My Nighttime Hair Care Routine | Long, Healthy Hair ♡

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Wooden Brush:

Blue Beautifly Argan Oil: *

Use 'ANNA15' for 15% off.

SBR Nutrition Liquid Biotin:


Prod. Riddiman- Antisocial


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*Use 'ANNA15' for 15% off your purchase from Kaia Naturals!

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*Use 'ANNA15' for 15% off your purchase from Blue Beautifly!

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Disclaimer: As always, all opinions are my own. This video is not sponsored. All affiliate codes and links are marked with an asterisk (*) meaning I receive a small commission every time that code is used ♡

Hi guys welcome back to my channel today, I'm gon na be showing you my current nighttime haircare routine. I like to start off my routine by brushing through my hair. This is really the only time out of the day that I thoroughly comb through my hair and detangle it. So I really like to take my time, gently detangling and once I get all the tangles out, this is actually a very relaxing part of my routine when I'm detangling, I'm always very careful to be gentle and to always start from the bottom and work. My way up this way, I can prevent any unnecessary breakage, while I'm detangling my hair. I also like to take a few minutes every night to give myself a nice scalp. Massage. Not only is a super relaxing and does it feel really good. It also really helps to stimulate the scalp and promote hair growth, and I like to do this every night just to help myself relax and to really get the blood flowing to my scalp. Then I like to apply an oil to my ends each night and I'm currently using this argan oil from the Blue beautifly. They were kind enough to send this to me and I also have a discount code that I will have linked in the description box. For you, if you'd like to try it, it is an affiliate link, but I love using argan oil in the ends of my hair, just to help keep them nourished and protected throughout the night. Argan oil is like the liquid gold for haircare and it's one of my favorites. So this is the one I'm currently using. Then I go ahead and comb it through again just to make sure that the oil is properly distributed before putting my hair up in a bun. Recently, I've been really liking, sleeping with my hair in a bun much better than a braid. I'M not sure why it's just been more comfortable for me and I find that the bun actually protects. My ends a little bit better to secure the bun. I like to use a bacon claw clip. This doesn't put any pressure on my scalp and it doesn't cause any breakage to my hair, and this also just prevents it from getting tangled throughout the night. So tomorrow morning, it'll be nice and easy to comb through. My final step is just taking my liquid biotin right before bed, and that is it for this video. I hope you found it helpful and I will see you in the next one: bye

Sebina Timm: I truly don’t understand how you can sleep with a bun and not even break the clip or having it fall out?? Stunning hair!

Alicia Natal: I live for your hair lol. I have been on my journey for a year now and I can't wait until its at your level! I will definitely add some parts of your routine to mine! Can't wait to see results! Thanks girl!

Rhianna Washington: Simple and straight to the point, it

Naturally Antonia: Beautiful hair Anna! Still looks so dark! Ends look so healthy too. My hair is still fussy where I can't put oil on my hair when it's dry. I've accepted the fact I have fussy hair lol Love the cute bun too

Taiyeba ✨: ARGAN OIL !!! Girl, I stan that, it literally transformed my hair and specially the ends, now I get no split ends at all and the hair quality is amazing from roots to ends And please do show your skincare routine next :)

korvisca petrova: To every problems my brown south Indian mom has one solution. Coconut oil.

Dia_: This was so simple and doable. Thanks for sharing!

Natyra Bedra: This was so satisfying to watch! Anna can you please make a video about how to keep bleached hair as healthy as possible so it grows out long without breaking Love you regardless ❤️

00rosi2: I have bought a tampico fibre brush that's vegan and it's really gentle on my straight hair. It distributed the hair natural oil over the lengths from the roots and really makes it shiny. I also changed my products in the shower to a silicon and sodium lauryl sulfate free and I can already tell a difference, most on my scalp that isn't as oily yet on my 4th day since washing dayYour routine look really cozy with damp lights and candles

Leslie king: Hi Anna!! Beautiful night time hair routine. Your locks are smooth and shiney. I like purador argan oil for my hair, a few days, after washing, to the midsection and ends of my hair. I am trying sleeping with two braids tonight. It feels the lightest on my head. I am prone to headaches, if my head or neck feel too heavy. Hope that it works. Stay poised and beautiful!! God will continue to bless you!! I just feel it!! Leslie, in Michigan. Love your channel!! Stay well, girlfriend!!

A. B. C: I just love your this routine. Its Super simple and it doesn't take an hour. Your hair looks super healthy and gorgeous. And you look amazing

Dent Z: Hi Anna I had an idea. holistichabits channel posted a video in 2012 on hair lightening with honey olive oil and cinnamon. A lot of channels have also done similar videos but very few show genuine results over a long period of time. I figured since you are committed to growth challenges perhaps you could try such lightening method with before and after pics after use for a prolonged time. Just a video idea xx

K C: anna! can u do a what i eat in a day and show which foods you incorporate for hair growth xx!

saurav sharma: Hey Anna, you’ve got smooth long hair and I love your nighttime routine video.

Sameeha Siddique: I just cut 6 whole inches off my hair cause I thought it was impossible to take care of. Now I’m inspired to regrow again lmao. I love these videos :)

ytb40: You and your super long hair look absolutely gorgeous :) :)

Gouri Pabbi: Hi. I’m a huge fan and I love your videos a ton. I’m 15 and I use to have really long hair and it became damaged so I had to cut it, I never put heat to my hair or anything I would only put oils in it and braid it all the time. I don’t understand how I damaged it, but now I really want it to grow long again and be healthy but I am on a budget. What would you recommend for hair products from the drugstore? Thank you and honestly you are a lot of help ❤️❤️

ココ ナツ 雪リナ: Thank you for sharing your night time routine♥️♥️♥️I find your videos so helpful to improve the way I care for my hair.

paj 1492: I absolutely adore your videos. I only hope one day my hair is half as pretty and healthy as yours!

Lex Thomas: I did the unspeakable of hair growth no no's. I got highlights this year. I like them, but they've definitely compromised growth. I am binge watching your channel to get back to healthy hair and grow it out again lol

Dee: As a Girl with long hair who went to bed with a bun for the past few years , I’d advice you to sleep with a braid , not necessarily from the top of your head , you can just put your hair in a low pony tail and braid it . I’ve been sleeping with a bun for few years but I stopped for a while now since I started to lose hair by my forehead , and I have a side filled with hair while the other is basically losing it . I’ve been sleeping with a braid or a low bun that isn’t too tight and I stopped applying heat to my hair and I’d put henna or coconut oil once a week or sometimes twice and I’m seeing some progress . Don’t pull your hair back too much or you’re going to lose your hairline a lot . Thank you for this video though ❤️

Arianna A.: I have started using a spray leave in conditioner as you suggested before brushing through my hair and I find it A-MA-ZING ❤️

𝓇𝒶𝒾𝓃𝒾𝓃ℊ 𝒹𝒶𝓌𝓃: You're really beautiful and love your hair! I'm on a hair journey starting this month I hope to reach my goal which is tailbone length. Please keep posting! Love your videos!

DNA CREATIONS: You are gorgeous and your hair is gorgeous too Thank you for the videos!

what? how: I appreciate the simplicity of the video <3

Itzel Delacruz: How long did it take to grow your hair to this point? It would be nice to know

JustJaryn: I prefer sleeping with a bun secured with a clip too! I need to get some oil for my ends, have you tried jojoba oil? I've heard it's good for fine hair

Mauri Grandi: Beautiful girl, beautiful long hair, compliments , Mauri.

Jodie: Love your hair

Jasmine Pascasio: I saw a split end in my hair and I didn’t have scissors with me and I couldn’t get itnow I can’t find it, y’all cannot tell me this has not happened to u before

sab alad: Beyond beautiful you and your long hair

Jessica: I’m new to your channel so I don’t know if this has been covered in an earlier video but I love your glasses and would love to know the maker/supplier! Other than that, you have beautiful hair and I’m hoping to learn a lot so I can take care of my own.

Kem Cassian: Beautiful, I love it

Nicole Warner: Do you recommend their scalp oil? I've tried the innate lifes scalp treatment and like that as well.

Aristos Kasselouris: Your long hair is so beautiful

noula noula: You are so beautiful and your hair is perfect

Priyadharshini Gopalraj: Gonna try this tonight your hair looks so amazing how many days once you wash your hair?? I do workout regularly so can I wash it every other day?

Mnayer EM: I’ve got a long hair, but it’s curly it’s soooo difficult to take care of it

Darsey Araneda: Hi when I was scrolling threw how to grow long hair I found you and you feel like a good person now I sub and like

Ilayda Sag: I know this is a hair channel, but can we appreciate this skinomg you Are you beautyful

Twigger: Natural Beauty

Saja Kamal: I braid my hair before bed (most of the time) since it prevents breakage and I heard it helps grow it too but I'm not sure

Mae Bennett: How long have you been growing this hair? I’ve almost always had short hair but now I want to grow it out. I’m worried I’ll chop it before I see some serious results

sarah k: I wash my hair once a week + use a hair mask once a week and haven’t used heat in a while but my hair is still really dry and looks puffy (I have wavy hair) any tips ?

Amy Muth: I'm gonna grow out my hair like that

Hadjer Medecine: How long did it take to grow your hair?

amy yong: Can you do a video on hair care/products you take when you travel? Obviously no one is travelling now but I’m a frequent traveller looking to stock up on my must haves now since I’m limited on what I can bring

Lily Noir: I prefer sleeping with my hair in a bun but the hair on my scalp that isnt in the bun always gets messed up and really frizzy and i find it more tangled in the morning, is there anything I'm doing wrong?

No Ni: Thank you for this!

Subashini P: Lovely hair

no body: i've heard that putting oil in your hair actually makes it dry out because it's like silicone... some people say it's better to put it in your hair ends after shower to have the water in your hair... i'm confused. can you tell me? :)

Melody Ortiz: hi, hello! so i have a question that im hoping you can help me with. i only wash my hair once every other day and i’ve noticed recently that every time i shampoo my hair, as soon as i wash it out it’s as dry as hay and i’ve tried almost every shampoo available and none of them change how my hair feels after shampooing. i put conditioner in right after and it makes it slightly better but when i get out of the shower it still feels rough and it only feels slightly better after i put in oils.

Alize Garcia: I want my hair long again but its curly and I'm still learning on how to take care of it better. So fair my hair is about two inches past my shoulder.

athena mark: Question: Why liquid biotin and not just supplemental pills? Xx

Vista Moba: hey gorg, ive been trying to grow my hair a very long time now my hair lenght is touching my back line just above my bum, i use castor oil , coconut oil once w week before i shower as i wash m hair once a week i have a good diet but i want my hair to be at least touching my bum my goal is to be past my bum but i need some help!!! Thanks babe

Sparkle Edits: Hi Anna is argain oil shampoo by OGX good for your hair????

Intricately Random Asian: How does liquid biotin work?

Amiri Mariem: *Me watching this with my thin 2 inches hair* :

Orewa Houston: My favourite YouTuber could you please do a tattoo tour? X

Emely Fortiz: In the process of growing my hair out (kinda by my shoulder blades rn) it’s so frustrating I just want it long

Deepak Gaur: Beautiful underarms...clean and soft.

lizZLupin: How do I stop my hair from getting so greasy?

Melissa Gagnon: Hey girl! what shampoo/hair products have you been using lately? :)

Ada Vee: I’m watching all these like I have long hair Mine is barely up to my armpit rn

KissesBy Dessi: how long did it take for it to get that long

afrozzahan tandra: I love your tattoo. It's so cool.

Sara: Do you take any other supplements?

Collibri Lovex: What is you ancestry? You're so beautiful. I would give anything to look like you D:

Anisse Ezra: I just use coconut oil. Ah yes the joys of being southeast asian, all you need is coconut oil and bam your done

Alamin DSS: Wow beautiful long hair..

Bib: Why did I watch this whole thing when I have short curly hair

Tubisa 02: My hair was long it reached my butt and had split end and messy ends so I told my cousin to level less then and inch cutting only half N inch.. but he trimed about 7 inch m really mad at him

Rania: I just dont know how you keep your hair so frizz free and tangled free

Sanjida Al Biva: Which shampoo do you use now?

AliciaxHalsey Manic: If i sleep with my hair in a bun its gonna be so bad the next morning. It is so tangled and my curls are gone. I just wear my hair in a braid whenever i go to bed.

wwe: Nice

Hajar Ben: Guys , i apply coconut oil every night on my hair ( not my scalp) , the next day i find that my hair isn't oily at all ! I don't know if it dry my hair or my hair just absorb all the oil ? Ps: i have a dry fine curly hair

Praveen Prabhu Desai: Wow superb dear looking so gorgeous & i love ur silky shiny long hair very much.

Abdullah Kaaki:

Rainbow Cupcake: I have the same blanket you have, the one with the stars and sun lmao

Theit Girl: She's so beautiful

meenu meenakshi: Hi lovely ,love from India( Kerala)

Tapaswee Mndr: I dont use heat on my hair but i still get a lottttt of split ends, help?


Apphiadona Shylla: Waww Ur hair like Rapunzel

Cecilia Villegas:

Tashpia: Everyone posting videos of how to get long hair Me: watches subliminals for hair growth

Anakin Skywalker: It’s really bad to hold your hair up in a bun when you sleep you should braid it loosely

Rajalaxmi Panda: Hey r u doing workout? Then how do u manage ur hair ftom sweat

ummu ummu: Hair oil parayamo please reply

Chandasouk: you'd be an awesome ventriloquist. I couldn't see your lips move at all when you were talking.

N K: Omg. Spare inches, mam?

surbhi patel: N all I see is her tattoo

I Know: Please tell me your hair inches? ???

Michelle Macco: B Certified Bay Area B Oil

Toma Mishchenko: I honestly don’t care that I don’t have long hair

monira momd: هل من عربي يترجم

AMYA TOPTRANSPORT&CONSTRUCTION: U say an hair care routine an you Just broche ur hair ???

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