Straighten Hair With Aloe Vera │ Natural Hair Straightening Gel At Home W/ Results │Hair Hack!!

I will be showing you how I straighten my hair using Aloe Vera! The end results are amazing, your hair ends up looking shiny, healthy, fuller, and softer very time. I've also noticed my hair's overall health change after using this more often. I don't use any heat protectant because the aloe vera gel acts as the heat protectant between my hair and the straightener. And because it stays on the hair all day, it repairs the damaged hair, restores it back to a healthier state, provides so many beneficial nutrients, and leaves NO oily residue at all. It also lengthens the amount of time that the hair stays straight. By using this more and more, I've seen a difference in the texture, the softness, the silkiness, and the health of my hair! I've stopped using store bought heat protectant sprays, serums, and conditioners completely. This is basically an all natural DIY homemade hair straightening gel!

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I am not a health professional, I just love using natural based products on my skin and hair. I also love to share all this info that I learn with you all! Always make sure to test a small amount of the oil on your skin to see if you aren’t allergic, and enjoy!

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Hi guys welcome back to my channel in today's video I'm going to be showing you how to use a little Barrett to straighten your hair and to use it as a heat protectant. So let's just get right into it. So here's my aloe vera leaves all ready for me to use on my hair and if you want to see how to extract this, then I do have a video and I will link it right here for you to check it out. Okay, so the first thing we're going to do. I have my aloe vera gel right here and it's like oozing out the gel it's kind of gross, but I'm going to just put it all over my hand and I'm just going to start to put it on. My hair, not totally at the scalp but at the roots, concentrating like from the mid hair section down to the roots, and I'm going to continue doing that and if you can tell the difference, you can already see that it makes your hair super shiny. It gets rid of all that frizz and the flyaway hairs and abuse like a gloss, and it also brings out your hair color and what I love about using aloe vera as a heat protectant. Is that not only is it protecting your hair from the heat of whatever you're using, but it's also, it stays in your hair throughout the day. So it's giving your hair the nutrients throughout the day and it's just helping your hair as long as it's on it, and not only that, but it's providing you that shine. It'S so easy to straighten your hair, like you can see over here, and it just makes your hair look healthy or fuller, shiny or glossy or, like. I really like it see. If you can see the difference right there, it's super shiny and the shine is not like. It doesn't look greasy, which is another thing that I like it doesn't look oily and even throughout the day it doesn't get sticky or like slimy like you saw, but it just it dries out really quickly. It'S not greasy. I really like it. I went ahead and started to straighten my hair and it was really easy to straighten it on straighten your hair. However, you like to, I just have no particular method. I just straighten bits and pieces at a time I like to bring my hair forward and then straighten it, because when you pull it back, it gives you more volume and that's it. That'S always creating my hair using aloe vera and you protect it. It added shine and gloss to my hair and helped me straighten it, and I love it. I hope you guys enjoy. Thank you guys so much for watching. Don'T forget to subscribe to my channel before you leave because I upload twice a week and I'd love for you to keep updated with my latest uploads, and I will talk to you guys. A MINIX video

לאנה סליים - Lana's Slime: Awesome idea, thank you :) Your hair looks so shiny and healthy!

Zainab A: Thank you, I love natural products for hair and skin and Im surely going to try this next time ! xoxo

anaya health and beauty tips: good

Richa Gera: It really works loved it the shine which it gives to ur hair is 10/10

Suchi: mam I have few questions. should I straight it when my hair is damp or completely dry? and how long we can store the gel ?

Shweta Jadhav: Should straightening be done immediately after applying the aloe vera gel or let it dry first and then straighten?

Himanshi Singh: Doubt Don't I need to wait after putting alovera on hair to dry it out before straightening?

V Vlog: Good to know :) was wondering whats the best heat protectant. thank you for sharing

Rosa Chapman: is their anything else you can use to keep natural hair straight?

S A: I love it . I will do it tomorrow. .. so happy

Loani Castillo: I blend aloe with a little water to move it and strain it and make ice cubes to use when I need it. I strain it again when I melt it. I am doing no poo and I was thinking of using aloe for the flat iron process.

peachydreams: yey! it works! thankyou so much ^_^

Tanvi Jadhav: It Really works Thankyou for That

Monny Monny: is it work for permanent straightening?

Sonu DS: is running straighter on hair mandatory? if u dont run straightner then what will be result of it?

Jagdeep Randhawa: thanks I really works

Maria Mendoza: Thanks Sheetal! I will use this for my graduation day

Shivali Dave: Can we purchase pure aloe vera like this in a bottle form (if yes, any brand recommendations?) or does it have to be from the plant directly?

kavita kumari: awesome technique... did u apply this gel on your dry hair or damp hair

Yanapanda KpopJoa: thanks for this

akanksha singh: can we use alove vera + serum??

Charlize Alexandria: is it permanent?

Dooshvee Ramiah: for how long does the hair stay like this(sraight)?

Jenifer Cornejo: I've been using aloe Vera for a month every time I get out of my shower I put it all over my hair and I noticed that some parts of my hair are straight

StyleSmallWorld - Nail Art Designs & DIY tutorials: awesome technique. gel makes hairs wet so should we wait them to dry before using straightener or can use directly on wet hairs?

Disha Sarkar: Mam if I use aloevera gel will it get sticky ?I mean would my hair be silky as before?

Karime Castillo: can you do this without straightening your hair?? I mean does it work

Wafa Meraj: aloe vera turns my hair a little bit oily or sticky.

Khanita Bareera: instead of leaf gel can i use aloe vera skin gel for hair???

Deepika Verma: Can I used ready-made aloeveera gel

glennys Tt: Very helpful Sheetal Thank you

chhanda dutta: cn we use it daily?? coz straightner does damage to hairs

Manish Kumar: It's a very nice hair straightening treatment

Molly Rodrigues: I have done this but it just added a gloss for my hair and it was like wave hair buy I like the trick

Kimhart Media: will it be permanent straight hair?

Kainat Hamza: Can u please tell me that after this how long my hairs remains straight?

pakfiaz Business Bay: Is it permanent??

Elle Woods: any specific hair straightener to be used?

sushmita Gurung: Does this hair last for a day? I mean my hair gets curly again if i go outside . How can we make this straight hair long lasting? Plz give some suggestions

q khalid: does it help stopin damage due to heat?

Entertainment Media09: Awesome n helpful

Emerson Kerin: can you use the aloe gel for your skin in you hair too? is it safe?

Stephaniee: can you please do a video on how to do a hair softening spray ?

Beena Chauhan: can v use aloe Vera after rebounding

Sangitaa Mirchandani: After applying alovera gel we have to wash it or not.

tista pal: for how many days does it last?

Paula David: If I use Aloe Vera on my hair, wait about 1 hour and then wash my hair, it will be straighten? I don't want to use heat on it, just a simple and natural remedy.

ruman arsh: can we use it in oily hairs also?

Shru talks: once we apply alovera it will be kinda wetty if we straight with straighter won't it damage hair?

Tiha & Laylo: I can use the gel if I don't have the plant ?

Papri Gharami: helpful video. thank u. plzz tell me which cut in your hair? its beautiful. can i use hair serum after straightening? plz tell..

Aashna Bhatia: Do we have to wash our hair after doing this straightening

Kyle Luna Shatters: Is it permanently?

Really: Will it work in coarse hair

Sunita Verma: may i use straightening twise or thrice a week

Ak Land: Hi can you please tell me the hair straightener you are using?

Bipasha Bintahan: Is it natural?

Sunset: It's amazing ...thnx for this video ..i will try it must

Nilam Kachare: Thank you so much

Ashley Ramroop: Is it permanent

Ahmed Ali Ghauri: Won't aloe vera produce sort of stink?

Naima Choudhury: Where can I buy aloe Vera leaves?

Fahiza: How can i get permanent hair straight using aloe vera and straightner...?

Tanim Ahsan: Is it permanent hair straightening?

Trace TheLine: What about the smell?

Teegan Whelden: Can I use like store bought aloe Vera like that comes in containers

Sowjanya Subbu: i am so happy u r tip made me happy so much it worked me alot i am so Happy

soumya sharma: ok so people most of the people don't know there is more than 60 types of aloe vera and only 3 or 3 or at max 5 of them that can be used for skin and hair so plz don't just pluck any aloe and use it

lovely leena: Omg I was thinking about aloe vera yesterday.. I wanna try it as a face mask

Ritika prasad: Can we put this gel of one day on head n next day we can wash without straighting

JIN_27: can I pls know which iron straightner u were using. looks light n handy

jasmine hollister: if u put aloe vera on your hair after u have had a bath/shower and your hair is still wet(after towel dried) and let it dry into your hair naturally will it still work the same ??

Vinod Yadav: I love this video .

KATHRINARIZ27: it's good ma'am really ..I try to put in my under arm it's amazing rashes is disappear.. tnx alot..

Suhana Ahmed: it's lovely nd helpful

Mirth david: thanku from abundance of my heart.

Aesthetic Butterfly: What about natural curly hair long

Reyno Conde: can i get wet my hair after doing that?? can my curly hair will not turn back a little after doing that??

Jasim Uddin: I have no straightner what should I do?

Sumaya Talib: Can u please tell me when u apply aloe vera in ur hair then u washed your hair and then do straightening????

salman don: we don't have to wash it before going out?

crystal beauty: beautiful hair

dharamsingh: Thanks all day

Mishal Ahmed: useing after aloe vera can I use shampoo for hair

Flick to Baron: wont the aloe Vera gel add smell to the hair? or do we have to wash the hair after doing it?

Brenda Mercado: what about the smell of it?

rajanikanta Panda: aloe Vera is good for face and body but I think it's not for hair straightener

Shaniqua Mai-lee: Has anyone tried this?? Did it work?

preeti bansal: can I use patanjali alo Vera gel instead of the alo Vera leaf

kongarapoojitha chowdary: can i put aloevera gel 1 day bfr straightening..wash my hair and then straighten ..will there be any side effect..pls do rply

Google User: is it permanent?????

Nisha Shah: Why to use straining machine

ROCKY rocker: how can i get rid of falling hair

Ashley Ramroop: is it permanent please reply

walaa shawky: l need to ask few questions about straighting your hair l never do it and I am looking forward to it my hair is soft but too frizzy girls tell me to use straighter every two weeks and it only keep straight for one week.... what am l supposed to do with my hair this week??

Anshu Jangra: which straight ner will be best which donT damage my hair

Ashley Ramroop: Is it permanent

Aliza khushnood: It will damge straightener or not?

Soumya Sree: Can I use patanjali alovera gel??

Manjot Mahel: NYC video well done keep it up

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