Getting Sew In Hair Extensions & Going Blonde! Hair Transformation | Dominique Sachse

My new hair look is a big, bold, blonde move! Big changes like getting hair extensions and going blonde get us out of our comfort zone and enable us to celebrate bravery. Come to the salon with me and witness my hair transformation!

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This video was not sponsored and I purchased all products shown myself.

Ceron - colorist/stylist

Alyssa - extensions


[00:00:00] Intro

[00:00:28] Taking care of extensions

[00:03:20] Hair extensions placement

[00:04:00] Use the flat iron before putting in the extensions

[00:05:30] Invisi-Tab hair extensions

[00:07:29] Applying the hair extensions

[00:09:15] How long do you keep extensions on?

[00:10:41] How much do hair extensions cost?

[00:12:13] Defining the haircut

[00:13:00] Styling the hair

[00:16:14] Closing thoughts

Hi welcome to today's video. It is a cloudy gray day here in Houston. Although summer is around the corner, I have warmed up the skin with my tan. In a can, I think it's time to lighten up the hair a little bit get ready for summer mode. Make a little change. Who knows what else might be going on at the salon, but come with me hang out for a little bit? Why don't you? Let me walk you through a little bit. What this is ready, so Alyssa is con, sure introduced a new hunt. Id extensions in your hair, which they're really the versatility of these, are amazing, but just to clarify I'm not going for longer hair, I'm just adding things. So what we're gon na do is we're gon na press for the hair and do the hair okay. So we're not where we are right and then from there we're going to do all your highlights. We will do baby hot, as we do do a bunch of different things and the cover so that it's mixed and then we can tone it all together. So you get very much you're gon na see a friend I am so excited. You know, I love a bomb. I love. We got one Bob - and I just I didn't thickness here yet for that and you've been waiting a different way. So we're like ready, we're here ready. So why did you decide to go blonde and I just like a little bit of light to go with the darker skin? I think it's a very fresh look and as a baby I was blond. So I know that I can fill it off in my skin time. I'Ve been you had the perfect ski for the purpose ever just kind of you know, because you have always calling a doctor is darker than me, but I saw a picture with you on your song yeah and give her a little more into the gold yeah. I like what we choose in today, because it's a little above Beijing and nothing. You would change your makeup right, but I think it would be it would work in extend. This is the first time for the hand stitch. So we can talk about that. Yeah. The comfort and all of the companies, the comforts in these and what's the application time versus the taping, takes a little bit longer. It takes longer than the tape ends. The tapings are definitely the fastest method right, but this one I mean it's about, maybe like two hours - depends kind of on how much hair we're adding lunch as well, I'm covering for you tonight, I'm gon na, be there so I've read it with a week 30. In the morning, so, you know we're starting all right. That'S good to begin at 6:00, so you're missing some hair. Getting there so tell me the difference between these and tape. It so tapings are the quickest. Obviously, these take longer Chaffins kind of limit. What you can do with your hair, as far as like you know, you have to be really careful about heat because they can slip. You have to be careful, conditioner cuz they can slip. You have to be careful of all those things with these. You can literally use conditioner right on your scalp. If you need it, you can use anything, you want it. You kind of just treat it like it's your own. You don't have to be. You know careful if he anything like that. They'Re a lot gentler on your hair, because, if you look, the bead is going with your hair. It lays flat. So your hair is not being pulled any kind of direction. There'S no tape, there's no heat in the application, so it's really and truly like the most safest method. It'S the kind that I wear, because my hair is very blonde and very fragile, and this is the only one that I haven't lost: a ton of hair from that's good to know, yeah with any extension method like there's risk and with this one there's definitely the Lowest possible risk for any kind of anything, and these will last how long before they got to be moved up. So it's about six to eight weeks. It depends solely on how fast your hair grows. It'Ll grow out with your hair. So if you don't, you know, feel comfortable with the big space six weeks and you do eight weeks, they're, never gon na just fall out. You never ever have to worry about them, just like simply falling out in your hand one day, and so it really depends on your comfort level. I would say: don't go past eight weeks like without at least having your stylist check on you and make sure that you're still doing okay, just for the sake of your hair. If you go to too long, you can get like they'll kind of start to tangle up a little bit. You know things like that. Right, just maintenance. Are you getting excited? I mean about you, my baby. I mean about the fact that I saw you here. The other night right, that is what I said, we can do extension yes, first time for me, I'm excited about this. Look at all that now, I'm not going to be this blonde! No, not that you know me it just once we have the time yeah tonight's movie, but I love the separation the during the blonde and the router yeah. That'S right! That'S the first thing that said one word highlighting its element. Should I see some of their own? All right, that's important, because then you know what you are, and you know that I mean with lights and aw yeah to go on, so how do you achieve so this is what we do, so we definitely have to do baby highlights all the way right when I say baby highlights is because we really want to get sure that we take all the red pigment C out of it yeah and then you start working from the top. You add some retouch so because it becomes any more natural, they have like a root and then, when you town all the hair together blends, it was a no suppression at all. If I do chunks, it will look very you know, kind of passe. When I tease you know - and this is how I'll know exactly exactly - we don't want that nice, no nice yeah, but look at look at fun - is gon na, be adorable adorable much to the frustration of many a news director in JavaScript because they usually like. I would never let my work get in the way that expression now I would never do anything. That'S that's not tasteful yeah. Definitely yes, but, like my general managers, I can't wait six months, it'll be different exactly since we fluorescent lighting on our station, which makes everything look darker dark no get up. Why is your hair, so Darwin yeah it's because of the type of light. So, even though you mayn't see this in person here and it looks really light on set it's going to have a bit of a doctor, the funny thing is every time we do something different darker. Then I get a phone call. Do I need to go talk with my hair? I'M like, ah, is the TV? No, they go. Oh, I think the fun thing is when I hear your Orient's said you know, I know exactly what that said. So how do you come to me? It'S because you know said Dominic so immediately. I know the one the hair coat of the color, both yeah and and but it's such a universal it can be. Spanish could be why it can be african-american they're all it's the same like they don't see. Color with you don't mean like that, it's not like you know. A blonde girl brings me a blonde hair hair cut a brunette gets a brunette. No, it's all Universal. That some said that. That'S how interesting and wonderful is that yeah yeah? Yes, you do. Yes, you do, I know the other day. Are you kidding kind of that Canada? Oh my god, she was like yeah. I was just you know, business and then I was watching her videos and there is what is that I said: well, it's better than watching a stupid movie. I use watch your videos, how I lied about all the videos and watch everything and by the end, I'm like full of information, and you know it's finally, another lady's, because what my my flight was so delayed and she was a block, feel I mean Hobby Airport. What local has a tube and she's spent like, and I want to have with your videos and at the Mac counter you know they have Mac now has at the airport and boy shop it, because what a great experience, because I would never had the time to Do it could I have the video and I have the person doing so? I was like wow, I feel like I can tune in a radio station. You did you just changed. I worked out my neck yesterday just to be able to handle this on my head. I don't know if you really can I'm glad you I'm glad you didn't tell me what was gon na happen, so what's happening now, Alyssa so right now all your leftover red music. Yes, your own natural hair, they're, just kind of toning that pathetic just about it! All the lands in Canada, so it's still going to have a brownish tone, yeah yeah yeah, to make it all the blonde anything together again, yeah. What'S for lunch, bleach and toner blend it together, so that's depositing and getting rid of the red neutralizing. So still a brownish tone: yes still a brown and suspended some of your warm, not all of it, but some of it right because it's still important to have a warmer color in there to blend with the blonde. Yes for separation, one two three: she is blonde. It'S gon na be delicious Dubois. Yes, totally yeah, because you see look at your eyebrows, you still look the same color you, mister dipper. You know man and now we're going to cut. Will you stand up for me? Please ready my cutting board and it's scissors and they come Wow, but it's not fair stop blocking. I mean you still have a lot of things: yeah Wow, yeah, 404 and no and we got all the readout. I can't say wow summer has arrived Wow. How early I mean it's the whole Wow. I don't even think I don't think it's me. I want to thanks Tyrone and Alyssa for working their magic and giving me exactly what I was looking for. What you don't know is when I walked into the salon. This is the photo that I showed them. This was my inspiration. I fell in love with the cut. I said I have to have it and then I knew I couldn't go that blonde. So I showed them this picture for more of a color inspiration and between the two. I think they combined it beautifully and I wound up with exactly what I was looking for and I couldn't be happier now. This may be shocking to you, because most of you only know me for about five years. I started this YouTube channel in April of 2014. So yeah that's exactly five years ago, but what you don't know is in my history. I have seen an enormous amount of change. Let me walk you through it. I have been a mahogany Brown in the past. I'Ve been a deep dark brown. I have been a honey blonde, a strawberry blonde and yes, a red red, and you know what I've loved them all and chances are. I will probably cycle through all of that yet again, but the moral of the story is, I love change. I celebrate it. It'S a huge part of who I am and frankly I think it's what has given me so much content for this channel, because I have experimented so much with color, which then in turn leads to makeup changes or clothed color changes. All of that, so I just wanted to give you a little bit of backstory in case. You are totally and completely shocked, right now saying how could she do this? Well now, you know why I've never been a baby blonde. So now I am at this point. What I would like to do is direct the conversation, because I think the temptation is to offer comment and opinion I like it. I don't like it, not your best look or this is so cool. While everybody has an opinion, I don't think that's going to guide and steer us in a positive direction, which is where I really like to take things or at least a direction that offers some thought and analysis. So here's my question to you: I'm going to pose a question. I want to know what is the big, bold move you made or are making in your life? Is it a physical change? Is it a life change or a lifestyle change where you have made that decision to dive off of the high dive your stomach is flying out of you, you're scared to death, but you're making the move. I want to know what that step is how you felt about yourself in the process and how you felt about yourself afterward. I have always always talked about boldness on this channel, and the reason for that is when we take those bold leaps, we are removing ourselves from fear. We are not letting fear dictate our choices in life and so advancements in who we are, how we think about ourselves and how we move forward always seem to happen when we remove fear - and we take those bold steps. So I'm really encouraged and excited to hear what those steps are for you, and I also think this audience will benefit tremendously just from hearing, because I think sometimes we hold ourselves back and when we hear another woman's story about what she did to advance herself. In some way, I just think that leads to wonderful, positive change and I think that's the kind of dialogue that we need to have here. So I am really looking forward to hearing what you have to say. I so appreciate you being with me on this journey. I am a wild child, I love change, never a dull moment and who knows, what's gon na happen next year, but if you stick around you're gon na find out so be bold, be blessed, be a blessing, and I will see you next Thursday, at 1 o'clock. Bye, bye,

Dominique Sachse: My goodness! I literally can not keep up with all these incredible comments, stories of BOLDNESS, inspiration, change and lesson. You inspire me (and others) so.. Thank you for your presence, your willingness to share and engage one another. I love hearing all the stories about women letting their gray hair come in. It's a big movement, and there are many YouTube/Instagram accounts supporting that. I only have a few stragglers, so I'm not ready yet, but will certainly consider when the time comes. Meantime, my love to you all! Thanks for contributing :)

JVille: At the age of 51, tapering off antidepressant medication for the first time in 25 years! Therapy, meditation and working on myself instead of medication. Go me!! I love change too, love to play with my hair color like you do. You look fabulous, as always!

Risse Williams: I went back to school and graduated with a BSN (nursing) in my 50s. I love your new look!

Julie Harrington-Spratt: My big bold move was to sign on to the Bone Marrow Registry in 1993, in 1995 I matched with someone needing a bone marrow transplant and my life changed forever. I later learned I had matched with a little boy in Tasmania, who would be the first ever bone marrow recipient in Tasmania. I live in Western Australia. Not only did my life change, but the ripple effect flowed all the way to the boy’s family. That boy is now a grown man, cancer free, married and calls me his “other mum”. I call him my “bonus son” ❤️ My life was changed in ways I never thought possible and by sharing the gift of life, I opened my heart to a man who was to become my husband.

S Jones: Dominique!! Love the new look! I just finished chemo and reconstruction; starting art classes in the fall as a jump start to a phase 3 career path; and listening to God regarding leading a widows ministry at my very large church!

Megan Dumont: Last week after 23 years of struggling with too large for me bust, I finally got the breast reduction I had been wanting. Looking forward to being able to wear a button up shirt and only use one bra while running instead of 3 and holding myself down to control the pain. I am so excited to start the next chapter of my life in a body that is me and continue the healing process. Thanks for reminding us to be thankful for boldness :)

Lari Tanner: Went back to school at 47, grad school at 50, and now teaching higher ed, my dream come true! It's never too late! Thanks for always sharing not only beauty and fashion but also positivity!

Jean Stewart: At 75, I, along with my hairdresser's big encouragement, am growing my hair out to be styling a bob! Very excited as I have not changed my style in many years!

Carole Buckle: My bold step, have removed all dye & chopped all my hair off embracing a natural Grey Pixie ‍♀️, never had so many compliments xx

jr: Love all these individual inspirational stories, and how much you inspiring so many people Dominique! At 57, almost exactly one year ago now, I got a breast reduction. Best decision ever; never been happier- should have done it sooner!

mhikaela Silleza: Left an abusive relationship.Left my children in the care of my parents. Go overseas worked as a nanny in Hong Kong and Canada to support my children and family in Philippines. My employer brought me to USA when they moved back ,studied and finished nursing .Now I am proud to say I did it all with God's amazing Grace. I am a nurse and my children are with me ,I can't ask for more but good health and happiness everyday .

VRA: Rae A. You really did good on this all your looks and just keep going with them. The boldest thing I ever did was quit my job at MD Anderson (I was an RN), went to Kenya by myself and lived with the Maasai tribe giving medical care for 3 months. On my way back to Houston I stopped in Paris to visit family and, after 3 months of no cut or color, I got an appt at a high end hair salon and got a very chic very short haircut and my blonde hair became a coppery color. I was really feeling very French and chic. I was 64 years old at this time and I say "good for me!!"

bouldergal22: I stopped working mid last year, to take better care of myself while on chemotherapy. It’s the best move I’ve ever made!

Makeitup With Chelle: My spouse left me 9 months ago. Since then, I've lost 60 lbs and still losing, I'm getting into hiking and more outdoors stuff and just living a good life. Him leaving me was the best thing he did. I found out who I was.

Lynda Bond: I’ve been grey since I was 21 years old ! Always dying my hair to my natural color ( very, very dark brown/ black ) I have been letting the grey- white grow out and am absolutely loving it . So many compliments and it’s naturally highlighted with my shades of browns going on. I’m at collarbone length right now. Grey definitely needs different hair care products. I’m using Chi silk infusion and the shine is amazing. Loved the video thank you for the good vibes

Marylou Holden: Yesss girl! I love changing my hair too, I can’t have the same hair color and style for too your look, you look great as always!

isabel rivas: Actually I’ve made several big jumps this year. I’ve lost almost 90 lbs, stopped coloring my hair and now I am single after 33 years of a toxic marriage. I am happy, strong and very very blessed ❤️❤️

Dawn Cross: Have watched you for years on KPRC and love you enthusiasm for everything. I am now 60 and in April, found myself as part of a corporate lay-off/restructuring and am looking for my next role in life. Not sure where I will end up, but looking forward to the journey!

Adriana Rascon: I'm starting my own cosmetic own business at my 47, and guess what: You have been my inspiration. THANK YOU!! <3

Gina: Love your "bigger message" on change in the face of fear. Tks!

Annie Hall: Bold? I sold my condo in Palm Springs and moved to Door County, Wisconsin, to completely start over at 68! From hot to not hot! And I am so happy here! And I'm going to ask my stylist to see if she can give me your haircut- I just love it!

Ute Vazquez: I stopped coloring my hair 12 months ago, I’m sporting my white hair and loving it, btw, I am 51 years young and stopped worrying about what everybody else thinks.

Cindy Reynolds: Love love love your new look!!! You’re a wonderful inspiration to many of us. I finally began to set long overdue boundaries. It’s been scarey but liberating. Blessings to you!

KRistine Kelley: I love your positive outlook on life (and your hair)! The bold move I am making is working toward my PhD while teaching full-time.

Karen Erickson: I just love your bold spirit! I too, have had every hair color known to man, including some I didn't actually plan on! Last year I decided to go GREY and I have to say, this is the scariest and boldest hair color choice I have made yet! I'm sticking to it though and am almost to a full transition! Really enjoy your weekly videos!

Jan Osborn: I am impressed with your confidence, class, and creativity! I love your hair and makeup as well as your wonderful personality. Thanks for inspiring me to make some changes!

Deanna: I lost 70 lbs and realized that I matter! Being a wife, mother, grandmother and business woman I forgot somewhere along the way that I matter. ❤️ You look wonderful, as always!

Elena Seoane: Embracing minimalism and ditching the dye, letting the real me come out! Thank you, you're an inspiration.

Jill L: Wow! You look stunning! Loving the colour change and you’ve given me confidence to try something new with my hair! As a blue-eyed brunette with very little grey coming through (despite being 58), I’d like to try an ashy blonde look! Shall I give it a go?

Ronda Marshall: Love it!! My bold move was last year at 53 I decided to go gray (I had been having my hair for Loren for YEARS as I began having a lot of gray even in my 20’s...friends even would pluck my few grays when I was in high school!) it has been tremendously liberating and I wish I had embraced my gray color earlier.

Betsy’s Nest: Lost lots of weight, kept it off for 6 years now. No meds at 72! Went gray and LOVE IT. Decided to start teaching iPad classes to seniors in addition to my singing at nursing homes with a chorus of fabulous women. It’s what you make it! Own it, love it, and celebrate it!

Lucia Chiparo: My big change came around about five years ago. First I excepted Jesus in my heart, which changed everything for me. Secondly I got healthy and lost 50 pounds. After that I changed my hair that was down to my waist and got a pixie. This change has been the best thing in my life so far. thank you for all your changes. You are always beautiful. ❤️

Kimberly Van Dyke: BOLDNESS: My big jump this year is applying for a position that has always felt way out of my league. I quit telling myself all the ways I'm not the perfect candidate and started talking more about the ways I would be the best for the position. I like your hair and your boldness - your creativity inspires women to branch out and that's something we all need a push to do sometimes.

Janet Wagner: Congratulations on being fearless and being bold ! After all, what is life without embracing change and seeing what life holds for us? Thanks for sharing your wonderful journey! BTW, you look fabulous as a blonde (as a brunette too)! Love your channel Dominque, keep doing what you do! Lastly, what color lipstick/gloss are you it!

sara pla: I'm with you on change! I cut, color and change it up often. My hair was also blonde as a child, we are blessed to go light or dark. It's so much fun! Thanks for all your great insights!! xoxo

Cecilia Garfias: I moved from Perù to Verona Italy . The best decision I took in my life! I love your new hair style! Good luck

JoAnne Doucet: Had been struggling with serious GI issues, cut out sugar, alcohol, coffee and dairy, feel much much better. I never thought I could make all these changes but bold changes brought many blessings. Happy spring Dominique and thank you for being such an inspiration xox

Sojourner69: As with so many of our sisters in the comments, my big change this year has been to completely stop coloring my hair. I am well on my way in my gray transition and I'm looking forward to that process coming into complete fruition by the end of this year. My last color was in December, when my profile pic was taken. Change has been embraced on many levels and seems to be what is required moving forward. Love your new color and cut! It enhances you sparkling personality and dazzling disposition!

Beth Heikkinen: For today, I am embracing my silver hair. For years I highlighted my hair with light blonde tones. Well no more. People have told me they pay a huge price to get what I have naturally. I just turned 60 and am enjoying this wonderful journey. Thank you for your videos.

Sue Jones: I'm letting my hair (bangs included) grow out. My struggle is letting it flow free; curl & all. Lol I'm wowed by your new hair color and I look forward to the coming videos of makeup and clothing changes. I'm thankful that we women can encourage each other! Encouraging each other gives us confidence and friendships! God bless. See you Thursday!

Lisa Fermi: I have been watching you since day 1!! I love every style and color you have tackled! My big bold step I’m attempting is to lose 30 lbs! I have lost 10 so far.. still a ways to go! Thank you for all you do for all us “Prime Ladies”. Next time you are in Napa, let me know! I will cook for you all!

NightBear007: We are all changing - let's EMBRACE it and CELEBRATE it! Boldest thing I ever did.... Adoption....We adopted 3... and Adopted 2 with Special Needs. It was a leap but the most rewarding LEAP I ever took! God Has blessed me!

Carolyn Honeycutt: I love the blonde look! Your beauty comes from the inside so it's definitely gonna shine through whether you have blonde hair, red hair, or no hair at all! I love that you step out of your comfort zone and jump into the deep end. It's like I tell people, I'm just me! There's a line from one of my favorite Christmas movies-"We is what we is and we ain't what we ain't". And you definitely is an inspiration to a lot of us women who watch your channel. Please keep it up. I also want you to know that I've been praying for your hubby. Hope he is doing much better.

Raquel Jex Forsgren: So inspiring! I love to change up my hair in color and cut and this just really inspired me again!!

Judy Madge: I went back to study at 48, full of doubt, especially about how smart I am ... and now, at 55, I'm constantly learning and growing...I love it, I am a life long learner now and I share what I know with other women :)

Auden Healey: Your hair looks so good, they did an amazing job!!! Edited to add: I'm making a bold change and it's making me feel confident. But I'm not ready to share what exactly that is.

betina newkirk: I love it! I love change too. I’ve had every color, cut and style. Fashion colors are fun too. From a pixie cut to mermaid hair past my waist; I’ve loved them all. People who don’t like it tend to be the same ones who haven’t changed their hair since high school I’d rather be bold and blessed

Beauty By Anne-Marie: They nailed your inspiration photos! Great job! Looks fantastic on you Dominique xoxo

Julia Bartlam: They did an amazing job! I LOVE when my clients take care of their hair. Sadly, most do not which is one of many reasons why I don't bleach..Gorgeous hair lady!! My change is to let my silver shine through. I am 49 and 100% grey. I amy play with semi or demi color but the next chemical service I am going to invest in is a perm with HUGE curls! You rock this look!!

Irmarie Cervera: First of all, I got to say, you look incredibly beautiful! I had some big, bold leaps in my life. The most recent: adopting my beautiful kids when I was 49! And I love every minute of it. Now, I'm working on my next bold move: becoming a blogger at age 54. I'm planning my next career and it is blogging with a side of social media. You are a huge inspiration. Cheers for all the bold and beautiful women who follow you!

Susan Morris: Everything in my life has been a big leap, & change since losing my husband 3 1/2 years ago. He was 53; I was 49. Our oldest son had just turned 20, and our youngest 16.I suddenly found myself the head of our household, a single mom, and a widow. Adapting to all these new roles has not been easy, but, I found I have a level of strength & faith in myself that I didn’t realize was there. Since my husband’s death, I’ve seen my youngest gain his drivers license, play his heart out on his HS tennis team, attend homecomings, proms, study through PSATs/ SATs, take road trips to tour many colleges, apply to colleges, gain acceptances into colleges, choose a college, become an empty nester, and watch my “ baby” finish his freshman year with much success. I’ve witnessed my oldest, who is on the autistic spectrum, gain part time employment, and flourish. It’s been quite the change for our family. The loss immense. I do think my husband would be very proud of us. That is what keeps me going to face, with courage, all the other firsts we will not be able to share with him.

CC Advisor: I made two bold changes, one after the other! I moved to a different city and went blond! I too was a blond baby! I feel great! I applaud you for having the courage to change! Keep up the great work!

Becky Gomez: Love all your styles and your never ending wisdom and grace. Have you ever wound up with a hairstyle you absolutely hated (botched cut and/or color) and how did you deal with it? Asking for a friend....

karen j: Love the cool tone eyeshadow! Looks great with the new hair color. I have taken so many leaps in the past 2 years. New city, new job, new focus on my health. Life has never been better! Change is often scary, very scary, but staying stuck in mediocrity is no way to live.

Darleen Lee: I love your philosophy! I’ve found in the past that once I make my mind up to do something THEN avenues open up which enable it to happen. Just because something seems impossible to do doesn’t mean it is. You have to decide that it IS possible. Go for it. Thank you for being an inspiration ❣️

M Coleman: Hello Blondie,, I left my alcoholic husband after 25 years. I'm starting a new life with not having to have anxiety every time I walk into my new home after a work day. It's a safe place to be! Wish me luck. Blessings

Susann Jarvis: Love the new look. You are always such an inspiration. Last year made the decision to go blonde and straighten my hair, something I've wanted to do and have for years. Finally making the changes made me feel "lighter" because it feels like so much fun.

Dign It: I am 65 and started going grey @ 58. I finally decided to embrace my grey and I now have a short pixie salt and pepper! I love your new look. It looks so natural on you.

Piccoloprincipe pink: Dominique, thanks for this video. It’s always difficult to make a hair change for a woman and showing it it’s even more difficult. I made the same choice few years ago, because I was becoming white very young (in my 20s) and I kept dying my hair brunette and one day my hairdresser told me I could look brighter (and younger) with lighter hair and my journey started ... After 2 kids I lost 7 kg by eliminating almost all carbs and now I know exactly how to eat and exercise to keep fit.

Vikki: Love the color and cut! I love to change up my hair color. I stopped coloring my hair and it is white/platinum and I have gotten so many compliments.

M A: Thank you for this, Dominique! My bold move was to start to embrace my natural androgyny rather than forcing myself to try to fit the hyper feminine mold all the time. It’s taught me a whole new level of body acceptance, and has given the act of dressing such wonderful whimsy :)

Ang C: Absolutely love it!!!! You’re so beautiful you’d look good in any color!! Love your attitude towards change!! Very inspiring!!!

Tina Darlene: So much fun watching your change! You look amazing. My change has been joining the gym and getting a trainer. My daughter is expecting my first grandbaby in 3 weeks. It’s a girl Magnolia Belle! Started a new business last year in Wholesaling Real estate at age 54. You know age is just a number, it doesn’t define what you can or should do! I’m also ready to jump into whatever the Lord Jesus wants me to do!! Let’s just decide to be Bold in whatever we choose❤️

Helen Mahoney: I’m preparing to make a move to another continent in the next few years so I can start another chapter in my life. I am scared but seeing your courage to change your hair color (love it) and after reading some of the awesome remarks I have read from some of my fellow viewers I don’t feel so frightened. Thank you for sharing your journey.

Dorota Sasha Bolle: This is my favorite look of you, Dominique!!!

Kathryn Ciavone: In my late 40’s I went to college for an entirely different career move and I was so scared I wouldn’t be hired due to age but I was and I love what I do! I’m so glad I made the move

Stephanie Patrick: Awww I went for blonde highlights a few weeks ago too! This is so sweet. Didint realize you had already and I have been watching your older videos to learn how to do beach waves! Totally has been so great and fun! Always have been scared to try new but not anymore! Also I have broken free from a ex narcissist and feel so blessed to see I can be me and celebrated ! Thankful for my new man who encourages me to flourish!

JeannetteakaJnett: I began colorng my hair when I was about 13. This month I turn 70 and I have gone naturally grey...huge change. I, too, have been every color, style etc over the yeas. Love change, love pushing the envelope. Contemplating cutting it super short and spikey. Time will tell. Love your new look.

Stacie Lynn: Mine was starting my own YT channel after wanting to for years! I also went back to school for my BSN, so as soon as I completed that, I used that motivation to jumpstart my channel. I too love changing my look. Thanks for all your fun, inspiring videos

Margaret~The Procrastinating Pro-Craft-Inator: I love it!! You look awesome. Last year I decided to stop coloring and stop straightening my hair. I even bought a tee shirt that reads " Yes this is my naturally curly naturally grey hair. No you can not touch it". I have never been happier and I have never felt more free. I still enjoy watching others get their hair done. Everyone should do what makes them happy and feel good about themselves. Thank you for having such a wonderful and positive channel.

Brooke Kingston: My big, bold move is to lose 50 pounds and step more fully into whom God created me to be. Love your look, love your encouragement on being bold, love how you share your gifts here!

SocialMobileInternetOffice: Luv it! I am 45, years of age! I came across your channel a few months ago, and I luv watching , when I have time! I am a risk taker, in a good way! I luv changes as well! For me, I am done working overtime, with my job! I have been working overtime for years! I am so going to spend time with my sweet mom, my family! I was thinking about highlights for me! U look fabulous!!

Kristen Weiss: Love your new do!! I think continuing to make changes in one's hair and makeup keeps you young and not stagnant! Way to go Dominique!!! You are an inspiration! Stay bold and blessed! Stay a wild child!!!

DianaLiff1: I have changed my hair color many times since I was in high school. I never thought I'd get blonde highlights but last year I did, at age 65! I am loving it!! Good for you!

Tammy Skipper: Love this look and I also love to cycle through the colors! I have a follow up idea: what changes do you make to your clothing color palette when you make a bold change like this? Does it just work because you're changing seasons anyway?

Claudia Assini: First and foremost, you look absolutely stunning! Now on to embracing change. After many years in the corporate world, and after a company downsizing, I decided to do something totally out of my comfort zone and go back to school to become a nurse (FYI - I was 38 years old at the time). Fast forward 15 years later, I'm still a nurse working in a NICU and am so happy I stepped out of my comfort zone. Change is scary, but I'm so glad I did it! Hardest and most rewarding decision I think I ever made.

Spring Lynn Dubon: Your motivational speech is so accurate in need to encourage embracing change

Shelley Pitchford: Love this change, and you look wonderful! The simple fact is you look good every way I've seen you. Recently finally ended a 12 year relationship. Not easy, many hard days packed with second thoughts, but it got easier (which you know it will). I laugh more now, feel so much more free, and I'm proud I stayed the course of my choice. Recently went from just below shoulder length hair to shorter, angled bob. It looks great, and I look younger. More changes coming this summer......

Sharen Gutafson: Thank you for sharing this. You look fantastic. I needed this video. I just went for a haircut and she cut it too short and I hate it. I colored my hair blond and I still hate it. (I wanted your length and style, but got something totally different.) after watching your encouraging video I will do my best to embrace this style until it finally grows out.

Heidi Anne Nelson: I am blessed to be a life coach and I am always amazed by the bravery and the willingness for people to change! I am always growing and next month I am leading a group of women on a trip to France! Complete with myself and another woman having our hair done in Bordeaux! I can't wait! Love the look... and I just might copy it! ;)

Sarah Ragsdale: I’m 43 and I’ve let my grey hair grow in. Thankfully, it’s a gentle, all-over silvery grey. Not easy! ☺️

Jill Renee Deahl: WOW!!! Absolutely stunning!!! You inspired me to do a super short cut at the end of last year that I have loved. Now it’s time to change up my color. Thank you for being an incredible inspiration!!!

Heidi Dike Kingston: Wonderful choice! Thank you for the inspiration. Cannot say I love changes but I don't always dislike them. I'm an Army Wife who is also a full time mom and social worker. So, I've continued to evolve and reinvent myself with each move. The hubby is back in the Middle East working - left yesterday. My new challenge is to lose the 10 pounds i gained over the last year-diet, exercise and selfcare!

Wanda Patterson: I have just recently found you on Social Media and I absolutely love you! What an inspiration! I'm 61 years young . . . have lost 50lbs on Keto . . . still need a few to go . . . had my eyebrows microbladed recently (love them) . . . now I want to add hair extensions for a new hair style & color! Thank you for the inspiration!

Karen Powery: Yes I too was a blonde baby, but 66 years later I am letting my hair go grey. But you look good in anything you do. I am very proud that you like to change things up. You go girl !!!

shaustin22: Taking art classes and absolutely loving it. Tapping into a talent that has been dormant for too many years.

Julianne Rogers: I think you look absolutely beautiful with your new hair. I love that you change it up all the time and it always looks great. My bold move hasn't come just yet, but maybe soon, my youngest is graduating high school this year and I've been a stay at home mom for the last 18 years.

Jacqueline Azadi: My bold move this past year was to stop coloring my hair and let the silvers grow in. I think the French have it right. In general they respect and see beauty in the older woman, as well as the young. In the US the emphasis is put on looking young. I think that a woman at any age can be beautiful, and that we should not try to look decades younger. Besides spending so much time and money in the salon, I decided to embrace my natural color. I have had so many compliments on it, and it has been more healthy for my already thin, dry hair. My motto, Be bold, be beautiful, be me.

Ann Rourke: Finally let my silver hair take center stage. I’m 56 and I am feeling great not to worry about the roots showing every 2 weeks!. I also love how you directed the comment section in to a positive vibe for women.

Karenann Sharrott: I'm super new to your channel, but have been thoroughly loving watching your videos! Your hair looks amazing (as always!) and you are so truly inspiring to women of all ages, but especially to me (I'm over 50!) I am currently getting back to my fitness routine (lost 10.4lbs already) and beauty routines after a long illness! And your videos on how to look better, both outwardly and inwardly, are so truly inspiring! Please keep them coming!!

Kathryn P: You look stunning! A major change I have had in my life is the death of my daughter 3 yrs ago. I have gone thru such grief and missing her so very much. Recently, I have decided to be grateful for having her in my life as short as it was instead of thinking over and over what could have been. My memories will never be taken away from me. When I meet her again I want her to be proud of me for carrying on instead of giving up.

Bevmaybe: I love your fearlessness (is that a word?!)! You are inspiring and very positive and we so need more of that in the world! I quit coloring my hair about a year ago. Not that I might go back to coloring it again, but for now, I like it. Make up and hair color are a creative process that I find enjoyable too. Took the plunge and starting eating vegan after my husband did a few months ago. We've enjoyed finding recipes and cooking together too.

Cathy Rediger: Thank you for sharing ❤️ this has encouraged me to make a decision that I've been toying with for a few months. This will be just for me!

Linda Virgilio: Change can be so inspiring and scary. I tried to change and embrace my grey hair, but chickened out and went back to my copper brown. I just didn’t feel like me. So that change is waiting for me.

Angélica Andrade: Yeah!!!! A huge change!!!! If this is what makes you feel so alive and encourage us to live a life that is worthwhile.... you have my YAY

Kathy Parsons: Not stressing over my thinning hair but taking the plunge on a hair topper. Not extraordinary comparatively speaking but a BIG deal in my life

Janet Hill: I love change too! I always tell my stylist it's just hair! It will grow back! So...I embraced my gray!!! I turned 60 and am so tired of fighting change of getting older! I love how my stylist took it by steps, I expect to be fully gray by early summer! I like the tone but don't like sitting in the chair for two hours! Love the hair and now that your hair is back to being auburn love that too! Great video!

Paulette Gutierrez: Stunning! You are such a positive role model!Thank you for taking the time to make these fantastic videos.

Linda Smith: Oh, my gosh! I love your hair! I also made a bold move less than a year ago. I had been dying my long hair blonde for years. I wanted to go to my natural color, which is now mostly gray! I finally stopped coloring for nine months and cut my hair short and I LOVE IT. Women on Youtube inspired me to go for it. I am so happy with my choice. By the way, I am 71 years young.

Samantha Charles: You look beautiful with every hair change. You seriously can pull it all off. Love your positivity!

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