How to Remove the Shine from a Synthetic Wig

Our beautiful synthetic wigs possess wig styles, cuts, and colours that can look wonderfully natural. However, sometimes the infamous shine of a synthetic wig can be a giveaway that it isn’t your natural hair. Lustrous, shiny locks are a must-have for many women styling their hair, but the shine on synthetic wigs can sometimes be a little too much.  If you’re looking to achieve a more natural and realistic look, here are our customer top tips on how to remove the shine from a synthetic wig

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Customer Top Tips Special – How to Remove Shine from Synthetic Hair

Spray the Shine Away

“I got the idea of using dry shampoo from YouTube. It is one of the most widely used methods for removing shine from synthetic hair; a great quick-fix solution! There are loads of dry shampoo products on the market, and while most work to do the same thing, I find that some work better than others. I have found that many dry shampoos produce a white powder that can taint darker wigs. So use a dry shampoo product that is meant specifically for darker hair colours, or one that doesn’t produce a white substance. Blonde and white-coloured wigs camouflage a light powder, so most dry shampoos are suitable for these wigs.”

“I apply a quick spritz of the spray and watch the shine fade! Then I spray small amounts at a time and gradually build it up until I’ve achieved the look I’ve wanted.”

Powder Your Synthetic Wig

“An effective method that I use to remove shine from a synthetic wig is to apply talc powder or a baby powder. I sometimes find this a bit messy as powder sometimes goes everywhere. But I find by using a spare makeup brush or wig brush to apply the powder can make the process a lot easier. Be careful not to apply too much product as this can dull your wig to the extreme! Once you have applied the powder, take your wig outside or hold it over the sink and give it a shimmy ‘n shake to remove any excess powder.”

Wash Away the Shine

“I have always used a fabric softener as the product to remove shine from synthetic hair.  It must be the chemicals from the fabric softener that are great at removing a little shine from a wig, without removing it altogether. I find to get the best result, fill a sink or large bowl with water and add a couple of tablespoons of your fabric softener. Give the wig a few minutes to soak in the solution and then gently comb through the wig using your fingers. Remove the wig from the water and allow it to dry as you normally would.”

(SW does not recommend this method, but a lot of our clients still use fabric conditioner!)

Give it Time

“The easiest way I find to remove the shine from a wig is to allow it to naturally dull throughout wear. Just wash as normal to start to minimise the unnatural shine to your wig, it’s important to be aware that this isn’t a quick fix!”

Tactical Styling

I simply find that wig shine is often more obvious when a wig is straight and the style is perfect. Creating a wispier look is much more natural, and styling your wig with waves or curls helps to hide the shine of your synthetic wig.

Simply Wigs says – As mentioned in a How to Make a Wig Look Natural guide, aside from learning how to remove shine from a synthetic wig, there are other ways of ensuring that your wig looks more natural. These include experimenting with your style, perhaps creating an up-do or experimenting with accessories. Refer to our guide for more tips on helping your wig to look natural

And there you have it, some of our customer tricks on how to remove the shine from your synthetic wig! Have you tried any of these tactics?
Let us know below what your favourite method is!

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