How To Cut & Style A Long Shag Haircut & Curtain Bangs | Easy Tutorial Step By Step

  • Posted on 07 April, 2021
  • Bangs
  • By Anonymous

How To Cut & Style A Long Shag Haircut & Curtain bangs

Easy Tutorial Step by step

Layered cutting techniques | Long layered cut

*Giving is hold forever*

Today, what i'm going to share with you is a classic shag haircut with some of my tips and tricks that i like to use behind the chair when i'm doing my type of shag, haircuts and then some curtain, bangs um. I know all of my clients raise your hand like share, say something if you uh are also getting those requests for those curtain bangs even on long solid links. That'S what i'm going to show you when somebody's wanting to switch something up, but you can also add this to your shag haircut, to give lots of texture and movement, a big change, but still maintain some length starting off. What i've done is i've pre-sectioned my model here with a horseshoe shaped section at the top so from the corner of the eyebrows. Here all the way around the parietal ridge of the head to the other corner of the eyebrow. That'S going to be our top section that we're going to clip off and away next i'll, take the mid section here and i've separated it into four. Just for ease of today, we've got side one here. We'Ve got two sections in the back and then we've got side two. Last but not least, we have our nape area, which is where we're going to begin our first incision i like to first wet the hair down for this type of haircut. I know you can definitely do this dry if you choose, but for my preference i like to make sure that the hair is wet. Lonza, says hi, hi, lonza love. You guys super excited to be here all right. So we're going to split this nape section in half make sure you're, nice and tight there maddie i've got my amazing associate maddie estes here, helping me being my cameraman, so she's going to be forwarding any questions, concerns comments, shout outs and be my helper today. So, thank you, maddie all right, so, starting in the nape section, i'm going to split it off in half. Now i'm going to start at the top of my section and i'm going to split this into thirds. Okay, so first section here, horizontal, make sure that's nice and even and what i'm going to do is i'm going to use the wide teeth of my comb and just scoop the hair upwards and start to elevate to that same parietal ridge? Now i'm going to use the parietal ridge as my guideline here, i'm going to step to the other side. Pardon me all right, and i'm just gon na lift this up again. Switching to the fine teeth of my cone for precision up to that parietal ridge and i'm going to cut don is asking what cut we are doing today today we're doing a shag haircut. I know that's coming back. I love all the 70s hair. That'S really vibing right now. This is a little bit of a more modern feel once we get to the top so next section just below using the wide teeth of my comb and scooping the hair up. This gives me a lot of control now, when i elevate up to that parietal ridge. Again, i'm going to find my guideline here now as i work through these sections. What i like to do is i like to spread my fingers to the same curve of the head, so my fingers aren't totally straight they're slightly curved and i'm going to shift past that guide just a little bit for some minor disconnection and then i'm just going To point cut into that section and release final section: lifting everything up, using the wide teeth of my comb to that parietal ridge, again, finding my guide and shifting just past it with wide fingers. As you can see, once we get to the more lower sections, we start to lose some hair. We don't have as much hair to cut off so for those of you that are concerned about losing length, i know maddie is filming this watching me freaking out. Right now on the inside internally panicking, but we still have all that length underneath here, but with more texture. That'S the idea of this haircut, so we're going to do the same on the other side. What'S really helpful in hair cutting is that it's balanced and equal on both sides. So what we do to one we must do to the other another product that i like to use to help maintain the hydration while i'm cutting hair is our moy moi, moisture mist. This is a fantastic tool to use behind the chair, as well as send home with your clients to help maintain their moisture. All right so same same thing on this side: we're going to take the top of that nape section and scoop using the wide teeth of our comb, bringing it up to the parietal ridge spreading my fingers and incision. Anybody have any questions so far almost lost somebody. There make sure everybody's in the party you'll have that one wonky hair, that's sticking out and your client will notice it all right next section bringing that up again. It'S really important that we maintain the same tension every single time. We lift the hair, even though we're creating a disconnected shape. We still want to maintain some sort of discipline, which i am all about. I love rules. I know it sounds strange as a hairdresser, but it's really great foundationally when we can follow those guidelines, but then for our texturizing tools. We can switch it up a little bit and give us some contemporary feel by shifting past that guideline, as well as spreading. Our fingers gives it a little bit of something different without too much loss of control, so we're starting to see a lot more movement there. I also really like this cut for naturally wavy hair. That just is so heavy and needs some movement uh. This is great to maintain that awesome length, but then, as you can see, as the hair is drying, we get really natural wave pattern. We'Re going to go ahead and release that back middle as well as the sides. This section is going to be broken into four, but it's all going to move cohesively around the head. They all can't wait to see the end results. Oh my gosh me too. I have a couple of examples so today, right at the end of the video what i have for you is kind of a oh, okay, bye. You know when your client does that looking at their phone like ma'am, we're working here so uh i have a totally done. Example. Sort of like you know, rachel ray cooking, show so she's finished. I can show you kind of a funky version of what this looks. Like and then definitely peep out, my instagram, it's lash baker, l ashbaker and i've got a photo of this haircut already posted and then i'm gon na uh post on my story as well today of the finished, looks absolutely loving. This and you know, what's funny, is i'm actually really somebody who's afraid of uh intricate haircuts? This is not something that i would normally be super excited to do behind the chair, but with the advent of new trends and kind of pushing us out of our comfort zone, i've really gotten the hang of it and i've gotten so excited about wanting to chop People'S hair off so go for it, get out there and try it all right. So we're gon na do the same thing that we did previously and we're going to start at the top of that middle back section, i'm going to give a little more that muay muy mist. What i love about our lanza products is that they've got this nanoscience technology, so even a moisture or shine product uh. You can reapply and it's not going to add weight to the hair, which is really helpful when you're working with fine, textures or you're. Just not wanting to add more weight, who wants more weight, all right so again scooping the hair up, i'm going to switch to the fine teeth of my comb since i'm dealing with a little more hair, and i want a little more precision lifting up and just Getting after those kind of scraggly ends next section push that off to the side, so you all can see be sure to make a comment. If you can't see - or if you just want to say hi all right, scooping the hair up, i've got a little more hair. So i'm going to use the fine teeth of my combs for some extra precision. Okay spreading my fingers and now see i'm already starting to lose that hair. I just want to get those little corners and then reaching for our last section here. Heather says: hey. My beautiful friend is that heather rowe right heather wright hi. Oh my gosh! I got too many friends named heather, not enough friends named heather, so see, there's my guide, i'm lifting up for the last time - and this is where you want to be really mindful once you've already cut and if there's only hair on the corners just cut those Corners, there's no need to cut into your guide so, as you can see, we're starting to get this sort of flippy 70s vibe, which is exactly what we're going for, but maintaining all that length. These mannequins can never stay damp enough, but that's okay. We'Ve got some tools for that all right, yep, starting to see those layers start to pop out heather um. Another heather asked: are you using a guide from the previous section or just pulling it straight up? Yes, i'm sorry i'm reaching for the previous sections guide so see here. I apologize. I should have mentioned that so taking from my last section is gon na help me stay on track and nice, and even especially when we're coming around the head. So there's my guide from the previous section in the back and see how this hair is all even i'm just going to cut here and release taking the next section off the side. Now, personally, i like disconnected haircuts and what's great about this - is that it looks awesome with a wave set pudding. So if you want it to be a little more textured, you can be a little more creative with your incisions, but keeping this guideline keeps it even like i mentioned previously so again, here's my guide, i'm just going to follow it and cut those ends. This is also going to help me maintain the length in the front. I know we're all afraid to lose this corner here now that i've established that i can feel really comfortable about. Taking that whole section up and just snipping off those very ends see maddie she's. Still got hair, yes, absolutely now, she's still a little heavy for me in the front, so i'm just going to take one more section and bring it up just to be sure following the shape of the head, and i feel like it's a little heavy. So i'm just going to point cut a couple corners out there just to break that up. I like that, a little bit better, yeah, more movement, all right repeating on this. On the opposite side, you guys all still with me give us a thumbs up if you're here all right, yep people are liking. Yeah, hey guys, it's so funny, because i can't see so i don't really know, but you know for those of you who know me we're just out here, keeping it real for those of you who don't welcome all right so finding my guide here in the center Back again, okay, here she is: i'm gon na connect that right middle back. Let'S throw a bunch of words at you using the fine teeth here elevating and then my guide is here now i'm right handed so i'm going to cut towards me, but make sure that i'm following my finger angle so that i don't start to cut either up Into the section or down, i want to keep right on track. Okay, if you'd, like the other side, i went all the way back down, but if you'd like you can also carry it straight to the side and work in a horizontal fashion, all the way across the head, that's very salon friendly, so again scooping the hair up. It'S like the loop swoop and pull there's our guide. Snip snip, snip, snip, okay, go back to that back section and once you've established your guide, it's going to be really easy to find within the haircut because it's traveling it's going with you. These are your checked luggage bags, so you're going to be able to find them with your little name tag here all right. Take that through the side now see how the hair is wet on this side and dry on the other, sometimes uh, that can affect the tension or the outcome of our haircut. So we want to make sure that we maintain equal moisture throughout our execution. Here i like this big wide comb when i'm working with a lot of hair. Ah that way, i can really get it all up together and see where it falls so again, guide taking it right across. This is gon na, be our last section and then we'll move through the top scooping the hair up, getting that beautiful tension and see how wispy it is once it starts to get to the very ends. At that point, we're really just blending the haircut and making sure that everybody comes to the party. Raise your hand if you like a party, even if it's a party for one okay me, i'm so here, for that. I'M here for a party of one all right. So i'm just picking up a little bit of the back section with me for that final lift on the side, bringing it all the way up and there she blows right across the bottom. Now, if you can imagine this in salon real time, we'd be moving, much quicker, all right, so now we'll finish off with our top section. This is where things for me anyway, get pretty creative. Oh all right! So i'm going to work from the back of the head towards the front and i'm going to start by again moistening that sorry that just bothered anyone resaturating the hair with some of that moisture, mist all right and then i'm going to look for on either side. No i'm right-handed, so i like to start on the right hand side, but if you're left-handed, you may find that you prefer to start on the left, i'm going to find on either side that guideline see here. That was a moment of truth right. Who was ready for that to be uneven? I know what i'm doing. I swear all right so we're going to find on either side that guideline and we're going to take a section from that top horseshoe meeting up with it all right. We'Re going to bring that hair up and angle our fingers pretty severely to a diagonal to a diagonal right if you're on the right diagonal left, if you're on the left. So for this to make sure that it's really really straight. I like to pull my elbow as far up as i possibly can and that's going to ensure that your line is nice and even okay, so cutting from that guide down here, just like so now, i'm going to switch sides because on this next section, what i'm Going to do is i'm going to again find that guide on the opposite side, from where i started this time, bringing my elbow down to create that really straight line. Okay guide us here right off the top okay. Now, if you want this to be even more textured or you want like a more funky kind of choppy, feel you can take wider sections and that's going to make bigger uh bigger breaks in the hair. And if you want more diffusion and softness, i suggest taking finer sections. Excuse me finer sections, which is going to give you more blend. What else is great about this is that you can always go back to your side and find your guideline, because you've made sure that you were even all the way around jamie nicole, says: hello, hey i'm out here, i'm doing it all right, so we're just following That guide all the way around so for those of you who are a little bit afraid of hair cutting or it seems a little bit intimidating, it's really just measuring twice and cutting once there's so many times in life where we should have. Oh, i wish i would have thought of that, or i should have thought twice before i made that move, but this really makes it simple and so long as we are trusting our talent and following the uh ruler, marks that we've already created, then we're going to Get it right every single time, brant says you're doing the dang thing doing the dang thing: honey, hi b, so just now i got a little bit lost. Okay being so completely honest, i couldn't find my guide so easy. I just reached for the side of her head. It was right here, especially when you're moving back and forth. It can be a little bit confusing. So if you're ever lost just look where you've already been we'll follow that trail brant. Yes, i did that all right. So as we move towards the center of her head, the sections are going to get wider, so don't be afraid to ma'am. Please cooperate. I know you're tired of being on camera. Shannon says you should come to west virginia and visit me absolutely hi, shannon all right. Taking that last section or excuse me from my previous section, moving again to the other side, let's see i went this way so now i'm going to go this way. There'S my helper, bringing that elbow up elbows up side to side. Anybody know that one yeah okay alrighty, so i'm moving towards the front of the head and notice. I'M changing my body position. If i was, as my parents would say in my spinny chair at the salon, i would easily turn the client back and forth. But since my client doesn't have a spinning chair today - and i have no spinny chair today - i'm just moving my body. That also is relevant. If you just don't, have space or you're doing an at-home cut for somebody. So now that the hair is all dry, i'm going ahead and i'm just leaving it, as is once we get to that front, see instead of the spinny chair, i just gave her the old exorcist i apologize that was too much all right. Can you guys start to see the texture that's happening here on the sides? I know she's not finished and polished, but you can see movement where there wasn't before so. For our last section, like i said, i don't mind a little bit of choppiness or extra bulk excuse me, so i'm going to take that whole section, oh ma'am, and just get rid of all of it. Is that fun or what alrighty so what's really interesting. Is that we can still get this sense of evenness if we just go back through in the front, if you want to be really super, even you can go back through and just carve also. Does anybody totally dig this storm action? This looks like storm from x-men. I'M really into it that was maddie's idea. Thank you. Maddie heather is asking on the top alternating angles after every cut. Yes, alternating angles after each section. So if your client doesn't want to do a fringe, though in the very front what i like to do is just bring that forward and just kind of carve in notching in and see you can get that really soft angle to kind of blend it in there. So it can still be fun and textured and have some difference. But for those of us who like to wear some pieces in the front or curl our hair, it's important that we still maintain a little bit of evenness. So finding where i cut last and just carving notching those ends to get that pretty blend all right, so i'll have her finished and polished up. I will post pictures of her later, but for now i want to show you. This is what she could look like, finished okay, so this is like a funky version, um lots of texture and movement. I curled it with a one inch curling iron, just in the center section and then what i love to style. This type of funky texture with is our dry texture spray. Imagine that so it's going to give you that judge and fluff that you need, and then, if you want to seal some pieces down, you can use our air paste for a little bit of stick. That'S still going to be nice and lightweight, but if you really want to fluff that hair up or give it some cool, flicks and movement, this air paste is awesome for that all right, good stuff, good last but not least, curtain bangs, all right. So this currently is very popular with uh. Most of our guests, who i think what's happening, is that with covet hair and staying home, a lot of people's layers grew out and shorter haircuts grow and people are looking for something a little bit different. So this girl has one length, hair and she'd like to try something different, so we're going to go with the curtain bangs when i'm opening someone up to a new style like this, i think that more is always better. So start a little bit longer start somewhere like if they have excessively long hair you're going to want to start at the jaw. Maybe if it's a little bit shorter, maybe more like shoulder length, then you can start at the cheekbone so depending on how long that hair is, will determine how long you want those bangs to be, and you can always go back and cut a little bit more. So the way that i start, that is, i pre-section her fringe area out. I like to start where the um round of the head is so on some people that's going to be much further back and on this gal it's really close to the front. So we've got a little triangle section that just extends its legs to the outside corner of her eyebrow. This is going to give us that flick here, um away from her face, and then, if you choose, you can always go back through the sides and blend that out and create a really neat face frame. So first things: first, oh my gosh. So if she was a real client, you want to protect her but she's, not real, so we'll just spray her directly in the face all right. I love this kind of blushy color right now rouge. This is so hot right now lanza says they love the color. Yes, i love this color, so this was actually done with our healing vibes um a little bit about our vibes is that it's a direct eye system super high impact. This is actually our magenta blended with some clear. So this isn't even the full strength on its own um, which is really awesome that we can dilute and make some different tones without having too much inventory. I feel a lot more creative that way, so i'm going to first establish my length from that triangle section. I'M going to section out a horizontal horizontal slice just down in front of her face something's going on with her nose. That'S okay! We'Re going to cover that up so for her. What i'd like to do is, i would like the shortest piece. This is going to establish i'm sorry your longest piece, so you want to be sure that you don't take it too far up. I know i've done this myself, where i thought. Okay, i want the longest piece to hit here at her cheekbone, so i take it right at the cheek, but remember when the hair is wet, it's a little bit elastic. So it's going to spring up some, and that could mean things sticking straight out. So we're going to drop just below just below that cheekbone start in the middle center that out so her cheekbone is here essentially just above her lips, i'm actually going to drop just below her lips, i'm keeping low elevation because i'm just establishing length connecting the sides. Now i like slightly point cutting hair like that to give a little bit more movement: okay, dropping the next section down establishing length only if she could stop looking at her phone that'd be great, the uh client that is okay, so my guide's under here i got Point cut point, cat point, cut and point cut: point cut point cut: can anybody guess what i'm going to do right here? Point cut all right, so we're going to split this in half again this really works best for a center part um. You can do a really beautiful side, swept bang on a side part, but for that curtainy effect, a middle part is really going to give us that, but that high impact okay, what's up, remember i created a diagonal line here when i first established the uh, how Much of her hair i wanted to create a fringe of so i'm going to use that to mirror my sections now again. If you took this whole section and cut it. Oh just kidding. If you took this whole section and cut it um, it's totally possible, but it's going to leave a little bit more of a heavier solid edge. I like a little bit more of a diffused edge, so i'm going to create a pair a section parallel to my original section here, we'll just split that in half, since it's not that much hair. But you can see that this line matches the other they're parallel to each other. Okay, i'm gon na move that out of my way all right now this is the her left side. So i'm gon na take this section over direct to the other side of her face, so that my section is also parallel with the original formation, then really pulling that tension. You can see where our guide is what i like to do next. That really keeps me on track and gets a really dramatic angle. Is i like to turn my fingers and just cut those little fringy ends off taking the next section down? Okay, so here pulling it parallel, starting to see that guide, i'm going to turn my fingers just on the frostly ends. This part is already cut so that when we release the hair, we get a nice soft angle going back her hair's, like half wet half dry. There we go so we're gon na get this sort of an action there. She goes see all right we'll do it one more time so splitting that section in half parallel to the original okay, bringing that over over directing to the opposite side of the face and then turning my fingers here next section make sure you're not picking up the Other side get out of the party you're, not invited okay, bringing that over there's our guide and we're just going to angle those fingers again reaching and cutting into that line. So, what's really interesting about current banks is they're quite different for someone who's not had that sort of a look before all right and then i'm just going to chit chat with you guys for a second maddie could grab me a blow dryer real, quick round brush. So we really want to make sure that we're being even precise and deliberate with each one of our cuts, maddy's going to grab me a blow, dryer, really quick, so that i can show you guys how to style this, because that's just as important. So, even if someone is growing out their layers or bangs, this is a great way to segue them in from a straight across bang, to something a little more side swept the way that we're going to style. This is that we're going to bring all the hair forward first creating volume and then next we're going to bring the hair back to keep it away from the face. Okay, wonderful! So keep that camera. Alright, i'm just going to plug in my blow dryer real quick! Thank you maddie, of course, thank you, everyone for being here being present being with us, we're also real hairdressers. I don't know if anybody knows, but at lonza to be an educator and if you're interested the first step is being a real life hairdresser. So working behind the chair means that sometimes we're fiddling around sometimes we've got some stuff going on, and that means that you're, the real deal. Okay, all right, we're already starting to see that this is starting to come forward like a curtain. So the way that i'm going to style this again is by bringing the hair forward first and then i'm going to direct it back. Okay says you're amazing! Oh i love you guys. Lanza is always there for me all right. So i'm going to create some volume by first pulling the hair forward just at the roots. I don't want to focus on bringing the ends forward, though, because uh i want those directed back. This is just to get that beautiful swoop. Okay, then i'm going to take my brush put it on the back of the section and pull up and away from the face. You really want to make sure that you seal those ends into the brush and you can just roll it. Oh yeah, that's beautiful! That is awesome. Okay, so see from the front. You definitely get that curtainy. 70S vibe. I pulled the brush a little bit out more this way. I'M so sorry she's done lost her head. Let'S tighten it there we go so you can really create that beautiful curtainy. 70S, bang just by first bringing that hair forward for the volume here and then by next directing the ends away from the face, like so everything's. Fine, nothing to see here. So thank you so much everyone. I appreciate you guys hanging in there with me uh. Thank you uh, be sure to check out lonza's instagram for upcoming artists people like margot therese, chris smith, uh brant crosby, some of my dear friends, who are incredibly strong educators. We are here for you, as artists and stylists alike. We'Re friends, we're family be sure to reach out to us check out when our next events are. I think big event has come back for next year. Uh, it's gon na be in las vegas, so be sure to join us. Thank you so much. I appreciate you. Love you and we'll see you next time.

Raven Vargas: I freaking love shag haircuts best I ever had, experimenting I just did it to the top of my head "I call it a half shag" and left the rest long surprisingly it came out good

salima subramanian: Love this! Thank you for doing this cut. Also not cut related but love your shirt! Could you share what brand it is?

Wendy: Beautifull very talented lady love your cutting techniques and instructions are wonderful what an artist you are

Cozzafrenzy: I need someone to do it

Sarah Dunworth: Where do you buy your mannequins? The hair looks really good. Thanks for sharing!

Cozzafrenzy: Ive had the same hair for 30 years..I have grown out from my layerd cut and it is all long and ready..come down under..I didn't look where u came from

L H: What is the name of the hair moisturizer you used?

Lee Sennett: Is this a Cut you could see yourself doing to your hair??

Cozzafrenzy: Bit of luck i could do the second hair is wavy..

Mary Deherrera: This is too hard to do to myself

Singing For The Creator:

Cozzafrenzy: Thank u

Caroline Coffey: Why did you start from the middle

Fenni Widjaja: Tq, for sharing

Harriet Carol: Do you cut hair in Queens, New York

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