How To Achieve The Perfect Ash Blonde Wig From 613 Hair For Black Girls

Dyes Used:

Revlon 57

Revlon 60

Revlon 71

Link to Wig:

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SOFT- Blackboykay





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[ __ ], you thot welcome back to your favorite corner. So today we are going to be dying. This 613 wig to the perfect ash blonde. Okay. So, let's get into it! This wig is from aliexpress um. I will leave the link to this link in the description box, so i'm gon na be using revlon color silk in the color 57 for the roots and then i'm going to mix golden blonde 71 and um dark ash blonde and 60.. I'M going to be mixing these two together for the actual hair tone and we may or may not have to use purple shampoo, we'll just see how it goes. No such thing as too fast, no such thing as so fast me, no such thing as too fast. No such thing as too fast - thank you. Oh so me see me can do that's all i am killing me killing me can do you. I will tell you this. Oh, i the, but i'm going to just try to tone it with the purple shampoo. I'M going to let this water get hot, i just rinsed it out and make sure i tell you what it's all about: [ Applause ]. So after rinsing out the purple shampoo and just letting the hair air dry, i installed the wig, and this is how it came out. I will have a video coming on how i installed the wig um you guys. Let me know what you thought of this color in the comments and thank you guys so much for watching and i'll see you guys in the next one bye been doing my thing and these [ __ ] been flocking. Blowing me up cause they looking they watching. Don'T hang with no hoe cuz, he hold, he think i'm cool, but [ __ ]. Really, i'm crazy. I call him a guinea. He don't even pick up. He got two seconds before it's a sticker. I walk in the party they playing my music

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