The Shortest Bob Hairstyle I Ever Had! Lara Form China Models In This Tks Tutorial

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Hi Everybody!

On my Barber channel 'theoknoopkapper' you can see all different haircut's (and make-overs) from beautiful people. Im from the Netherlands (Dutch) and make English videos in High definition (HD).

I love working with people and their hair but what I love the most is sharing the things I know to make more hairdressers creative. In my video's I often use a scissor, razor, clipper, tondeuse and many products of Goldwell and L'Anza. I hope you like it and please subscribe to me!

Thanks for watching!

With hairdressers love,

Theo Knoop

Yeah and what do you want yeah, what kind of faster? Let'S just let me decide what kind of self. Ah, it will be above yeah. Actually I would like some hair for my defense yeah. No, no, it has to suit you. Yeah sue me. Yes, I know you can do the know you don't that's the worry about that now: okay, yeah! We are start this way because it's wonderful, yeah and well. Your turn for you and the rest of you will show how your hair is now, when you pinned it up a little bit so make a circle on the chair yeah. So they can see death, yeah, okay, yeah, yeah, indent yeah. Yes, wonderful Islands, which Islands will be next, we have to go to our nuns and also, I think, consult okay, that's it is one of the biggest islands, but I want is just 28 kilometres right and when you go in the center to nest, you you are In the center of the island, hello friends YouTube do her as she has now Bob. Thank you all so so I open. Then I hair take out all the wonderful things you put into it and then I wet it make her a new wonderful bubble and what the thing is. She comes from China better to daesil, and it's a small island of the netherlands and some wonderful islands, and we also have we don't kill, win a car. You already go where the bike yeah - and this is a nice Island, every direction when we second yeah the wind. We went against us. Oh yeah, that's a wonderful guy from I think he was from Greece. It was useless and he had a wonderful song. My friend the wind, in the back and you want to your hair, tell me: what's everyone: oh yeah, there's also a proper house yeah little wild, yes, yeah! No, I will make her a new Bob and she wants a nice clean Bob. No practice style make adult life. I think some away some volume at the back give the shape off her head. I will make it to the hair. Stop and so kids are wonderful volume. This knife is from endo, it's from the United States as one more knife degrees Celsius now Turner. So you watch with me start in the center watch at the scope. First, take out some volume to get some more space to work on the nice thing of the hot knife. Is that the truffles very gently through there and doesn't damage hair at all and still not on the Dutch market and also not in the Benelux? It'S nice quiet here. I thought there to talk to you windows because you're explaining I'm not explaining all the time. Sometimes when I saw some some video yeah teaching people how to do things yeah the model is to be kept silent. Oh yeah yeah! No, I'm not an American vessel, just a guy who loves to yeah would like it. That'S the profession, yeah direction of life yeah. I think you have yeah most people know when they are about three four or five years old. What purpose of life is, but then they are drifted away from that, because your parents thing you can learn very easy. You could do a lot more than that, but the main reason of being alive is to to were you being sent to do and that's what you know as a child, as maybe you cannot find it anymore, but there is always a way to get back to The time when you were young, you can ask your parents what yeah. What did I tell the bet, my parents, to what I have would love to be and if it's a carpet or a hairdresser or whatever, if you do that, one day of your life can be the most wonderful day of your life? I know some people who, like the what they were doing, including you yeah. I can tell from their face that they were really enjoying them. Yes, yeah and I'm really jealous yeah, because now I'm doing your research yeah, I should say I can do it. No - and you have only small steps in that that gives you the real kick of life, because the steps you I think he will happen in your life are very small, because you have always to share it with others. You have to work together to get to the meaning of your profession, yeah and most of the times a lot of things you invent or fart out are taught to be secret. So even when you have one you cannot share it. So it's yeah. I can believe, but it's also in the line of thinking, because in your profession you have to think a lot and you can. You have also a lot of space to think about the other things of life, because a lot of things go very easy gently, softly and waiting. What I can't do. Yes, I I know what I can do, but I mean what I can do very well and I can have you know the sense of achievement yeah. I can, I should say joy, yeah from from yeah from the job or professor things, you do yeah. Okay, I mean you still have to watch him and find it for yourself and ask yourself a lot of questions to find out your meaning of being alive and, being here, it's very nice that you can be as a Chinese person and, for example, it's wonderful to Be here because we are very open-minded to a lot of things and you can tell if everything you want. It'S not that nobody gon na know what it's not even was terrible things. You say almost every everybody knows what they want to do yeah, but it's the same. We hold on tall, so yeah, it's not here. I hear ya and yeah. Since I came here. I was really strived to buy people's life here. Yes, if you seeing that everybody most of the people really like yeah yeah, we are happy people work what we do yeah and they don't care what kind of job they were doing, no yeah, but in China interesting it seems like always when you are doing a Very decent job yeah, you will be happy yeah, otherwise, you're, not thinking yeah, almost nothing, nothing, people just adore ya, ya, adore everyone, even the guy who Brigid takes the garbage from follow yeah yeah, because it's a very important person in your life with yours when he Leaves it on the street? You have yeah environment around you that is not healthy to live in yeah yeah, because everybody knows how to respect others. Yeah yeah it make no difference yeah. Whatever you are yeah it's vacations. I always tell everybody: has to go to the toilet, has to eat or drink, get a fresh breath of air. So we're all the same and there's no difference between us and people who are not learning easy can do things mostly much easier, yeah yeah. So why should you have earned a lot of money when you can achieve a lot with learning and do nothing else? Because when I asked a professor, for example, to take to hang up painting or something he cannot do that because he didn't learn it? No. She only knows how to explain what he learned. Yes, so he's totally stupid and I can learn what he can he can do. I can learn also only have to read what he does and maybe I'm better in it, but I don't know, but I don't want to know, because I think it's not interesting to you to me. It'S not my life, it's not what I decided to do to the professor, that's what he or she interested ways yeah, but you don't know if it, for certain is also the thing he he or she wants to do, yeah because it can be because it was Easy to learn it travels that way because the parents pushed it that way, yeah, maybe yeah, but it doesn't matter what you learn or what you do. You always get an aside to do something yeah and do it for yourself, because you live only one life for yourself yeah, so you have to choose it for yourself and be happy with it yeah it doesn't matter what you do yeah so, every time when I Talk to people like you, you know. Are we a few anxious I feel yeah I am so eager to find out yeah. What'S your purpose of life is yes? Well, then, you have to listen to your soul, because your soul is the only one who knows what the purpose of life is and it's hard when you're young, because there are so many things that takes you off the wave of life, especially the life we live. Now yeah, but mobile phones with internet with everything around us that seduce you yeah, you do other things yeah and you don't want to miss anything of it yeah. But you learn to read the lines of life when you're in terms of rest, so he don't have to put on internet. You don't have to put up anything just listening to do and nothing hides everything you wanted to know. So nothing is it's not possible because all the things we lost are in the place of nothing, but also the things we still can invent. Are there there's there's no, nothing totally, not there's so much fighting and nothing. I think the biggest place of the universe, nothing yeah do i. I had an accident. Yes in at the beginning of 2017 last year, yeah and I had a heater somewhere yeah and I lost my memory. Yes, I by far, I still haven't reminded what happened to me, what yeah what happened to me and the heat in my head, and I lost the memory of that day. Yes, still now, I haven't no, you lost the day. Yeah I lost the day of my life is like my life is the light. The memory above my life is not a continuous anymore. There is a a dot, yeah dark spot, yeah yeah a hole in between yeah and since then I have no idea. I just I everything I can I can you know - is some even very difficult questions. Yeah I can find the answer like the most important thing for me is to be happy yeah this, but before I had this accident yeah, I cared a lot about other things, especially the others, feelings, yeah and my parents, families yeah, and how? What I look like in other's eyes, yeah, but since I had that concussion yeah yeah and I suddenly I understand the others yeah we're not so important as I myself yeah for you, you are the most important person in your life yeah and if you are good For yourself, you're also good for others yeah, it's the only way yeah. This is very selfish, but when you're good for yourself, you can share that with others. And when you forget to treat your life and renew your feelings, then you get away from your own life and you even lose more of it. Then you even want you have yeah crazier ideas about the war. You know yeah I've, no idea whether you have you believe in that we, the universe, you know, yeah, is have many different dimensions: yeah, it's made of different dimensions. Yes, for example, for the first time mention yeah, it's a dot yeah and for the second dimension it can be aligned right, yeah for the sir yeah. Let'S start from a line and the two diamond, the second dimension can be a flat for two dimensions. You can have pictures yeah and for the three dimensions you have, the space yeah and everything we can see now is in the third dimension right and in this time level. Yes, and the first dimension must plus the dimension of time yeah yeah. Well, you have, when you have the first dimension, you that's how we travel in our life yeah. We cannot go back to the past and we cannot travel to the future. We just can live the moment yeah. This is the first dimension. Yeah yeah, when you live in the fifth dimension, what yeah? I think you have the power to go back to the past yeah for travel to the future, but you cannot travel freely. No, it's you know always stayed you see. Yeah life cannot a change and cannot get out of your body. No, you cannot walk into your dreams. Yes and then, when we came to the sixth dimension, you have the you can go back and forth very freely, yeah wherever you like yeah, but this do. You cannot change anything no, but in the next dimension you can change things. Yes, you can create your own, won't that you can do in your life also because this is just part of choosing the things you do yeah and that's the reason why I think yeah. I can also went to the tough dimensions yeah, but it's a very abstract, yeah abstracted yeah yeah, and I do believe that our universe is not alone know. There are so many other things, different dimensions of universe. Yes, and maybe this world this moment, you were cutting hair for me and in the other dimension our universe, yeah yeah we were strangers, we never came across each other, yeah yeah. This is very interesting. Do all the things I do in love, so it's it'll be wonderful yeah, but you know you do know that my hair is right, yeah, that's what I love about it and also it can get very messy. If I don't do anything with it or is that depends on how you dress, you could do it's cutting you can give it to shape when you get the right shape to there. You could follow the lines. Okay, listen to the Wow you're cutting my hair. Very short, easy to remain the shortest hair of arahat nice you're involved, but for China's rule it doesn't matter, take it with you put paper over it if you say good to meet you as a present. No, because you were here, it's also a present. That'S very wonderful talk also to you and your. We are totally from different words and I can't see your world also because we have a lot of programs on the Dutch TV about China and I love to watch them. Aha, yeah that sort of move. Okay, I figure the country does teach that I would never see in life happening, for example, the the bring them they made. It gives it this balance or to the world, but it doesn't matter because they need to energy and just better to get the energy from water, because it's much cleaner than any other way. So I love it that they do it and then they dares to really all the way around. Does she take a lot away from all the people? Villages that really no on the bottom of the river? It'S a nice country and it's an outer receiver, so they can do the things they want. Dainius like to do this and I don't think people can do anything about it in China. Here knowledge would never happen because who you always shout out like health, that we don't want? That'S all we wanted, but it's never will happen, but we are small crowds. We think comparative yeah. I think we're baking some kind of things we are taking on water yeah. You can be proud of that's a small place, but you know the second is the second, the biggest agricultural export country. What I like them just and that's to America yeah. What what I like about being Dutch is that we are always trying to be friends. Yeah, we're not persons to start a war yeah we're always connecting so much stronger, yeah and binding makes also nice friendships, because the relation between your country and my country yeah more than 300 years old. It'S about this 60-ton or something like that yeah and we came in as friends and we were lit that Varick at that time. Actually, your boss says it's a wonderful thing about Europe. It'S gross also pretty fast. You know now, I'm reading a book cut gums germs and the still it's a very interesting book explaining why you know our ward become this way and and why different regions and the countries just have so different development paths yeah and how we come gather to today. Mm-Hmm yeah, I just the rather the first of 12 pages, yeah no 15 pages already. Actually, I have this question in my in my mind for many years and finally, I founded a book yeah who tried it to answer this question yeah, I'm very happy to choose who come across this. Neither what I did I was watching the history of the POC. Yes and then I saw the relation between your country and our country and that your you had admiral went over the seas and you travel very fast over the seas. Viewer, thank you yeah, but they only went to Spain and then they noticed there was nothing to be worried about because they were so very halogens later we just traveled into China without any resistance, so it was very easy for us to get into China yeah. I know I do because I didn't know much about you can find it on internet yeah, and then you see our relations. Also from the past you mean the relationship between Netherlands, Netherlands, in China, Spain and also China yeah. I wanted to colonize that area. That was also parted, but you didn't succeed in, but we all did it. The Spanish did English then yeah. They all want you to be the master of China yeah, but all of them failed yeah as normal yeah. Thank God. It didn't happen yeah, but very sexy book. You have such a wonderful school and now that your hair will grow in the natural lines of your skull. So, even after two three months and what oh great great and the ants are sealed for more than half year and you'll, be it have to be a hairdresser to style this hair puppet year. It will happen, yeah just wearing it. I think it would be a very special video on YouTube because with the armor, it's having a lot of it, I'm sherry mines, yes, for how long we are still at the enola another one months in the heart. Okay, I like in evidence really it's my it's like my second hotel yeah. I think your for your heart yeah for years, yeah, there's also a strange thing about people who come to home. It'S certainly love at the beginning. I really hated the weather before so whether the food, but even now I can enjoy the food up here. Yeah wow, I'm amazed about myself bubbles. I love to be alone, but also not to be in Germany yeah. I think Berlin is the most wonderful city to go to have you been there. Yeah yeah I've been there for almost two weeks: okay, yeah in 2006. Did you like it? It'S a very different city. As you say the problem, is they don't speak English that well? No not personally, but it's still a very, very historical City, yeah yeah you ought everywhere you can see the war yeah. There are always also bullets and makes it's there in the walls. But I do can I just you know. Germ Germany is through young, wonderful, new transaction yeah on the wall yeah, you can feel it in almost every corner of the city yeah, and you know, in contrast to our neighbor, you know what who participated in the Second World War yeah. They were still trying to deny what they have done. Yeah our job is done. This is not a power that power yeah compared to is chilling. Yeah are just hard-working people yeah. I like I like the people. I like the people here. Yeah, our Germans and Dutch are a bit similar to it. Yeah yeah, you know what I when I was not here. I have very strong sense of safety and I won't feel very unsecure and very worried during the night for dinner issue yeah, when I walk alone on the street yeah when I was in the u.s. earlier this year after it gets dark yeah, I didn't dare to Walk alone on the street by myself, and especially near the subways, were the trolley station bus station yeah. I just had a very different life, strong feeling that I needed to to love they're fast they're or after one minute I walk and in between looking back. You know, look the back to chapter yeah, yeah yeah. I just have felt very awful. Actually I before I won one there, you had a plan that maybe after I might started here and get my degree, I wanted the two working experience over there yeah. It'S not a because of this bad experience. Oh my god, are you going to have some audits from us? Oh yes, oh my god! Maybe it's because I I was. I want to Philadelphia, yeah and I lived very near by the city center yeah yeah, because the block, I think it will be wonderful place and also very hot place to be in America, and there will be people who have future and there's a lot of people Who don't have future? We live in drugs center, although that fusion killing the cells, I have a fridge now yeah. Is it easy for me to take care? Don'T have to do anything about it? It'S just wonderful in natural shapes of here, you said, will be laid. Your head, we don't have to do anything in order to silence, you just have to try it and that's all aren't so far already small things to style it, but I like is submitted. Salt Lake's gives the depth of the color more gosh, you're, wonderful, thoughtful and smells wonderful that comes from buses all right, and I just spray. It comes from Barcelona. I think it smells like spring and it's a wonderful product. What'S the friend sports and all this products are there's? No guessing it. Oh okay, my love there. You turn for you and the rest of the world, show you new hairstyle. Thank you! Yes, okay and thank you for being my mom. Thank You, China. Thank you. Fireworks for China

SalsaShakers: What a fabulous conversation Theo and Lara! You both really got into it! Great haircut too by the way! :-)

Sue Smith: What an amazing young woman , so intelligent and articulate . Her new hairstyle is pretty amazing too

Dawna: this client is sooo intelligent, articulate and has some great ideas! she has a beautiful soul and i hope she finds the joy that she seeks...she so deserves it....great vid, as always xo her shorter hair really lets her wonderful face shine....xo

Kerrianne Fudge: I so want to move to Holland. It sounds like such a lovely place. I really enjoyed the conversation between you and Lara. Amazing. Great job as always with her beautiful hair. ❤️ Love from Canada.

Denise Tanner: WOW, what a delightful, open and honest young lady. A breath of fresh air and philosophical conversation. How lucky to be able to go to the Netherlands for school. I think research could have been my calling. Thank you for another creative cut and the conversation was an added bonus!! Love watching you work : ) love from the US

Diane W: I wasn't expecting a philosophical discussion. Thank you both for including us in your engaging conversation.

Sarah Smith: Lara your hair is now as sophisticated and beautiful as your mind! Theo created something wonderful and feminine. Fabulous!

BrightBlue: I was always curious about how you would cut Asian hair, which is a very hard hair type to cut. I'm glad dried her hair naturally and didn't blow dry it straight. It would be very easy for her to style her own hair. Please have more Asian models on your channel, and show us what you can do ;-D

3rdgen Sarah: I wish more people in the world had your philosophy Theo, live and let live! Great cut as always. X

M K: I saw soooo many videos of you Theo, but this beautiful woman was the most talkative one :) Great talk & great cut!

Jenny Casas: Great to listen to Costumers Thoughts and Personal Life’s and Experiences .... Love the Bob Cut ❤️

PURE BLOOD: I love Lara! I think she just answered her own curiosity! She seems VERY interested in Dimensions and esoteric life and lives. Maybe her direction in life belongs in that research!! She is also freaking out about her hair length too!! She is a very special girl/woman..... I hope she comes back again for hair style! Lara is correct to feel unsafe in U.S. I live in U.S. all my life and she is wise to feel insecure. There are very nice areas but very bad areas! She is wise to be cautious here...I grew up on Cape Cod Massachusetts and now in Florida. Good and bad areas in all States! Be safe wherever you go! God Bless You Lara!!

immamullen: I really enjoyed this video. I was born and raised in Philadelphia and she was absolutely right in her assessment. It is not safe after dark there in general. Of course not every city or State is that way but in the bigger cities you must be mindful of your surroundings at all times.

Lmnpye 1: To Lara, First let me apologize for your fear during your visit to the US. There are a number of cities where you would feel safer than NYC or Philly. Next time you come to the USA, give Fort Worth Texas a try. Or somewhere in the South maybe. Also, your hair looks fabulous!!! As always, Hi Theo! Another beautiful model! Do you wait until the really pretty girls go by and offer them candy & a haircut Can't wait to see the next! xoxo

Sharon Crigger-Stokan: Lovely lady and hair style with the added plus of an enjoyable conversation! I love how you often break out in song while styling, Theo!

Kay Guerrero: Yes, there are Americans watching and listening as well. Enjoyed listening to your conversation with your Chinese client. A great haircut on her. Thank you for sharing the video.. (From Texas , U.S.A.)

Sandy Mcdonald: I loved watching you cut her hair, so interesting. I love her hair.

This Girl: She looks adorable. And I loved the conversation you had!

Anna m. häkelvirus Walter: Every time I look at your videos I want to have a trip to Holland and visit you. I love your artwork and the talk. You are an amazing person and I will drive to you for a cut and a nice talk. She looks very beautiful. Best video ever. Many greetings from Germany

BoomStick: She's adorable. That nervous laugh was pretty endearing

Holly 7: Very nice Cut Mr.Theo Blessings from North East, wishing i could travel to Holland for a Original Amazing cut/Color from you

Sarah Kelly: Deep thoughts on this one Theo. Awesome. Thanks.

PURE BLOOD: Theo, where can I get a water bottle sprayer like you have? Thank you for an answer but this video is a year old so you may not see it. Love watching all your work!

patti borre: Most interesting video. Loved to listen to you 2 talk and Her hair is so adorable. Thank You from Illinois USA <3

Renata Warec: you can tell she was freaked out by short hair,she shouldn't be.she looks gorgeous she needed a beautiful she looks like royalty.theo did another beautiful style.

Lisa Bullock: Loved listening to the both of you about life☮

Melanie: American here. :) She's right. I live in a very very safe area but I am still careful! Her hair is adorable I love it!!!

Louisa Vevers: Lots of pearls of wisdom there!! Oh and great hair stuff :-) xx

P DA: Great conversation and cut. NY is scary even for us in the US.

Louise Heiner: Mooi kapsel en prachtig haar. Het is zo jammer dat je te ver van Elim af woont en werkt. Bedankt voor het filosofische gesprek dat jullie hadden over het leven!

Joy Ellis: Such a cute cut !

marlys marschall: Love the haircut, on a beautiful lady.

Lisa Bullock: All your videos are special, because your a master, at what you do❌⭕❌⭕❤

Buzz Cut: I am always a fan of short bob cut!

Sandra Majowicz: I love watching the wonderful styles being created! I wish you had a better sound system. You sound very tinny. Maybe a clip on mic?

ModelGezocht VoorHaar: Would love to see her get shaved, she is perfect for it!

unschuldspinsel: Best vid ever. The talking was so nice as well!

la mama de Mandy: Nicely done!!! learned one thing or two aswell

dejan romih: Love it!

susan montana: I hope people watch for the style, BUT stay AND listen to the wonderful philosophical conversation. Thank you. By the way, the cut and style fit her face beautifully. (From the U.S. )

Christina Brodrick: Sorry for you experience in US, some states are very friendly.. Oklahoma is one of them ... wonderful conversation ❤️

Claire Plauche: How do you know when to use the hot knife and when to use scissors or just the razor without heat?

Carmen: Interesting discussion. Very nice results. Greetings from Texas!

Amanda Astley: Oh Theo you are so talented in what you do.

Angie Michael: What a great convo. But all places in US are not dangerous. Where we live you can walk any time without being afraid . But some places , as everywhere, are scarey.

Alla T: Вот молодец мужик,беседу поддерживает!)

K Howard: I am in love with your voice and as you as a person. watching you with your clients. ..May God bless you

dannette peters: Be careful; I think she wants to take that hot razor to your throat! Clearly, this delightful lady was NOT prepared for the haircut she got, nor did she seem especially happy with it.

Jeanne Jenninga: Did she like the cut? I don't know. She is wonderful however❤

SC 1949: Enjoyed

Jeanne Jenninga: Oh, I guess I'm the only one who liked her better before the cut. But he made it kinda cute with the blow dry.

Lisa Bullock: Nice Bob suits her face

Bernice Marshall: Hey Mr. Theo Knoopkeeper I have question 4 u wat hairstyles looks good on ppl with longer necks than other women have. Ur opinion is is much appreciated. I would luv 2 b 1 of ur models, but I know thts not possible bc ur such a busy man thts y I'm asking u 4 advice Thanx

Jan Stewart: Very nice cut

hamburgmario1: Lara so nice Chinese Girl, better shorter in the Neck (shaved),ears free and Bangs shorter :-)

betsy sturtz: I'm so sorry that you feel bad in the US. It used to be safe but now it's not. The reasons vary but I was born here..

Alicia Carrera: Sometimes is not possible to watch how you are cutting the hair.

Farry Ali: Haahaaa, she had every reason to asked if its done already, as a matter of fact I was thinking the same thing!. Worst completion I have seen from Theo. It really looked unfinished!

Thomas: nice cut &conversation

Fh بربي كيفاش نعملو سينيال Fg: I have a double chin face with short hair what hair cut suits if you please tell me

Lisa Bullock: Sorry she had a bad experience in the United States.

Sylvia Lipka: I think also. Listen ans learn Tage Bob ja also wonderful .

K Howard: what an amazing interesting women too

Sandy Mcdonald: I shoudnt say this maybe but I think to much thinning out for me.

Sylvia Lipka: UPS...autofill

Fh بربي كيفاش نعملو سينيال Fg: Plz. Cut a double chin women haïr

Lisa Bullock: Xoxo

Bertha Giron: Que orrible no pudo peinarla como se debe , se tardo tanto para un corte tan sensillo.

Debra Wolf: I don't like it.

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