Frequently Asked Questions about Lace Wigs - by @BeautyCutright

We're so happy to invite YouTube Beauty Guru @BeautyCutright to answer the most frequently asked questions by our customers, especially who are new to wigs. Now, let's get into it.

Question 1. Can you sleep in your wigs?

BeautyCutright: No, I'm not sleeping in my wigs. It's okay that you sleep with your wigs on, it's just that it requires regular care of your wigs. I used to put the wig on the wig head, and wear it the next day or when I want to wear it. 

Question 2.  How do you install your lace units?

BeautyCutright: I do not use any glues or hair tamers or controls to attach my wigs. What I enjoy to do when it comes to wearing full lace units, I like to use the glueless lace wigs and I will put the elastic band from ear to ear on full lace cap with ear tabs, and that allows it to lay flat to my head.

Question 3. How long do full lace units last?

BeautyCutright: They can last more than a year if you care for them properly. I would say don't sleep in them because if you sleep in them, it requires you to wash or style them constantly. It's better to wear the wig, take it off, and wear the next day or whenever you want to, they can last a very long time with minimum care. And lace wigs can last not a year, but for years if you care them properly.

Question 4. How ofthen do you wash your lace units?

BeautyCutright: Maybe once a month or every two month, or when I want to restyle it. And just wash when your wig is dirt and when you apply too much products to it.

Question 5. What products can you use to care for your lace units?

BeautyCutright: Find something or use something that you use on your hair personally and it will be totally fine. Just use what you already have, don't try to get all over the board and try to find some specific products to care for your lace units.

Question 6. How often should I deep condition my units?

BeautyCutright: I really don't believe that it's neccessory to deep condition the wigs, mainly because I don't sleep in my wigs. :D If you sleep in your wig, maybe once a month or two months when you co-wash it, and use the deep conditioner you already have.

And in all, just keep it simple and do not overthink it.

And for more detailed answers, watch her video here:

If you guys have more questions, please comment below, we'll answer your questions as soon as we see it. Or email [email protected].

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