The Rachel Haircut - Jennifer Aniston From Friends - Thesalonguy

#thesalonguy #hairtutorial #jenniferaniston

Here is the Rachel from Friends haircut played by Jennifer Aniston. The Rachel haircut is a medium length layered haircut with a lot of strategically placed layers. The layers in her hair are thinned out at the ends creating a much softer look around the face framing.


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I started TheSalonGuy brand 5 years ago after the passing of my Mother and discovering a role model of mine who has a few books on turning your passion into a business. I have spent the last 20+ years in the salon industry, tech and fashion. I left the industry at some point to become a Fireman and Aux. Police Officer. I did 6 years service and resigned shortly after 9/11.

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The classic Rachel haircut from friends, yes, Jennifer Aniston, had you know a very, very popular haircut when she was on friends and I'm taking it back to the original haircut. You know what if she had early on and I've gotten a lot of requests. This is way overdue and I'm going to be doing that for you guys today. So this is the Erica mannequin from pivot point, and it's got pretty much two lengths that I want for the haircut. But what we're really gon na do is we're going to put in those layers into here and that's what the whole magic about this haircut is those really beautiful face framing layers that Jennifer had so we're gon na wash mannequin we're gon na come back and get Started before we get started on the haircuts, I do want to announce some of my new products, which I'm super happy and stoked about. This is my new hemp, shampoo and conditioner. It'S got a little bit closer here. This is high-quality lab tested, organic hemp that this is infused with very, very conditioning for the hair very nourishing. The fragrance is unbelievable as well, definitely worth checking out and then last but not least, my new carbon or activated charcoal deep conditioning hair masks. So the intense is more for someone, who's got super thick, hair, over-processed, hair, very dry, damaged, curly, coarse hair and then the regular version is, for you know normal to dry hair. But it's activated charcoal in here there's a lot of great extracts and oils and things that are really nourishing for the hair, very conditioning, and I definitely suggest you guys check them out since Rachel had her hair parted on the side. That'S how we're going to basically cut this, and I always suggest cutting the hair cuts based off of how the parting goes right, the natural parting or whatever that looked at you want. I really highly suggest cutting it off of that, because that's gon na really help seal in the deal with the shape and also when it comes to sectioning the hair and doing any sort of haircuts. I think it's really ideal to map out the haircut and whatever way you possibly want whether it's just you know, twisting the hair to get it out of the way. But I always suggest creating some sort of map, because because that's gon na really help you break down the haircut and be a lot more efficient, you know and really honestly, it's very, very simple, because all that I've done is simply just create. You know a division point between for the front and the back, because I do want to separate the front and the back it's it's really that simple. All right now, with most of my haircuts, are basically all haircuts 95 % of the times, I'm usually starting right in the back. Ok and I'm doing this to really just establish my length and as I did mention before, the length was pretty much work exactly where I want it. But I just want to kind of go through this whole thing, just to look at the ends to make sure that the ends are where I want them right, and this is good for any haircut is not only or it's rare where a client comes in, or A haircut that I'm gon na do happens where I don't really even just look at the ends or skim the ends. Okay - and I usually don't use any clips - you know it really depends, but for the most part I just get this hair out of the way and I just start to work immediately in through the haircut. So I'm looking at the ends here and they look pretty much perfect to me, probably from the last haircut that I did. But again it's totally cool to go in and skim off any sort of dead ends or anything, and this really helps get the flow going. As well, to be honest with you, when you're cutting hair, I think it's important to get the flow right off the bat, because sometimes, if you start or if you're do something, you're not really necessarily used to or you're changing up a pattern or you're changing up Something then it could actually throw off the entire shape and actually make you a bit confused. So that's why I suggest doing this, even though the ends or the length make it look perfect now. One thing I do want to let you know - and I talked about this in all my hair - cutting classes - that I do my personalized hair cutting classes is when you're cutting the base right. What I don't suggest doing it's coming off to the corner here, and I know you here stand in front of where you cut, but I don't suggest doing that and with all hair cuts. This is really geared more towards professionals with all haircuts. What I do is I make sure that everything is basically you know within the box which I learned many years ago, and I keep it all basically straight behind the ear. Okay right here, I don't go behind it. So what I do is I'll comb it down and then I'll turn my comb like that. So my comb. This is how the hair should look when you cut it. This is gon na be the longest point in that corner. You need that extra length. What happens is I've seen this a million times? If you stand here and you cut this you're gon na end up creating a hole, it's better to blend this and connect this when you're working into the sides. Trust me: I've seen it a million times and it's a lifesaver. You know you really want to preserve that corner, because once you cut that corner the length is pretty much it's it's it's done again. It'S basically just standing right in through here. So from this angle, I'm calming down - and you can see, there's my corner - I'm standing right behind it and that's it so now, since we're talking about the connection, let's bring this down this way, and here is where a lot of the the magic is. In a start to happen, so there's that length right there, here's where I'm gon na come in and cut that corner right here, because what's gon na happen is I have that extra length right here. I didn't cut it when I stood over here and that's what's gon na. Allow me to continue to move forward very, very important, especially if you're a client and you're watching this someone who gets their their hair cut at a salon and for some reason you have a big gap here. It'S because maybe the stylist is not cutting it properly. All right so now is where we're gon na start. The angle. This is the really more really important aspect of this haircut, because the Rachel haircut is known for its angle, so for creating angles all really doing. It'S all about your finger positioning right, your fingers, control everything. So the more you point, your fingers up towards the ceiling, the steeper the angle, the more you point, your fingers to the ground, the steeper the angle will be going short or too long or creating a triangular shape and the more level and even the more it Can be straight across so all I'm doing is I'm and - and I do this with all my haircuts - is I'm following my fingers down and now I'm my fingers are pointed up and now I'm gon na start to cut my angle. What'S really important, though, is you don't start the angle too far back right, because once you cut right all of this, it's ruined it's finished and in the Rachel haircut she's known for having those layers. So now what I'm gon na do is I'm gon na continue? There'S my guide, but I'm still creating new layers right in through here right because here's my fingers, I haven't cut this part yet and that's where I'm gon na be creating and going shorter. So I'm working up the head shape going shorter and shorter right into the very very front, see that's what we cut before and now we're going to just follow to match right there, as you can see, what's happening. So, let's, let's comb this all in and again we haven't even layer this yet, but here is what we're checking for we're checking to see if we need to go shorter, and I think I do want to go a little bit shorter right into here, because again That Rachel haircut is known for that face rein that really accentuated face frame. So I'm gon na twist this over a bit. This way and again, I'm cutting downwards. My fingers are pointed up and I'm cutting downwards. So, let's comb this and see if we have to take them trying to stand in front of the the kit not in front of the camera here, so I might have to go a bit shorter. So any part you feel you have to go shorter. Take that whole section right, take that section don't go back in it's a stuff, you've already cut. If you don't need to take it from a whole new, an area of where you think you need that to be so here we go, I can see it right. There now I'm gon na again come over the top this way and I'm cutting downwards and look what that's done. It'S still preserving and protecting all this links throughout the bottom, and then, if you need to, if you're, confident enough, you can go in like this, and you can do some free handing, sometimes free handing is the best way to do it, especially for a haircut like This, you know more of a heavily layered type haircut and you want to comb it right into place and see exactly where the hair is going to and and look what's happening here, as I'm going to show you guys, that's how that's what we're creating as you Can see it's a very solid line right? The base is the most important part of this haircut very, very important. The base, the layers every how everything flows, that's what it's known for and also what you can do is you can comb the hair right into place and there you go see, we can comb it right into place and if we have to go a bit shorter, Then we can cut it right over the top, this way again just to blend any sort of layers and there we go so in the hairstyle, the Rachel, let's comb it around, and let's there's, if there's the face frame, there's the there are the angles that we're Looking for - and it's all coming up coming in on this side right into here and there we have it so when we blow-dry this, it's all going to come in forward this way, and now we have to duplicate the same thing on the other side. Once again, I'm gon na connect the length I left that corner in there there it is I'd rather have it than not have it. So I'm gon na follow this shape right in through just in front of the ear, because remember she has heavy heavy of heavy face frame on both sides and because there's less hair on this side. We have to really bring this up a bit to match right on this side, and the only way to do that is if we actually cut a bit more and go a bit shorter into the face framing here, because there's not as much hair to work with. So what we're gon na do there's our length. Let'S see how much here we room, we have let's comb it down and here's where we're gon na start, where your fingers stop. That'S we're gon na start the face frame and again you may have to go a bit shorter. Look at my finger positioning now. It'S pointed down towards the floor very, very key because now we're completely changing our hand, positioning and now we're cutting upwards instead of downwards. So what we're, what I'm gon na be doing here is checking checking everything bringing it all forward, making sure that I'm going short enough. Sometimes you may need to swing around this way and more a little bit more in front of the client and work a different angle. So again, the fingers really really control everything see how I'm turning I'm turning my fingers downwards, the steeper and the more you turn look at that the more you're gon na have more control. So now what I'm gon na do? I'M gon na stand right in front and again, even though it's even just keep in mind, you have to go and I'll show you what we got over here. You have to go a little bit shorter and more steep on this one side. Just simply because of the amount of hair, so let's bring this all in right into here and if there's again, you may need to go in manually like this and cut a face frame. Just know no tension, no hands, nothing literally, look at it and freehand it right in alright. The good thing is: is I'm liking? What I'm seeing I like how this is coming around this way. Remember, there's a lot of times where she would put it behind the ear like this and there we go so the the outline is pretty much done. You just want to go in and double check make sure everything is balanced. This side, it looks a little bit longer right here, that's fine there. It is once again folks my nickname is uneven. Steven, I'm known for my bad haircuts. People travel all over the world for my bad haircuts. I specifically don't do good haircuts somehow and I don't know why people still want to come in hey, I'm kidding, I'm kidding so I'm a Virgo and I'm a perfectionist and the virgos out there. Let me know if you're a Virgo perfectionist, you're a hairstylist and if you're a client, that's a Virgo. Are you like so picky about your hair? Leave me a comment all right now for the connection part of it so now, so what we're going to do now is connect the back the top right in the front, a hole very, very interesting scenario: let's take a horizontal slice right across the top back of The head just like this here I can show you guys this way, all right, I'm gon na comb, this straight up, there's a there's, the back of the head right here now, depending on how short you cut this, we have the very very front which is right Here and look at how look at the difference in length right the difference in length that somehow has to connect and blend in so what I like to do is I don't ever want to go as short as the front, but let's go short enough, so that It'S gon na make a difference in the layers and we're gon na get some movement in through here. If it's too long right into here, then unfortunately, it's just gon na be too heavy. So if it's too short and it's going to look ridiculous, so let's go about right here, I think which is a good length. I apologize if the elbows in the way it is so. I just want to show you guys kind of what we're dealing with as far as the length goes, so I think about right. There is good, I'm making sure my elbow is level and I'm gon na cut straight across. So if there's any pieces that are left over just just cut them, but again don't go into the corners yet don't go into the corners. So now what I'm going to do is I'm taking and - and I do this with all my haircuts - I'm taking a parting right down the middle, and now I'm going to do this in sections and panels. So I'm gon na do two panels here. Two panels here horizontally, because this is where we're gon na be connecting and creating that shape and the back to make sure everything is even here's all that hair. It'S gon na come off from the haircut right here. Let'S do one more section, and this is based on the thickness of the hair, but usually most of the time, I'm doing two sections right into this area. We'Re combing it straight up not out up straight up, and there is the guide from before we're cutting straight across. As you can see there, it is we're gon na drop this down and not touch it now. We'Re gon na go back to this side over here. Other side of the head horizontal panel, what this is doing is it's, making the layers they're very, even and making sure that they're very consistent. It'S like following it's literally following the guide. That'S what it comes out to it's following the guide. There'S our next section see how I flip my comb just like this: I'm not really putting myself in an awkward position and or my body and it Malcolm position, and there we go straight across there. It is now I'm gon na comb that down here through all the blending and the magic begins just raise this a bit here. I'M gon na comb this straight down in the back and we're going right in through the center a center parting. I just brushed this hair out of the way nice and simple, and I'm gon na comb this and look for the connection point there. It is there's the longer hair and I'm gon na hold on to that and we're going to go straight down to the very very bottom. This is a little bit longer throughout the base, not a whole lot. A lot of this is going. You know a 90-degree almost straight out from the head type of look, but you want to make sure it's all connected from here to the bottom. Next section brush that's out of the way and now we're working into the corner, so I'm basically standing in the same spot. There'S my guide, I'm just going to work up just a little bit round off that little corner, I'm holding on to the hair. Now we're going working into the nape area, there's the guide and make sure you go all the way down to the very, very bottom comb it straight out: you're not cutting the length but you're cutting. What'S on top of the length which is the weight and there we go so just again, don't make make sure that everything's balanced it's totally okay to go back in and go over the section again. That'S where the perfectionist comes in, there's nothing wrong with being a perfectionist, especially when it comes to haircutting. If your style, if you're you know, watch if your client watch the way your stylist cuts, if your stylists just picks up hair and just randomly chomps at it and they're done with the whole back and matter of, like you know five minutes, I would start looking For a new stylist, because, honestly, it's really important that they go over everything and check and double-check and triple-check. That'S how I am you know I've done. You know thousands of haircuts and stuff and I know kind of what I'm looking for. But if it's somebody who maybe not more of a beginner hair, cutter or they're, not known for giving the greatest haircuts on you, you're, not never happy just start to watch how they cut all my clients know with me how much of a perfectionist and how thorough I am and that's why I can guarantee them, but the hair will look good in like six months so now we're working on the other side here again and I can talk folks, I can talk on and on and on right. That'S what I'm known for is being thorough and educating. So here we go other side combing us straight out, that's good! I'M holding on! I didn't! Let go and we're gon na go right down into the nape area. There'S what I need to cut and looks like we're good now we're not going to go into the sides because that's the sides: this is the back, we're not looking into the future. Yet we could see it ahead of us, but we're not going there yet. So here another key point: when doing the back is I'm staying again within that box here, because I want to maintain the weight where it's needed and get rid of it where it's needed to right when it when the time comes, you don't ever want to remove Weight in a situation where you can keep it and knowing that you can get rid of it later, because once again, if you get rid of it too soon, the hair will end up being very unbalanced and very wispy. You may get some holes, you may layer it over layer it. So it's definitely a good idea to kind of just wait and maintain that weight before you cut it off. So now I'm gon na do is I'm gon na go in and just cross-check this and a different method. I'M gon na go in and hold sue me hold the hair straight out from the head, and now I'm cutting palm the palm and the palm. The palm allows you to kind of get a little bit closer and a different body, a different approach right, a different perspective on the haircut and it's a really good way to check everything. And it allows you to not have to really throw your body off in an awkward position, but it's a really really awesome way to check the cross-check again if you're, if your stylist is not doing this, if they're, not that thorough, you know, but if you're paying Fifteen dollars for a haircut and they're doing it, and you know I would not suggest getting this done at a haircut or a salon that you're paying fifteen dollars for and they're spending 15 minutes on you. I just personally won't suggest that if you can find a stylist, I will do that. That'S awesome and that's. If that's our only option, then a good luck but yeah. That'S basically, it make sure that the stylist is really taking their time and being very, very thorough, and if you are a stylist watching this, please be thorough, alright be thorough. So here I am again trust cross-checking, everything making sure it's all balanced, making sure that all the layers are flowing and trust me. You will appreciate it, but your clients will appreciate it just as much because their hair is going to look phenomenal. But don't listen to me because I'm known as uneven Steven, alright, don't listen to me. Okay, there we go last section right here through the middle any little bits here, that's great! If you do want to hold everything out horizontally, that's a great way to check you. Can also go throughout the hair this way and pull the hair straight out from the head to make sure. Yes, I can't believe it we're actually even Steven right now. This is incredible. This is incredible. Now I have not been drinking folks. I have not been drinking all right time to connect the back this part into this part, and how do we do that? Well like this, so I get a lot of questions about this particular part in the haircut and a lot of people were asking me. Why am i doing this? Why am I doing that so, when you're connecting the back? This is my method of doing it. I don't pick up a section right here and cut it straight across. I actually take a section almost like a mohawk, because this is the best way to follow the head shape. It'S the best way to follow the head shape, because the hair is growing straight out. Like this, and I think for me personally - it's a lot easier to cut. So there we go. There'S the guide right there. Let me bring that down and we're in it cut straight across I'm taking another section right throughout the middle and cutting straight across I'm gon na do that right in the center, I'm not going into the corners, because I'm not looking to cut the corners. Yet what I'm looking to do is connect this part into that part. So now what like, I said: it's it's not looking into the future, yet you can see what's gon na happen, but don't do it yet. So we have a full connection now a full connection and it's time to cut horizontally horizontally right throughout the very very front, as you can see here. So, let's take a section right here: let's take a section right here: comb this hair down and let the hair fall in the corners and we're gon na cut straight across now horizontally. So there we go notice. How my elbow is level everything needs to be level with the section and we're gon na cut straight up now. Here we go and look at that. That is a very good sign. Folks, when you, you know you're doing the haircut properly when you bring the hair up to the last section and there's not a lot of hair to cut that's a perfect blend, you did if that means that you're on the right track, you're doing great and everything Is balanced now, if you were to comb this, that section straight up in the very very front, and you have like a ton, it's like super long and if then something was not done right all right! Something was not done right now, it's time for the corners. Now it's time for the corner, so let's bring everything up this way and we're gon na hold on to that we're going to go all the way down to the bottom, we're gon na comb it straight out from the head: wait for it there. It is! There'S the length that we cut from before so we'd have to worry about that, and now we're just cutting what's above it, which again is the weight, leave the length cut the weight in order to get that those layers moving and there's a whole section right. There take the piece from the previous section here we go combing it out, there's the guide and now we're just simply rounding this out, because this is a rounded shape, a lot of fullness going on in through this haircut, a lot of fullness and volume. There'S the bottom length which we're gon na leave and we're cutting what's on top of it again, which is the weight and we're gon na get rid of it. Here'S the last section in the very very front, I'm combing it out this way straight from the head: let's bring this up a little bit and hold on to that one little piece and it's okay to take a larger chunk right in through here. It'S simply because if the hair is a bit finer in the in the front, you want to make sure you've got a thick base for the haircut right. If it's really really fine, there's not a lot of hair, then what might happen is you may end up cutting a lot of holes and it may be too thin. You may layer it too much, which would be a problem all right. So now the other side. What I do is I'll stand on the opposite side. Obviously, for this I just move turn the mannequin head around, but if you notice I haven't moved from this spot, I have not moved from this spot all right so now, since we're on the other side, we do need to compensate a bit for the length because Remember the same thing: with the with the face frame, the same thing with the face frame: it's a bit shorter on the side here, because there's less hair on this side. So we do need to make sure that we're cutting enough hair right, because if we don't, then it's not gon na be balanced. So let's call this again straight out and it may feel like we're cutting more. But that's fine because we need to do that to compensate all right. So let's take another section right here: calm it all straight down and follow the same pattern. A lot of it is just literally following the same pattern of how the hair grows straight out from the head going all the way to the base. Now, there's the base and there's the weight same thing don't be afraid to go over the section over it and over it. What'S. What I think is pretty funny is how I get so many comments, but from saying, oh, my husband followed this tutorial and cut my hair and he came out beautiful, there's a lot of like husband, hairstylist out there, who were just watching my videos and get basically Giving getting $ 150 haircut, your husbands were giving you $ 150 haircut, you know so again. Here we go and we're getting rid of that weight. So the last section in the very very front, I'm gon na do the same thing I did on the other side. I'M gon na take a much kind of a thicker section. I want to have a lot of that hair to work off of on the base, so I'm not cutting anything any holes or anything and we're gon na make sure that we're you have a good, solid baseline on the haircut all right, so I'm gon na comb, The hair all the way down - and I just if you notice also another thing - is that I didn't wet the hair right. I I really cut this wet into dry. That'S the best way for me that I cut hair is wet into dry. So now, what I'm doing is I'm literally just going in throughout the entire haircut again and I'm cross-checking, I'm combing in different areas, I'm taking big sections, I'm because when you take big sections right, what happens is that you're able to see how all the hair is? Moving in one in one shot right and again, this is heavily layered, it's a heavily layered haircut, but I want to make sure that everything is falling right into place all right. So, let's take a look at what we got here and I'm going to start to comb this all down and let's work this into shape. Let'S start to really work this in and if there's anything that is, you know kind of sticking out to you. If there's anything that you feel, let's lower the camera a little bit, if there's anything that you may feel that needs to be worked on, this is the time to do it. So what I'm I'm combing this, what I'm looking at and what I'm feeling is that there's too much hair right here and that's just based off of the layers. So what I'm gon na do I'm gon na cut off that corner and I'm gon na continue to work this shape until I feel that it's good, and sometimes when you layer the hair, what happens is it starts to kind of create a different type of layer? A different type of movement - sometimes you may need to go back in and you know thicken it up a bit more meaning cut more length, but whatever you got to do now's the time to do it, because you only have one chance to cut the Jennifer. The Rachel from friends: that's it then again, if you do it so well, your client, you're gon na have a line out the door for people wanting this haircut all right. So there we go combing us in looking good, I'm liking. What I'm seeing all right! Let'S check this side as well: let's comb, this all down, bring it towards the face and, let's just go in throughout the back here, it's a little bit heavy right into this light there it is, and let's connect, make sure everything is working together and one motion Here all right there we go, there's nothing wrong, folks, nothing wrong with going back in rechecking, a haircut rewetting, the haircut whatever it is. You got to do to make sure that this haircut works before that client leaves a salon. Now is the time to do it. So, as you can see here again, the layering sometimes creates a whole different look right and it starts to reshape the hair that you got to just go back in simply and cut cut a bit more to strengthen that line and to reshape anything. Just bring this down and there we go so one little thing that I want to do. One last thing is I'm going to take my feather razor right here is the feather razor, and what I'm going to do is I'm going to take the hair and I'm just going to go over the top layer, and I'm just gon na scoop out a little Bit of the top layer throughout the ends, alright, just throughout the ends here to make the hair kind of go under a little bit more, you can even go on the opposite on the underneath, sometimes doing it on the underneath remove some of that weight. It'S a little trick here, because she's got those pieces and, and the best way to test this out is to take the hair and to create those pieces. And if you can see those pieces coming in, then you know you're doing well right there. It is let's go on this side here again same thing: we can do some on the outer layer just a little bit to take off some of that surface wait. So it has a little more movement and then we'll use the razor underneath and remove some of that weight. That way as well, it's a great little trick for hair stylist to do and there we go again. This is just reading this like if this was a client in the salon. That'S how serious I take these haircuts, even though it's a mannequin, it's still something that I'm really passionate about so now the blow-dryer. What I'm going to do is I'm going to blow-dry everything kind of towards the face everything's gon na be under and we'll kind of breathe with that and then we'll come back to look at the finished. Look alright guys. So this is the finished. Look after the blow dry - and you know I wanted to create a lot of fullness at first, so it's best to really do the haircut blow-dry it and then go in and start to work on the finished shape. So, as we can see it's pretty thick in through here, which is fine, you can always go in and piece it out, but what I want to do is I want to start to really thin out and remove some of that excess weight and right in through Here a few ways we can do that we can do that by literally going in with the thinning shears like that, and what I'm doing is I'm literally just taking sections and holding onto those sections and just removing the weight manually at like, like. I am actually like it's gon na be styled. Okay, this way, I can actually see those pieces and make them a lot wispier, and here we go right in through here. This was a great kind of great way to remove some of that excess weight and it's okay to bring that up a bit here, but as long as you're familiar with you're comfortable doing this alright and look see what's happening now. What we're starting to do is we're starting to actually get a little more piece eNOS right into here. You can create that with your hands, obviously, but I'm looking to do that with the shears, because I want this to last. Alright, I want this to last. So here we go on this side same thing: we're gon na piece this out and let's go in here and I'm now coming over the top. This way working right down in through these sections towards the ends, look at all that hair coming out right through at the ends, because the Jennifer Aniston or the Rachel haircut has a lot of movement, mostly throughout the ends, and we can go in a little bit Higher right in through here to get some of that weight out, so it has a lot more shape to it and, as you can see, look at all that hair that's coming off here you could. You could really see what's going on and now I'm gon na piece this with my fingers just like that and see what's happening now. I want to go back on this side and do it again, because this side has a lot more hair. The hair was a lot thicker on this side, so we you have to go a little bit higher, which is totally okay, and now I'm just gon na really just emphasize the pieces. The layers, as you can see right into here, see that alright, now, let's that's it, that's all I'm gon na do and now, let's just style this up here, there's the volume there's the shape, there's the piece eNOS throughout the bottom and we're looking great we're. Looking phenomenal, I think we've brought Rachel back to life here this side. If you want to tuck it behind the ear, here's, what would look like? I might not be able to get it behind the ear. Alright, there's that and here's this side here, let's just go in and emphasize these pieces a lot of this is by hand and if you're, the client right and you're styling this yourself at home. Again, it really comes down to you going in there and making these pieces stand out a bit more accentuating them. It'S it's really, the haircut. That'S doing all this work right. It'S really the haircut doing all of the work here and I think this looks gorgeous alright. So here we have it and tweet this out to Jennifer Aniston. I think she just joined Instagram or something I don't know, but let's get this set. Let'S get this going viral. Let'S get all the friends fanatics to tweet this out and to say, oh my god. I want the Rachel haircut. Maybe it's gon na come back to life, who knows but again here it is. I think it looks great. This is a big job man. This is a big big, big haircut. Okay, definitely not for the weak at heart, if you're a hair stylist, it really comes down to the layers and the shape, and you know it's a big job, folks, a big job. So, ladies, let me know in the comments below, if you're a client, let me know like. Oh my god Steven this, isn't I love this haircut. I want this haircut. I you know, I don't know anyone in Texas who can cut hair like this, I'm unfortunately I'm over New Jersey. I don't know anyone across the States or whatever that or across the country that can you know, cut hair like wow. I don't really know anyone. If I do, I can't think of a top my head, but let me know if you love this haircut if you're a stylist, if you learned anything if you're in beauty school, you know just leave comments, I'd love to know what you guys thought. Thank you. So much for watching check out my products. Please please, please check out my products are incredible. Don'T forget to Like comment and subscribe and I'll see you next time for more videos with ass long guy

Shana h: I love Jennifer Aniston and all her hair styles. I love watching the blowout and it came out awesome! Alot went into that cut, no one can do that cut

Luna Molera: Im about to do this on myself... haha I’ve cut my hair before and I already have layers so I’m using this as a loose guide xxx thank u so much really helps

jill lehr: Love this haircut! Thank you for sharing with us. Appreciate your cutting skills. I am always impressed with the details that make your cuts unique. Just purchased your hair conditioning masks and am excited to try them out!

Laurie Streeter: My mom used to give me this cut when it was "in" and I loved it!! Of course she didn't do as great of a job. I need to find someone near me who can do this!! I love love love this cut. Great video

S B: I love the cut. I had a hair stylist that cut my hair just like that for about ten years. She recently retired. Looking for another hair stylist in California that does this same cut.

Roro Roro: Thank you for teaching this beautiful hair cut. I really learn a lot from you. The one who creates the most beautiful layers

navycottoncandi: Love the cut. I always ask my hairdresser for this cut but my hair always has holes and uneven. And you only notice the mistakes when you blow dry your hair.

Andrea: I'm a stylist and have to say I love this. I love the volume

Tauna: Love your vids! Excellent instruction. Thank you!

Stefana Fianu: I wanted this haircut for ages !!!! No one can do ittttt!!!! It’s beautiful haircut and easy to maintain. The hair takes the shape naturally no need to style it much !!! Awesome haircut for low maintenance I only wish someone can do it for me

Charlene Eitzen: I have been cutting my own hair for more than 20 years because I always came home unhappy from the salon. I’ve changed my style many times. I am not a trained stylist. About 3 months ago I went from all one length medium to adding layers following your blended haircut tutorial. Then one month ago I found your “Rachel” tutorial and followed that. I watch first and then play and pause as I style. Two weeks ago I did a body wave. First one in 5 years. So now I wanted to freshen up my Rachel do. Followed you again Steve and am thrilled with the results. Keep doing the lessons. You are my go to hair stylist Steve.

Rocky: Been waiting for this "Rachel's " hair cut tutorial. Thank you so much, Steven.

shae roundy: It might be 2020 but I think I'd like to do the iconic Rachel cut that Jennifer Aniston had. I miss the 90s and friends

Nicole Chavez: I'm a Virgo ♍ too and gotta confess I'm a perfectionist as well. I cut my girls hair and they get annoyed cause I take my time and triple check all layers, we all have texture (curly or wavy) so I always do layers. Most of my layers sort of follow the way you do these on the rachel haircut just at different lengths

Diana Bell: Love the hair cut ,I am a hair stylist love watching your videos thank you for sharing and teaching me

Nerdish: Very tempted to do this after lockdown. I hope my hairdresser is up to this!

Palm 001: Best woman haircut i've ever seen. Very impressive look.

Lisa Faust: I love this hair cut. I actually just got it done in Dec.

anthony falcone: You make these haircuts so easy to follow and understand. THANK YOU for being so generous with your instructions and professional tips. I really appreciate it.

NatalieCares4U: Great job. It’s perfect!

PattyAnn: I love the RACHEL haircut...I got it years ago and after washing, all i did was brush and air dry and it fell perfectly every time!!!

Rain: I do variations of this cut, often. It's a beautiful look. I don't care if it was popular in the 90's. So what? I think it was SO popular that people think, "Oh no. Not THAT." But some things are timeless. Just don't hair spray it into a helmet, and you're cool.

jamie leigh: I asked for this over there years ago about damn time!!! Thank you very much

Maja Annamaria: LOVE IT!!!!! THANKS FOR YOUR VIDEOS <3

Brittany Clemens: You did this amazingly! I'm a stylist and am looking forward to doing this cut. I really enjoy your videos. I wish I could afford you. Where in NJ are you located?

Michelle: I loved this haircut on me. I have a longish face and it suited my face, but I only got a great cut once. After the second was a fail, I gave up and just got a bob.

Yohana's Crafts: Thanks so much for making these awesome videos.

Ana Lucía Badilla: Hi Stephen you take care of every detail from beginning to end and the result is a Rachel’s perfect haircut. I don’t care that is from 90’s I love it. I’m Aries and perfectionist too. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Greetings from Vancouver, Canada

Judi Dielman: I am a Virgo stylist, super critical of my work. Very open to critique by my client's. Love my job. Love watching others who work differently than I because you never know when you might learn something new.

Lou Macedo: Love this haircut well done

Starlight Whispers: Very informative tutorial!

Jessica Strong: I'm a Stylist & I think you did a great job ! I try to take time & learn from you. Amazing ! Thank You. Your very Giving of your self & I think many people appreciate that about you, I do also. God Bless ️

Jana Culbreth: I Love love love it!! You are an Awesome stylist!! Love this cut~ Even though for some reason the mannequin now looks like Caitlyn Jenner to me, it’s the face~ I still love it ;).

DoggyMommy82: Lord, that is the most BEAUTIFUL haircut I have ever seen! I wish I lived close to you, so I could make an appointment asap! I'd pay anything! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Jessica Saltzer: I literally was salivating and yelled" delicious" when you were texturing/finishing. I think the only thing I would have done was to show your product at the end to finish it with silly. Also, I retired as a 32 year old San Francisco stylist, tendonitis... But this video makes me want to hire an assistant and build again just to teach and get to cut. I think I could do this with someone to do the wash and dries. I could teach a lot. What do you do? Assistant? How are you doing with lockdown??

kalima Tayyeba: I cut the same way you do layers. Very Beautiful as usual

Rubí Mendoza: Great job! I wish my husband had your skills jaja!

Terrie Ann Howell: Okay, I have to have you cut my hair if you can't recommend a stylist in the Atlanta Metro area with the same attributes as yourself... that is perfectionism! I had a stylist tell me I was a difficult client because I wanted my left side the same length as the right. She felt I was demanding in asking her note the left being an inch longer than the right and to even the sides to match. Heaven help me! I live in Marietta GA and need help here!

Meenakshi Kursange: Lovely! I'm a scorpio but a perfectionist too hehe, and so are my virgo son and boyfriend they want everything neat and in order they never look shabby or messily dressed

Happy Dog Hotel: Oh how I wish I was near you. What a fabulous well done job. I want a Rachel now too.

vanf: Lol.. she did just join instagram.. I just watched it on Jimmy Kimmel love that cut! No one can do it right on me.. Great job!

Natalija B: Love it, love it, love it. Great ❤️❤️❤️

Sheena Horn: I learned this cut in 2002. It was called vertical layers with a face frame or a pineapple cut

Sham Kas: For 20 years I've kept this look. I'm a Virgo perfectionist

Lynn Lindsay: Love this!!

thethirdlife: The haircut was so flattering on most people

edwina sarah: I think I'd like to try a new profession now. Thanks Steve

Dr.Drake Ramoray: Had this haircut freshman year of highSchool. Thinking of bringing it back for senior year

Jessica Strong: Looks Really Good ! !

Sharon La Tour: Rachel lives again!!! great cut Steven!

Lilik Hadiwinoto: Hi Stephen.. how to cross check the lenght between the left side and the right side when all is done ? I think my rigjt side become a litlle bit longer than the other side ? thank you for this tutorial

Elizabeth King: Can you explain why thinning the ends creates that bevel under look? I just graduated from cosmetology school and people always ask for that under bevel and I thin their ends, but don’t really know why that works.. maybe a stupid question, I just really don’t know

Eliz: Great hair cut!

Nikita F: You are a genius !

Rest Mania: Love This So So much

Kay Brown: I know it's old but I want this cut. And yes I'm a Virgo and I'm such a perfectionist I'm OCD.

Rhoda Yackez: Big job, big hair cut is correct. Anyone with wavy or curly hair would call this cut a big mistake. Aniston herself admitted that she needed her personal stylist to blow dry it. You did a good job cutting it and styling it. However when you started thinning it I cringed.

Jeannine Scamardo: I sure wish you could cut my hair! I have wavy to light curly hair and can't find a flattering cut.They always want to blow dry it straight and won't show me how to style it curly. I love it straight but I live in louisiana humidity and as soon as I leave the salon, Bam! It's screwed up lol

A J: Love it. Would have liked to see the back finished though.

connor k: can u do a video on tom holland’s longer hairstyle?

Jen Hernandez: Wow I started looking up this cut and you just posted this video, god is good

MAUR ICE: Well the name of the haircut is accurate and I have a friend named Rachel with same short hair

Fabiana Ramos: I love it

Stella Sykes: This is extremely difficult to do on myself

Neeta Nagi: I wish you were in my country. Love the haircut.

PrettyboiYT: Do jordan barrett’s hairstyle + haircut please

Zachary Chall-Hutchinson: The irony being Jennifer Aniston hated having that style.

Ruth Thomas: Is this really coming back? I'm in luck!!!?! And OLD...

Suavecito: Anyone know who cuts hair good like The Salon Guy in LA?? Gone to so many places and they always cut it bad.

Arrow: I hope this is coming back

Ruth Thomas: Is this really coming back? I'm in luck!!!?! And OLD...

Norely Aranda: How or what would you ask for when your a client and you want your hairstylist to do this cut on you just basic layers??? Please help me out !!

Adam Hussain: Instructions unclear, Jennifer Aniston stuck in the ceiling fan.

mir k: How I wish I could go to you!!!

Jessica Reeves: I really wish you lived in Texas. This haircut is phenomenal ! Great job

Emery Greer: Would this look good with bangs?

Spencer Chase: For someone so “picky” you didn’t even check to make sure the sides were even... I can tell by looking at it that they’re not. You also talked about not cutting the angles too far back but you completely cut them off. It looks more like a mullet. I’ve been doing hair 16 years and work in Manhattan and this video gave me horrible anxiety. I feel bad for anyone paying you $150 for that. Sorry to say

Queen Queen: I hope a day, i could be your hair mannequin

Lucky_ Fury67: Can you please please do a Shawn Mendes hairstyle

Jessica Strong: Wish I could've gone to Vidal Sassoon.

vasantijen: i see its a forward graduation.. along with round layers... with off course... the personalising.... me too am uneven Steven. ..mate

W1ck3dG00dW1tch: Ohhhhman... I was with you 100% until the RAZOR - then I almost puked.

Beej J: No, this is far too much almost traditional 'bob' (you can see it clearly). 1) The Aniston cut has longer layers from the mid to bottom parts of the hair (to allow the parts around the neck to sweep in and still have length). 2) The layers from the 'rear top' of the head would also be an inch and a half shorter at least [and cut at a 'shorter to longer' angle where the longest part hits the fringe section]. Love the Salon guy's work but this one just wasn't nailed.

Nerdish: My mum says "It's quite dated" but i don't believe her.

Preeti Parmar: From where r u!!!! This is incredible!!

Jillian King: I wish u could cut my hair I’m a Libra & I’m definitely picky about my hair

amaze: My fav hair cut

Beauty by Tatsiana:

Cactus: Can u tell me how to do lil peep hair cut

Roberio santiago: Shawn Mendes hair tutorial pls

Tina Belair: I wonder they do hair cut today

Sham Kas: Though this is not exactly her cut. Her ends flick out

Najla Ahmed: I❤️❤️❤️✂️

Lewis Spink: Looks pretty flat at the back.

clubmidnightsun: If you are in Texas check out Visible Changes. If you are in Fort Myers FL come see me at Salon Avant-Garde . I am Hector and I love doing this cut.

Kevin Tu: Classic Bob

ll Native: Omg u saw my comment n did it yass

Astha Tripathi: I want it but I live in India

Kevin Tu: What’s Happened Oh my gosh???

Kevin Tu: 萍:Aniston

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