Makeup For Gray Hair/Silver Hair Beauty Look For Older Women/How To Look Gorgeous With Gray Hair!









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Hello, ladies and welcome to the beauty shaman, so today I'm going to do a video on how did you make up for gray hair? So I know a lot of you watching. Um have stopped coloring your hair and they're just going natural, and I absolutely love that I think that's so fantastic. I'M also a regular contributor to revolution gray, which is a website devoted to to help women to let their hair go gray or support bad, and it also covers all kinds of different topics. And it's wonderful and of course I don't have gray hair, I'm still coloring. My hair, which is really just because I'm not ready - and I think you can only kind of do that - leap when you're ready, but I will at some point, stop coloring my hair. It is a lot of work. I have to color my hair like every two weeks, so I don't know if any of you are like this, my hair grows really really fast. I have gobs of it, so in any case, I thought I would still cover this subject, because I think it's a really important subject like how do you color your hair, or how do you do your makeup when your hair goes great or when you're starting to Go gray, so so that's my subject matter for today. So before we get started, please visit my website at the beauty shop ENCOM for my store and my blog and use the code SB ten for ten percent off anything in the store. That is especially for my youtube: viewers. Okay, so let's get started okay, so to do makeup for gray hair. Before I do that, I just remembered I forgot to ask you to do something be sure to subscribe and also hit the bell in order to get updates. Whenever I upload a video, very important, ok so just getting started here, we're going to start with the basics. So I have nothing on my face right now. I'M gon na start with a little bit of moisturizer. I'M just gon na put some serum um. This is my favorite serum, it's called C serum, transdermal C serum from truth treatments. All you need from this is two drops one two seriously. It'S super concentrated, so you just rub that in I think it's just the concentration levels on this product are so much denser than normal products. It'S hard to get used to like you want to put on more you don't like. That'S it. Okay! Moving on we're gon na do some foundation with some primer, so this is the Jane Iredale smooth affair primer. I love this primer, I'm actually gon na blend the primer with my liquid minerals, Jane Iredale foundation. So this is all clean Beauty by the way. So with the Reese I'm gon na do this is as we get older, the older you get, the more shear of foundation you should go, really should be wearing sheer to medium and medium is pushing it because with lines and wrinkles really makeup is just gon na Sit and fine lines and wrinkles, even though this makeup happens to be really phenomenal. This does not send in my fine lines throughout the day, but I also am really careful not to overdo it and, I think that's the case for any foundation. So I blend it with a little bit of primer, so you can put primer on and then put your foundation on top of it or you can mix the two and what it does is it makes the foundation less dense. You know it kind of makes it more sheer okay, so I'm gon na do that today. I don't always do that. Sometimes I just use the foundation on top of the primer, because I feel like it or maybe I've got more. My skin's, not so good that day and today I've got like a couple spots have shown up. I don't understand how I couldn't be if my 50s and still be getting pimples all right, so we're gon na do a little bit of primer, so not much cuz. This is very concentrated as well: okay, a really good product. It should be very concentrated if you're using gobs of a product. It'S not good quality. Alright, so then we're gon na use one pump of the foundation and then I'm gon na just blend it together, like that it has little bead, looks in it the foundation and you break the bead --. Let'S, when you rub it, so it's really important to give it a good rub when you first put it on your hand, you're gon na go. Oh my god. This is kind of feels weird, just give it a minute. You just got ta rub it in. So that's great just blend it, I'm actually you're just gon na use my fingers. I talk about this. A lot like you can use brushes for this. You know on my own. I really just use my hands when I make up other people. I don't I'm gon na use a brush or sponge okay, so foundations on now I'm moving in to concealer. So this is the concealer I'm gon na use today. This is called cover effect. So this is not clean beauty. So please graciously forgive me for that. I am gon na use this one. It just happens to be in front of me: it's a really only reason I have a lot of different concealers and I'm gon na. You can put this on with your hand, I'm just using a brush because I feel like it, but you can use your hand for sure, and you only put concealer where you need it. So key thing, the older you get, the less you need less is more. So I actually, as you can see, I put this over my eyelid and one of the reasons I do that is. I have a lot of hyperpigmentation, so I want to cover that if you have crepey lids, I don't recommend this. I think it's better. Just to put a little bit of foundation after you do some sort of moisturizer or hydrating something really hydrating to help with that because, as you know, makeup does not look good on dry, skin or crepey skin a lot of times. Crepey skin stems from dehydrated skin. So if you get really good skin care - and you take really good care of your body taking a lot of oils and eating a lot of cake, your skin's gon na really benefit from that and that'll help the crepeiness, but also really use good skin care. And then don't put like what I'm doing cuz that's just too much you're the only one who can really gauge the how much you can add to that. So I'm gon na move on to some concealer, not concealer, some eyebrows. So with, as you get gray, it's important to switch your eyebrow color to match your hair, so it depends on what your eyebrows are doing. So are your eyebrows, predominantly white or are they do they have mixed? Like you know, I'm definitely because I have darker hair. I'M gon na have the salt and pepper in my eyebrows too. So what is the predominant color? I tend to go so say you have salt-and-pepper with dark brown and it's kind of like a charcoal mixed with a white. I would stick with the darker shade, the darker that the darkest shade is the one you need to go with for your. So, for example, say your hair is completely silver, but your eyebrows have still have a little bit of blonde in them. Well, then, I would go with the blonde, because the blonde is gon na, be a richer color. A darker color. Does that make sense? Because you don't want to compete with the darkest color? The darkest color is needs to stay that you can't lighten a darker color right so on my hair, because I color it, I'm gon na go with a cool brown, because that is kind of my predominant hair color. I have some warm brown highlights, but the predominant one is the cool brown and then, of course, filling in your eyebrows becomes really important as you as they begin to thin and lose their color as you want to fill them in, especially that outer edge. Some of you need to comb them in all the way in do what works best for you, but it becomes very important because it's hard to wear lipstick with any color in it when your eyebrows are kind of gone right. It'S just you just can't wear lipstick. So, that's why it's so important to do that, so I'm also going to do a little bit of contour. So contour as you get older, really change! That'S! Okay! You don't want to do the bronzer effect right. It'S just it's really hard for older women to do that, it can look muddy really quickly, so you have to be very careful with what color tones you use. I'D like to go one to two shades darker than my own skin and along the same lines as your skin tone. So, for example, I have yellow undertones warm undertones, so my contour needs to be it's good. A little bit warm. I can actually go fairly cool friendly Brown on mine because of my hair color, but with silver hair really pay attention to your undertone. So, for example, if your undertones are rosy, go with a rosy contour color, so today, I'm going to use is called gingerly, which is actually a matte color, but this is really warm, and I like that, because I want to warm up my bones right. I have very of a very very angular face and we get more angular as we get older. So this just warms up my bones. I do you like that my lips are really dry, so I'm just kind of warming up my bones there. That'S all! I'M gon na do slightly under I'm kind of even putting it on top. I don't know how much blush I'm gon na use to be honest today, I'm just gon na start with this, and I put a little under here because we all get that lovely tip and if you are losing your chin line. Use more of this underneath just be sure it doesn't look like dirt, which can happen very easily, be sure you really blend it get a good brush. So you really can keep your your jaw line. No, I always go a little bit up there a little bit. I just colored my hair, so I've got some hair color there cuz. I have to color it every two weeks. It'S very exhausting, actually, okay, okay, now I'm gon na do lips and I work backwards. I do lips and then I do eyes so today for lips, because I have such a light-colored kind of soft. I think it's kind of gray blue shirt on I'm gon na do a rosy lip, so I'm gon na go along with, as if I had gray, hair okay. So this is a Jane Iredale, color called Tanya, and this is what it looks like, and this has a little magnet in it. So it doesn't come apart in your purse, hello, so fabulous okay. So this is a pinky color, and I really like this color. It'S kind of a bubblegum pink, so I'm gon na warm it up just a little bit. It'S a little bit bubblegummy for me, but it's because I have darker hair, I think with grey hair. This is a phenomenal color and I think you can do those lovely cool tones, even if you have a warm undertone skin, so we're gon na do this and then I'm going to do kind of a little bit tiny bit darker of a liner. I usually do lipstick and then liner, because I want it to be really soft, no lines right, we're trying to constantly get away from anything with lines in it, so everything is very diffused and muted. So this liner is a tiny bit got a little bit of brown in it cuz I'm gon na Brown. This lipstick a little now. If I got silver hair, this the stick would rock. I still wear it I'll, be honestly, because I think it's really really pretty of a pink, but I do brown it up. Just a little warming up, just a tiny bit she's gon na fill it in just a little nice. Isn'T that pretty? I love that I'm gon na do a little bit of lip gloss on top just because I feel like it. This is a Mac called see-through and they're. Pretty don't I look pretty. Oh, my god yeah alright, so I'm gon na do a little bit of blush. I do feel like wearing a little bit of blush now, so this is called barely rose with Jane Iredale, I'm gon na just scoop. It right here just a little bit, not much just a bit right on my cheekbones there, a lot of shine here. So that's actually good yeah, pretty very soft, okay, so onto eyes. How do you make up eyes for grey hair? Get this lid on alright? I am going to use colors from this palette and this is a Jane Iredale palette called naturally matte see if I can show you that okay naturally matte. So I really light. I love this palette. I use it all the time, but it's got the lovely cool undertone pink. It'S got a little bit of a whoops of a darker pink and it's got this grey. I'M totally gon na use that and then it has kind of a rich chocolatey, lovely Brown, which is gon na, go over really nicely. But I'm gon na use this and then the liner, I'm going to use, is going to be a charcoal liner, which is called a smoky quartz from Jane Iredale this one okay, but to start off with, let's do the light pink, so we're gon na work. Our way through I'm gon na do this light pink right here to start off with oops. I just showed you the camera and that mirror, and I'm just gon na do right in here. That'S all okay, you don't even have to pull it all the way across or any of that I'm gon na do some layering. So layering is super great and important when you're doing your eyes just to layer it up and I'll. Show you why? Okay, let's do? Okay, we're gon na do the next color, which is I'm going to do this pink, this darker pink, so we're using a lot of cool tones here which look amazing on silver, hair. Okay, no matter what your undertone now I have small lids. So that's why? It'S really I pop this part right here and on most of you, unless you have Maggie Smith type who's, a British actress, if you like British actresses, I'm just huge Liz. She does not need to do that. Okay or share shares. Another woman who has those huge lids - I should do a cher makeup - oh my god, that'd be so much fun anyway, so I'm gon na use this brush that has kind of a tip to it, and I'm gon na take this dark pink and I'm gon na Run it all over my lid and I'm gon na keep it away from that Center because I really want to open up my eyes, but I want this across my lid so see how we're layering this and blend okay. If you need help blending, I always have hard time blending one of my eyes. It'S like one or the other, so I use this brush, which is a really nice soft blending brush and just run it over the top and it just blends it in really nicely that looks great, I okay, so we have the two Pink's, the light pink and The darker pink and now I'm gon na use the gray. Now I'm a huge fan of this gray right here. I think this is such a beautiful gray, color and a lot of times with gray hair. If you can somehow pull in your gray, it looks really really beautiful. Now, if you have kind of purple highlights, which is probably what I'm gon na do when I go grab, probably do purple highlights, because I think that's really really gorgeous and something so fun to pull off, and then I would pull purple into my eyes right. I would do like some sort of purple, but we're talking about gray hair today, so I'm gon na pull take a bit of this gray and again we're layering okay. So I'm gon na run this next to my lash again keeping it away from this little section here and I'm gon na just kind of lightly pull it up. That'S all so you're getting that gray! Now you're asking! Why aren't I doing three different colors on my lid? Well, if you can see it's just really pretty and soft, but you're getting all the dimension of all those colors and that's the pink. The dark, pink is still on my brow bone see how nice that is again need to blend right, and these colors from Jane Iredale are so easy to work with they blend so easily. I have to say I was very like suspicious of Jane Iredale, just because I thought how can clean Beauty blend while I had not had good experiences with green beauty and tried it, and it was just super convinced. I thought this is amazing. Alright, so we're gon na do the other eye. So now I'm just kind of working with that gray, a little bit more and I'm just gon na darken up the outer edge with the gray so same color, but I'm just like making the outer edge a little bit denser. So you can do this. You can take a color and you can just kind of keep adding to that same color and adding to it and adding to it until you get the tone that you want so see. I'Ve got the really sheer gray here, because it's layered and then I've got the much deeper on the outer edge, which is really what I want but notice, I'm keeping it away from my brow bone. So I think this looks really super beautiful, so you're, just adding it until you get it, how you want it, I'm gon na watch. I don't. I turned into a 1980s movie star right with like a batwing, we're kind of gon na avoid wings today. So, okay, let's do them liner, so this is called smoky quartz in the mystical. It'S called mystical gel liner. It'S not called gel liner, but it is a gel liner. Looks like this. It'S a wonderful grey and I'm gon na use the brush that comes with it. So this brush is like you can do flat knit or you can turn it sideways, which ever one you Jolley will feel like. I'M just gon na take off a little bit of it. I grabbed a bit too much just so that I don't goof it on my eyeballs and I'm gon na just put this right next to my lashes, okay right here now, I'm gon na blend this, so I know doing eyeliner can be hugely challenging. It'S one of the questions I get asked the most is how to do eyeliner so the best way for me to explain it is. I got my mirror right here. It'S right beneath the frame and I'm looking down my nose into the mirror and I'm thinking about as I go along between the lashes, I want to go between my lashes, not above them notice I'm trying to go how I handle this so that I go between Them so you work with, like really kind of even just lay it on your lashes so that you can get that angle now, I'm also gon na. I don't mind: if is a little bit, not perfect, cuz, I'm gon na blend it. The great thing about gel is you have a little bit of time before it dries, not a lot right. You got to kind of work fast. So, let's work fast here, I'm gon na grab my brush a blending brush and I'm gon na now I have to pull my eye a little bit and the reason for that is, I can't see I can't see. I don't know if you're like me, but you know I've got like this blind spot right. So if I pull it, I feel like I can see see what I'm doing. Otherwise, it just doesn't work so see how much I've blended that blend blend blend blend blend. Just to take that down a notch, you know and just run your brushes over the top until you get that exactly how you want. So I love that that is super. Isn'T that great? It'S just gorgeous okay, next time. Okay, so I've done my liner, just on top is the only place I did that we are gon na, do a little tiny bit underneath, but not with the grey. I'M actually gon na use this beautiful, rich, warm brown there, which I really love and you can do rich warm Browns on gray hair, but all I'm gon na do is a little tiny bit in this outer edge. You know, and I think, if you have blue eyes like really like blue eyes, rich warm Brown will bring it out really bring out that color. I think if you have brown eyes, this is probably an unnecessary step. Okay, I'm just feeling light. I am with that that is just a hint just so that my eyes don't disappear underneath, but that's all okay, a little bit of powder just a little bit just because I get a little bit underneath and right there in the middle, not a lot really. As your skin, the older, your skin, gets the less powder, you need really important man. You do not need that heavy powder that we used to put on, or if you watch you know younger people all doing makeup videos. They are baking and I call it baking like really getting the powder and the makeup into the skin. That is not for our generation. Okay, we are light, light light light light. Okay, I'm gon na do a little bit of mascara. So this is the makeup for gray hair, so please write down below. Let me know what you think I'd love to hear from you. I feel. Hopefully this was doable. Let me know if you'd like me to teach anything else, I'd love to respond to all of you and do videos that are helpful to you. So thank you so much for watching the Petersham. I didn't have an awesome day.

Best Grahmmie: Suzanne, thank you for this grey hair makeup tutorial. You are such a beautiful, gracious young woman & I have learned so much from your tutorials. Many thanks!

PLUME 1: I’ve saved this in my library! Beautiful look!The pink lipstick looks like a neutral pink...not too blue based? The foundation is gorgeous. How long does all the makeup you used last on the face? Your cheekbones are gorgeous btw.

Jenny rae: Thank you for a great tutorial, l'm 67 and wear little or no makeup. I needed to update new looks and now grey hair. I appreciate you sharing your expertise..

PLUME 1: I am going to order this foundation from your site. What color are you wearing?

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