Diy _ Daily Hair Straightening Routine _ At Home | Superwowstyle

A new DIY for Daily Hair Straightening Routine - for hair straightening at home!


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In this video, I will show you a very easy way to get sleek straight and shiny hair with a gloss that will make heads turn. Kind of like an updated routine of my previous hair straightening video, this one however, can be used daily.

You will need:

1. Aloe vera

2. Flax Seed

3. Hair conditioning leave in serum (optional)

Mix them as shown in the video and apply sometimes, or everyday for results!


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Prachi (Super Wow Style)


** All products purchased by my own money. This video was not sponsored, there is no endorsement here (paid or otherwise). I have only made this video to enlighten my viewers and not sell any brand.

Hey guys welcome super style. Is this platy and today I'm gon na be sharing with you a really cool method for hair straightening at home and okay I'll tell you actually what happened? Okay, about wheels back or something I'd made a video on my channel on a really cool hair, sweeping method. Okay and my friend was she and her. She took my formula. She added her own ingredients to my formula and she started using this method like almost every day, and even though she is using my method, if you think my hair is good, you should see her hair guys, it's like so amazing, so amazing she doesn't even have To comb her hair anymore and her hair is so long and thick. She doesn't even have to comb my hair because her hair is extreme and silky and sick, so beautifully conditioned like if she shampoos her hair. She just has to let it dry and her hair is just like all fall into place on its own. It'S so amazing and I'm not kidding guys when she's actually walking and if you see her hair from a distance. You know it was shine. So much like you know, like it just shines and bounces like so beautifully you'll be like. Is that something a plastic sheet or something covering her hair? Because it's just so amazing? It'S so amazing. So I thought, like you know, since she is basically using my fault for now a steal, your idea, I'll share with you guys, so you can actually use this method as well. You can use this, like you know just once in a while, because I'm also using this just once in a while now, because my hair is otherwise quite straight or if you want, you can use this daily to get like beautiful, straight hair, like really shiny, pin Straight hair and nice even come back and thank me for it, and maybe even thank my friend because you know like she has just used some hearts. So let's look at her and mine my awesome new recipe or old recipe. I don't know I don't know what to call it just look at this recipe and let's get started okay, so for this method you will need some aloe vera leaves flax seeds and any one of your favorite leave-in hair conditioning serums now take about three tablespoons of Flax seeds and add to this about half a cup of water, put this over the flame and let the water boil for a little while eventually you'll find the consistency of the water getting thicker and forming like a jelly-like substance. So this is the return of the heat and let the thing cool for a little while now we will simply start straining this mixture and to this, if you want, you can add a few drops of your hair conditioning serum. This is already totally optional step guys. It totally depends on you if, whether you want to use it or not, if you want to keep this process all natural, you can avoid using this serum. It'S not really all that mandatory anyways so once again preparing the formula everything I just show you how to use it on your hair. I know my hair is like really really straight, but I guess I can't help it guys. So I just demonstrate the use to you and you can try at your own home and you can just see the difference so I'll. Just take a small strand of my hair over here to show you how this thing works. You can divide your hair like two or three sections. If you want and and just take the serum that you have prepared and apply it to your hair, if you want, you can also apply this to your scalp, because it kind of helps in preventing hair loss and also promoting hair growth. This it's really really healthy. For your hair, actually so you want, if you want, you can apply that and once you're done applying that just take your aloe vera leaf. If you don't know how to cut your outer I'll leave guys, you can check out my first video on hair straightening I'll, explain the process of the day I'll, just link it in the description box below and yeah once you're done, applying your aloe vera leaf, like Just let it dry for like about a minute and after about a minute just take out a hair. Straightener, do not heat it too much it's about 150 degree Celsius should walk and for all those of you who are white about using a using heat on your hair on a daily basis, do not worry aloe vera based put under heat and just helps it in Your hair absorbing the aloe vera and kind of nourishes your hair better, so you can use this daily. If you want, it will not feel you here absolutely guaranteed on and that's it. I think you guys can see the difference like this part of my hair and this part of my hair, of course, both the straight, because you know my hair is naturally straight, like I just said, but I'm sure you can still see the difference in texture. It'S really really huge and although I just use it like for one time and yeah, so this method, like really really work, I suggest that you try it out and definitely the comment section below how it has worked for you, so that you can encourage other girls As well, and if you have any questions you can write your questions in the comment section below. I repeat once again: do not worry about using heat on your hair everyday, if you're using it with something like aloe vera, which is used to treat burns and wounds and marks on your skin and things like that. It will not do any harm the autofilter when it's put under heat. It kind of works really really well. So don't worry, okay and yeah. That'S about it! So thank you so much for watching this. Video don't forget to hit like subscribe and share this video with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and Google, Plus, you can follow me on my social media, all the links Harvey shared in the description box below. Thank you so much for watching this is me presley signing off now. Bye, bye,

Suchi: i did it today and it really worked. loved the result

Shachi Parmar: I tried and yeah.. Its awesome! Really worked.. N helped my damaged hairs look better.. thankss prachi di.. <3

Gillian Dsouza: Hi Prachi! I love you so much AND your videos! I have two questions: 1. Will my hair become sticky or greasy by leaving in the serum and aloe vera? 2. If I do this everyday, are you sure all that heat won't damage my hair? ( I know you mentioned it many times in the video but I haven't used heat in a long time and am relying on your word)

Prachi Rao: Hey Prachi! Me and my mom simply love your vids. My mom is a HUGE fan of yours. My name is Prachi too n she asks me to consider you my idol . ;) I wanted to ask, for how many days can we store this hair serum? As I have shorter hair and need comparatively less of it.

Rönny kh: Must say It really helped me out ! for my sis :) Thanks alot...

Priya Saini: Hello Prachi..I started following you yesterday and I tried this hair straightening tip and it was amazing..I am a blogger myself but I am following you ..As your videos are so genuine and unique.. Want to know for how many days the hair will be straight and also how can the affect be permanent..Would love to have a lot more videos from you..Watched all in 2 days

Susan: She deserves millions of subscribers. She is so real. Love you Prachi keep it up

Priyanka Bansal: Can we use aloe Vera gel instead of aloe Vera leaves ??

shivani sharma: I just love wearing the straight hair look but afraid of the damage caused by it. Thanku for sharing such an amazing method to straighten the hair without damaging it ☺

khyathi pothula: After using ur formula I used blow dryer and the results are amazing

Priyanka Joshi: It's nice way for straining hair thank u Prachi

dewdrop ch: Hi prachi, have you got this gelly kind of texture only by adding water or do we need to add extracted aloevera gel also?

Urvashi Sharma: can we use alovera gel instead of leaf?

Wellness Chapters: this is cool. i love your hair. thank you for the tutorial.

Queen Rameesha: Hi Prachi I'm so happy when I saw your video thank you so much for sharing with us, but I'm still confused should we wash our hair after applying the mixture? thank you

Rabbia Akmal: Prachi can we use aloe Vera gel instead of aloe Vera leaf?

Sikha Sen: Can I use aloevera gel cream instead of leaves? Will it work?

Ishita Sharma: this is the only account which gives good results on trying!

Apurva S: Thanks Prachin got the video. Can I use aloe vera gel instead, since I don't have natural aloevera plant around? And also, this flax seed aloe vera mixture acts like a leave in conditioner for whole day? Thanks! :)

sakshi singh: can we use aloe vera gel rather than aloe vera leaf for straightening method

sakshi singh: can we use aloe vera gel rather than aloe vera leaf for straightening method

juweriya: Its awesome! Really worked.

Racha Bella: Hy Pachi, thanks for the tips :) I just found so hard to filter the jelly !! really difficult...

aswathy nair: Prachi di I tried many of your suggests hacks and all worked wonders for me nd thanks a lot for that. But many people have wavy n curly hair they are actually happy with it so can you please suggest some for them.

shilpa joseph: How did you read my mind? Was soo badly wanted such DIY video. Thankyou❤

Arushi Khulbe: This thing really worked... My hair looks awesome..

Three Little Witches: Can I use aloe Vera gel instead of aloe Vera leaves.?

Simar Gulati: are the best beauty blogger I've ever come across! stay beautiful and stay blessed always :)

Tanu Khare: Awesome, it looks like smoothening

Titli Dey: Love u Prachi dii...its really very helpful for me

Jitesh More: Guys it really works! Just an important tip don't boil it too much it becomes sticky and messy that won't get strained. So do try it thanks Prachi my hair was very rough and dry but after using it , it has started being soft.

Jaz Rehal: Aren't we suppose to wash it? Or it works as a leave-in conditioner?

aishwarya puvvada: it's such a nice idea thank u so much prachi

Khushi Goradia: It does work.. My hair is super silky and super shiny

Nazish Khan: I am going to describe my results and experience with this mask. -HOW THE MAKING PROCESS WENT? 1) So according to the video 3 tbsp of flax seeds and 1/2 cup of water was required so when I was preparing the mixture I felt water to be more as compared with water used in video so I just poured a little water and after it cooked I regretted the change I brought. So while preparing the mixture you can use less flax seeds but not less water. 2) The mixture prepared was thicker than the video one so it was just impossible to sieve it (because I have made some changes in measurements, so don't repeat my mistake) I have no other option then just directly applying the mixture of flax seed without sieving -APPLICATION PROCESS: 1) Before application you need to prepare everything before so that less time is consumed while application 2)If you already have gloves then do wear them when applying the mixture on the strand of hair and then unwear them to handle the straightener -DRYING PROCESS: 1) It actually does not take much time to dry So after showering I will comment my results

MALLIKA PURKAYASTHA: Do we just have to leave the hair with all these things on it or do we wash it after wards ? What to do after straightening the hair ?

pinky ansari: are the results same without a straightner?

Simran Saxena: Amazing. :D also I wanted to know if you know any technique to get naturally straight hair over a period of time (without the use of heat) if yes,please try making a video on it,it'll be very very helpful. Once again,I live your tricks :D

Ankita Joshi: straightening usually wears off super fast in humid situations, does this stay?

hoda119: do we have to wash hair after using the seed gel ?? as it's edible ?

Angel Anu: Hi prachi... Actually i was confused. We use it after the bath or before the bath daily ??

Pallavi Parashar: wow awesome tip..i hope it works on my hair too as my hair is very dull and shine whatsoever ..i will try and tell you how it worked on my hair!!!

NaZriN IdHriZ: Best blogger simple words..

neha garg: Hey prachi I recently started watching ur videos and really like them. Want to know whether using it in long run permanently straighten hairs

Purple Ivy: is it safe to straighten your hair daily?

Lalitha Kavya: hey prachi.very excited to use this method.but does it damage the straightener ?

Shweta Anarase: great tip! will definitely try it.. I have tried the aloe vera technique before but after you are done the hair has a very weird smell..maybe of the aloe vera gel burned by the straightner's heat..

Monica jain: hi prachi ... your videos are amazing ... I have subscribed to ur channel and ur doing a great job keep going lots of love... I need to know in this video u had mentioned flax seeds .. pls specify brand which one to use so that i can start using it.

Safa Khan: First thing you are so cute! & I love your videos so much .. I am watching your videos for the first time and its like I've been watching from 8 P.m to 10 Actually I m going crazy..I'll definitely try this one tomorrow. Stay blessed prachi! Thankyou!

ShimmerGirl: I love yur eyebrows may how eva those are :D

Kiara Khan: can we use aleo vera gel instead of aleo vera?

Aditi Mohanta: what should we do after straightening?wash it or what?

vj0509: looks great! can we use aloe vera gel instead of the leaf here? pl advice..

Dips Sehgal: I'm so excited to try this please tell can we use patanjali aloe vera gel as well or the natural plant extract is better??? Please reply ☺️

Archita Bhasin: can I use the patanjali aloe vera gel instead of directly using aloe vera leaves?

Sara Cutie M.D.: I'm Asian by the way, My hair would be super amazing if I can make it naturally straight though. It would be a dream come true.

Avani Bali: You are amazing prachi

Anu das: awesome DIY as usual

Unnati Shrivastava: Di after washing it next day can we use shampoo or not

Meena Naik: Do we have to wash our hairs after that ? After washing hairs will the results be same ?

Sangeeta Hegde: after applying the mixture and straightening...we need to wash it off??

rasiya tr: if made excess can we keep it for next use. or we have to make every time

Jesika Upadhyay: Do i have to wash my hair with shampoo or anything after doing this hair straightening method?? Or let my hair fall down as it is... Please reply..

Ragini pasi: hi prachi,thankxx for such an amazing video..ur all method is superb.can u please upload a new video for hair hair is so thin and m worried about it..

Namrata Awasthi: Its an awesome DIY..!! Gonna try it. But can we use patanjali aloe vera gel instead of leaf?

KIRAN SHARMA: hello prachi.. this seems really cool.. but i don't have aloe vera leaf.. will it work ,if i try with aloe vera gel (90%)instead ?

Tania Nirmal: yes it does..✌✌prachi please make a video on how we can make a natural heat protectant hair spray that we can use before using the hair straightner

Rohine Kauvya: Do you have to shampoo your hair after using this method?

Dr. Ninja: can I use chia seeds instead of flax seeds as I don't have them?

Kairav Kejriwal: can I use this method without the straightener?? I mean will it have the same effect?

Dhruvi Chavda: but dont u hav to wash the hair after applying that? or do u just leave it on whole day

varsha vidyadharan: How can i extract the gel? I cant do it☹️☹️

11p 16a: love your videos ♥♥

Anjali Pandey: is this a heat protecting serum or we can use it before washing....????

Kairav Kejriwal: can I use this method by not using heat on my hair..??

Devanshi Parikh: I was wondering how does giving a heat to your hair help you hair ?

Prava Susmitha: mam an another question can we apply it daily I mean on the dry hair without washing

Priyansha Mishra: Will it work on curly hair ?

Rikmenlang Rynjah: If we shampoo our hair after applying will it still work?

Vidhika Yadav: Is this safe for the hair?

khyathi pothula: prachi can I use this conditioner to curl my hair will this work

megha goradia: I have been using this since 2 to 3 tries now.. and my hair has become really nice and glossy.. due to scalp problems I am not allowed to oil my hair.. and this method literally replaces the effect of oil.. it is amazing.. thanks❤️

Jannat k Rai: hi can we even blow dry our hair after this routine instead of straightening? ??


madvee Roopchand: awesome like it a lot..thank you for sharing

Nadeen Gamil: will this naturally straighten really curly hair?

steffy s: Should we wash it after that??

Saman Khan: Is it necessary to use straightener.??? Does this remedy gives result without using straightener???

Kiara Khan: after using this method do i need to was my hairs? or should i keep it the whole day ??

SANJU JAISWAL: hey prachi ...u make good videos really helpful and easily available... but u should answer the queries no

Mansi Tripathi: wont this method work without a straightner?

Archana Mosalikanti: hi prachi. can u store this mixture?

Almas Shaikh: can I use ready made alov vera gel

Hosna Akter: How long I have to use this method?

jyoti shrivastava: When do i have to wash my hair?? Before or after the application? Please reply

Lhen Deligos: its work... i love it

Pranjal Patil: Is it mandatory to use a straightener? And aftr how many hrs i need to wash my hair

christin fionita: Will this trick make my hair permanently straight?

GAURI MALEWADKAR: For how long we should keep dat mixture in hairs?

Darshana Bhatt: do we have to wash our hair after applying it. ..

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