What You Need To Know About Causes Of Hair Loss In Women, And Treating Female Pattern Hair Loss

More on female hair loss: https://nyhairloss.com/hair-loss-info/...

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New York hair restoration specialist Amiya Prasad, M.D. talks about the different causes of hair loss in women, the limited conventional treatments for female pattern hair loss, and a more convenient, effective, predictable, and longer-lasting treatment for female pattern hair loss:

0:29 — Introduction to female pattern hair loss

0:46 — How there are fewer options for hair loss treatment for women

1:47 — How regenerative medicine technology has helped with the treatment of female pattern hair loss

2:12 — Dr. Prasad details his background training in cosmetic oculofacial plastic and reconstructive surgery, as well as his experience as a hair loss specialist and founder of TrichoStem™ Hair Regeneration Centers

3:06 — Factors that affect hair growth in women

3:54 — The cause of pattern hair loss in women

4:29 — Dr. Prasad discusses the use of spironolactone as a treatment for female pattern hair loss

5:14 — Minoxidil as the most popular treatment for pattern hair loss in women

5:47 — Minoxidil as a short-term and inconsistent treatment for pattern hair loss in women

6:20 — The limitations of hair transplants on female pattern hair loss

7:13 — PRP as a short-term treatment for hair growth

7:40 — How many doctors have little experience using PRP for hair loss, which leads to treatments going on indefinitely

8:19 — How PRP alone is a limited and unpredictable treatment for hair loss

8:56 — The development of the Hair Regeneration treatment

9:25 — Development of a system to enable proper delivery and dosage of treatment to patients

9:54 — The benefits of Hair Regeneration treatment

10:24 — Method and frequency by which Hair Regeneration treatment is delivered

10:38 — How genetic pattern hair loss cannot be cured, but only managed

10:59 — How Hair Regeneration treatment is customised for every individual

11:29 — How the actual process of injecting Hair Regeneration treatment is done

11:50 — Recovery after Hair Regeneration treatment

12:16 — Frequency of follow-up sessions after the initial Hair Regeneration injection


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Pattern, hair loss affects a significant number of women. About 30 % of women under the age of 50, suffer from pattern, hair loss and that number jumps to about 50 % of women over the age of 50.. Unfortunately, there are fewer options for hair loss treatment for women in comparison to men.. The drug finasteride, for example, is commonly used for male pattern, hair loss, but is generally not considered of significant value for female pattern. Hair loss. Hair transplant surgery is routinely performed for male pattern. Hair loss, particularly frontal area recession. Hair transplants are generally not recommended for most women because pattern. Hair loss in women is more diffuse, meaning that the thinning hair follicles are very close. Together., The trauma of transplant surgery can result in collateral damage and loss of nearby hair follicles.. In the recent past, the only established treatment for female pattern, hair loss has been topically applied. Minoxidil. In my practice, we’ve made a significant impact on the treatment of female pattern. Hair loss using regenerative medicine technology which I started working with in 2011, and I will describe in more detail. I’m Dr Amiya Prasad., I’m a Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeon and Fellowship Trained Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon. I’ve been in practice in Manhattan and Long Island for over 20 years.. I’M also, the founder of TrichoStem Hair Regeneration Centers., I created TrichoStem Hair Regeneration as a system based on detailed work on a wide range of men and women with genetic pattern. Hair loss who’ve been coming to us from around the world. Since 2011., I developed a system which customizes treatment based on specific individual clinical hair loss profiles., While most hair loss treatments seem to focus around treating men. Women have several situations which affect hair growth, Pregnancy, hormonal changes after childbirth, menopause stress and other factors can lead to hair loss in women.. Some conditions are temporary, with expectation of full regrowth. Some experience, hair loss from hairstyling practices, for example, having tight, braids or tight ponytails, which results in permanent hair loss referred to as traction alopecia.. Another example is the use of chemical hair straighteners, which penetrate skin and damage both the skin and the hair follicles. Female pattern. Hair loss is the most common form of hair loss in women and is primarily due to genetics. The exact mechanism or processes which contributes to female pattern. Hair loss is not well established.. There opinions in the medical community about inflammation in the scalp and hormonal factors which lead to thinning of hair thinning in a typically diffuse pattern., Both male and female pattern. Hair loss can appear similar microscopically.. This is referred to as androgenetic alopecia.. One treatment occasionally used for female pattern: hair loss is the drug spironolactone.. Spironolactone is prescribed to manage testosterone activity in women, which is a suspected cause of scalp hair thinning. Spironolactone is often prescribed by dermatologists to block testosterone receptors, based on the concept that binding of testosterone to hair follicles results in hair thinning.. I don’t prescribe spironolactone to my female patients. The feedback of many of my female patients who have been the drug has been inconsistent.. In my opinion, if testosterone was the primary cause of female pattern, hair loss, the drug would be more consistently effective.. Another popular treatment for women is topical. Minoxidil. Minoxidil was originally used as a to treat high blood pressure.. A side effect of its use was observed to to stimulate some hair. Growth. Minoxidil is available over the counter as a topical that is applied to the scalp daily. Custom. Formulations of minoxidil are available through some doctors but it’s difficult to verify that higher percentage solutions work better than standard formulations.. Although the exact mechanism of minoxidil is not quite known, it does appear to delay the hair shedding cycle and extend the growth cycle. So more hair is present.. It also appears to stimulate hair growth with limitation. It’s commonly reported by patients who were using minoxidil that stopping use of the drug resulted in significant hair shedding.. In my experience, female patients who come to see us don’t find much benefit with minoxidil. Hair transplants has limited benefit for women with hair loss.. It can have value for areas of frontal recession and areas where there is very little hair.. Most of the time female pattern. Hair loss occurs throughout the whole scalp., Since there is a relatively high density of native hair. In spite of thinning hair transplant surgery can result in loss of native hairs.. The reason is that, in order to place transplanted hair, small incisions need to be made.. These incisions can damage local native hairs from direct trauma, vascular damage and inflammation.. Generally speaking, I don’t recommend hair transplant for most of my patients with female pattern. After many years of skepticism, Platelet-rich plasma injections or PRP is being recognized and promoted to treat hair loss in men and women. PRP has been shown in medical studies to stimulate hair growth.. Having used PRP for much longer time than most of my colleagues, I’ve observed that PRP alone stimulates short-term hair growth., While many doctors are now offering PRP injections for hair loss treatment, the frequency of injection treatments and the way injections are performed vary greatly, ranging from once A month, every two months or every several months., Further I’ve, observed that most doctors who perform PRP injections are new to hair loss treatment, and even those who claim to have the most experience with PRP for hair loss cannot provide any specific data about expectations and duration Of treatment, so the injection treatments do go on indefinitely., Although I use PRP in my practice for skin quality improvement for wrinkles acne scars and dark under eye circles, PRP alone ends up being another treatment, with limited and less predictable results for the treatment of hair loss.. Many patients who come to see us come after after having had several PRP treatments elsewhere and were frustrated with the lack of results and tired of repeat sessions that seem to have no end. In sight., The treatment system we developed in our practice called TrichoStem. Hair Regeneration evolved out of observations made on patients undergoing hair transplant.. We used a material called acellular matrix, which is a wound healing technology. We applied to improve the healing of the donor scar and the hair grafts.. An interesting side effect we observed was that thinning hair became thicker.. Based on this observation, I developed a system to dose the material deliver and manage our patients over time. Having treated a wide range of patients with male and female pattern. Hair loss from as young as 16 years old to patients in their eighties who come to us from around the world. I can customize a treatment for every patient and have a high level of certainty about their prognosis.. Based on our observation, the TrichoStem Hair Regeneration system stimulates the growth of hair. That is not growing at the time, due to prolonged resting stage of the hair growth cycle, thicken hair that is thinning and extend the longevity of the hair growth cycle.. This results in improvement in scalp coverage for an estimated 99 % or more of both male and female pattern. Hair loss, patients., Hair Regeneration, does involve scalp injection similar to PRP injections.. The difference is that it is done once with some patients receiving a second treatment 15 to 24 months after the first treatment.. It is important to remember that genetic pattern, hair loss is hardwired in your DNA, so it can’t be cured.. However, the treatment has successfully changed. The trajectory for patients who would have otherwise lost their hair much sooner without treatment., The Hair Regeneration treatment is customized for every patient. Using an algorithm. I developed based on age pattern of hair loss, age of onset of hair loss and previous medical treatments, which I call the Hair Loss. Profile. Blood is drawn for the PRP preparation and mixed with Acellular matrix Vitamin D and other factors formulated to your specific hair loss. Profile., The scalp is prepared with a topical and local anesthetic, and the Hair Regeneration treatment is delivered through injection., While the process takes about one to two hours from the start of the blood draw PRP, preparation and customized formulation, the actual injection treatment takes a few minutes. Afterwards, you may experience some mild tenderness in the scalp, but otherwise the post treatment recovery is minimal.. In fact, many patients from out of state and around the world will fly back home the same day they, the treatment.. I discuss the aftercare individually during consultation.. As far as work is concerned. Most people go back to work. The next day.. We routinely see our patients every 3 to 6 months and take specific types of photos and make comparisons. So you can see how you’re doing. We’ve seen improvement as early as one month. However, the effect of the injection goes on for over 15 to 18 months after treatment.. The duration of the effect on average is about 3 to 5 years.. More specific data is provided during consultation based on your Hair Loss Profile., Considering until we started developing TrichoStem Hair Regeneration around 2011. The options for female pattern. Hair loss was limited to minoxidil and hair transplant for a limited group of women.. I can say without reservation that the level of impact we’ve made on the management of female pattern, hair loss has been significant and that I and the staff in our office are proud every day to have made a difference. Hair loss is particularly challenging for women who Come to see us both personally and socially., When my female pattern, hair loss patients see their improvement. I find that there is a sense of relief that the clock is no longer working against them and that they can look forward to having more hair for a longer time.. I hope you found this information helpful .... Thank you for your question.

LalaLibre: hi dr Prasad, thank you for this video. I was wondering if your treatment could still work when genetic hairloss occurred more than 25 years ago? I'm doing several treatments now as they were not available to women back then, but to be honest the results are disappointing up till now. Can you tell us when follicle death sets in? Thank you for your reply.

Alexandra Theis: Hello Dr. Prasad, I have been suffering from hair loss for the past 7 months. I am unable to determine whether or not it is TE or AGA. I have had 4 dermatologists' opinions, 3 said TE and 1 said TE/AGA. Is there any specific approach I can take to know which I am experiencing? I have had a DHT test which resulted in normal levels (on the lower end of the reference range.) Thank you.

Saira: Hey Doctor. What treatment options are available for hair thinning due to PCOS?

Mansi Singhal: Hello doc! I'm 25 y/o female and have pcos diagnosed in April this year. But I've been experiencing hair thinning since 2015 after my first chemical straightening in 2014. I've done it twice after that 2016 and 2019. My scalp is becoming more visible at the hairline and overall density is decreased. My ferritin is 27, vit d- 20 & vit b12 is 193. Is it because of these factors? Do I need to get scalp injections or topical and oral medications alone can help? I'm from India and can't fly to USA. Please help

Nadine Davidian: Hi doctor I had a baby 9 months ago and 3 months after giving birth my hair started falling and hasn’t stopped. I have noticed significant thinning on top of my head. What scares me is that I’m not sure if this is due to hormonal changes due to childbirth or genetics since both my mother and my father have hair loss. Should my hair loss have returned to normal by now since giving birth? I want to rule out childbirth and want to know wether this is due to genetics or having a baby. Thanks

Little Laughs: Hii Doctor i used to have pretty good hair which gradually became bald..is PRP helpful for me? I dont have thyroid or pcos problem

Jasmen W: Hi Dr. Prasad, I had some genetic testing done couple years ago and I came up as a carrier of non classic 21 hydroxylase deficient congenital adrenal hyperplasia.. Going to see and endocrinologist soon just to reconfirm.. Because as a carrier you wouldn’t experience any symptoms but I am experiencing experiencing them all including the hair loss little bit of recession and then thinning through out. My question is that if it comes to my hormones and they do put me on a medication would getting the injection in conjunction with my medication and taking supplements would that better my chances of overall growth. Thank you so much.

sagaya rani: Hi Dr, iam.suffering from hypothyroidism. Big loss of hair in forehead area. Any advice for me pls

A D: Hello Sir, I was diagnosed with PCOS and hypothyroidism 2 years back and I have been consumng oral medicines since then.Howevr my hair on top and side portion of the scalp kept falling n thinning. 2 months back I consulted a dermatologist and he prescribed me a hair serum containing capixyl.My hair loss has reduced to great extent. Does that guarantee new/thicker hair growth? How long does it generally take for noticeable hair regrowth?? My age is 26. Thanks in advance :)

Nivedha Eee: Hi doctor! Had severe hairfall just 1 year after puberty & lost nearly 70℅ of my hair.. This hair shedding occurred within 2 years of time period.. I thought it may grow back. But it didn't.. Since then, I'm having normal hair fall (less than 100 hairs) whenever I wash my hair. I also have dandruff & my hair mineral analysis test shows I'm low in all minerals & vits.. I have fine & straight hair from birth, so I cannot exactly say if my hair is thinning.. But my scalp isn't visible & no widening of part in the middle of the scalp. My doubt is that, will androgenetic alopecia begin with a severe telogen effluvium? It's been 15 years since massiave hair shedding happened. Yet I don't find my old thick hair growing. Is it cos of my low nutrient deficiency that it's struggling to grow?

Yasmin Khan: Frontoparietal recession, aug 2019 Used it for 8months Vitamin d3 and b deficiency- ~13.0 Prescribed with Minoxidil 2% and some vitamins supplements. But when I stop using Minoxidil Hairfall started. Till how much time I have to continue to using it?

Fahima Afroze Rishfa: Hi doctor. I have some questions and I want to show you my condition with pictures. Where should I give you my pictures? I mean is there any way to contact you or your team?

StephanieHallBurns: Spironolactone is the devil. Sorry to be dramatic, but I was on this drug for several years for thinning hair and now I am dealing with severe dry eye disease. It began while I was taking the spiro, but it has become progressively worse even since going off of it (I believe Accutane may have some similar side effects in some patients). I also did not have a noticeable improvement in my hair, although occasional acne was nonexistent (the only positive, and not worth it!). Thanks for this educational video!

shivani balaji: Doctor can finasteride drug be taken in 2.5mg per day for androgenetic alopecia for female ?

Dipika Roy: sir please visit in india with your effective treatment.i really need this treatment.but it is not possible to go new york for me.you look like an indian with great personality. can you please tell what is the cost of treatment in usd dollars or inr?

G V: Hi Doc,does minoxidil causes wrinkles?

Murshid Raza: Sir i want to ask about my eyes how will i summit the question with images my eyes becoming asymmetrical plzz help me dir i m from INDIA

chelle snail: Can temporary hair straightening on a regular basis (once a month) for many years kill hair follicles or damage them? Is there a way to restore the follicles if they are dead? If they are just damaged, do I just need to let the hair regrow without doing any more hair straightening?

Eva Moni: Does it work for FPHL? I have almost all of my hair.

Parameswara Varma: Dear doctor, the above message is regarding my daughter. She is 26years old preparing for medical PG entrance examination scheduled in january. Kindly advise

Kauser Khan: Sir . I m 23 year old female (unmarried) my dr. Prescribed biotin 10000 mcg twice daily n Finasteride 2.5 mg once at night . Is Finasteride ok to taken by young women?? Please reply sir

Nayanika Pramanik: I have lost half of my hair. I was diagnosed with pcos almost 2years back. Will this hair Regeneration treatment work for me?

Jihane Deni: hey doc i m in morocco and i really want to come to treat my hair i have a genetic problem and i'm really depressed about that what i should do exactly to Come the seance is every month or what ?

Mila Lee: Sir,I wanna ask if the hair follics are already dead like 20%,is it possible for these follicls to regenerate hair?

Taruna A: Hello Dr. I am suffering from serious hair problem. I have lost lot of hair on my forehead. Do these home made remedies really work? My mom is telling me to do hair transplant. Could you please suggest that I should go for hair transplant or stick to these home remedies? Please reply Dr.

Elizabeth Romero: Can chronic telegen effluvium can cause hair miniaturization?

Zaryab Khan: Helo sir I am confused because I have transplant my hair about 40 days ago can I wear cap for 5 to 7 hour a days because of my job and public gathering can wearing a cap have bad effect on coming new hair kindly reply

Md Miftahul Islam Rafi [18-021]: Assalamualaikum sir....I'm Aniqa Tasnim..I'm 16 years old...... from Bangladesh ....sir my hair follicle have become weak for using hot water during bath....& I'm now facing excessive hairfall for long time. ..so what kind of treatment should I take to stop my excessive hairfall....????????......please help me..........

チドリ: Dr., say I treat with TrichoStem once now. Then have another treatment after the suggested months interval, how does it work after that? Is it like an annual frequency?

Ayah: Hello doctor, I’m 22 years old female and I have genetic pattern hair loss and it started showing since I was 12 years old. I don’t have enough money to do the procedures that can help so I was wondering if using minoxidil will help grow more hair cause I’m balding at this point and I’m very depressed by it. Waiting for your answer and thank you.

agnes90: Hello sir, i am also having a female pattern hairloss.. and it is very depresding for me socially.. i want my hsirs bsck sir.. apki india me kahi branch hai kya jaha me apna treatmnt kra sku

hammypie: Re: females only, re: trichostem how often do you need to do these treatments? And if done at the recommended intervals can you maintain the results indefinitely?

Jelizaveta Kogan: Maybe you could comment something about trychodynia (type of pain during hairloss). How to manage it during fphl and does this pain get better across with the suggested treatment?

Shubhangi Bharadwaj: Do you come to india sir?

grace rai: Looks like docs in my place are not qualified enough in their field.. I showed my prib to docs n had mesicines n liquids and serum to apply on my scalp but it was doing those treatments in vain.. Left with no option ..

Dipika Roy: sir please visit in india.i need your help.please help

priyanka singh: Can i get ur no. sir. I want to share pics of my hair prblm

ONLINE MLT PATHOLOGY: How much does it cost for hair regeneration in India? Is is a long lasting treatment? How many times we have to do this? I mean how many visits. Side effects?

Md Mahbub: Nice video sir

Parameswara Varma: Dear Doctor, free hair fall of less than half centimeter in white colour.is it because of female pattern alopecia? What Test needed to do to diagnose?

Jahaira Torres: Where are you located?

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