How To Do A Natural Middle Part Quick Weave With Leave Out W/Only $10 Cheap And Affordable#Youtuber

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Foreign, what's up YouTube, It's Your Girl, Jasmine back again with another video and as y'all can see about the title. Um I'm gon na be installing some cheap hair that I got from the beauty supply stores like 10.99. So if you interested, if you interested baby, keep watching all right so right here, I'm getting ready to put on my wig cap um, I chose black. I normally do two, but I just need one you know like. I don't know why I did win but yeah. I'M just putting my wig cap on or whatever bro and making sure I can see it and um. You know just kind of getting it together: foreign yeah, it took me a minute. I was trying to make sure I was doing it right and honestly y'all. I messed up with you can't tell so uh what I'm just trying to do is get ready to outline um. My leave out with the chalk, so I'm gon na go ahead and outline um yeah. I can hardly see for real, but I'm just gon na outline the middle area, oh whatever, so that's all I'm doing right here, all right, y'all, so um. I got my chalk outline of my leave out. So now I'm gon na go ahead and put um some of these protective shield. You can get this from the beauty, supply store and I'm just gon na put it um all over my hair on top of the um black stocking cap. It Takes Me Away. Thank you. Thank you all right y'all, so I am done putting the protective shield over the cap. So now I'm gon na go ahead and go in with the blow dryer inches below dry, my hair for um at least 15 to 20 minutes. Nothing got dope like Pablo Pablo on enough all right y'all. So these are the things that you're going to need. You'Re going to need you some glue, you're, also gon na need some scissors um and then your condos. So these bundles were 10.99 um at the beach Plus stores. Some were 12.99 Model Model, all right, y'all, so the first one that I'm gon na be using is number one um, I'm using this towards the back of my hair, because I couldn't find another one b in the beauty supply store. So I was just like I just put the one in the back of my head. I do have 30 inch in the one 1B and then I also have 613 yeah it's gon na, be so cute yeah. I can't wait. I can't wait yeah. I just got ta trust the process, so yeah, I'm just opening up the pack of opening up the bundle y'all the bundles are kind of small. So keep that in mind um. I, like a fuller look, so I did get four packs um, but you could get away with it with probably like three three packs. It just depends on how full you, like your hair, so yeah all right, y'all. So now I'm just gon na measure um from side to side, so I'm just gon na measure and then glue and then lay y'all. This was kind of hard, like I ain't, even gon na hold. You like this was definitely kind of hard because I was trying to record and, like I really couldn't see the back of my head, because I wasn't in a mirror, but I end up getting it done. Y'All, so yeah y'all just got ta keep watching stay tuned back because this is gon na be so cute y'all. I thought I don't know what I thought, but yo y'all just stay tuned stay tuned, don't you understand just smile, your style is so fly. I can't deny I got a crush on you and that's true foreign. Thank you all right y'all. So I'm just going to um keep laying the tricks yeah. I was like. Oh Lord. I don't know how these gon na come out, but yeah I pushed through. It was just so hard trying to. I wanted to see the back of my head, so bad child, but yeah. It'S just me trying to record and get content and stuff like that. I was just like okay and then I found another way to put the glue because holding it. I don't I don't like that way, so I had to let um I'm on top of my um, my piece because I just cannot do it. I cannot do it so yeah, I'm just gon na repeat this process over and over I'm talking about wake up so yeah. The only thing I was thinking about is this very moment was, I hope, the back of my head. Don'T look a fool y'all! It'S just! Oh, my God, it's so hard. I don't see how people can do that here by theyself all the time because baby I ain't even gon na hold you I was struggling like I was struggling but hey. I was telling you to any resorts. The inning Resort was just like Chef Keith, it was the mom like it was turned out really cute, so yeah yeah. I know it may look a little Blimpy right now, but yeah keep all the bad comments. See y'all still push through this too deep. I'M gon na push through this all right y'all. So I'm getting ready to lay the last um black trick that I'm going to lay and then um we're gon na go in and we're gon na put some 613 a penny. So yeah just stay tuned. Nothing got dope like Pablo, don't like Pablo yeah, all right y'all. So what am I spraying? I'M spraying Spritz um. If anybody was wondering every time I lay a trick so yeah, that's all I'm doing yeah. I got hungry baby yeah. I just don't know. I was up all night, but now I'm gon na go in we're gon na put some sister's hand up in it. Baby we're gon na put some 6 13 up in it. You know how to add some color so yeah. That'S all I'm doing just brushing the hair out y'all cause with this hair. You know you kind of got to brush it out. He is synthetic. Some is human with the master mix. This was like a synthetic blend, so you definitely want to brush it out. As you go so yeah all right, Charles I'm just measuring like I was doing the black and um just seeing where I want to place it and then I'm gon na go ahead and cut it and then we're gon na glue it and then lay it down. So I'm just gon na keep repeating this process, make sure y'all like comment and subscribe. We almost saw a thousand subscribers, I'm so excited I'm so grateful. I definitely appreciate everybody who has been watching my videos and subscribing to my channel um. I I do have another giveaway coming soon, so y'all just got ta stay tuned for that and yeah, some of which I know. I definitely appreciate. Y'All also comment down below some video ideas. I want to see from me and we can go from there. Don'T you understand all day long time about you, smile, your style is I'll. Give you anything you want from me, foreign um yeah, so I'm just gon na cut this cap off really the best way that I can. I keep looking in the mirror. Yeah I'm looking at my hair, I'm kind of seeing some spots that I don't like, but I am gon na go in and fill in, so yeah no worries about that. So yeah y'all, just stay tuned, make sure y'all like comment and subscribe and boom baby there. You have it baby, don't play with that. So can y'all say pretty baby. I literally cut up okay, and then I sprayed some of that um heat protected over my hair baby. Calm that baby down I flat ironed. It use my wet stick. Of course, baby baby y'all see y'all see period baby. This was definitely something quick and easy. I definitely recommend this style um. I really hope y'all enjoyed this video make sure you hit the buttons that you need to hit like comment and subscribe.

Ino Dela Cruz: Thanks for this amazing vlog ma'am. ❤️

Shanae: New sub love your content girlyy

Driven’s Corner: I’m jealous even with these steps I’ll still mess it up . I’m not good with hair at all lol


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