Do You Use Rollers? (Cre@Itszoeyaune)

  • Posted on 16 July, 2022
  • Bangs
  • By Anonymous

Is mama crazy, he's crazy over me and mama you've always said better look before you leave, maybe so, but here i go.

꽃.디아: Imagine putting in that many rollers just for the result to look like she just brushed her hair with a round brush whilst using a dryer so It just barely curls..... I was expecting really luscious curls

💋Chrissy💋: i do and i love how he just randomly starts playing the violin in the background

Lora Samario: This has nothing to do with the video BUT this song made me cry. It was one of my mom's favorite songs. She's been gone since 2015. Sometimes it feels like I just was with her yesterday other times it seems like a lifetime ago. I hope I never forget her face or the sound of her voice. Rip momma.

Michelle Andrews: I am guessing the Dyson did the actual curling, because her hair barely had curls. My aunt used to put curlers in my hair at night (with wet hair) and then take them out in the morning. I know you use dry hair with hot cutlers, but even then they leave more cutl than what she had.

RisksAndHope: The absolute tsunami of nostalgia this music always gives me

Christy Renea: Love the Song, It’s an Oldie, but a Goodie!♥️ Your Hair turned out so good.

lu.araujo: Linda. Nós mulheres ficamos horas se arrumando e quando agente se senti bonita vencemos qualquer guerra.

TacoBelle: The rollers do more damage than good. The Velcro shreds your hair shaft. You’re not getting volume, you’re getting damage and frizz.

Tiny Dancer: I remember my Aunts using soup cans to roll their hair up back in the early 60's.

R MC: This is an old fashioned method my mom used to use because she was a stay at home mom. now in 2022 we have easier faster ways for busy hard working moms

Em Wilson: Gorgeous! I’m lazy lol I use a blow dry brush and it basically does a similar look. But my hair is thin and shorter

Sunflower_chickens: Good music! Good hair! Subbed! I'm here for it!

Sambrin: The main question y do u need rollers when u are using 550 dollars Dyson airwrap

Rebecca Oraha: Wow such thick beautiful hair! My hair was like this until I let a girl curl my hair w hot curling wand and literally burnt more then half my hair off!

Kris Stone: Could get more of a result with hearing the hair up more and using less rollers so the roller actually sits on your head when they’re curled up.

CJ 💚: Those curls are beautiful ❤ but I was expecting them to be much curlier and more luscious

Travelingismypassion H: I thought he was taking one roller out the guitar part killed me

Kim Thomason: sooo pretty! rollars are hard to do. especially with long hair. but they make your hair look fabulous.

Дарья Егорова: Я с такой прической каждое утро просыпаюсь

belle and bug: i’m asking this cus i’m genuinely curious but why use rollers when u have the dyson air wrap?

Samantha Lynn: The rollers weren't necessary. They only add volume to the roots, rods curls the hair

-Saffie -: not rolling it too tightly would give it a softer and more tamed, less frizzy look. But THAT is a look, nonetheless. Very rock and roll.

may: the rollers go in on wet hair and you don't need so many. For this result that fancy Dyson should be able to do the trick.

Kelli Cat: I love my velcro rollers. No heat to damage. If I roll damp firmer curls.

Alexandria Rhoden: Spraying a bit of water at each section before curling it will make it bouncier and curls stand out more

busy mom: I like the fact that her hubby/bf keeps popping in just to know that he is crazy over her lol

Tea Loncar: Using IT for years!! ITS actually a 'lazy girl' Method:)) i could never use brush and blow dry it

Cool human: I would rip half my hair out trying to do this

Star_Gazer_27: watched this with the rollers in my hair!

Iris Morgan: Reminds me of Smokey and the Bandit, where Burt Reynolds asks Jerry Reed's wife, who has hot rollers in her hair, "Are you trying to pick up a radio station in Savannah?"

marissa Hicks: I would be so disappointed if I did all that work to have my hair come out like that. That’s why I don’t use those! Ugh so hard

Max: Beautiful hair results

Melissa Castle: Doesn’t she remind you of a young Goldie Hawn! Wow beautiful curls, gonna have to try this AGAIN!

Maria Martinez: Oh wow the amount of time spent….I couldn’t. It’s so pretty tho! And you are beautiful! ❤

Leslie McMillan: Yes! I use both velcro and hot rollers.

xero's batman merch: so pretty but the effort i could never

Dalia: I love sooo much my curly hair but sometimes I just want this so bad omgg

Sam728: Be careful with those bobbie pins. I did terrible damage to my teeth getting those things open.

LilNugget: I literally have them in my hair rn, they always make my roots look terrible tho

heyitsmeagain: Everything fell and she could’ve gotten the same effect with the wrap!

Jules Lund: the guy playing the violin in the background is the main star here..

Natacha Brachet: Having to add rollers to an already very expensive dyson makes me wonder why spending all this Money...

Katie Amundson: Not if I got a $500 hair tool.

Lorene Knight: Please don't use your teeth to help you with the Bobbie pins. My friend did it occasionally & chipped her front tooth (it looked awful).

Teresa Guzman: I still use rollers ❤

Avery Crook: Using an air rap for her bangs and has rollers in her hair

Ariyana DelSantos: A round brush and a blow dryer will save you time, effort and look less dry and frizzy...

Eiki H: Rollers always get stuck to my hair it ends up looking like a bird's nest

M W: Beautiful!

Jaclyn Cruz Miller: No, my hair is naturally curly and I only wear it naturally now.

kristin bass: Yes. I just started. They are great

Dana Nicole: I use to do this as a child with my grandma we would do it wet and sleep in them horrible things but I miss her

Christine Madrishin: Yes I do. With longer hair it holds a longer time

uNkNoWn GuRLy GiRl: Ok she looks like someone from the 70’s or 80’s love the hairstyle

GG: Beautiful

Ellas World: I'm so glad I have a pixie cut

Patricia Le Dieux: No, naturally curly hair, I'm 73 stopped using rollers when I was 27.

hcvvomf: Imagine wasting your free time like this when there's so much more interesting and rewarding things you could've spend it on...

katefischer61: Why are you two so gorgeous?

Frances Lopez: So cute

bhaxna: The patience required for this

Kristina Kri: Капец, я думала сейчас шик будет, лайк поставила, потом убраластолько мучиться

Lexie Pixie: Why did shw put creme on her face even though she already has make up on

Dedra Doherty: Wish I had that hair beautiful ❤️

EvilSteven: Damn that is a GORGEOUS MAN and I am VERY picky!!!! Also…… gorgeous hair!!!! Love it. You make me want to go buy curlers!!!

Annie Rose5: Thought the purpose of the hair took was to curl it? Arent the rollers overkill?

Stephany M92: Got an air wrap but using rollers to curl her hair

Tea&Eh: Rando bf making himself known? Lol love the expression.

Sasha Knopka: You are girl, you must have a long curly hairs. So, it's part of your girl-life. Don't cut them.

FabulousAt40 Beauty: I would seriously not invest that much time and not have hardly any result like that. I hope that’s not a Dyson air wrap either because if it is you need to get your money back.

Dusty Bun 🍞: Imagine trynna sleep in that

lehnxx: Wait till you're 30 and only need 4 rollers

Tori: The volume is everythinggg

Ирина Куликова: Шикарндос!!!


Lauren Skee: she gets no effect from the curlers because her hair is over processed.

TerraMarie: If her hair was wet or if she put foam moose over it the curls definitely wouldn’t stayed.

ana valdez: I like your extensions where you get them local ✌️

Nicole Sanders: Looks straight out of the late 80s

Janine: Maybe it came to this conclusion because her hair was dust dry and not wet or damp

katie hopley: fun fact its doing this to my hair rn

K: They don’t look like they did much for all that work putting them in.

Teandra Sweet Tea: Well that was anticlimactic.

මේ කරුණාවන් මහත්මය: This is cat hair, so odd to me

Linda Garrett: Love the song

ItIsWhatItIs: It’s a huge bummer that we aren’t able to see what this creeps face

Amy Ernst: What the hell is in the big drink? Lol

Lillianna Matthews: Am I the only one that thinks she looks kind of like Billie Eilish?

Lauren Eatherly: What kind of rollers are these?

Настя Плотникова: Кто нибудь объясните на кой хрен накручивать волосы на бигуди если у тебя есть дайсон?

Clementina Kozma: I love the result.

Lil' Mama: So much effort for so little effect?

Amber Baez: Idk I thought it looked better in the rollers

B to the: Those rollers pulled my hair out I don’t like those types

Danielle Levine: your man is beautiful and so are you!!!! very good looking couple.

Melanie Liles: Who has that much patience

Sunshine Magical Rainbow Unicorn Cordelia Beth: Never heard of a Curling iron?

Leilani Reed: A lot of times spent looking pretty average. You're beautiful still

Amanda Summers: that process does not work without heat

Tashima Green: You are gorgeousness ❤

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