How Do Women Feel About Body Hair? | Glamour

Watch our other video where men give THEIR opinions on body hair

Three women delve into how they really feel about body hair by grooming mannequins into their personal ideals.









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How Do Women Feel About Body Hair? | Glamour

Starring: Afton Welch, Ebony Obsidian, and Jasmyn Jacob

Some of this is coming off. Some of this is coming off. Some stuff is coming off. Oh wow, I think body hair is as natural as anything else. Worst thing you could say to somebody is, you should take care of that. I think it takes a very courageous woman to expose her hair because she will get shamed. I was with a friend and we were going somewhere. I asked him if I could borrow his deodorant and he's like you shaved recently and I said, have you I was in a bikini and my act is kind of like touched, my leg or like kind of sprayed by it, and he was like oh you're, trying To be like me now, I remember feeling so embarrassed because he felt that, and he made a comment about it. I shaved my head a couple years ago, that was the most feminine I've ever felt was when I had no hair on my head. Okay, so here's this lovely tall, thin woman, with lots of pubic hair. What I prefer is this every morning I shave, so this completely is gone I'll just turn a little bit. It'S just a little unsightly when it's like three inches long. I really do with my pubic hair I'll shave it once in a while, but for the most part I just kind of keep the hairs short I get uncomfortable when it gets really really long and it likes hurts to itch a lot of the men who have This issue with a woman's natural body hair view area, are the same men who flaunt their natural look in that region of their bodies. I think that sucks so we'll keep that there. Okay, what I prefer on a man really just this in terms of sexual attraction. I prefer this exactly how it is. This is a little too much for me just for access purposes, we'll give it as a mustache little trip I like when the hair kind of fall down. What are they call it? I don't know exactly where the origin is from, but I know that it quite often makes me happy happy trail and then moving down to pubic hair, I'm gon na put the scissors down. If I saw that I'd be like. Ah, no, I want out Gary I'm not afraid of peeping at them as long as they're clean you get in there with a bar of soap hair. No hair men face the same type of pressures that women do. Their pressure is to be hairy and girls are their pressures to not be hairy, so I don't think, there's a double standard, the same kind of standard that goes for women, not shaving, I think, also applies to amend the shave. What you're used to seeing is is a big part of what your perception is or something I think it's gender roles. That'S that's what it all comes down to. It'S like differentiating like the two sexes, I'd like to see you time in a place in a day where nobody cares. I hope my mother doesn't watch this

Katherine Reyes: this was so much better than the men's version

Me Meow: When I was in the 9th grade, I felt incredibly self conscious about my body due to my body hair growth on my arms and legs and well everywhere. Everyone around me was either body hairless or already shaving and waxing everything off. My boyfriend noticed how uncomfortable I felt and every time I'd roll down my sleeves to cover my whole arm, he'd roll it back up and tell me he didn't care if hair grew on my body because it's natural and he loves me for who I am. I feel a little more confident now about my body when I'm with him, but when in public I just cover back up again

baabiiee: the difference between how the women in this video feel and how the men feel in the opposite gender version of this video is really upsetting

Claudia Pierce: Not going to lie, I don't like body hair on any gender. I personally don't like having body hair, and I also don't like men having body hair. But in the end, I don't care if you have body hair or not, like, you do you.

Mac_ Kenzee: when I was younger my father told me nipple hair on females wasn't normal, and that it was gross. growing up I realized that I had it and remembered what he had said to me. I thought I wasn't 'normal' and gross. until I looked online and it stated iTS COMPLETELY NATURAL! moral of my story I don't trust much what men tell me about my body (unless it's a doctor).

Activella Bella: Am i the only GIRL who likes shaved men??

Lea Gill Act-o-graphy: "I think it takes a very courageous women to expose her hair - because she WILL get shamed!" Maybe have to chose to be around people who like us for something more than our hair, or heat we look like in general, someone who likes us for WHO WE ARE.

Isaac Looper: Ok I feel odd talking about this as a guy but I like pubic hair on women. It's gorgeous on them.

wkdedits: I hate that we feel that we have to live up to society's standards.

Monica Martin: okay but what about women's facial hair

Poppy Zanderigo: the women who say that 'men face the same pressure as women because they're pressured to have hair and woman are pressured to not have hair' make me so incredibly frustrated! Men are 'pressured' to be NATURAL women are pressured to be UNNATURAL.

sarah p: Isn't it funny how obvious the difference between the two videos are...sad...women hardly changed anything about the "natural man" talking about how nobody should care, while one of the guys even said "if a girl had armpit hair I WOULDNT DATE HER" -.-

No Name No Case: shave only if you want to :) don't do it for someone else wtf

HereIAm247: To be honest, the only reason I am slightly ashamed of body hair, is because society tells me I should be. I am not a very hairy girl, and I personally like the way I look with hair, but I feel like I have to remove everything, in order to not repel any guy who should look upon me.

Andrea Mouton: "Men face the same pressure as women do." Me: *chokes on laughter*

Abi C: I honestly haven't shaved my legs in about 3 months and I can't really be bothered too... It's like a forest!

Joy Ackerman: My first date told me he wanted all bald and I told him he'd either have to do it himself or pay for the Brazilian. I've never seen someone look so offended in my life Update: Lol, no, we are no longer dating.

hadley b: My uncle shaves his legs. I find it so cool how he doesn't care when people shame him. Role model defined

TerminallyElle: The girl in the lime/yellow top is so beautiful

FallenIntoSpace: I seriously HATE shaving my legs, I shave everywhere else, butif I don't HAVE to, like during the winter, I would much rather prefer not shaving my legs as much.

Amelia Vazquez: um no lolz. I'm a woman and I hate shaving anything. I prefer a man to be completely shaved everywhere. but if he is hairy I won't make him feel bad or turn him down because of it. a hairless man is just my "preference". as long as I like the guy, and he is comfortable with himself, I don't care about his hair. but if he says anything about me needing to shave, nope; he is out right then and there. I'll just get a man who likes me for me.

Al: I went bald and also felt the most feminine I have ever felt in my life

Victoria Paris: Today at school my friend said "omg I can't eat anymore when I look at ur legs" I acted fine but on the insides I was quite offended

Natalia Gutierrez: the only things i shave are my legs and armpits. though sometimes i will give my pubic hair a trim, but i never shave it off completely.

cassie _3: I think feminine body hair is completely natural and normal. Don’t put other women down just because they don’t follow society’s “standards”...‍♀️

justanormalbot: Hairy girls squad where u at?

Savage Simmer: My husband loves to get dirty either way. If I don’t feel like shaving for a month he gets turned on. If I wax everything he still gets turned on. And I feel the same way about him except I do LOVE the happy trail but wouldn’t be upset if he shaved it.

Phoenix Carter: Screw gender conformative. Express yourself in the way that makes you feel good!

Nyree: I see a lot of comments about how the girls barely changed anything about the male bodies, versus how the guys changed a lot about the female bodies. I wonder what the girls would have done if the male bodies were completely bald in the beginning. :)

BINCH 3000: I guess I'm pretty lucky that I had a boyfriend who said the hair on my thighs was actually kinda cute..

Shivranjini G Hegde: I want to live in a time where body hair is just least of everyone's priorities

whaddupchunt: Sigh, I’m super hairy, like my armpit hair could honestly compete with some full grown men I know, lol. I hate shaving/waxing/doing any of that stuff. It always felt weird & unnatural & just so much of a hassle. I have a mustache & because I shaved it it now grows back pokey which I hate even more /: honestly my own FRIENDS have comments negatively on my body hair which really makes me sad because they’re women. It’s just not fair that society has made up this idea that beautiful women are hairless. Whenever I do shave I always get ingrown hairs/rashes because I have sensitive skin. I don’t want to spend money time or effort in removing my hair. I always think about how I’m supposed to date anyone bc I can’t keep up with hair removal lol. But now I’m thinking you know what, if they don’t like it then imma have to peace out. It just makes me so sad when other WOMEN shame women for being hairy. /:

therealhotdog: I love natural hair on a woman, all of it

Kathleen Forde: All these woman's reactions are so perfect ♥️

seokjinsbuns: When I was in the 5th or 6th grade and hadn't started shaving I raised my hand in class like subtly but I had some armpit hair and this boy like commented on it and it just shows how immature people are and how much they care about just hair. I shave them now but only because I want to, don't do it just to meet society's standards

ba55letmysoulfly: As a hairy guy... videos like these always make me feel better about myself. although I do think there are a few places both genders should shave. For girls, armpits and legs. For guys, ears and nose. Everything else is whatever you want.

Aspen Truman: i respect everyone's opinion. but personally, i hate body hair, i like to feel smoothe, it makes me feel more feminine.

Luhjay Yxngjay: I love the confidence in these beautiful women

Isabelle F: There is definitely a double standard, women are “expected” to always be smooth and hairless because body hair is “gross” but men can be as hairy or hairless as they like? It is nobody else’s business on what you do with your body hair and you should never feel pressured into fitting to societal standard

hannah: These women were so inspiring thank you! I feel much better about my ody hair... :)

layla neild: OMG body hair is such a natural thing and some men need to accept it. As a teen girl I'm a bit self conscious of my underarm hair,one yesterday I went swimming with my friend, her brother (nothing to do with this story) her mum, her mum's friend (who's a teacher at my school...) and the brothers friends. We were all playing volly ball and I put my arms up and My friends mum's friend (the teacher) looked at me smiling then looked st my arm pit and then at me. It was awkward and embarrassing.. We should all embrace it but also tame it sometimes

Krystal In Your Area: im insecure abt my leg hair, my family says its barely noticeable but when i look at my legs i feel self conscious and not confident my mother wont let me shave or wax but when i would ask her if she could buy me hair removal cream/lotion she would just get mad at me..when i wear dresses or shorts in public i try to hide, but i mostly wear pants or legging even if its really hot...pls help me :(

Jacky Star: I can't blame men or women for believing how much hair someone should have on their body. It's something we grew up being told and getting rid of any mindset is difficult. As long as conversation is happening and the effort to stop being judgemental is happening it's cool to see progress.

ArtemisDD: - I shave my armpits because the tend to get really smelly when I don't. - I shave my lower legs because I once started doing this when I was younger (something I really regret) and know it's really dark. - I shave my pubic hair sometimes if I know my bf did too, but otherwise I'll just trim it and tweeze the hairs that are out of place so I get a nice triangle shape (I love the cleanness of that look) That's it. I shave when I feel like it, but not to impress others. I like hair on men in all places, but I prefer a trimmed pubic area when having intercourse :)

WhyDoIStillExist?: We have to normalize that no one should shave or not shave because of anyone else but themselves.

Hayley Ann: idk... the comparison of the men and women versions of this video are actually kind of saddening. the women really spoke up about how men feel pressured to shave and truly didn't alter them much at all while the men pretty much removed every bit of hair. they did mention the fact that women are extremely pressured to shave but i mean really, it's a tad upsetting for me.

Mia Castillo: The red head was very open minded more people should be like her when it comes to body hair

Alona Besan: I have to admit, I feel disappointed and defeated by both of these videos. This one was a lot .. nicer/easier to watch. Overall, I feel better when I've maintained my body hair - not necessarily taken it all off but cleaned up the edges, I feel groomed and comfortable. As long as you can say the same about being in your skin -comfortable - or can't be bothered to shave as there are higher priorities taking your time, by all means, you have done everything you need and you are rocking it.

Zerianis: I hate everyone who shames people for being how they want to be, in my mind, if you think that.... BURN.

Destinee Davis: Body hair is totally natural, honestly to me it comes down to how my partner prefers it. I'll keep shaving everything but as long as my partner is clean they could shave nothing.

Rozerin Rodarte: Even my biological dad called me an animal just because i wasn’t shaving, nothing changed though Do what you want to do, not what people told you

Allie LL: For me personally, body hair is fine, but if a guy has armpit hair that is long enough to braid then that isn't the most attractive. I think a solid inch is a good length, but if they want to keep it long- that's okay, or if they want it all gone- that's okay too. Same also goes for chest hair, if there is so much you can't see your skin then maybe just trim it a little, but you do you.

Annbrial & Harley Lawrence Videos: i'm a girl and i don't shave my legs, i'm doing this just to see reaction

Dirce Aguiar: I just loved their honesty! I don't know.. the fact that they seemed to be opened about the subject

creepy tree: As a woman, I don't remove any hair on any part of my body except for the occasional haircut and every now and then i'll pluck a handful of wonky eyebrow hairs. Everything else is completely natural.

Nicole Morales: I saw this comment somewhere, but I don't remember where, so credits to whomever wrote this: Media has become obsessed with adult bodies trying to look like kids bodies (all shaved) And this is scary, and true

Grace G: I'm a woman. Personally, I like to have no hair on my body, and I'm not really of a fan of hair on other men or women either. I'm just not a fan of body hair on a partner. Of course, I'm not shaming anyone with body hair. If you like having body hair, flaunt it babe

Hallowedcat: Idk if you have to be “brave” to wear their natural body hair. Sure you can be judged but it doesn’t have to be a huge deal

Madison: I just trim my pubic hair and wax/shave my bikini line. I do not like being completely shaven because it makes me feel like a little girl. I shave my legs once a week and I shave my armpits twice a week. My arm hair isn't too bad so I don't do anything about that. I do wax my eyebrows, lip, and sideburns. I care more about my facial hair then anything because I feel like I just feel better about myself when I don't have hair out of control on my face. I am also super fair but have very dark brown hair (nearly black) so any hair on my body really stands out. I like facial hair on men and don't mind some leg hair but don't like chest hair at all really and don't like a lot of pubic hair. Armpits as long as it isn't too long I don't mind

taeyi: I was 6 and already had a moustache(female) people laughed at me i still feel uncomfortable in my body and started shaving when i was 10

Jaswag Cruz: This is so so so much better than the men version. I am so happy

The Trashiest Trash: I follow the strict religion of “You do you, boo”

cool cat: women are so much more understanding and gentle than men. absolutely amazing and I wish men could one day become as unashamed and gentle as women.

Lucy Francis: What's everyone's problem with body hair in this comments section... personally I think if either gender is completely bare it looks alien and unrealistic, like it's just a bit of hair why be so picky ‍♀️

Chantelle Toomey: I shave because I like the feeling of smooth skin on myself. I don't shave everything completely. my husband I enjoy him fuzzy. he likes to trim his facial hair when it bugs him but he can't shave all of it that's for me. and I grow my hair long because he loves it. each different but we both are fine with our own comfort level of hair.

Tom Marvolo Riddle: Honestly, I feel like the woman mannequin is missing lots of hair areas that are put on pressure even more than the present ones, like the natural facial, chest and tummy fuzz, as well as arms and hands hair. You’re not facing how cruel society really is and how it looks down on brunettes like they’re chimpanzees. Just saying.

Khalid alghamdi: I’m a guy ( straight by the way ) and I shave almost every thing , it’s much better to be clean and let your body to breathe

guest314159265359: Actually, men are also pressured to manage their body hair too. Im a hairy guy and its very hard to manage, people have insulted me over it my whole life

squidgame staff: im 11 years old and im so hairy but im not allowed to shave so i wear 2-3 layers of gloves on my arms so nobody sees my body hair and if i wear shorts or skirts i wear pantyhose and long socks lmao

I.Like.Tea. Spill.It.Betch.: The only thing I like about myself (yes, you read that right). Is that I dont need to shave my legs, my leg hair is so thin and light. You can barely see it. And most of my leg hair is not there.

Clara: the thing about waxing is that the hair has to be a certain length to be waxed so after you've done it once you need to wait for it to grow out but in summer you don't want it to grow out so then you shave. I think I might to it two or three times in winter when i don't really mind not being shaved on my legs

areeba h: its so weird seeing how passive people are when theyre comparing mens reactions to womens reactions. if this was the other way around and the women were being immature, they would be getting bashed by everyone- weird seeing how much men are excused for their stupidity and barely called out

ZomberStomper: I shave my armpits everytime I shower, I sometimes shave my legs, but only during summer. Downstairs I only trim, I never shave that area. I luckly have little to no hair anywhere else on my body, so in that aspect I'm quite lucky. The hair on my head is only around 1 1/2 inches, I love having it short. I prefer my partner with lots of body hair, smooth skin makes me a bit uncomfortable. So in a way I have the opposite problem.

WhyDoIStillExist?: I shaved the first time with 20- And only under my ankles tho and only because I wanted to.

um idk: (f15) I shave my arms, armpits, legs, and stomach( when the hair there starts growing back which isn't too often) but I only trim my pubes because i have extremely sensitive skin down there so even if I'm going with the growth of the hair I get major cases of ingrown hair and inching (and dont even get me started on the super coarse stubble) just thinking of going against the growth makes me cringe and honestly I feel kinda insecure about not shaving down there (even though I keep a neat trim) because most guys I've ever heard speak about female pubes they say it's gross and they would onky sleep with a girl with a clean shave but honestly I just have to accept it because I can change who I am and if they don't like it oh well I guess there is nothing I can do about it ( and it's way to painful for me to wax and the regrowth hurts just as much as shaving so I just save my money)

Leena Griffin: Body hair is natural for both sexes. It’s society that portrays as “unusual”.

다리: I seriously hate when guys shave their body hair, I feel like I'm dating a girl HAHAHAH I prefer them natural I am a hairy girl so I prefer guys hairier than me, but is sad how the two videos are totally different, the girls talk about guys' pressure and everything, guys are just like "no man, I don't like any hair" not even dating a girl with armpit hair srsl, makes me sad.

Glory Castillo: I like to shaving mah legs and arms and like everywhere, idk I like feeling smooth

j vall: body hair is actually so cute tf

Hollowed Heathens: I have a fear of razors and other sharp objects when they are on my skin. I know my fear is ridiculous, but I am afraid that I'll cut myself accidentally. I can't use the Nair products often because I get a slight allergic reaction when I use it on my legs. I am constantly embaressed about my legs, because I can't wear shorts without the thinking about what people will think of me.

Ciara s: I think the length and grade of hair really matters to me. If you have short soft hair I won't mind my man having it but I am more attracted to no hair. Except that hair on the face I like it no matter the grade but it has to be short short. I think hair comes with a smell. Everyone can stick with the stubble thats fine but in the end I say only do and shave what makes you happy. TBH I never even think to shave my arms or legs (because that hair hardly even grows) but I have told my ex to trim his because it was getting out of control and I didn't feel comfortable cuddling with him when it got super long. I didn't realize that a lot of women shaved their arms and legs I assumed that most women didn't grow super long scratchy hair. Am I wrong? Edit: I realize there are some exceptions but I have been around many other naturally hairless women so I don't know.

YUKINO !: to me my parter actually has asked me to stop shaving down there which was odd to me but i'm on board even if i wasnt at first. also i like my man with NO hair. not even going to lie no bard, no armpit, no pubic thats perfect to me.

UniDraGuine: at the end of the day it all comes down to your own taste. personnaly, i like it cleaned up .-.' giant bushes everywhere on either gender scares me a bit xD but i wouldnt care if they liked theirs natural or not. just feels nicer to the touch is all

woopie c: Men who shame women for having a little hair on their legs, armpits, pubic area should watch this and understand.

Kitty Rose Levine: my husband prefers hair . I keep it trimmed though for comfort. my hair will just get out of control otherwise . it grows so fast that shaving would be a nightmare !! I tried for about a year to keep a clean shave and it was .... just no.. my skin is WAY to sensitive and it gave me breakouts and rashes . oh and not to mention I got more infections when it was shaved. . no one wants that

Erin Schneider: Why is the video with the men in it taking so much flack? It's opinions!! I agreed with the one woman that there isn't a double standard, just a standard that is extreme on both sides. Just do what you like, and date what you like, there are plenty of fish in the sea...

camila gonzalez: I don't usually shave cause a) I'm lazy, b) I don't mind hair c) Im lazy, but I do like shaving my legs because of how smooth they feel afterwards

Jessie R: I hate pubes and chest hair on men.

Madam porcelain: My boyfriend likes it nice and trimmed. He doesnt care if its a little growth and i just missed maybe a week of shaving. I like it shaved nice so i can wear thongs in the summer or my bikini and it doesnt look like a forest. I have very dark and bushy pubic hair

idrinkchocomil: can you do a how do women/men feel about makeup?

rocking girl: I have lots of leg hair and I walk around in shorts and I have lots of arm hair I wear tank tops and I show my armpit hair and I dont shave my hair down there I expose all my body hair but not down there and I dont get ashamed and my boyfriend doesn't tell me to shave he says I will love you no matter what how you look

briya: I mean I know that they want to empower us to not feel ashamed of body hair but honestly I hate it. I feel more confident when I’ve shaved but that’s just me ig ‍♀️

mysticalmidnightmask: ugh, ppl need to stop feeling shamed by their body hair. Like srsly... the only reason you feel shame is cuz you don't know any better. Look up the history of shaving ads, and you'll see the image they perpetuated. Next time someone tries to shame you for having body hair, tell them they need to stop supporting the shaving industry with their lack of knowledge.

Random Person: there’s a difference between personal preference and what you think the other person *should* be like i do prefer girls n guys with not a lot of hair but i don’t believe they should shave unless they want to

Gabriella Boutte: The girl with the yellow shirt is so beautiful. Idk what it is but she's incredibly beautiful. Her body, her flawless skin, her smile, she's absolutely radiant

Manda Ryanne: OK I take the time to groom myself so if I'm dating someone I would want them to groom themselves as well

Rae Smith: Why can't everyone have the choice of shaving or not shaving without being judged?

spamming thoughts: The hair on my leg is curled up and long i just have to shave it down to not feel the irratation of me pants pulling my leg hair in the summer. I shave my behind cause it uncomfortable sitting in a hard chair scooting and pulling your behind's hair And I'm a man

Siobhan Bird: I love the ginger haired girl and the dark skinned girl

sakurawolfie: I can't be the only one who despises those beards

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