Grwm: Watch Me Install This Curly Honey Highlight Blonde Wig + Mini Q&A Ft. Afsisterwig

hey besties ‍♀️, welcome back today I will be installing this cute as$ wig from AFSISTERWIG

This Is a t-part wig but I made a side part :)

Follow them on ig: @AFSISTERWIG

Follow my socials :

Instagram: iam.julixee_

Tik tok: julieeexoxo23

Snapchat: juliee_xo23

Hair Details :


180% Density

Pre plucked

T- part wig

4 combs

Business Inquiries only: [email protected]

Link to hair :

Highlight Curly Lace Front Wigs Glueless Short Bob Wig Brazilian Human Hair 4/27 Ombre Brown Honey Blonde 13x6x1 Middle T Part Pre Plucked Baby Hair Wig for Women (4/27 Highlight Ombre, 12Inch)

Hey guys welcome back to my channel and today i'm going to be doing a wig install. You already know what it is because you know i got my bonnet on and i love wig install videos and i hope you guys like mines too um. Yes, so i am working with the company af sister, they sent me another wig, and here is the box, as you can see in my last two videos. Let me show you guys: this is ab sister and they sent me this beautiful balm, curly highlighted yeah. This is the um, i think it's the ombre blonde, not ombre, sorry um, the highlighted, curly and look at this. This is so the hair is nice and full. It'S nice and curly. I think it's 180 density and it is a tea party wig, but all the details to the hair will be in the description. Guys, don't worry about it. So let me stop rambling on and let me install this way because you know i'll be talking too much. Do so do do hey? Okay, here comes the fun part. Now here comes the fun part. I'M going to be doing my makeup. I already did my eyebrows off camera because um i got so high one time and i tried to do my eyebrows with the nail and i ended up cutting off the whole table like this. Don'T do drugs if you're doing it stop it get some hair of my eyebrows fake that that whole tail part right here. The tailbone is going on. She going she going so yeah um. Let'S get into the makeup portion, i'm gon na go in with my nyx angel veal, um primer, okay um. As i'm doing my makeup, i'm gon na be axing some well. Let me just start um. You guys asked me questions on instagram, but i never got a chance to answer them, so i'm gon na answer some that i wrote down in my notes: uh, okay. So the first question is a scary experience. Okay, so a scary experience that i experienced in my life um i used to live in queens and i used to live in a house um i used to live in a house and it was a woman and she it was our neighbor's mother. She died upstairs right. So one time i was sleeping - and i kid you not long story short because you know it is a long story like seriously long story short i'm getting up in the morning like you know when you like laying down and you open your eyes or whatever, why I seen a lady in a wedding, dress yo, i didn't say nothing to her. I didn't i didn't i was just when i say i was terrified guys i was terrified like i was laying down like say this is my bed right here. I was laying down up there. I look on the edge and i just see her staring at her like she's, like she's, smiling like she look crazy every time i talk about it like look, i'm getting chills, i'm getting goosebumps and like yo. That was a scary experience and i was young too. I was like say: 12 13. I was yo. I was scared of shitless, like i told my sister and she said she's seen that lady. She said that she seemed the lady when she was in the house. She just walked in my mom's room and my sister was like she just stood there like. She was so scared, that's a terrifying [, __ ] experience like that's something i am terrified of like. I don't know who she was or anything like she was just. She was like, and i was just staring like [ __ ] - go where, where we going man, oh one in a lifetime, scary, no, i have a lot of scary experience, but that's the one that really scared me for life. Um question: two: are you going to collaborate with any other youtubers uh good question? I'Ve been talking to some of my old friends, they're currently doing youtube now, and they wanted to collab and stuff, but i've been like so busy. When i mean i've been busy, i've been busy, okay, like so like yeah, i got work and then you know so i'll just be working a lot but yeah that i'm trying to make it happen, maybe soon because, like some people have been dming like oh, we Should collab and stuff and a bunch of my old friends from like high school or whatever middle school they're getting into youtube and [ __ ] now and i [ __ ] with it like i would. You would definitely see a collab soon, probably maybe question three: are you starting your business? Um i've been getting a lot of questions on this one. Yes, i am starting my business um, it's just that like i was going to start it but being be indecisive. I changed name and everything it's because, like i want this project to be perfect and i wasn't really messing with studio x and stuff because then i found another, i found another business. It had nothing to do with what i was selling, but it just had my same exact, similar name, it's kind of sort of so i was like. I want some [ __ ] that nobody has like literally no one so yeah, i'm gon na step together. Probably in a few more months, i should be ready because, like i've been busy and i've been going through a lot of stuff, so i'm just taking my time. I'Ve talked to my attorney. So take your time whatever. So that's what i'm about to do. But yes, i am still starting my business guys, i'm still starting guys, don't worry, um tips on manifesting and being positive um. As of lately. I haven't been really positive. I'Ve been really kind of stressed out, but i've been trying to keep positive, so um some tips in the to do in the morning. Um. It'S all about self love and manifesting positivity. So before i leave for work or before i leave like to go out of the house, i say grand rising instead of saying good morning i say grand rising say grand rising and i always tell myself: you are going to have a wonderful day, you're going to Have a good day, i always tell myself that, and whenever i say whenever i say those things, i have a good day like i literally at work like the day flew by mad fast. I got my check on time like it was a wonderful day last week and i just been waking up just practicing to ignore negativity like you know. To be honest, some some lady bumped me on the train the other day and i wasn't even mad. I'M just like whatever, like you know, i'm i'm trying to really you know be in that state where i am trying to be positive and i am trying to be. You know a different person. You know, but um just manifesting your goals write down the goal. You have don't tell nobody um, just yeah constantly manifest it every day. Believe in yourself tell yourself you will do it always tell yourself, you will do it, you can do it not you're going to do it. Not. You are gon na, take your time and do it no you're gon na. Do it tell yourself that all the time you're gon na do it and trust me, you will do it um. Can you cook, of course i can cook like um. Of course like do you not know who i am like nah, i'm just joking, but no on the grill. I really be cooking like i could cook a lot of things and i'm i'm gon na do a cooking segment, a sec i'll, say a segment segment for this channel, so yeah stay tuned. For that. It'S just that. Every time i cook i'd, be forgetting to record. So um, do you have a lot of friends? No, i do not have a lot of friends. I like my circle, pretty small um. I am i'll, be real. I have friends, but we barely talk. Like you know. I know people like i'm not the type person to be mad, that we're not talking or whatever is that everybody has their own life, and i don't know what they're going through you know. I don't know what like some people, they don't feel comfortable talking too different. So i just let people come to me like i don't really go out and you know once in a while i'd be like oh hey, how are you like? Are you okay, but other than that, like i have friends, but we really don't talk like that. Like you know, just being real and it's nothing bad like if they see my stuff, they'll they'll comment, they'll text me here and they're like oh, how are you and stuff it's no bad blood. It'S just like. I got friends, but we don't talk as much and it's just being real. It'S just as you get older. You know they got jobs, they got boyfriends girlfriends. We don't really talk like that and it's no. It'S no shame and nothing. It'S nothing! Bad! It'S just the truth, like i don't talk to somebody that am i opening to making new friends. Yes, i'm always open to making friends um meeting different people talking to people. You know connecting more people, but other than that. I, like my circle, small, because a lot of people you [ __ ] with is a lot of drama um, sometimes negativity. Sometimes big friend groups, there's favoritism like i've been through it. I'Ve been through it all. So it's like yeah i'll. Just to sum this up. I i like my circle, small, that's it keep your circles small and that's what i do. You know i mostly to myself with my sister. You know what i'm saying like. I don't really [ __ ] with a lot of people and it's just the cap. According to me, like we are introverts like we really like being by ourselves, so i'm a person i really do like being by myself. It'S not like uh. I hate anybody. I really focus better and get things done better when i'm by myself, but to answer that question no, i do not have a lot of friends things you do on your free time, okay, so things i do in my free time. I either work out, like i said, cook um there's mad things. I do. I cook work out. Um woke my dog work out with my sister yeah. I really do too much because then it's back to work for me. So it was like. I don't really get to do anything and, like i said i don't have many friends so i'll just be chilling or i'm like working on um, some new content for youtube or something or i'm working on stuff. For my business, like you know like my website, and all that, i'm pretty boring girl right now, like that's one of my things, my new thing is: i'm just ready to get money. That'S all i'm saying. Let me ask about one more question and then that's it. Um somebody asks what's my real name: um. My real name is juliet, as you can see like, but yeah. My real name is juliet the name that my mom birthed me and gave me is juliac like romeo and juliet that's my name. Thank you. Every time i tell people my name, they must be like you have such a beautiful name. I'M like i know right. I really like my name, because you don't really hear people with julia. I only heard one time when i was in college and i was on zoom and the lady was like oh julia and me and the girl was both talking. I was like hold on julia. She was like julia, something i don't know her. Last name: i'm like it's another julia. What, but i'm like. I don't really run into people with the name, julia and i'll, be like my name is sneak it's special. It'S different! You don't really hear people with the name. So i love my name yeah, that's it! I just had a few questions to ask: i'm just gon na do my makeup, because you know i don't want the video to be too long. That'S it for this video guys. Thank you guys for watching, don't forget to like comment and subscribe if you're new to the channel - and i will see you guys in my next video um link to the hair in the description. Oh look at this [ __ ], it's nice um! Yes, look! I really like that, though, like that though, but yes anyways, everything will be in the description details to the hair link to the hair and yeah. Let me stop rambling. I will see you guys in my next video, like i said, subscribe support. Tell a friend tell a friend, and i will see you guys soon:

Kim Davis: My favorite YouTuber posted I love this video!!! And the color of this hair is fire i need a wig

Myra Welch: ripping

Patty cecil: bonzer

Robert Young: cracking

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