7 Different Hair Extensions Methods - Which Type Of Extensions Are Right For You?

7 Different Hair Extensions Methods? Yeah, we do 'em!

Who knew there were so many extension installment methods! Guess what? We do em' ALL!

Lisa and Mirella go into depth about all of our extension installment methods, the cost, maintenance, and so much more; including a ton of laughing, and the most impromptu episode (LOL)

There also *might* be something a little special in this episode you might wanna listen for too

Be sure to listen in and don't comment on what it is down below, let's keep it a secret.



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Welcome back to rebel femme podcast today we're going to be talking about extensions and the seven different methods that we offer here at the salon. But first our sponsored message get all your rebel femme merch and your favorite salon. Products like olaflex moroccan oil, loma, hair, brushes and more head to rebel thumb, dot com and use coupon code podcast 15 to save dang. You should have like a whole professional job, doing that, dear god, the anxiety inside of my body, while i'm doing that and trying not to stare at you guys and it's so funny, because you do it's such like, like finesse, but i know secretly you're, like dying. My palms are sweaty, literally mom's spaghetti. You know, i think i totally i we were supposed to play the intro right after oh yeah, we were yeah, everybody shut up, we're now listening to rebel, femme, podcast, an honest conversation about hair life and everything super random. Everybody shut up anyways now i got ta find all my sounds and stuff: okay cool all right. So let's chat about the new services that we've been offering at rebel. Femme we've been doing them for how long would you say? No, since lisa started yeah since uh, like august so at least six months or longer than that yeah cool, um, wow, so um, but we offer several different methods of extensions and we've been uh doing a whole lot of them. Lately, like we mentioned, lisa's, been doing that or we've been doing this and lisa's been around yeah and uh yeah, and it's been really an amazing journey to see like our clients really get into them. We decided to make them really affordable as an install for our clients um, as we've been implementing or like layering, that service into and we'll talk a little bit more about like what that looks like as far as service wise, but the different methods that we do Offer professionally are the care links, um and i'm gon na have lisa hold some of those up or who has the extensions um? We do. We are recording this for youtube as well. So if you want to watch this youtube or youtube, you watch this podcast. You can watch it on youtube um, but lisa is irvana white. Those are not fair links. Those are eye links. Oh [, __ ] wrong, one, okay, so legs. These are these guys yeah and we'll talk we'll talk more about them too anyways. While we well lisa gets organized over there, but we offer care leaks, eye tips, um flat tips, uh tape, ins, hand tied, and then we also have the clip-ins and halos that we have as well that you can basically purchase and put them in and take them Out and again we'll talk more about those later yeah each yeah yay. We have a lot of extensions. We do a lot of things here and set off this new, exciting service, we're going to be giving away one of these services, but you need to listen. I don't know you wrote that down, oh god, where oh, i meant to get that off. Just kidding guys we're actually not doing that. I thought i got rid of all of them. Maybe we can do a free, install another one. Oh i thought about doing that. Actually, you want to do it like a 1k giveaway type thing: yeah, let's, let's, let's well what if we did uh what, if they buy the hair and we'll do the free install all right there, you have it. Ladies and gentlemen, you guys purchased the hair. We'Ll do the install so 3.99 yeah and uh that hurt my ears. Did it really? I'Ve never heard anything. If this isn't an impromptu podcast, i don't know what it is: okay, nuts, what your headphones! Yeah! I'M sorry, okay, um because keeps going! Oh, no! No you're! Not stop it. Okay, bye! Thank you all right so anyway, we're we're gon na give away the install, but not the hair you'd have to purchase the hair on your own um from us. Yes, but it's not that expensive! That'S the thing, though, yeah it's not what what do they have to do in order to um? I don't know that's for you to figure out right now, new keyword, i was just a new keyword, but they have to like they have to say it yeah. They have to well, you know like yeah, they have to say it. It'S the first person that says it. Oh [ __ ], because we're only doing one of these. Oh the dude, because in the last pressure's [ __ ] the last episode we did k18 and it's while supplies last, so multiple people can can it to do that. Can you do it and if you missed that episode go re-listen, so you can take advantage of your free k18 treatment and find out what you need to do to win that. But for this one it needs to be one person, because that's a that's a yeah. A big investment that we're giving away for free. I, like that, a lot all right, so the first person that mentions mentions matches mentioned the first person that comes in or calls okay. They can call right or no no, no just kidding first person that comes in person and mentions oranges, do it from the other one to this yeah. Oh, she was so proud of that one. I was just what do they have to say. It should be like a whole phrase, like no hey, i heard on the podcast y'all were talking about some oranges and i want some. Oh i like that. Okay yeah that works see how it works. I was listening to the podcast. I got ta say that i was listening to the podcast. I heard y'all talking about some oranges and i want some i really hope. Well now we now they don't need to listen through the whole. Damn episode to know what to do, they can just poop thanks, lisa you're the one over here talking about. Let'S do a giveaway randomly on the show. This is your problem: [ __, ], all right, anyways back to what we were talking about here. I know where are we, who are we right now? Let'S work topic, one topic, one: we're going to talk about care links: oh okay, yeah, so i love carolina. So why don't you bring up? Do you have care links, so we need to show our video viewers so care links basically is an extension that has keratin on the tip and you were laughing well. I thought you were laughing because i said tip um now i am you're the only person to realize that too he tells where you're at well, because you, dear laughs all the time about [ __ ], like that, it's funny, okay, okay, carolynx, just a tip. Basically, it has here give me this damn thing, so it has a keratin um, it's a keratin bond and basically the way these are installed. These are the most customizable out of all of the extension methods, because you can cut these really tiny, making them carol or micro. Fusion, you've probably heard the term fusion if you've gotten extensions done before, but these can be cut down, really really tiny or kept as a full bond as well - and i i don't know i like these ones - they come in all textures, all lengths sizes um. You know all shapes and sizes different sizes and honestly, these are great, a great pairing to wefts, which we'll talk about a little bit later as well. But the way these work is you're going to heat it up and they get sticky when they're ready. Oh, my gosh, and so you you basically the way we install them is with a gun. That'S heats it up. It'S a gun. Is it a gun, a gun? I don't know what to call it like a clamp. It'S like a clamp. It'S like a hot clamp. She'S like so, basically you take it. Take this gun and you heat it up, take the gun and you just go ahead and shoot it shoot it just get a little hot, all right all right! It'S it's like a it's like a flat iron. I don't know if he heats it up, yeah, it's like a flat arm. You you heat it up, it spreads out and then you roll it up and you roll it between your fingertips. We need a steamy sound inserted. All i got is this um? Okay? So these are perfect for people who actually have really fine hair because they are the lightest weight because there's no bead with them, and it also creates a really seamless blend and, like i said, it's great pairing with honestly any type of other hair extension methods. These are also great for solution based hair extensions and what i mean by that is a lot of people. Think hair extensions are just to create super long, gorgeous hair on people who already have amazing hair, but that's the furthest from the truth. So many women suffer from female pattern. Baldness and just getting what's going on with your dog lisa. Has her dog zeus in here he's just getting wild? Okay? Oh my god. I don't know how any listener is going to listen to this podcast episode and be like what the [ __ ]. Are you guys talking about um, but these are great solution based uh, hair extensions for anyone, that's suffering from like alopecia um, like i said, hair loss, because these can go really close to the hairline. So that's why i really like these because, like i said, they're really customizable, i actually did um tinsel with them the other day, yeah thanks to lisa, really with the with the fusion bond. I did it with just the bond yeah like without the carol ink yeah yeah yeah, because we have the bonds by themselves: yeah yeah yeah, it's pretty cool, yeah, yeah. Okay, the carry legs are really great for the hairline too. I like to add them to my custom: installs install installs, installs um right around the hairline because they do resemble um hair strands. You can cut them down to be small after some hair strands, so you can put your hands through them. Um yeah. I, like hair, links a lot and i didn't really get into curling, so i came here so i like to add them at hairlines. Like i said for the 14th time, what are you doing? I'M cleaning my mic: okay, awesome, great anyways, all right and then the so these. Let'S do you want to talk about pricing for these like what they run for? Oh, that's a great that way that way clients kind of have an idea, but in general um, if you buy one pack, 20 pieces comes in one pack. So if you just needed a few put in um, i would say one or two packs is great. If you wanted to do like a full head install, you can expect to get anywhere between, like five to even eight packs of hair. It just really depends, which is why it's important to get a consultation for hair extensions prices run anywhere from 75 to 105 per pack depending on length, okay and then for the install we charge. Basically a hundred dollars per pack that we put in so yeah yeah. Yeah so yeah. I think these are amazing and, like i said most customizable, i love them. I like to pair them a lot. I don't do a lot of full head installments with them, but i do love to use them um for like specific things for sure. Like like, like she said you don't have to have like bad hair quote unquote to have these, i would put them in my hair if i wanted fullness around my hairline and i have a [ __ ] ton of hair. You know what i like about these too um. I feel like we're spending a lot of time on this specific one. It'S just amazing, but i like these, because when you cut them down into micro fusion, you don't need to come schedule an appointment to come back in to get them removed. Yes, they literally just fall out on their own because you are attaching them to the smallest amount of hairs. That'S naturally going to shed and that's what makes these amazing so versus any every other method. You have to schedule an appointment to come back in to remove them, so there's that yeah love that cool yeah all right. So, let's move on a second method that we offer are the islings, which are those blonde bad boys that you have there blonde bad boys. So i would suggest these eye links um be installed on anyone that has like medium hair or thicker hair, yeah um, and these are installed with a bead yeah. So these are pretty straightforward, they're just like care links, except they use a bead. That'S really just that. Yeah and the flat tips are the same: yes, the flat tips and the eyeliners yeah, the flat tips, what's literally different about the eye links and the flat tips is the eye. Links are literally rounded and then the flat tips look almost like a micro tape in but they're still installed with the beads um. So eye links again, though they're great, to add in or layer into like a weft install um like if you want to fill in the front, hairline fill any gaps yeah like anywhere that you know, maybe the weft can't get to exactly um. I know again doing those custom installs, so we do all of that here when i think a lot of our clients love that we can customize the wefts or the eye links the care links. All of that all of our installs are custom, though everything totally we gear it based off of lifestyle and density, and what they're willing to maintain what it is exactly that they're looking for um. So our consultations are pretty intense so because we care so much about selecting the right, uh installment. So just just a little fyi, we are pretty thorough and we're really excited to uh be able to transform even more lives with uh some essentials. But i personally, like the islands, that's actually the first type of extension i ever put in, and that was probably my favorite really as far as like visually the way it looked. Oh yeah yeah, because it really does look the most. In my opinion, the most natural for sure yeah and, in addition to probably care links, i probably like that too um, like i love wefts and we'll talk about those in just a second, but as far as like it looking like, it's literally part of your head, The eye links do it for me yeah. I think i links and care links. Yeah are the most realistic and then tapens and hybrid wefts are the most coverage and the most like voom yeah. You know what i mean for sure. Okay, so let's go ahead and move on: oh, what's the cost for eye links for an install for eye links, you're looking at a hundred dollars a pack as well with 20 pieces and then per pack they're about 80 to 110 dollars? Oh yeah! So, relatively the same for cure lengths and eye lengths, yeah and now the difference between the two is the carolynx uses keratin to bond to the hair and the eye length uses a bead. That'S just the difference yeah, so one's slightly heavier in weight than the other, which is why the keralinks are best for super fine hair right. I just want to like emphasize that. Okay moving on uh, we have wait. Wait! Let'S! Let'S talk. Let'S talk about hybrid! Yes, i love hybrid webs, so donna bella is actually the only company that i know as of right now that does hybrid weft, there's machine tied and there's hand tied hand, ties are really thin and they're very layerable machine tied are usually thicker. They usually have like the volume left, but donna bella are smart. Donnabella is smart, not our smart donald is smart. They created a weft that does both. So not only does it give you length, but it also gives you volume, but it's also very comfortable to wear. This is our skirt of hair um. This gets installed by also bead and threading, and actually yadara and amarella both have hand-tied extensions in their hair. Right now we do yes they're frauds. It'S all a lie. Everything'S lighter they're just really easy to install it's a quicker method than doing the individual. So it's definitely a preferred method right now. Yes, but it's honestly what it boils down to is preference of the client too yeah comfortability these um, i would say, like the eye links offer the you know 360 motion like you can move it all over. This is installed like in a row, so you have kind of like you can still put it in a ponytail. It'S still movable but just know that, like it has one direction that it's going to go in, especially like permanent click clippings if anyone's ever had titans. It'S just like permanent clippings, exactly so for the weft of hair um and we can custom color these as well. So that's another good point, so these run anywhere from 255 to 630 dollars per pack depending on full or half packs and length, and then for the install itself. Also, average person only needs one full pack and sometimes just a half pack, depending on what they're. Looking for just fyi yeah again get a consultation, so we can like thoroughly go through what your wants and needs are, and then we can order what's appropriate for you, installment installment, we charge 175 per row and um so usually most people honestly. I we've done one row installments and we've done up to three row installments. So again it just kind of goes uh, it's up to like what you need for yourself, what we see fit: yeah, yeah um. But honestly, we do factor in a lot of times with budget as well like we want to be able to give you these extensions, but also not like take all your money. You know. So if you think that we can achieve a look with two rows, we can try and achieve a look with two rows absolutely and what i like um about the service that we offer as far as when they come back so you're. Looking at moving. All of these extension methods, up with the exception of the carolynx anywhere between six to eight weeks, but what i like about what we offer is that you get a fresh glaze shape up and blow out wash and blow out with everything every installment every installment um. I think a lot of salons, you know just kind of like focus on moving them up and send you on your merry way. But we want to make sure that your hair, the hair that you purchase, is going to continue to look good on the second and even the third move up. I think that's really important, because i i see lots of people walking around with some ratchet ass. Looking extensions yeah and just doing that gloss service or conditioning treatment and shape up and and making sure the hair looks good because it is real human hair and it needs to be treated as such. Yeah, like it has to be babied, because it's a long hair and it's our name, i mean i don't want your. I don't want you walking around looking like a rag muffin exactly so i think. That'S really. What sets us apart from a lot of other salons, is we maintain your extensions properly in between your visits, so i just wanted to throw that out there. Why we're so amazing and our typical? I know i personally have had two people um. They would be from the beginning, and they came to me in august, and they just now are replacing their extensions and they don't even really need to, but we're just going to do it anyway, because we're going to enter a summer season. So her extensions have lasted her six plus months. Oh wow yeah, i think um donna bella. Just i think what their whole thing is is that they say it's it's gon na last you up to three move ups, but it honestly depends. It lasts way longer. If you take care of it exactly and that's what we're trying to do, we don't want you to keep buying hair yeah, because if you just remember that it's 100 real human hair you'll be just fine yeah, you know treat your hair the same way. You would treat the extensions, if not better exactly so, i feel like it opens the door too, to uh teach people how to take care of their hair, um, yeah yeah, all right so tape ends, because that's the other professional method that we have got these pink Boys yeah tapens use adhesive, hair, safe adhesive at that medical grade medical grade, oh boy, here we go medical grade. Is it really it's medical grade? Um adhesive? Yes, oh my gosh! That'S why they stay on so well, because we we put a fresh, install and i think we removed them like a week later and they were oh yeah yeah, it's there, so these are going to last a good while that's for sure this is what it looks Like these beautiful little guys, they just see much on top of each other with a little bit of hair in between and that's it. This is. This is almost okay, so to put to compare it, this is like hybrid weft cut into pieces, okay and then the care link and the eye tips are tape, ends cut in pieces yeah. If you really want to break it down, you know, i honestly, i don't think i've ever. Oh. I'Ve had a tape in before that happens, but as an accent piece, i've never had like a full head of tape. Yeah. I never had it. It'S intense yeah yeah. Oh yeah, you did mine, it was intense yeah. Was it yeah? I like the wefts, a lot better sure yeah the more comfortable it felt like i had a helmet on my head, oh well. We added. We did a lot. We did a lot. Yeah yeah like how much how much do you think? How many packs do you think, like three packs, four packs? No five, i think we uh. We did at least five packs of hair. I don't know i dyed a lot of extensions yeah. It was a lot of hair there's ten pieces, but because your hair was a lot shorter than and it was warm blood yeah yeah yeah that's hard. Her hair was super blunt. So i will say this tape-ins tape-ins are great tip-ins. Are they serve a purpose for sure um? I think tape-ins can be they can be. They can be a little bit more customized than hybrid wefts for sure, because you can cut the tape ins um, you can kind of piece them where you want them, but if you're looking for like a little bit of fullness, i would use tape ins, you know. Maybe not doing a full head like you said, i'm not against it, but i that's just how i would prefer it um yeah they're like they're. Just i don't know. I think it just all boils down to preference yeah there's some people who are diehard taping for sure yeah and some people love wefts and some people just love individuals. So it just really boils down to the person like what they like yeah and then we also have some halos so well. We have halos and clip-ins, and this is a method that you basically can purchase and then do it yourself at home yeah. So that's what's kind of nice about those! These look a little crazy right. Now, sorry i'll, go and grab those yeah, but yeah. Let'S go ahead and talk about the halo, uh halo so take that hybrid weft and make it um almost like a hairpiece in a way you wear like a headband and it either add ella. Oh, my gosh adds instant fullness. Oh, i don't think i have the halo right here. Oh no, no, we don't have one. Oh, i do have one it's all there. It'S out there, okay uh! But yes, you wear it like a headband. You slap it on there, a bellow, hangs on by a um like a fish string, and you flip your hair forward off of it and that's it. It adds instant fullness and instant uh length yeah. It'S like this. It'S like these guys, except there's a string and it's like a weft, exactly it's literally a longer one yeah yeah, it's literally like a longer piece like this, except it has, and then it has that clear string that kind of just hangs on your head. It'S almost like a crown yeah, it's a great alternative for those who don't want to commit to having extensions, but do want to have um fullness every now and then or length every now, and then it's it's a great way and um. These are also colored. They can be colored as well and they're 100 real hair. Absolutely now. Clip-Ins clip-ins are just like that, except there's, no string and they're like hybrid wefts. You can put them wherever you want. You can add the fullness the length whatever um. I know i used to make custom clip-ins for my brides yeah and that's the whole thing like. Even if you purchased uh any of the halos or the clip-ins, we can still color custom color these and cut them and cut them to your hair too. Absolutely. But this is like a preferred method if someone just wants to pop them in and take them out at the end of the night. Yeah so still have lots of adults that have uh permanent hair extensions and still use those every now and then for added fullness. Oh, it's like even more hair. You know yeah yeah because they only wearing like wig like hair, all because i did a bride that literally had three different types of hair ascension pieces and because she wanted like vavavoom hair. Oh, it was like intense and that's good. Yeah, that's one person all right. So what else do we have anything else? No! These are all these are all the installments and just a reminder that all the installments are custom. They do require a consultation, so come on in come come, say, hello, come uh. Come hang out we'll talk about some extensions, give you your best options and design the goddamn heria dreams, okay and then, even if you wanted to purchase a halo or solo, we would strongly suggest you come in. So we can properly color match you and you order. The right one yeah but yeah easy peasy, easy peasy, all right, oh wow! That was easy. That was it. That'S it yeah yeah, all right cool. If you guys have any questions, you can always um, send the uh salon a text message set up a free consultation and find out what extension method is best for you. We do have how many cells do we have right now that offer it um one. Two. Three: four: yes yeah yeah. We forced us for stylists right now that offer uh hair extensions, so cool. We wrap it up yeah. It was easy, oh wrong, sound wrong, sound just kidding there we go totally [ __ ] fired from that. I have too many sounds on here. We do well thanks so much for listening to rebel femme podcast and before we go show us some love on your favorite streaming platform like spotify we're on spotify yeah, we're on all of them, we're everywhere like wow. What'S the then there's apple podcasts, yeah uh, i'm really looking forward to the google stitcher, the google yeah we're on all of them. What you can even tell alexa that you want to listen to rebel fem podcasts hell, that's pretty bad! Yes, ma'am! So leave us a review and make sure you follow our instagram page at rebel femme, where we break down this episode throughout the week and finally, don't forget to head to rebelfem.com. So you can book an appointment, listen to our podcast and shop, all of our favorite products. All of them don't forget oranges. What do they have to say? Uh, i heard y'all were talking about some oranges. Oranges. Yeah, let's eat some lunch yeah! Please, i'm starving you!

Livefreeordyetrying: I’m living for this chaotic energy y’all are salon family goals


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