Women'S Short Spunky Haircut - Feather Styling Razor

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Many women wear their hair short, but that doesn't mean they want to look like a man. Women want soft, feminine inspired designs that work with their hectic lifestyles and reflect their personality. There is no better tool than the razor to achieve that style. Within our Jatai styles you will find there is a classic feel to all of our designs. This short haircut is a little more on the edge with classic elements throughout.

To see Lucky Grip Clips, click here.


To see the Feather Styling Razors, click here.


To see Blade Glide, click here. 


To see the Nape & Body Razor, click here.


To see the Feather Switch Blade Shears, click here. 


To see Feather Kaiden Shears, click here.


Hi, I'm Chris T Waldrip national education coordinator for jatai International. Today we're going to be cutting a great short spunky haircut for Little Miss Rosie. Here she has a great edgy personality and fun and we want to give her hair more of that same look. We wanted to have a lot of versatility and fluidity through the hair. What we'll also do is remove a lot of this weight, because her hair is perfect for razor cutting. Yes, it's very dense. However, she is a medium texture that will work really nicely with the razor once we go in and start removing the weight and add a lot of structured definition with the razor we'll be left with a little bit richer tips on the end, giving it that nice. As you feel now that we're going to do we're going to go ahead and get miss Rosie shampoo and start the haircut, we went from high point of the head till the high point of the head here to the high point of the ear. And then we went from forehead to right at the occipital bone. We have made sure that we start at the high point of the occipital and bring it down to the ear base. We'Re going to start with a little bit of blade Glide within this back section blade Glide is a pharmaceutical-grade cutting solution that allows for the hair to stay nice and moist as you're cutting we're going to take a vertical subsection, nice and tight not too wide with The density of her hair - it doesn't need to be more than a half of an inch if even that, we want this to be pretty tight, so I'm going to go in and because this is graduation, we're going to move our wrist all the way down, cut Directly down, if you see I'm moving softly through with my wrist, you can see the graduation that is started still taking small half inch or less than half an inch subsection partings going in with the razor parallel to the hair shaft. I'M going to take this length off because I really one short and that was extra length - we're cutting from shortest to long. So it allows for me to decide how short I want this and we're going to take it directly to her neckline. You can see all this little bit of extra hair that we have going, but what that's going to do we're going to remove that later with the nape and body razor once we get finished with this haircut so be a nice clean line. Has a nice movement through here behind the ear I'm going to go in and just slightly remove that cutting down. I can pull a little bit where I see some longer hairs that I want shorter. So what we're going to do is move to the other side and take from shortest to longest again. It'S always a great idea to work with the way the hair naturally Falls. It'S important to keep the hair good and damp. It'S gotten nice and dry, so we're going to spray it again with the blade glide I'm using the styling razor right now. Most of y'all know it as a black handle. However, I, like our nice silver handle that we have as well through here. Remember. I took a little bit of length off over here doing the same thing on this side. We'Re going to clean up this area take that out with an even body here in a little while now we're going to take hi subsections from just below the crown to this length, so we're going to cut from longest line to shortest length down then we're going To connect the two graduation is always when your fingers are moving. If we were layering that our fingers would be more stationary, go in nice, soft wrists and movement with the razor, because we don't want to have to go back and do a lot of personalizing on those ends. As time goes on, we can see the cut shaping up really nicely still working off just below the crown on diagonals more as we get to the sides. Remember using pi subsections we're moving to right above the top of the ear. Now we're going to slightly over direct it, take your length off and then we'll move to the next side. We'Re connecting these two areas, just like before going through razor, is parallel to the hair. Still moving in and graduated cut once again move the hair look at it see if you're liking, it loving it actually and shorten it. A smidge more on this side, still nice and damp after that pharmaceutical grade, silicone in blade Glide keeps a hair moisture longer. Picking and pulling looking at it feeling it seeing what I want shorter, what I want longer we're seeing a little bit of fun texture going on we're able to move it shape it. However, she wants to new, so now we're going to move into the sides right through here. What we're going to do is over direct this slightly, so we maintain some of the links. I really want to keep it somewhat short around the front of her face. If you'll notice, I've switched to our LX razor just to show you that the styling razor itself, the styling blades, can be interchanged into any of our razor handles continuously. Moving back once again, going in and graduating out maintaining a little bit of length through here over direct this again to that same area you like guides. This is a good way to use them we're using a real soft wrist and we go in if you notice. I'M never using my arm and I go in. I wanted a little shorter right through here we're going to figure out what we're going to do are on the front of the face when we use the shears and a little bit as we did on the other side, we're going to over direct back and graduate Down to remain or to maintain length in the front so that we can play with it at the end, we're going to give her a nice fun fringe area that allows for her to have a lot of movement and shape and flexibility all right. So now we're going to move to that top section. So now we're going to do is we're going to start with this top area. That is still very long and very dense. We'Re going to connect it to the back and move into that front fringe area that we're going to have a lot of fun with we're. Also going to do some structured definition and weight release through this area and make it really have that edgy jagged feel that she'll have a lot of fun with once again no wider than your fingers. Fingers are stationary. They do not move as we layer the hair. Last section all right we're looking at the way her hair naturally grows, which is directly this way. This looks very heavy. We see a lot of definition within the cut thanks to the razor because of that perfection with an imperfection. However, I want to see more so we're going to go in with the fine end of the comb in pull out about 45 degrees. What you're going to find is that it's an imperfect subsection underneath that is okay. What we're looking for is to give a little bit of definition and remove some weight. We'Re going to go in at the mid section of the hair, lay the razor in parallel to the hair section and cut out a V like this. Then we're going to go in on the next side same thing: I'm watching it keeping it about 45 degree angle from the head that way. I can look and see what it does automatically now. You can see more visual interest through here and it's taken out that weight without collapsing the style. She still has a lot of great volume, a lot of great fluidity and movements, we're gon na go ahead and do that throughout the head and give it some structure. As well as a little bit more visual interest on this side, her hair grows forward. Just like most of us, we have our own individual hair print. Just like our finger prints, we have hair prints. Those hair prints have to be individualized and personalized for your specific client. Her hair grows this way, so we're going to cut the way that it grows and I'm just going to take slices out I'm going to go with the way the hair naturally grows. Push that back on diagonal, just like when you're doing your hair color, we work off the diagonals to hide the lines. This will also hide the lines within your cut. Take that over the ear, where it's heavy, more weight out around this front of the face. This fringe area we're gon na, do in just a few minutes when it's blown dry. However, right now we're going to comb, this all forward see how it's moving. This area still is a little bit heavy, so we're going to do just like we did on the other side. Look at the way the hair naturally Falls. We want to allow for her to have a lot of flexibility of movement with this haircut, so we're going to go in and remove weight in specific areas that don't mess with her natural hair line. We don't want it to be stringy, we don't want it to be overly shattered, but we want to have some structure to it and visual interest. We'Re going to go in and clean up this neckline area with the nape and body razor, the nape and body razor is State Board legal in all 50 states. It doesn't look like it has a guard, but it has a very small guard, so you want to be very gentle and very careful with it and we're going to lay it across the skin. Just like we lay the razor parallel to the hair shaft. You lay this parallel to the skin. You let the blade do the work, no real pressure whatsoever. You can see it cleans up. That area really nicely we're going to go ahead and push this back and actually remove all of this right here. It'S just kind of excess fly away, no real reason for that area, so it doesn't interfere with the haircut. It'S going to clean everything up, it's important to always have this area damp and or wet. I personally prefer to saturate it because if you saturate it there will be no razor burn if you use it 45 degrees off the skin or straight on like this, you are going to cut your client, so we need to make sure that it's parallel to the Skin and if there's a great smooth surface for it to cut on I'm working, her hair naturally grows this way. So if you notice I'm combing it that direction, I've already prepped it with the blade glide on this side once again, laying it directly on the skin. No pressure whatsoever, letting the fresh blade do the work for you. So we've worked our way from the left side of her head all the way around cleaned up the nape of her neck. Now we're going to go back in on this side, I felt a little bit more weight that I want removed, especially right through here so a little bit too heavy for my liking. So I'm going to go in remove a little bit more weight, very strong, heavy-handed one more see that movement, visual and then also tactile. Let'S touch it feel it move, it see what it's going to be for the client. It has a lot of movement. A lot of shape, as a matter of fact, if she wanted to just let it dry. Naturally, she's got a lot of great natural bend and body and fluidity, and we've allowed for her curl to even pop up a little bit more that she may not have known that she had having longer hair and heavier hair before after we blow-dried will personalize. This very front area and it will be all finished and ready for the photo shoot you all right. So we've got our all finished blow dry and what we did is we use a little bit of the sentence. Title spray of nikka roses as well as one of his styling creams, and it helped to give a nice polish and change the hair. However, now what we're going to do is we're going to go in and we're going to remove this area through here? To do that, her natural part starts about here, so I'm going to start her diagonal at that section. Don'T want to mess with the blow-dried section too much that I have tilt your head down. Please. However, you can see it starts here and goes out to the high point of her eyebrow, and then it goes down to the other high point of her eyebrow, underneath that is where we're going to cut this area right, I'm going to use our switchblade shears, the Blade literally, can be removed and switched whenever you're ready to have a new set of shears and/or. You need to have your shears sharpened, there's no sharpening just switching, and this is all underneath. So it's not going to be seen really within this haircut unless you want it to be alright so now going into the main part of her fringe pick it. This way. Remember I said at the high point of the eyebrow to the other high point of the eyebrow we're going to pull all this forward. Now we have almost a full straight line. However, we're going to give it more of a diagonal and a point, Pat her chin. That'S going to help it to where she can flip it either way, no matter how she wants to style her hair we're gon na go in diagonal click. This back love our grip clips because they hold everything where they need to I'm going to switch to our new guidance. These are amazing for any type of point, cutting that we want to have done. They are as sharp as razor blades. The technology in which they are made is the same as our plea, air or straight razors, and they are the newest version of our switchblade shears. However, the other switchblade shears, as I'm sure you could tell you, can hear them. There'S no bumper, there's no tension guard and the finger holds are pretty much the exact same up and down they're not offset really at all. However, we now have the guidance. The guidance have attention. They also have a bumper here and an offset finger hold that we are all accustomed to now, they're also, in my opinion, better for point cutting, because in our previous technology, with the switchblade shears, we had a known nip tip and 20-30 years ago, when we were Doing a lot of blood pudding, that was wonderful. However. Now we do a lot of point cutting, so, unfortunately we don't need a no net tip need to really have a nice sharp edge. At the point of our shears, I like to have it straight across this way and then she will move it this way and it creates a shorter to longer effect for that very first subsection now for this section. On the other hand, we see her for this along this point. I will go indeed one way and take it the opposite. Now we have more of a point. Once again, I point of the eyebrow I'm going to go in take off a little bit more of that corner, make it a little bit more precise, carving out it got a little bit of that weight where it's shallow and have the eye. That'S what we're going to remove moving it this way and cutting this is very heavy and then we're going to move it. This way, the opposite direction, obviously of how our hair grows we'll go in the whole time that I'm doing my carving, my shear is moving. Really liking what I see we can see in this back area: lots of great movement texture if you will shows off the natural texture of the hair with the wave and the curl that she has, and I think it'll be a lot of fun and very very Fluid for her later on, what do you think miss Rosie has a lot of flexibility in this back area to flip it over flip it around. You have a lot of different flexibility. Thank you all so much for watching this is Christy waldrop, which -- it. I international we'll see you next cut.

JD Blatz: So amazing one of my favorites to cut! Timeless this never goes out of style!!!

Peace Earth Angel 1111: I’d get my hair cut short for the first time in 35 years if I could have that same haircut by that stylist. Beyond talented!! Love your work!

Mel Vern: LOVE IT! Model is gorgeous-eyes, face, lips and can wear any style and look great.

Donna Gribbins: the sassiest, funnest haircut I have seen in a long time

Mau Maria: Love it!!

JD Blatz: Truely one of my favorite cuts to do. Simply beautiful and use my razor daily!!!!

Noor Gareh: Beautiful

A D: Beautiful. Not sure why you didnt use the razor at the end in that front section

Dörte Kühler- Otuekpo: Wonderful haircut

Tzeni Xx: Amazing!!!

D Who?: Pretty cut for a beautiful girl

Maria Arce: Beautiful love it❤❤❤❤

kyial musaeva: Wrong right hand position!

Guitarman: The

Nancy Davis: I DONT LIKE IT

Tom Moreno: Terrible -- has no flow -- just a choppy mess --

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