I Quit Interlocking! | A Faster Way To Successfully Retie Sisterlocks & Microlocs Using Krazy Glue!

Welcome To The LaZy & Loc'D Youtube Channel! In this video

I'll be showing a new faster way that I'm choosing to retie, retwist, and refresh my sisterlocks using all purpose krazy glue. DISCLAIMER: I am not a sisterlock consultant or loctician and this method may be controversial for many who may have sisterlocks, microlocs, tinylocs, or any locs in general. This video is NOT a tutorial video and is for entertainment purposes. Even though I think this method is a great alternative to the interlocking method, and I have yet to have any issues doing this technique on my own hair, if not done properly, it could cause damage to your hair and locs. If you wish to do this method and any problems arise, I am not responsible for any hair or loc damage. Other than that, I Hope you enjoy todays video! :)

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I don't got ta interlock, no more. I don't got ta use one of these. I can just twist my hair and seal it. What? Oh, my goodness, that's like the dream. That'S like the dream and look at this come on. Y'All can't tell me that ain't no interlocks baby. That'S a re-twist! Welcome to the lady online channel, if you're new here welcome to the channel. Thank you for stopping by and if you're a returning subscriber as usual. Thank you for your subscription and welcome back to the channel. So, yes, you've read the title right. I'M going to be retwisting my hair, using crazy glue, i'm moving away from doing the full interlocking pattern on my locs, and this is why so. I'Ve noticed that over the years my locs respond differently to different techniques that i've been doing so far. I'Ve done the braid lock system, i've done palm rolling, which my hair really responded well to uh for the majority i've interlocked, my hair. When i was going to my sisterlock consultant, she was using the sisterlocks tool on my hair and now i've decided that i wanted to experiment with a different method that i'm not gon na say i invented, but i tried it one day and it actually worked. So i'm gon na share with you all what that method is, and it does involve using crazy glue all right, like real, crazy, blue, all-purpose, crazy glue, and let me just get straight into this video. If you watched my last video, you know that i went nine months during my pregnancy without getting a retie, so i want to measure and do a length check right now on how long that new growth is. So i put a orange rubber band around the part where my new growth ends. So i'm going to take a tape measure and i'm going to put it at the root and then i'm going to go down four inches so from the scalp to where my new growth ends. I have four inches of new growth, so four inches of new growth and then the rest of this is five years of growing my locks. So we got the length check done before i put one on camera. I just want to show you that i did it beforehand and they just came out so good. So good, like it's soft, it's not hard. It'S not stiff. I don't feel like my locs is gon na break off, and this is why i'm gon na continue to do this method, because i stretch my reties out anyway. I don't do the you know, 6 to 12 week re-ties, i go months without getting a re-tie, so by the time i re-tie my hair, i already have, as you can see, about four inches of new growth. So that's why this method works for me, because i'm not constantly manipulating my locs and retwisting it and re-tightening it. I'M literally letting my hair work out, and i'm interlocking it only when it's absolutely necessary. Now, what i do is, i usually take a brush and i brush my locs. I do this for two reasons: i brush it because brushing it creates frizz that helps with the locking process. So i use the brush not only to create that frizz, but also to take out any of the dandruff or stuff that i might have in my hair um, because of not having a good wash or whatever the case may be. Once i do that, let me just put this in a ponytail, so this is the lock that i'm going to be doing the retwist on all right, so here i've isolated the lock that i'm going to be doing this method on. So this method is extremely easy. All i'm doing in this part of the method is taking my new growth and literally just splitting it in half and twisting the new rope down the shaft of my new growth until it meets with the part of my lock, that's already locked now i did want To make mention that this is not a tutorial, but if you do decide to do this method on your own set of blocks, please please please make sure that you do this on completely dry hair. Make sure that your hair is not wet or damp in any type of way, and the reason is because, when crazy glue and water initially is mixed together, it creates a white film and if you were to put the glue on your locs while it's wet the Part that you put the glue on will leave a white patchy, hard flaky spot and it'll be very hard to come out. I do have a solution for that that i'm going to speak on in a little bit, but please just make sure you do this on dry hair once it gets really really tight and i mean really really really tight. It'S getting there. I hold it and this is where i use the crazy glue and i literally put a dab. I mean like a tiny see you see that probably can't see that, but i don't even squeeze any out. I just literally put it on the tip. I put it where that hole is so. You saw when i was retwisting. It was a hole. I literally put a dab of the glue on that hole to seal it i'll be right back, so i didn't want to correct myself. I said that you want to put the glue on the hole. What you want to do. Is you want to seal the space of that you want to put it on the hole you want to seal the hole by putting it in between those two sections and closing that gap. It'S done, that's it! That is it, and it's done that took me all. What maybe, for that one lock less than a minute i'll, do another one just to show you how simple it is for me. I don't think i'll ever go back to interlocking again all right! So, while i'm working on this lock, i want to make mention of the crazy glue component um that i was talking about earlier. So remember when i was saying how you may get a white film over your lock. If you do this method on wet locks. Well, if you do get that white film, how you can combat that or reverse that is by using a little bit of acetone in that area and the acetone should break down the glue, because the crazy glue is made out of an acrylic, resin and acetone breaks Down acrylic resin, it's kind of like when you go to the nail salon and you want a new set of nails. And if you have the time, they'll soak your nails in acetone to break down the acrylic and also the super glue that the nail glue, which is essentially super glue as well. So is the same component and the good thing about acetone is protein is insoluble in acetone, meaning that acetone doesn't break down protein and our hair is made out of protein um molecules so um just a little bit of background science, i'm not a scientist, but i Did do a little bit of research because i wanted to make sure that i wasn't doing something to my hair that i wouldn't be able to reverse down the line. If i did make a mistake, that's it and look it's instantly. It'S not instantly locked, but it's twisted, and this goes back to a video that i made when i first started this channel about how your hair is going to lock regardless. So you don't have to necessarily be stringent on different techniques, because by the time i re-twist or be tight in my hair again, this is going to be locked. This part is going to be locked already and what i also like about it is it's going to allow my locs to still remain thick, because when you interlock your hair using a tool, you're actually thinning out the lock. So i don't know how to explain it. It'S like the locking process needs to have like aeration in it. So, in order for your head to lock, it has to swell it has to expand. It goes through its own process to be able to lock, whereas interlocking because you're instantly locking the hair, it doesn't go through that process, so this lock by the time. I do this process again in the next four five or six months. It'S gon na already be locked and it's gon na be nice and thick, because my hair was allowed to actually go through the locking process. Now that i am comfortable with doing this on my hair, i'm just gon na continue to do it. I don't think i'm ever gon na go back to interlocking if i can twist my hair seal it with just a little bit of bonding glue and then by the time that i come back to it in about what four or five months it's gon na, be Locked already, it saves me the time my hair's still gon na be lost and that's what it is. That'S the end of this video. If you like this video go ahead and give it a thumbs up and subscribe um if you didn't like it or you feel like, i shouldn't be using crazy glue on my locs. That'S your opinion you're entitled to it, but i'm gon na do what's comfortable. For me, and i'm gon na, do what i need to do to make my black journey as simple and easy as possible. So thank you all for watching and i'll see you in the next video y'all take care yourselves. Peace.

LaZy & Loc'D: Awwwwwwww man I already know this comment section is about to be BRUTAL!!! ... DISCLAIMER: I am not a sisterlock consultant or loctician and this method may be controversial for many who already have sisterlocks, microlocs, tinylocs, or any locs in general. This video is NOT a tutorial video and is strictly for entertainment purposes. Even though I think this method is a great alternative to the interlocking method (FOR ME), and I have yet to have any issues doing this technique on my own hair, if not done properly, it could cause damage to your hair and locs. If you wish to do this method and any problems arise, I am not responsible for any hair or loc damage. A "First Wash Video" after Using this technique WILL BE COMING SOON!

rachelmm05: Please be careful with applying superglue on your hair. Although this is a quick fix that looks great the chemical compounds in it can cause some damage down the line. Even the use of something like polish remover isnt good to use on the hair.

dee doc: I understand the concept-why not use hair glue which is made compatible for human skin? This is giving me the gorilla glue girl vibes.

Alexis: I thought this was going to be clickbait lol I would never do this but if it works for you more power to ya. You have beautiful hair I hope this doesn't harm your head in anyway. On the plus side you must be a very creative person, this is how people invent things.. coming up with something new and trying new things others may think is strange at first. This method might help someone come up with a different method without the glue. Would a locking gel or wax have the same effect like a retwist?

T Coleman: Wow....just wow. This takes away the whole idea of being natural. But, this is your journey, so do you! Also. Interlocking does allow your hair to swell and loc naturally.

ILoveSalsa: This is a great idea and the concept technically works because it does hold the loc together. But I feel that the glue will eventually cause some damage at those points in the loc where it was applied. I'm not a loc professional but I really don't see how crazy glue could be safe on any kind of hair. Genius idea nonetheless, if there was some type of loc glue that didn't leave any residue, this could definitely be a thing.

Ju5tP34chy: MY OPINION Having sisterlocks or microlocs isn't about what's comfortable and easy... if that were the case, then freeform locs are the way to go. The superglue is going to make your locs lose their integrity over time. The chemical properties in glue break down your hair over time and can cause extreme damage... not to mention, the chemicals are cancerous. It can also leave your hair extremely uncomfortable for the skin as the hard pieces of glue can rub against skin over time or get caught on things and pull on the hair. Honestly if I were in your shoes, I'd get a loc consultant I can trust, retwist the locs that are easily damaged if I didn't trust anyone to do them but myself, and just pay a loc consultant to do the rest of them. This honestly feels like the lazy way out and i mean the absolute worst and lazy way out... but again, this is just my opinion and its not my hair. So all the power to ya if this is the path you choose. :)

Lexi Has Locs: Hey girl, I started microlocs with two strand twist, it is a difference, since I didn't start with interlocking, some of my twist started to thin because they did not have a strong structure, being so small. Interlocking does not make it hard for your locs to loc, it gives them a safe place to swell and expand. also my twist have still not loc'd it's been over a year, because the way I twisted some of them (how you just twisted yours) was not tight enough for hairs to combine together to loc. I have an entire head of lots started with two strand twist, our loss are simply to small to not have a good structure.

Carolina Girl in a Florida World: Hey Sis! Glad to see you're still out here "breaking the internet!" I hope all is well with you and your family! I love that you're not afraid to try different things...and I'm here for it! Lazy & Locked is a great name, but "Loc'd n out of the box" is even better! #keepitcomin

keekatee: I love that you found a solution that works for you!

quandra brown: Interesting … I’d never use this method, but glad it works for you. To me, it seems there will eventually be breakage at the glue area, especially on a person with thin hair, and then that nail polish remover is even a worse solution. Your locs are gorgeous, hope they remain healthy

Ver N: Couldn’t you do the twist and then at the part where the twist meets the locked area, interlock it once? Same method product free?

Prudence K: Let me first say, your locs are beautiful and so are you. Crazy glue though? I understand life gets busy, but why not do your best to maintain your hair more often, every 3 or 4 months would be only 3 or 4 times a year re-tie... instead of going sooooo long and then using such an extreme method? Did we learn nothing from the gorilla glue incident?

Moral of the Story: The reason locs work is because it allows your hair to grow without as much interference. Although creative, this is a really bad idea sis. Hair is hair and glue is glue. This is going to cause you significant, irrevocable damage down the road. The worst part about damaging locs is that the issues show up years later. It works today, you’ll be losing locs in a few years. Ijs, keep it healthy, looks are pointless without your hair being in good health. Only saying from experience. Damage my first set of locs with over dyeing. Been loced a total of 8 1/2 years with both experiences combined. I quickly learned that it was better to keep them healthy than to worry about how they look, unless it’s time to maintain them.

thisnaturalgirlisloc'd: Always glad to see you Sis! Hope all is well with you and your family I'm all here for doing what's best for you and your journey because it is your decision. But if I'm honest use of the Krazy Glue makes me nervous for the health/integrity of your hair. I have seen some ladies retwist their smaller locs... Alicia James here on YouTube is one in particular. See ya in the next vid!

Terri SG: Interesting, technique. My only comment on interlocking is I have micro locks and have for the past two years and I’ve noticed that even though I interlock my hair will still swell and my luxe have a relatively consistent thickness down the shaft from the two strand twist I started them with.

Toya: NO!please don't put glue in your hair it's not used for that .

James Bennett: Sounds Great! My locks are 4 ft long and I am not about to drag it through the root to interlock 2" to 4" of new growth! Your idea is excellent! Thank you for sharing your experience with all of us!

Sharice: I love a girl who's unapologetically herself

CJ Jackson: I'm normally all here for your videos but I honestly cannot support this method but hey if it works for you ‍♀️ I just wouldn't be telling people to do this. And even though you may not be encouraging this method, the fact that you have it out here means someone will take it as advice no matter what you say. My real question is if you really don't want to keep up with your locs on a regular then why not just go a different route and cut them off?

Mila: Glue scares me but your hair is GORGEOUS

dm81: Girl, your next video is going to be you with a TWA. You have a head full of beautiful locs...why would you do this?!

Shauntoya Robinson: Some girl in a locs group said she was watching you and thought about using your method. The WHOLE room is lighting her ass up. This is NOT healthy for your hair yo. Stop leading people to damaged hair

Mrs.DollMomma with Locs: Since I clicked on this video and gave a view, may as well comment. Wow. Umm...No. I would slap someone if he or she even held glue of any kind close to my locs. How is this better than interlocking? This is proof that locs aren't for everyone. What is next Elmer's clear glue for edges. I can't even laugh at this, it's just sad.

Vanessa Lockhart: Don' put krazy glue in your hair. Period. It will not end well.

P Lee: Isn’t Krazy glue flammable?

vanessa shaw: So…that little dot of glue keeps the new growth from unraveling…even at the root? That is the only hesitation I have regarding doing twists on my braid locs as opposed to interlocking. One other thing … I have braid locs with extension and now that it’s time for a retie I noticed that the root of a few of my extensions are too heavy with only a few strands holding it on. I plan to cut them off at the ends of my new growth then combine them. Do youI think this method will be less stressful?


Space Case: Girrrl. . I was wondering if you’d do this for the rest of your reti when you used glue for the delicate front section of your locs. I’m glad you didn’t apply the glue down the length of the twist. How does it hold up under washing? Do you use oils on your scalp and does it hold up? Is there a reason why you stopped using the lace front glue and you prefer crazy glue? Do what works for you! I bet you’re going to love the texture of the twisted locs because they won’t be as hard/dense.

Shaunice Fontil: I personally think this is ridiculous but to each her own. Why not just twist it without the glue?Thanks for sharing

Yjuania Still: Your hair is beautiful, but using Krazy glue may damage your hair in the future.

Diverse Mountain: This is taking lazy to a whole new level

Unique R.: Hey..... You just made me think, you know that liquid bandaid bottle,I think it's in pharmacy. Maybe that would be more delicate to your locs. I wouldn't use krzy glu myself but just an idea. Interesting video btw. I look forward to an update from you on this ☺️

Seeing Isn’t Believing: Hard pass!! Honeyyy why not use something more natural. I would have accepted beeswax, gel, honey, flaxseed...anything but glue....

Kat Chiaow: I absolutely love the idea of twisting the new growth (and I may actually try this on my sisterlocks) but I have a thought... after completing the twist why not create a knot over the hole, so the hole doesn't unravel. Or maybe use loc wax... like a teeny tiny dab just to hold the twist in place. The glue and acetone bit is scary to me... but I get it cuz I'm there with you retightening these bad boys is annoying as all hell. I also brush my locs prior to washing to remove dandruff so I don't have white balls at the line of demarcation.

Tanya Bell: I’m gettin my sisterlocks next week. I’m very intrigued to see the update later in your hair.

Mama's Downtime: Just imagining all those chemicals seeping into your scalp when you sweat, shower, wash your hair, etc. not good mama.

Mona Jackson: I’m weak! I know your channel is called Lazy and loc’d but you done took the lazy part to far!!

Joan Cureton: Your hair is gorgeous but you are damaging you hair. If you find it tiresome, save up some coins and invest in a loctician. Treat yourself Sis., it will save you the nightmare.

Queen_of_3Kings: Girl you are into something but I don’t trust the crazy glue I had a big hole in a loc just like the hole you end up with and I used hair glue and it worked well

Loc'd Biker: This is exactly why its your hair and your journey. Now there is no way in hell that i would put super glue in my hair however if it works for you do you boo.

GM W: The fumes from that glue … fam don’t do this!

Rebelrose1111: Beautiful locs!!! I love them. This reminds me of Lucky girl 2000 she has 1000 locs! Yes one thousand. she does a similar technique in her 5 USEFUL HACKS FOR SELF RETIES video. At the 5 min mark she has a similar method.

SeptemberBlues: You must haven't watch videos of women who's left quick weaves and tracks in for months at a time... that glue becomes matted in your hair forms all kind of bugs dandruff and who knows what else... it is not good for the hair at all... But i do want to see the updates

Kem Possible: It looks like you're damaging your beautiful locs with the brush and the glue just by looking at the first loc you used the example on, it's thin at the top and bigger at the older loc'd section, it looks ready to break.. using glue isn't natural and seems very dangerous. Please Reconsider.

*Ang*: Lmao I use grease and beeswax so I ain’t saying nothingggg! Do what works for you baby!

Galaxi: How about trying the crochet needle back and forth through the hair to knot the roots together?

CeeJayIrungu: Lol. New to the microloc community but i really dont think using super glue is a good idea for hair. Maybe try hair glue which may wash off but if u have to use another chemical time and again to remove the glued parts, not worth it.

QueenCharles: Aceton AND super glue Sounds scary..thanks for sharing

J. N.: I am curious though. Will your hair swell inbetween the glue spots? For example, will it be a pattern like swelling then tight, swelling then tight, swelling then tight? Kind of like when people wear a pony tail but then a few inches down put a rubber band then a poof of hair then a rubber band again then a poof of hair and so on.

Shades of Sage: I just don’t understand why people who say they are “lazy naturals” even get sisterlocs or microlocs. Why not go for traditional size locs? Makes no sense to me ‍♀️‍♀️.

Dusha Soul: After I closed my mouth from actually watching you do this. I really didn’t think you did it. I had to watch. I had a vision all your locs fell out in February of 2023 due to the crunch of the glue . Yikes!

SeeSee: This is giving me gorilla glue girl vibes (glue and acetone) ‍♀️ just saying #respectfully

NikNak B: Sissssss!!!!! Nooooo!!!! ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️ my loctitian mentioned this to me and I didn’t believe her!! A client tried this and ruined her locs! I mean to each his own but wow!

Darline B: I'm intrigued I won't do it to my locs but I'm still intrigued lol

Chud Gill: WARNING!!! See her updated video! Her Locs didn’t turn out well … WHY?! Why do you have this video up for people to attempt this?? Tell these people how your Locs looked after this!Your Locs were white! Look at her updated video please.. . DO NOT DO THIS.

Pretty Feet Chats 🥰: i promise i clicked on this video cause i thought this has to be a joke!! from honey to super glue?? lol nah this makes me stomach hurt. I wish your locs well.

Nae Love: Ridiculous!! I was praying this was Click Bait. I hope no one is silly enough to follow this

Tamaro Diallo: Brilliant ! Thank you :)

Chud Gill: People do not do this to your hair. Long term who knows what her hair will look like. If I ever get to this point I am cutting my Locs off, combining or something but this ain’t it. These are not Sisterlocks. And if they were they aren’t anymore.

Tra'C: Do what you want with your hair sis, just don't come for Krazy Glue later.

Cherrelle: I love watching sisterlocks videos like this while I'm getting my hair retightened. I think it's interesting. It's just HAIR and it ain't mine sooo who cares? But my consultant is taking things personally.

SHELETTE SANDERS: I can see the glue in your locs you should have used weave glue at least it'll blend into your hair clor

aliyah abdullah: With using crazy glue, what about when your hair swells? And please explain coloring. Can I do this if coloring and recoloring

That Girl Renee😉: Sis...you doing this with a straight face? Crazy glue? While you continue to do what you see fit for you...Sis remember people are watching and may actually wanna copy this. While you say "this is not a tutorial..." it's kinda like saying " no offense" to someone then haul off and offend someone...just be safe Sis.

MoreSand12: Super glue molds over time. It would be safer to use nail glue. I've done that to seal my ends when I started locking. I would have never considered using it for a retightening, but I'm subscribing now to see if you're onto something lol

Curvvy Queen: this is crazy...just say no to chemicals

truu blue: SAF. Your hair is going to be on your damn pillow unattached. So crazy. It's going to get dry and fall out.

TeesJournee: Not only glue but use acetone as well to break down the glue? I hope she listens to all of the wisdom given. She will reap the consequences if she chooses to continue to use this method.

Tabbie J's Voice: I wonder should you use Hair glue instead

C McMillan: Interesting. Thanks for content.

Penemy Joy: Why don't you just combined them.if they are such a Hassel? I know them MF can give depression at times. I only have 316. Locks are like white clothes it can't hide anything.

Ann Franklin: That would be a big ass No! Glue & Acetone?!?!

Yeashan Banks: I wanna see a update.

Marilyn L: ‍♀️ I’ve seen it all… exiting now.

Myia LaShaun: Wait. CRAZY GLUED.

Portia Mckinney: Beautiful beautiful locs

Tdenise: I see white hard crystallized spots on your locs.

Gods Refining Love: Thanks for sharing! You really think outside the box. Who knows If im ever pressed for time I may consider this but I rather use a black glue like the one they use for weaves or lashes. Do you think that will work the same?

Sweetie Bae: Lordy all I seen was crazy glue !!!! ‍♀️

Gimme Da Loot: You could have just twisted them

Lishawn Bennett: Or or oooooor! Retie every 5-6 weeks. Lmao

Dashae Imani: Wow it looks so good

Kim Go: I’m wondering if she knows the Gorilla glue girl...

LadySaltlife J: Forget crazy glue, she just crazy LOL LOL LOL

Melissa Jackson: Why not just put a knot instead of something not even made to put on hair, not saying anything against it but

peaceluvsme: Do you boo! Not on my locs though.

D A: Thank you..

Teeketobabe: Sounds crazy

Myia LaShaun: Krazt glue. I love you, But no. ☹️☹️☹️

Virgo’s finest: I thought this was a joke at first oh wow lmao Um ok do you

AReid: Love this video. Happy you found a method that works well for you based on your hair care routine! Gorgeous locs sis!

Cassandra Renee XOXO: Oh hell nah….to each it’s own I guess…..smh

Kee: I have been secretly thinking about doing this for a long time and of course it’s very hard to find anyone’s opinion on it. Thank you for the info, I might try with dark colored glue

Ms. L A:

J. N.: Well, her channel's name is Lazy & Loc'd.

Solar Sky: People are really going insane at a high level nowadays. People's behavior aren't making any sense anymore. Sista please get you some help asap. Also if you that lazy with your reties you should get thicker locs so you won't have to do something so insane as glue. I'm wondering did you get this idea from that gorilla glue woman?

Sugar Sukari: Krazy glue?!?!?!?!?

Shea Hinton: You will have issues later on down the line..

Blackgirlwithease: I hope u stopped . This is getting into your bloodstream

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