How To Make Balayage Hair Using Clip-In Extensions With No Damage | Increase Volume |Ft. Mhot

Mhot Hair Extensions are all made with real Remy human hair. Sturdy clip-in, thin and breathable weft, thick and full, M-Blend™ Technology ensures natural blending.

Hair Extensions in the video:

Coupon: “Tasmin” save to 5%

Clip-in Hair Extensions

Type: Seamless clip in hair

Range: Luxurious

Length: 22 inch

Color: Balayage Mochachino Brown (P2/T2/18)

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I can't go out i'm sick, hello, everyone and welcome back to my youtube channel. So today's video is going to be a review about mott hair and their balayage hair extensions, and in today's video i'm actually going to show you guys how to install them and how to just simply switch up the look of your hair. Without going to the salon and just getting a really really cute simple balayage at home - and it's so easy - and i can't believe i haven't thought of this before - but this product alone is just so amazing and it can kind of just switch up your whole style. If you're stuck in a rut - and you don't want to go to the salon and pay a bunch of money and have a permanent hairdo um - maybe for indecisive like me, but today's video i'm going to teach you guys how to install mott hair balayage extensions. They have a bunch of different colors on their site. If i have a coupon code, i will leave it here as well as in the description below and let's get started. So i already looked at the hair, but it comes in this really beautiful packaging um. It'S like a present on christmas morning, um, okay, so there's different hairs that you can get uh. It also came with this cute little hair pin, which is really really beautiful. I think that's so cute um, but we're not going to use that today we are going to be using the hair. So it comes like this and this is the color. So it's not crazy different from my hair um, but it is gon na give us a really really beautiful. Balayage look. So it comes with a bunch of different pieces. So it comes with some four strips some two strips and three strips and some one strip, and by that i mean the clip um and that'll help you kind of put it in. I like to start with the bigger clips on the bottom and then the smaller clips on the top for more seamless sort of application on the hair um, and it also comes with one little tester piece when you purchase so that it kind of shows you what It'S going to look like without having to open up the whole bundle, but obviously i've already opened mine up um and i'm going to go ahead and start installing it. So i've actually tried this once and it worked out really really well. So i'm excited to do it again with you guys and let me know what you guys think in the comments below i can't talk. I'Ve been doing a bunch of stupid stuff all day, but if you guys are interested in purchasing these make sure you click the link in the bio and let's get right in to the review. Slash try on so what you're going to need definitely is a hair tie, because this is going to help us section our hair off. There are two different ways to do this, but i'm gon na. Do it the way that i kind of found easier um? As you can see, my hair is a little bit wavy um, and what that means for me right now is that, with these extensions, they are pretty straight, which means i'm probably gon na have to go back in and um kind of redo, my hair. So it looks kind of uniform because if your hair is straight and your extensions aren't straight um or vice versa, like what's happening right now, it's gon na look definitely messy and i want it to be as seamless as possible. So let's go ahead and install these um. Also, i'm really excited about this, because it's just going to give you more volume and just make your hair look, bigger and thicker, which i think is so fun like, especially if you have like somewhere to go to and you want to switch it up or you've. Always wanted balayage, but you don't want the commitment or you're scared that they might ruin your actual hair um, which happened to me in the past um. At the time i enjoyed it, but like looking back, i was like no. It was not the right shade of like a blonde and it just looked bad. So this is like a foolproof way of making sure that your hair looks like what you want it to so, let's go ahead and get started on the balayage hair extension application by mod. So what i'm going to do is i'm going to section my hair off. I do have a lot of hair so, depending on how much hair you have, you might want to section it accordingly, i'm gon na go ahead and section it off by leaving a little bit on the bottom um, but of course you want to leave enough so That your hair extensions can actually stick in that space, so it doesn't have to be completely uniform. I kind of just eyeball it and see like how i feel um and then i'll take the top part and i'll put it in like a loose little bun at the top of my head just so it's kind of out of the way. So obviously this doesn't look the cutest, but that doesn't matter because it's gon na look cute by the end of it. So i'm gon na start with the four clips. So we have three two and here's a four. So there's a four clip here and there's two of each so i'm gon na go in with a four clip, so i'm gon na unclip them just like that, and i want to start around my ear but not too close to my ear, because i can kind Of blend it in afterwards, so you just go in and clip it down and you're going to do that all around depending on how long your head is, you might need more or less and when it's in there, it's gon na look something like that. Okay and like i said because the texture of my hair right now is different than the extensions, it's gon na look a little bit weird, but it will come together. So let's go to the next layer same thing: we're not going to leave too much room. I want it to kind of fill up my hair without taking up too much space, so we're going and doing the next layer if you have a brush - and you want to use that to kind of measure exactly where you want it. That is awesome. So i'm going in with the second clip and you can see that it's kind of like dark in the front and then it goes light on the bottom. So that's what's going to help. It blend really really nicely and let's start on this side this time. So i'm just taking the clip and i'm going to put it right there in the front and clip it down. So i know it looks a little crazy right now, but you guys got to trust the process. Okay. So next i'm going to use a three clip on this side. Um. I just want to build it up, so it looks like i have volume and it also kind of just blends. In with my natural hair. There you go there, you go super easy! Okay, let's move on to the next layer, so i'm just eyeballing this. I find that the best way for me, if i can feel it out um having a mirror right in front of you, is also definitely gon na help um. But it's really easy honestly and it will blend in when you style it all at the end as well. Okay, now we're left with some two clips and some one clips, so i'm gon na put one right here and then we're gon na. Let the rest of the hair down and just kind of see where we can put the other ones so right in the back. Okay and now we're letting the rest of the hair down. Okay! So now that the rest of the hair is down, you can kind of see that it's added like a bit of color, but it still hasn't been kind of fixed up here. So we're gon na go ahead and do the front part. So i'm gon na go ahead and put these single ones kind of right, underneath my front hairs, because i want those to go in the front, so it kind of seamlessly blends in here's a another one going right in the front this one's gon na go right In the front, so it's kind of all assembled with my hair right now. It obviously looks a little bit strange because my hair texture and the texture of the balayage is a little bit different. So i'm gon na go get a styling tool and we're gon na fix this up and make it look so good. I promise you guys so for my hair tool, i'm going in with the nume. This is the five in one hair wand and i'm obviously gon na wear something like this to protect my hands from the heat your girl is not getting burnt, not today, he'll know my nails literally will not allow it. It looks so good already. It'S just like blended so perfectly and i'm excited to curl it, because it's all going to look uniform and not like kind of like a mess. So when i curl it i'm going to kind of put like waves in it, i'm going to do it in sections from this side, the back and then this side, i'm gon na, go ahead and put this away. So we can get to that after. But as you can see, it added so much volume and it just looks so cool and different brb. While i wait for this to get smoking hot, i don't know where i put my glove nose. So here is the wand: let's go ahead and start curling we're not going to fully curl we're just going to kind of add some like waves to it. You know what i mean kind of blend it. This is boring for you. I know that. Okay, i'm gon na go curl the rust off camera and then i'll be back okay, so i just got back from curling all my hair and honestly, the blend is so so so nice it looks so natural and what i'm gon na do is i'm gon na Put some hairspray in and then i'm gon na kind of brush it out with my fingers. So that's just going to help them stay, and this is the ion volumizing freezing spray love this stuff, and now i'm just going to take my fingers and kind of pull. My hair out so that the curls kind of become like looser waves and that's pretty much it guys. It feels so good. So this is what it looks like up close. It looks really nice and blended and honestly, i'm pretty much obsessed with it like. I feel like i've gone to the salon and gotten like a whole new hairdo, which is really cool, and i think this goes with like a lot of outfits, especially like just like. If you're trying to switch up your look or if you have an event or something it gives you volume, it gives you that balayage it gives you that peak of color they're really really comfortable in your hair as well, and i'm obsessed. So if you love the way, this turned out give this video a thumbs up, and if you want to purchase these, they will be linked in the description. Obviously, i hope you guys enjoyed this video and i will see you guys in the next one bye

Asp Vinod Vlogs: Good looking ❤❤❤❤

ankit bishnoi: You looks so gorgus +tude english

Harmanpreet Kaur: First damn!!

Javed Jan: Nice

Jamiilo Dhanweri: ¹,i

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