Fab * I Love My Short Feminine Bob Hairstyle And New Color! Janne By T.K.S.

Please check my other video's here!

- Make Over Haircuts - http://goo.gl/yAlOjB

- Extreme Haircuts- http://goo.gl/eJsNA7

- Short Haircuts - http://goo.gl/632j73

- Bob Style Haircuts - http://goo.gl/NWzesB

- Tattoo Art Clipper Haircuts - http://goo.gl/llKkC2

- Asymmetrical Haircuts - http://goo.gl/mtJWpP

- On Location Hairstyles - http://goo.gl/ptDajj

- Party Haircuts - http://goo.gl/OVvqHJ

- Fresh Haircuts - http://goo.gl/JjEB3a



Hi Everybody!

On my Barber channel 'theoknoopkapper' you can see all different haircut's (and make-overs) from beautiful people. Im from the Netherlands (Dutch) and make English videos in High definition (HD).

I love working with people and their hair but what I love the most is sharing the things I know to make more hairdressers creative. In my video's I often use a scissor, razor, clipper, tondeuse and many products of Goldwell and L'Anza. I hope you like it and please subscribe to me!

Thanks for watching!

With hairdressers love,

Theo Knoop


Foreign, we do it again. My name is Jana or Jane yeah um. Today I would like to get a little bit more lighter color in my hair and a bit short lighter color um. How do you call this in English name that I would like to yeah get rid of it? Yeah? Okay, let's start you and you turns her out already oh yeah and then slow yeah, but they will certainly see the photos also beautiful face. Thank you. Thank you. Very much Hello friends on YouTube, thanks for coming back now, Jane is going to get a lighter color. So I made her bleach wash start with that, because that's the easiest way and then okay for a new Toyota, so you've got also a bit more stable line. Start of bed protection, of course, coloring put all the protection for that on her and on myself, and the bleach wash is made by three percent peroxide as 10 volume and one part conditioner and one part bleach, it's a normal white reach. The main reason why I use conditioner to do this is that I don't want to damage the hair. When I take, for example, a shampoo, I can damage the hair much more than with a condition, because conditional builds up again and the shampoo just breaks down. Take a large cheese comb cut gently through the house and I don't want it on the first part of the house. I just want it in like a sunny feeling, so I take a part of the bleach rice on my clubs and then I go nearby. So you can see what I'm doing so. I put the bleach wash over my clubs and then I gently go into the house. I only need it on top, so can you better reach on the clubs just apply it on the top, because there's also conditioner and to the bridge, you hardly smell anything of ammonia or what else turns into Bridge mostly the most important parts is the fronts so Lay that a bit to the back and high up this will leave in for about five to ten minutes, then rinse it out and then starting on the cut okay back after 10 minutes, you rinse the touch we just took coffee. Both we love coffee with chocolate with chocolate, we have Santa Claus and he brings also his chocolate in the letter T. I don't know why, but he gave to me what else now I know why Santa loves you and I do not that much the harm to people so now the hair is totally wet. That'S nice, it's got a part it and the other lines start in the on the lines get rid of the parts she don't likes, keep in mind that the hair is laying on the line of the chin line. So I have to get that into my mindset because that's the guideline. I want to work on a nice straight line Turner, and so you can see what I do. I think it looks now part it's on the line, a little bit more, taking a straight line to the other side, the other line I clean up using a skull bone as my guide, because I love the volume it brings, let the neckline softly travels up, so It grows back nicely and no speeds take the time, okay to the back, coming into the line of cutting go in in on the lines, lift up and soften the line. So you get a real smooth line to read this side. This is a bit hard to do because I'm out of my focus, I know by doing a lot of YouTube, so you can see all the things I do, but for me it's a bit hard to do it doesn't matter you don't have to do it put It in the Shopper's position go for the same line. They'Re soft on the line now turn a bit. So I can do with the angle where I cannot reach see that I use the line off or chin line, and it's also the same line as the beautiful skull lines to guide my comb into her hairs. So now I have a real sexy neckline for those who saw her with longer hair. She does acrobatics, as he has people standing on the shoulders. So when you have long hair, they always step on your hair. That is not the finest thing to experience. Take my fine clipper clinical fluid. I don't need to hide on it. Don'T need to you can see. The skin is still a little bit moisty, so it has stick on it so now take out the clips. Show you this because see how wonderful this is and when you have short hair, everybody wants to touch you. That'S a nice thing with short hair and for for girls. They are very sensitive for the neckline. So for the boys know that you have to know that Boys Boys Boys Boys on it must girls, girls, I like the fat, I like them, so some skinny, some strong, I like to get more little girls love the things they do. What else? What'S up? Safeties? Oh yeah just keep me open, no set to the side, so you can see where I'm going. I want to get in this line so in on the line where I made my cut, I laid the hairs down and all the hairs will come on this line. So go in in freehand Style leave a little bit behind the ears because it fills up the Gap, but she has lovely ears. So you may see her is goal, so the other way around go in a straight line. Watch it chin line, go once again to the other side and be aware that you don't come in on the house. Otherwise you get a strike. I don't want to stripe. Then I'm free there has above that, okay laid him naturally falling into the line and I'll leave it a little bit longer because then look at the disconnect, but I know it's curly hair. I know what the waves does and do so take the house up. Go with my fingers on the line of cutting and then slip over till they get on the upside of my fingers. It'S about a centimeter, more one and a half, then the cut I just made because this at the volume to the back. So you see this line, laying it's about a centimeter longer again. That angle is a bit hard to do, because I'm not sitting in that position coming in the center line, take off a bit Don't Force anything put. It can lay the hairs into the Rollings of the skull use the roundings connecting to them. Then I left hers over to the other side gives them a slight graduation. Just take off Parts, just jump out. Do this to the left and do this to the right. This way, I'm certain that I get the best fall of the curly hair, the wave here. So when I've done this, I go the other way around. Take this up. Lay them in the rounding give them a slight graduation. It'S not much it's just a little bit, but it makes it's so more exciting and movement that I wanted. I want no father so now you see when I jump him up, they kill laying above it and that's what I want to take. A line till behind tears been there to the front. Do this on both sides come to the line of cutting gently, pull them down, give them in the fall and slide graduation. This I do work, my call my calm, push the hairs and then, when I catch them, I turn them a bit. So I take my comb, I lay them into the position to cut, take them up and then put all the corn to me. So now you see that I have a nice graduation through the inner fall, but it gives a bad result to the hair. Coming to this part, to the bedside a little bit so again go on with my comb catch my fingers, and then I push to the outside, of course, because I go the other way around so not using the same effect, pull them down push on the car And give this one of cut the line they needs coming to the sides. Turn again, you can see a beautiful face. Thank you. Yeah take care, stop in the line of the chin line, so I have this line and deadline, so they are similar to each other. Now take the hairs to the back leading into the rounding go as far as I can to the back and connect them to the line of cutting using also the natural roundings around the ear. Because I need that with what I wouldn't take that into the line of cutting, I would never get a nice line, and when you see when you you, you watch at the beauty of somebody you're more in line with the person you do so it's not every Time the same haircut, it's just every time, it's different model or or customer. So how doing hair is much more fun to do and that's what keeps you doing, hair and loving the people you do because they are there, for you again later, has to the back watch the beautiful lines. Take them on the lines, pull the hairs again off me so to the front and all the lines on the same line, because when you create a blunt line on wavy hair, you can stronger hair we're not there. Yet I'd like to see how wonderful the line is, when you would do this with a flat styling product, you get a real sexy bar strong, clean, healthy, youthful and exciting yes, and then all one of those girl. Oh, it is possible yeah, you don't eat only cheese and raw fish we eat herring bowling is not gorilla, so go to the other side. Okay, tear us up, take care behind ear, lier and watch how beautiful it is. Yes, oh my God. I love ears. I have a real ear fetish. I cannot do anything about it. I really love ears, also all the people I like when they're getting bigger and bigger and bigger small ones. I think the cutest ones and what I told you already the inner shape is what you were as a focus two and a half months old. Hmm did you know that? No, I didn't you will want to focus yes, I did know that, but thank you. I was all the things together watch at the back if they are civil, violent and for those who think that Bobs are not similar by length. That can make main only one thing, your hairdress good hairdresser, because the implant of the hairs are never on the same line. So always there's one part to the throat more than the other. So it's normal that one side is always a bit longer than that when you want the things on one straight line. That'S just the mindset and why should everything be the same line? Take the beauty of different Z coming to the center there and hold the hands to the back, lay them on the rounding to the left and right, and you see the length she lost on top stays. Almost the same. Is this the length of the top there's? Hardly anything there's no hair left. Yes, I love the Bold guy. I see me shave me afterwards put a clip over my head, but the Clipper of my head for the Clipper on my head. I really oh yeah. I love the Jingle Bells jingle all the way. How I found it is right in one voice: open sleigh, hey, hey jingle bells jingle bells who's that jumping on my sleigh. So this is the bass line. So now I can go to top yes to the front. Take them down, go to the ultra fine parts. Holding as much length as I can and then I go into the chin line again, so I put my fingers in the line of the chin so get the most exciting line, because the chin line is her line and connect all the lines on that. Also, those who came from the ears - it's not March, but still the same line, they call for the same line. White set the same line, which is your wonderful. This line is it's laying wonderful on the line with the chin line, so there's a little on both sides, of course, yeah in a red color, the news yeah. That is again what's at the chin line, so you're wonderful. It lays over the chin. It has around the ears, take them on the line of cutting and see it's not much. It'S just a few hairs, and this is the beautiful one we made minor creation, see how wonderful hairs are and how wonderful are they it's one nice, but disconnect on top because on the line so here, but I have a lot of volume and a lot of Curly effect, on top go to the Top Line, come to the center line. Take the hairs up, take only the little scratch fine Parts on the top. They don't need much, but you can see also. That is the same length on both sides, because then you have arrow on top, and this always do to be sure that I did all the hairs. I go from the from the song. He probably countries we've got a five finger or something um. Take a walls on the sides. Turn like a clock around how beautiful that turn around like a clock: tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock! There are almost no Suns around here in the studio. So I'm thinking about buying myself for Oak clock like Grandma's clock, because I need a rhythm to work in um so and a rhythm makes everything possible. So when you have no rhythm, you come to your inner feelings that you go also into yourself. That'S hard to do because I'm trying to explain to you what I'm doing and therefore I need to go out myself to show me to you and hope you get something of it even exciting or the beauty of doing that. The love of touching her I'm gon na make her a beautiful color. I stay there because I'm less than a second back, fully harmful and make it back now on three percent base. I make her call. She wants a bit lighter color, so I take a A3 as a lighter color than her normal color take also a deep conditioner into it. Take it with 10 volume. Applying this only has a little bit away from the first part. Don'T need to call the first part, because then I have a nice softer overflow and, like I always do. I always work on conditional base. Don'T call it on the line gives also protection for the hairs that fall back. So I never reach the short house because they can stay nice dark product uses of Glitz foreign course yeah, I'm an alien all right! That'S the nice thing we make sounds ourselves. It will be once a Music Factory, and now it's all lighting Factory is so Phillips and they made uh, relax and a splendor is the French word for lighting, and this Factory is modern on the chair, salt, that's not all to the nearest, but especially in the States it can be old, so this is a close-up. We can't wait for 20 minutes, then restart and then we're back put it on the line. On top, you go once again and maybe apart the chocolate, hot chocolate or you laid on the coffee cup, oops, don't cut away back from coloring when starts give it a nice treat. Now I start with the Rings, because I want to activate the curvy effective product of blackmail. It'S a fluid feels a little bit slippery, massage this gently into the house and then spread it with the large feet. Come you can see it activates. The curly effect of Warehouse so take a bit large teas spread the product of the house. You can see the diversity of course, because I left out first part, so it's a bit darker and we get rid of the dark color. She has by a tone because they're wonderful, toners take off the front, take it even lighter comb and just get into the house and the restaurant too, ah yeah nope so fast. I know this new dick marks. The View like that, hmm, okay foreign - not too much so I will take combination between a spider and a bit oil to get the flexible, hairstyle spiders product of cleanse. Take not too much of it. Just this mouth put this in the handball then go to the Lancer oil. We love the products every time I use it. One drop is enough mix those together all over my hands. Oh, it is really nice. Then I go gently through the curly hair. I see a wonderful colors are, and I love the freedom of this here, yeah a little affair and she can play with it because she can make small hairstyle and a nice hairstyle together just what she wants, and I thank Gene for being my model. I thank you for watching. Thank you. We see each other a few more than welcome love. We see each other next video. She will turn around to show in the end result. Bye-Bye please yeah yeah ready, you're ready. Thank you very much is Jana or Jane yeah. Um today I would like to get a little bit more lighter color in my hair and a bit short lighter color um. How do you call this in English name that I would like to yeah get rid of it? Yeah? Okay? Let'S start you

Meryl Dykstra: I LOVE this hairdo! I'm a 70 year old gal with short gray hair but I'm wondering if I were patient enough to grow my hair out a bit...could I manage a style like this also in a few months? So fresh and great-looking, even for an older woman (with a young heart)!

Christine Marie Ciurlino-Duncan: Amazing artist, great personality! Wonderful hairstyle as usual! ❤

elizabeth dible: What a beautiful girl and a fantastic cut Oh to have hair like that

Thomas Lang: Good job, Theo and a beautiful woman, with a new, awsome Bob!

Karin Carter: Oh what a beautiful haircut! Janne looks amazing!

Gramma Shar: Gorgeous - I love her hair! Awesome job sir❤

Terri Wells: She looks beautiful and her hair is very becoming. ❤️

Shirley Hurlbert: Love this cut t is so nice to see hair actually cut evenly on both sides 12/9/22

Elena Tramsti: looks fabulous! Very sophisticated!

Monica Kalochoritis: Wow, her hair looks so healthy now and full of volume. Good job!!

Ingrid: Very cute cut with lots of volume. I love your hat Mr Theo❤

Deb Flickinger: Wow. Beautiful hair and style.

Donna M. Schmid: Gorgeous!!!

Barbara Good: Beautiful

KK and RJ: Beautiful!

Loriann Smith Morelli: That hairstyle is perfect for her! It really makes her eyes pop! I love the color!

Wanda Westerfield: Beautiful

Shelly Jay: Love it

C F: Very pretty style.

Martina Caffrey: Love the colour. I preferred the previous style. There is a disconnect now below the ears - too short.

Amy Galvin: Conditioner in a bleach wash…brilliant idea!

orangenoise: Great style.

Skaidryte Mileriene: Fantastic ❤

sara levi: So beautiful

Yvonne Rahmes: Once again, the most beautiful young woman! I love the gentle change in color, love love love the cut, so natural, so full, so shiny and healthy! She's adorable, you are such a master with the cuts! She is confident and refreshing, love that she speaks English so well :). All your clients are interesting, young or old, they come in happy and leave even more so! Lovely, magnificent, thank you so much!

Pauline Halkyard: This bloke is brilliant a great cutter

Karen's Kloset: I liked it before she got it cut I liked it that shaggy style on her verse that puffy pixie on top of her head.... Hair will grow but I liked it better before I'm thinking of getting my haircut the way she had it before she cut it❣

Amy Galvin: No wonder the Dutch are such happy people. Chocolate and great haircuts.

David Jones: What a fabulous job you have done there, it looks amazing.

Linda Stansbury: It was fascinating to see how the cut, color and style evolved. The result is magnificent, of course. You worked your magic and it's perfect on her. She's a stunningly beautiful young woman, happy and fun loving. Beautiful voice as well.

T K: Love this cut!! She looks amazing!!

Anne Cramb: Perfect combination of cut and colour which suit your lovely client and enhance her beauty. Fantastic work!

Diane Wilson: Wonderful

Theresa M: Such a gorgeous cut and beautiful color on your model Janne

LindyLooo99: She is adorable! How wonderful! Thank you for singing to us and putting us here in Texas in the Christmas Spirit!

Susan Edquist: Janne is a delightful young woman...full of life, fun and joy. Theo, you gave her a spectacular hair style and color that enhances her natural beauty. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ once again.

Michele Pohl: She looks fantastic! She's also has great hair!

Barbara Miller: Janne is darling…such a beautiful girl! This cut & color is perfect on her…so sassy! Theo, you always have such beautiful models!

Melodie D: The new color is gorgeous. The cut and styling are perfect for her.

Moe Russ: Just beautiful ! I wish you could do my hair. I know you’d work miracles and make my hair look gorgeous .

Hunter Davis: How gratifying—she just loves the new look. Bravo.. Another one in the bag…

Kefir Heals: Beautiful haircut. But with such a beautiful model, I knew it would be nothing short of perfection. What a little doll she is!

Be The Truth: Beautiful Gal with Beautiful Hair.

Lois Leonard: Adorable

Jackie Brown: Great cut, great color, perfect! ❤

Èva Haranth: ❤️

Bernadett Gál: Dearest Janne, Theo, Wouw just wouw!! All jingle bells for this fantastic style!

Pamela Phinn: Great job Theo❤

Debbie Ardinger: Love it she's beautiful!!

Sue Smith: This is stunning Theo , lucky lady

Carol Wiebe: What a beautiful sweet girl, she really suits her new style and colour

MATT: Gosh the cut and color are amazing and she's stunning

Linda Holley: She is drop dead gorgeous and so is her new cut and color!


SnowfuTheKitty - Little Things: Ooooh super gorgeous!

Joanne Horn: Beautiful! I want one

Pati Harville: Beautiful ❤

Olivier Onffroy: Elle est magnifique ainsi great job

Diane Stuart: The cut suits the lady and the color will add to the effect.

Noemi Miranda: Beautiful color ❤️

Bee Your Best: Love it!!

Lisa Nagle: She is beautiful cut is beautiful

Granny Blue: Absolutely Gorgeous. You ... are ... AWESOME

Betty Shreve: I really like this guy he explains everything and is very funny , i wish he could do my hair,

Wilma L: Very very nice!!⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Claudia Boschetti: BEAUTIFUL

Devonna Christopher: Beautiful!

Ingrid Sol: Very pretty!!

L K: Beautiful!

Alison Perea: Gorgeous!

Rick Kay: Jane ist very sweety Mouse

Andrea Seiberl: Beautiful

Grazyna Joanna: Super!!!!!!!!

Deborah Moreland: Great color and cut

Muscate-Valeska de Lisabé: Elle ressemble à Romy Schneider...charmante et ravissante !!

davidwats: Perfection.

Teresa Pais: Great!!!


Leslie Cardwell: Wow nice!

tove [email protected]: Fabulous

MrSunny112: oh wat is ze lief en zo lekker baldadig met dat korte bobje xxxx

Elaine Middlebrooks: Nice

Jose Van weerdenburg: Vakman theo

Jean Bowers: Beautiful woman

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