I Let My Kids Pick My New Hair Color (Feat. Joey Graceffa)

Hannah let's Jackson and Wyatt give her a surprise makeover. Would you trust your kids to do the same?

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Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.


Joey Graceffa



Special Thanks to Butterfly Loft in Encino, CA



Christine Plisky



Doug Theoharis



Shurie Saxelby


I'Ve never been so nervous for a video with my hi, I'm Hannah and then the world's okay, it's mom and the number one question I'm asked: wait: give it hi I'm Hannah and I'm the world's okay, it's mom! Now the number one question that you guys asked me is: am I ever going to have a third child and the second most asked question is: am I ever going to change my hair color and if so, what color would I change it to now? I have no idea what color I would go to from this blue, because I've had it blue for so long, but one thing's for sure is. I want to involve the boys in it somehow. So I figured let's do something totally crazy, I'm gon na! Let the boys give me a full makeover now. I have no idea how this is gon na go. I have no idea what's gon na happen, but wish me luck so first, let's define what this makeover is. It'S not only going to include my hair color, but the boys will also choose my haircut and my outfit and I'm gon na have to you need to stop harassing me for pets. You need to stop harassing me for pets. Okay, I pet you all day the boys are going to choose my new hair, color haircuts and outfit they're, not gon na do my makeup. We did a whole week of them doing my makeup. You can watch that video, so I need to establish a few ground rules for this makeover at first, because my hair is still a little bit blue. There are some colors that are just off the table, for example, no pastel pink, so we're gon na offer the boys a range of colors that we can do in one treatment. It'S a little more limited, but there are still lots of options for them to choose from. Second, I'm going to offer the boys some hairstyles that they can choose from. I know my boys, I know the first thing: they're gon na try to pick is a mohawk and I'm just not gon na. Do that? No shame! Ted! No mohawk! No nonsense like that. So, like the color, I'm gon na give them several options, just none that are completely implausible. I'M extremely nervous for this change. The blue hair is my thing. You guys know this. I'Ve had it for over two years, and it's just I feel like this is my natural hair color, and it just means so much to me that I'm afraid to lose it. I can't believe that I'm gon na do this tomorrow, hi I'm Cherie, I'm a hair stylist at the butterfly loft salon new bungalows. When Hannah told me that she was gon na. Let her kids choose her cut in her color. My first thought was: oh no! Okay! I'M gon na leave the room, make a good choice. Okay, pick something good promise: okay, all right, guys! We'Re gon na choose the color of mommy's hair. You guys ready why you ready all right. Let'S do it all right. Let'S take a look at the colors. What do we got so I'd actually be really open to silver or gray, but hands down my number one choice. If I were to change my hair color is purple. What do you think? Oh yeah, that's cool you like silver, magenta and sober you like that, too. Hey guys, you ready to choose the haircut for mommy hope they don't choose which ones. Do you like? Okay between these two, which one do you think point at it? So when it came time to pick a cut in a color, the boys picked magenta is the color and they picked a short layer cut for the haircut once we decided on the cut in the color we brought Hanna in and we started with a haircut. The reason for that is, if we're cutting a lot of hair off, we don't want to take all the time to process all that hair just to hack it off in the end, so we had Doug come in my good friend Doug and he did her haircut For us, you ready for me to cut your hair off. Yes, all right, I'm so ready. My name is Doug Theo Harris. I work here at butterfly, loft salon and I am a platform artist and educator for pulp riot. I'Ve seen a lot of Doug's haircuts and they're all fantastic, so I'm just really really excited that I get to have one from him. That'S awesome. I'M excited dude when I heard that the kids are gon na choose the haircut the color. I was really intrigued because I have a daughter who's, the same age as her oldest son, so I could only imagine what she would want to do to my hair. That'S the first thing. Jackson said when I was like you get to pick the cut he's like I'm gon na make you bald, so they picked a short layered haircut and honestly that it couldn't be more on trend. It'S the look. Those are the types of haircuts that I'm doing in the salon all the time right now it feels like - and I know he's not doing it, but it feels like the hair is being cut like two inches from my scalp curtain. Oh her hair's perfect for a cut like this, because she's got a lot of hair, it's kind of on the fine side, so you can kind of manipulate it and get it to do like whatever you want it to do. This feels very short, I'm trying really hard not to peak right now. I feel like she held it together pretty much while I was cutting her hair. I know when she saw that pile of hair on the floor wow. I was not expecting to see that much wow that looks like a rat's nest. Alright guys my job's done. I feel good. I'M excited it feels very different, alright guys. So, let's get going we're gon na go, get mommy some clothes right, yeah Wyatt. What do you want to get her? You want a dress yeah, I think a dress, a solid choice. What color, why yeah? Alright, you guys ready to go, let's go, do it yeah, all right, let's go all right! So what's going on right now is Hannah. Has a ton of her natural color, so we got a bleach that out so what we're doing is we're lightening it, but we're kind of doing like a modified balayage, which we sometimes call a foil wash. I bet Jackson chose pink. I bet he suede Wyatt to choose pink he's been talking about me having pink hair for a while. I don't know if pink is my best look continue, but I don't know right now: we're toning he and his hair was really blue. So it comes out green. You can't get blue out all the way, so it's really hard, usually for people that change colors from blue. So I haven't even thought about this. I wonder how the boys are doing with their shopping in TEVAR right now. Alright, so we just got our clothes. How do you feel about what we got Jackson literally get it um, I'm a little worried about the outfit. I just hope. I'M fully clothed and I think, at the very least they will choose clothes that they would want to wear, because they don't quite grasp the idea of shopping for somebody else. What you happier than what you got for Mama all right. So now that we've toned her hair, we're putting on her main color and then we're gon na leave some pieces out, giving it away we're gon na leave some pieces out using a clear. Well. I know it's two colors, so I just really hope it's nothing in that clashes. I think what I need to do is stop trying to figure out what it is before. I agree it because I'm driving myself nuts and I think I'm driving everyone in the room nuts, and at that point I was really getting in my head. I was really freaking out, so I texted my friend Joey looks so good. Oh, my gosh, Hugh right off the bat. How are you feeling I'm excited? Well, if you say it's, okay, yeah, I feel better. No, I think that you'll rock this color for sure, because you've had so many colors yeah I've gone through them all the only clothes. I haven't done our orange and red any yellow when you first changed colors. How was that it was alarming you're so used to seeing yourself a certain way that the initial shock, but then I totally got used to it, and I, like eventually love that color. But it's definitely a shock at first yeah. So should we expect some tears happening not in front of you know your peers, so that means I can't cry rinsing it out and the boys brought their outfit back. So I'm going to put the outfit on while my hair is still wet and rest in a towel and then we'll dry it out, and I can finally see it beautifully. Yes, I think Jackson probably picked the pants and Wyatt picks the top. Hopefully so. The last thing shredded was style, my hair, and then it was time for the big reveal, and I was so nervous - oh my god. What what I'm like shaking right now. Oh my, I think I went into shock for a second cuz. I look like a different person job like from here. I would have no idea. That'S me. I love it. I feel like I needed a big change and this is a really good big change. Thank you so much. I love you so I know the boys are gon na freak out. I know Matt is probably gon na freak out the most because I straight-up look like I'm a different person right now. I don't think Rosie will recognize me. She might recognize my voice, but she's gon na be like who's this in my house. Alright, I am walking in the door to show the boys, so let's see what they think you big Shorthair and who picked magenta me now. What do you think I like it? Did it take some getting used to you're right on a scale of 1 to 10? What do you think of your choice? 1 to 10? How much do you like the new hair 10? So what did I learn? Well, this was a fun thing to try with the kids and it was a cute experience. Will I keep this hair? No, because I've learned that blue is such a huge part of my identity. The blue hair is what makes me happy, but that being said, if you want to try a bold color or even this color I'd highly recommend it because you'll learn a lot about yourself and you'll, see what you really like. But maybe you don't let your kids pick it without you knowing! So that's why I got for this season. I'M Hannah and exciting news. We have a merch for the show now join my mana squad. You don't even have to be a mom to join now. If there's anything you want to see, you next season leave it in the comments, because a lot of these episodes from this season were requested by you guys or you can always text me. This is a real number. I don't answer all of them because I get a lot, but I do read every single one. So if you'll, please excuse me I'm going to relax on my couch in an outfit that I chose for myself so next time you

lillypod21: I love how Wyatt just ends up choosing whatever Jackson chose.

Amy Edward: I'm not even married and I'm already planning on doing this with my kids in the future

user1234: Who else HATED how they styled it before at the salon but loved it when she curled it

beans: Joey is the perfect person to make her feel good abaot her hair couse he is the colored hair king

Rusty Shackleford: I still remember the first video when she dyed her hair blue and started crying because she didn’t think she deserved to look good as a new mom, so happy she’s feeling herself and is super confident as a mom

Holly Wisniewski: Matt is the best dad/ husband. He’s adorable.

Can D Moon: The blue gives her skin a cooler tone, and the magenta brings more warmth to the skin. I love the color, but that’s just my opinion. ❤️

Krea :P: Matt is such a great dad he treats Jackson like his own son even though he is not his own son

Derek Jones: She looks so young, lol. A lot of moms, even younger ones, look a bit older, but she looks so young with her bubbly and happy personality, and her smile

Hmm Mmm: I actually loved the transition period between colors when you were a brassy blonde, it looked BEAUTIFUL

Megan Mize: I had my hair pink for years. I was obsessed with it but I got cancer and not only can I not use those chemicals anymore, the chemo treatment took all my hair color out. So it turned white/gray and more falls out compared to my old hair. The texture is horrible too. It's extremely depressing but I'm happy that I at least have hair so I shouldn't complain, especially since others aren't so lucky. I'm just not me anymore.

littlerose19: Please do a “I let my boys style my hair for a week” Rules: - no new hair color unless it’s temporary - no heat hairstyles (just to make sure they don’t burn your hair or anything ) - no cutting or changing any length about your hair Mainly it’s just to do hairstyles on you Please like so Hannah can see!

アンドレア: The way you styled it at the end looked really nice

Ming: No one gonna talk about how she’s friends with Joey Graceffa?

recoil53: Rosie didn't care about hair color, Rosie just wanted to be petted.

Katrina Chandler: I love that hair color so much, semi bright colors look so good on you ☺️

Cordi: I would have liked it more as balayage from natural to silver to pink

Argentum Canis Rutilens: Now i dare you to let's your kids choose a new tattoo

C: Your hair looks beautiful like that. In Magenta. It matched your lipstick very well. Not a fan of the blue green hair. The outfit was cute too. The boys did a great job with the color and cut.

11_bmh: you should let them re-model their room

Steven Clemons: I love the magenta! How absolutely exciting it must be to be a whole different person!? Enjoy it while you can! Take advantage of it!

Frances Scanlen: For those asking what happend to the silver . They said that they had to choose one in the end so they choose magenta

Fathima V.p: That colour really suits you girl and your getting more and more beautiful in each successive videos .love your family love you .keep the good work .

Holly Wisniewski: I love the look- love this series!

Amartya Roy: Whenever Hannah involves her kids to make a decision its just Jackson who makes the choices and Wyatt just plays along

Hiba Nizami: Her hair looks So healthy for being dyed it’s amazing

Satine De Lioncourt: the end color is sooo complimentary to your skin and eyes!!

Ginger Lizard: Hannah this color on you is so cute! Especially in the hairstyle at the end. For a while my hair was red and pink, after almost 10 years at a salon i decided to go to another one, and I’m doing a completely new color tmrw!

aureloulou333: you look so good wow! The short hair with layers with the curls really suits you! also: your kids are so cute i love them :')

Hannah Williams: Ahhhh can you believe what they picked??? What color should I do next? Also, how great of a friend is Joey...he’s the best!

MissAimeePond: They just want a fairy mom hahaha so cute, I love that colour on you! It takes time to get used to!

Theophany Belle Arcadio: Where's the silver?? Try guytang for more haircolor combinations

Ian O'Hara: It looks amazing you should have kept it!! Wyatt is so cute because he will do anything to get away from the hair you have now!

Eugenia Skagkou: it's amazingly beautiful. I love the color and it suits her

holisticmaya: When you said "One thing's for sure, I wanted the boys to be a part of it somehow", I thought how fun it will be in the future when your kids can look back at their childhood when they were doing all these family challenges together and having a say in things like their new pet and your new hair colour ;-) I think that's so sweet.

threestrong03: I love the look. The color and style is fantastic.

ash: I love the magenta and all but the blue-mermaid hair matches your eyes perfectly ❤️✨

Lauren: That colour is amazing not just on you but in general, its very bright and the person who dyed it did an amazing job, my mum helps me do my hair and normally when we get bright colours like that its by accident, for example right now, I stripped my hair and it turned out to be a beautiful blond colour

Celine de Vos: The magenta really brings out your eye colour! Also your skin is really glowing :0 i love it

Christine Fedrick: i actually love that hair color on you the way you have it self styled. i wasnt a huge fan of when you were straight out of the salon, but at the end of the video your hair looks fire. you look confident, comfortable and styled all in one

Comocha: Her crying at her hair being changed in the beginning is me when I mess up my hair color using box dye. Such a mood.

Lisa Jansen: The colour and cut suites you, it looks soooo good, they boys have good taste

Megann L: Mom: “I will let my boys choose my hair color,cut, and outfit” Me: oh boy here we go

Gabriela Vargas: I love your hair it's so beautiful! I like how it was at the end!

Alicyn Senior: The cut and the color works so well on her tho!! It’s so cute!!!

Kim Napped: I need to watch Joey more. I forget how much I adore him

Lady Universe: I love it your boys did a great job like a pretty unicorn

Joanie Cunningham: I love Joey he is so positive

Mahmuda Nasima: Hannah , actually you pulled of that color . It looks so good .

mnmj1997: I feel like Jackson is gonna grow up to steal many hearts. He acts like such a gentleman

Liam Bonney: I straight up binged mom in progress videos from 1-3am and I’m still not bored lol

Kaitlyn Daenzer: The way she styled it at the end was gorgeous!

pamela patterson: I tried a really bold colour combo (from dark brown I went pink/purple/blue) out of the blue. I loved it... but within a week the colour part washed out leaving a yellow/pink. I had it redone (for free because the salon wasn't sure if it was the bleaching agent that caused it to fade so fast)... and the same thing happened!! Eventually I felt so self conscious that a friend (a professional hair dresser) fixed it back to my "natural" colour. But i really wish that I could have had it stay coloured. Anyone know if there are some colours that stay better? How often do people usually have to recolour???

Slime queen M: You should do more videos with Joey they seem like good friends and maybe they can get the same hair color

Tomine98: I love the length!!!! Soo beautiful on you!

ashlyn ski: i wasn’t 110% sold on the haircut at first but once you styled it yourself i was totally on board!! it looks great

A Campbell: I LOVE the pink when she had styled it herself at the end.

Christine Hannum: Thank you so much for your posti suffered a miscarriage almost a year ago at 7 weeks right before our wedding, only a handful of my family members know that it happened. Felt for a while like i did something wrong but i have realized theres nothing i did to cause it ❤ your videos are so heartfelt and just love you family :)

Mario In A Nutshell: is no one going to bring up how cute Wyatt is? on my goodness he is so adorable!

emily: girl I need more Mom In Progress and that hair looks GREAT

Tabitha Bailey: My hair is currently pink and I absolutely love it! I don’t know if I ever want to go back to a natural color ‍♀️

Brittany: Video Idea: I let my kids do the grocery shopping (for a day of meals) Rules: 1. They have a certain budget 2. They must get food items for breakfast, lunch and dinner (and possibly dessert) 3. You must use only the ingredients they picked (basic items like butter are OK to use if you have in your kitchen already) 4. The boys dictate the direction the meals go in, but of course you have to make it edible This will teach the boys budgeting, what food actually cost with the effort going into making meals, explore their creativity while teaching life skills like cooking, and get a feel of what they actually would eat if they got to pick the food. I hope to see some veggies in your cart!

Queensesang Shiela: These boys are having the best childhood because they have a very cool mom.

Ethan Frehner: Honestly, she looked just like the little mermaid

Tine Sørensen: You are brave and I love that you don't take yourself too seriously. I hope to be like you when I have kids (hopefully within the next 1-2.5 years) :D Have a nice day, love your videos.

Isabelle Klocke: I think you should keep it. It looks AMAZING !!!!

Sejal ☀: Hannah is such a sweet person!

jesus christ: grey and silver wouldve looked AMAZING on her!

Charlotte Elise: This suits you so much!!!!! I love it! Xx

Kat M: Oooh you should try letting your kids choose and cook dinner for a week! (With adult supervision of course) Btw love you Hannah!

Ashley G.: I liked blue much better, only for the sole purpose that it really complimented her eyes and made them pop. It also matched her personality too. The person who dyed it did an amazing job though, it’s a good color but blue worked better on her.

Chazza: I think that you should do "I let my kids style my hair for a week" the rules would be no cutting the hair, no dying the hair, but other then that, go for it! Then you have to go to work like that all week, and you have to talk to people who you don't know to see if they think that your crazy.

bee: Ha ha both my boys always rock a mohawk. They are mixed so it's a curly mohawk but they love it. The in laws hate it but, it's their style and makes them happy.

Pallavi K: Wyatt is least bothered or even knows what is being asked of him ..... he just goes with what ever Jackson says ....ha ha ha

AshGurl2897: I think that color actually looks great on you. But so does blue.

wigconic: Joey Graceffa is LITERALLY the queen of coloring hair omg

Imah S: Really pretty! P.S. The color was deposited on top of the silver, that's what makes it so bold.

Vanesa Kowalewski: Hi from Argentina. I love your videos. I decided to dye my hair pink and finally did it last week thanks to your video! :) :) Have a great 2019!

Michelle Wilde: I love it! Especially when it is curly.

Chef Kristea: I love that hair color on you! Beautiful!!!

Madison: Don’t change the color! After you curled it, it compliments your skin tone and eyes SO WELL, and when it starts to fade it will look amazing!

All Ison: The hair color makes her eye color pop and you could see it more. What a beautiful video.

Keisha Martin: You are a awesome mum!

Bruh: I wish they chose silver I think it would have looked so good!!

Harry Williams: Let the Kids Decorate their room however they want :D

Natalie Eng: The magenta looks AMAZING on you!! The way you have it styled at the end is gorgeous!

pauliina abbood: The hair cut and the color is beautiful suit you

InsertArmy Namehere: These kids r having the best childhood Srsly she lets them choose everything

InsertArmy Namehere: These kids r having the best childhood Srsly she lets them choose everything

Typhlosion491: I understand the shock. I actually donated 9 inches of my hair for a wig. It was short. You rock that color.

Imani Maldonado: That color actually really suits you, at first I was iffy, but now I actually really like it. I don't know if I would ever dye my hair, but I'm willing to try at least once...

Wren lol: This is why I want kids. They're amazing and crazy! Lol! And where is the silver..? I dont see it lol

lauren ツ: Your rocked that hair and outfit girl!!!

Dangtila Sangtam: Hannah can rock any hair colour.

Dylan Wallace: i completely understand what ur hair means to you, i’ve shaved my head 3 times, i’ve had a mowhawk twice and i really do think that changing ur hair makes you think different about urself for the good

Jayjoy94: I like it how you styled your hair at the end of the clip. Rly nice hair cut - but blue is your perfect colour

a b: This is such a great series

AlexisNicoleMakeup: Wow I love how she styled it in the end!

Noah Michel: Love how she was like “my good friend Joey” SO casually Ya know the guy with 10 MILLION subscribers just casually walking in

Meli Bonniee: YOURE SO BEAUTIFUL WITH RED HAIR, your kids made a great job

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