The Doll Planet Hair Tutorial: How To Re-Root Bangs On Your Doll - Tricks For Rerooting Flat Bangs

  • Posted on 07 January, 2019
  • Bangs
  • By Anonymous

How to reroot bangs on your doll using hair from The Doll Planet.

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This is a basic tutorial on how to reroute banks for your doll. In addition to high-temperature nylon, hair from the doll planet, you will need your rewording tool, a size number 7 needle and the following supplies: an elastic hair band for tying back the dolls hair, a small hair clip for holding and sectioning out the dolls hair, a spray Bottle full of water, a fine-tooth comb, a heating pad a standard flat iron and a pair of scissors, ivory rooted on my scene Barbie in SB. On from the doll planning, I have not sealed the head with glue, though you want to reroute all hair before using glue as far as skill level for doing things, I'm going to recommend that you've done at least 3 roots before trying this, and that you have An understanding of the different effects that you get from angling, your tool when routing so it doesn't mean you can't do it. That is simply just my recommendation. I tend to do bangs last. What I'm going to do is I already sectioned it off, because it just takes me too long and boring to watch a little bit of her hair has been from her hairline and you were going to comb it forward rubber bands just pull it back, so that It stays out of the way now that I've got a few bangs. I'M say I'm gon na add more. If you think about it, most bangs go into the hair, and so that's what we pulled. Some of the hair forward to get us started and get an idea of where we want the bangs to be on her head. I'M not gon na. Do it too far back on head, I'm just gon na add some plugs in here and I'm gon na see how that looks. That'S because I'm do you think I obviously don't need long hair and before I start I'm gon na take some sharp scissors. Dull scissors are just frustrating, it really is worth it to get yourself a pair of sharp scissors, I'm just going to cut it in half and the moment I'm gon na put that angles are going to be important with how you insert the hair, and so this Is one of the big things that I found makes a difference, so I've got a bald spot here now, so, instead of punching downward, I am going to from this direction. You see how the hair, instead of going up it's laying more in the direction of where baby that's pretty much the main technique wait time out. Okay, I forgot to get the hair damp, which is why I'm making such a huge mess so get the hair damp at the beginning before you start with any of this, because it will make it much easier. Okay, back to the tutorial and under work moving along. This area that's filled in, as you can see, even though I've only done like six plugs starting to create a line. I want that line to be straight. This is a way that you help create a clean line with your parts. Is I rebooted into a plug that has already been written? I just did it at a different angle and of course it's then. Let'S do it right here see how this plug is already here in the Dirty Bird in, but if I've used fire to push it back, so what I'm gon na do is coming from this other direction. So what that does is it creates a more seamless look? Obviously, right now it's still got a couple of patches, but what that does is it creates a look of the hair continuously and not having a space, so you don't want some awkward space. So this is what I got so far as you can see. If that pretty good start all right, I want our babies to go a little bit more on each side, so I'm gon na fill in on the side, so I'm gon na do that. Off-Camera, really quick, okay! So I've gotten most of my veins at this point. If you notice it's not particularly even there's some sections that are thicker than others and some are thin, so I'm not done routing the bangs. What I'm doing at this point is: I want to get the bangs flat against the head to see where they are and how they're going to be spaced and where I will reroute after that to get her bangs flat. I'M gon na hold them directly up to her head like so and so notice that I have the heating pad. So I want to be certain that this is how she's going to stay in the heating pad. I just rolled it up haphazardly. It could go anywhere. So I'm going to roll it up as tight as I can make sure that her head isn't moving and for maximum flatness, since this is where I need to figure out where to go next. I'M actually gon na leave her in here for an hour. So after that, we'll check it out and see so, let's unwrap Barbie and see she and the things are doing so check that out like I was. This is not perfect, but as far as like having it nice and flat, I guess her head. That'S pretty nice see how it's sticking up a little weird right here. What I'm going to do is take my flat iron and gon na help shape it a little bit because heating pad it's great for getting it flat. That'S not! It doesn't always do the best on shaping, because you don't have as much control. I sped up this section of the video for the sake of time, but at the beginning, and you could see how slowly I was working with the flat iron. I always work that slow the same spot. That cutter does the chin, because that's still plenty long have it laid out a little bit more okay, I would say they're still sticking out and that's actually to be expected. So is there a fix for this? So you guys go back in the heating pad 30 minutes yeah, so I think your bangs awesome, nice and flat. You see how, because I used the flat iron to help shape them. They spread out better place, obviously back and forth, between the heating pad and flat iron about two more times, but in the end I got these really beautiful bangs. I love the way it turned out and I do apologize for my amateur editing, I'm working on it and hoping to get better, but I think you could still find this video useful. Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you soon.

Jay The Doll Guy: This was extremely helpful! Thank you!!

Bri Elliott: Thank you sooo much for the great tutorial, this was super helpful. I feel so much more confident in my next project now!

Leesa Chittle: What kind of hair is that. I want to do a Tutti and I tried hair from a Halloween wig, but I could not make it lay down. Thanks

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