The Israelites: Wigs, Hair Weave & Nappy Hair

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Two thousand years after the departure of Jesus for Christ, the prophets are back to teach the real Jews, the 12 tribes of Israel, their truth nationality. This is their campaign. The not sacrifice wink guy comes back with price comes back to redeem us from this captivity. That is the day of the Lord's sacrifice freedom. Then I will punish the person that you will do what I will punish the princess, what punish the princes punishment from God punished to the princes starting with the manry and the King's children, and all such or such everybody read all such as our club with strange Apparel since and his strange apparel so in the day of the birth sacrifice, when it comes time for us to be redeemed if you're wearing those pants - and you didn't take each of the correction from us - God will push you to death from that's what I don't Want to happen to you, you understand, says: she's willing to buy okay, so you're, not sure you deciding between the Bible. Okay, all right! So you go to church listening all right. So now, okay, all right! So how does the Bible teach our woman to dress? Okay? Okay, let's, let's show you first 72: when do you live in Queens when you go throughout certain communities, you'll see different cultures, the blacks and Hispanics and Native Americans according to the Bible, when the same people and of the same culture. So when you read the laws in the Bible you're reading about our culture first, Timothy chapter 2, verse 9 for Timothy chapter 2, verse 9 in like manner also that women adorn themselves in modest apparel. That'S the black woman's culture, yes to dress. Modestly, for example, you see some Arab woman when they'll have nothing show up with eyes, and you know that you see that's their culture yeah. So now, when we're reading, the Bible were reading about the culture that Yuri your culture is right here, come on that women adorn themselves in modest apparel with shamefacedness and sobriety, not with broided hair braided hands talking about breathe. That'S how you know this is black woman? Come on or a bow or pearls or costly array, but which becometh women professing godliness, but woman professing godliness come on when good works. Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. So now. What did the Bible show us that the woman aren't you dressed modestly? So you shouldn't be reading the Quran, that's not where you're gon na find your culture all right, your culture, it's gon na, be in this Bible. I want to show you something I'm ready by morning. Okay, it's not the wrong! Read the Bible! 15 times it's about apply, that's right. It'S about applying its bring it up on address. You got to have on a dress or a skirt. You wear a skirt. You decided not to wear started 70. Chapter 2. Verse 9, then, like manner also that women adorn themselves in modest what invited, what in modest our women during the 1700s, more dresses and skirts in the winter and still was born. It'S almost a hundred and five degrees. Today. This is the perfect weather voice, restless skirt. What are we showing you we're showing you? This is the redemption of our people by keeping God's know if we as a community or as a culture. What that respect. We got a humble down to what this Bible says: go to the masala beauty, the thirteen and three what we want to show. You is listen to this with the Masada chapter, thirteen verse three with whose beauty, if they're being delighted, took them to be God's. Let them know how much better the Lord of them is for the first author of beauty have created them. Bible says for the first of beauty: guess what God is a black man? Well crisis of blackman blackman! God is a black guess. What fuchsia! Today'S your day, the Bible says you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free, free, free from the lies pad in the black man with wooly hair. Let'S read Daniel chapter 7 verse 9. I beheld till the thrones were cast down. Then you saw all the ruling nations destroyed in a moment of time free and the exit of days Vincent who is the Ancient of Days sit. The Ancient of Days did sit in order for me to sit down. I need a body I need legs and I need needs to bend. I need a back to sit upright on the chair. You need a five. You need. A butt to sit on. The Ancient of Days did sit, breathe boy boom. It was right as snow. Wait. A minute wait, a minute can a spirit, wear a garment, read that part again. Garment was white as snow. So so far we've conquered two things. The Bible said what then, the Ancient of Days talking about the Most High God set, God sat down and guess what Daniel in this vision saw that God had on a garment. So in all of you to wear a garment, you need a body. God has a body that he sat down with and when you sat down he had one, a garment middle and the hair of his head, this so-called spirit that a lot of uh people say had hair on his head. So so far the Bible said that God, the Ancient of Days had a body to sit down with and he had a body to wear a garment and on the top of his head he had hair watch this. What type of here Riko what door whoa like the pure hope like the pure wool, like the beautiful God, has woolly hair black men sister, the truth will set you free God's laws will set you free, but you have to apply the first. If you here are lettuce and you eat, and you don't do what the Bible says, you're gon na be confused. Follow version. My brother, you understand that God has moved hair like you, you want to stay man. What color is Jesus he's black right so so far we've read about who we've read about the description of God. Now, let's read about the description of his son, give me Daniel tendencies. Then you chapter 10 verse six because they're in the same boat, because the Most High dealt with Daniel and he show you many different Daniel chapter 10 verses, 7 chapter 10, verse 6. His body also was like the Pharaoh. This is talking about Jesus Christ. It says his body all souls like the Farrell talking about what that he had on a green bar, be like you see there in the picture barrel is green, lead on and his face as the appearance of lightning faces, the appearance of lightning meaning its shine. New york and his eyes as red sapphire and its arms and his feet his arms and his feet. What color were they breathe, light and color like in white, black and color? So who said that the bible didn't talk about color? Who said that the bible didn't talk about nationality, whatever damn lie, the Bible says that his arms and his feet read my color Herbert Obama, we're brothers for you as well. What'S your name Michael, she names us. Then he had white and LEM will be here now. We'Re reading about his son so now what is the Bible say about Christ's arms and his feet? Read black in color so to polish black, like in color to polish brass. So now what color is Bratz? Now, let's go to the Bible said I am black, I'm handsome! Why? Because I'm made in the image of the Most High God ud, so quad sisters that dive in here that relax there here since you're only showing that you hate your action. Show God made you with that woolly head. You understand that brother, you shaving off your bed only shows that you hate yourself. Why? Because you look like little boys, we shave or puppies God commands the men to have beards. God also commands the sisters to dress me about somewhat coolest, because there's more than just those praises, but there's more there's more sis. Don'T you want to know this history? It'S a rich history. Let'S get it job! Chapter 30, verse, 30, job chapter 30, verse 30. My skin is upon me my skin. My skin is black upon me, your color scriptures in the Bible, so this is not talking about all nations. The Bible was written by the Israelites to the Israelites. This is what the fact this is the message of the gospel. This is that good news, the truth shall set our people free. What is the truth? God'S love once we understand that we must keep God's laws and repent of our sins right then, at that point we can make changes. Why I tell them we're never better, get respects this so now? What do you want? Okay, in 105-degree weather, you can wear a regular dress. This! That'S alright! Alright, that's cool! So you understand stitch that you have to wear a dress. Okay, great! So now, as far as you here, okay, but let's inhibit growth - that only shows guy that you actually have respect, but how he made you in the beginning. What you want to stand? No copper is 331. You hear what you just said says hold on. Let'S deal with that, let's go sis sis the sister said. If I don't perm my hair, I have to because you're not the only one with that mindset. The sister said if I don't burn my hair, I look like a [ __ ]. No, we don't have [ __ ] answers. We have kinky wooly hair. You know what you're showing me right now says that one don't apologize. We just show me right now, sisters that we be read that God has both hear that Christ half will be here that King Solomon and that joke poor black man. You showed me that that went completely over your head, that you don't really believe this Bible. No we're we're in the Quran. Does it tell you to women as you hear we're in the Quran? Does it say, don't envy your presence where the Quran doesn't say women shouldn't, wear pants but understand it says the Quran only recites, the Bible. You got to do some history if you know a vehicle, something you kind of learn the history behind so now. This is this is why this is why okay, okay, alright but understand the Quran, doesn't give us prophecies concerning our feet. Proverbs 331 we're in the crime. Can we read about our history? Where are the two right? Can we read about solution? You should be able to go into your book and show me. Contrariwise, if that was the case, the bible senses. Don'T envy your oppressor, who taught you to perm your hair, so you mean to tell me that when you were born, you woke up. I'M gon na straighten my head. Is that what you say at five years old, but did your mother? Do it to you? Okay? So then, where did your mother learn to perma? Here the Bible, the Bible says what indeed out not be a person. We learn to pull my hair to tie our to shake my fire. Disable puppies run our presence, the Bible said every night oppressor. You know who taught us the Quran. Okay, let's deal with those things: okay, Joelle Chapter three pool toy blacks and Hispanics the Quran. Let'S deal with it, the Arabs taught us that when English in the sub-saharan slavery, we were their slaves at one point in time and guess what we're still slaves in those countries today. So you have to understand, since the Quran is not for us, I will oppress as to one of these things - chapter 3, verse 3 and they have cats much for my people and have given a point for a harlot and soda girl for one that they might Drink yeah, and what have you to do with me? Oh tabby inside us and all the toes are Palestine, so servers to one more time they with what we're reading right here in Georgia. Three is practicing something that we're not going to read in the book of the Quran. So what we're reading here is how the African nations so the our people, to the Arabs for what to breathe verse. 2. I will also gather all nations and will bring them down into the valley of jehoshaphat and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations and parted my land, and they have cats for my people. So they cast lots for people. You know what it means to cast lots for so much to feed on them. Give me a hundred dollars here for this, and they give me $ 200 here for that [ __ ]! That'S penny! That'S casting Lots! That'S what they did with us during slavery and guess what they did that with us on Wall Street. This is history that we don't know so the Bible says the truth shall set you free well, you'd have to know where you've been in order for you to get to where you're going sis read on, and they have cast lots for my people and I've. Given a boy for an harlot, I have given a boy for Halle: they sold our young men to be breeders, read and so the door for one that they might drink. So the girl for wine they mean Kreitler, have sex with them, read on okay. So this is what you're learning is. We have to return back to our true image, our natural image, the honor of being dog skin, of having wooly hair. Why? Because that's the hair that Christ had Christ had the wooly hair, it's not [, __ ]! Here it's! What the scripture calls it movie head, get John chapter 3, verse 3 sis. According to the Bible, the Bible's teaching us that would it Israelites that Christ looks like you that Christ has dark skin, that Christ had wooly hair. What happened to a lot of our sisters? Have you ever seen the documentary good hair by Chris Rock? Have you ever seen that documentary good hair by Chris Rock? He goes over that the weave industry is a billion-dollar industry right and that a lot of East Indian woman shave their head fault? Alright flip the hair to gods, thank God and then the leaders of that country take it and turn it into a business to sell over here and guess what look at this? I want to show you something read John 3:3 job chapter 3, verse 3. This evidence and to him fairly badly, I say to thee except a man, be born again. He cannot see the kingdom of God, so part of being born again is returning to our culture. We returning to our true image, Jose Abreu our images with Israelites. We have to walk like the Israelites. That means go back to that afro. That means go back to that. Afro see you these file, because you remember those things you remember those things says. The next question is a lot of life permanent here. When did you see the okay? So look, look at this read this again Jose chapter three. First of all, for the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king and without a prince and without a sacrifice, and without an image and without a what an image and without a way, an image. A lot of our sisters perm their hands because they forgot the true image: a lot about woman about the true image. Guess what 1st Corinthians 11 no problem? First, Corinthians 11 and verse 8. I believe most Corinthians, chapter 11. First, hey for the man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man. The Bible says that woman was made in man's image. Woman was made in man's image, so the woman is in the image of the man. The woman is in the image of her husband, according to the Bible sis, it's not allowed to interracially marry according to the Bible. It is a sin for a black woman to marry a Arab man. It is a sin for a black woman to marry a Caucasian man. It is a simple black man to marry a white woman. The Bible said that see. That'S why I guess what one of my co-workers so when he married an East Indian woman and went home the parents, this song, they thought and said, don't ever bring the [ __ ] to my house, popa chapter 4 verse 12, when we marry outside our race. According to the Bible, it leaves we hate our race. That'S what the Bible teaches us right, sis be very upright you man, brother, Oh praises there we go before it's one. Beware of my son Bible, says to beware of for them to beware of whoredom. Now it's going to explain this kind of horde come on and cheaply take a right of the seed of others. It says, take a life of the children of your father's come on and take not a strange woman right. It says: don't take a strange woman to life come on which is not about father's tribe, for we got the children of the prophets. The Bible says that blacks and Hispanics we are the children of the prophets, Noah Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Remember my son that our fathers from the beginning, even they are married wives of their own kindred. They are married wives of their own country. So why do black woman step outside their race because they want to leave oppression? They want to feel like they made it. No, you didn't make it, you fought for making it freedom and we're blessed in their children, and se shall inherit the land. So now, what is the Bible showing us that these are laws we have to keep? These are laws. We have to keep give me now. Oppression first give me Matthew. 1:21. You come right back up. Matthew 1:21. The Bible teaches us sister. Then, according to the Bible, we are the children of the prophets. Were the people? That'S oppressed and Christ came to redeem. Us listen, Matthew, chapter 1, verse, 21 and she shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sin, but he shall save his people from their sins Shalom. This is Bishop Nathanael of visual United in Christ. Please subscribe to our YouTube channels, stay up to date with our latest events, music and classroom. Lessons are you. I see plans to continue visiting different countries when, as gospel has not been preached before I you I see, needs your help in pushing this truth. So join us subscribe why Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and podcasts and stay up to date with us more information. Please visit

Hadassah baht Israel: This sister made me cry...she reminded me that I was in that state of mind, and I can't believe I wanted dog hair...we are stunningly beautiful sister with gorgeous wooly never forget that.

Mary Simeon Israel: Thank you brothers of i.u.i.c. I have learned to love our people n our wooly,OUR sisters need to stop envying the oppressors is crazy,but she needs to learn,keep the great teachings brothers may our Father bless you n your household always,I'm very thankful I changed.❤

StephanieS90: at 9:01 she try to sneak away, he said oh no bring your behind back over here.

Beulah Tatum: MHCB Thanks GOD for the sent of his true real men prophets to TEACH we women his laws and commandments All PRAISES

Villian King Topic: This is a great video teaching truth for our poeple

Tiara gods gift: I love my natural hair I put braids in when I’m busy but there is NOTHING LIKE a natural lady nothing ⚔️

Elisha Ben Israel: Love wooly hair

Gurlinda Taylor: I Love my gray nappy hair. I've always believe that we have the best hair... bar none.

Jasmine Hubbard: Can I braid my real hair,can I wear nose ring ,can I wear ear ring , can I diy my hair other color if I don't dyi it black ,can I wear contacts .

Teresa Cody: Natural hair, beautiful, just hard on a tender-headed person cause that curl does tangle fast!


Sheri Jones: I have large women in my family and they wear dresses my legs used to rub when I wore pants lol our sisters is so ignorant and my natural locks I'm loving more and more

SAPPHIRE DESCHANNEL: ,back in the day we were proud of being black now black is white

bigQ: Black women will always say I've read the bible 100 times, yet, don't understand or apply it. Humble yourselves black women.

Angel: Tuning in. Shalom family

Jasmine Hubbard: Can we polish our nails if we don't wear fake nails

Brenda Hill: let her go to the bathroom.. LOL

Mia McCoy: You can wear leggins under the dress or skirt

Jasmine Hubbard: Can I press my hair and blow dry it .

Jasmine Hubbard: How long should the dress be

Jasmine Hubbard: If we wear our real hair can we put jelwery in it .can we wear gold chain and gold jewelry .

Ready for Change: Song of Solomon 1:5, that wasn't Solomon speaking, that was the woman he loved speaking (His bride). She said she was black because the sun had darked her skin from her working the vineyards. "I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon. 6Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me: my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept." I'm not saying that Solomon wasn't black but what I am saying is that he was not speaking in this verse the bride was. I want to learn but I need the entire verse read for context.

Matana Ahava Israel: What about locs

BigDaddyGabby *: How you racist to your OWN people ?? I'm baffled

Lioness Of Judah: Totally odd and strange behavior from this woman; unpolished and had no shame or respect for herself. Why would you stand before the Men of God and rub all over yourself, dressed uncoordinated, sipping from a Popeyes cup, carrying chicken in a bag and saying that she has bad hair. I don't feel that she is one of us!

Tamara Johnson: She is acting like she got to use the bathroom

The Mask: Nowhere in the Bible tells a woman to wear only DRESSES... the Bible (1 Timothy 2:9-10) states modesty and godliness... Modesty does not equal dress or skirt... The Zondervan Compact Bible Dictionary page 137 tells you that SKIRT IS MALE, NOT FEMALE ATTIRE... BREECHES ARE NOT BRITCHES OR PANTS, ITS A SKIRT that is stated in Exodus 28:42 Aaron sons in the priesthood has to were linen breeches to cover their iniquities and escape death... The linen breeches is described "to cover their loins down past the thighs"... No mention of wrap around the loin's or thighs... Linen breeches is described as a skirt not britches or pants... TEACH THE TRUTH, NOT LIE HERE A LITTLE AND THERE A LITTLE... The woman can wear pants that are modesty in dress that profess godliness...

Islande Claircius: The pant is too hot she needs to wear dress

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