Winter Wavy Washday Routine (2A, 2B, 2C Hair)

Hey there guys! This is my FAVORITE routine for when the weather gets cold! You may have noticed that your hair's needs change when the weather changes. And this is what works for me in the winter!

Products Mentioned:

Strands Shampoo & Conditioner:

Bounce Curl Clump & Define Cream:

Tréluxe Hi Definition Geléluxeproducts (Promo code: swavycurlycourtney15)

Ecoslay Orange Marmalade:

The Perfect Haircare Towel and Brush:

If you are interested in supporting this channel by picking up a t-shirt you are welcome to check out:

If you are really stuck on where to start the Curly Girl Method please feel free to look into Courtney's Curl Class!!!

Feeling lost on Protein Moisture Balance? The Protein Course has got you covered!!!




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~DISCLAIMER~ This video is not sponsored, but the description does contain some affiliate links. This means I earn a small percentage if you purchase something through one of these links. There’s no pressure to purchase this way, but if you want to save a bit of money and help me out you can.

#swavycurlycourtney #winterwashday #curlygirlmethod




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Hey there guys welcome back to my channel. Yes, it is really cold here. Where i live today, we had well actually yesterday a cold front blew in and overnight we actually got some snow. I know some of y'all are looking at that snow and thinking that it's a joke, but where i'm from we get excited when we get snow, the whole town shuts down. We completely forget how to drive, because there's a tiny bit of ice on the road and snow, so we just stay home today was a snow day yay, something that happens to my hair when the weather changes, especially when it changes drastically like that, it feels so Dry, i have to completely change my hair care routine in order to meet the new needs of my hair as the weather changes. So this video today we are going to be talking about my balm winter wash day routine. This is the routine that i can really count on to keep my hair moisturized and balanced. It'S a routine that i can't necessarily use in the summer because the products are just too moisturizing for my hair when the air gets cold and dry and we start kicking on our heaters, you need to up the moisture in your routine. So if you want to see what i do, this is so pretty. This makes me so happy if you want to see exactly what that routine is then come with me into my bathroom and i'll. Show you exactly what i did all right, so we're going to be jumping right into this winter balm wash day routine. I love having this routine in my back pocket for when the weather gets cold and dry on us, so first off i'll be going in with something i haven't showed y'all before this is my strands: hair care, shampoo and conditioner. This is a really neat company. They actually take a sample of your hair. It'S a hair analysis, slash custom formulation for you. I'Ve talked about previously on my channel companies that will formulate shampoo and conditioner for you, but they go off of your knowledge of your hair and i've also talked about hair analysis companies, but the other hair analysis companies that i've talked about do not give you a Shampoo and conditioner recommendation for you, so what's cool about strands is that they actually combine the two. You have to collect your own hair sample. They look at porosity. They look at texture. They look at the overall health of your hair. Then you fill out their little questionnaire. You tell them a little bit about where you live. What your normal daily activities look like, if you are a person who exercises and sweats a lot, if you're the kind of person who doesn't necessarily do that, they also include in their kit. When you collect your hair samples, they give you everything you need in order to be able to mail them your hair sample, but they also include like these little oily tester sticks and, oh, my goodness, those are so cool. I already knew i had oily hair, but those just showed me how oily my hair actually is, and you you tell them how oily your hair is, and then they send you your custom formulation. No two customers of strands have the exact same formulation. Even if you have fine oily hair, your formula is going to be specific to you, because it will be formulated for where you live as well, which is really really cool. These have been a really nice background staple for my most recent single styler experiments. These have just given my hair exactly what it needs. It gets it perfectly clean. It gives it the right amount of protein because they are formulated with proteins. It has colloidal oatmeal in both the shampoo and the conditioner, which help with my itchy scalp they've. Just put all kinds of really nice ingredients in here that my hair really really loves. So this is going to be the base for my winter wash day routine. Then i find that my hair tends to need something like a cream instead of just using a leave-in. If you watched my custards creams and stylers, oh my video, i think that's what i called it um i talk about where and i use a leave-in a cream, a custard, a gel, a mousse. I talked about where i used all those different stylers and creams have a little bit more hold and a little bit more moisture than just a leave-in. So when things get dry instead of reaching for a leave-in i'll reach for a cream, and lately i've been really loving the bounce, curl clump and define cream, then for stylers we go. I actually really love layering, the treluxe high definition gel and the ecoslay orange marmalade and here's why i find that when i exclude protein completely from my wash days, even when it's cold and dry and my hair wants more moisture, i find that it doesn't keep my Hair balanced, i need to include some protein in some of my products, even when my hair is needing to be moisturized. I find that the high definition gel has so much moisture in it that it's almost too moisturizing for me to use during the summer months, but it also contains some protein. It'S got proteins in it, so it's like a really moisturizing gel with a little bit of protein and the eco slate orange marmalade doesn't have any protein in it, but it has some protein mimickers, like flax, seed and marshmallow root extract. This product is definitely too moisturizing for me in the summer, but it has really nice hold and it's incredibly moisturizing and that's how i'm building my routine all right guys. Here i am with my hair 100 dry. I did diffuse it to about 90 dry and then i let it finish. Air drying, oh and i did plop my hair with a perfect hair care towel for about 15 ish minutes before i was able to get to diffusing my hair. So this is what my hair is looking like right now, i love scrunch out the crunch, because your hair goes from looking kind of like this a little sad to looking. Well, let me show you so what i do is i flip my hair over give it a good scrunch. I also left the roots really good, make sure that nothing's stuck once your hair is dry. You don't have to be afraid to touch it but trying to figure out where the parts gon na be. I think i like it right there, then i kind of rake and fluff see like now. It'S like big and pretty and soft and doesn't look so stringy. I love this routine. Let me turn around and show you the back. I like this one, this one's cute, oh, but i think, for the sake of the part, i'm gon na have to put him over here yep there. He is he's right there, all right guys that is it for this video. If you want more information about some of the products that i talked about, please feel free to check out the links in the description for me personally when the weather gets cold. I definitely cut back on the amount of protein that i'm using, but i don't eliminate it completely. I tend to reach for products that i find more moisturizing on my hair. If your hair is a little bit protein sensitive and on the dryer side, you may use a completely protein free routine when the weather gets cold, start substituting in maybe some more deep conditioning sessions and using a curl cream instead of a leave-in. You might find that helpful, layering, the gels. I really find that layering gels really locks in all the moisture, goodness all right guys. That is it for this video. I hope you are having an absolutely fantastic day and i will talk to y'all later bye.

Hannah Parmley: “Yes, new wash day video from Swavy Curly Courtney” Never get tired of watching your channel. Thanks for all the tips. I recently bought the Curl Smith line after watching your video. Was dead nervous as it was so pricey, but followed your routine and my hair is the best it’s every looked (10 months in to my CGM journey).

Jordan Faith: Oh my gosh, I haven’t even watched anything but the intro yet, but have to say that your hair looks ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS

Lizzy Sunday: Every time Courtney uses a product for a wash day video I’m like clicking “submit order” before the video is even over Costing me all my moneys girl! Keep up the good work, I trust your recommendations above anyone else!

Crystal Rapose: First, your hair always looks so gorgeous!!!! Thank you so much for making this video. I discovered I was a wavy girl in May and started CGM then. Obviously, a lot has changed in the last 6 months temperature wise and I really was not sure how to tweak my routine and what products to eliminate or add. This was so informative!!!

Emma: "Once your hair is dry, you don't have to worry about touching it." LOL! Maybe YOU don't, Courtney! Mine gets sooooo frizzzzzy.

Leslie Argil: The moment you say “I like this one, he’s so cute!”, was exactly me I come out from scrunching all excited to show my husband my hair and like and look at this one, look at that one, go on, pull it to watch it bounce up! Sometimes he humors me He does love the “new” me with curls, though, your videos have helped so much!

Anita clue: That Bouncecurl cream is heavenly! I was actually kinda excited when we got a few cold and dry I could use it again. Your results are amazing !!!

SashaDeter: Thank you so much for sharing this routine!! I had used the Orange Marmalade gel on its own, with the bouncecurl cream and a few other products and I kept getting fluffy ends and not enough hold. I added the treluxe gel as the last step in my routine and the shrinkage is immediate and I finally get the hold I'm looking for with the great enhancement from the orange marmalade. I've tried a few variations of this routine and have a hefty amount of the bouncecurl cream in my hair today and I still have great volume--I think the glycerin in it helps keep my hair from being too weighed down. This has been my go-to routine this late fall and early winter. Thank you so much for sharing and helping me make this wonderful products work for my (very similar to yours) hair!

marta ribas rosello: Hii, could you do a One brand washday with Garnier fructis please?? I'd love that since I'm from Spain and here we don't have most of the products you usually mention.

Laura MacBride: Your hair is shiny and the curl definition is amazing! I love the volume too!

pizza pie: I love the way you filmed & edited this wash day! The scene cuts are more personal than a voiceover and higher quality than talking upside down! Great job!

Lauren Manley: Super great video, Courtney! I have color treated hair, so I may go for the products you recommended for dry hair at the end. Less protein. Thanks soooo much!!!!

Nikki Kim: I love this! I remember when I was first reaaaaaally going curly girl my first year of college (I didn't really have curly hair until about 16ish) that all of the sudden, it just looked really bad in the winter. I was using the Devacurl Original line throughout the year, and my mom suggested that maybe I needed a bit more moisture. I switched to the Devacurl Decadence line while I was home, and hallelujah--there was my problem. I just ordered my Decadence set to prepare for New York winter (that first day it hit 30 degrees, I said I needed my Winter stash)! I know my hair LOVES protein, so it always gets a boost in the winter! Glad to know someone else understands the "switching products" game in the winter!

hildreth: I love that you're getting more goofy and comfortable in your videos ❤

Nesmah Maguire: Hey Courtney! LOVE your videos! Always full of really useful information. Anyway my question you dye your hair? Do you have any recommendations that are less damaging? Thank you so much

Jenny Wellman: Oh my hair usually LOVES mouisture but now that it’s colder with high humidity it craves protein I did a proteintreatment yesterday and my hair loved it, when I tried that same thing at the end of summer it hated it Still in transition trying to figure out my hair... Your hair looks gorgeous

Jlynne JJ: Love this! Any chance you could do your sister's winter routine as well?

Rackel: Thanks so much for the video, I live in Ireland so most countries winter weather is 75% of the year's weather over here. I've been doing cgm for about 4 months, and I wouldnt be where I am if it wasnt for you. I have 2a/2b hair, sometimes 2c on a ~very~ good hair day. I never knew how to get my hair to clump together until I watched your clump hacks videos and oh my goodness have they changed my wash day. Thank you so much for the videos, they have really changed my wavy hair life

Erin F.: Your hair looks so lovely. Are there any tricks to have your hair not knot up AFTER it's dry? I feel like my hair dries and then gets knotted. Any tricks? or is this going to happen with curly hair? Mine has done this no matter what products I use since the beginning of time lol

Aline Paradis: Struggling with dry hair at the moment (I live in Canada, and we have plenty of snow, and it's really cold right now). I'm trying to find styling products without glycerin.... that's hard! I will try the bounce curls!! Thanks!

pizza pie: Can we get an updated diffusing routine/tutorial? I'm going to be blow drying a lot more now that it's getting cold!!!

all things darah: Being from Colorado, your snow is so cute! And since I'm new to CGM, this video is so super helpful since we have a LOT of winter here. Thanks!!!

Kim: Your hair is my goal (growing out colour damage for a year now)

Turn and Splat Art: You wouldn’t have any idea why my hair always looks awful the days after I clarify. It takes about 2 wash days to stop looking limp and lifeless. I have high porosity, thin, fine hair. Been curly since February, my hair still isn’t very shiny. And it seems like no matter what I use I can’t get enough protein

Char Latte: Been struggling with this lately cause it’s super cold and dry here right now!

Sandra Irene: I am loving how shiny your hair looks!

melissa t.paquette: Hey hey french canadian girl here and soooo greatfull for this video!!! Thank you for all your videos, my hair has never been better since i found your channel

Fluid Motion Agility: I just want to say how fantastic your videos are! And you are amazing! I emailed you a question, and I was so amazed to get such a great reply! You rock!!

KCG 123: So helpful!! My hair has been acting so weird and I think its because its not hydrated enough in this cooler weather.

Morgan Sides: Thanks Courtney! That Strands product looks really interesting. I'd like to try it.

Addie Torgerson: Such beautiful curls! Curious if there is a reason you put the marmalade on after the gel? Love and appreciate all of your videos!

Emily Lerman: can you compare and contrast your hair results from the two different companies you've used to test your hair?

Marion G: I love this! But I have a question, would you need to retake the test if you're hair is changing, like getting less porous, less oily etc??

Janine Moberg: Oh I totally needed this. I live in Minnesota and it has gotten cold and will be getting even colder and I have noticed that my hair feels dry. I may have to try this out!!

Stacey Bextel: You are having an AWESOME hair day !!!

Tori Colvin: Out of all the brands you've tried. What's your favourite? Xx

Emma Gavars: hey Courtney you have got great skin as well as ur hair...would u do a facial face care video of your skincare routine please?

greenAlien: Ahh ok so I just realized that the shampoos I have been using actually have some weak sulfates in them ‍♀️ so I was wondering if anyone had sulfate free shampoos for oily and 2a-2b hair recommendations?

Mikoken Noob: I live in Greenland, its is so hard to find good curl stuff. And the shipping from and to is quite expensive when ordering. But I do try really hard to keep my curls healthy

Traci Mascheck: My hair looks GREAT once it’s dry and I scrunch it out...30 mins later it starts looking kind of flat and stringy. I constantly have to fluff...and it end up not looking good

J: Lol I love when you slam into the tub and THOSE LEGS!!!! Omg! Can you do a video on how you keep in shape, workout routine, diet etc.....?

Melissa Verboom: Your hair is so pretty!! Love it! Do you use products with glycerine in the cold time of year? My hair usualy explodes whatever I do...

trickycoolj: I just blow dry my barely 2A hair which ends up going pretty much straight because in Seattle it’s practically 100% humidity all winter long so my hair would never ever dry and just makes me cold to the bone all day. It’s like 40 and drizzly for 9 months.

Kathy Ciston: Wow Courtney wish my hair looked as good as your "sad" hair. I guess I need patience, I'm only 4 months in on my cg journey. But really appreciate all your great videos!

Curly Loves Beauty and Books: Since function of beauty has a silicone free option now I was thinking of trying it. What are your thoughts on them?

Francesca Rignanese: What more affordable products would you recommend in place of these? And things that are easily found at target, cvs, or Amazon!! Thank u :)

karla nichols: I love scrunching out the crunch too!

Jessica Fiasconaro: I really love watching you and that's an awesome shirt! Can you recommend someone to follow for 3b 3c curls?!

Cosmo Cosmo: I love the thumbnail!! Gets me in the winter mood. You're so lucky you get snow where you live...

Stephanie Bottomley: I'm from a very sunny part of California, and it was 86 today! If it rains here we lose it, I can't even imagine what would happen if we got snow

Emma: Yep, that's Texas for gets cold so randomly that I walk outside in shorts and a t shirt. HAHAHA! Love this video! Thanks

Katie Turza: This answers a question I asked on one of your other videos about an hour ago. I live in Maine and I feel like I CAN'T get enough moisture. ‍♀️

Shelby: Your hair is looking really good!

More Hoodies: Would you be able to do a winter wash day with products from the drug store? It's so hard to find products for my type 2 hair that enhance my curls

Julia: Hellohello- I would like to try the Strands-Shampoo but I live in Germany do you know if something like this is available in Europe as well? Thank you so much

Laundrey1: I wish my hair looked moisturized like yours. My hair looks so frizzed out right now and diffusing makes it worse. I hate the winter. I can put in moisture and then it just gets frizzy on the ends and greasy looking in the back underneath areas.

megan e: If you had to choose between Strands and Formulate which do you like better for customized shampoo and conditioner? Recently watched your formulate video

Christy Burke: Beautiful

KathleenKC1: How did the results of your hair test compare to the other test? Did you get to use the new dryer?

Christina Camonayan: I have found lately that when I SOTC my curls just turn into a big poof and everything gets super frizzy. Is this my hair lacking moisture or just needing a better/stronger gel?

W S: Hi Courtney, can you please advice on low poo shampoo? Do you use clarify shampoo every time you wash? I saw your favorite shampoos are all clarify. Thanks in advance!!

Amber Boney: Do you have 19 or 22 momme, etc on your silk pillowcase? I'm trying to decide which one I should get.

Cowgirl Kat: We had snow the 1st of Oct. here in Wyoming & it stayed until nearly halloween.

King Sparrow: For the first time Im so early and I really live your videos They've helped me a lot in my cgm method

Madeline: Hi! I love your videos! Do you think you could review some shampoo and conditioner bars!

SW D: Any recommendations on a satin or silk lined hat?

je ra: Can you please recc a single light hold cream without glycerine, coconut, or high aloe? I can't layer and don't like producty feel

Wild Bibliophile: Loooove your shirt (and hair)

Jennifer Knowles: A soon as it got cold here my hair got lank and my curls won't curl, just wave.

Alyssa Owen: I also have the perfect towel and brush but i can't seem to plop with it properly. Do you have a viedo that demonstrates that?

A Wallaby: Bulverde, TX resident here and I love when we get an inch of snow. So exciting! LOL

Melanie viljoen: Im inlove with ur curls im new to ur channel and i watched almost all ur vids. I have fine hair im from south africa cape town.

Julia.MD2B: It’s been rainy and cold where I live but my air has been soooo over moisturized even though I’m using my normal products. I don’t understand

A Person: Is it just me who thinks their hair gets really dry in the summer as well as the winter?? I thought it was just weathers my hair isn’t used to but I don’t really know what I’m doing

luckyDancer100: I think her hair is lovely. But the only issue I think people with fine hair have, like myself, is the plastic sheen hair products sometimes leave. I don’t know what to do about it.

Tammy Dowell: I live in Florida. It never snows here. I was 5 last time it snow here. The coolest it gets here around 30.

Lauren Baker: Great intro!

Jen Hooper: That intro ...

Stephanie: I'm in Toronto Canada and it was 16 degrees today (I don't remember what that is in American) so my husband wore shorts to the grocery store!

Lori Wolsey: FYI - Strands only ships to the States.

April C.: I live in New York, and I’m not looking forward to winter weather. My hair is thick, coarse and curly and I don’t think it will ever look as shiny as yours.

lexa winter: Help my hairs stringy dry frizz it's always cold and wet here but I get flash drying with so many products ....just did 2 olaplex treatments this week and deep conditioning but it's just fluffy feeling with dry frizz wet frizz string end ‍♀️

Erin Smith: Do you know if they have a fragrance free option?

C C: I really can't style upside down I've tried many times and the back is always wonky. I just don't get it

Amanda LeBlanc-Schulz: Wait, that much snow is a snow day???

lisa6191: Are the Strands products curly girl friendly?

melissa t.paquette: It's sad that strand's don't ship yet to Canada

Sam Bednar: Meanwhile it’s 70 degrees in pittsburgh this weekend!!

Morgan: ❤️ ❄️

tvmom: We got early snow in kc this year.

Deeda514: We shut down for snow here in the south!!

Mia Price: Almost at 100k

LemonadeLaura: In the thumbnail, I legit thought you were Hermione for a split second lol

Tami Szalai: When can you tell what your hair needs? I have no idea, I can tell it doesn't feel nice to touch and it has trouble curling (I haven't used heat on it at all so it's not hear damage). How long until you start understanding what it needs?

mekaykay: Treluxe promo not working :(

Elena Hickman: Where are you from?

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