Product Knowledge And So Much More ! Handtied Extensions

Learn what products to use and what not to use !! Product tips ! And so much more :)

Follow me on Instagram @sharonhamma

Owner of salon B

Hey guys, so I'm here at the salon right now, I'm done for the day, because that I have to get home and the new dishwashers coming. So I decided to come on and do a quick little live video just kind of going over how to take care of the extensions, and we have new little bundle kits for all my extension girls. So I'm just gon na kind of over, like kind of what you need for the extensions and it's all same good, like products for normal hair. So if you don't extensions, all this stuff is like amazing for your hair. So this is a little bundle kit that if you are a new extension, client and you're getting here for the first time or you are somebody who I haven't decided if I'm gon na just let everybody just get these or just you know, have it be the New girls and then, if you're, getting new hair, even if you've already had them, you can get this. Basically, it's kind of like a little like security kit of if you go outside of these products, like I'm not responsible. If you damage your extension here, because a lot of the things, even if it's not necessarily a bad product, if it's good for your like normal hair, it's not necessarily good for extension here and it can ruin the hair. I can make it not. It can make a tangle, so that's kind of like the misconception that some people are like. Oh well, it's good for my hair, I'm just gon na stick out my extension here and that's not always the case. Sometimes it's way too heavy for the extension here, and it's just too much. So these are the little kits and it's a value of $ 110 and you guys will get it for $ 90, so you basically get a wet brush with it. I have green or pink to choose from, so you get those they always change to design. So if there's ever like fun cute designs, sometimes the wet brushes will change up. But if you have extensions - or even if you gel or even if you have your little kids wet brushes, are amazing they'd go through the knots really nice and they don't break the hair with a wet brush. With the extensions you want to make sure you have just like it's a basic detangler wet brush, some of have harder bristles. You want ones that Bend with the hair. So when you go through it, it bends through the nuts and gets through them, but it also doesn't break the hair off making the hair crawl and tangle up. So these are amazing for well, I guess I'll do showering. So in the shower. You want Safi free shampoo, no matter what I have a ton of the unite one. So when you are in, if you don't have it, we can offer you whatever we have in here and then this is the Holy Grail, the joique okay pack. This stuff is like butter for your hair, so I don't even use a normal conditioner. I use a soft paint, free unite shampoo and then I follow it up with the K pack deep conditioner, the conditioning part is even more important than putting oil in your extensions. Every day, so some people will I'm like half half sit in the shower and not condition their hair enough, and then they just want to slather oil on it, and you actually won't do the opposite. You want to really condition in the shower and then as needed or as your hair's dry then add the oil in. Even if you don't have the extensions you do want to put oil in your hair every day, even if necessarily extensions, don't feel dry. Your own hair, you do want to concept the oil in and the unite. All that also comes in your little bundle package. The unite will not make your hair greasy. My hair is like super soft to begin with and super shiny, and it gets greasy fast, especially if I'm playing with it. So you do want to just make sure. Are you this? If you put it all through, even at the top, it's not gon na make it greasy, even if you go like three days without washing your hair, especially the drier months and the drier being inside with the heat, its drying it out. If your blond, your hair, gets dry fast, so you want to make sure you're putting all this through and really working it in, but with a conditioner in the shower put it in really work it in with this stuff, it'll feel like butter right away, then rinse. It out make sure that the extensions are rinsing, everything really good and then once I get out, I don't even brush my hair. Like 15 minutes, once I got a shower, I squeeze all the water out. I usually when I wash my my hair since it's more here with the extensions I do it at nighttime when more time, and then I wait 15 minutes and then I'll go and I'll spray. The leavin. This also comes in your bundle, the leave-in spray. I do like four sprays on this side: four sprays on this side and then I use my wet brush and brush it out. I mainly let it air dry until my top part, because my natural hair dries pretty fast, then I'll, put whatever mousse and stuff. I want blow dry that and then kind of rough dry. The extensions give it another 15 minutes to air dry. Then I go through with my wet brush, never use a round brush on your extensions. It pulls too much Adam and then I use the heat and your wet brush to really help smooth the extensions you can let the extensions air dry, but it's just like your normal hair. If you were to let your hair, your normal hair air dry, it just doesn't look as well and doesn't last this long, so I always suggest, even if you let your extensions fully air dry go back with the the heat and your brush just to help go Over and smooth it so yeah, so that is a little package deal that you get to get your leaving conditioner your deep conditioner or your oil and your brush all in your cute little goodie bags to take home with you. Oh my new extension girls. Whenever you come in, we obviously go over everything that you need to know, and I also give you a little sheet of like the top like eight just Basin. I don't even go over of like what to do. What not to do there honestly so easy just got to make sure you brush it, but my main thing is I've just been kind of like re going over with, like all my girls of making sure you're using the right products. Cuz that's! The thing is, I found out some reusing just way too heavy mass or not the right brush and they're having issues, but anybody who's usually stuck to whatever I've told them their hairs, in still amazing condition and they've had literally no issues so the products I recommend. I recommend them for reason: I'm not just recommending them to sell them to you guys, but especially where the extension girls, that stuff is like key to have, and if you don't have extensions like I said all that stuff works amazing. Even if you don't have any extensions, so that's basically it for those you guys who have most. You guys have text me, but if you haven't get your text in so I can book you through after I had the baby and just well. The other thing I was gon na say I don't remember what I was gon na say: oh I'm takin limited. If you want extensions, I'm only literally taking like I just took another new person the other day, I'm taking another one right now, I'm probably only gon na be taking like, maybe two more so if you want extensions or you have a friend, that's I'm talking to You with saying she wants them, tell her to text me immediately, because otherwise, they're gon na have to wait til after October, thanks Alysa, they're gon na have to wait till after October to get in for any extensions, but before baby. I can't really take too many more because otherwise, I'm just gon na be slammed in it's already craziness, so yeah, if you guys, have any questions about any of the products or if you have any questions about your hair. If it's doing something funky and you don't know what product to use go ahead and just message me on here and I can always recommend you something but, like I said we have so many good things, let me actually I'll take you guys over. No, actually, this whole I'll see you guys over to the retail area and I'll kind of show you. Let me just turn it around okay, so here's our retail some things are missing. I just had to order more but like we have the seven seconds, that's kind of in the bundle thing, but if you're not part of the having the extensions and stuff, obviously you guys are more than welcome to get any of this stuff are blinding shampoo. Obviously, with the extensions, if you're blind, I do not, I told you guys not to use the bonding shampoo or the yeah, the purple shampoo for the blondes only because the extensions take differently than your normal hair. So I don't want you guys having purple splotches in there this luxury we're out of the shampoo, because literally I can't keep it on the shelf. The shampoo and conditioner of the luxury is amazing. So, if you're looking for a good like hydrating conditioning shampoo, that's amazing, but it's not heavy. So it's not gon na wear your hair down in this conditioner. If you don't want to do any conditioner, if you're just you know somebody who just wants to just do normal shampoo conditioner, this conditioner actually feels more of like a deep conditioner. So does conditioned really well got my girls actually well. Now we have two more so than that. Not everybody is in that picture. Then we have a laser straight. It doesn't necessary, mean it's gon na keep your hair, make your hair straight it more so smooth! I love this stuff and it smells so freakin good. I want to say it's like vanilla, but no, it's like. I don't even know what it is, but that's one of my favorite smelling ones. We got the boost, shampoo and conditioner I'm out of the shampoo right now, because those ones go really fast too. I have this in my shower now when that's gone, I'm replacing it with the luxury one, but I absolutely love that one and again, those all smell amazing. This elevate mousse, is my absolute favorite. This is what I use for that body and fullness. On top of my like in the crown area, this one's also amazing this one I recommend for short hair. It really I mean if you don't have for hair, you can use this one too. It really gives you a ton of volume. You just have to make sure you work it in and don't use too much, but that stuff is amazing for my guys out there, the Woody's clay, that's always a top favorite, that's pretty much! All I've ever sold and everybody loves it for one of the night ones where did it go? This is also nice. This one's just more of like a creamier pace, it's not so heavy and thick. So if you're, a guy who doesn't want like a crazy tonal hold this one, is really nice again, the deep conditioner you got your oil looking for a dry shampoo, I personally don't like any Moroccan oil products. Oh and that's another thing too, if you have extensions, do not use Moroccan oil, shampoo, conditioner oil or a mask it's way too heavy for the hair. I personally don't even like the oil. I'Ve never like been a fan. The oil they're shampoos, but the one thing I do like and that's why I carry is their dry shampoo and they have the dark tones and the light tones. But it's amazing dry texture spray, all my girls, you know you probably own this, because it's amazing that just really I'll actually take that over and show you guys in a minute I'll spray it in my hair, but it really just like separates a curl, makes a Beach year and a really full, and then this is my absolute favorite hairspray, the SOI touchable, that's why I only carry it because I'm absolutely that's how much I love it so that holds, but it's not it's not like helmet hair, where you can still move it. Let me grab: where did my texture spray go? Let me bring you guys personally, like forgetting that I'm even online live. I keep thinking I'm just here by myself here for me, okay, so the dry texture spray was talking about. So it's this. Obviously, if you guys already come to me, you guys know about this stuff. So all I did today was brush my hair and stuck a hat on all this curl is from I'm gon na just sit on my counter here. All this curl is from yesterday. So yeah there we just brushed it stuck a little bit oil in it and that's it. So this just pieces out your curl so doesn't become like one big curl throughout the day, and it just gives you like. I obviously like big hair. So okay, pretend, like it's just brushed out it's kind of like it. It'S alright! Then you take your texture spray. I'M sorry! I got ta like not open my legs on the camera and then you want to like lift at the bottom and spray it when you spray everything on top it just weighs it all down and it doesn't lift it, how you want it or give the body. So you just lift up and it smells so good. You could ask anybody any of your friends that have it well, okay, so there's that you know that my hair is more curls, but you guys just so good the idea but kind of pieces everything else. It doesn't go into one curl, so obviously it's big, but you know I like the bigger hair, so you can keep it that big or like literally, I am leave it like that and then by time I leave the house, it falls, but then it keeps it Fuller and gives them more of that, like beachy texture but yeah. That'S I'm like eating it. Oh! But yes, that's a dry texture that Kendra spray. So that's amazing! Well I guess so. Have you guys have any other questions or you guys want the products and want me to hold them for you or set them aside, so you can come in next week and grab anything, let me know otherwise. I guess I won't have our little bundle bags for the extension girls when you guys come in so 110 value. You get it for 90. So it's a pretty good deal. Otherwise you guys have a good weekend. I need to get home, so my dishwasher guy can come and put my dishwasher in so excited. We'Ve been without a dishwasher or 2 weeks now and me being pregnant and he smells in the sink have been like disgusting me. So, honestly, the dishwasher here at the salon I took, I brought all my dirty dishes - and I put them in here and ran it here, because I couldn't take it at the house anymore. I actually need to take all those home, but I'm too lazy to stick. It in the suitcase I brought them all in um, but yes, so you guys have a good weekend and I'll talk to you later.

Melly D: What brand of hair are you using ?

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