Live 613 Blonde Wig Tutorial Ft. Ula Hair

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♥Product information : 22Inch 613 Blonde 13x4 Lace Front Wig Straight 180% Density

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Oh, i cracked myself up. I like a little alien, ignore this side, because the wig cap ripped on this side, so that side is a little cat free right now, waiting on more people to go into the chat. So i can stop being bald, headed and get to what i'm getting to, which is. A lot of people gave me. Compliments on this wig, so i'm going to apply this wig on live. This is the wig um after i've, blowed blue dry, it out. Hey you guys, so it looks a little fluffy right now, but that's just because i washed it today and i blew dried out, but this is the blonde hair that you guys have been loving. So i will get into the details when some more people come in the chat we'll get into the details of this lovely wig, and then i think, while i'm applying this wig, i it's been a while, since i talked about people's zodiac signs like i don't know Why that's just what i feel like talking about today, but i think that's what i want to get into today, so i'm gon na, let some more people come in and then we're gon na get started. Hey kathy girl y'all, when i say literally for those who i'm sorry, i'm like getting this way together for those who were in the chat yesterday, i went back and i rewatched the entire live just so i could read the comments from the chat because, when i'm Live a lot of the time i'm so busy talking. I can't catch like every comment. Y'All had me screaming cracking the living f up like when i say i was cracking up so hard. Y'All are hilarious in the comments like i had so much fun. Reading the comments like mind y'all, i was up at like 3 a.m. Watching this live my last live and just cackling at the comments. Oh my gosh, you guys are so funny. Y'All are literally hilarious, i'ma, let some more people come in the chat and then i think when the chat gets to, maybe when it gets to 50. I won't wait for it to get to 100. Today, i think when it gets to 50. I will start on this wig because i don't want to be ball headed for that long. Yes, you guys um go ahead and like the chat, if you're in here right now give it a thumbs up, so that more people can kind of bring their way over. I know this looking a little green, so i've been using. I already put my first two layers of ghost spawn on um for the video, but i'm gon na put the last layer on with this and then um apply the wig, but for some reason it's kind of been turning it green. Like i mean, let me not say for some reason, so the dye that is on this um, why am i blanking right now? What do you call these? Not the dot is on this stick anyway. The little sticks that you can get in a pack or whatever. I got colored ones, don't ask me why i did that i swear. Sometimes i just don't be thinking and i see things that are colorful and i just go for it. So i got colored ones of these and um yeah. The color is bleeding onto my little application, but it's okay, because as long as i don't bleed into this little front line i'll be fine, you won't see it anyway. So yes, um. Actually, okay, we're not gon na keep waiting, because i just don't want to be bald for this long. I have hair under here you guys. My hair is actually really long but um. No, no, it's not a nail file. It'S literally like a um. What do you call a lot of like in kindergarten classes? They use these for art projects and stuff. It'S a wooden stick but they'd be using these for like projects and like kids like to like to put those together and like build little um little wooden houses with these and stuff like that. So yes, so we are going to a popsicle stick. I don't know why i couldn't think of that popsicle. Stick! That'S what it is um! So, yes, so before i get into applying this wig. So this is a 613 unit from eula hair company hold on. Let me i don't want to show y'all this side. Look at hella rough, okay, um: this is a 613 wig from eula hair. I'Ve actually done a video for them before i love them. They are very professional, very timely and i really enjoy working with them and if anything, this time i've been the one that has been um, not the most timely, just because i've had a lot going on. So i've actually had this wig for three weeks now they got this to me. Three weeks ago, um the wig has been worn to miami. I went i had fun. I got in the pool with this wig everything um. This is my second time applying it because, after i came back from miami, i still kept on this wig for another week. I washed it, but i washed it with it on my head. I didn't take it off. I just washed it without my head um, so yeah this wig holds up great and honestly, all the hair holds up great. So this is a 22 inch frontal wig, it's a 13 by 4, so the inside looks like this um these little dark marks. So i dyed it as y'all can see like i dyed the roots, and then i also was trying to make um. I was trying to make kind of, like chunky, highlight effect with the wig. So that's why it's this color it originally didn't, come as cool toned. As it is now, i, like my wigs more cool toned when it comes to 613. Sometimes 613 can be kind of more yellowy and brassy, but i like the more cool tone so yeah. So this is what the inside of the wig looks like and when you get it of course it. It won't. Look exactly like this because again, i've had this wig now for three weeks, so you guys are getting a very honest review of this wig, because this is not like a fresh out with this is a wig that i've been wearing and everything, and it's still it Still moves, it still does what it needs to do. I really like this hair company because they give me good quality hair. I hate when i work with hair companies and they don't give me good quality, hair, so um i really enjoy working with them. So yes, um 22 inches, 180 density. When we don't remember, don't you start um, 180 density and yeah, let's get into applying this? Oh also, you guys, so it has clips on the inside and then in the very back. It has these um clips as well, where you can make the wig tighter and then also comes with this strip in the back. Now, a lot of people cut off this strip and just throw it away. I like to cut off these strips, and i save them so that, if anything happens to my lace in the front of the wig like if i poke a hole in it or anything like that, i can use the lace from the back of the wigs to Repair, the lace in the front, so when i cut them off um i don't always cut them off, sometimes just let them kind of hang, because unless it's a wig, where i know i'm going to wear the hair up, nobody ever sees it. You know. So yes, so i don't i save those, i don't throw them away. I save them um, so yeah. So i'm going to take my oh and then also okay, with this hair company, they ship really quick um with the wig, as i showed you guys with my last eula hair collab, it comes with lashes. It comes with a comb, they they always send you a comb, and i love it because i always say your rat tail comb and it has their name on it, says: hula, hair um. They send you, let's see lashes, the comb, they send you an uh elastic band in case you want to sew an elastic band into your wig and they also send you um. There was something: oh, it was like. I got like a little headband that came in the pack too. It was like a little headband, which was cool, so i am going to take this guy to be glue and, oh, that's how you know it's real y'all, because i'm applying this wig on live boy. You'Re about to see if i mess up or anything you're about to see, so when i do my wigs as y'all, who have seen me, do them before. Oh no, this white line is the outline that i like to draw as far as where the wig is going to lay um. I know a lot of people can just lay their wigs on their head after they put the glue down. I am very visual. I need to see an exact outline of where it needs to go and if i just try to lay the glue down, it always ends up like the wig will end up behind the glue or something like that. So i like to draw this white line and then i just take a little alcohol, q-tip or alcohol wipe and i just wipe it off when i'm done or makeup wipe and i just wipe it off when i'm done. I place the hair behind the white line. It'S not going to go on top of the white line, because then your whole hairline will be white um and it's not gon na go in front because then this, your wig is probably not gon na fit the way you want it to, because that's not what It'S what the white line was made to do hold on. I need to oh, my god. I can't show the other side. I need to cut this tag because it is scratching me and maybe not. I won't i'm just going to leave it out. Oh no! No! No, i actually am. I found something to cut it yeah, because that was supposed to be a dove okay. So i'm going to take the popsicle stick and i'm going to take this. I know some people like to do theirs in sections too, like they'll go and they'll do like the middle and then they'll do the sides. I like to do my all at one time: i'm not that patient i'll be honest, so you're gon na spread that out and i'm gon na show you how i'm gon na style this too. After i get all this going so yeah, i'm keeping it behind the white line and for this side the wig cap kind of like ripped and went back a little bit. So it's actually going to go on my hairline. Now i'm not worried about putting on my hairline, because i take off my wigs correctly so because i take off my wigs correctly, i don't i personally haven't had trouble with like them messing up my edges or anything like that. I literally soak that mug in alcohol - and you know, give it a little bit of time. Alexa set timer for 60 seconds, one minute, starting now yeah. So i i'm not worried about this messing with my edges, because literally you take the alcohol and you put it on there and you massage it in, and your edges will be fine. Okay, i wan na just put like a little more cuz. I just wan na make sure this is about to be on here, and it's not going to play me because i ain't got time. I want to get all this going and then also with your wig caps. I always try to make sure with my wig cap. I don't bring the wig cap all the way up to where i'm gon na lay the wig, because then it makes it look kind of bulky up there or makes it makes the actual like, like this part, like the very part, that's gon na, be in the Very very front: it makes it look bulky dang, already alexa, stop alexa set timer for 45 seconds 45 seconds, starting now, so i'm just gon na, because you want to wait for it to get tacky. I don't want to put this on. It'S not tacky hold on. I'M screaming at my determination not to show the other side of my head, because it looks so crazy right now: okay and then i'm gon na go ahead and get these ready too, because this is what i'm gon na use to tie down this hair. While i wait for it to dry and then i'm going to style it like as then i'm going to start to straighten it, um and you'll see how different it looks from like the blow. Dryer, like it looks more frizzy because it's blow drying and then how it looks when it is um straightened, which is how it was yesterday, was straightened, but y'all see how this is. I see how easily my hands just go through this, like it's not catching or anything like that. That'S what alexa stop! That'S all i like working with this hair company because they need something good, hair and good blonde hair is hard to find like i'm not gon na say this is like the best blonde hair i've ever seen, but it's pretty high up there and again. Good blonde is so hard to find because blonde hair oftentimes is like um already been bleached and stuff, because that's how they got it blonde. So it's hard to find i'm gon na put it like this. It'S hard to find blonde hair that um still does what it needs to do because oftentimes, it's so like processed okay, so make sure everything is back, and then i'm gon na pull this baby forward, and i'm gon na make sure that i get it right. Literally right behind this white line - oh yeah, that's like nice and tight already so and then same on this side and get it right behind the white line and even if you got to hold it for a second i'ma, just hold it for a second, because when You go to the salon and stuff they have you there is this fly in my room that i cannot seem to kill y'all. I have raided this fly at least six times, and this this is just industrial. It will not die. I don't know how this fly is surviving this raid, because i don't know if they had a cousin or sister up in here, but i got the cousin's sister child and that mug was toast they ko'd and this one right here i don't know what is in The water for this fly, but it will not go, and i also don't know how it got into my room because mind you uh, my room has: not only does it have screens, but i stay on the fourth floor. I'M just like what made a fly decide to come all the way up. This way like i'm, just not understanding and my windows don't be open, like that. I just don't understand how a fly got to the fourth floor with my windows and stuff. Do not be open, okay, so now that it feels nice and tight i'm about to first, you want to take out the little side pieces, because you don't want those to be up when um when you go to do this next part. Okay, so now that everything feels kind of like it's, it's definitely sticking. I always give it a little tug, so i can make sure it sticks so now that it's stuck, this is not the part where i'm going to get rid of that white line. I'M still going to keep that for now, because i want the um. Oh excuse me. I want the the glue or stuff to like completely. You know dry, do this thing settle in and i don't want to be going in with alcohol right after i just literally just laid this because i'm about to let this sit for like another um 15 minutes, while i'm straightening out this hair. So i'm gon na put this like this. Oh i'm sorry, i'm trying to cut so much in this one, because this is a sponsored video, i'm trying not to be doing a whole lot of cursing. But that surprised me just now, i'mma read that comment in just a second, because i saw it and i'm definitely going to make sure i get to it. I just got ta tie this bad boy down before i start trying to, because i i feel like sometimes when you don't tie it down in time, it'll start to try to lift up unless you got like when you got a good stick on the first. Try. Normally it doesn't, but still, and then, while this is tied, that's when i do all my like parting for the hair, i'm gon na do a middle part. Um, i'm a part it and then, when it's time to take this little black piece off, then i'll go and i'll get rid of that white line and then i'll do like the baby, hairs and stuff. Yes, everybody please hit the like button because i'm about to start talking in a second i'm sorry, you guys, i just had to show you guys. Just don't worry because everybody's complimenting me on this wig and i want to show y'all, and then you also know i do really. I do honest, wig reviews. So if i didn't like this hair, this is again. This is my second time working with this company. So that's how you know i like it, but if i didn't like this hair um, i would tell y'all because i've definitely done a wig review with the company before where i was like, i hated the hair. It wasn't good, but no, this company, this company has been doing me right um and i really enjoy working with them and the response time is mad good they're, very active on their on their instagram. As far as getting back to you, that's how i communicate with them is via ig and yeah they're, very good. At getting back to you. So just know that in the end of this live, i will have all their information in the description box so that you guys can order this along with um a coupon code, so that you can get some money off of your purchase. So, okay, now that we got that done now, i can start talking. So i think today i just want to do kind of something fun and less heavy. Not that i mean yesterday wasn't heavy yesterday was actually really fun too, but um it's been a while, since i did zodiac signs and how i feel about everybody's zodiac sign - and i notice in my lives whenever i do do lives that people are pretty um people Really like to talk about the zodiac signs in the live um, so i am going to do that. We can talk about paranormal stuff too. I know i've done that before i've talked about that before a little bit hold on first off. What'S everybody's zodiac signus in the chat, so i can see who i want to start with. First, i know um. I saw kathy asking people in the chat yesterday what their zodiac sign was. I didn't see the answers, though, and just so you all know when we do talk about zodiac signs. I always like to let it be known that um, not everything, can be attributed to somebody's um attributed to everybody's own, to a person's zodiac sign, because there's so many different factors that play in. I do definitely believe in um in astrology, but i also know that there's like so many different factors, like literally your sun, your moon, you're, rising um, all play a part in how somebody acts. So that's why i'm like when people are like? Oh, you know it's because somebody's this son or somebody's outside no, not necessarily, but also. I also that being said, though i do feel like there are some characteristics that are common across the board. Even you know, regardless of sun moon rising. I feel like there are some characteristics that just i just peep it um. So let me see what everybody's saying we got a lot of capricorns in here right now, i'm gon na start with y'all. First then, i'm a capricorn moon, i guess a lot of capricorns. I see some aries cancer, aquarius virgo, hella capricorns in the chat right now, kathy's a lovely libra. I love libra's jaw. I feel like out of my if i had to say, like my favorite signs, my absolute favorite sign other than my own, of course is libras. I love libras um as partners as friends. They are dope and then my mom is a libra and my aunt's libra and i can say, having to leave a parent is lit too. As long as you are not also a libra, because kathy was like uh-uh, because she's also um kathy and her mom are both libras but yeah, i know so i'll start with the i'm gon na start with the capricorn. It'S how i feel about y'all. I feel like capricorns and i so i'm gon na maybe title this live a little something different later on, because i did a how i feel about the zodiac signs before, and it was literally like three years ago. So this is my updated one. Now that i've experienced more signs since then and everything else, some of these opinions are not going to be popular and there probably might even be some that are triggering so just now, but i'm going to be honest. So, let's start with capricorns capricorns. I don't have a ton to say about capricorns, because even though let me put that i'll be putting that in this like little metal thing, because it will burn everything around it, even though i'm a capricorn moon um, i don't really experience a lot of capricorns outside Of like myself as a capricorn moon, so what i will say is the ones that i have experienced. I feel like capricorns capricorns to me, give what everybody says. Virgo is supposed to give and i'm sorry y'all, i'm just being honest. Capricorn gives what i feel like virgo is supposed to give um everybody's like oh virgos, are, are boring. They don't have a personality. I feel like most of the capricorns i've met and this is no shade any of my caps in the chat, because i'm sure y'all are not like this, but the ones that i've encountered have been pretty boring like when i meet capricorns, i'm not even a lie. Um pretty boring and again, oh, let me scoot this to a side. Again, everybody says virgo but yeah. I don't know the the caps that i've met. I'Ve just been like um. What do you do for fun, bro, the girls and the guys? I just feel like what do you do for fun like what is exciting about you like? Where is the flare um i do feel like capricorns are pretty organized i'll, give them that, but yeah i don't know. I just. I feel like everything that people will be roasting virgo about when it comes to like not having personality and not being like um, not being like the most interesting people. I just feel like that's the energy i get from capricorns. I don't be getting that energy from virgos um. I know we talked about aquarius a little bit in the chat yesterday i feel like. Actually let me start with one that's going to be triggering. I want to do something. That'S going to be triggering. I feel like that'll be fun. I feel like as much as people say that ares is the most hot-headed fire sign and i'm a fireside. I am a um sash sun with a leo rising a is fiery, as i feel like as much as people say. Aries is the most um aggressive sun sign like they the most like. Basically like turn up on you sometime baby aries. Don'T give that to me. I feel like a lot of the time, and this is this - has been multiple instances where i've seen this happen. When i've seen aries get into confrontations, they've been getting pumped they've been getting punk heavy um by other fire signs and by non-fire signs. I feel like aries yeah, they got a temper, but it's easy to pump them and maybe i'm biased, because i'm not i'm a fellow fire sign, but aries don't be giving that that i want the smoke that everybody be talking about to me. They don't give that i've seen aries in i've, seen multiple areas and altercations before and and including me being in altercation with the aries multiple times, but also me seeing other aries getting off altercations with other people, and it was always getting pumped. There was always given. I don't want the smoke energy um. Very much so was not getting buck. Wasn'T really like. I don't know well, actually the one that i had a confrontation with was definitely getting barry, buck, um but still got pumped and then, but it definitely was getting very bugged. But yeah aries, just arrows, give me like a lot of the areas i mean are actually pretty chill. They don't even be cutting up like that or turning up like that. As far as like um, you know, confrontation, wise, a lot of them are just in their own little world like adventurous and mind their business. That'S what i'd be getting from aries. I don't be getting like finna cut up yeah kathy that that's the best way to describe him. Aries are like chihuahuas, it's like all bark and no bite, and that is no shade to anybody in the chat who's. The aries. It'S just that every time i see anybody do anything as far as like astrology or horoscopes they're, always giving aries all this credit for being like i want, but i want the smoke sign and i just don't be getting that energy from any of the areas i've Ever encountered be getting that, i want the smoke until you bring me the smoke and now i don't want any smoke anymore. That'S what i'll be getting from aries um. If anything i feel like - and this is gon na sound biased - because i'm a sagittarius but i'm going to be honest - it does not get talked about. I feel like i get way more. I want the smoke vibes from from the sadges that i've met very much. So like very chill subtle with it, but very much so like with the shades but see i see because somebody said um january said: female aries gets busy all the areas i'm talking about were females. They was getting pumped heavy started off. Strong, indeed ended um. It ended very weak, um yeah. I think i don't think anybody ever talks about how um and honestly sasha's don't get talked about a lot anyway, because we really be minding our business. So when i see people talk about like signs like they don't like or they've, had bad experiences with, it's rarely sashes unless it's sash men, but i just feel like people don't talk about how much like sagittarius is like we be wanting to smoke. We just are so chill that it's rare that we have to like want the smoke, but when you get us there we definitely want the smoke um. What other signs do i feel like? I have a triggering view on that people. Y'All already know. If you follow my tic toc well, i've said a lot of this on tick tock too. But if you follow my tech talk um i've, always i've always said even outside of tick. Tock libra men are the devil and everybody gives the devil card when it comes to men, to scorpios and to gemini men. But it's really lieberman. They are a wolves in sheep's clothing for sure they are literally i'm sorry, i'm looking in this mirror. That'S kind of off to the side. There are wolves and sheep's clothing. Lieberman are very manipulative. They are um very much so focused on like their image, so they nobody will ever know how manipulative and nasty they can be because they would never want it. Like literally lieberman, all louisiana, i know, act the same um, including i've also dated one, but this is even outside of dating a libra man, um even outside of like the one i've dated i've seen this with multiple libra men, and then i've also had multiple people. Um when they share their experiences about with libra men, they all say the same thing, all the libra men i know present as super friendly, environmentally caring, hippie um nice guys, the good guy all of them. I every time i see a libra man, they're, always like very like no matter what their profession is or anything. They can be a um nine to fiver an athlete they can be a. I don't know the movie star, whatever i feel like lieberman offers it. The same way, they're always like very like i love the earth and i love the environment and i'm so peace and love and then be dragon baby. Shoes like not necessarily physically but like, be dragging the ambitious like emotionally everything like or dragging their partners in general libra. Men are terrible um. They will gaslight you, they will manipulate you. They are very much so and then honestly, while they're doing it, when you try to tell other people what it is that they're doing, nobody will believe you because of the front that they put on, because they do so so good, a job of making sure that Everybody around them believes their um hippie, zen lifestyle, literally all of them libra men are hell. Libra women, i mean i'll be hearing libras in general, are pretty talk like toxic and manipulative, but honestly libra women. From what i've experienced. I love libra women, we were, women are so charming, they're, so fun, um, very adventurous, very creative and just very loving yo, and this is when i say i know a lot of libras kathy is going. Let me let me see what kathy's saying kathy's going in, because she knows because she is a libra and she knows how the are kathy said. Lieberman will have you crying yourself to sleep at night. She said lebron will make you fall madly in love and ask you why you acting weird. I swear y'all, not only that. Okay, that's that's a good point too. Libra man will make you fall madly in love and be and then have like six other people that are madly in love with them that somehow they find the time to show all of them. I would say this is i i would say this is more true for um. Well, i don't know i feel like libras in general, but like libra men in general, but um. My experience was with an october one, but i feel like libra men or maybe this goes for all levers, but i know that libra men, specifically libra men, always are living like a double triple quadruple. Life you're, never the only one with them, they're, always looking for something better they're, always looking for the next best thing, no matter what you give them, no matter how good of a partner you are or anything, they're, always looking for the next best thing, which can Make you feel so shitty as a partner, and they will that i show you that they're looking for the next best thing wow. Somehow they will show you, while at the same time being the the best you've ever been treated, is so weird to explain. Like literally libra man, the reason that makes them so toxic is like they're so charming and they treat you so well. So, exceptionally. Well until all the lies start coming out, and you realize you were getting treated like a fairy tale princess, but so were mad. Other people, like that's the thing with them, it's actually quite scary. How well they can. But you know, their sign is like the balancing sign. It'S scary: how well they can balance all the separate lives that they're living like it's legit scary and be living hella separate lives and will find the time to maintain and pour into each one so that each one feels so individual and so intimate, and so like It could only be like there's no way there could be somebody else like that's how libra men will make you feel and it'd be several other people. It is crazy but again to everyone else, they're, so sweet and they're, so loving and they're. So caring that good luck trying to get anybody to believe that they're putting you through it good luck. Them are the devil. When i say baby scorpio man, gemini man have nothing on lieberman and when i say wolf and sheep's clothing, it says a lot that when people speak on like toxic signs, they never mention libra men, that's how good they they play their role so good that even Astrologers don't be to be missing it, that's how good they play they roll. They play their role so good that even as they're dogging you you'll still feel like. Oh, i don't have anything bad to say about this person because they're not a because you know at the end of the day they treat me the best i've ever been treated, even though they broke your heart and then ran off with another, because they're always like. I said they're always playing their next move, they're, never like they're, like never single. They will get out of a relationship with you and be straight as the next with the quickness honestly libra. Women are never single either um, i feel like we were. Women are probably a lot more, have a lot more um tact with how they transition, but libra women aren't aren't ever single either. Libras are never single. Somebody said it sounds like an aquarius woman. As a capricorn woman, i can handle a scorpio man. No, i feel like there are, there are only there are certain signs that can handle scorpio man. Libra women can handle scorpio man, i'm sure capricorn women can too well um. I know i've i've been seeing, scorpio men be getting their asses, they they be meeting a match when, whenever i've seen scorpio man and libra women pair up the scorpios we meet in their match, the scorpios be madly in love and um. The scorpios be like everything that everybody says like would be true about a scorpio. Whenever i see scorpio men with libra women, all that goes out the window. Libra women be bodying, scorpio men - and i say this because i've literally watched like two or three actually, no three i've had three libra women friends be in long-term, serious relationships with scorpio men. You would never know their memory scorpio ever they had them just straight like i don't want to say something because i hate how men have turned the word something into like basic um, basic, treating people nice and right. It'S like something to them, um! That'S not what i want to say, but when scorpio libra women be having scorpio men bending over backwards for them is what i'll say bending over backwards. Libra women would be bodying them kathy said the ex i had looking cooking for me three times a day. Cherry know who i'm talking about, he was a scorpio we were engaged in everything yeah kathy is not lying. Kathy is one of three female libra friends that i have seen be in long-term relationships with scorpio man and every single one of them. Mother efforts had these men wrapped around their finger wrapped around their finger like how high um, who don't want to do next, we did, we did aries, we did libras um, we need capricorns. Let'S talk about virgos because i see virgos in the in the chat um. Somebody said what about the reverse um, i guess the reverse would be me and kathy dude. I was just telling kathy last night me and kathy need a show, because when i say we y'all, this is literally nothing me and kathy together are the two most funny b words on the planet. I swear to you. I swear to you, paris and nicole richie. I mean not that they were funny on their show, but just how their show had a hold a grip on the girls. At one point they would have nothing on us because, when i say me and kathy would have a grip, a choke hold on the gross. If somebody were to give us a show, baby baby, a grip, a chokehold just on the next um, but yeah me and kathy - definitely because every time i'm in town um in charlotte or in or anytime like me and kathy, are together, i'm always like. We need a video together, we need a video together. We both say that and we both be having so much fun that it never happens, but we're going to make sure that it happens. That'S how you know you're having fun when you literally like y'all me and kathy, be having a real fun boy, real fun. Every time we get together, it's a good time and every time we get together, we are doing like activities and stuff back to back to back. So that's why y'all have not seen this in the video, because we need to learn how to set the f down and just record something um, but okay, so i'm gon na do a virgo manix! I'M gon na do virgos next um when it comes to virgos. Oh no where's, my little sharpener for my pencil turn it when it comes to the virgos um. I feel like and i've said this multiple times. I even said this in my last um time that i did zodiac signs again. It was years ago, but my views on virgos hasn't changed honestly um virgos. Once you get to know them and once their personality opens up, they are mad. Fun, they're, hella interesting, um, they're, a good time, they're a vibe they're adventurous, but they're just very type. A a lot of the time like super super super organized individuals um, and they don't necessarily they don't do well with change. I can't say that they don't do well with change, because it's not if it's not something that they had scheduled. They don't do well with it um, but virgos are actually really fun. Virgo men. I'Ve only experienced one virgo man um. It was this. It was actually okay, so the one virgo man i have experienced was, i don't know if y'all remember, when i did the story time. It was like a story time but live rant about the guy that had tried me on the scammer whose pieces weren't hitting um or they were might have been hitting. But he was just stingy who had tried me when i had first got up here. Um last year, let's make this a little longer if y'all remember, if y'all remember that um virgo men are also the virgo man very type, a um, very critical of everything and i'm celsius for lieberman, too lieberman, are very critical of everything it feels like you are In a magnifying glass, 24, 7 lieberman criticize every single thing they be given. They be giving leaders honestly libra men be given virgo vibes or like virgo capricorn vibes, very critical, very anal um, very over the top about organization, and everything like that. They can very much so virgo capricorn, vibes, um, but no this this virgo man was very critical um and i just feel, like i don't know, virgo man i feel like they. Don'T they don't feel like there's anything that they need to adjust ever, which is a lot of men, but they don't feel like there's anything they need to adjust ever so they feel, like anything that needs to be adjusted, has to be you because it couldn't possibly Be them, but what i can say this goes for libra men and virgos, but my god virgo men them some nasty mother effort boy in the best way, baby your whole soul. They will take it honestly. I know people talk about, um people talk about scorpios and then the eggplant being fire. But honestly, if we're keeping it a book, virgos libras, who else virgo man, lieberman, fire, scorpio man, also fire, but i feel like there are other signs that are fire too. That don't get talked about or acknowledged like that, and those are two of them. It'S fire like dumb fire, virgo men will have you saying stuff that not even saying that they will say stuff to you, while it's going on that you just be like. Oh my god like you are sick in the head and i love it. Oh jesus, just just sick in the head, i'm like take me to the psych ward baby. Take me ah, the big reveal hold on. I know this piece not trying to be the wrong survivor to be stuck, and now i'm gon na fix the edges and stuff ooh. I'M gon na fix the edges and whatnot, but yes, virgo man, um the best type of nasty lieberman tutor, leaving your child. Your whole soul, the whole thing no crumbs left behind the whole thing, but yeah i feel like virgo, men tend to be they're kind of like they tend to be know: dolls, um and the virgo man, specifically that i came in contact with it, was kind of Like you know hanging out with uh, it was very, oh god so misogynistic, but that wasn't due to him being a virgo. That'S just i feel like new honestly, you know, keep it a buck. Y'All ask me what i really need to be talking about is something else. Y'All asked me yesterday, um when it comes to the misogynistic stuff. What i was about to say is, i feel, like that's a new york um mail thing. I have definitely noticed when it comes to. This is a sidebar and honestly, this sidebar deserves a video. This is what i really should have been talking about: um dating men in the south versus the north, and i'm i'm sorry, i'm not finishing the zodiac signs. You guys, i might go back and finish it, but honestly i've talked about that a couple times so, but this right here that i'm about to say i definitely want to talk about dating up north versus dating in the south um. A lot of northern men are very misogynistic from what i'm seeing. I don't know if it's just a new york thing, but they are very misogynistic and you would think that new york is like. Oh, you know everybody's, so creative they're, so this they're, so that that is more so what i notice about new york um new york has like a vibe. It has like a personality and um i feel like. Not only does it have a vibe and a personality, but the creatives and the out-of-the-box stuff that y'all see on you know, on tv and on social medias is going to be triggering, but it don't be the new yorkers. It'S not the native new yorkers. It'S really not the ones who are like the when y'all see these guys or even women from new york and they're dressing. Real creative and they're, like you know, like the fashion, kids and stuff, like that they're rarely from new york, new yorkers all and what i noticed like, or at least in the more urban sector of new york, just like how, in other places, i feel like everybody Is kind of on like a certain wave and if it's not like the end thing, then people won't do it. I always figured new york wasn't like that, but now i'm realizing it actually is heavily new yorkers that are from new york are very like scammer girls and everything name brand um, like the pretty mean girls kind of not saying they're, all like that, but a lot Of them, like that's the personality that comes with it, it's like very much so um, i wear a designer i have on like back in the day it was like marzella's. Now it's like uh. What can i say is like their thing now. I don't even know some of the dang brands they'd be talking about up here because down south those brands aren't even like known um, because i will say that the south is behind on fashion. If we're being honest, but up here, it's like very, very much so giving um scammer girl, i only date scammers, i only um f with with you know, like scammers and dealers. I get my hair done every two weeks and i only like people that aren't broke. Like that, be the vibe it's it's like it's not like the artsy thing that you would think uh kathy said when i wrote are gone. I need to do a meet and greet because you all sound fun. I think that would be fun. The panda 3031 said um child. They are misogynistic and spoiled yeah northern men - i don't know y'all northern men get very much so they all think they're alphas, but they don't give alpha energy. But they have this attitude like i'm so alpha, i'm so dominant um and they confuse it with like, oh just because they're confident that they are actual alpha males and it's like they're, definitely confident. But the way they move is not alpha. Like new york men, it's like they don't plan dates; they don't invite you on dates like they're. Very much so like a lot of them just like to chill in the house all the time, they're very aggressive, and it don't be the right type of aggressive it'd. Be like od um. They don't handle rejection well at all at all, like it just doesn't give what they be acting like it gives like. I promise you new york, men don't be given and honestly not only that um new york man, i don't know what it is in the water, they all run small, very small, every now and then you'll see one. That'S like you know, over six feet or whatever, but a lot of these men up here are very small they're, like all freaking, five, seven, five, eight, some of them even shorter than that, like some of them, be i'm five. Two and i'd be literally looking them eye and i'm just like what in the world very small and then the ones that are like big and buff and stuff those ones be like or the ones that are like tall or look good or whatever um they're, misogynistic And they're misogynistic because they're the ones that a lot of honestly, not even just the men, you would think like new york, is like so progressive and so like this or so that. But when it comes down to the the black part of new york, the women are very, not the black and hispanic um, because both sides very misogynistic and be feeding into like these. Just babying these men and babying these, and that's why they all think like they're. The i promise that's what new york is this artsy y'all see online is not what it'd be giving as far as like, dating and actually meeting people and stuff like that, it's not that period. Okay, i'm trying to get her together, i'm about to pull out the baby hair, so i can weigh the baby hairs. Y'All, that's what's happening right now, i'm just going to try to make sure i get out, but i only get out what i want and don't get out like extra stuff. Like literally i and that's, why i always say like as far as living up here, um like if y'all follow me on tik tok, you see like i be making tick, tocks kind of showing, like the reality living in new york, because a lot of people try To freaking um a lot of people try to to like um. What'S the word when you like try to make something like euphoric like they just try to give you like this, like super, like euphoria style, living in new york or whatever, and it's it's not that i'm curling the baby hairs so that when i go to lay Them they'll cooperate um, it's really not that like when you go on like, for example, what i see the difference between when you go on like a white, tick, tocker stuff or if you go on like a black tic, tac or stuff, and they both live in New york, the black tick talkers, you have like the fashion kid black tick, talkers. That also kind of won't tell you about the reality of living in new york, but they kind of will they kind of want. But then you have like the tick tockers who, like they, actually they living in the hoods in new york and stuff, and they like yo, stop stop showing people just like just this little like. Oh, i go out to eat every day and i you know do this and do that and it's like no, like you didn't, show them all that trash that be on the bridges and the subways. I seen this one spy and i wish i would have taken a picture. I'Ve never seen so much trash on a bridge in my life in one spot outside of my life, like i've literally never seen that much trash, it was absolutely disgusting. They didn't even try. Bro, it was just like it was crazy. I was like wow y'all, really said, f the environment on this one. It was a dirtiest thing. I'Ve ever seen, um, but now back to dating and stuff yeah, the men up here like they get very like they. They confuse aggressive energy with like being an alpha male and i'm just like it's not giving alpha it's giving very much so very beta, but just aggressive beta. It'S giving very they a lot of these new york men. They think they're the prize. They don't feel like women deserve anything they're very much so they're, not gentlemen. They don't make sure you. The only thing that i could say, they're good at is making sure that you walk on the inside of the street, but when y'all cross the street they don't. I personally me being a girl from the south and with how i was raised and stuff when i crossed the street and i'm crossing the street with the guy. Why are you walking in front of me as we're crossing the street because anything could happen to me in the back? Why are you not walking beside me when we're crossing the street? Why, at any point, would you be walking in front of me? I don't that's like actually a real pet peeve of mine. I don't like that um, that's how these men are they'll, make sure you walk on the inside of the street, but as soon as it's time to cross the street baby, don't give they don't give a dang where you at i'm trying not to cuz. It'S just not giving and then not only that um. I say this in general, but especially i have not seen a man that i thought was attractive and literally it's been over two years since i was out doing something or anything and saw a guy that i was just like. Oh wow, like he looks good and i know i've said this multiple times, but it's so true, and especially not up here a lot of the good looking men up here. They don't come out of the house and if they do come out of the house, they only date dominican women or spanish girls because they be fine as dominican men, but they also be fine as self-hating dominican men, so they only date spanish girls or spanish women. That'S what new york gives when you live up here, i moved up here like, oh, you know dating, is gon na, be fun it'll, be so many people like. How could you be lonely in a city like new york? That'S the most worst mind frame. You can move here with, because new york is a very lonely city. It is very easy to be lonely here. It is millions of people and it's so easy to be lonely here and dating, doesn't give - and i think also the men up here kind of feel. Like it's almost like, they feel like they have an excuse for not giving when it comes to dating, because new york is so expensive, but i'm just like you've a lot of them. It'S like you've lived here. Your whole life you've had your whole life to kind of adjust to how expensive it is to live here. I'M not like this excuse is not giving what you thought it gave like the way they just be wanting to split everything and stuff like that. Like they're new york, men are good for like like wanting to split stuff, and i think that's very weird, especially again being from the south, where, if a guy in the south - and this is not saying, southern men are any better because southern men are also trash. Like they are not any better, and i hate when i hear women up here, be like oh, i want to. I want a man from the south. I want a little boo from the south, i'm a girl, he will dog walk, you all the same and they know that y'all think they're sweet and they know that y'all think they're, like oh, my god, they're just so nice and they're such gentlemen. They know that y'all think that and they use that to their advantage to dog, walk y'all even harder because they know you'll, never see it coming it's so many new york women. That be that i always hear tell me: oh, i want to date a guy from like down where you're from no girl you don't. They are literally they're they're, like libra men like i described they were men, they're very charming. They know they're charming, and they know that you would never guess that they would have it in them to do certain things and they use it to their advantage. This is always the side that doesn't want to get along with me when it comes to doing my edges, so i'm actually surprised that it's cooperating today, oh period, she's coming together. Let me make sure my part is in the middle. The fantasization of new york is unreal. Yo literally it's unreal. Somebody said um, aisha, berry said common courtesy and common sense says: let the chat girl sure did it left that chat left the chat completely madison g said they're. All dame dash rejects, i'm screaming jackie, said a tick tocker a few times. A few minutes from me got killed execution style, oh my gosh, but dang for what i mean: there's really nothing that would justify that, but my god not execute wow. That is really crazy. My mom was just um well actually. Yesterday she was trying to call me because she was like yeah. She was like a woman walked up to another woman in brooklyn and shot her. I guess shot her point blank um in the face and i'm not sure they have a reasoning for that they're still there i mean there's absolutely no acceptable reason for that, but um yeah, my mom was saying that that happened the other day, i'm just like my God is that the same as what you're talking about is that, like a different instance, there's a lot of crazy ish that goes on up here i mean there's crazy issues that goes on in any big city, but no there's definitely like new york is, is wild. Okay, let me put this down: i'm gon na just sit for a little bit longer and then i'll curl, these little side pieces. No but yeah y'all dating up here is it's not any better than the south, and if anything, even though southern men are dogs - and i would not recommend it like i - people swear - southern men are just so nice and it's not that it's not giving that. I would not recommend it, but at the same time i do like the fact that um, even with southern men being dogs, the way that they understand courting a lot more than men from up here. I i i would say i don't know what's in the water, but i do kind of know. What'S in the water, because again, a lot of the women up here are brainwashed by misogyny, and so they get away with murder like these men get away with murder, and so because these women are brainwashed by misogyny, they don't like when it comes to courting them. It'S not as hard, and this is no shade to northern women um - i'm not trying to make it a competition or anything like that. But i don't think up here is as hard to court women because the standards are lower for uh. The expectation like the standard is lower. It really is. Oh, my gosh not actually got this lip gloss on my comforter, it's like the second. I my comfort just been going through it today because i swear earlier. I don't know what i put on, because the thing is, with gray gray is so hard to keep clean and earlier in the day i placed something down. I don't know what i must have placed down.

Ula Hair: Thanks for review super pretty love Boo don't forget to use her code: "EECC" to get same hair~

Princ3s51: Libra women are the exact same as Libra men in my experience, I feel they’re often disorganised in terms of attachment style which can be problematic. Also I agree with them flying under radar due to their public image.

Divinity NineFour: Can we talk about how amazing you are for a sec. you do your own nails, hair, and makeup I only got the nails and some of the makeup down. Can we get a makeup tutorial. Sis need help

Ty: Not my Alexa started a timer when you said it too

Momo Mathebula: So Cherry you really lowkey dragged my sign a chihuahua??☹️ -a tRIgGerd Aries ❤️

Rad Mae: Lol, I'm an Aries and chill af. If I get smoke, I blow fire, then go back to being zen .

BriSlay Henry: Can u do wig reviews with different companies or do u have to stay loyal to just one company ??

mickayj: Fellow sag here lol everything you said about nyc is facts

BriSlay Henry: Hey

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