How To Grow Natural Curly Hair Fast! My 10 Real Tips To Boost Hair Growth

Have you been struggling to get your natural curly hair to grow? Constantly wondering why you cannot retain length? Stay tuned to this video as I talk through 10 HUGE major tips for boosting your hair growth.

I transitioned to natural hair back in 2014 and have since had multiple hair cuts but still manage to retain length and have grown my curls to waist length!

Let me know below if you have tried any of the tips in this video or have any questions. Good luck!

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I'M telling you if you try everything in this video consistently for free months, free months, free, solid months and don't skip things and don't try and cut corners. I really really. I can vouch that your hair is going to grow hi. Everyone welcome back to my channel. If you are already subscribed, if you're not hi, my name is Shannon, and I am a curly hair blogger, also a business owner of the brand also curly. I also am an author of the book get my curls back and I just want to share that before we get straight into the video, because I do have a long journey of hair growth and hair mishaps heat damage, relaxed, hair, all of that stuff. So everything that I mentioned in this video does come from experience. It'S just not me coming up with these ideas and getting quotes and stuff from the internet. This is all stuff that I've been through. So I just want to share with my viewers and everyone else who comes across this video tips on how to grow your hair fast and easily. Now nothing comes easy, though I must say, and if you are on this video, because you are feeling down a bit depressed upset that your hair isn't growing. I do just want to make sure that I say having long hair is not the be-all and end-all feel. Like as women, we have this whole like Disney Princess, very kind of thing, like week's aspire to have long, hair and I've been there, I wanted to grow my hair long and I'm gon na show you how I did it, but I will say that I actually Prefer to have shorter hair because having long hair is not the grass isn't greener. On the other side, I'm telling you now like there's a lot of downsides of having a long hair like when it's hot like today, and it's just in your face. It'S just a bit too 252 much, there's a lot more hair to style and stuff, and we all know that curly hair styling is long in general. So do not beat yourself up if you feel like your hair is not growing, because it's not the end of the world, but if you do still want to hear the tips stay tuned to the end of the video, keep your notepad and pen. That close, because I have my own notes here and I'm just gon na go through them. This isn't gon na be a fully edited video, where I'm just gon na put a fix and all of this voiceover and stuff it's gon na. Be me just speak into the camera, because I want to keep it as authentic and as true and think of me as like your little friend. If you have any questions, just leave them in the comment section below and let's just get straight into this video, so tip number one is make the commitment. That'S right make the commitment to yourself that you want hair growth so make sure that you write it down. Put it on your goal list, for example with me: I wanted my hair to be waist limp, so I did was I found a picture of a girl that had the hair limp that I wanted not the hair type, because I know I cannot change my hair Type - and I want to accept my hair type, so it was the hair limp that I wanted. I printed off that picture and I stuck it on my vision board, along with other things that weren't hair related and I realized a few years down the line. I looked back at the picture on my vision board and I was like wait hold on my hair. Limp looks exactly like the same luck first in the picture, and that was crazy to me. I feel like that repetition - and I say with any girl that you have in life, make sure that you write it down. Take a picture, put it on your vision board and just make sure that you look at it every single day. I also write down my goals in the morning or in the evening before I go to bed. So I just remind myself of what my purpose is and what I'm doing for the next day or for that day, and I feel like if you feel like you're gon na fall off track within your hair growth journey. That doing that everyday will remind you hold, and I can't be doing that because I'm trying to grow my hair, that's my goal, so it doesn't fit within my goals and a lot of people fall off that way because you know when you join the gym and You were like yeah, I'm gon na get back into my fitness and then you fall off and you get lazy. It'S because you forget what the main end goal is and because you're not doing that repetition of seeing it every day and reading it every day. And it's easy for you to kind of like fall off, so we don't want that to happen with you. So what we're going to do is we're going to put it on our vision board put on our goal and I need you to stay committed. So the next thing we're going to introduce into your journey into your hair growth journey is a new method and that is going to be scalp massages. Now, if you don't already do scalp massages, you really really want to introduce this into your routine, because I'm telling you from experience it's definitely gon na boost that hair growth, and it's just something extra for you to try, because you may have tried everything else on This list and nothing's worked, but you haven't tried this, so I definitely suggest you probably have seen this around on social media a lot because it is from my brand. Oh so curly, my business and this brush is so popular right now, a lot of bloggers and just curlies in general. I love in it. It looks quite harsh, but it's really really soft, but basically you want to introduce misogynist kalpen to your routine, because that circular motion is going to stimulate the follicles and get the blood flow into your scalp, which then in hand encourages your hair to grow. So imagine if you like, rub onto the same part of your skin over and over and over you'll, see that it will probably get red and get quite hot, and that's because all the blood is rushing to look at me. Sounding like a scientist right now. But I'm not so if I say anything wrong, please do not hold it against me, but this is what I feel like is happening. So all the blood is rushing to that part of the scalp and then it's just encouraging that hair to grow. So what I recommend is that you get one of these brushes or you can just use your fingers, but the brush is really really good. I think it just gives you that extra directness and you can get right in there and it saves you from getting your nails dirty report I built up, so I would recommend that you do this twice a week, so you can do it one time in the Week with no oil added at all and then for the other time in the week, I want you to add some oil to your scalp, so what yours are going to be really really good again to just boost that hair growth, so we have natural. We have natural oils in ask: is sebum, but the closest oil to see them are natural oil is her home oil. So, if you'd like to say using an oil on your scalp, that's going to be very similar to what you already have. It would be her home oil, but what is the most important thing is the essential oils that I want you to add to your oil. Sorry, if this is just really confusing to you right now, but basically peppermint oil, peppermint oil and tea tree oil are very, very good, essential oils. As you know, they can help get rid of sports. They help a lot of things. That'S very, very strong! So you don't want to directly put it onto your scalp, but they can encourage hair growth. So what you want to do is add it to another oil mix it together. So you've got like your olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil. That'S like a carrier oil! Then you want to add a drop or two of peppermint or tea Trini mix it together and then apply it with your fingertips to sections of your scalp or you can use one of those applicator bottles. And then you want to go in with the brush and just massage in four sections for about 30 seconds to a minute per section. Leave that in just let it simmer and stuff like you're, marinating, chicken or something, and then you can wash it out the next day or you can wash it out straight after I've really doesn't matter, is up to you and your scalp, obviously, because my scalp gets Really really itchy, so I'd, probably wash it out straight away. Introducing that twice a week is really going to help to boost that blood flow in and kind of train your scalp to get your hair grow faster, so introduce that. Let me know how it goes. Comment down below if it's worked for you and we'll get straight into the next point. So now that you have incorporated scalp massages into your routine, you now want to make sure you take a look at your products that you're using in general because a lot of people that I speak to when I have like consultations. And if you want to know more about the consultations, click the link below. I have all information on that. But a lot of my Curly's that I meet with actually are using products that are very hot, and I can tell straight away when they finally admit to me what they're using and how they use in the products. I can tell straight away why now hair isn't grown and why it's not healthy, and that's because they're, using very cheap shampoos and stuff that you can buy from like the pawn shop or and the dollar store via from America and harsh shampoos that are gon na. Really really dry out their hair, so, while you're in this hair growth period, you want to stay away from heat, you want to stay away from chemicals. You want to stay away from color. You want to stay away from harsh products when I make sure that you're using something that is very soft on the hair, very moisturizing and very natural. My ingredients that I recommend you looking for on the back of your products and you want to read the first five ingredients on the list so make sure that you look out for these ingredients. So you want to look out for water, aqua, shea butter, coconut oil or cocoa butter. Sometimes they have cocoa and if you add a dimension, so you want to look out for those. Those are really really good ingredients to have, and then obviously your natural oils, so sometimes they'll be like avocado oil and stuff, like that. They'Re really really good. So if you ever have questions about a product feel free to DM me on Instagram or something and I'll, let you know, I think, whoever it's gon na be good for your hair or not make sure that you become conscious about the products that you're using on Your hair, because your hair could be trying to grow, but it's the products that you're using that I like stopping it from happening because you're damaging your hair and when your hair isn't moisturized, it's not going to grow either. It'S kind of like watering a plant. You need to nourish it. You need to give it the right, the right nourishment and water to allow it to grow. So when I started to transition to natural hair and start to grow out my hair back in 2015 I'll show you guys a picture of before and after length. I actually had to change up my whole. My whole hair lifestyle basically and I introduced new routines and new rituals, as you would probably say it into my hair care routine. So what I always recommend to everyone and I'm so shocked at people who actually don't do this they'll deep condition? Your hair, please deep condition every single time you wash your hair, like it's, actually really gon na change your hair. I don't think people give it as much credit as it deserves, but deep conditioning can really transform your hair's house, like I always swear by it. Deep conditioned and definitely changed my hair's health. I used to only deep condition, my hair when I went to the hair salon, which would probably be every three months or three or six months, and now I deep condition my hair religiously every week, yeah big difference. So deep condition your hair every week is going to help your hair to grow, especially if you find some deep conditioners that have great ingredients like mint, peppermint ones, that I've mentioned earlier that help with strengthening their hair and growing their hair. Again I'll leave a link to some good products that I recommend down below. Also you want to get rid of those dry and cheap shampoos that are not good for our hair type. So, all of like your, I hate to call out brands, but like your fioat fives and like the basic ones that are not for our hair type. Really, you want to not use those. Please stay away from those no manipulation so by manipulation. I mean like all these styles, where you're, like bantu knot here, gel here sleek here up here down here, plat here, braids here, heavy Safi; no, no! No! No! No! No! No! Stop with the manipulation! You really need to let your hair breathe and grow like with my hair. I hardly do much with it anymore. In the beginning I was transitioning, so I was trying to merge the two textures, so I did do a lot of braid outs and twist outs. Panty knots, but now my hair has been growing so quickly and that's because I hardly do anything to it. The most I do to me is have braids every six months or so, but even with that in between, I only have my hair out in a pineapple or in a very loose bun or sleek low bun, every now and again just to switch up. But apart from that, no crazy styles and O'Kane rows those sleek up slick edge control, none of that no keep it to a minimum, because that's gon na stunt your growth, imagine your hairs trying to grow, and then every minute your sleeve get back you're breaking it With a comb make sure you're very gentle of your head you're in this process, because you're trying to it's like a newborn baby you're, just trying to keep it safe and help it grow basically is like a baby. My cards, I know, that's something that a lot of you guys are probably wanting to know more about. I have multiple videos on my channel of Kearny haircuts that I've had done in London and also in LA I really recommend curly hair cuts. But when you're trying to grow your hair, I would say what I did was have my hair cut like once or twice a year sure in the beginning stages, when I was transitioning and then I trimmed slowly away like the dead straight ends. So if you're transitioning, I would say, get your curly hair cut done when it feels right for you, but in between just trim away those straight dead ends because they're not going to come back. I'M telling you now they're not going to come back just snip them off when you feel comfortable, then, when you're ready, you want to get your first curly hair cut and that is gon na just change your life, that's the shortest I've ever been. I think my curls were like up to here when it was dry. It was even shorter, like I had a fringe here which was crazy to me and then look how long my hair is growing. Now now, if you're, looking after your hair, you're, probably gon na see hair growth within a few months, because now my hair grows within two months. I'D say you can definitely tell it's outgrown itself. So I say from about here to here it's how much my hair has grown since my last haircut, which was I think, two or three months ago. So I'm finding with my hair that I need to get it cut or trimmed. Every two or three months, which is in the beginning stages, was not happening with my hair because my hair was not growing, but now it's just over growing and I need to get it cut more often. A good curly, hair car every few months is not really gon na stunt the growth, I'm just being an ally. I don't know this isn't gospel, but hey it. For me, this is just my advice. Don'T take it and go somewhere with it and come at me. One say to me, because I'm not in for it, so I think we've covered everything that you can do within your power with your hair, so we've got good ingredients and new routine, deep conditioning, we're making sure that is trimmed and it's healthy. You want to make sure that you're detangling softly with your fingers or wide toothed comb, and you want to make sure that you maintain your hair so we're retaining them by sleeping on a satin pillowcase or a silk pillowcase: silk scarf satin bonnet, something that's going to Be soft to protect your curls at night, I would recommend, oh so, Kylie obviously link down below, but it's totally up to you guys and now we're going to go to another avenue of how to grow your hair and that is in the health sector. Drink a lot of water nowadays, and that also is probably a reason why my hair is growing so fast. So I got this from Primark. It'S not. This isn't sponsored or anything it's just. It was a really good buy from Primark. It was like 2 pound 50 and I fill this up twice a day because I've been having, I think, it's just over a liter of water a day lately and it's really easy to drink cuz. I'M not like a big fan of drinking in general. So I find the straw makes it just so much easier to to get free thing drinking a lot of water, I think, is pretty much proven that it does help your hair grow. It helps your skin get clearer. It helps everything in your body just clear up. So definitely start to drink a lot of water guys, so you also want to make sure that you are being healthy with your diet, a lot of fried foods and sweets and chocolate. Chocolate is my guilty pleasure if you can give it up, try and give it up. It'S gon na help, not only your hair, but your skin too. What I did was, I actually went vegan / plant-based back in 2017 and since then now I have noticed that my hair just grows a lot faster. So don't know if it has to do with cutting out the dairy, because I had been vegetarian for a while. Before that, so I don't know if it was cutting out dairy that has shown a bit of a difference in my hair growth as well, and my skin is clear and much clearer than it has been in the past that you guys have seen your diet is Very very important definitely be another factor as to why your hair isn't growing. The next thing that you may want to do is try and introduce some supplements. So if you're, not someone that gets a lot of healthy, veggie and fruit into your diet, you may want to start taking some supplements that are going to help to support that, but also help to grow your hair. If you are looking for one, you want to look out for biotin, which is something that really helps with your hair growth. You also get like those women's hair nails and skin vitamins multivitamins and then the one that I have tried that I can recommend because I've actually tried. This is the curls liquid blueberry bliss bitumen. It'S like a liquid that you take a shot of like twice a day. I think it is. It doesn't taste great, but I mean it's just for a second of your whole 24 hours of the day like don't let it ruin it for you, but I saw that my hair grew really really fast I've in three months, so I did like a free month. Trial of it to share my results with my audience, and you did definitely see quite a few inches of hair growth within the three months. So if you find that nothing else in this video works for you try a hair grow supplement now. The final thing I'm gon na say is that if nothing has worked for you, you find that your hair just doesn't grow. There'S nothing wrong with you at all. It may just be down to jeans. It may just be down to your overall health at the moment and hair growth isn't the be-all end-all of having natural hair, having natural hair is learning to love and embrace the hair that you have on your head. Growing hair for me was just like a fun little challenge because I really thought I couldn't grow my hair or my cows this long. So it was a nice challenge to do for myself, but if you find that nothing's working it can be down to hell. So you may just want to have a chat with your doctor or go and see a try colleges who is someone that is specialized in the scalp? So if you find that your hair is breaking off, if you've got some hair loss or you're just concerned about your scalps health, you may want to go and visit a try. Colleges, like I said, I'm not a professional in that sense, but I I speak to a lot of people with natural hair every all day for the past five years or so I've dealt with my own hair for the past five years or so so I have Experience in that sense, I try our products. I work with brands, so I kind of know what I'm talking about in that sense, but the scientific side, I'm still learning myself. So if you feel like this advice, hasn't worked for, you definitely go ahead and speak to a specialist. Now you may be watching this and be thinking okay. So what was the magic T that was gon na help? My hair grow like like that. I'M telling you if you try everything in this video consistently for free months, free months, free, solid months and don't skip things and don't try and cut corners. I really really. I can vouch that your hairs gon na grow. So I challenge you guys to try everything in this video. Let me know in three months time how it goes comment below if you found your hair gray or not I'd be very interested to know, but I know that consistency works. So, no matter what you do in life, if you commit like, I said in the beginning, and you keep with the consistency, it's gon na work three months. It'S a long enough time. I think for you to see hair growth. It might even happen faster than that, but I just want to say three months to be safe. Also, you may be wondering why I haven't mentioned other crazy, like challenges and stuff like that rice, water, rinse and like herbs and stuff that you can use. I personally haven't tried done myself, so I wouldn't ever want to recommend something to you guys. I haven't tried. I'Ve heard good things and I've heard bad things about those things. Also. So it's really it's down to you. I will always keep you guys informed on what is out there, so I will note down below in the comments in the description section what other methods can be used, but I can't vouch for them because I haven't done it myself and I wouldn't want to sell You guys on something that I haven't tried cuz, I love you guys and um yeah. Your opinion means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoyed this video and I really hope I've got through everything. I think that's everything on my notes. I quite enjoyed coming to the camera and speaking to guys in this way, I think I'll definitely do another video like this. Let me know in the comments below, if you would like me to talk about another topic. I'Ve got a few in Minds, but I'd love to hear what you guys think subscribe share like and I'll catch you in the next one bye guys

Chloe Corley: Essential oils should not be left on the hair (even when diluted) for a long period of time so please dont leave it on overnight. Great video :)

Sereena Ifa: I avoid scalp massages unless it’s wash day because I feel like it frizzes up my roots and tangles :(

Tia Chung: Daily and night time routine videos would be great!

HarrietLeah100: Love this video. The tips are really useful. What are your thoughts on the tangle teezer brushes for detangling hair when wet?

Janice Parker: Love your video, would Love to see updated leant check

Kia_richx: I wash my hair every two weeks (Wash and go routines) , could I leave the oil that I use for scalp massages in the week , in my hair until my wash ? I wanted to do a consultation but the link doesn’t work

Energeticlionesss: Great video and great tips .. hairs growing really nicely

baby_ kookie: Does this also work on damaged dyed hair?

TheSelfishCatt: I find that if i don't keep my hair in twists at least it gets really dry and breaks off easily. Also I've tried a hair oil with jojoba oil in it and i currently have a really dry scalp but it makes it itch worse! Its called blue magic indian hemp and it moisturizes so well but could there be another ingredient that I'm allergic to perhaps?

Oshlyanna Francis: My hair length is right under my boobs but I have a thing now. I was taking vitamins tablets but ever since I went to liquid vitamins I don’t want to swallow the tablets anymore now it just in my bathroom laying to rest. What can I do?

Priestess Tabatha: Thank you and love your vibes..

Destiny’s Peace: Is it ok to wash your hair and use the products every day? Cause I find that it helps to comb my hair when I wash it. Plus add my hair products. Cause if I don’t it’s all frizzy and gross. Also is a wet brush ok?

Sammyrah Jones: What would be a good shea butter replacement cause I am highly allergic to shea butter

Inspiring Vanessa: I love my OsoCurly products

Millsd34: How often do u wash your hair

Benezia Haruna: your hair is so luscious and beautiful

shanayyy: Your hair is so prettty

Shi 13: a litre!? You need 2 minimum

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