Short Bob Short Bangs

Brooklyn is a regular customer that gets bob haircuts so this time we did a shorter bob on camera and shorter then her usual length

Thank you wow. Thank you. Don'T you love it yeah. I do that's so cool I'll have a pyramid. You have no idea, we'll start with um drinks in hand because we're allowed to drink on the channel. Oh nice yeah, that's the we do. Sometimes we don't always, but we do sometimes so we're gon na start and uh. Here we go ready, yeah, yeah sure so. Brooklyn Matthew, Matthew, Brooklyn, YouTubers, two birds, Brooklyn and yeah. We'Re gon na do a haircut really yeah um, but we haven't decided yet have we all right, so we uh we're gon na play like haircut roulette mm-hmm and what pops up you nervous a little bit yeah a little bit nervous. Yeah! That'S the point of the channel and we're doing we're doing this. Is this Friday evening after work after hours and we're having a few drinks and we're gon na do haircut relay because we love that kind and um, let's find out what one you're gon na get now the rule about haircut relays. You are a woman and you get Veto rights because we don't do anything unless there's a gay consent. You know a consent, consent's very important, but we're gon na do a haircut relay so here's what we put in the wheel like the relay wheel, there's that one there's that one huh there's that one she likes that one there's that one yep that works. There'S that one, which is pretty awesome, there's that one yep which is yep there's that one outside the box, so some of them are outside the box and some of them are Comfort zones and um we're just gon na. What we're going to do is we're going to spin the wheel and then you have to say: stop. Oh, thank God, play it safe one, which is cool, pretty much what you were going for yeah cool now the way that works because, as I said, the channel is monetized, I do pay for the models and what it is, the money that comes in I paid For it that one is your 50 option so that one I can pay you 50, for that haircut is that the one you want, Yep, they're cool with the terms yep, so we're concerns yeah yeah, because, to be honest, you're actually gon na pay me 60. For that haircut today, now I'm gon na pay. You fifty dollars to get what you're going for anyway yeah, so that's cool. So what we're gon na do is she came as a paint customer today, but we're gon na. It was again today. It'S like do you want to pay me for a haircut or you want me to pay you for a haircut and you went oh, you could pay me for her yeah. If we did the roulette wheel, that's not set up or anything, that's where we ended up. So you woke up this morning: that's what you wanted. You'Re gon na get that today yeah, but I'm gon na pay. You to that sounds like a win-win-win will run. One of the other ones would have been better, but that's what we're gon na do? Cool cool, yeah, no it'll be more fun but yeah. I love your nerves, you're like, but anyhow, that's a good one too, but also you're welcome back on the channel and you can do other haircuts too yeah. So the first one on this channel will be that one cool and we're good and we're all consenting and we're all happy yeah, so got a few more options here. Would you like the pink one, the black one or the spiky one look out with what pink one the pink ones, everyone's just everyone's, been choosing the pink one today yeah! Thank you. What was that strange, futuristic device over there because we're doing like what late 1900s that haircuts from the late 1900s correct we're trying to do the late 90s? These modern, like you know next millennium devices, keep going off we're like we're totally confused, that's terrible sweet so that length of the bottom, like we talked about earlier, did you want bottom of the Year above the piercing or middle of the year? We'Ll go about the pieces Bobby piercing, yeah yeah, because I've got your hair before and we were you, you came in for a ball, I was like, he said Bob and it went Bob and you're like Bob, and I went okay and you went okay. Just believe me, that's, okay, so what we've been doing is I I, like I've, been I've been cutting every little while I've been pushing you to go shorter anyway, as a pain customer. You would pay me money for me to, like you know, that's been happening, but now you're better on the channel yeah come on over. Let'S wash your hair, okay, okay, come on over look now you have a trolley, so it's all the way over there because we're over there with our friend earlier yeah over here, okay drink it back foreign, yeah, yeah and um, not as exactly like that picture, but You know well better: you were coming in for today, you're gon na get yeah put on camera yeah exactly and for those watching at home. This is amazing hair. This is really thick amazing, hair um. If you could feel this or whatever you can't feel it, but all I know this is amazing. It'S not taking this kind of thing when, before I give you your first haircut, it was how long was it. It was just under my shoulders yeah. It was about there, wasn't it you're, like Bob, I was like Bob you're, like Bob Bob anyway, okay, Bob, that's what we did, so that was as a paying customer off camera yeah um, but I think now that you're on camera, it's better for uh better for The channel it's better for YouTube yeah. So here's where we do the first step we're going to go. We'Re going to push this over and I'm going to hold the scissor up to the side of your side, of your shake and you're going to say good and then I'm going to snip. Okay, so like a little short bob with a little short Fringe kind of. Like how the nuns used to give the orphans like one of those, let's see one of those, because today it's high fashion, it was like the nightmare above the nuns used to get the orphans they're like it's not become fashion yeah, so we're gon na do one Of those it's not gon na, like that Queen's Gambit haircuts everyone's like oh, my God, I love those haircuts, so we're gon na go in with the big guns, so the last secret I gave you was right. So you touch the scissors right to the bottom of your look. That was awesome. I got ta get it so this time we're going higher right, yeah so like there. So it's your little blank yeah or middle of the Year middle of the Year middle of the year. Yeah! Oh, you went for middle year. Oh here we go sweet. So that's gon na be super short you're doing it for the channel like she could have done. The the longer version she's doing the Bolder version for the channel. This is for you guys watching at home. Did you realize that she's going for middle of the year boy yeah? How cool is this is what retro haircuts is all about? Yeah, oh hell! Yeah. Did you hear that you can hear that sniffing off yeah? That is so pretty that is already so amazing and I'm gon na spin it. So they can see. Look at that start of a bob. Let'S close this up and move this over weep it because we don't want um red wine falling everywhere. No, and that is that decision wasn't like alcohol induced because we're only on our first one yeah. Oh, that's so good. What do you think at home leave your comment? Yeah I like Brave right right. Well, you know like, like belong over to the tournament started version right. Um for people watching at home, Brooklyn comes from invercargill, you know where it is. You just go on your computer. You type in invercargill invert cargo and that's that's where that's that's like what comes after invercargill at our Antarctica, yeah yeah, pretty much like that's the bottom of the world, that's the bottom of the north! So this one we're gon na go middle ear. Two, like oh yeah, so this is even shorter than the 90s to give the orphans because it does used to just go about there. This is even shorter than that. It'S not soft, and that means we can shake that back into a major tape ring and stuff. Like that fun creativity, artsy stuff - and you were at University of Victoria Wellington - that's what they call it yeah, because let's do some more on the other side. So I'm starting this Bob over you see on this on the ears and not the back, but you know: there's no um! You know there's no wrong! You just it's about the that's. The journey doesn't matter, there's a hundred different ways of getting to the same destination. You can start in the Box start the sides you can do you know, there's no rules, it's what it's it's. What inspires the best journey is the journey that inspires you the most, because I do get comments from different hairdressers like oh, you should start in the blouse like. Oh, it doesn't matter yeah, there's a hundred different ways to get to the same result as long as you're having exactly, and this is YouTube and I'm going for YouTube drama. Of course it's YouTube drama, love the YouTube, so we have something we're going to do it. We'Re gon na do this way from the sides and then I'll do the back. Hopefully we'll do that. Oh no whoa, just give me a mallet yeah it'll be weird with me. I'M always just be weird, but also we like weird yeah. We also like the term that it's so long that it's right yeah, it's Wellington, yeah yeah! You want this stuff on Cuba, Street yeah. Absolutely we were saying earlier like when you look over here. Those are my 1920s posters and things like that, but we're 2022. Now so that means all the diagrams I have over here are 100 years old, those Bobs on my wall, wherever there are now 100 year old haircuts. I don't even know why I was shocked by this like yeah. No, I said that too early you're, like whoa, maybe it's still the late 1900s, who knows yeah 1920s is the early 1900s and I'm going with that term. Now because someone said to me last night: she's, like oh, you know like back in the late 1900s, when Nirvana was cool, you know they say the 90s like the 90s, the 80s, the 70s. What not? But someone put it that way, and I laughed so. Oh, you know, like 90 was cool, I'm like oh, my God. I never heard it that way before, but I love it. That'S called the late 1900s or the mid-1900s or the early 1900s, because we did that with the 1800s, the 1700s 1600s. It'S just called like 90s, 80s, 70s, 60s, 50s late, 1900s, mid 1900s early 1900s, because it's funny - and I think I just think I just laugh when I heard that so I was like - oh my God that makes me feel more than me. It doesn't make me feel old. That just makes me laugh. Oh no, you feel old when the fact that you went into a new millennium like well, that's true. You survived Y2K, yeah, okay and funny the job I had back then in the late 1900s. I was on the Y2K committee: oh no, because we're analyzing systems to make sure that our company would survive the Y2K. Of course it survived. The whole world went midnight, midnight Midnight all the time zones and nothing happened. Oh my God. Nothing happened. That was like. I think the CEOs behind generator sales we're behind the whole thing, because you know how many generators they sold. Oh, my God, that's the biggest scam of the century - Y2K, oh, my God Y2K. Oh, I spent Y2K Montreal really that's the best story ever yeah. Now, here's what happened true story! Um! Should I stay on camera? Okay, we took something I'm not gon na, say on camera. We took something and um because early on the night, we took something I won't say what is on camera um with all the good intentions. We were going to go out, we're in an apartment and we're done it's. Why we're all excited so we're getting ready and then what happened was uh. We started talking and it was like a good time but Y2K that was like your whole. Life was leading up to that moment, right yeah we're in the living room, we're all talking we're having this big gauge conversation, and then we heard some booms outside everyone are those fireworks? Oh wow. What time is it? It was 12 20.. So the whole midnight was gone. It was 20 after midnight, you missed the entire evening. We missed the entire countdown and everything we're supposed to go out and see it. We started talking and midnight was gone 20 after midnight. We heard some booms and we're like are those fireworks? What time is it it's? 12? 20, when, oh, my God, that's so great, so he didn't even do the countdown we're like okay, cool dude. You feel like going out like it's much else cold like not really, so we just went back to the conversation. That was my Y2K. That'S how I spent that night, and it was the best thing. 4 - AM 5 a.m. 6. A.M! We'Re still talking yeah! It was the best I wouldn't do it any better than that. Oh, my God, I missed one. I missed the countdown, we all missed the countdown well. This is like seven episodes at night. You missed the end of the world yeah. Well, they, the whole world, was gon na end, but we didn't even know we were like we're too we're too busy. I remember we're talking about we're too busy talking. Oh, this is cool, so we're gon na go into the back now. Oh, I love how short we're going yeah. You got the safe bet with the roulette, I know, but at least we're making the haircut interesting yeah for you and them yeah. So I'm gon na do I'm just gon na slide in and start like, where we're going with this yeah do that stuff just slip all around, because I love the sound like when you have to care like this. The way it sounds when it's been cut off, um I'll be silent as I kind of disciple, very satisfying for you and them yeah. Oh my grandmother, my grandmother yeah. It was five years old and sleep in the salon and sweeping the hair off the floor. In the salon, I never said the tips with me and then we would go to Arby's and buy like the roast beef sandwiches yeah. I was like so I expect the flour and the staff was here like at the end of the day. They would share their drinks with me because you know if you work hard, you know you're a good old five-year-old and then I was like oh roast, beef sandwich from Arby's. That was my goal because it was an Arby's next to her Salon, yeah and then Grandma totally consented to all that she's, like yeah you're in your Arby's. Oh have some Orbeez. Yes, of course yeah! No, so you I learned that work, ethic, five yeah and when you're five years old this would have been. I was born 71, so that would be 1976. wow you're absorbing a lot of haircuts of that time and so like. Why do you wrestler because, like oh, I was five years old working in hair, color, hair salon in 1976 and that was in uh? The address was uh. It was on Topanga Canyon, Boulevard, Canoga Park, Los Angeles, California, oh wow, so that's where it was located. Yeah yeah, so, oh my God, the factions of that time. Now that was just before. Like The Runaways, you know the band, The Runaways yeah like 15, so I was a bit young, but my cousins were their age. Now the girls from The Runaways were literally under a kilometer away from my grandparents house was yeah. So when I watched like when the cherry bomb in the movie in the book - and I read all that yeah - I love their story because it reminds me of my youth at that time in my life yeah, because my cousins were their age there from that time. Where I wasn't, but you know at that time I was living in that area yeah and they became famous out of all that. So, every time I like hear their stories and stuff like that and some of their stories real bad, but there's a lot of really stuff that just it triggers my memory yeah. So for me, I'm, like, oh, my God, The Runaways love them, because it just that's the area that, where my grandmother grandmother's what else was and then bear Salon was a little bit east of there. But The Runaways were a little bit West of my grandparents house. So that's how my old, you know where he was was at a time in my life, yeah yeah, it's cool yep. So, every time I hear like Cherry Bomb like that marks my child in and also the other things like Cheap Trick or the cars yeah things like that too, like it all just triggers my childhood yeah love that stuff. So I am creating a line above this stuff because we're going to do that taper after so that's what I'm doing for those watching. You know not for you for those watching movies and I also like doing haircuts with drinking no. I do it's fun. It is fun, I won't admit it doesn't happen. Always the channel happens sometimes, but it's fun all artists drink alcohol. It'S well. Not often you know or whatever yeah it's not safe. I recall doing hair Arts. No, I would call it Artisan yeah. There'S a difference between art and art. Is it very Artisan? I consider it artisan, because art is Art. Artisan is like artistic for money yeah, because it's a trade right, I'm giving you something and you're paying me for it. It'S Artisan! It'S not artists, artists! Well, I'm going to like the 1700s yeah I was. It was yeah, but mostly the people. The artists were getting screwed over and then the value in their work wasn't there until after they died yeah because they were basically minimum wage employees like they were like yeah. They were getting paid equivalently for what they were doing. They died and then others traded to Art after they were dead and that's where the value. So if you never actually got the value for their work, that's absolutely true. In a lot of artists back then more the biggest paycheck was commissioned by the religion, yeah yeah yeah, and that wasn't their true art they're, true art. They never got enough money for it, but their biggest pay check was from commission from religions. Yeah yeah a room like Michelangelo after he died. They went around and covered a bunch of his notes that he painted yeah that's too much for the church, yeah, and so that stuff was considered like oh no value, but that stuff today is the stuff of the biggest value yeah. The religious commission stuff isn't as big a value as the stuff that they were putting their artistic abilities into which was considered more value in their lifetime. They died and now that stuff is the greater value stuff after they're. So they wouldn't even know that, like they're, dead, right yeah and then I became the higher, but in their lifetime they would have had no way of knowing yeah so you're we're talking and they're your cameras, your head's to the back, because also they're, watching they're they're. Listening to the conversation but they're watching perfect, I love the middle of the early and what are you starting at school? Again, art history, Classics in art, history: that's why we're able to have cold conversations like this cutting clumps of your hair off sides. Oh skateboarder messes around with the noise. It'S come up on a few of these videos, the garage door. Next door is broken, so it's up all the time and then, when there's bad weather days like today or cold, whatever the skateboarders go in there, because it's like a you know they go to the skate park, but the weather's bad. So they go into the parking lots yeah so that when the door is broken, so they've been rolling in there they're messing around in my recordings now, if I'm not recording, I don't care, go in now, yeah that, while I'm recording yeah but - and I put it This way with them, it's like I'm, I'm diplomatic, I'm like again like you guys, do skateboard videos right and that's cool, but I'm doing videos too so just go and come back and, like a you know, an hour or whatever, because I'm making videos too. I, like your videos and I'm doing videos too and 99 of the time they respect that. But I had one who didn't respect that and I got a six. You know because this security guard in the boarding in the building anyway um. So I was like. Okay, that's fine I'll, get your trespass yeah! I didn't. Actually the security showed up and he was like. Oh, he wasn't joking. I said. Don'T actually trespassing we're just like because I've, actually you know, I don't want to be that shop owner like oh, you skateboarders, because I was like a 15 year old skateboarder once too yeah exactly, but that one guy was very difficult he's like basically, he said. Oh, I hate your generation because you're like what do you say? Oh I use is paperwork to that's when I'm like. Oh he's just trying to find his place in this world, and I just might play with like you're, not doing anything new. I mean we've just been going on to the 70s you're, not Reinventing something come on You're Gon na Hate, My Generation, because we're doing we did what you're doing you're not Reinventing anything like the ollie. It'S not like. Oh look. I just invented an ollie. No and there's nothing new about a skateboard design. They were like in the 70s yeah in the 80s yeah. They they were skinny activities. They were fat in the 80s, the 90s. They got to a shape where they were both like and the skatepark shaped. Since about the year 2000 to today, over 20 years, there's nothing new with the technology either. But I respect it, but I mean come on, don't be 17 and rival the older generation about something that you're not doing anything new with like impress the older Generation by Reinventing it yeah, but there's no reinvention going on skateboarding culture at home, not anymore. It'S been done same thing, I would say about like music like the whole concept of a singer: guitar player bass, player drummer - that's been going on since, like the 1950s yeah. But how many times are you going to reinvent and reinvent and reinvent and reinvent it, because at this point I would say that concept is running out of ideas like you can't do queen anymore. You can't do David Bowie anymore. You can't do it no, but I still love music as much as I always did, but I said this day and age with the modern music coming out. I probably just been on my ELO records or yes records or rushed records, or you know what I mean, because I think there was a prime and new stuff comes out like I respect it, but, oh, my God, if I fall back into like classic rock yeah Love that stuff, I love how much is coming off of the squad. Look at that wow. We love our short behind anyhow, don't be 17 years old, don't be 17 years old, with a guitar and cocky, because you're not doing anything here, don't be 17 years old. With a skateboard and be cocky either because I mean my god, there was coffee 17 year olds in this, with the skateboard in the 70s in the 80s in the 90s, 2000, 2010, 2020 you're not doing anything new, no and yeah, like I said 99 of the Skateboarders that get in there, I'm cool with there was this one guy makes sense. I'M like come on really so funny beer, rats and beer ranting and cutting hair, but this is a great haircut thanks. I wouldn't do it if it wasn't going to be great. Oh, we haven't even started a fringe, yet no they're the same in the fridge relax because, like I said it was like going for where consent right, I could just say, with the Fringe in a minute: yeah we're almost there now. If you want to grow your friends out with time, because it's close to the length but now we're gon na finish yeah, I know the difference too. I gave you your friendship because you didn't have the friends in that video. No, my last things were just a bit of a mess, so the next question is: oh there there there, there micro, which one okay, just above the Brows, really not micro, no yeah, I'm from micro. I don't know right there. You want that now, it's you like! I'M uh: this is all the said. I can be you. I want micro, but to be honest, you got that cow lick, yeah! That'S why you don't want it like. If you know that cow look do its own, you would have said micro, yeah, you're, not afraid of going that short yeah you're, just aware of how your hair behaves yeah. So, where I'm going right here, just for people watching at home we're doing the dialogue, because I'm working with you Brooklyn on your haircut um display as short as you, if you'd ever cut your Fringe yeah and managing your color at the same time, yeah. If your color was different or I could go, but it can't, because that's just gon na go yeah yeah, exactly yeah with a girl at school who wants to cut her own bangs and it just like to look like skunks the way they're propped up yeah. Now, on the channel, of course, they're going to be dramato like like, but no realistically, where you chose, because you know your hair better than anybody yeah, but I also know you have to because it's not. This is not our first rodeo together. I might add a little more to it than before, just to add that extra weight from above yeah, but you get the reason for that. This is called Rapport people, it's called Rapport. We know it me knowing you you knowing me yeah, yeah, Rapport and that's Rapport. Is the level of trust between a hairdresser and the person in the chair and it's a closet scenario or this scenario, because this is not a client scenario. This is a uh. I would say this is a friendship scenario sharing with the YouTubers, we're friends and they're. All friends on the tubers we're all friends around here and all the people watching at home we're all friends around here. So I'm doing this Fringe with the heavy guns, but we're doing it on the longer side. But it just look at the endless now you see that extra weight about it from above. You can see that now it adds that weight to help with the cowlick scenario so cool, I even a little bit more. We want to have your Fringe yeah. You call that yeah yeah, totally you're cool around yeah and you're Fringe parting is slightly off the side. This way yeah yeah, so we're going to work with that. Well for the people watching, they want to see like little shark bottles and you wanted to yeah. Oh yeah, so yeah, I see how I'm buying more from the back it's starting to smooth out that kind of look more. What a fun haircut! I'M actually glad that um the roulette work that it did, but it just goes back to like things just work out. Yeah, it was meant to be it just was meant to be and um that's what I do as a hairdresser, even off camera, I'm all about the drama pretty much in general and on camera drama um. So the roulette thing was a whole bunch of drama, but it fell onto the right thing to do: yeah, that's where it fell on and if you're telling the wrong thing to do. We still may have done the right thing because at the end of the day feeling the wrong thing to do: um, you're, a woman consent - and if you don't get said it's not gon na happen, regardless of hair cutting um with you know, blah blah blah blah And we just love people like that. Look at your new hair yeah! Now this is the shortest you've ever had it yeah, because that what I gave you this is now wow you're, like wow the experimentation, but I'm glad I moved you in like from paying customer to YouTube, because you're better off on the YouTube, all right, excellent yeah And there's one right there in the last little bit before we blow dry it we're gon na have to take a commercial break. Okay, oh no! Wait! I forgot. I got to the pack no clean that stuff up now I got ta freehand that stuff, I'm not gon na do Equippers or anything so yeah. This is the best part. Now, when I was in hair school, my hair instructor did that she used to cut the weight around and take that off off the bottom and it at the time. It was like that's a weird way of doing it, because you could just go this way like work into it or wait line. You could do it either way. But when I was in hair school back in the late 1900s and my hair structure was Jamaican and she was amazing and she was taller than I am she's like six and a half foot tall heads are bigger than mine, but she was one of those amazing Presents so she did a haircut like this this way where she did wait line and then went in after like this and I'd never seen it before, and I thought wow that is so cool. Both ways are cool. You can do it either way, there's no wrong. It'S called a journey and there's a hundred different ways of taking that journey to get to the same result, and I think when I don't really teach doing hair at all, I don't teach it. I do have like staff and stuff like that, and we all Inspire each other. But the biggest thing, if I'm going to be teaching, is just like yeah exactly that. There'S a hundred different ways of getting to the same result and there's no real wrong. And I'm not doing Clippers on this, we're just gon na create that taper freehand it like that, also because your hair's so fun to cut yeah yeah, so we're gon na do it. This way, Clippers are like doesn't matter where the hair is same result right, yeah, but with scissors on your hair like this is pretty awesome and you in the chair, your hair is fun, being cut yeah. It goes both ways like I'm having fun doing this and you're having fun with this too, like it's going. This is report scenario, absolutely yeah foreign, just it ends up being a like. I said another Journey towards the same result, and this one is a little bit beer induced, but we'll get there anyway yeah now, my hair cutting quality, doesn't change with the few drinks or sober or whatever um, just because, at the end of the day, my vision In my head's the same regardless, wouldn't you drink when it goes when the drinking is too far yeah, that's not a good scenario, but I just drink light beers and we're only we're only at a six-pack level. At this point make um for people watching I drink. Dbx for gold and the North American equivalent would be Miller lights, it's a light beer and the reason for that is because you can drink Miller Lakes. You don't get to the point where you you know, belligerent or whatever you're. Just too light yeah, I'm not even at a six-pack level. Yet at this point so and you're drinking red wine, do you have one in your hand, you should have my red wine in your hand as I'm cutting your hair. It should have been in your hand. The whole time, like you, know, like um the graduate with the father with the martini yeah like it should be just never. Out of your hand, it's always there all the time yeah. You should be like that. Oh, I love that the father and The Graduate now the following. The Graduate was the best, but you know it was a good old, good, good, second bus, the father and Legally Blonde yeah, because he's based on the father of The Graduate. I know if you, if you get the DVD from they, be blind and you watch where they talk. You know you click. You know with a you know the dialogue where they do alternative dialogue. They say that in the DVD, like, oh yeah, that's that's her father. What was the name, what was the girl's name in Legally Blonde anyone Ellie yeah yeah? So he says oh yeah. No, this character was totally based on the father from The Graduate. So I watch legally blondly watched the um. The dialogue I'm like, oh my God, is this one, the first time, but that is so true. It makes this even better in case you guys watching. You know we didn't spot that the father illegally blonde with the martini was based on the father and The Graduate it was their film Montage, which makes Legally Blonde even that much better and as a hairdresser. Of course, I love Legally Blonde. There'S all kinds of reasons. Why I love Wiggly blonde? Sometimes I go home depressed when we're working in the salon and I'm like. Oh there's only one way to cheer up this depression Legally Blonde, and then you can do that. Oh wait! A second right now ready for this ridiculous bend and snap love. It works every time now I use a different phone because I got that one dirty. Oh no, for high today purpose this here's a new one, all the pen and stuff works every time. I don't think I've watched them every 20 years now like it was when that came out. I was obsessed yeah and then you move on from Obsession, and now I think it's been a good like at least 15 years. I haven't seen it for that long time, but I don't forget any words from it. Obviously yeah this is fun now on dry hair I'll go over the back one more time with the clip with the trimmers but um for now, that's the shape there. That'S pretty much your haircut and we're going to dry and we'll go over some more and I'm going to spin you all the way around, so they can see how cute. Oh, that's amazing and I love that we're in the middle of the airline. That is amazing and the back will clean up some more after strike cool, so we're gon na take a commercial break, we'll be back, enjoy the commercials and we're back now. You can see the reason why we did a natural draw over like a blow dry, because if I did a blow dry I would like loose and all that kind of stuff it would have been. But I wanted this look with this haircut. I really wanted a natural dry and a spin, so people can see now I haven't cleaned it up yet and um we're gon na stop there. You can see from the back so we're gon na freehand the rest of that, but not with scissors with these think about when you got. This is really bulky hair and when you go in there with scissors, you end up leaving scissor lines. Would you go in there with these? It'S a more softer approach and we can go in there with the Clippers in the garden go. We don't want that. We want a more natural look with this and I do like that weight line. That'S the way that I've been there before I do like the way it went as well. I just want the stuff underneath to be more soft or natural, rather than a heavy guarded, Clipper cut kind of thing, foreign and even into the hairline, because we can um soften that right out a little bit as well that sort of stuff what a fun haircut Foreign, you can also do this, because trimmers are softer lines than scissors. It creates a more softer line. That'S fine in this way. Let'S step over here! Oh that's, not gon na work, bad ergonomics, just batter economics. Now this, like it's called a lip, lined Bob you're. Above a lip line, bug you're like sure about, as short as you can do about it, foreign now back in the 80s. This is like your worst nightmare because you know you're getting ready for school in the morning and your mom's, like, Oh your hair. This is the worst nightmare from the 80s that hair brush right there, but it's meant to be used like this just to soften it does have its place, but people watching at home see this they're like. Oh, my God, that's my neighbor. It'S the wrong hairbrush! I'M just like being mean whatever it's like a nightmare from back then, but it's actually appropriate. It'S meant to soften like that kind of thing. That'S what it's like yeah. So you see how it's softened, that's what this hair brush was meant for, but mothers never used it that way they bought it from Kmart or whatever, and they just went. It was the wrong tool and it wasn't working and it hurt and everyone anyone who's. Like 40 years old or older - and they see this - like - oh my God, my mom used to kill my hair with that it was the wrong tool, foreign and then you see from the back. Oh that's cute! Isn'T that fun yeah, because that's like really high up with that wave line yeah that is so fun! I love this and we'll spin the chair for the tubers at home, so they can see it cool cool. Let'S do some after shots I'll go grab my camera. Oh good foreign, sorry I'll leave comments below. Let me know what you say: I love a door. I love the door. This is so great. It'S so much fun. Anyhow, bye, fevers, ciao,

James Beverly: Hello im one of your first subscribers i believe and i absolutely love your channel and what you are doing ! But i think one of the trademarks of this channel was the mirrow view of the models and their reactions especially when you use the clippers , and now since people suggest to watch the back we lost that moment ... Best regards :)

KK and RJ: I think this video was my favorite! She looks fantastic!

Richard BYRNES: awesome haircut-strong weight line in back, super length works well with dangle earrings/nice heavy wide fringe. Great upgrade

David Jones: Well done, that is one fabulous haircut, it really really suits her. David in the UK.

Regal Hair: Absolutely breathtaking!!! I'm so in love!!!!!

medic626: Absolutely gorgeous cut

Wiktor Kredo: Fits her perfectly!

Jooles Leder: absolutely adorable

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