No Babyhair!!! Natural Yaki | Outre Perfect Hairline Synthetic Lace Wig - Katya (13X6 Lace Frontal)

Welcome to my channel, I'm doing a tutorial on this wig that I bought which is Outre Perfect Hairline Synthetic Lace Wig - KATYA (13x6 lace frontal). So if you like this video then do not forget to click the subscribe button down below, leave any comments and ill see you kaybirds next time.

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Outre Perfect Hairline Synthetic Lace Wig - KATYA (13x6 lace frontal)

Color: Havana Brown

Price: 44.99

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Track Info:

Intro Music by La Hara - Unlawful -

background Music by Ryan Little - airplane mode. -

#synthetic lace front wigs outre wig

Like wow freaking gorgeous, so let's go ahead and get started with this wig review. I already did my ball cap and i use this foundation right here. Didn'T say that in my last um review, but i did the covergirl bottomless healthy elixir in the color 765 tiny, and this is for all of you, new girls that are on my channel. This is the um foundation that i use on my ball caps because it fits my um face to the t like on point. So let's go ahead and get into this wig review. So this one is going to be by outrage. It'S a perfect hairline. 13X6 lace. Wig, it is fully hand tied, it does have the um fake scalp, it does have hd lace and it is katya or katya, and i did get the havana brown, which is going to be this shade right here in the middle, and then this is going to Be the back, it just has your instructions and hair care guides, and then this is going to be the start card up close then you have your inside and then, of course, there is going to be a back. So this is how the um color is going to look. So to me, it's a brown, but it's like almost like a auburn um brown color almost looks like a 30 and it does have like a lot of dimension and stuff in it. So the hair starting now feels so freaking silky and pretty it is going to be a natural yaki. Like look at that, it is very, very, very pretty and then you can see a little bit of texture in this unit, so you are going to get the um fake scalp in there and then you are going to have two combs that are going to be At the top um, you do have a comb at the back with the adjustable straps, and then they do give you this elastic band. It is, and it is not adjustable as far as the lace. It is going to be a light brown lace and then, of course, they do have the perfect hairline, which is going to be um pre-plucked with baby hairs. So let's go ahead and put this wig on, and i mean when i tell you this hair is so freaking silky. This hair is so freaking silky, like the texture, is bomb at this point it is freaking bomb okay. So let's go ahead and get into this hairline, so that is what the hairline is looking like so far, um the hairline does look um good on this unit. It does look good on this unit and then, as far as this one, they put the fake scalp towards the back. So you do have about this much um away from the um fake, scalp and then the face scalp. It doesn't look extremely bad like it usually. Would so um? If you want to leave that in there you could you just have to, of course put some powder in there me. On the other hand, i'm going to go ahead and cut it out. I just like to cut out the um fake scalp, because i just don't really care for it, but yeah. That is what this hairline is. Looking like, like the hair, is very pretty um. I am getting some shedding with the hair. I am getting a couple of strands here now with the um shedding, but the hair color is very, very pretty i really like it um at first. I thought i wasn't going to like it, because i'm not a big fan on brown hair. I love love, love black hair, so i personally don't like brown hair on me, but i like this one because it kind of looks like a red auburn kind of color. So it is very, very pretty so i'm trying to think if i'm gon na keep the baby hairs or not, because i don't really like baby hairs on um colored units and this one kinda is towards the color because it looks red and then it looks auburn. So i really don't like um baby hairs on this kind of unit, so i'm feeling like i'm gon na, pluck it out all together and i want just more of a hairline on this kind of unit versus baby hairs. But the hairline is very phenomenal. You don't have to pluck the bait the hairline, if you don't want to i'm gon na, go ahead and start by cutting out the um fake scalp. Just to see what it's going to look like. First, so um, i did go ahead and take out the fake um scalp. So i did apply my foundation, the one i did show you. I apply foundation on the top and on the bottom, so that um, i feel, like the lace, just melts right into the skin. So it looks like really really good um, with the lace um with this hairline, i'm gon na like pluck out the entire baby hairs in front, because i really just wanted to be um. I don't know. I just want to look like scalp, but then i don't want any baby hairs whatsoever, even like right here, like on the sides where you do the swoops. I want no baby hairs, so yeah, i'm gon na just pluck out all these babies. If i can find my tweezers and then for me, if you are new to my channel um, i like to do the ball cap method and then so, if i could find it because it looks really really good okay, so you see like right here. I have that um ball cap i like to follow um around it. So since the hair is right there shaping it, i will leave it there, but the hair like right here on the sides. As you see, i pull right there and it's not following that. Hairline. This is the hair that i will um pluck out. So all of this hair right here i am going to pluck out and then as for the top, i do it the same way, because i wanted to follow my natural hairline. So i'm going to do that now, since i did pull out that hair, and so i like to start out with plucking out all the hair, that's in front of my hairline and then after that i do go in and tweeze the hairline to kind of thin. It out because, as i'm taking away this hair, this is the hair they actually pre-put for you and i'm pulling all of that out. So i'm basically having to re kind of do the pre-pluckation, because i'm messing it up and once again you do not have to do this me. Personally, i love for all my wigs to look realistic. If i didn't say that i love it um when i put on all these units - and i leave my house wherever i'm going - i'm going to spray it down, but you only have to do this process. One time once you get your wig, how you want to get it to look like after that, you don't have to keep doing this um. Usually i can put on a wig cap and because of having my hairline, it looks good. I don't have to go through the ball cap method again, so i'm gon na go ahead and start by taking out all of this hair right here, because this is the hair that i don't want. Um be careful right here on the sides, because there's not a lot of hair and i'm already pulling out majority of that hair. So do be careful um when you are, you know doing the sides because it stops about right there. So you don't have that much! Hair to even be messing with to begin with, so i'm going to go in with the got to be glued in the yellow bottle, and i am going to put that on bottom and then i will put my um spray on top. So right now i'm going to go ahead and take my care care. Um waxing, stick uh. What i'm trying to do now is see what all i need to plug as far as the front, so i am going to go ahead and take my um hot comb and then kind of flat like go through the top, so i could see like what else Needs to be plucked um, sometimes with like synthetic hair, it looks like you're, not plucking a lot and so the straightening comb kind of helps. You know for me to see what what all else i need to pluck or if i even need to continue plugging ryan little. So now i'm gon na go ahead and cut off my um lace. Okay, so i'm gon na go in my murray's edge, wax um. This is what it um looks like. I did the olive oil in my last video and i didn't like how it turned out so i'm gon na see if this will look better um on the edges, so i'm just gon na put it all over. So i think i do um i like that. I guess i'll see you after i've missed a hot calm and then i bought this um garnier fructis flat eye perfection, straightening mist um. This is what it looks like. I thought it was gon na be more oil based like to be on your um. What is it beyond your heat? Like an orange bottle, i usually use that beyond yours beyond the zone, the um orange bottle. I usually use that, but they didn't have that as sally. So i got this um this right here to me feels like it has more water than all. So i don't know if i really like it, i only sprayed it um in my hand, just to see how it felt, but i do like to use like a oil um heat protectant spray, because it gives the hair like a pretty nice shine. And i don't really like, like the water kind of base, one and that's what this one feels like. I should have got the um sleek and shine like everybody uses. I got it on tea and soda and then i'm going to take some eco styler gel um. Just to kind of get the hair to look like a little separated because i don't want to have to keep plucking it and i probably should use my um. I'M gon na go in actually with my um gon na go and actually my got to be glued. So kind of that can give me like a stiff hold. What i'm gon na do is just take um this and kinda separate the hair so and so it'll kind of give it a effect that i plucked some more hair, cuz girl. I feel like looking no more hair kinda like that. So can you see the difference? Oh, like that looks really really really really really really good. Okay. So let's do the other side. I hope it come out because i wasn't even intending on to come out like that, but girl that looked real good, okay and then i'm gon na go in with some holding spray so that we can hold that together and then i'm gon na blow dry that If you are not putting any makeup on then this is the next step i'm gon na go in with my face powder, so i think i'm gon na go in my black radiance medium to dark powder and use that sculpt shade. I think i'm going to use that scope shade and see how that looks so yeah. Instead of using that color i'm going to use my 362 um truffle uh, you don't want to use a a powder, that's your skin tone, but has that little orange tint to it so um. This one is very like on the neutral side, so i'm going to use this powder because it is going to help me take away that cast that you see if you're going to put on like makeup after this, then you can skip this step because of course, You'Re going to put on your contour and that's going to cover that up, and it looks so so freaking good, oh my god, it looks so so freaking good, so freaking, good okay, like wow freaking, gorgeous freaking gore. So once again, this color is going to be um. Havana brown, it is a natural yaki texture, so the texture feels very very pretty. I do like that um. The color is like a auburn burgundy kind of color, so it's like um, a mixture of that. So when you look at it, you do have a lot of dimensions in the hair which i do like uh one thing about the color. It looks pretty right now, but if you go look at it like in natural daylight, the color kind of looks a little bit um synthetic, so i think, like a natural color in this unit will kind of probably look better than this one. This one looks really good but, like i said, if you go out in the daytime and stuff, it kind of looks synthetic, but right now it doesn't look like that. It looks very, very good. So with this unit, i didn't get any tangling at the moment, but it kind of feels like towards the nape. That'S where it is going to have tangles um. It is a little bit tough to run your hands through it just a little bit um, but once you get it out, you see i can keep running my hands through it um, but it does feel like towards the nape area. That is where it is going to tangle up at the most right here in the front, it is very silky. You can bring your hands to it as many times as you want um this unit. When i first got it, i had a little bit of shedding. I did cut out the fake scalp, so that did cause a lot of shedding because there was hair sewn into the width of the um fake scalp. So if you do cut that out be mindful that you are going to have shedding and then i pluck the heck out of this front, so of course i still have shedding from that as well um, so the hair, it has been um shedding um. It'S kind of died down a little bit, but here and there i still do - have like a lot of strands um, but it was just a little bit when i first got this unit um. This unit is going to be big head friendly. If you have a low hairline like i do is not going to um, you actually have to pull the hairline down. So, as you can see, i have it pulled down, but right here it is over my ear. So it's not behind my ear. It is actually over my ear, so that's how i have to wear this unit um for me. If i wanted to like cover up my actual hairline, i have to wear it over my ear um but yeah. That is for, like a slow, hairline girls, just a little bit of tea um. If you get this unit, you can pull it down um. It is six inches worth of parting space. So, even though i plucked out all of that hair, that was in the front, it still kept me with a lot of parting space, so it still looks good. So with this uni you can use heat up to 400 degrees. With this unit, i did use it just to go ahead and flatten the part down and, like i said, there's six inches worth of parking space, so you can do side middle whatever you want to do with this unit and um. There is lace along the front. So you can wear it half a half down if you want to so you can do a lot with this unit um but yeah. This is pretty much gon na, be it. This is a pretty gorgeous unit. Um me personally, i would have got this in a one because, like i said the color, it just looks a little bit synthetic um like a natural light other than that this is a gorgeous unit, so um. I will leave the links down below on where you can purchase this unit at so. If you like this video, please do give me a thumbs up. If you have any questions or comments um, and this look right here, it will be um posted in another tutorial. So yeah, i will see you guys in my next video

It’s Kayki Babe: Gurl! You just taught me something new!! I can’t stand plucking wigs so the less I have to do the better. Thank you

Virgo's Corner: You did that!! P.s. I'm a silent watcher but you finessed this to look so natural I had to comment.

Queen Leo: Sis! This ain’t even the same wig! Damn masterpiece! Exactly the way I like my units, NO BABY HAIR!

Bella Monae: Beautiful! I’ve been debating getting this type of wig because I don’t want the texture to show too much. Basically look like braid hair. But this unit is beautiful.

Nickisfirstson: Now this is what we call giving scalp it’s giving ❤️

DollFaceDeluxe: ❤️ I LEGIT JUST bought this wig BECAUSE OF YOU!!!! You did this wig NOTHING BUT JUSTICE!!!!! You Hear Me?? BEAUTIFUL ❤️

KaliGotBody: I'm just learning about how to customize lace wigs to look natural, you made this look so natural and gorgeous. Great review/insight on the experience with the wig as well.

Jah: I’m slowly getting into wigs and your tutorial helped me out ALOT

Gracinta Matthews: This video needs to go viral. I learned soo much! The real question is can I put this knowledge to work. lol

Kyli Catherine: Giving me young Tina Knowles vibes for some reason... and you absolutely BODIED this sis Love it

QWUEEN CJ: Omggggorgeous as always ! I’m always learning something new from you :) thank you

Rina Dee: Wowo!! Your video was sooo thorough and full of a lot of new techniques and “take-a-ways” THANK YOU SIS!! #NewSubbie

HalfBakedHair Reviews: Sis you DID this! I absolutely love this color on you & your makeup compliments this hair so well, you did such a great job!

Tiffany Davis: You are the best, I swear you always slay every unit. Omg it looks so realistic makeup is absolutely beautiful

Doris Murry-jefferson: This wig is the bomb. And the color is great. I need to order this

CassieJazz96: this unit is stunning on you

Tmac1963: Ma’am you are Next Level Slaying this unit! I’m just starting to seriously get into wigs since my stylist of 10 years gave birth to her first child 2 months before the shut down, and I am walking around not looking like myself! So I’m buying the canvas block head kit, mouse, gel etc... and the amount of hair you plucked made me nervous, but no cap, your hairline looks Superb! I’m buying human hair wigs, but I like the unit you are featuring so much I’m going to take a look. New subbie here..... let’s Ride!

Becky Ade: Love your installs! you are the goat!!

Sophia Hughes: I’m not finished watching your video yet but this color is really pretty on you- ♥️

Carrie M: U got her right, Ur making me excited to try mines!!! Ooooo baybee! MAKEUP is bomb too sis!

Greeneyed Beauty37: i love love love! and i love yaki naturally texture! this one is gorgeous

Darlene B: I had to comment- you KILLED this

AshlynRReviews: You look stunning in this wig love your makeup too

Tsahi Hair Goals: You did that!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing those tips!

Chuchi Trains: You literally melted this wig

Daniella Ntuen: Girlll i ain’t done watching the video yet but you slayed thisssss!!!

Chick N Coop: I'm definitely about to get this and try to give it some big barrel curls

Penelope: Yes girl hurry up and name that technique, im going to do that technique from now on makes wig look more beautiful on you

Gina C.: GIRRRLLL!!!! you SLAYYYED that! the texture looks like braiding hair

Ms. Mani 2U Beauty: Whew chile this WHOLE SLAY! WHAT WIG!?

Yvette Vesty: Pre pluck'ation a new word! Lol. You hooked it up ☝

Haus of R.Lateish: I love this color hair on you. Gorgeous mama!

Cola T: how does this hair hold up? its beautiful!!

BodiedBykeira: Gorgeous freaking gorgeous ❤️❣️❤️ #slayed

A. W: Slayed! Scalp.... omg I love the idea of you cutting the wig to shape it as your headline/ wig cap method!!!!!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Cheyenne Finn: beautifully slayed

I Am L Rose: Man!!!!! I love this!!!! Next thing you know it’s going to be sold out every where like butta unit 3

Natasha Raisor: You slayed that wig. You look gorgeous

Ellie Clarke: Christ this looks good

ਪੋਸਟ ਮਲੋਨ ਇੱਕ ਅਜੀਬ ਗਧਾ ਹੈ: YOU ARE BACK!!!!!!! miss you!!!!! looking gorgeous as always!!!

Bridget M: Great job sis. What's the name of the shoulder length unit in your intro? Can you you also show how you cut out the fake scalp? I don't want to mess my unit up, but that fake scalp ma'am. Thanks

Mercy Nerestant: Gorgeous. How long did it last?

P Compton: It’s the sound of it cooking fa me

LaurisaMarie: This color reminds me of that color that Beyonce wore on her Beyonce Experience Tour.

Dawn Henderson: Holy smokes! You made this so easy to follow! Thank you! It was very detailed & I love that you did the “no baby hairs” & you made it look so realistic! New subbie here!

Kay Bee: I love the no baby hair look

Cheyenne Finn: What do you use to hold your lace?

Flower Blossom: Beautiful!

Makeupswatch Fan: Beautiful❣️

All Things Simply Windy: This is a winner!

Wigs2WaistLength: Katya came out flawless. Nothin but scalp!

Mckee Gardner: So mutha freaking good, good!! Gurl...Gurl! im stealing Ur signature moveI wanna see more of Y(more in depth)cutting away the baby hairs. Cuz I dnt wanna relapse...I'm in Over Pucking Anonymous group..on Step 2. Luv itLuv subbie N like.

marie moore: Glad I’ve came across your video because I got this same brand wig and that fake scalp was not doing it for me.

Tiffany Mealy: Good job the wig look on point

LAKESHA WISE: Gorgeous!!!

Princess P.:

Ms. Meka Smith: You did that!!!! I bought this wig, was it just me or did this wig Tangle like crazy.

Miss Lexy Lady: Do you think you can wear this without doing the bald cap method so you can take it off everyday?

D. Nichole: Your end makeup is beautiful

Nessa Boo: Name it a lot of work u did that tho very cute

BriSlay Henry: I always pluck mines before putting it on

The Hood Goddess: she's a pro.

Ayesha Linton: Hey hun I’m From UK where’s the best place for me to get this wig

Raquel XO: This hairline is everything

Jae Dun: She’s pretty!

Kie RaShon: sis this the ONE!!!

Raven H: Wait what hold it spray did you use

Jassminerosee: Is wigtypes reliable to buy from because I see the hair is originally from samsbeauty

Marcia Miles: Fabulous

Bernice Johnson: How did you take out the fake scalp?

D. Nichole: Plucking is so hard. I don't understand how

Rashida M: Is it small head friendly?

Alice Barrett: What foundation did u use for bald cap.??

FleurRebelle: Ugh... do we HAVE to do a bald cap... it’s just too murch

Hello Gorgeous: Makeup is Bomb!


Micaha Mayes: How did u take out the fake Scout

Dykescha Edwards: Did you have to bleach the knots

sahara simpson: How long did the wig last


Atiyah Brown: Can you curl that hair

ohstar: Ridiculous.

Ms kay Ridley: Do the hair get tangle

D. Nichole: Looks really pretty, but way too many products used on this synthetic wig. Shortening the lifespan. Most people don't have this type of time or talent to achieve this perfection lol

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