Correcting Synthetic Wig Damage

Who doesn’t love synthetic wigs? Effortless glamour doesn’t get much easier than a synthetic wig. In general, the life span of a synthetic wig is three to six months if taken care of properly. Some signs of a damaged wig are frizziness, split ends, and lack of luster. If your wig is showing signs of wear, don’t worry, you can correct it! Read on for a couple of methods on how to make your wig look like new again.

Synthetic Wig Damage 

First of all, you will need to wash your synthetic wig. Be sure to watch our How To Wash A Wig video. With synthetic wigs, it’s important to only use shampoo and conditioner formulated for synthetic fibers. We recommend Beautimark’s Synthetic Care Trio.

Synthetic Wig Shampoo 

After washing, the next step is to apply a conditioning spray to the wig. You will want to spray it liberally remembering to avoid the roots. Once you have finished with the conditioning spray, it’s time to comb out the wig. As with any wig, a wide-tooth comb is the best choice. Gently comb out your wig in sections. It is easiest to start from the bottom and work upwards. You need to avoid pulling or tugging with the comb. It can damage your wig and lead to loss of fiber.

The ends of your wig need special attention. Hair oil is just what it needs. Oil only needs to be applied to the ends of the wig. Don’t lather it on. A little oil goes a long way. Once completed, it’s time to leave your wig to drip dry overnight. Never use a hairdryer on your synthetic wig. The synthetic fibers of wigs cannot handle the heat from appliances like hair dryers or straighteners.

The next day, if your wig still looks too dry or if the ends are too split, visit a professional wig stylist. They can give your wig a fresh haircut to liven it up. If your wig has intense damage, the above methods may not cut it. For that level of damage, you will want to try the steamer method. A steamer can help restore the quality of your synthetic wig.

There are steamers specifically made for wigs. You will love this Wig Steamer from Jon Renau. It is not recommended that you use any steamer intended for use on clothing.


Before steam touches your wig, be sure to apply a heat protectant spray. A spray like this forms a protective barrier around the strands to protect it from heat damage. It’s like sunscreen for your wig.

Now, prepare your steamer. Check the guidelines of your product for how much filtered water to put in the chamber. After the chamber is filled, spritz in some leave-in conditioner into the water. You will want a leave-in conditioner that is specially formulated for synthetic hair.

With a few sprays, your steamer will now condition your wig as well. Run the steamer through the lengths of your wig, taking great care to avoid the roots. As you steam, follow your progress through the hair with a wide-tooth comb to remove any tangles and knots. 

Synthetic Wig Damage

To prevent damage, keep your steamer at least three inches away from the hair fibers. Keep the steamer in constant motion, never leaving it on spot for too long. Both of these precautions will prevent burning your wig.

How To Fix Synthetic Wigs

If you browse the Internet, you’ll find pages of advice on how to correct synthetic wig damage. Be aware, not everything you read on the Internet is sound advice. Some experts will recommend using fabric softener on a synthetic wig. At HairURL.COM, we suggest you stay away from products like fabric softeners that are not intended for use on wearable hair. Unapproved products won’t get you the results you’re looking for and they can damage your wig. 

If you have worked your way through all the methods and your wig still hasn’t bounced back, it’s time to replace it. To learn more about when you replace your wig read our blog here. Watch the video below for visual assistance on how to correct synthetic wig damage.

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