Sidetracks Live: Back In Bangs Edition

  • Posted on 15 October, 2022
  • Bangs
  • By Anonymous

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13 O'Clock is hosted by Jenny Ashford & Tom Ross. Channel art and audio & video editing by Jenny Ashford. Music & sound effects courtesy of users jamespotterboy, corsica-s, enjoypa, capturedlv, luffy, kiddpark, and justkiddink. Video clips courtesy of Videezy & Videvo.

Foreign, hey everybody! What'S going on it's Friday night and we're doing our thing like we usually do on Friday night. Hopefully everybody can hear us yeah. It looks like the microphone's on right, yeah. Okay, sometimes it turns itself off it's just randomly. I don't really know why. Yeah we're gon na do a pre-game show we're going out tonight. Yeah, it's Memento Mori, so we got ta go out to the club evening. So as long as we're done by 8 8 30, because we don't actually it doesn't even open till 10. So we don't actually even have to leave till 9 30.. I already got my clothes picked out. I already got all that kind of she's got ta. Do her makeup yeah, I'm gon na. Do the makeup over again yeah. I had put on this makeup earlier, for this show - and I recorded a video earlier this afternoon too, but I just did it like real quick and I like to do like more more elaborate and more long-lasting, [ __ ]. If I'm gon na go out, you know what I'm saying yeah like with primer and everything I'll either wear this or something real close to this yeah. I may or may not wear this shirt we'll see. I don't think I've ever wore this shirt there. Maybe I have I don't yeah, I don't think you have not that I remember, but you know I don't really remember. I go there, my wife beaters. Actually, I don't even remember what I wear there most of half of the time, so much less. What other people are wearing you're saying my beard looks good. Thank you. Yeah freaking bent I've been trimming it trying to get that [ __ ], [, __, ] right it'll work out. You should be Ming. The merciless yeah like me for Halloween yeah, his [ __ ], was even [ __ ]. Crazier though his is it's pointed and then he's got two [ __ ] big long whiskers that come out. You know two big. You know the ends of his mustache. They go out [ __, ], four inches that would take years to grow. Well, you would have to grow, you could do it with fake hair and it would be crazy. Yeah he's got that [ __ ], all [ __ ]. You don't want it for real, because it's like it would go in your mouth like every time you tried to every time you were sleeping, it would go in your mouth every time you try to eat a little triangle here and then he's got that [ __ ] disappointed and he really Aura your tastes are too dangerous. Every time I see [ __ ] like that in movies. It'S like, I always think, like how cool it looks, but then I think what about that person's day-to-day life? Totally impressive, like I said it's totally impractical, I was just I don't know why I just thought of this, but I was thinking of um that Mystery Science Theater episode where they talked about Merlin's shop of magical, wonders yeah and the old like Merlin, and he had Like this really big long like white beard and white uh hair and everything like that - and I think it was Servo that said, have a feeling that his shower drain is always clogged yeah and I was like yeah exactly only an emperor could have Ming's, mustache and And have that [ __, ], [, __, ] practical, because he's got a whole pit crew taking care of his ass, doing his nails and [ __ ] doing his wardrobe. He doesn't have to pick out his own clothes just every day. They got some [ __, ], badass Imperial outfit for him to wear and [ __ ] Lord over people, and he just like stands there while they, while they put it on him red uniforms of red satin uniforms with a black and gold trim sitting there eating [ __ ], olives or whatever it is why his daughter's getting tortured. Okay, continue the torture, [ __, ], yeah. Olives, though ew you look like black olives weren't they. I don't know your little black balls. He was eating them. I think maybe they were Whoppers play. This little mountain - if I remember correctly, they were little black balls or bonds which may have. Actually, I don't know if they looked into it, that much in mind just yeah he's eating little black things little black, both but little black balls that him, the Chinese Emperors Woody, were little black balls of [ __ ] Mercury. Remember those [, __, ], yeah yeah! So maybe that's what you know: how'd that work out for them didn't work out good for [, __, ], sure, Juan D. It was a little black ball that they ate. It was like a little Whopper piece of candy and into the center of it was [. __ ] Mercury drive you crazy, but they thought it made. You immortal, they thought it was Viagra too, that you'd be able to have sex with a bunch of women spoiler alert. It'S not drove him crazy, yeah. Well, Danny Rowling said earlier that there was a uh that crussell has his own brand of wine, we'll check it out that we should probably yeah we should. We should do like a whole show across will see it. What'S it called like, it should be called Crustle wine, it's called crustal sphere, nectar of the cups or nectar of the crustless. I kind of like that. Actually yeah, that's a portal, the portal to the [ __ ] heavens. If that's not what it's called, it should be. Yeah John Gore said you know they dubbed Over The Flash, Gordon actor's voice, because it was Major drama between you and Dino DiLaurentis yeah. I can't talk about that. That'S not the original actor's voice, but you can't really tell I know yeah yeah. It doesn't look completely strange. You know what I mean. I didn't notice it as a kid I didn't either and actually I probably wouldn't have noticed it if somebody hadn't like pointed it out and usually I notice yeah dubbing, but you know it's a great movie, you know what I mean um. I remember, and I saw it in the theater probably about four times when it came out - and I didn't like it as much as Star Wars, but it fit right along with Star Wars in a way uh. There were certain things about it that I liked better. It was it was, it had more, it had more, it was more sexual which Star Wars didn't have that it was [, __, ], very G-rated. This was definitely PG today, it would probably be PG-13. I would think um because there were sex and Drug references throughout the Flash, Gordon Flash, Gordon yeah. I imagine it would probably PG-13 PG-13. They didn't have that rating, but um um. I liked it in a day and - and I was pissed - that a sequel never came out because they were they set it up for a sequel. At the end, the only thing I didn't like about it was um the Lizard Man costumes. I didn't like them. You know it's a definitely a rubber suit and the guy's eyes were seeing through the mouth yeah, but they they didn't, hide that fact which is kind of like a weird. You know it's just weird artistic decision. They could just make the argument it's like. Well, it's not a costume! That'S just what those aliens look like yeah! They look like a man in a rubber suit yeah with the eyes inside the mouth, which is some crazy, [ __, ] they'd have that in a probably in a in a Flash. Gordon comic book, but it didn't look that good on film now. If you a lot of a lot of times, then I saw it like an extra, a [ __ ] ton of extra times on um, like HBO, on CRT televisions before HD, and it looked a lot crappier. But if you see it on Blu-ray on a good television, that's a lot closer to what it looked like in theater and it looked really good in theater the costumes are super high quality, the materials, a lot of handcrafted stuff. It looks really good and you didn't get that effect when you saw it on CRT television, so its reputation actually kind of went down when it went when it hit VHS and and cable, but in the theater it looked great aside from the Lizard Man costumes. I didn't like those and certain there were certain effects that didn't really come across too well, even for the era like the uh, the Birdman flying sequences didn't didn't, really look good uh enough. Well, the green screen [ __ ] back then was always was always kind of shitty. Well, that's not exactly what I'm talking about the the backgrounds looked, really psychedelic and really Vivid on the big screen. What I was talking about is that that obviously their wings were not flapping, they were not flapping hard enough to [. __ ] make those dudes fly, you know uh, they were definitely solid and it's just, but they were just doing what they could. I think I would have animated them somehow, with I don't know, stop motion maybe or just actually have the guys go through the air, but then somehow superimposed like animated Wings over them, but they just didn't have that that kind of technology or that time that much Time I think, to put in that movie, it did achieve what it set out to do, though it did accurately [ __ ], accurately portray The Source material. That'S that's! What'S that's! What Flash Gordon was an outer space cereal that did not involve outer space, because there was no space in space in Flash Gordon, it was just endless sky, endless Sky. It was a space. It was an outer space where you could go out on the wing of a [ __ ] spaceship and still be able to breathe, and this spaceship had wings. So there was no space in space and they because you know it was written in a time where they people didn't have a good grasp of what outer space was, but the movie kind of brought that concept up to date. They went through the Imperial vortex and on the other side of the vortex, was the dimension where [ __ ] existed and like the Imperium and [ __ ], and it didn't have space. It didn't have a the Blackness of space. It was just endless sky and planets that were just like pieces of planets, sometimes like a little planetoid or a round sphere, and then there was an up and down to everything. There wasn't any of this nonsense like spherical planets that had gravity didn't have any of that and that's what the source material was. So it was a very early comic book movie and it did. It did a good job. Danny Rowling said like the lizard suit and Terror train yeah. I was kind of thinking, maybe sleestax, which is crazy, because Land of the Lost was like super low budget yeah, but the sleeve Stacks looked a lot better than the lizard men from man. I really like this Lee Stacks. I don't know why, but, but you weren't supposed to take Flash Gordon seriously. You know it was entertainment well period. That'S True of everybody yeah. I know some people take them too seriously. The Source material wasn't to be taken seriously. Kevin Smith said: bangs look good. Thank you very much. I decided Jenny's Hair, that's her natural hair yeah. This is my actual hair yeah today. Well, I don't know it's just for some reason. We I I was experimenting with because I like the wigs that are straight down and don't have bangs and I was like. Oh well, maybe I'll grow. My bangs out and I was growing out my undercut and I was just kind of waiting for it all to be like one length like Morticia, but then I was just like I was like. I don't know like the more I looked at it I was like I don't know. I want my bangs back. I just think I look better with bangs and I thought to myself. I have so many wigs that don't have bangs, so it's like if I want to not have bangs one day, I'll, just put a [ __ ] wig on you know what I'm saying or I can just like comb, the bangs back, if I'm really into it, But honestly, I kind of I I'm I'm glad to have them back, because I, I really think I look better with bangs, but you know what I mean yeah. That'S what I think anyway, there's some somebody in the comment section is talking about just camping last night and listening to YouTube on my cell phone heard. You say in her doctors examined her and after she died turned out. She she turned out to be a virgin. That'S all I heard I don't think I think he's talking about you. We weren't talking about we weren't talking about Queen Victoria, though because she had nine kids, yeah it'd be pretty hard to have nine kids. Have you ever heard a virgin yeah so um? I'M not, it might have been one of my videos that was like a true crime thing or something like that. I'M not really Victoria was a virgin. She had nine kids, though yeah I don't know she had nine kids yeah. I thought it was that other queen, that I thought it was Elizabeth, the first that everybody called the Virgin Queen. I don't know, even though I don't think she was a virgin either but Victoria for sure. Wasn'T she had a whole bunch of kids. She hated having kids, but she did. She had a bunch Colin Higgins: ass, wasn't Star Wars heavily influenced by Flash, Gordon, among other things, uh yeah. What happened was is that George Lucas wanted to to make Flash Gordon, but he couldn't afford the licensing, so he um kind of rebooted, his own version of it, and you noticed Star Wars later on um. He didn't you know. Evidently, he didn't have a lot of money. Um later on, Dino DiLaurentis secured the rights and I think he maybe he may have had the rights at the time. Lucas was looking for it. You guys you may have to check on that and and he couldn't he couldn't get his hands on him. The price was too high, so in some way in in technically the um, the dno to the rentus Flash Gordon was not a Star Wars. Rip-Off Star Wars was rip Star. Wars was a ripoff of a [ __ ], Flash Gordon uh, and that was kind of like before the dino. Dilaurentis version had come out. Uh dino, DiLaurentis, Studios man. I liked him they they were hit and miss, but they had some good Sci-Fi Classics. Man dude the original Dune was a dino flick for some reason. They never really could get the market and the product correct, but those movies still are fun to watch they're and they were a nightmare to make there's a lot of problems and going over budget. You know with that that studio just could not run a tight ship. Um and it went out of business eventually, but man they made a lot of good movies. A lot of cool flicks were Dino flicks. I mean they made a lot of [ __ ], once a lot of [ __ ] once right, that's okay, yeah, but they have some real. If you make a lot of stuff like some of it's gon na be yeah, they have some real Classics. They had some real Classics, but even the classics - [ __ ] bombed, most of them at the box office. They retroactively became classics yeah. We were talking about that. The other day, yeah, hey Dave. What'S up hello, you two Jen looking fire. Thank you very much. Yeah, like I was saying, I'm glad I'm back to the banks, I feel more like myself again, I was feeling like I didn't really look like myself without bangs um yeah Elizabeth. The first was called the Virgin Queen yeah. That'S what I thought now somebody says Buck. Rogers was The Flash Gordon rip-offer was the other way around. It may have been the other way around. I think Buck Rogers might have been the original, but don't quote me on how old is, but is Buck Rogers, because a lot of the like stuff, like that, like Flash, Gordon and stuff like that started out as Comics or C or old cereals, like back in The very very early days of film I know Flash Gordon did and then I thought Buck Rogers did as well, but I don't remember, I don't know which one came. First, I think Buck Rogers might have come first um at least on the in comic books. I don't know the screen because they had both of those. I think it was Buster crab. It wasn't. A buster crab, did Buck Rogers, or was he the one that did Flash Gordon uh? I can't remember man yeah. He did one of those he did. One of them, but they were, he was in a lot of those yeah and both of those series sucked basically in certain ways, uh technically they sucked, but they were fun for the kids that were watching them at the time they were for kids, they were taking Them to places that you know that they had never been in exotic locations and Flash Gordon was the edgier one. I remember seeing him as a kid and if you buy the Flash, Gordon Blu-ray, it comes with the first um two episodes or one episodes of of Flash Gordon, and it is basically the movie real, close um and there were [ __, ], Wild undertones, sexual undertones And Drug overtones undertones of Satanism - and you know, like the the opening credits - show this like forearmed, demonic, [, __, ] god, with its arms moving and in its and fire and in its hands. There'S basically nude women dripping out of his hands. You know dancers in [, __, ], clear, leotards and basically are slipping each other Mickeys and [ __ ] Sex Potions. So you know, princess Aura can get some dick off a [, __ ], Flash Gordon and her dad knows, and this is [ __ ], wild [, __ ] man, it's 20s. You know pre-haze code [, __ ], and this is like children's material. Basically well. The thing about it, even if you see I kind of feel like even up until the haze code came into play because they didn't it came into play, but then they didn't really start cracking down on it. I feel like it's a little bit later, but you have to think too that some of those drugs were kind of still illegal, so you can still sort of talk like [, __ ]. I even remember some, maybe like Looney Tunes like cartoons and stuff like that. From the 30s and 40s that talked about that, that talked about like well people, Mickey's and yeah, and like Dexys and stuff like that which, like I said so, which that was a little bit later, knockout drops yeah like all that kind of stuff. So if you think about it now, it's just it's kind of like wow, [, __ ], it's horrifying, but yeah, it's just like it was. I was watching um God. I can't remember what it was, but it was like some short from it's probably a Mystery Science. Theater because that's when I see all those the old shorts and stuff, but they were doing one or maybe it was a maybe it was a Charlie Chaplin movie where there was just somebody like selling cocaine in the street like big sign that says: cocaine yeah, but It was that's wild [, __, ] man and [ __ ]. This is for people in their early teens teenagers. You know [ __, ]. Eight nine-year-old boys are watching this and got the sexy [ __ ] alien princess Aura of telling her dad. No, I want him, as my Royal concert consort. You know and he's like. Okay, you know we're gon na hook that up for you, you know we'll. You know just give him. These knockout drops [ __ ]. You know in This Love Potion: that's what it is giving this love potion. He won't be able to resist you after that that kind of [ __ ]. You know what I mean it's just like that's wild [, __ ] when you think about it. In the context of the time yeah, we can kind of see how parents would be like wait a minute hold on what is this. They were roofie in each other when he's talking about Hollywood, she's running around basically half nude for the time yeah, you know, which is uh leotards with [ __, ], skirts and kind of just pasties over her nipples and wild [ __ ] headdresses and [ __ ], you know and Ming looks just like Ming from Flash Gordon. You know the maximum side of side of me. He looked like that. It'S just cheaper, you know lower budget, then, basically, the same outfit and Heritage Dollar Store version yeah. The budget was real low on the TV version. It wasn't TV, no, they showed them as before the movies like yeah. They showed them before like little cereals or chapter, please yeah, but in the 70s, when I was a kid they'd have them on local television in California. You can on Saturday, Saturday afternoon you can watch them, I'm trying to think of the one that they, because they did um Mystery Science. Theater did a bunch of the shorts too, like sometimes they'd show like one of the cereals, like chapters like before some of the movies. I know they did the Phantom creeps, which had Bella Lugosi in it and his little exploding spiders. Oh, my God, why did everything go? Blurry why'd it go blurry what the [ __ ] come on. Okay, that was weird Tom's moving around too much. I guess I don't know, but they also did another one that was kind of sci-fi. The [ __ ] was the name of that thing. It was the one with crash core again, maybe some maybe somebody will remember, but he was like a boxer, I want to say a boxer or a wrestler, but then also he had a sideline as like a space Explorer or something. I don't remember: it's been a long time since I've seen him the ice. Cubes are looking a little small, even though they're sent on high. We had a problem with the ice maker. It'S working now, though, but yeah it wasn't making ice and um there's some mechanical things in there. It'S got to move, but you can't really see them so I took him down, took it downstairs in the big sink and look started spraying and the little ice cube maker tray. That kind of moves in there was totally slimed up with [ __ ] mildew that we were drinking ice out of it, but I didn't know, I couldn't see it somehow. It was keeping it from moving, so I had to blast all that out of there. It'S good, for you know, that's good for you, yeah! Well, there's little filters and [ __ ], but you're cycling, water. Even though it's filtered water that we're using it's just uh, you got water out and exposed. You know what I mean or it's getting wet up in there. It'S not the water you're putting in it's stuff. That'S splashing! Up on the surf up on the ceilings of this damn machine, that'll start to kind of get old, it's a place where bacteria could grow, but we're drinking that [ __ ]. But now that I know I can stay on top of it yeah. For some reason, it's it's uh. It'S making funny shaped ice cubes, we'll see. Well, you know as long as they're ice cubes. That'S fine. Yeah, like I said it's [ __ ] Florida. Everything is damp at all times. I feel like I have to. I have my little disinfecting wipes and I have to do them like every day or two like around the sink, because you know mold will start to grow around the [ __ ] sink, if you just like leave stuff, wet everything's, just damp all the time it Sucks grandpar said in high school. The Love Potion we frequently used was called Bartles and James yeah. Do they still make that [ __ ]? I don't know man, I remember the commercials for it like more than anything. I don't. I don't know if I ever had any. I probably did, but I remember the commercials more than anything they're talking about Halloween ends yeah. How is that I kind of want to? I couldn't even believe, because we haven't been to the movie theater movie theater in so long, and I was like God, there's like so much [ __ ] - that I want to see, and so I looked on there to see what was playing and yeah there's like Five [ __ ] horror movies that I that are out that I want to see. I can has anybody seen that movie smile, because that looks pretty good. That looks pretty cool, actually yeah Isabella Buster was Buster crab Flash Gordon or was he Buck Rogers? I forgot Buster crab, I think, might have been Flash Gordon once I poke. She called me. What'S the matter yeah what's up, she came up next to the chair. Went she wants me to say hi to her. What'S up you want to come up here? Do you want to come up in Daddy's, lap, she's biting me now what you buying? Why are you biting why she's mad no yeah, she wants me to go, throw. Why are you mad? She wants me to throw. I threw today throw stuff and she catches it out of the air. Oh you want to play catch uh, she's, like yeah, come out here and throw it bro. Please either that or she's like come over here and be our ush me yeah. I have to spell it because she knows what the word is: she's super smart. She she has a pretty good vocabulary. She knows what we're talking about. Yeah. That'S why I try not to say like the words because she'll be like raw yeah, hey Grandma, says: smile is good, that movie legit [, __ ] me up and I'm sure Jenny, you're gon na get terrified now see. Now I really want to see it. It looks really really cool like from the trailers, and I think Barbarian is still playing my replacement, uh frames and terrifier too yeah yeah is playing at the theater. Maybe we should go see that tomorrow, okay, that would be super fun. Do you have a few busterman Splash, Gordon okay, yeah? Didn'T you do Tarzan too? Maybe was he also Tarzan which one which one was um? What was um, which one was uh Buck? Rogers was Buck Rogers a copy of Flash Gordon was Flash Gordon a copy of Buck Rogers. For some reason I wanted to see if Flash Gordon might have not been the original. I think Buck Rogers might have been the original, but it's been so long since I've even thought about that subject, but how those two relate. I remember that I was surprised that it was so. I was thinking that Flash Gordon might have been the copy of Buck. Rogers, I think now I'm kind of curious. I have to look it up because it was two different companies competing and they need one of those and then they came up with a. But I don't remember which one which one was which Danny Rowling said Halloween ends is worth watching and way better than scream 2022. yeah. That kind of I I remember it said Halloween and sucked he says, don't watch it don't watch. He told me not well there's a bunch of other movies that I would go see. I liked Halloween kills um. You know it wasn't fantastic, but I thought it was like pretty good, but there's a bunch of other movies that I would watch before that. You know what I mean I want to see smile. I want to see Barbarian. I want to see terrifier too. So at least those three I would see before Halloween ends. You know what I'm saying: yeah Ben's talking about Battlestar Galactica, yeah, Battlestar Galactic. What Galactica was also kind of similar to Star Wars, the other ones it was it. Battlestar Galactica was a Star Wars, rip-off um, Star Wars was popular and they needed to have some kind of a television series that was Star Wars like so they came out with Battlestar and I remember liking it as a kid with the cylons and everything the original Battlestar Galactica, but you could tell it was a California series. There was a lot of California in it and the outdoor scenes. You know they were on other planets. You can tell like yeah, that's out in [ __ ] San Bernardino. You know just [ __ ], like that you could you could you could recognize it as California and it never really kind of had the never really kind of had the oomph. I mean they didn't really have a Darth Vader per se. Baltar wasn't scarier. I don't think he wasn't for me. He wasn't a serious villain. I actually kind of like Lucifer the damn that evil robot that they had with the [ __ ], the evil, Cylon robot, and I thought that was kind of cool. But it didn't have a good enough feeling, I think that's the problem with the old Battle Star Galactica. It didn't have a compelling villain, but it looked good man I had the [ __ ] I would buy. I was buying the Cylon toys. I had the [ __ ] Viper that could shoot the Rockets out of the front. With the little pilot I had the damn Cylon [ __ ] fighter ship with the [ __ ]. It was like a flying saucer that opened up. They had good toys for it. I was buying it as a kid. They even had little action figures that would come out little forearmed aliens and forearms of [ __ ], insectoid things and Starbucks and cylons and [ __ ]. I think some of them were even 12 inch figures kind of like uh, Star Wars, The Big Star Wars, 12-inch dolls; they go, they weren't action figures, they were dolls, but you know: let's go this time: yeah they're dolls, they're, dolls; okay, that was the marketing thing Where it's like well, we can't call them dolls, because then boys yeah, like that, was what, for the GI, Joe dolls right, yeah, yeah, they're, so dolls, that's what battle star the original Battle Star had it in its event, it in his pocket is that the toys Are pretty good, they were pretty good um. I saw Disney's uh a black hole and I liked it as a kid I liked it. They didn't have enough toys for it um or I would have bought them. I I had some models of Vincent and I think I had a model of Maximilian, the other robot, but there wasn't really what anywhere you could go with the black hole. It wasn't open-ended enough. It wasn't like Star Wars. You knew that it was a one and done story. Basically, I'm trying to think of another one that didn't quite have the toys that was too old when it came out, but Dune they came out with a toy line. They were kind of substandard in a way in terms of quality. They weren't as good as a Star Wars toy. Then they came too late. I wouldn't have bought them. I was too old by the time that that [, __ ] came out, but the Dune could have been something it could have if it had a stronger toy line. The problem was: is that the Dune? The theme of the original Dino De Laurentiis Dune was pretty adult kids couldn't see, that's what I'm saying it wasn't really like aimed toward children yeah. So I mean the thing about that is like that's kind of like a moot point nowadays, because obviously they're going to make Collectibles for any movie like that, because they are assuming that adults. Collectors are gon na, buy them, which they usually do rather than kids. But yeah like back, then you can see why they didn't do it, because Dune wasn't marketed toward children. No, they had a towing line. They did. I know they did, but it's like it wasn't really marketing it. Wasn'T it didn't really make it because kids didn't see it yeah? I think it was damn near R-rated. I think if I remember correctly, Dune um. The thing is is that if you were smart enough to buy those Dune toys when they came out, you'd be wealthy because they're worth a lot of money, especially if they're still in the package, I mean, I think, just a dune action figure. This you know for 400 bucks if it's sealed in a package in the little booster and they had vehicles and everything so and um. They didn't make a lot of stuff, but they did make stuff. And if you, if you had them, if you have any of them and there's in package they're worth a lot of money, even though they're not in package but you, but if they're in package, [ __ ] they're worth a lot, collectors will buy them. It'D be a bidding war, see you later Dave, probably going to mannequins. I imagine we're actually we're going to Barbarella we're going to Barbara's for Memento Mori. If you haven't been to that man go check it out, it's pretty good, yeah kind of more exclusive crowd. The public isn't there, a lot of stuff goes down in the parking lot. You can kind of bring your own beer. You can bring your own yeah, it's like a parking lot, but yeah yeah, and then you go up there. You go out there and uh. You can bring booze in your car. Yeah have a little uh. You know yeah tailgate party yeah, you go out there and uh. You know smoke things yeah, it's like a private. It'S like a private golf park. You evidently [ __ ], some of them cars out there in the parking lot bouncing up and down every now yeah. I could see that well, like I said, there's nobody else around yeah. Nobody else out there. That'S the thing! No no Norm he's gon na show up, they don't know about. I don't even know about the place it's like, even if they do it's like. I don't think anybody's gon na wander that far afield, because there's nothing else around right, there's not even any restaurants or right it's out in the it's out in the dam it's out in the industrial park Industrial Park, it's in a warehouse District where everything's closed. So everything around it like for a mile in all directions is closed. Already. Uh next match of media said. Do you guys remember a really [ __ ] up movie in this 1970s called Ruby? Yes, I do. I think that's going to be my Halloween feature this year. You know, what's weird, I just saw that movie. Riff tracks did a version of it and it's on 2B, or at least it was like a few weeks ago, and that was, I think, the first time I had seen it. I wanted to watch it because that's one with Piper Laurie right was it Piper Laurie on that yeah. I actually kind of I actually quite like that movie yeah. It is pretty [ __ ] up, but you know Ben's talking about Star Trek too yeah. The thing is, though, is that Star Trek the Original Series did have a toy line. I saw it all the time as a kid in the 70s and never pulled the trigger on it. Your mom's always with he says, buy something pick something out and I'd be. Looking at the Star Trek toys - and I and there'd be like seven or eight, and they they were little articulated action figures, probably about that tall and they had clothing on them. You had Kirk Spock. You had a couple of the other characters like they might have had bones and maybe Uhura and and and and something like, maybe Sulu. But then you had the Gorn, and I was always looking at that. Damn go get the Goran and kirking yeah. There was a Gorn and then there was that other damn white thing with the horn on his head. What was it called the collar or the [ __ ], whatever whatever the [ __ ]? That was it yeah and then, and I wanted the monsters not so much the Spock. I did like the Spock and the Kirk and never pulled the trigger on him. I always chose something else at the time when your mom said pick some, but I, and the thing is, is how to ruined the collector's value of being a kid out, of course, I'd open it up and played with it yeah you wanted to buy that [ __ ] and keep it [ __ ] in the package. Now later, when the movies came out, I think they did do a couple, Limited uh Toy lines at rakana after modeled after the start of the Star Wars, where they were smaller ones, but they never really followed through the the Econo. I think they kind of missed it because, when, especially by the time Wrath of Khan came out, if there was like a good Star Wars, type toy line, I would have asked for it, but it would have had to have a big ship. It would have had to have you know what I mean if I can, the crew members and the problem, the problem with Star Trek is that there weren't any alien, bad guys per sale per se other than the the Klingons, but they didn't really each movie kind Of wasn't really focusing on that. You had to have a lot of really cool Klingon [, __ ], and I remember that it didn't really have. It was mostly focused on the Enterprise. You got to have bad guys to sell that [ __, ], yeah well, and the thing about the original show too, is that they kind of had a different bad guy like every episode right. So you can see how I mean nowadays they'd be like woo cha-ching. That'S like we can make like a million different like Star Wars did with the extended Universe like making an action figure for every single thing that had appeared for more than five seconds in the franchise yeah Star Trek pre-dates the industry, knowledge of how to how to Make well it was that Netflix show the toys that made us. They did a whole episode on Star Trek, yeah and it's funny because they didn't really expect um it to kind of like catch on the way it did and it didn't catch on at the time. It was kind of like a little bit later, but they really had to scramble to like make toys, and they said it got so bad that they were like just taking random ass, like generic toys, like kind of like a ray gun, or something that wasn't even In the show, and just like slapping it in a Star Trek box or like putting a sticker on it, that said Star Trek. What was that one that was like real famous like that helmet? It was like a helmet like a siren on the flashy light, and it said if they just put a sticker out of this and starch yeah. I remember that [ __ ]. I would never buy that yeah. It wasn't even on the show. It was just like some random toy. They had like the only Star Trek toy I ever remember buying was a [ __, ] fake phaser. I mean Remember by that and I think it shot a [ __ ] disc out the front of it like a little propeller. I think I had something: oh yeah, I think we had one of those yeah and they were cheap and you could buy them. But I I had one of those uh John says that supposedly Planet of the Apes sold a lot of merch, it was pre-star with. Yes, I remember those, I remember, I remember those dogs and they were cool little dolls yeah they were, they were about the size of a Star Trek doll, but they were kind of out of my age group that was kind of before my time. Uh. I I remember being like in the 70s, probably about six seven eight, and I think that might have Conan sided with the with the uh the TV series Planet of the Apes. The thing is, it was a little too adult for me. I was I remember at that time I wasn't buying those I was buying something called micronauts. Oh, I remember those my brother had some of those micronauts. I was buying those and they were actually a Japanese repurposed uh [ __ ] yeah product, which I like those and I was totally into gona guy uh, Japanese stuff that I was seeing on channel 22 in California, which I did was get a robo. It was big into that and because I was living in California at that time we had some Japanese import shops, so I was buying, get a robo and [ __, ], great mazinger and mazinga all right, so great missinger and just regular mazinger. They got rebooted later on. Mattel picked some of those up and rebooted him as the Shogun Warriors I bought those too. I still got some and I got a bunch of other collectible stuff, so I was more into that Japanese looking stuff at the time. The Planet of the Apes stuff was around but had I known any better but you're a kid, you know and you're your mom is saying pick something out. You know you're gon na have you can only have one so you got ta [, __ ]. You know. There'S gon na be a lot of losers. When you can only have one yeah, you got to do the winnowing problem yeah, you know what I mean and and a Planet of the Apes looked cool. I remembered it as a kid, but it always lost out over things like micronauts and Japanese toys, all those Japanese toys, eventually the American, the American Executives. The American toy markets eventually started getting into the Japanese concept and that ended up being Transformers, Transformers and Voltron yeah. You know they finally jumped on. They got him like way on that. Well because I mean what's more badass than like big huge, transforming robots right, I can't believe it took like the US that long to like catch on to that wave, the Go nagai stuff did come to the United States. I think it was called State renamed. Some of the [ __ ], like star uh, Star, Warrior a star of this and that some [ __ ]. They would take an entire series and mash it down into a two-hour movie and it and it, and what you ended up with was nothing like. The original uh, because you couldn't show the original in the United States, the series were too long. They were too adult. There were scenes of like demonic, possessions and people exploding from within uh scenes of bad guys, machine gunning, people um the female Heroes, their uniforms all had nipples on them, which they had a lot of. They had a big problem with that where there were nipples on the uniform, but the was just from a practical standpoint. It'S like why. Why would you have this? They were because they're originally written for teenagers. Well, I know that, but I'm just saying I just said from a practical standpoint. I know why they put them yeah, I'm just saying from a practical standpoint in real life he would never have well. The men had them too, because they were, they were all modeled. After um like Marvel Superheroes, so they were in kind of like superhero outfits later on, that ended up being Power Rangers and real at Live Action Power Rangers, but in the originals they were just these colorful outfits with [ __, ] helmets and [ __, ], capes And, and so they and the girls were all sex symbols, basically they were [, __, ], well, one of them from great mazinger, or it was June Kono. Who was her dad was a black GI stationed in Japan with a Japanese mother and she was being picked off for being a biracial uh. But she ended up being like a super uh robot pilot and, like uh, a super heroine, and she was, I think she was um. She piloted a Mecca. I think it was called Venus a. I think what it was and she was just this sexy robot. It was a sexy female robot and she was sexy in it with curves and [ __ ], because the Japanese characters were not drawn with curves really they were drawn to Japanese beauty. Standards of the time which were Twiggy. You know Twiggy, chicks and June was [ __ ] voluptuous, it was just gona. Guy was ahead of his time. He he was kind of like the Japanese version of Stan Lee and he was trying to bring um kind of an international Flair to it and try to broaden the horizons of the Japanese audience because he had been outside of Japan. And the Japanese are very, you know: I got a lot of respect for their culture, but they're very conformist you, you have to be one way there. You can't be any other way and goat didn't like that. He was like no, you could there's a lot of other ways to be. You know, so that's all in these comics and the comics ended up being made into movie into television series. Some of the [ __ ] had to be cut from the comics. Some of the good guys were also things like ex-criminals and drug addicts and they're piloting these things. Now not drug acts in terms of like heroin, addicts or anything. They were guys that were like addicted to amphetamines and [. __ ], like that um and the amphetamines, made the guys real fast. You know and he's piloted in a dam robot that is [ __ ] super fast, that's its main strength, and you would have to be on this really high-tech amphetamine to actually pull it off, because you're doing things that are faster than humans, normal human synopsis and [ __ ], so that that's an alien concept that you could never show in the United States. Thank you. Jeffy uh, sorry off topic, uh about your soul, survivor stream eerily one of my friends knew Kurt Johnson, the doctor through theater circles, yeah. He died of AIDS in 1986.. He sucks his work and life was brief. My friend was glad to see your video I'm glad to see that movie too, because yeah, you actually say that he died of AIDS, but he was young. He was only like 32 34 or something like that like when he he only died like a couple years after that. So who saw the video a friend of a friend of Jeffy artzia that was in the movie, or no that knew him that knew that guy? That was in the movie that played the doctor. You know yeah, he played that character yeah, it was a decent movie. I like that movie a lot and, like I said, I'm just I'm surprised that I had never heard it heard of it or seen it so I kind of feel like hopefully our video, like kind of helps, get it out there a little bit um Danny Rowling, Said warlock one and two would make good Halloween movie reviews just saying: maybe we'll do it that way I've been wanting to do warlock for a while. I think I saw warlock too a while back, but I don't really remember much about it. I think they might both be on 2B next Dimension. Media said I had a Planet of the Apes lunchbox that I was very proud of. I think my brother had that actually either he had it or I had it. We always thought it was a big deal back in the 70s and 80s like before, when you were doing your back to school shopping. That was like your best thing to picking out The Lunchbox, and you had to like be really careful because they had like a lot of different ones, and it was always just kind of like which one do I want. Grandma said anyone see the incinerated Owen and Brew toys. If those are real, it would have been hilarious. No, I really really would made those, because that is super super funny. He also said that is so funny. He also said the good guy is awesome. I'M surprised anybody knows who the [ __ ] gon na guy is, but that's what people do. Yeah lots of people do. Um granther said Tom Cruise was in the news today. He'Ll be rocketing up to the International Space Station to film his next movie. Why are we not surprised? I mean you know it's Tom Cruise he's got to do that kind of [ __ ] he's got to do that kind of [ __ ] John Gore said the Axis powers were notorious putting their pilots on meth yeah. I kind of feel like a lot of pilot back then well like I said, and they didn't even make a secret about it even just to access. We were doing it yeah we were doing it too. We'D, probably still do it well and, like I said they were open about it too, because I saw there was a movie on and I saw it on Mystery Science Theater called the starfighters and it was about the Air Force and they were absolutely open about about. Being on uppers being on like yeah yeah, so one thing I can't I don't remember what they called it in the movie, but that that's they were. I know they were doing it in the uh in the 80s, like they were pretty messed out to do the Dem um bombing on um uh. What was his name um? He was the guy that ended up getting [ __ ] killed by getting stabbed up in the ass. What yeah Gaddafi Gaddafi got? [ __ ] killed by [ __ ] somebody shoved a knife up his ass couple times killed him during that Revolution or the overthrow um, but no when they bombed Gaddafi's house in the in the uh. In the 80s, the pilots had to do a bunch of refueling and they didn't have permission to go through certain countries and uh. Evidently they were on uh pet pills to keep them awake yeah because you had to be. It was a long flight there and back it was kind of a special operations flight to [. __ ] dropped these bombs on his house using f-16s. They didn't use a they didn't use the aircraft carriers. For that. My favorite part of that movie, The starfighters, was the whole sequence about the poopy suit. That was the stuff that was the stuff that well you had to wear the suit, well that you could poop in yeah, because you were flying right because you're flying over the uh Atlantic and you're a little plane yeah. I think they all have diapers on it. Yeah, that's what I mean yeah. So it's just thought that was like funny that they, they put there's a very extended sequence and they call it a poopy suit in the movie, and I think the movie came out in the late 50s early 60s. Something like that and uh and they're all like jumping in the pool like trying to test it for leaks and [ __ ], like that. It was just like so of course, so of course, like uh Mike in the Bots like had to come up with like a poopy suit song, which was quite delightful yeah, that's still standard practice. Well, yeah, I mean what else are you gon na do right, but you know you can't jump out the damn fighter and take a piss. That'S what I mean you can't just I'm gon na go I'm gon na excuse myself so yeah. So what do you think about it from a practical standpoint? Obviously that's what they're doing, but it's just funny like to think about it. I guess yeah [, __, ] water and [ __ ] drinks and [ __ ] food in in the cockpit. So you know they're eating in there too and then bomber Crews. I think back in the old B-52 days, though I think they had a latrine just like in a uh 747 or a DC-10. You know, I don't think they they didn't need that, but you know Fighters did Zach said sorry, I'm missing the show tonight me and the man are heading to the bar tonight. We'Ll have a good time we're gon na head to the bar too, but later yeah like because here it's only quarter to seven, so we don't actually have to leave till like 9 30.. So soon, as we finish up here, I got ta go, get ready, real, quick and then we'll then we'll go and have a few of those uh canned cocktails. Yeah, that's okay, yeah! Then go hang out and get some sandwiches from Circle K on the way home. Like we always do we forgot about that, it's like I, don't really. I don't know why. That became a thing. I don't know I. I guess it was just because, where we lived before you know, stopping by McDonald's and getting breakfast sandwiches on the way home was always a thing because it, the McDonald's, was like right there and it was open. But now we don't have a McDonald's around us anymore. We have we have to pass the Circle K, so we just got in the habit of like stopping at Circle K on the way home and picking up sandwiches. I usually get like a sandwich and like a little bag of chips or some or crackers yeah yeah. That'S good. Somebody knows it's about to go in a guy and one of the golden guy mangas out of getter Robo get her two. You know Raiden the guy that was fast a fast skinny guy in in several of the comic books he's injecting himself with [ __ ] methamphetamine and injects himself with it in [, __ ] combat to get faster and [ __ ] out maneuver, some [ __ ], which that would never be allowed in a [ __ ] American television series for kids rig enough. I got ta get faster yeah. Can you imagine like the [, __ ] apocalyptic? I mean that people would still freak out nowadays, but can you imagine like showing that in the 80s? Oh, my God, they would like [ __ ]? They would have had a [ __ ]. They could show [ __ ] and they mine in it and [ __ ] and [ __ ] the cockpit because they're trying to save the Earth. You know from you're trying to save the Earth from [ __ ] demons from hell and [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah funny. Well, you know yeah, that's I don't know it's just like really funny. I just feel like the 80s in the United States was just like so anti-drug. Everything like you know doing drugs. One time it's like. Oh, my God, you do. You smoke marijuana one time and, like your [, __ ] whole life spirals down the toilet. You know what I mean, like you end up dying like you're, [, __, ], junkie, yeah gas station bathroom like getting butt, [ __ ] by a hobo or something yeah, and then the same guys: [ __, ], chanting, [, __, ]. All these American slogans and [ __ ] singing all these patriotic songs, don't realize that they're [ __ ] elite soldiers are [, __ ] doing math in the cockpit uh. Well, like I said, if the forces taking steroids yeah, you know well, the weird thing is that people seem to make a distinction between drugs that are illegal and drugs that are legal and I'm like there's really not any difference. The only difference is an authority. Figure goes here, take it, we can trust you with it. I mean there's, not okay, thank you. You know it was a results-based regime. In those days you had a limited lifespan anyway in those in those in in those roles. If you survived it, you were lucky. You were disciplined enough to learn how to walk away from any of that, but no uh. I in the time that I was in to make it and [ __ ] in the high in the upper echelons of Special Forces. I mean, and my uncle told me he was in Task Force 160 Special Operations Aviation. He says, do you do? Do you do performance drugs? You you take these steroids and they're like no, because we have to take those. I said really all right he's like. Oh no never mind, I didn't believe him no way. Ah, don't worry about it.

Beulon Abeulan: Love the side track intro Jenny with the train, don't change it for now. For some reason Tom looks younger and has more color to his skin so i truly believe now that the HRT is working.

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