How To Apply Tape In Hair Extensions | Step By Step Tutorial

Finally filmed an updated tutorial DIY on How to apply tape hair extensions, this is a more in depth step by step tutorial. As you can see my hair is short, so I always use 60-80 pieces so that my hair blends well. If you don't feel confident applying your own tapes, then by all means head to your local hair dresser. All products I mention I ABSOLUTELY LOVE !

This video was not sponsored.

MY HAIRDRESSER (She's absolutely amazing)

Caitlin Mariee Hair"

The most amazing hair care products ! I have seriously tried so many brands of hair extension shampoo, conditioner, treatments etc and these by far are my favourite ! YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED

"SF Haircare"

Limited time only discount code "KIRSTIE"

INSTAGRAM: @kirstieroche

Camera Used to film this video: Canon 6D

Editing: iMovie

So today I decided I'm going to basically just do an updated video on how I apply my type in hair extensions. So if you guys have been following my channel for a little while, you know that when I first started youtube, I did a like how I apply my type in hair, extensions, video and honestly. When I look back at that video. I just cringe because it seems like so long ago - I'm pretty sure it was just like about a year ago just the way that I talked in front of the camera I had like as your a confidence. I wasn't really good at the YouTube thing and I feel, like I've grown a lot since then, so I thought it was time to do it more of like an updated video and just to a little bit better quality. As you guys can see. I have a super short hair at the moment. I did just have my hair redone last week with some foils, because I'm wanting to go a little bit lighter, so I did go to our la la hair and beauty. I will link her down below if any of you guys want to go and check her out. This is what my hair is looking like at the moment from the back, so the head I'm going to be applying today is from human hair extensions online. I'M being a hundred percent honest with you guys, I have tried so many brands of hair extensions and there's a hundred percent hands down have been my ultimate favorite hair, the ones that I just have taken out from my hair. I actually had them in my hair for a year. Obviously I would still remove them and then like reapply them after six to eight weeks, but I reapplied them so many times and by the end of it they were still feeling a hundred percent fine. I have now got new hair to apply today, because I've started going a little bit lighter and the other ones I did dye Doc, which you guys would have seen if you followed my channel. I did like a video of dyeing my hair with my hair extensions and I went from blonde to dark so normally when I would apply other tape brands. I would have them in for six to eight weeks and then I would take them out and I would have to replace them completely. The hair extensions I have today are actually a little bit lighter than what my hair is, but I'm pretty sure that it's gon na blend in really really well for a full head for my hair, I like to apply sixty to eighty pieces, but if your hairs, A little bit longer, you could probably get away with forty, so the hair colors that I did order was 18 /, 6 1/3, which is this one. So it's sort of like a foiled. Look. I'Ve got this one in 40 pieces and then I also got number 60 and I've toned it with also the purple shampoo. I have a merit sitting right here in front of me and then I've got another mirror on the table behind me here. So I'm going to be looking into this mirror and then seeing the back of my head in the mirror that I've got here. So obviously all you need for this video. You can have a comb if you want to use that to separate your hair for each layer. I'M just going to use my nails because I find it personally easier. Obviously, you're gon na need your tape, and here tenshun so for a full head. I would say 40 or 60 pieces minimum is required if you have shorter hair. Like me, then you're going to require a little bit extra. I'Ve also just got a bunch of hair clips to clip my hair out of the way while I'm applying them, and I drew have my hair straightener as well, for when I have just applied them. I like to seal them with the straightener. So, basically, with the hair each little one, it comes with a little tab of tape. So all you need to do is just peel off the little blue sticker and then it will be sticky underneath and that's what you apply to your hair, although basically do want to apply. My extensions is, I part, my hair and then I clip it up out of the way and make sure there's no little flyaways. Then what I want to do is just take off that little blue, sticky tab and I'm going to apply the tape through my head. You don't want to apply it too close to your scalp. You want to make sure that when you stick two pieces together, it can freely flip upwards and downwards without pulling on any of your hair. Now, looking at this next to my hair, it does look quite a lot lighter, but I feel like once they're all in my hair, it's going to blend quite nicely and I'll just put some curls through it. I can also turn it a little bit later. If I feel like I need to so, I've just finished drawing my first section of hair. So with this section here, I'm going to apply three tapes, I'm going to start by applying the one in the center first and then I'll apply it to on either side. Okay, so well, I'm going to do is take off the little sticky part here. I find the easiest way to apply. It is I'm going to look in that back mirror and then I'm just gon na stick that down in the centre of my hair as best as I can, and you don't want to go too close to your scalp. So I'm going to place it about here once I've applied it I'll, just kind of like pull the extension up like this just to make sure it doesn't feel too tight. I'M gon na do them quite close together because you don't want to go too close to the edges of your hair, because if you were up in a ponytail, they're gon na be noticed, so you want to make sure you sort of stick like within a couple Of centimetres of the edge of your hair, just so that they're not notice when you do wear your hair up. Okay, so once I've applied that first layer of tape, extensions, what I'm going to is flick the hair up and then clip it up out of the way and what you want to do is make sure you've only got the hair. That'S actually attached to the tape. So what I like to do is use a little comb or like something that's got a tail on it like this, and I kind of just pull off any hair. That'S not completely stuck to the tape. That'S gon na! Stop it pulling when you flip it up and down, and you reel don't want them to feel uncomfortable. Stick that as best as I can to that tape, so I'm going to remove dark lipstick, let the head back down and then gesture claps, okay. So I'm up to my next layer of hair and I've just sectioned, my hair from this time about where the top of where my ears start and I've got it as straight as I can so with this next layer. What I want to do is apply this color hair extension on the top and then on the bottom. I'M going to be applying the one. That'S number 60, with the last one. I'Ve got one more than I can apply to this right here, I'm just going to turn around and show you guys. Basically, I can't fit a whole extension because it's going to end up showing when I tie my hair up so there's not quite enough room to apply the whole extension. So what I'm going to do is just cut this hair extension in half and then I like to stick it to it. So this is what my second row is looking like from the back so like, I said the next ones that I'm going to take these ones here in the shade at 60, and I've used the purple fudge shampoo on these to tone them down a little bit. My camera apparently just didn't, feel that cooperating and I just did half an extra layer. Luckily I noticed that it wasn't actually filming so the next layer, pretty much parted from in line with my eyebrows with this layer, I'm gon na go from outside to inside. So I've already done three on this side here and I'm just going to turn around and face this mirror, and I'm gon na do three from the outside to the inside on this side and that's pretty much it. I just wanted to show you guys now that I'm up to my Rose like closer to the top, basically they don't all have to be. Even so, if you have a look at the back of my hair now, you can see they're not all evenly spaced, but that's okay, just as long as you can fit in as many as you can in each row, without them being seen, and obviously you guys Can tell these extensions are so much lighter than my hair, but when my hair is all out, it's gon na be cold, really pretty and they're gon na blend in just fine. I didn't want to go any darker with the extensions because I am working on going. Lighter with my hair, eventually, my hair will be matching the extensions perfectly at the ends. So now I'm gon na start applying the extensions closer up at the front edges of my hair. What I'm gon na do is apply them kind of more on an angle that way when my hair's in a high ponytail, they're kind of flipping up in the direction of like where the high ponytail is gon na, be, if that makes sense, my hair is super. Fine in this section of my head, so I need to make sure I don't go too close to my hairline. I'M gon na again take that I think I'm gon na sort of pop my hair closer to the center, but still on this side a little bit. So that means I can take the extensions a little bit higher now, if you guys do have longer hair than what I do. You don't need to take these extensions up as high as what I do. I only do it because my hair is shorter and I'm happy to style it in a way that you can't see them when they're placed up a little bit higher. So just keep that in mind, you don't have to apply them exactly how I am, but this is just how I like to do it, because my hair is so short, so my true true there and then I'm going to leave the rest of the extensions so That I can see what I need to fill in at the back of my hair okay. So this is how it's looking at the moment, I've pretty much just added two extra rows. On the top of my hand, I'm just gon na turn around and have a look at the back of my head and see where I think I need to add any extra ones. I think that's looking pretty good. I have hundred-percent need to add a couple. More extensions a little bit higher up just so that it blends a little bit nice up. So I'm gon na add a couple more sort of in this section here of my head. I'M pretty happy with how that's looking at the moment. I kind of just had a rough cut today, because my razor comb has got super blunt. Sorry, it wasn't really making the haircut like as nicely as it normally would so now what I'm gon na do it's just kind of run the straightener through them just to blend them in that little bit nice up, so you want to take your hair with the Extensions grab the straightener and you just like slightly curved it and up and that just helps tuck those ends away. So you guys can see that looks a little bit neater and then put the straightener through and then curve it under slightly and under you guys. Have no idea how excited I am to have lighter hair again, how long do extensions last, if you take care of them in the correct way, use nice products on them and you pretty much just like really take care of them. They'Re going to last you a good year when you go to sleep with your hair extensions in you, don't really want to sleep with your hair out, because that can cause it to tangle, so I normally do a loose little side. Ponytail. I put it up in a high ponytail or just a really loose one, or I would do like a little loose plat at the side of my hair, and you can also get like a silk or satin pillowcase, which can also help them not tangling. It'S really important to look after your hair once you've applied it. If you spent so much money on having really long beautiful extensions, you want to make sure that you're using products that are suitable on extensions - and I can 100 % say that these products here have been my Savior. So this is from SF haircare. It'S a lady at Melbourne and she's created her own haircare range and they a hundred percent say for hair extensions. Honestly, I'm pretty sure that these are the products that made my last hair extensions last twelve months and my hair has definitely got a lot more healthy and my extensions stay perfect, every single time that I wash them. So I've got the shampoo and conditioner here. So the shampoo I shampoo, my hair twice and I kind of just sort like on my scalp area and then I go and with your conditioner from the mid legs to the ends of my hair, and this here is a miracle in a bottle. Sometimes, if your hair gets a little bit naughty when you just get out of the shower and it's a little bit hard to brush, this is like a really good, detangling spray, it's safe enough to use on kids and it literally brushes the tangles out straight away. Like it is so good, so when I was dyeing my extensions yesterday, I put like a purple shampoo through them and sometimes they're a little bit hard to brush when they're wet. You have to really gentle, so I would spray a little bit of this through the hair and honestly, it made it brush out so much easier and it does have a heat protectant in it as well. These products, I will link the Instagram page down below and the website, so you guys can check them out, but I hundred percent recommend these. If you have type in hair extensions, human hair extensions online was also kind enough to give me a discount code. For you guys, I don't actually make anything from the sales just so you know, but I'm pretty sure you guys save ten dollars or something like that off your purchase. Everything to do with my hair, I'm gon na link it in the description box down below. If I've got any discount codes, they'll be linked down below as well. So that's basically how I applied my tape and hair extensions. I really hope you guys enjoyed watching this tutorial. If you did like always don't forget to give me a thumbs up and subscribe to. My channel just to let me know that you guys do enjoy watching my videos. I also just wanted to mention if you are not comfortable putting in your own tape and hair extensions, 100 % recommend going to your hairdresser, I'm not a professional, I'm, not a hairstylist or anything. I'Ve just been doing my extensions for about eight years now, so I feel, like I've, had quite a bit of experience and I know exactly how I want to wear them and how I want to cut them in and like what sort of products I like to Use on them that brings us to the end of this video. I really hope you guys found this tutorial helpful. Thank you guys. So much for watching and I'll see you in my next video

Kirstie Roche: Do you prefer long hair or short ❤️ Who wants to see some hair style tutorials ?

Courtney Cooper: As a hairdresser who specialises in tapes normally I cringe at these videos but my word! so talented! Looks amazing!

Teana Madrid: I was going to make an appointment to get tape in extensions put in at a salon, they were going to charge me over $900.00!! I’m second guessing this, and will put them in myself. Thank you so much for this helpful video

Kirabani: As a hairdresser I’m usually never happy with these videos, but this was super great! With this video I tought my fiancé how to do my extensions for me lmao

Debbie Willoughby: I like how you do your back, apply the overs first, then sandwich under, thank you, that's much easier than one at a time, glad I found this before doing mine

Elisabetta Sabbatino: When you have to re apply your extension what kind of tape do you use ? Could you do a video to remove and re apply?

KCuppsMakeups: I have 7 packs ready. I’ve done clip in, glue and sew before. You made this look fairly simple and I feel confident to do this on my own now. Yours look so good. Thanks!

InsignificantWitch: This is the first I've seen using this method to apply, it looks way easier than trying to attach the hair on the bottom half of the sandwich first!

Meg Ro: Thanks so much I’ve had tapes for years no issues but where I’ve moved to I’ve tried 3 qualified hairdressers and all 3 did the worst jobs. I’ve had them right at my hairline, all up top none underneath, or way too close to the roots and so so painful. Been thinking of just doing it myself based on the placement I’m used to and I know looks good but was scared to. This vid gave me the confidence and it worked out perfectly they look and feel perfect! Yay thank you xx

AMVH: So thankful for this video I've been wearing Clip ins for years and they're such a pain. You inspired me to try this thank you

Stephanie Thorndycraft: I can’t believe you can do your own tapes and make it look so easy!

Belinda Mcewan: Yaaaas killing it I remember the other video you did and you have improved so much I’ve loved watching you grow!! Keep goinng xx

mya Gurleen: Quarantine has made it absolutely impossible for me to get my hair done! I’m going to try this method, it’s the best I’ve seen! Thank you ❤️

Gabrielle Faye: I remember watching the old version of this vid and it changed my life with applying my tapes, I still use it! thank you x

Michelle Wood: Thanks so much for this tut. I never dreamed I would be able to put my own tape hair extension in myself!!! ox

Miss Chris: This is an amazing video and you did a wonderful job! Your hair looks absolutely GORGEOUS! Thank You for your guidance on this, Miss Kirstie. Your video really helped me understand how to install tape-in extensions and I am truly grateful to you. God Bless You, Stay Safe and Beautiful! <3 <3 <3

Tenacious Dee: This is exactly how I do it . I really enjoy installing mine . I read lots of times it’s a nono putting tape down first and lifting up but it’s always been brill for me x looks great xx

Ellie Callahan: Those look amazing! I’m getting some for myself soon. Are tape ins reusable? And how many pieces total did you use?

Emily Scott: Thank u so much! I’ve been getting tape ins for a couple years (continuously every 7 weeks) and I watched your video like 6x and did my own for the first time today! It looks just as good! It was a little difficult in the beginning, but once I got going it was easy.

Carli McMillan: Your video has helped me sooo much! I’m not even kidding.. my best friend has me helping her dye and put her tape ins in her hair and I’ve never done anything with hair before and your video saved her head lol! Now we’re doing this process for the second time and I’m watching again for a refresher course thank you!!!

Lpg 8: Wow, you did such an amazing job and it looked so effortless.  I wish I was this coordinated, I've tried just putting them on the sides and have the hardest time LOL, it looks beautiful.

xleaflettex: I'm so not coordinated enough to attempt this myself. :P Looks amazing!

Mel Thompson: You look amazing with both long and short hair ! Yes definitely to some tutorials ❤️

Angela Schneider: I’ve watched a couple videos of other people doing this and they didn’t look great. I’m so glad I ran into your video today. You made it so easy to understand, you get straight to the point, and your hair looks amazing! I love it! Good job ❤️

Nina Holder: I've been researching tape in extensions and watching videos. I decided to go with what you recommended!! I can't wait!

Elisha Mata: I always get my extensions done with a stylist but this video helped me alot applying my own. Followed the same procedure she did and you won't believe it looked amazing!

Denise Moreno: Thank you so much, you have no idea how much you’ve helped. I’m excited to try this, will save 300 bucks every 10 weeks

Cait The Great: Loving your videos, how have I not found you before??????? All of your hair videos have helped me so much, we have the exact same hair, texture, length, hair color (same natural color and blonde), everything! So many videos I've watched of people with shorter, naturally straight hair have a hard time blending their extensions in and styling them right, BUT YOURS ALWAYS LOOK FANTASTIC! keep the videos coming pleaseeeeeee! Also, I would love to see a video of your hair care tips for in between extension removal and application!

Melanie Noe: I really love that color on you You are beautiful with short hair as well. Such a great video.Love ya girl❤ Sending hugs from Tennessee ❤ ✨ ❤ ✨ ALWAYS

A T: Absolutely perfect tutorial. Thank you!

Brooke R: You make this look so easy! I gave up and took out my three wefts after a minute of frustration!!

Jane Ferraz: Beautiful! You make it look so easy. I'm going to do it this weekend.

Randi: Kristie, I've been struggling trying to install my tape in extensions on myself, you make it look so easy! Any way you can possibly show a picture (still shot) of how you set up your mirrors? I cant seem to find the right angle =(

salma rahman: My hair loss is most visible at the front of my scalp when I do a middle parting.. could I use these to hide the hair loss for a middle part?

lailaox: I’m gotten pretty used to applying them myself but I’ve never tried the method you do where you apply the top first then pull up the extension and sandwich the bottom!! Seems like it’s easier I’m def trying that way. Typically how long do they last for you?

Erin gemini: You make this look so EASY! I am installing my OWN extensions because the 1st time I went to a local hair(Hawaii) salon, the stylist said she had never done them, but had watched it done.She ended up not only doing it completely WRONG, but, she left me in SO MUCH PAIN, because the hair wasn't separated/parted properly(if even parted at all). She did not make "hair sandwiches" just stuck each single piece ALL the way up to my scalp & hairline. She kept running to the bathroom with the hair in her hand. I later(when I got home), counted the hair, & she had stolen more than a dozen wefts. She also left ZERO hair for the front & sides, (because she put too much in the back, and hid the rest in the bathroom). She had agreed on only charging me $300 no matter how long it took. She googled" how much it costs to have hair installed at a salon"and got SO MAD, she started pulling my hair, smoking in the salon(blowing smoke in my face), and thats probably why she stole the hair I needed for the front/sides, what a nightmare !! Thank you for this video, even if I screw it up, it can NEVER be as bad as that salon! P.s. she's a solo owner, (nobody to complain to), but her, and she KNEW I was .

Kryss XO: This video is so helpful ! I’m planning on buying tape ins for my gender reveal. I have thick dark hair and it’s at my shoulder blades how many pieces should I buy ?

Tatymn Alex: You did such a good job....and made it seem easy for us to do.

Princess Kitana: The best tutorial so far i have seen makes it look so easy

Maddi Hill-Lovett: Hello! Love the video, just wondered where your shelving unit is from in the background?xx

Cassidy Jade: I always have 60 tapes in because I love thick hair I wear the zala tape in hair extensions :) I always get my stylist to apply them for me because I can’t do it lol

OdasVanity: That looks so good! I’m a hairdresser myself but never did a lot of extentions. Only on my coworkers while they talked me through it. I recently got mine back on but it looks weird no matter what I do or how I style it.. Had a haircut so the ends is pretty healthy and thick. You can see my natural hair in between.. First time I’ve got extensions my hair was longer and it was damaged due to bleach Back then it looked so good with extensions.. And my dog stole a bunch of my extensions while drying after toner so I guess that is a big factor I just bought a few new packs of hair but I can’t figure out how to apply them. After watching this I will try to apply them by myself Thank for this video! you’re great! New subscriber!

Karnika Chhon: Heyy girlyyyy, I was just wondering if you have had any tapes slipped using this brand? You’re stunning btw!!☺️

Kayleigh Atkinson: i am waiting on my last pack of tapr in extensions and have shorter hair length and uneven. the way you explained and show your way of putting in tape helped me give me an idea of how to do it right!!

Shamekia: Love it! How many tape-ins did you use?

flyn vandenbergh: New subscriber! You and your videos are sooooo amazing! Love your vibe ❤️

Christina Morales: Love how you did your own hair. Amazing

Carol Grimm: That's done neatly I am going to do mine now tierd paying hairdresser 600 u did great job

TheSunshinegal67: Thanks for sharing! I have natural curly hair which brands of clip in/tape in extensions do u recommend?

Leah Dutton: What the heck that actually looks so so natural wow

kanika Johnson: What I love about them is it hides your hair because its sandwiched together

kanika Johnson: What I love about them is it hides your hair because its sandwiched together

Maddi: Can you do a tutorial on hair styles with your tape in extensions And can you do two Dutch braids with them? I play netball and that’s how my hair has to be

Michaela: This video is super helpful I’m a hairstylist and wasn’t even sure on how to go about putting them in on myself since the first time someone else did but I recommend following this if you want to do them yourself

Nicole K.C.: Omg! This way looks way easier! I just applied mine last night but some are tugging. You think I should remove and retape or will they get more comfortable? Is it damaging to leave them in if they pull a bit? I wish I had seen your tutorial and I did a lot of research!

Melissa Hays: This was helpful. Thank you for sharing.

Mike and Mom: Omg wow just beautiful!

Nikki Pratt: Very pretty and nice colour match. I can still sort of see front on by the sides of your neck the shorter ends from the blunt cut. Grabbing those & tucking them into a small ponytail or clipping into a bun at your nape so they'll be hidden by the longer extensions/length at the back will help a lot. Probably be less noticeable when it's curled also. Otherwise looks really good.

Taleah: I really love this look! It’s an amazing colour and compliments you so well! Thanks for another amazing video! ❤️❤️

Packapack Projects: Looks AMAZING

Kimberly McDonald: Do your extensions ever come loose and y need to reapply them? I have bead extensions currently and I’m thinking of switching to tape ins! I love your video and your extensions are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

awomanwalksintoabar: Kristie, question here. I have my extensions, and I needed to tone them to ash them out. I shampooed them thoroughly, and in doing so I saturated the tapes. Do I need to allow the tapes to dry thoroughly first, or can I apply them to my hair while damp?

Kayla Wiebe: Great video, I have the exact same hair color as you, what color extensions did you use?

Rebecca S: Best tape in video I've seen so far

R L: Fantastic! Thank you!

Mandy Diepstraten: Wow ur good!!!! Gonna try it tonight Thank you so much!!

Kiera Welch: I cringed at the price I think you did a wonderful job, but mayyyyybe I’ll just be patient and wait for my hair to grow lol.

Msfugly: What about thicker hair ? I normally wear it natural so I'd like the extentions to be natural as possible by this I mean do they go curly or wavy when wet ? Thanks x

Izzy Meadows: Can I ask, Where did you get these tapes from?

Debbie Lorenzo: I just want to thank this girl so much . I have been trying to put Ext in my hair for over a week now , wasn’t doing them right they were pulling on my flyways etc. anyways after watching this video I’m literally half way through my head . Thank you soo much !

Bret Powers: It blends in soo well with your natural hair. Love it boo. Short or Long hair, you still look amazing

Skeletal Skeleton: I’ve colored my hair so much and had to cut quite a bit. I miss my long green hair and wanted extensions but with custom color I’m going to spend thousandsssssss - DIY time!

Jennifer Floren: So glad I found this video!!

lisa brouwer: Great Video ! Your own Hair looks healthier and thicker now

Tia Williams: How many extensions do you use? I bought a 40 pack and was wondering if that’d be enough my hairs a couple inches shorter than yours!

Jesenia Rodriguez: Do you find tape in damaging ? Does it break a bit?

Harley Quinn: I wanna bleach and dye my hair and it will be $300 in a salon plus hair extensions will be $90 it’s already $390 so I’m trying to tape the extensions myself because if salon does they charge $85 I can save $85 but I’m kinda afraid to do it myself lol this video however explains so good

maka waldron: Looks so good

Riley: I'm getting my first ever tape in hair extensions in a month's time and I'm kind of nervous I haven't had long hair still 2013 I have always cut it I've designed to finally grow it out from a undercut and side shaved and it's still not long enough so I'm happy to finally have long hair again can you tell you have tape ins will it be noticeable when I tie it up ?

Brenda González: Question do you ever apply heat to the tape in part after putting them together?

Forever Young: Does this brand specifically last you a year? I have purchased hair from Australian company (different brand) before and was not too happy about it. I was just want to be 100% before I invest. Thank you :)

Deanna Mcculloch: Your hair looks so natural and so full xxx

Kathy Ostman-Magnusen: I just finished watching about 10 how to's and yours is the BEST! I've been having a stylist do it but it is so darn expensive so I think I might start doing them myself. Thank you!

DrHunterMD & kittywaymo: @kittywaymo hello my name is Sheila Hunter I'm an actress and stand in, love your tutorials! Also can you please tell me about your nails are so pretty what colors are they and is there any way that you could perhaps share a link of what nail polish they are and length thank you! :-) if there's a link also for the human hair extensions online that would be awesome and if they're available on Amazon or Ebay? Thank you so much!❤

Elisabeth Allsopp: Hi! This video is amazing! I would just like to ask how you find your tape ins if you were to french braid your hair? Thanks

Ariel Martinez: Which tape tabs hold the best? I got some from glam seamless and they don’t stick good. I would get it done but looking at ur video doing them on ur own makes me just wanna do it I my own. Which tape tabs work best? And stick VERY good? Pls lmk:(

Lea Seberg Fladstad: Has anyone else started wearing extensions also just because you have also had problems having short and thin hair for a long time and not been able to get long and thick hair again which you don't have patience or not even have time to wait for some special reasons as me? How long can tape extensions be on hair before it had to be removed, can it be used again several times on hair, how long can tape extensions be on hair before it had to be removed, how long do I have to be without tape extensions on my hair before I can wear it again, how long can it last before it gets worn out, how many tape exensions do I need for short and thin hair when I want long and thick hair, how can I keep it on my hair without it falling off, does it feels natural like our own hair when we wear it, will tape attachment be invisible on short and thin hair, can it make hair worn, how to blow-dry my hair and tape extensions without it being worn if tape extensions have to be blow-dryed every time I wash both my hair and tape extensions and do tape extensions need any other products than just extra tape, remover and another shampoo and conditioner?

K Parker: Why do people so often go lighter with the extensions? I feel like if they went more true to color it would look even more beautiful and full. But I love the way this came out anyway! I was just wondering

Christina H.: What if I never ever tie up my hair? (Migraine problems) can I freely place them as long as they’re not visible with my hair down? lol

Ashley Child: I decided to starting doing tape in extensions earlier this year (between all the bleaching and dying, and fertility meds for about 2 yrs, my hair just would not grow, and it broke easily), the only down fall, which I knew to expect, is paying almost $200 every 7-8 weeks to have them moved up.. I recently took them out to let my hair breathe for a week or so, and wanted to get them put back in, but just don't have the money for it... I am seriously so happy I found this video. You make it look so easy. I did get pretty good at putting a couple sections back in that would fall out... So I am hoping after watching this a couple dozen times, I don't have any issues putting them all back in myself.

Rosa Mercado: Where did you get the extensions from?

Rachel W: You are gorgeous! Constructive criticism from a master colorist/prof stylist: the color match is off on these extensions

Mimi: Hairstylist must hate you :) thank you for such a great tutorial

superbang2pm: Once you have put these extensions on, do you need to take them off before showering?

kanika Johnson: I have problems when washing them though they just start parting away in first wash so I gotta keep putting heat on the tape again to try n bond it again .pain in The ass

Teana Madrid: Do you think I should try this on my own? Or go to a salon? It looks pretty simple but I don’t want to mess them up!

ana salaji: Looks great

Leah Allen: Great video, too cute! I need the name of that Detangler! Hot mess with me!

sinead ann: new sub !!! love this so much xxx

Jessie Rose: What are these like to live with? Also are they noticeable if you put your hair up? And how long dose they last?

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