5 Ponytail Hack Gadgets? | Fab Or Fail

Are you ready for another #FabOrFail product review?? Today I will be testing 4 different #Ponytail #Hack tools that each claim to take your ponytail game to the next level! What is your go-to, everyday hairstyle? ‍♀️

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Tools like this are always so interesting because some people LOVE them, and some people hate them! Everyone’s hair is so different, so the tools that work for some people’s hair will not work at all for others. It’s always best to try out tools like this for yourself, but my overall review (in Brooklyn’s hair) was 50/50! We liked 2 of the 4 tools that we tried, and we strongly disliked the other 2!

Overall, my personal preference to create a really fluffy, volumized ponytail would be to simply move the ponytail up higher on the head, add another elastic on top of your original one. Then, pull and tweak to gain the extra volume that you’re looking for. Again, everyone’s hair is so different! I think if you have more fine hair and you’re looking for a boost in your ponytail that will hold all day without falling, these tools might be something for you to try out!

✅Check out the tools from the video here:





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's -Mindy

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About Cute Girls Hairstyles:

Mindy McKnight is a mother of six children and a teacher of all braids, past, present, and future! Enjoy hundreds of 5-minute hair tutorials that are cute and easy to recreate! Whether you're looking to learn how to create hairstyles such as simple braids, waterfall braids, french braids, fishtail braids, lace braids, pancake braids, faux braids, plaits, twists, buns, ponytails, updos or something with a little edge... you can find it all here! (We even have Daddy Do's, hairstyles so easy that even a daddy can do them!) You'll also find a "Behind the Braids" family vlog, showing what goes on behind the scenes in our home, every other Sunday! Be sure to subscribe... and prepare for compliments! #CuteGirlsHairstyles


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( upbeat music, ), Hey everyone, I'm Mindy from Cute Girls, Hairstyles Brooklyn's here with me, she's gon na help me out today and we are fab or failing ponytail puffers.. I don't what these ar actually called. This one's called the Ponyfull. This one's called the Poofy Pony.. Basically, it's a tool that is supposed to make your ponytail look super fluffy and way more volumized.. So that's what we're testing we have 4 of them today. We'Re gon na try them all out see if any of them work. If we think they're terrible and do all the reviews for you guys., If you haven't subscribed to our channel, already be sure to do that by clicking the button right here and let's get on to the fab or fail.. Okay, guys, I have not worked with any of these. I have never tried any of them before some of them, I'm not even sure how they work. The first one I'm gon na use. Is this one, the Poofy Pony.. I got this on Amazon. They're, all not that expensive. Okay.. This is what my ponytail looks before.. Yes, I put her hair in a ponytail, just a basic ponytail. I didn't make it overly volumized, nothing fancy just straight up ponytail., It's suppose to really amp this part. Up., So when I opened the box, this was what was in it. What the crap I mean. I know what this does. Be: elastic., Literally. Okay, there are directions: that's good., Okay, one gather hair in a ponytail., Already did. Two screw the poofy ponytail into the center of the ponytail close to the head., Spread hair evenly around the Poofy Pony.. It doesn't say to lift the hair up or anything. It looks like it's got these little claws. You're supposed to take the rubber band out and put it over the -- We're just gon na go for it like if you're screwing, one of those bobby pin things in., Ow., (, laughs, ), Yeah you're supposed to put The hair through mom. How It doesn't open - That's not gon na work. Screw the Poofy Pony into the center of the ponytail close to the head, spread hair evenly around the poofy ponytail. That looks terrible.. It won't go through. No, that's not gon na work. ( screams ), It's just not gon na work., Put it the center of the head and screw it in. Literally. I don't know how you would screw that in like watch this. It'S just getting caught in her hair. Ow. Oops sorry. Wow we're a mess.. I think that you're supposed to maybe you're just like kinda, you know like do this and then you're supposed to spread the hair evenly around it like this.. That is not how it looks in the pictures. In the pictures. It has the hair nicely looking all place and then the elastic goes around that plastic thing. Yeah, that's not a good face. Got it. I think.. What even is that Did I do it? I mean technically it's in there, but your hair is knotted for the record.. Well, I did it with down here. And it's not. I don't know. ( upbeat, music, ), Okay, so here's the finished product. It's like inside of my hair., But it's also made her hair knots and knotted. Okay. Next, we are going to try the Perfect Hairstyle.. There'S literally no directions with this one I got on Amazon again.. Look at this is all it is.. What the crap! These all look so strange., And the only thing is that there's a before, and after on the back with no directions whatsoever., It just says use this for the perfect ponytail.. What I guess it's up to our imagination, on how to use this, to create the perfect ponytail. You ready. I think that you stick this in your ponytail and the other one. Before or after the elastic Before and the elastics see how this goes round. That'S where the elastics are supposed to go. So like this, Like, I just stick it in there Ow yeah. And then put the elastic around it Yeah. I mean at least that one went in easier.. I just kind of made a hole in the middle of the ponytail and stuck it down in there and then put the elastic around.. Can you see it No. You can't.? The hair is separated. Turn around I'll show you. I'll show them.. You cannot see like if I part her hair. You can see it right there., But you literally can't see it. Okay, I actually kind of think that one worked a little., ( upbeat music, ), Okay, I'm just gon na call out that I literally didn't do anything on this ponytail and it actually looks pretty good.. So I definitely think that one actually worked not like the first one.. The first one was crazy. The next one, we're gon na try this one. We have to start with a ponytail., And it's like this hair clip thing.. It'S not the same thing. It'S showing us that you just clip it up, which isn't a ponytail., It just says, put hair to ponytail, then hold the ponytail straight up place, the fashion accessory through the ponytail behind the rubber band. Let the ponytail fall over.. It'S like a 90's hairstyle., Like you know those clips with the little rounded edges that the teachers would do this and like twist it up and get it up here. Let me do it. Technically it's a pony, puffer and we're testing pony puffers. So we're gon na call this one. A pony puffer., So lift the ponytail up.. Okay, we're gon na go like this. We're gon na go this way. And then you go up -- Yeah! So it said behind the elastic through ponytail, behind the rubber band. Through the ponytail okay okay., Behind -- Ow, (, Mindy, laughs, ), Okay, you do it, then so I don't hurt you.. Oh my gosh.. That was not comfortable.. I think that it maybe does this --. No, no no. You're flipping it., Okay, okay. Wow., (, laughs, ). I told you it wasn't gon na work., (, Mindy, laughs, ). Oh my gosh, okay. Well.. I mean it's a look.. I told you it's that 90's hair style where they twist it and clip it, and then they just let the rest --. It'S just not what we were --. Well, it's falling open. Like it's totally falling through the sides. So it's not even staying covered. (, upbeat, music ) From the side it kinda sort of looks like maybe it worked, and then you turn it around to the back and you're like yeah nope. Nope Hard, no Epic fail.. I have one more this one's. Actually, the one I'm the most curious about, because this one you can get, I think at Target., Ponyfull., I'm gon na, say it's strong, but a kitsch kitsch. How would you say that name, Kitsch. Kish, Kitsch? Okay, this one says, gather your hair into a ponytail split. Your ponytail in half horizontally place Ponyfull with pick facing downward and self-gripping material facing your palm. Gently hook. The pick into the center of the pony pushing downward it will instantly expand your elastic and make your ponytail feel tighter. Release the top half of the ponytail down to adjust and cover.. Let'S try it. We're gon na split the hair in half. We're gon na. Take the pick - and this is facing my this Velcro part - is facing my palm. - We're going to pick it downward., Damn damn. There we go there, we go., Okay, we got it secured. And then it said to let it fall., Hey, actually Brooklyn, that's not too bad. Either. ( upbeat music ) This one, I actually don't feel too bad about., Like you, can't see it. See again. If I show it to you, you know up there. It does give it a nice little boop. Well, I wan na try one more thing, so I have some tricks that I do for ponytails to give them a little more lift. So I want to try that minus the little ponytail., The only bummer with this one, is that it does have this Velcro on it. So getting it out of your hair., Let's see., Oh, What the hell was that Wasn't that comfortable., That was it.! So if I were going to do a ponytail just without any other tools, I would just comb it all up like I am. I would go just a smidge higher on the head cause. I want it to sit a little higher and then I would use my first elastic to secure it.. So it would look like that. But then my trick is taking a second elastic and doing an extra little thing and then really tightening it down and letting it flip cause. I'M just curious to see how that looks, and you know you'd wrap the hair elastic with the bobby pins. So it's cute. ( upbeat music, ), Okay, so let's do a final spin on this one. We know there's nothing in it. So it's not gon na have things poking out., But if we're looking specifically just for that little lift. And of course, if I were gon na leave that in her hair for a long time, I would actually wrap it with a bobby pin and a hair. So it's covered elastic. But.. Let'S do this., Let's do a final run, down. Fab or fail on the first one. Fail. Fail for me: epic. Big fail. That looked like a giant fricking knot and --. It was not comfortable., Didn't know how to use it.. What was next. Surprisingly, I was okay. With this one., A low fab., A low fab., I mean it worked. I did think I saw a little more height in the ponytail, but I also it's not super huge, so it wasn't like a lot of lift. No. No Fail for me. Too. Double negative. Uncomfortable. And made the ponytail look terrible. This one. I mean it did work. Fab., Listen if you have really thin hair and you really wanted some lift. That would probably be the one I would tell you to. Try. Was the best out of all of them like all these contraptions. I think this one was the most successful., So I'm gon na give this one a medium fab., But I do have to say just adding the secondary elastic and moving the ponytail up a little bit on your head made. It look, I think I'm gon na have to look at this side-by-side on the pictures to totally, but I think it's probably better than this. And it's more comfortable and more traditional., It's at least as good as this.. So there you go. But comment down below which one you liked the best slash dot worked the best cause. Maybe you have a different opinion and we'd like to know so comment down below. And if you guys haven't subscribed to our channel, you can do that by clicking right here.. If you want to check out other fab or fail things, what we've tried and tested go click over here. And we will see you guys next. Time. Bye, guys., Bye, (, upbeat, music, )

Mindy McKnight: Would you try any of these ponytail hack gadgets?? Comment below! ✅Shop ALL Hairitage Products at Walmart HERE: https://shopstyle.it/l/bcn9T 's -Mindy

Emily Oliver: Shout out to Brooklyn for being a trooper with all these crazy looking hair devices

Alyssa J.: This video just threw me waaayy back to early CGH days when Mindy did hairstyles on the girls!

Margaret Lisac: Brooklyn is so pretty. Y’all have such gorgeous hair. Hope everything is going well for y’all

E: I hope you all are staying safe during these times! Love you guys! -Rachel

Christina V: Idk if I would try all of them but there are some that I would try I love a good ponytail for work....here is to trying anything during this quarantine....btw I hope y’all are doing well and Rylan had a great birthday despite being quarantined...God Bless

Mouse Ears Times Three: We’ve always been wanting to get a perfect ponytail! Thank you for making this video!

Maja Szczęsnowicz: I'd love to see Brooklyn trying out the Curly Girl Method

Grace V: This is so helpful because I wear a ponytail almost every day!

Megan- Alys: I always have boring ponytails and so watching this will help me see which one actually works for my ponytail

Life With Anna Sofia: I love the ponyfull! The velcro is to make sure you dont see it, the hair sticks to it on purpose. When taking it out, you need to gently take the little har off the velcro. You also need to have the elastic on one less loop than you normally would normally do it! its awesome!

Alyssa-Rose Bauco: Thank you for making this video while we are all in quarantine love you guys so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️ have a great day❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Charlotte the cat 🐈 😻: I love Brooklyn's hair in a high ponytail the high pony at the end was the best

Alexa Rose: Mindys hair has been looking so healthy and pretty ever since hairitage can out!!!

Ruby Greenan: 4:55 I know EXACTLY what Brooklyn is talking about

Daniela MH: Brooklyn looks so good in pink! Thanks for the video Mindy❤️

Maddie Tillem: I've had a billion teachers who wore those 90's clips. I even wore them at some point! I also wore the butterfly clips

hxzelmxe: Guys, y’all are loving Brooklyn and Bailey. But we need to appreciate Mindy for doing all of this! She’s a work of art! ♡♡♡♡

Lauren Smith: Can we just talk about Brooklyn’s skin in this video?! Wow girl is glowing!

Olivia Carmody: my favorite was the last gadget! stay safe love y'all <3

Mary Landry: I think everyone had a teacher that did that at some point. I know I did.

Lucy Partridge: When ur hair is too short to even go into a ponytail but you love CGH too much so you watch the video anyway

yeetabix: I think the extra elastic one was the best. I'm gonna try that one . Thanks for sharing!

Mildred: Y'all are amazing! Every video is either fun or super helpful.

Mae Bergstresser: Thank you for giving me something to watch while stuck at home Love you guys!

Liesel Kathryn: I just leave my ponytail how it is, I don’t even try

claire b: Love you so much stay safe!!! These pony tails hacks things are easy!! Thank you for this video!!! Love you!!! I think for the second one Brooklyn was right!! I know what Brooklyn is talking about the 90s hair style

Allyson Newnham: I feel like Brooklyn Hairs already kind of thick and has texture I would love to see how some of my these work on super fine straight hair like mine

Kieara Splander: I’ve got really fine hair. I generally use 2 hair bands wearing my hair high up on the top part of my head for enhancing simply back comb each section of the hair to make it more poofy use fingers to spread the hair then apply hairspray to your hair. I remember those hair gadgets back in the 80’s the comb and the last one looks less monstrous. Thanks for sharing Mindy. Stay safe

caleigh grace: I love the pony tail, Mindy!!! Pls be safe y'all! Praying for our world!

amelia kemp: At 4:57 i think i know what Brooklyn means also i'd love to see a fab or fail for the cordless Dyson straightener

Angelina Campos: Hey I hope y’all stay safe due to the caronavirus! Prayers going out to your fam!❤️

A N N A B E L L E: When I put my hair in a ponytail I just throw it up and go but I kinda want to try harder...... Also I tried the hairitage conditioning shampoo and it’s AMAZING

Daryna Matviychuk: So I tried Hairitage and it is amazing!My hair is so much healthier a lot more thick and longer.Thank you and love you guys❤️❤️

Johanna Padilla: I love this hairstyle!

Charis Alturas: I have been using only Hairitage products on my hair, and my hair is so soft and smells SOOOO good!! I LOVE it!!!

Freya: I love doing hair I watch loads of your videos to learn ❤️

Living with Kelsey: What’s Brooklyn’s secret she looks so pretty in this video

Karen Rademacher: I think Brooklyn almost got scalped in this one!! Owww!! I'd rather use the double holder method!

Lorien Kam: I think your own idea at the end was indeed the best and it's 'free'. An added bonus for looks and lift would definitely be the wrapping of some hair around the ponytail.

Franziska Baumann: little tip to make your hair seem longer: gently pull at some of the bottom ends of your ponytail, then tighten it at the elastic again and repeat a few times. gives the illusion that your hair is longer than it actually is☺️

Christine Thompson: I would do double ponies line one on top of the other has worked very well with multiple lengths and actually makes the hair look longer.

breakaway: I do the 2 elastics like you Mindy. But on my final last wrap I split my ponytail into 2. Then only tie the top part of the ponytail. I make sure the elastic is kind of tucked all the way down. It makes it look like you have the claw clip trick. If that makes sense at all.

Danii Darbyshire: I always double up the hair tie for my ponytails and people say the volume I get is nuts! But if I don’t double up it falls out anyway so I have to use 2 hair ties

Moon Girl: The second thing: you have to do a half updo ponytail, secure it with an elastic. Then put the thing under the elastic with the flat end on your head, take the rest of the hair and lay it over the thing (pull it up). Then you can put it together with the ponytail and secure it with another elastic (and maybe remove the first elastic if you want). Can't really explain it, but it's really easy.

RayneJoelle: Yes I know what Brooklyn is taking about with the teacher hairstyle

GELEXAIDA: You know.. once my hair grows back out again I will for sure tests these out lmfaoo

Kathryn Schneider: I always use two elastics since my hair is so thick, so I don't have the option of just one! And maybe I'm just a 90s kid, but I still twist my hair and put a clip in it sometimes. There's literally a clip on my nightstand, so I can do it while working.

Sara Sharp: This may have already been mentioned, but check out Lilla Rose hair clips. They are a great pony tail gadget! So pretty and work so well! We recently went to a party. You could become a distributor and sell them.

IraNeedles: I think that Mindy's trick works the best out of all of them.

Rachael D.: Be careful not to make your ponytail too tight or it will stress your edges/baby hairs and they will be more likely to fall out and/or recede your hairline. I went through a stage where I only wore a braided ponytail for years when I was in elementary and middle school and it would be so tight (not to mention I was frying my naturally curly 3c hair) my edges have been on a road to recovery ever since..and I'm in college now haha

Kelsey - Lilly- White: I’ve done that hairstyle that Brooklyn was talking about and it works mush better than that tool

Kelsey - Lilly- White: I’ve done that hairstyle that Brooklyn was talking about and it works mush better than that tool

Tamara Morton: I have tried all of these. The little pitcher-looking thing was confusing. They were all confusing, except for the one with the wavy combs. These were all duds for me. Thanks for confirming what I experienced.

Yusra Ebrahim: I will definitely try them and I love you guys so much and stay safe

Kat: My hair is so thin that I feel like you’d be able to see it in my hair. I’ll have to try the double elastic though!

Cayla's Corner: I liked the elastic the best and thanks for teaching me how to do it

victoria z: I had that teacher thx for making a vid during quarantine love you all

CAROLiNE DETHMERS: Oooohh! I LOVE your shirt Ms. Mindy. Love your family. ❤️❤️

Jewish Princess: Poor Brooklyn I think the double elastic and pulling the hair up more on the head worked way more better than all the things you tryedlove you guyyys

𝔐𝔠𝔨𝔢𝔫𝔫𝔞 𝔎𝔦𝔪: This is so helpful btw love your channel!

BAK Squad: I LOVE this channel!

Caitlin Calloway: My ponytails are fine my problem is the front of the pony so i ordered hair finisher for my hair that comes in a mascara tube I'm really excited so when i go back to school ( i'm 12) I can wear my hair up more often. You guys are awesome hope your guys are ok!

Tay: Brooklyn was definitely talking about a banana clip lol. Love those things!

Victoria Weimar: I know what Brooklyn was talking about, it's where you twist your hair up and then stick a Large Claw Clip to hold it in place then let the rest of your hair cover it. I use to do it in the 2000s when I was a teen.

Annalee Armoogam: Hi Mindy I love your videos so much!❤ I love this video but honestly I dont even care about how I look I do it, I leave it, I live. Lol

Aviva Moss: I really like all of the videos your family makes , but I would like if they were all edited differently. (Sometimes it feels like I’m just watching one channel) I still enjoy them though! ❤️❤️

Advita Raj: Double elastic did give Brooklyn's hair a lift but with ponyfull her hair was being pulled less. Like with extra elastic her scalp feels really tight

Meli Zheng: People check first two products their video instruction explains how to do it Brooklyn did so funny omg hahaha love you Mindy and Brooklyn

Dancing Dogwood: 4:55 I think Brooklyn is taking about a French twist. P.s. Love the Chanel!!

Lorelai Kathleen: I love this channel!

Anushya: Hey! Love your videos!! Stay safe!! Love y'all!!

Stephanie Brooke: It’s funny to me that she said her teachers had that hairstyle because I remember doing that look in the 90s when I was Bailey’s age and I guess by the time she was in school, everyone my age were the teachers That trend really lasted a while, but it’s way easier to do with a clip than that thing!

Iliana Dimou: Wow I will try them for sure you are amazing mindy love you❤️❤️❤️

Tara Kramer: Poor Brooklyn!!!! She went through a lot of pain for this video!

Bilyana Kovacheva: I didn´t like any of the gadgets and I wold never use them. Mindy's trick with the double elastic reminded me of something my mom used to do to me in the 90s: you take 3-7 elastics (depending on the length of your hair) in different colors and you do a high ponytail. The result was called a palm tree :D :D :D

Mary Landry: The Ponyfull was the best tool.

Whattheheck BEC: The small white one is supposed to be inserted the same way you did the last one. I used to do this with bobby-pins, just stick one in the center of the pony elastic just as you did the last hair accessory!

annika noelle: lol I do know what brooklyn's talking about... it's that thing where they twist their hair into some thing. then theypoke that thing into it and it stays in place

Nina Elwart: Heeeeeeey! There’s nothing wrong with the 90’s look

John Smith: We need an edited soundtrack of just Brooklyn's complaint noises!

kate whitford: Grew up in England and moved to America when I was 10. At our school in England we had swimming lessons twice a week (a really common think for England primary school) and my teach would do our hair for us if we wanted . She was actually soooo good

Natalie's Channel: Yes, Brooklyn is talking about a hair claw clip.

Tiffany Holmes: You can also take 2 bobby pins and put them up and down on the elastic on each side on the back or bottom of the pony tail and it will hold it up.

Liberty Franzell: I think the teacher clips that Brooklyn is talking about are called banana clips. Love y’all

Abigail M: I think that mindys double elastic technique was the best

Lauren Maglalang: Could y’all do a video on how to do different types of curls (beach waves vs spiral curls, etc.) and whether to use a wand or a barrel with a clamp?? Thanks love u all ❤️

NannyDiaries23: Leighann tried a few of these a couple weeks ago & had a bit of success.

Sun Shine: I liked the ponyfull the best and I always use two hair ties for a high pony

Ara K: The Velcro on that last one is probably to prevent the hair from splitting apart to reveal the pony tail enhancer device. Maybe you could see if there is a YouTube video showing how to use the others?!

Sunflower plays: Brooklyn is the master of ponytail so now she the master of pony pofers

Abby Nodine: i knew exactly what brooklyn was talking about

Rida Tajammal: Love the hair stylist and hair style

martina lo: My fav was was the Ponyfull—plus, there were no “ow!”‘s from Brooklyn. Thx!

Shammi Gupta: I love Brooklyn and Bailey

Madeline B: Brooklyn why do your eyes look so beautifully blue when they’re usually a just as fabulous green??

TheRynell: One way to get your ponytail to stick up/out is putting in a very short pencil.

Fancsi Tánczos: Hey! Could you do a tutorial for Donna's and Sophie's wedding hairstyle from Mamma Mia? Hope you're okay!❤

Hannah H: Hi Mindy! I love your Channel, and tell Brooklyn and Bailey the same!! Also tell Brooklyn and Bailey I sent them an email!!

Niccole Aldrich: I'd skip the gadgets and stick with the extra elastic.

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