How I Grew My Hair Back | Alissa Daisy

So sorry this ended up being soooo long any questions comment below and don’t forget to add me on Instagram @ alissadaisy xxxx

Hello, everyone welcome back to my channel for those of you who don't know me and are new here. My name is Alyssa and welcome to my YouTube channel today is a well. I guess not highly requested video. I don't exactly get requests. I'Ve got like 200 subscribers um, but I get lots of questions. You know whether it's on my Instagram, whether it's in real life, whether I'm meeting new people, people that I've known forever people are always asking me about my hair, because I have been on such a hair growth Journey. This is all my natural hair. Now, as you can see, it's got really thick. It'S shiny! It'S long. I mean look at this, I'm not trying to sound big-headed, but I'm obsessed with my hair, I'm so so happy and I've been through it like I'm going to be sharing it with you. Basically, I'm going to share with you like kind of my story, my hair growth Journey. What'S happened to my hair and how I got to where I am today that sounds so dramatic. How I got to where I am today um, but you know what I mean and any obviously all my tips of course now before we get into this, I just want to clear this up straight away. Obviously there is not I'm not about to just you know, give you all the secret to hair growth and say there's this amazing product. That'S just gon na make you all look like Rapunzel by tomorrow. I wish, but unfortunately not I mean actually to be honest. If there is one big secret, amazing product, it's patience because it is it's just you just got ta dedicate yourself to all the simple tips which, to be honest, the stuff, I'm gon na, say: nothing's new nothing's rocket science, you're, probably gon na, be well aware of What I'm about to say, um, but it's just being patient and dedicated and sticking to that routine, um, I'm following these tips and then hopefully, if you keep persevering, your hair will keep growing and will all be natural, thick long, haired, Queens, um, so yeah. Obviously, I've got a massive mug um because I'm just sitting down on my couch you're in my living room with me and I'm just gon na be talking. I don't. I haven't even thought about how I'm even going to be saying. This story hints tips whatever. So if this is just gon na be a massive like word vomit for this whole video, I do apologize um but yeah. How cute is my mug, it says, misses on it. I love it so much. But yes, anyway, let's get into the video. What I just want to do now is I'm hopefully going to be inserting right here, um some before and after pictures quickly. So I can show you the actual. Before and after before I start giving you the full story about how it's evolved, um, so yeah. Hopefully, I'm gon na be pointing right now to my hair and it's absolute worst. You can see all the damage it all broken off at the front. This picture is literally me with all of my hair, like parted to the front like this, and you can see like the ends. There is nothing there, it's just all snapped off. It was horrendous um and then I'm going to quickly insert now as well. Um a picture of my henna and how long it is, and obviously you can see now so yes, let's get into the story time so growing up. I always had really long thick hair. It was naturally curly like it was literally ringlets, and this is my natural color. So it looks quite dark here, but it's actually a mousy color. So in the summer it goes a lot lighter in the winter. It goes darker, um, so yeah. My hair was always amazing, um until it gets about year seven and because it was that mousy Brown in between color it's great, because you can either you can kind of get away with either going lighter or darker um. But I didn't want to stay with what I had, because it just felt a bit like it was just a bit boring that mousy kind of color, so I wanted to go lighter so I had in year seven, which I think is when I was 12 13. I think that's about the age um I had some bleach free highlights, literally just a few things popped into my hair um, like I say they were bleach free, so not damaging in any way um, but it was just a little something to lighten my hair, which Is great because you know they're bleach free um, but the problem is when you start getting highlights, is you get addicted? This is the thing we're being blonde, it is addictive, I loved being blonde and it started with the Bleach free highlights and then I think I went back and I was having a t section and then I was having actual bleach introduced into my hair um and Then I kept having a t section - probably every few months. Obviously I was at school, so you know my. It was only whenever, like my mum would be like. Oh, like I'll treat you and you can get your hair done. You can have some highlights put through. So I kept getting t-section fine. My hair was still really really long, thick and healthy um and then yes, I just kept going and going and then I think I started getting half ahead and then I eventually progressed to having a full head of highlights. Every few months at this point, the blonde had obviously built up and built up and built up on my hair and by the time I was kind of like 16. I was pretty much looking fully blonde like I. I never had it all just completely dyed. I was always having highlights um, but because I, over the years I'd had highlights so many times it was just building up, and most of my hair was like literally like blonde blonde at this point. Um - and it was just I mean blonde - is so much fun. I love being blonde, but it is a nightmare for maintenance because you know I get it done and by next week I would literally have a Brown Strip on my head. So yeah, that's not the the great thing about being blonde but, like I say it was fun I loved being blonde. So yes that happened, I was really blonde. I think I was having to get my highlights done every like eight weeks. I was probably getting it done and at this point it was really starting to take a toll on my hair. My hair was no longer all the way like down to my waist and long. It just kind of been slowly kind of snapping off and Getting Thinner and wispier at the ends. Um without me, really realizing and around that time was when, like extensions like hair extensions were like the new thing, they were like the IT thing that everyone was doing, and I think it was after I left school, so it must have been when I was maybe Like 19, I think I was following on Instagram all these, like companies that were obviously doing hair extensions and I'd never been you. I hadn't been using hair extensions at this point. Either I'd never used them before um, but this one company came up and she it she'd, obviously just done a course in La weave extensions and she was like, oh, like we need models. So basically I end up modeling for this company. I only had to pay for the price of the hair, which still is so expensive. It'S still hundreds of pounds just to buy the hair, it's set off um and then she fitted it for free and then I had gorgeous. I mean I think I was getting 24 inches la weave, 200 grams of hair, so I was getting long thick gorgeous extensions as well as keeping up on the bleach highlights constantly um and I was living the dream. I felt like such a blonde princess like my hair, was so long and gorgeous, I loved it so much um and by the way I just want to say the place that actually fitted. My extensions were brilliant and I used them for a good few years and there was absolutely nothing wrong on their side. They did amazing job at fitting my hair extensions. When I had them, I loved them um, and you know they say, and everyone pretty much all hairdressers and hair extension. Fitting people always say that hair extensions don't damage your hair. Now, I'm not saying that. I don't know how to word this because I'll be honest like I just don't know. If I believe that and again I'm not saying it was a place that I was going to's fault, I think it was just in general. I mean let's face it. If you've got 200 grams 24 inches, that is a lot of thick long. Heavy hair attached to your own hair tightly fitted pulling at your natural hair um, especially when that natural hair is being bleached bleach, bleach blonde constantly as well. So you know the hair that it was attached to wasn't exactly in its healthiest way either. I just don't think I don't think. I think I think it was definitely the bleach more than anything that damaged my hair, but I think the extensions as well probably did also maybe make it worse as well. So at this point I was having my extensions. They were so long and thick. I couldn't live without them, so I was going back spending all this money getting them fitted. I would go to the hair extension place. I would get the extensions out. I'D get my highlights done. Um I'd then get the extensions put back in and get my hair style. So I've been there for hours, I'd be spending one like hundreds and hundreds of pounds, and I'd have to do that. Like basically like every two months, it was just a horrible place to be stuck because once you've got those extensions and you feel like you've got your dream beautiful, blonde long hair - and I think this looks like the era of like Molly May on love, Island and Everyone wanted bleach blonde, beautiful long hair, and so, although I was so happy with my hair, it was just cost me a lot of money and it was a lot of upkeep. So I kept doing it and I think I had my hair like that for a good few years, I'm going to attach some pictures again now, so you can see me with my long blonde, hair and extensions in I love it. I loved it. I still love it um, but after a while this like it was the bleach more than anything, I think, but it was just really taken its toll, like I'm gon na, attach a picture where I I don't know if you can zoom in on YouTube, I don't Think you can, but if you you forgot my Instagram to be fair and five minutes at Alyssa Daisy, you can kind of just stop through my old pictures and you can see all the pictures of me blonde and if you zoom in on some of the pictures You can actually see, but what was happening is some of my hair was just snapping off, and there was this one point where I had this bit of hair, that would literally it was so frazzled from bleach and where it snapped off it would it was like This long, this bit of hair, but it wouldn't lie flat. It would just stick up and you can actually see this in some of my old pictures. If you like, really stalk me and zoom in and have a look you'll find it you'll find it um. It was awful, and I mean I knew that it was all stepping off. I knew that my hair wasn't all glossy and shiny like it is here. It was all kind of it was almost like matte like it was just horrible. The texture was horrible, it's just not nice, but it still looked okay in general, because I have my extensions in um. But yes, obviously, bits were snapping off and it got to a point where I'll be honest, I think I was kind of in that, like new hair new me stage as well, I was having a bit of a like personal breakdown as well at the time going Through some things I was a bit down and all that - and I was thinking about like I can't just keep coming up with this - the expense of getting my hair highlighted constantly. It was just too expensive. So I was toying with the idea of going back brunette because I thought at least then um. It will be healthier for my hair made. My hair will grow back longer and it would stop snapping off. So I went to um the hairdressers and I still have my extensions in at this point and what basically, what they did is they just dyed it all, including the extensions brunette. So, yes, I went back through net and I was really glad that I did it. I never once regretted dyeing my hair and going back to my natural color. It'S probably been the. It was the one thing that kind of set off like me, actually doing something about my hair, so I went back natural. I was no longer having to bleach it or anything like that, which is it was. It was great, I'm so so glad I did that um, obviously yeah. I had extensions in still and then um. I yeah. I think once the hair that I, the extension that I'd um had died once they were kind of too like not good anymore, then I actually had like proper Bruno extensions fitted as well. So I'll still get an extensions, then look down hit covered and you know anyone who has extensions nose. We all had to go through that awful point of lockdown where we couldn't get our hair extensions fitted. So I had my weave taken out. I think my mum did it um. She took it out at home for me, and this is where I'm gon na reattach the picture of my hair. This is when it really hit me how damaged my hair was like I'd always known, I'd seen the bit snapping off the bits sticking up and before I got the extensions fitted I'd. You know my hair had got a lot shorter, but it still wasn't anything awful and it was wasn't until here where I actually went without my essentials, because I hadn't seen my hair without extensions like I would just get it refitted and I was getting extensions for You, like, probably like three or four years um, maybe not four, maybe like two or three years um and then like reality, hit me like a ton of bricks like it was just awful and so devastating to see how damaged my hair was like. It was hideous and it's a good job that it was locked down, because I mean if we hadn't had lockdown. I don't think I would have ever been stopped and taken them out and forced myself to grow my hair and realize how bad it is, but also if it wasn't for lockdown, then you know it didn't matter that it looked awful because I wasn't doing anything like I was sitting at home um because we couldn't go anywhere anyway. I wasn't working or anything. So it's fine. You know so. Yes, I mean honestly, like it was just awful and yeah from then on. I basically did nothing. I never bleached it or dyed it. For that matter, I did get any haircuts. To be honest, I'll be honest, like that's one thing that people ask me to say like do you get your hair cut? I actually haven't had it cut in years, and I mean it. People say that getting your hair cut makes your hair grow. That'S obviously a lie like cutting this bit doesn't make this bit grow longer, obviously um, but it does make it look thicker at the end. So you know if you actually look closer in my hair. It does actually need a haircut I am going to get it cut just a little trim, especially now that it's got finally long enough. I feel comfortable and confident enough to actually get a haircut, and I won't be upset that my hair's got short again um. So I'm gon na get a haircut soon, but I have actually just remembered that, although I didn't ever get my hair cut professionally, I think that was one time when my mum was like. I think I was sitting down in her kitchen and she was standing like behind me and she was like. Oh you've got some really like. I think I had just like a few bits of hair that were like a lot longer and wispier than like the other bits, and I think she just like basically just like cutted a few bits off so just to kind of even it out. So I guess you could say maybe I did have like one haircut um, but that would have been like a year and a half ago, probably now anyway um. So yes, where was I yes? So basically I had extensions out. I you know, I wasn't really having a haircut anyway um I wasn't blow drying it. I was just letting it dry, naturally um, so I'd wash it. Let it dry naturally, and then just leave it, how it is obviously, like I say. Luckily, this was locked down. So I wasn't doing any modeling stuff like there was no need for me to look pretty. I was like so happy in my relationship with Bobby, like we'll still don't know. What'S going on outside people speak from each other anyway and yeah. I was so happy with my relationship with Bobby, like we were still kind of in our early days it. So you know I was feeling so comfortable and like confident in myself because of him, and so I didn't really care what my hair was like and I mean even till now like. Basically, what I was doing, then, is what I've continued and I'm still doing now. I wash my hair in evenings, I let it dry. Naturally, then I will leave it and I only really use heat. My hair, if I'm putting some curls in it like I've, done today, um, but I don't do that for any. You know just because I'm popping to Tesco like I pretty much will only do that if I'm literally getting ready to go and model or ringer or good girl or I've got a big family event, and I want to look nice for it or it's my birthday Or something so yeah, which obviously I mean with my work, it normally is like once a week. So let's say I might not use any heat Monday to Friday and then, when it gets the weekend, I will probably end up curling it. But again like I, don't just go through like tiny little sections, I pretty much grab big bits and just kind of do a loose thing and I don't but the tongue on, like the highest Heats um setting, and I I do use heat protection as well. I think I'm just using like an easy one from Easy looks at the moment. They actually sent it to me um, but you know you can get heat protection from anywhere um. So, yes, that's a big thing as well like restricting the Heat, and I don't over wash it either. I don't know if this is another tip that has helped me but again, like I literally slob my whole life out Monday to Friday, when I'm just at home, like doing like housework and admin and emails and stuff. Like that, I look such a mess. I don't wear makeup, I might have greasy hair, I might be going to the gym every day anyway. So, what's the point in washing my hair every day like it's just I'm just so sorry for Bobby, like he thought he was gon na, be marrying a model and the reality is 99 of the time. I'Ve got no makeup on and greasy hair um, but he loves me and he put a ring on it. So I'm sure it's fine um. But yes, so I pretty much to be honest like if I haven't got anything on Monday Friday, um that I want to look good for or need to look good for like work. Then I pretty much. Don'T I just don't wash it, I only wash it. This is kind of gross, but I only wash it when it needs like. I want to look good so quite often I'll go like Monday to Friday and I might not have even washed it and then it might get to the weekend and I might have a Ringo job so then I'll wash it um on the Friday night. Let it dry naturally get up on the Saturday curl it and go, do the boxing and have nice hair um. So I do think, like I mean again like it's, not I'm not saying don't wash your hair and don't ever dry it and don't ever use heat on it and your hair is gon na grow because it's it's not the case. But what I'm saying is the less stress and constant, washing and handling and constant drying it. You know if you're, washing your hair every other night and blow drying it. That'S a lot of heat that you're constantly putting on your hair and then you might be styling. It you might be getting up for work and straightening. It just try and find methods like heatless, curls or plaiting it to get some crinkles in it or wearing it as a ponytail. Try and find methods of restricting your heat on your hair and how often you're washing it, because the less you do to your hair, the better and then those things that you're you're doing or not doing should I say just keep at it. I'Ve been doing this. I'Ve been washing my hair like once or twice a week for the past two and a half years now I've been not blowing my blow drying my hair. Since I had extensions, I know. Obviously, if you have extensions, you kind of have to blow dry it anyway, but I've been not really blow drying my hair every time it's wet. For the last two and a half years, I've been restricting my heat curling it to pretty much, maybe once a week for the past two and a half years. So it's just all these habits and being patient that you just keep at it, keep at it, and all this time I haven't bleached my hair, which is the number one thing bleaching hair is great blonde, is great, but just be careful, use olaplex and don't go Crazy and if I'll be honest like if you are brunette, if you are, have got naturally dark hair and you want to be bleach blonde just know it is gon na happen. Your hair is gon na snap off, you are gon na have to keep getting it cut and you're, probably gon na end up with a bob. If you stay blonde forever. I'M sorry, I'm sorry, but it's true, it is true. Bleaching is not good for your hair and I don't think it matters what Salon you go to what um, even if they do use olaplex or not. You know I think olaplex does help. Definitely, but nothing is going to stop bleach damaging your hair. I I mean going forward. I I'm not saying I'm never going to bleach. My hair, like I, do always toy about getting a few little like, maybe like not even Balayage, because even Balayage would be too intense for what I'm thinking, because I will never want to risk my hair again, I'm so happy with how long and healthy it is. Now, but maybe in the future, I have thought when I'm completely happy with how long it is like I mean I'm talking when it's down to my bum. I possibly would get a few little blonde bits put through, but I would just never ever go back to having it all all over blonde like constant blonde put through it, and I don't think I'd ever get it through from The Roots again either. To be honest, because it's just not worth it, and I am as much as I've said, I love being blonde. I am happy brunette now and it's fine healthy hair is more important to me than being blonde um. So yes, now there is one thing that I haven't talked about and I know at the beginning of the video I said like there's: no magic formula, there's no magic product, that's going to save you, and that is true, however, that there is one thing: the only Product that I am going to recommend to you guys, which I do think has definitely definitely helped um again. You know it's not the whole entire reason why my hair's grown and got so healthy, now um, but it has helped. So I just want to mention this brand. It'S called JS health. I don't know if it's JS Health vitamins, they do loads of different vitamins, but this one is called hair and energy, and I have also been taking these for probably like two and a half years now as well to be fair um I mean I went upstairs Like when I finished, I normally put it in the bin, but I was in my drawer. I went to grab this, so I can actually show you guys, I'm just like alone. I found three bottles of it like just to prove to you guys. I mean listen. This is obviously not an ad, I'm not sponsored. I'Ve got barely any subscribers on here um. This is me, being so honest and true to you guys. I have been using these vitamins and I do believe they've helped um. I remember when I first started taking them. I had just like, I think this standard top it comes with 30.. Oh no, this is the 60 tablet um tub, but I think the first time I got it. I got the top of 30 and I remember after that first Hub, so you take One A Day, so basically you get one month supply. At the end of that month, I had noticed all the baby hairs around my head. Like can you see here, like I noticed so much baby hair had like grown over that month since taking these like, you will literally see instant results. It is amazing um. So, if anything, if there's one thing, I want you to buy and spend your money on. It is the easiest Health, hair and energy tablets. There'S I don't think, there's even much in them like it says. Um hang on here we go. This is what's in them. Zinc, something that I can't pronounce ascophilium nodusum containing iodine um and it's got kelp basically in it um and that's literally it like it's got, barely anything in it. So I don't know if it's the kelp or the iodine or the zinc um. But these are really really good and I have actually tried other stuff before I think I've tried years ago I tried the hair burst ones. I didn't really. You know I kind of took them and then didn't really notice anything and thought I'm not spending money on that again um, whereas these I spent money on them and I instantly went back and bought more. So yes, I would definitely highly recommend everyone gets these um. I'M just trying to think what I haven't talked about. I think the only thing I haven't talked about as well is like shampoo and conditioner again I don't really think there's any shampoo and conditioner out there or hair mask out there on the market. That'S going to make your hair grow um, but I mean I'll be honest. I just buy whatever's on offer. I go to Tesco. If Pantene is the cheapest one I'll buy pen 10 if L'Oreal's on offer I'll grab L'Oreal um, I always pretty much stick to those Brands, though so it's normally like I don't go like cheap, cheap, cheap. It'S normally like L'Oreal Pantene Tresemme, her blessings like one of those um but again like I don't think any of them are particularly gon na help. You maybe olaplex is at number three I think the one you can buy but again, like I mean I've used it sometimes, but that is expensive, like 20 pound for a bottle. That'S like this big and you get like two uses out of it like it's expensive. Um so like I might treat myself to that every now and then I think when I've had like an Amazon voucher for Christmas, I might have bought myself some odor packs and I do think that's good because, obviously after you use it, you instantly notice. Your hair feels really good um, but again, like you, don't need to rely on it. The main things take away from this I feel like this has just been such a waffling. Random video and I've been talking for ages now and I'm so so sorry guys, but I just let's just go through so don't um bleach your hair constantly and crazy. If you're not naturally light - and you know if you are going to bleach your hair - just be careful and just know and accept that you probably are gon na - have to have your hair cut shorter. Eventually, if you're constantly bleaching, it number two restrict your heat use on it, don't just be blow drying your hair um with hot air for the sake of it um or straightening your hair for your work. Colleagues, that don't care about you like just be more, don't be so generous with your heat damage like just find other ways to not need to use heat, basically um, three um, don't over wash your hair because, again, if you're, washing your hair, more you're gon na Have to style your hair more so if I've curled my hair today, then these curls will pretty much stay in my hair until I wash it again. So if I'm washing my hair in a week's time, then I'm still gon na have like some loose curls kind of hanging in there in a week's time, whereas if I wash it today then by tomorrow, I might need to recoil it again um if I've got Something cotton so again, just like don't don't waste like don't just slob it out, like, don't be afraid to look a mess. Use dry, shampoo, put your hair in a ponytail. You know if you haven't got anything important on and you know just I don't know what I'm saying anymore, but yeah you get my point um and get these vitamins because I mean in general, like your hair is part. Is it part of your body like if you need to be healthy on the inside, so you're healthy on the outside? Like your hair, your nails, I mean look at my nose as well, like my nails, are creepily long um but yeah. Let'S just make sure you're eating a healthy diet and drinking water. Like all of these obvious things, heat bleach, don't over style, it don't over wash it look after yourself drink your water like these are all such obvious things, but you just need to be consistent and keep at it, and I promise you, you will see the results. You need so I've been talking for way too long way way way too long, but if anything, I just really really hope this video helps someone and, if there's anything to take away, do buy these tablets. I need a discount code like they should be sponsoring me, because the amount of people I've told to buy these um. I could have earned a fortune if I was JS Health company um. But yes anyway. Thank you so much for watching. I highly doubt any of you've made it this long and far um. But if you have thank you, please make sure you give it a like as well. Hi me again couple of things. I'Ve just been watching the footage back and I cannot be bothered to refilm this whole thing again, um but number one some point in the video. I think my hair might have stuck to my lip gloss and dragged it across my face and I've got like a line of like makeup across my face and it's so annoying. So I'm really really sorry guys. Please just ignore that um, it's so annoying! For me um, but, like I say, I'm really not gon na film the whole thing again, because I've got a line of makeup on me. Um, yes, and another thing when I was talking about haircuts about how, like cutting your hair, isn't going to make your hair grow longer um. Another thing I didn't mention is obviously, if you're getting your hair cut, then you're going to be cutting off the dead split ends that are broken, which obviously is gon na. Stop it breaking all the way up. So, obviously again, although cutting your hair doesn't make your hair grow, having trims regularly is going to make it look thick at the bottom, and it's going to prevent more of it snapping up all the way up, basically um and then last of all, I just want To basically say disclaimer, obviously I forgot to say this, but obviously I am no expert, I'm just saying my own experience of what I've done to make my hair grow and I don't think I talked about length of time either. I don't know how I managed to talk for so long and I've missed out so much, but I didn't really mention, but from the picture where my hairs I took my extensions out, my hair was all snapped off that was June 2020, so that was just less Than two and a half years ago, and obviously now this is my hair um in November 2022, so pretty much two and a half years of solid patience and all the things I've mentioned is what's made, my hair grow back. Naturally, so you just need to stay strong, hang in there and push through the awkward ugly stages and nothing I didn't mention again - is um. My hair started getting healthy and thick again, but it was still quite short and say, like January time, this year January 2022. It was about here um, and what I would do again is if I had work or shoot or something, then I would just put some clip in extensions in so then I could have the extensions in that would make my hair look amazing, but it wouldn't really Be putting any stress on my hair because I could just literally just clip them in for a couple of hours for work or whatever and then take them out and then just carry on like slobbing it out the rest of the time. Like I've already said um and then I think it I stopped needing to use clipping extensions as well when it got to likes this summer. I think around June time I just stitched them completely and now I'm just so happy with how long it is now. Naturally, so yes, that's it, I'm not! I'M done. I'M sorry guys, I'm done I'm leaving I'm not saying anything about my hair. Ever again, I've talked way too much and I'm sorry, I'm sorry all right. Thank you for watching bye.

Rachael: Great video lovely ☺️Would you ever do a video on how you curl your hair?

The Doctor Of Style IronDeadPaul: Hair looking amazing just like you

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