issue between weave and black woman is about the constant attack we experience on our hair. Growing up and even now it's still all about looking "presentable" we have young black girls just trying to get an education being told their hair needs to be straightened so they don't distract others. Or woman being fired for doing what other races of woman do by just wearing their hair naturally as a black woman we don't win. Their will always be someone bitching about OUR hair and what we choose is best for ourselves. Even amongst fellow black woman who feel wearing your natural puffs when your hair isn't stretched is silly or embarrassing and that's the issue. So much value is put on a certain type of natural black hair that black woman are then treated like they don't have any other option besides a wig or weave. Natural black hair is so divers and beautiful but the black woman is the one under constant attack. I don't want to hear shit from another race about my hair or even black men who don't have real experience with our hair texture. People like Tommy Sotomyer and the bums that fallow him who don't know anything about our hair have such an opinion but as soon as we let out hair do it's thing suddenly it's nappy or it's this and that. The only opinion I'm worried about is of my fellow black woman and showing them that no matter what thier natural hair looks like as long as they can take care of it, not let anyone shame them over it. lift up any black woman you see getting to know her fro or even just having fun with a wig, weave or extensions.

ZeleBigz TV: To all my beautiful sisters who wear weaves and wigs. Please don’t. I can’t call you a queen when you are wearing some else’s crown.

Mary: Who cares what other people say about black women and weaves and wigs from a white man. I think that women who want to wear a wig just because, it's their choice. I believe women should take care of their hair with or without a wig or weave. You do you!

BigRuZ587: I pray the day comes where no woman of any race wears wigs or clip-on extensions. Braided extensions is cool. Why do we shame women's natural beauty?

Life After OCD: love this, thanks for being so genuine

Brooke Stephens: I personally think we wear them to be more accepted. Every other race of women have straight hair (even if it’s curly it’s still loose curls- the strands are still straight). However with us if we really wanted a protective style we could just do braids, cornrows, or even a bun with the ends protected. I think we need to be honest that it’s less about protecting it and more about a certain look. Most ppl who wear wigs will wear their real hair a total of 2 weeks out of the year- and maybe braids for another 2 weeks but a wig the other 11 months

allyson: so are we going to ignore the fact that he made a distinction between “Normal” women and black women...what is normal women

Girly Girl: This is so true the struggle is for real Everyone's like"why you always wearing weave" I wear weave or braids cause I dont got time to be straitining my hair all the time. I leave my hair out sometimes. Soo.. Like leave me alone I entered the BTS giveaway hope I win

A. D.: There’s nothing wrong with wearing something that makes you feel good. All women & men around the world alter there appearance to appear more attractive. For example, men going bald wear wigs, women use botox on their face, and others get breast implants. Even getting braces or wearing contacts is just for cosmetic reasons. Its human nature and it’s the natural order of things. Keep looking beautiful, as a man I respect women who put in the effort to look good!!

QueenCoco Brown: Look! We have been covering our heads since Africa. The Egyptians were the inventors of wigs. Now, I am not making an excuse. However, I like to look my best no matter what I wear as a hair style. We have been ridiculed too when we wore our hair natural. We were ridiculed when we wear weaves. We can't win. These same men are talking shit about what the fuck they want but go a deal with a white or Hispanic woman with loose curled hair and talk about they are natural.

Red Femme Diaries: At the end of the day you can do whatever you want with YOUR hair... Period. However, I wear my natural hair only. The freedom i feel is like nothing else on this earth. I walk in the rain. Jump in the pool. Saunas. No shower caps...lol. I have all my edges and head full of long locks. I don't get effected by the hate you all receive because I only wear my hair in its natural state. Its literally wonderful to not straighten my hair and walk around proud that im not one of "those" Black women. That is something weave wearers will never get the opportunity to experience what us all day everyday (no straightening women get to experience) Locks saved my hair and scalp... JS. But by all means do you. But before sone of you die I hope you get to experience this level of freedom and pride. I love MY hair, not my bundle...lol

D.E. Harris: I went to predominantly white schools all my life and have befriended lots of white people. None of my female white friends wear weave/wigs. My white male friends do not have wives that wear wigs/weaves. These are every day middle class Americans.

AWoS88 ~ Miya, my love ~: Do what you want and ignore people that criticize you. I've worn my hair natural, had it dyed unnatural colors (blue, red, purple, etc.), worn braids, had faux locs, and now that I'm a college student, I wear wigs. Hair has always been a way for me to express myself. It's never been such a deep issue as others make it out to be. Also, I'm a full time senior in college preparing for grad school, I'm a research assistant, I volunteer, and work on top of all of that. In other words, I'm busy. Wigs provide me with an instant style that I can just throw on and go. When I'm not busy, I would rather spend time relaxing with my husband, cute, friends, etc. I don't understand why people care so much about other people's hair. I don't care. What matters to me is that I'm happy.

Tiarra L: I think someone will always something to say. If I wear weave people have a problem if I wear my own hair ppl say "if I had all that hair I wouldn't put weave in it". I wear weave because it's hot and easier to manage than doing my natural hair everyday.

Marly Garrett: Preach Antasia! You are speaking the truth!❤️

Callme_Burbu: I mean nothing but love, however I think it is important to add that your comment on a dry high puff a inappropriate. Natural hair takes on many different forms. Some black woman, despite the amount of moisturizer they have in their crown, will still have a dry puff because that is just the nature of their natural hair. My hair has 4 different textures and doesn't really define. I love it! Someone may ignorantly think it's not taken care of because it's not super defined. But, honestly from a black woman to another black woman what you said was rude. There are little black girls out there that need to know that their hair doesn't need to be 4a to be beautiful. I don't think you intended for your comment to come off as offensive...but it did. I hope that you become more aware (if you aren't already) of the many natural hair textures that are out there. My darling, you are on youtube now and believe it or not that can become a big responsibility...especially in these sort of topics. Sincerely, another Black girl trying to survive just like you. <3 xoxo

Mony E: it's for convenience....... weaves, wigs, clip ins are all the same thing, it takes hours to wash condition and style our hair. Live your life and do what's best for you when it comes to your hair as long as you maintain your hair and edges.

Jacqueline yepez: I started wearing wigs and let me Tell you it's the best. Ever since I dye my hair blonde I completely damage my hair. Two years cutting my hair up to the year..... now it's growing healthy and thick than ever. I do wish to dye my hair in many colors but I learned my lesson. Now I'm all about the wigs ❤️

Flower Girl: We need to be a little more honest when it comes to the weave thing because ofc other races of women wear weave but there not wearing Afro extensions or wigs like how we are wearing straight hair and straight extensions that look nothing like our natural on a regular basis lol like this is why people don’t believe our hair is real we need to start being honest about this convo

Devin Harris: You're beautiful with your natural hair...keep the grind sis

Sinalove1: Coming from a country that rarely sees African Americans, it was a shock to me when I first saw the number of black women with wigs or weaves in the US and Europe too - they just didn't look natural. It boggled me for a long time, but then I saw just how vibrant and colourful black women are in their dress and personality, in a way, it is racial - they can't help being fabulous and embracing different styles from, jewellery, glam, bling to Hip Hop. It shows a passionate people, so at least blacks ain't boring lol. The other flip side to remember is this - American Blacks are the biggest trend setters in regards to fashion and music worldwide, even for my country that rarely see black people, we are inundated with black music and fashion trends - because we clearly love it. So don't knock yourselves over too hard, but personally, I do prefer 'natural' but that even goes through to my choice of make up too - so more to do with taste rather than a race issue. Hope that gives a different perspective.

Patrick: As a European man I don't know a lot of black women, but always when I see them I admire their hair. It looks so wild and full of life. Its a personal choice, but letting it curly wurly or even going for dreads is just in my opinion (or taste) one of the most beautiful hairstyles :)

cyril gangoso: As a white guy I hate when ppl jump on the race train, but I can say most guys like real, real hair no make up all natural

Maria Torres: All types of women wear wigs. My Puerto Rican aunts with a full head of hair wore wigs SINCE THE 60'S and still wear wigs. I personally don't like wigs but I do wear hair pieces like pony tails sometimes. I remember being in the bathroom of a club were A white girl asked me to help her adjust her hair piece (a pony tail) that looked so natural that it fooled me at first glance.

Ruby Chew: On jobs I was asked about wigs and they have seen my natural hair. I think I should be able to wear and do whatever I want.

Kyra Dudley: I love my weave it makes my hair grow even longer but its not easy to maintain your hair depending on the life style you live some girls dont have to me to sit in front of a mirror every day to do their hair so they go to the hair shop

Tierdabear :3: im black and im here cause im wondering myself because i dont ever wear wigs and wear my natural hair all the time so im wondering myself why other black women wear wigs religously.

Emilie Love: I totally agree with you 100%. I've only wore braids once so far (I'm 16) and I've always wore my hair natural. There have been some pros and cons about it. I decided to wear it because in gym the unit was swimming. (I had gym first period) Also because my hair would be too much to handle. I personally couldn't wear my natural hair given the time that we had to get ready for our next class, which was about 10 minutes. So wearing it saved me a lot of time, especially in the mornings before school and nights. I decided to take them out ( a month later) and I had experienced breakage, not a lot but more than I'm used to. That probably happened because I couldn't take care of my hair right after gym with so little time we had. Btw I love you❤️

raylightzzz: It seams reasonable to me that a woman with hair loss or some king of injury or visible desease on the head wear a wig to help with her self esteem. It is more difficult to me to accept that a women cover her good natural hair with fake hair or somebody's hair. It just doesn't make any sense.

Blkeclipse L: I guess im that black man who appreciates all forms of NATURAL black hair. Kinky, nappy, curly 4c, afro, locs, mini locs, braids I DO NOT CARE ! Just be real and be what god intended. I cant stand when black women wear white women weaves and wigs. Be a secure, confident and proud black woman. Its much more attractive.

Sq Brazy: Weaves and wigs is a actual protective style. but please don’t ignore this problem In our community black girls around the world feel Like their natural hair isn’t beautiful

MOE: I used to be into Black females when I was younger till i realized that they wear wig

Javier Cooper: Protective styles should be temporary, once your hair grow you rock your natural hair. That's not what black women do.

Martha Contreras: I need help understanding, why do you call it protective hair style, when your putting glue and tight braids that pulls on your hair and pulls it out of your scalp? How is that protecting your real hair? I guess that’s where we get confused ‍♀️

Sariah Lace: We all try to change up ourselves.For instance white women wear extensions too,which will not be that noticeable,like a black female ect ect simply because they have naturally long,and naturally colored hair.Their wear contacts,which once again will not be noticeable,because their have different eye colors.Some asians,do a lot of surgical procedures to change their eye shape,nose ect ect and bleach their skin,to look fairer.And other races,change themselves up also.Apparently we always want,what we were not naturally born with.

Gaming Ambience Live: my question is, why wear a wig instead of just keratin treating your own hair and getting it under control

Bunny Boo: My friends of ALL races where wigs or extensions to make their hair longer or when they don't want to do it. So that's false. Growing up I admittedly had self hate and wore weaves to hide my real hair but as I got older I don't wear them at all. I prefer wigs to change up looks or if I don't want to do my hair. What they are saying has some truth to it but it doest apply to everyone. They need to categorizing us.

Jeanna Lawson: Thank you for putting this out there. However, Let me just say.... It is amazing how so many people have so much to say about someone else's business. WOC have had our identities, questioned FOREVER. First, we were too dark, our hair was too thick, our butts and boobs too big. Then fast forward and all the things we are they want. Melanin could not be bought and the sun became just too harmful so the TANNING Booth was introduced. Boobs and butts became the next obsession so the introduction of the implants came along. In the 70's Bo Derek runs across the screen with Cornrows and beads and instantly becomes a sex symbol. Be proud of who we are. Beautiful, curvy and trendsetting! If weaves, wigs braids or extensions are what you want DO YOU HAPPILY BOO! The best opinion about how you should look should come from you. That look comes in many shapes and sizes but it always STARTS AND ENDS WITH CONFIDENCE. DISPLAY IT PROUDLY

BigRuZ587: Once I heard "My edges burned off from glue for wigs" I died Ok lemme watch the rest of the video

Darrell T: I'm watching because I'm curious on the whys. :) :) Most black women seem to spend a lot of money that they do not have on fake products. Just saying.

Melissa Charles: I'm going into the 10th grade and i mostly get box braid and I've been relaxed since I was like 5 and I been trying to go natural and I'm 7 months post

JUSTICE: you black women don't know how gorgeous you are .truly beautiful it goes inside my chest and gives me a warm fuzzy feeling but yet in my mind I see you trying to compete for something that could never give me such a good feeling I just want women regardless of color the be natural and who they are the less fake the more I can see the real them what about you

__: When black women don't have their weaves in or wigs on, they're usually wearing head-scarfs or the mushroom jiffy-pop, pop-corn caps. At least where I live.

Filmed by me: I’m 15 and I don’t wear weaves

shireen rennie: Omg so what is wrong if we wear a wig, weave, clip in crochet? I have my beautiful nature hair, but honestly I'm lazy and tired if always dealing with my natural hair. And I'm way way to busy to do my hair all the time. So I wear crochet alot, I don't do wigs and weave. And in the summer i do wear my natural hair out, but God I get tired of dealing with my natural hair. So I'll do my crochet, I can't be bothered with these people about you don't embrace your natural hair, yes I do I love my natural hair, but it's tiring.

SME Kash: In My Opinion I Love The Natural Look Better Ain’t Nothing More Beautiful Than Natural Beauty What You With Born With and It Make Females Look Totally Different Like What The Hell ‍♂️

Triple3Gamer: If you want to wear wigs wear a wigs don't let no one tell you you can't wear a wigs or weave if it make you feel good doing it live your life. :)

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