3 Month Old Twists Takedown- How To Retain Length With Protective Styling| Hair Update & Chit Chat

Natural Hair Growth. 3 Month Old Twists Takedown- How to Retain Length With Protective Styling| Hair Update & Chit Chat. Protective Style Take down

How to Stop Breakage on Natural Hair Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nznDLB...

The Real Reason Why Protective Styles Aren't Growing Your Hair Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prk3Np...

Protective style growth results. Protective styles for 4c hair growth. This video covers how to grow 4c hair in twists, how to care for natural 4c hair or any hair type in a protective style. I go over hair growth tips for growing long hair, my hair regimen for long healthy hair, and how to reduce breakage through low manipulation protective styling. I talk about how to actually do protective styles properly to allow for growth. You can have protective styles without loosing your edges, experiencing a lot of breakage, or any other things that can commonly be associated with protective styling, but it requires a lot of care. In this video I go over hair growth tips for natural hair and relaxed hair. I answer questions like- Are protective styles good for natural hair? are protective styles good for edges? and how to maintain and grow healthy edges in protective styles using my protective style "growth oil" mix of castor oil and rosemary oil for hair growth, and avoiding heavy or tight styles along your edges. This video also explains how to grow 4c hair under wigs with braids, or any protective styles and generally, how to grow 4c hair thicker and longer with protective styling. As you may know, protective styles grew my hair in the past, and they are what I will continue using to grow my hair now. My hair regimen for 4c natural hair growth is very simple- I do a lot of protective styling! What is different though is that I do it without experiencing a lot of breakage. I give hair tips for growing long natural hair and relaxed hair. I go over my hair growth journey and exactly what I did to learn how to grow hair past your growth plateau. I show you how to grow long healthy natural hair and long healthy relaxed hair. While there is really not much you can do to grow your natural hair faster, what you can do is learn how to reduce breakage of natural hair or relaxed hair and how to retain more length! I hope this video helps you.

Hey guys, it's you, okay me and welcome back to my channel, so I'm excited for this video. I feel like it's been a while. It'S been some time since I've done like a protective style takedown but I'll be taking down my protective style that I've had in. For I believe it's been like two months and two and a half weeks, maybe two months and three weeks, just under three months essentially, but I'm gon na, take it down and also walk you guys through protective styling and just hair growth and all of that jazz. In general, so now this will be a little bit more of a chatty video. I just been wanting to do one of these videos, just like sitting down talking to you guys how I would talk to a normal friend about hair, I'll, try and Beatrice to play in this video as possible. But if you want like this, damn damn I don't care, give me the information as quick as quickly as possible and get out um. I have those types of videos. Yeah, I'm just going to talk to you guys, like I'm just talking to you guys as my friends for like a younger version of myself. This is a conversation I would have about hair growth and all of that stuff. Whenever, especially back in the day whenever I was trying to grow my hair and all that so yeah, I'm just gon na start by taking down my hair so about this style that I've had in this was an accidental protective style like I did not plan to Keep this in for as long as I have my life has been so crazy, lately, um but um. I have left my hair alone. I put these so basically what they are are flat twists very rough, loose flat twists along the back and then in the front. I have these individual twists like I guess you would call them mini twists and I've just been wearing my hair, essentially with a scarf on top and that's it. I haven't really been styling, my hair at all in, like the past two and a half three months. So in the past I would always say that I don't really think that there is a foolproof protective style like they all have their pluses and minuses. But that's from the perspective of like, if you're actually styling your hair to wear it like as an actual style. Like this, I don't consider an actual style. This would just be doing my hair, putting it away but um if you were, if someone came up to me and was like okay iPhone, entertained the most lame as possible in um this amount of time. I don't care about what the style actually is. I don't care about actually wearing wearing it as an actual style. How should I put my hair away to retain the most length? I would say something like this and the reason why I think it's a really really good way to safely put your hair away. So basically, our hair is always growing, but for a lot of us, our hair is just breaking so much that we aren't able to retain Lane. But as it's growing, it's also breaking so by putting your hair away for extended periods of time and not manipulating it. So much because every time you manipulate your hair, you are giving it an opportunity to break so by putting it away. You can go for long periods of time without experiencing breakage. So if you can go a period of time where it's growing and it's not breaking, then you can outline the system. I guess like where you won't be having the problem of okay yeah. My hair is growing, but it's also breaking so quickly and I can't rotate any length. Productive Sound Works for that reason, allowing it to become essentially impossible for your hair to break for a period of time, because there's no way for your hair to break if you're, not touching it. The problem with it is that it's very easy to go wrong with the styles that you actually do. For some people, the actual protective style is what is causing them. Breakage. Oh my hair. I haven't seen this that's a long time so yeah as a talking I'm just like. Oh wow, it's been a lot but okay yeah, so you want to choose Styles. Obviously, because of that reason you want to choose styles that will actually break your hair in the process and it'll be different for everyone, depending on what your hair type is. Some people can't take certain styles that other people can, but you want to be putting your. Oh, my hair feels so good distracted by my hair. I haven't seen it in so long. Oh, my goodness. Okay, I'm just! I think it's been so long, wow, so good, too. Okay, anyways I'm gon na stop taking out my hair for a little bit and let's just chat, let's just chop so as always say you can leave your hair alone in many different ways. Not all of those ways will be beneficial for you. You want to leave your hair alone, where the process in which you leave it alone isn't causing more breakage the ways that it can cause you more breaking. The most common ways are, if it's too tight, if it's too heavy or if you are being rough to put in and take down the style itself. So with that being said, I would say that the most foolproof way of leaving your hair alone, no matter what your hair type, I don't think, there's a single hair type that wouldn't benefit from this style, because when you think about it, pretty sure most of us Who are natural have done a twist out before or like would not be averse to the idea of doing a twist out, and this is essentially a twist out that I didn't twist out until like two and a half months later. Essentially, if you're someone who the act of like taking down and putting your hair into a style can be a lot think about just doing certain things that you already know you're here and handle. So you don't have to put too much effort into actually putting it in and taking out, sometimes, especially if you have a lot of thick hair before you even put your hair into those braids the trouble you had to endure. Sometimes your hair, through to before you got into that style, you're being super rough to it. You'Re partying it anyhow. Someone else is like mishanding, your hair doing all this stuff. Before you even get your hair to that style. You have already lost on a serious amount of damage to your hair, so that goes for both putting in the style and taking it down, even though the style itself can be good. If the product that you are using to put it in is really damaging, and the process that you may be using to take it down is also really damaging, the net result could actually be more damage than any benefit that you could have gotten for. Leaving your hair alone in between it's just a good thing to like reiterate, and sometimes remind ourselves of like, if you're being really really rough on, your hair, expect it to break if your hair feels really really tight around your edges. Expect your edges to be pulled out if your hair feels super super heavy expect some of your hair to be ripped out. So listen to your own scalp and your own body and try to not add breakage through the process of trying to get to the point. Where you can actually leave your hair alone, so that's why I love this style. Like I said, these big twists are very simple. A lot of us do it every week, sometimes if we do a twist out and wash our hair every week um, so you can do that um flap twist. The reason why I didn't do flat twists around all of my hair is for actually another reason that I'll get to - maybe not in this video, maybe later in this video, but essentially it kind of just worked out this way. I do not put my hair away with the intent of growing it. It just kind of happened for reasons I'll, maybe explain later in this video, but if I were to put my hair away with only the intent of growing it. This is what I would do so kind of just work out for this video honestly, but I did mini twists in the front and we will also like doing mini twists for all of their hair as a protective style. I feel like that would be a cool style that you could actually wear out like this. I would never wear my hair out like this without a scarf on top of it, but I feel like not doing mini twists. All all around your hair can be beneficial if you didn't care about the Style again. This is better because, as you saw me just take down this one section, which was just one flat twist, that would have been like maybe 10 mini twists. That would have taken me a lot, much more manipulation to put my hair in those many twists and to take it down from those mini twists. So, even though many twists themselves don't require too much manipulation to put in to take down, they require more manipulation than like just one big flat twist like this. So that's why I wouldn't do it along all of my hair. If I was again just looking for a style that would be the most bullproof weight, but the reason why they can be beneficial to just do it along the front of your hair is something that I've noticed through my own experiences with protective styling. I find that my edges just Thrive when they aren't just pulled back and like being more exposed like they corrupt out. Things are rubbing against them with this, and this is also why I like um box braids that aren't heavy for, like growing my edges or my own experience. That'S what I found has a girl in my is a lot as opposed to cornrows or things that expose my edges more because all of my edges are in this and like they're, fully protected and there's just less there's less it's hard to explain, but there's less Exposure, I find that my edges thrive in individually parted sections like that, as opposed to being lumped into one twist or one cornrow. So that's what I would say if you're looking for like what would be the most effective, I would say it would have the least likelihood of you running into problems, especially if you're here, it's like the finer type or just breaks, really really easily. I find like doing something like this. It would be very, very hard for your hair to break from the actual style unless you're doing something very, very wrong, which is why I would say something like this, but I feel like for most of us. We like styling our hair and like wearing it out. So that's why I've never really talked about this or have done this myself, because my hair is fun like I feel like there's so many things you can do with our hair as black women that we should do those things. I consider myself someone who, just like styling my hair, even though in the process of styling it as long as you're styling, it correctly um. You can grow it as well, but if I was only caring about growing gifts and if you are only caring about growing hair or if you have like just time to spare and you don't care about like wearing scarves for three months um - that's how I installed My hair so yeah, that's that I have a thing where I say the best way to change the world or impact the world is to First understand it. That has to do with like pretty much every aspect of your life, but one way I apply it to hair as well or like my own Journey with my hair is like the best way to impact or like um yeah. The best way to impact my hair is to First understand it. So, throughout my own Journey, with all of this the day I realized and the day you realize like I was talking to you as a friend the day, we realized that our problem isn't hair growth, but our problem is breakage and you can approach the problem differently Than you may have in the past, with like trying to buy all these expensive products or like these things that say that they're gon na grow your hair overnight, you won't be addressing the real problem, but if you understand that the problem is breakage, you can address It by saying okay, what are the ways that I can allow my hair to break less and if you want to avoid breakage all together, just leave your hair alone and like the idea that it could be that simple. So I feel like we, I don't know about you guys, but for me I was like I have to do all this stuff like I have to do stuff for my hair to grow. The idea that I could I was supposed to just do. Nothing was like so crazy to me, but with all of that, if you realize that, like growth, isn't the problem but breakage, is you also realize that it takes more work for your hair to break than it does for it to grow like our hair is naturally Growing something that just happens, whether our hair is gon na grow or it's not gon na grow um because of our health conditions, or things like that um but yeah. Our hair is growing, but you have to put in work to break your hair, like you have to actively go like this or you have to actively. I don't know just do something to your hair before it can break. So if you don't do all that crazy stuff to your hair - and you don't even have to be that crazy for our hair to break whether you're, relaxed or natural - and I want to do more videos on this with like talking about the chemistry um and why Um we run into problems with Breakers, but our hair breaks, even if we are super super gentle to it about to do this very gently a thousand times I would cause breakage to my hair. So breakage is an unavoidable thing if we are doing stuff to our hair, so by just not doing as much stuff to our hair. We can avoid that breakage like whenever I figured it out. I was like wow, so you mean I don't have to do all of this crazy stuff for my hair to grow. I don't need to do stuff to make it grow. I just need to stop doing stuff, so it cannot break. Listen to that again. Let me say that again, I just need to stop doing stuff, that's causing it to break, and one thing that I would tell my younger self as well is because, like whenever I was getting into my hair Journey like most of us, I think I went through That phase of where I used to do all this stuff - and one thing I wish I had realized back then, and something I would tell myself - is just how much the world is driven by capitalism. Capitalism. I don't think I would have worried that I did like that. I don't think I would have known what capitalism was back in the day but like how much of the world is driven by profiting off of insecurities. I guess or like that sounds really it's not that. Well, I'm gon na say it's not that deep, but it can be that deep, but like whether it's products or things telling you that you need to do this, you need to do that or like is this. Is the way oh? No, this is the way come by my course. This is how you do it. This is a secret. If you know this, then your life will be changed and, like almost faking, it like a like it has to be hard like. I have to spend a lot of money or have to do all of this, but for I can reach this thing, but once you realize that to that okay, this is marketing all of these things, because if it can get you to believe that you have to Put in a lot, you have to do a lot of things to make your hair become a certain way that then you will be more likely to buy it. It is the very thing that allows people to profit off of you trying to find an answer here. Doesn'T need all of this stuff to be made more complete or made more whole or be made, as it should be. It'S not even just hair like or black women's hair, but how much of the world is driven by incentives to make it. This mystical thing that you have to keep on consuming more and more before you can finally get to where you want to go with this. I don't know that sounded very vague. I hope that made sense, but that's something I tell my younger self that the reason why you may feel because for me it was like it can't be that simple to just leave my hair alone. It must be more complicated, but no, it is actually that simple and without the feeling of my journey I'll leave my hair out all the time and I would do routine treatments deep conditioning treatments, hot all, the treatments anything you can think of. I was always having my hands and my hair to do good things to it. What I thought were good things, but, like me, manipulating my hair so much to do those things was causing me more breakage like it just. I wish I could tell myself like stop. You'Re doing too much like you're, putting way too much manipulation on your hair, even though they could be good things, and they were good things in what they were meant to do. My process of doing those things so frequently and never like leaving my hair alone. Definitely put a lot of unnecessary wear on my hair. It wasn't until I stopped and actually kind of gave up on my hair growth Journey that I realized not leaving your hair alone is the best thing that you can do to it, leaving your hair alone safely. But now I want to quickly talk on what I actually do to my hair. While I had this in so this was like a lot of things were different with this productive style that I had and first off I don't know if I said this before, but it was on accident. I did not plan to keep the same for as long as I did, but here we are but um another thing that was like in in addition to the fact that I don't really, I always style my hair, like it's very rare for me, to go a Very long period of time like not like actually wearing my hair in the style like, instead of just like putting a scarf on top, but in addition to that um, I actually washed my hair like either once a week and sometimes twice a week. While I had this in so that's not something I usually do if you watch some of my previous projective selling videos but um. So with this I was a little bit afraid of it. Matting because my twist was were also looser and I was constantly putting them in water um. But that seemed like a problem yet, but all that to say I washed it most of the time like once a week and I just used conditioner and I wouldn't rinse it out fully. So I would leave it in a little bit like and use it a little bit as leaving as well, and that's why I did just shampoo condition: leave in a little bit of the conditioner, as I was rinsing it out. That'S all. I did to take care of my hair so to do something that likes to wash your hair a lot. It'S part of your normal regimen. If you need to, if you work out, if you do different things about blah, you can definitely. You can essentially do the same exact things that you do to your hair, outside of a writing style inside of your protective style, especially if you're not too worried about the style like becoming frizzy and all of that so yeah. I did do that with this um and that's all I did to take care of using the like um hair growth, oils um. You can, if you want to as long as they don't cause itching for you, because applying oils to your scalp can cause itching. If it's not something that your scalp likes but yeah, I've kept it very, very simple: yes, that's what I did I'm excited to stop by here again. This has been an interesting. That'S another thing this. I think it's actually this week either this week or next week marks one year of me since I did the big chop and like a little bit under three years since my last relaxer, like a little bit under three years of me being natural, that's so crazy! I'M not sure what I'm gon na post this video, so my videos are gon na, be all out of order like just prepare, like I don't know when the video is gon na be posted, the video can be posted a month from now this video, as I'm Filming it could be posted two months from now. I don't know like I said it's been crazy once I'm done taking down at least half of my head I'll do like a length check see I haven't even one thing. I feel bad about this thing. Another reason so, even though this a little bit might be posted out of order, I'm still going to try and keep like a timeline for you guys. So at this, the time of me filming this video is exactly one month since I mean one year since I did the big chop just so that, for you guys who are like following along this journey with me, I feel entertained, like 99 of the length that I'Ve grown, I haven't, really experienced a break. Well. I'Ve experienced a little bit of breakage in the front which you'll see whenever I take down my hair um, just because I was there's a period of time when I was manipulating my hair. A lot like before I put it in the style, I was washing it like once or twice a week, um and which is also why I got really good at washing those actually just because I have a lot of experience. But I was also putting a lot of um manipulation on my hair for a little bit, so I experienced a little bit of breakage, which I'll show you guys but anyways. Now I'm going to finish I'm going to take out one from back. Like I said before, you have to be really really careful when you're taking down your hair, because you don't want to be causing your hair more breakage through the style that you're doing so. This is a time when you have to be super super careful. I literally just take my time tips quickly to not add water to your hair whenever it's really Tangled and to use a product like a conditioner that has good slip but isn't also too watery. You take more your hair easier and just take your time. Watch a movie don't be in a rush whenever you need to take down your hair and use it as a time to just relax and whenever you're taking it down, see right here, I am running into a little bit more resistant and a little bit more tangly. I I think it's just something to do with. Like the back of my hair and the nape, even my twist, my twists were also loose. I didn't expect to keep these in for this long. I honestly thought I was just going to keep it in for, like maybe two weeks or so, but time has kept on passing by and here we are, but I knew it'd be okay, um even with me watching. Oh, my goodness, I have not seen my hair in a while what that is crazy. I can't remember I'll put the time whenever I went now until I feel like my hair was like to right here, and that was a year ago. So maybe five, maybe four and a half - I don't have a ruler. I don't know I'd, say like four and a half inches that I've grown or retained in this past year and when I tell you so some people may be like. Oh I'll do a protective style for three months. That'S only one inch like that's gon na take forever when you realize how long four inches is like the difference that four inches can make on your hair, you realize that that one inch that you're getting in the three months of your protective style really adds up Over time um but yeah wow, that's cool. I am hmm, I wonder. What'S wow I did not expect and huh. It adds up over time. I'M just gon na finish. Taking down my hair, I'm never doing cornrows again Joe. Can we definitely do quarto still, but flat? Twist like this is so much easier to take down than cornrows would have been like if I had left them in for the same amount of time like this literally feels like I'm doing a squished out. Besides, like the nape right here and off the root, I'm getting a little bit of tangling there, but this is a lot easier to take down less manipulation to put it into takedown but yeah. So I'm gon na finish, taking down the rest of my hair. It'S really important that you detangle as you go. You don't want to take down all of your hair and then attempt to detangle all of it at once. It'Ll just be too overwhelming for you, so as you take down each twist detangle that twist with a bunch of leave-in in your hands and once you're done detangling a section of your hair, put it away and don't touch it again. So I just Loosely twist it up and I'm not going to touch it again until it's time to wash my hair and I wash my hair and twists as well. So that way, I'm avoiding putting I'm putting as little manipulation on my hair through the actual takedown process. By being really really gentle and just going through all the sections once and then putting it away, and here in a second I'm about to show you guys the front of my hair that I was talking about earlier, that I experienced some breakage on from before you'll. Get to see that right now, like I don't know if you can see, there's a little bit of a great huge hair and it's so crazy. Our hair can break because I'm that I noticed it like all that happened in the period of like two or three weeks, so it's like we can take. It can take months and months and months for our hair to grow like an inch or so. But we can lose that intro multiple inches so quickly, like this fan of the few days, shows as like um, a representation of like the potential like when we retain our floor length like in the back of my hair. When I didn't where I didn't experience. Breakage versus where I experienced some breakage, because if all of my hair was like this around all of my head, I would just think that my hair didn't grow, but it's not that it didn't grow, it's just that it broke some, so it wasn't able to retain All of its length, foreign, okay. So now I'm giving a fuller view of like what my hair looks like stretched. My hair looks much different as you've, probably seen, and just generally with my hair, I have a very tight curl pattern, so whenever it's in its natural, shrunken state, it appears much differently, but this is my hair stretched after I've taken it down from this protective style And yeah, but yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed this little Chit Chat catching up comment down below. Let'S make this a two-way conversation. How are your hair journey is going? What was the last hairstyle? You did um, and why did you do it? Yeah just comment down below about anything you want to comment. I hope this also helps. You learn a little bit more about the science of like language attention. Why leaving your hair low so effective in retainingly um, but yeah, I I guess, that's it! Um I'll see you guys in the next video bye

Alantai: Once I realized the idea of length retention, everything changed for me! Like she said your hair is always growing. You just have to avoid breakage while maintaining the length that you have and your hair will flourish!

Ashley ChiLLi: I would love to keep smaller twists in for longer than 3 weeks, but around that time, they literally start to loc especially at the back where I have a looser texture. For me what’s been working well is braids with no extensions. No locking even at the 6 week point and they sit pretty flat so you can even put them under a wig.

Djobet_InRealLife: I was natural for 6 years but I wasn't patient with my hair. It grew long but when it came down to combing my hair out before washing it I was not gentle so eventually it started breaking off. My patience level had diminished drastically so I went back to a relaxer. Now I don't have to detangle my hair as much as before and yes I do wear protective styles for growth. Thank you for your knowledge and patience because it helps me out.

Mariana Carneiro: I dunno why I’m getting emotional over this but it’s so nice to see someone I can relate to. I’m about to reach my 1 year post big chop milestone and it’s been such a beautiful journey for me, learning how to take care of her, trying new styles and just falling in love with my hair. Which upsets me to say wasn’t a reality for my younger self. It’s been a challenge but I’m so glad I went on this journey and so happy with the growth I’ve experienced within myself, thank you for being a part of that ❤️

nylorac1984: Makes total sense. Not manipulating the hair as much explains why hair that is locked grows and grows without breaking off as much. There are of course several catches for the loose hair natural, namely the style or lack of one. How does one either get comfortable rocking wash day plants, or jazz them up with an assortment of scarfs or wigs. Personally wigs never worked for me. I think scarves would work better, but I don't feel like every work environment would allow for them. There is also the issue of carrying for hair that is being left alone, especially the scalp. Some people have to wash more often. For me I have found that washing hair in a style causes knots, tangles and more detangling efforts down the line. The maximum duration of a style is determined by the frequency of needing to wash my scalp. For me that limits me to two weeks as my scalps happy place. Totally wish I could go longer like 2 months with a style, but alas.

DEBORAH NWAKWESILI: I have healthy natural hair and I have never thought about checking how long it has become because I am unbothered. The funniest thing is I have never left it unplat without extension. Once I am unravelling the old extension, I am prepared for the next. Seriously hats off to those who can rock their natural hair without thinking of it shrinking and tangling up. I might give it a try one day.

Words and Pictures: This video is EVERYTHING! You've just given me language I needed. Had locs for 5 years because I wanted something simple I could maintain by myself and not take up too much time. I'll definitely say it showed me that my hair thrives with low manipulation and minimal products. Recently cut my locs and after watching this video I'm excited for a better natural hair experience. Thank you Seun!

Moyo K: I’m just taking down my braids and I enjoyed this video. The friendly chat is everything

StrudelD: Girl your hair is growing so fast, I've been growing it for almost 3 years and it's still at collarbone length (stretched ). Maybe it's because I shaved it when I started but still lol.

Taryn Michelle: Hair journey is going great! Finally at nipple length before 3 years of growth. I am 5’3. The last style I did was mini braids as a protective style I wore out. I kept them in for 5 weeks. I washed them a few times but I need a thorough wash. It’s a great style for this hot weather! Plus I am healing my cartilage piercings so I need my hair to be contained.

M. Chanel: HeySeun, I left relaxers and eventually went to chunky dreads off and on to grow my hair almost about two years and I sprayed essential oils and water /to keep scalp clean and but …bc of up dos, scarves and retwisting faux dreads were too much pressure and tension soo my hair broke off edges and nape but I did finally get a few inches of length.. Enjoying your vids !

James Michelle: I really enjoyed watching this video, and I've also learned something new. Breakage is the problem, not growth. I started keeping my hair in protective styles for a longer period of time because of your videos, and I'm currently on week 4 in a protective style, I have 2 more weeks to go. Fingers crossed. I also realized that cornrows isn't my go-to style any more, i just can't protect my hair at night and I tend to pick my hair so much. So I'm trying African threading at the moment and it's been a breeze, but yea I'll see how that goes.

MB: Knotless braids have been golden for me as a protective style! They're not tight at the scalp and you will get those inches!

Prie Ryals: Just imagine if u did that same style for another year with small breaks in between, your hair will be soooo long. It's already grown soooo much, how exciting! I love your advice it just makes so much sense. Can't wait to see a wash day video! I'm transitioning from relaxed hair ( Oct 2021) back to all natural which is going great!! I see a stylist every three weeks, and I ALWAYS get cornrows with a braided bun.

Brianna Fraser: I keep my mini twists in for an entire month and I don't have like any major problems with it. While I have them in, every other day I oil my scalp and use grease along the length of my hair to keep it from getting dry, yes I just use grease, if I use a leave-in or a cream, I will have too much build up, and I can't have that because I wash my hair every four weeks. It works best because my hair isn't dry as it used to be when I used to wash my hair bi- weekly. To take down my hair from any style, no matter what it is, be it low manipulation, a short term protective style or a long term protective style, I use oil to take down always, the shed hairs LITERALLY just slide out, conditioner is catastrophic for me, all the knots or matting that I would have developed over the course of the protective style would be made worse no matter how careful I am.

Ogechi: I leave my hair in twists. I never had any results with twists in the past, mini braids is usually my go to. But the stylist braided the roots and then twisted the rest. My hair grew so much. I washed my hair every two/three weeks and redid them and I had this routine for two months. I would use leave in conditioner and grease as a sealant. I have high porosity hair, my hair would stay moisturized for a whole week. My hair became so thick, and from shoulder length, it grew to close to bra strap length. I also used threads to stretch out my twists to prevent single strand knots. Usually when I leave my hair out, my hair would become so dry, but now my hair stays moisturized the whole day

bear🌼🌜: I've been doing the low manipulation method by leaving my hair in twists or braids for 3 weeks or more...it really works

shortymnp: I'm currently wearing box braids, I think it has been my favorite protective style so far. Wanted to add: I really appreciate your videos and congratulations on your progress. Keep it going!

Nana B: I followed your videos for your relaxed hair journey when my hair was relaxed and I saw much improvement with my hair but in 2020 I decided to have a big chop and I realized later you had started your natural hair journey too so I followed I love the way your hair has grown My hair is currently in a protective style and I'm aiming for 3months I love the simplicity and truth in your videos, I've seen it work, love from Ghana

Emmanuella Ndombeson: I've been keeping my hair natural for years now and seeing your videos always motivates me. You're the only one that helped me understand the best way to use protective styles to grow hair and it keeps growing more and more. I'll try keeping twists for three months as well Your hair is growing so fast. Seriously Thanks for the great content you keep sharing with us. Be Blessed

ashleigh robyn: Our natural hair journeys are really alike and you were the one who convinced me to finally big chop. I big chopped around 3 months ago and have been natural about a year and 3 months. Watching your videos and seeing your growth is making me excited for my own hair journey :)

Blackberry- Rose: Seun your hair has grown so much I ♥️it. In Sept this year will be 2 years since I literally shaved my hair down and went natural this journey has had its highs and lows and it’s been very interesting to say the least at this point in my journey I think I’m really invested and enjoying it now. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, recommendations and sharing your own journey with us all. Congratulations on 1 year post big chop.

Naturally_Nica: Love the progress your hair is making!! A healthy routine means length retention and your results shows the effectiveness of your routine. Good job.

R Jackson: Have you trimmed your hair after a blow out to see the true condition of your ends? My ends look fine in the curly state but when my hair is blown out then the true state of affairS are revealed. Your hair has definitely grown and looks healthy!

Laurel Andrea: I'm on a quick break at work I'll have to watch this later but babes they look so good! Can you please do a installation and maintenance video? Twists are soo good and versatile mine only last like 2 or 3 weeks

Llorzz: recently started washing my hair in twists, and it's sooooo much easier!

Muhumuza D & G: My hair loves cornrows. No locking even after 8 weeks, take down is easy and detangling is a breeze. Twists and braids are cruel to my hair.

Keneisha Brown: Your hair is growing so fast and nicely

U U: Wow, see growth! I've been natural for 6 years and my hair isn't as long as this! And I literally follow all the 'rules' for length retention. I love my hair regardless. It really varies per person but we can all achieve our length goals over time. No need for comparison!

Priscillah Mx: I've realised when I leave my hair in small knotless braids and don't manipulate it becomes thicker and doesn't break much. Definitely leaving one's hair works for hair growth.

Joy Haruna: This was really helpful. I say it often that you don't have to break the bank to grow your hair healthy and long. Thank you for sharing. I love your authenticity. I've been watching your videos since you were on relaxed hair and it's my first time commenting. Much love from Nigeria Seun. Keep it up

Mary Adedokun: Litterallyy I do the same leaving my hair in for 3 months, usually doing African threading with my hair, where it sorta looks like faux locs but wayyyy stiffer and I do use oils and try to grow my hair 1 1/2 inches or more while I have it tucked away. It's helped quite a bit, especially since I tend to break my hair easily lol

Hani: I went buzz cut bald 2 years ago in May and my hair has been growing great since. It’s about 2 inches below my collarbone! Twists are my friend! I’m kinda worried my hair will get to certain point and stop growing and this is all the length I’d get. I mean that would be okay but I really wanna see if my hair can grow to at least bra strap length. I’ve done the bald, short and medium hair length. I guess I’ll see how I am in 2-4 years time!

Robin In The Cut: Hi Seun! I just wanna let you know that you were inspiration for me to start my natural hair growth journey. I’m so glad that I’m going along with you on the ride. I have retained since I started three years ago 2019, 12 inches of growth!! I recently styled my hair in large knotless braids for 2 1/2 months. Then I went to the hair stylist and I needed my hair colored because part of my hair is gray and I couldn’t believe how long my hair was I had to make her stop so I can look at it it was just like I was and I never thought that it would get that long!! Thanks for sharing your wonderful hair journey and helping me with mine

AlexiathaDoll: I use to leave my twist in (haven’t got to this length of time) but now I do braids. I can’t wait to watch this video later.

Trini_T: My last hairstyle was a wash and curl set. I wanted to try that style as twists were taking 4 hours to do and they last for about 2 weeks. I think I'll alternate between the 2 styles. The wash and curl set took 2 hours but requires weekly washing. They're currently in 2-strand twists and I'm about take them down and wash my hair over the weekend.

Idowu Ajayi: My hair journey is going terribly at the moment. I currently have cornrows in and I'm with you when I say I'm never doing corn rows again. I experienced so much breakage recently than I have since I started my hair journey. I've definitely tried putting it in a style and leaving it alone for weeks, almost 3 months sometimes and I'm careful when I take it down and I do retain length but I really don't know what's causing the breakage

1GoldenBreeze: The last style I did was a WnG, and I didn't it because it's the style I wear almost all of the time. For me, this works well for length retention.

Cynthia IGIRIMPUHWE: Currently going through the worst phase of my hair journey where It’s literally falling off my head due to postpartum and I was decided cut it all off and never start another journey again but your video made me reconsider! Am still gonna cut it and start over again maybe but postpartum hair loss is the beast!! Went from shoulder length healthy hair to loosing half of it. Wishing everyone a happy healthy journey

Glam glam: Girl the whole "dont too much" was me now I got my hair in like 7 braids and just wearing marley hairstyles, wigs, and faux puffs. I refresh once a month and wash once a week.

Hamidu Mohammed: I see a whole lot of growth in my protective style ( mini twist) but the breakages after takedown is too much. My hair stylist also breaks a lot while twisting my hair. One major problems I have with my hair is lots of knots at the tip. I'm really bothered

KisforKIM: Even though I have relaxed hair, I've seen your hair videos when you had your hair relaxed and for me I've only been able to retain length while having my hair in a protective style. It works wonders! Thank you for the advice! :)

MICHELLE NNADOZIE: I sure enjoyed watching this video, I always like when you're chatty. I'm currently wearing what is called 'two hand' weave with my natural hair, some people also call it 'D D' or Dutch braid. Since I started my natural hair journey, I usually do twists, flat twists or single twists but I recently tried this 'two-hand ' hairstyle and left it for more than a month and I saw a lot of growth so I did it again. Thanks for always sharing... But Seun, please tell the secret to your beautiful skin, I'm also dark skinned and I'd like a lotion and skin treatment recommendation especially for my face.

Oreoluwa: Funny enough I just got twists yesterday just came combing your channel to see what you had to say about mini twists and natural hair. And I was legit like woahhh, Seun okimi hasn't done twists yet? I was super shocked lool. And you upload this. Yes girl!

Dasia Hemmings: Love watching your videos.....I recently took down my protective style which I had for almost 2 months and before that I had in another protective style for two full months....Happy to say I have been seeing some progress .

Aisha Long: your hair has grown so much omg.... I been following you before your big chop your hair was super long & full. I remember when your mom didn't believe you cut your hair. now it has grown dramatically.. love it

Valerie Akpeme: This video came at a time where I’ve been looking for a style to keep my hair away in a protective style for that long. And especially something like, cornrows or flat twists at the back and single twists in front but I couldn’t find a picture to see what it looked like. Do you have a picture of what it looked like before it got to this point. Also, thank you so much for this videos, I’m changing my whole hair routine and these have been a great help.

Lady Scorpio: Imagine, it took me 55 years to find out what you’ve just explained. Smdh But both you and your hair are lovely!

Star 01: I ended up getting weave in my hair. Had to get hair braided up in french braids. To help retain length. I thought a low manipulation style and protective style. Could help grow my hair. I still deal with breakage and shedding. When its time for me to take my french braids down and twists.

154angel154: Talk to Us Sis!!! I am currently wearing four african threading braids (I guess LOL). GOING on week three of no hair washing! My hair oil and spritz (both containing peppermint oil, rosemary and cloves) are keeping me straight! I undo them every two weeks and spritz the tucked away parts with spritz, leave-in and oil. I remove shredded hair and put the four african threading back into my hair!!! It doing doing SOOO WELL!!! I wear non-tension wigs daily so I am good!!!

Breona Amaryllis 🦋: Love your protective style take down videos! They are one of my favorites from you.

Ginny Zovie: With sweat and tears I managed to grow my hair to 14 inches and I went to make my hair last month. I couldn’t cry enough as they were manhandling my hair and I kept shouting and complaining. Now I’m scared to take down my hair cos I knew the way my hair kept breaking as she was making my hair. I’m so done with hair stylists

Ebonie Pierce: My hair was flourishing in 2020 and although I haven't been doing anything different to my hair it has been breaking so badly. I'm attempting to retain length with cornrows and crochet. It been a week now and I'm hoping to get to 2 months. I've been stuck at my collarbone since a 2 inch cut in early 2021( bc of the bad breakage). I'm trying the braids just to stop feeling so bad about it breaking. I hope to be able to keep my length.

anything is possible with God: Your hair grew so fast. Congratulations. I have been natural for almost all my life and my hair is stuck in one place.

vicky fox: Having your hair stretched helps too bc it prevents single strands knots, which also cause breakage

Saloni Tembo: How do I keep my mini twist for 2 to 3 months without locking? Do I have to unravel them then braid them again every month?

vicky fox: I attempted a sleek pony it was a fail. Got a pony, no sleek. But I wasn't too discouraged. I prioritized low/no tension and the pony wasn't bad. Just was more like a pineapple, my first. I don't usually do styles that require hair ties. So I just experimented with it. I transitioned the style as my hair fluffed up. I really enjoyed the look and the simplicity of just being able to pop a scrunchie on and go. Now it's a fro and wash day has arrived. Hoping for low breakage and shedding. I honestly have no idea what to expect since my hair has been stretched but out, soaking up the humidity but manipulated every few days. ‍♀️ we'll see. Wish me luck

Wangari Kibaara: I support this message 1000000%. Leaving your hair alone is the best thing you can do. I wash mine once a month. I do chunky twists and rock headwraps 95% of the time. The health, length, volume is just out of this world. Find what works for you but leave your hair alone as much as possible.

Ebunoluwa Olugbemiga: Guys, I find it impossible to keep my hair in a protective style without extensions. I'll get frustrated with the frizz and take it down in like 10 days. Should I just keep using extensions? With them I am able to extend my protective style and keep my hair happy and healthy for about 3 months. They work for me, but I'm worried that even though I give my hair like a month to rest between styles, my edges will start thining. Help!

Angie angie l: A few years ago I wore braids for 7 weeks. After I took them out my hair went from neck length to top of boob length. I miss that long hair, I haven't been able to grow it back long like that every since.

Star 01: ☺️Yo hair grew longer than mines lol. That lets me know I ain’t doing something right. Thanks for the video I am learn today.

Precious .O. Maria: Wow, is it just me or your hair is growing faster than normal? It's beautiful, I really enjoyed the authenticity of the video

DaniPopPop: When you do everything and your hair still manages to get split ends and grows slow asf. What's funny is that my hair got thicker and longer while it developed split ends?! So confused lmao. Anyways I have it in braids now, just waiting to take it out for treatment and clipping off the ends. Gosh this is so hard.

z: How to you wear your hair over the 3 months? Just like that, scarf, wig, or what? you inspired me. i am gonna protective style for about 2 months and see if i get a lot of growth. thank you!

Darash: Wow wow your hair is growing gracefully. I'm taking my twists down as i type. My hair use to lock when i twist it so now i add a bit of kinky hair and it can stay for long without locking. I'm seeing some growth,thanks for sharing your hair journey with us. Beautiful hair.

Comfort Abena Owusu: I wish I can keep my twist in for that long… this is my second week and here watching braids take down videos..

Shaney G: My hair is literally in a combo of flat twist and mini twist. I’ve been rocking headband wigs and turbans

ShawnIsHere: Keeping my twist in for a couple more months, I love an excuse to save my shoulders from a twistout

Thembani Shiburi: Wow love to see the growth❤ and definitely trying this hairstyle once i decide to regrow my hair the healthy way. The hairstyle i have at the moment its long braids they are too many not tooo, but they are heavy‍♀️ i did them myself in preparation for graduation as my hair is too short but i wanna look cute for graduation

JorgeBessa: I noticed for me flat twist, and braids are to much manipulatio for my hair, only normal two strands twist are the best way to grow my hair.

Smilesunbroken: You are so inspirational! I love your videos!

Eunice Kouadio: I really enjoy your videos . I have a question , I would love to keep a protective style for more than a month . But I have BAD dandruff that appear a week after my wash and my scalp gets really itchy. Any advise on how to manage that and tips on maintenance during a long period of protective length ?

blossoming butterfly: Love your hair girl. I did a super big chop, like fade, last year October. Now my hair is slightly passed shoulder length, the rapid growth shocked me. Well, I hair has always been long, even when relaxed, (been relaxed my whole life). I was so happy and shocked at the same time, had to visit the doctor, who told me, I was very estrogen dominant. Ladies, embrace your hair journey, love the uniqueness of your hair and body.

Evaney Kelly: Girl what did you do to your hair grow that fast! You look stunning.

Hotsaucestyle: I love that you touched on marketing. I am a victim of this. I appreciate this!

Les choses du Boko 237: Could you film a video of how you maintain your twists or protective style while keeping them that long ? Do you wash them ? Use oils?

Oshundun Olajumoke: My take home; "It takes more work for your hair to break than it does for it to grow"

Jennifer Oluebubechukwu: Seun thank you so much. Your videos have really helped my hair journey

Martha Katongo: Girl your smile is wow…..always looking forward for new video from you, You have helped to grow my hair…

Yvonne Appeynarh: Danm you hair is growing so fastit’s thriving too .

Aqeelah Munshi: Im still holding on to some relaxed ends pray for me to just let them go

tofu: Been growing my hair since I was born and it won’t get past collarbones…. I’ve definitely followed every damn trick by now I’m gonna give up

Fatima Lawan Abubakar: I recently installed cornrows, it’s just 9 days old and I intend to keep them for 3 or 4 months….I just can’t wait till it’s 4 months, I feel like the days aren’t coming.

Miriam Eclipse: How does your hair grow this fast?!!!!!

Daughter of Yah: My main problem is that my hair dreads quickly so how do I avoid that? I want to keep my twist longer

V_the0nly1: Your hair is finna reach the length you had when your relaxed hair.

Carmen Bailey: Thank you for showing your method & knowledge. I always enjoy your videos

elshadisam: Your hair growing fast man

Michelle White: How often do I need to oil my hair and grease my scalp. I have very dry hair.

xandrafrancois: I am not so lucky with so called protective styles. With crochet my hair broke off with small twist it tangles to much. Big box braids with big parts are better for me. I have fine hair. Maybe that is part of the problem.

Kitten Smitten: Your hair is growing mad fast. What's the catch?

mostly queenly: Hey, there’s a lady who posted a video saying all natural hair is high porosity and that black people can’t have low porosity. And she kind of proved it scientifically, could you watch the video and do like a little research on it please. The video is titled “BLACK PEOPLE CANT HAVE LOW POROSITY”

Azula: Your hair grows so fast

Yvonne Bell: Your hair grows back fast didn't you chop your hair off recently? Beautiful hair

bear🌼🌜: I always look forward to your videos❤️

Star 01: Sometimes growing natural hair is hard.

Princess Yonna ♡: Your hair grows super fast

Shamrock Show: Do you oil or grease your scalp at all for growth? I use an oil, but it does make my scalp itch. I just don’t want to have dry scalp

ᴺᵉʳᵈʸᴮˡᵃᶜᵏᴳᶦʳˡ: Question. I have a nervous habit where i cant stop twirling my fingers in my hair or grippin. It used to stop with like me putting box braids in but now i got to the point where ill play with the new growth when there is any. My hair has been stuck at the half mark of my bra strap. What shall i do?!

Pauline K: Do conrows thin edges? Am currently doing conrows so that i allow my edges to grow back?

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