Starlet Town'S Hair Salon Is Stunning! | Coral Island Gameplay Walkthrough #12 (Early Access)

Thank you so much for watching today's video, the 12th episode in my Coral Island: Let's Play series! Please make sure you have your notifications turned ON so that you won't miss out on anything exciting!!! I look forward to hearing from you in the comments! Much love.


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Hello friends welcome back to my channel, I'm Sarah Sunstone and today we are continuing our coral island. Let'S play series, we are in the summer season and we have so much to do so. Let'S get into it, so we are on summer day seven. It is raining which is great news, for us means we don't have to water. Our crops today, look at them they're, so beautiful they are so beautiful, oh and these are ready. So we can Harvest these radishes and you know I'm tempted to go, get some more flowers to plant so that we can make some more honey and play around with that a bit these are still being processed, so we will go to Sam Sam's is open later. Today, since it's Sunday, I think I'm also going to now make another chest just for crops just to organize things a little bit better. So let's make one of these and I'm gon na put it with the crops. So it's easy to keep track of. I'M gon na put it right here for now uh. Let me get rid of this rock perfect. So then we're going to keep uh some of our crops, I'm going to rename this to crops. I think for now I'm going to sell the high quality ones to get more money in up front, and I'm Gon na Keep some of these for the future uh to experiment with cooking and processing and such once. The summer season has passed. So that's my Logic for this. I'M not saying that's the best way to do it, but that is what I'm going to play around with. So I'm going to go ahead and sell those uh. Then I'm gon na go back here and pull out the crops that we've been saving. Do you have like one of each of these spring crops and we'll probably reorganize a lot of these? These storage containers in the future too, but for right now, I'm just gon na leave them as is, and I'm gon na put all of these in here like so so that's what we're gon na do for now and yeah. We don't need to water. Oh, we can't Harvest our wheat, though not that it's all grown in perfect. Let'S do that. I am going to keep this because I think we can use it for sure in the future. I'M gon na do the same thing though, and sell these higher quality ones to start at least I just want to you know, get a bit of money in, and wheat doesn't take too long to grow, so we can replant some of this. So now, when we go to Sam's we're going to be looking to fill two more plots, I do want to keep these Flowers In Bloom, they're. So pretty so yeah we're gon na look to fill two plots, maybe one more. Where are we at with? I should check to see where we're at with the silver kelp. You know we actually do have enough. We do have enough to make one more sprinkler. I think I'm gon na do it. I think I'm gon na do it because then it'll be one more plot that we don't have to water um, some more money coming in it'll, even out that top row as well, because you guys know how. I am that's gon na bother me right here, yeah. So we're gon na do that, so we're actually gon na get three new crops or three crops of some sort, some plants and let's check our mail, because we do have mail here, okay, so this is from Dinda and Joko. It says hello. Sarah! I see a house is not a home until you cook in it Joko, and I can upgrade your house and add a nice kitchen visit us when you're ready for an upgrade. Okay, that's definitely something we want to do. Uh, we're definitely going to be wanting to play around with cooking and, of course, expanding our house for interior design purposes. So this is definitely something we should work towards doing all right. So, let's head into town, look there's some more coconuts coming in for the new season, so we're gon na have to keep our eyes peeled for when they're ready to harvest, because you know you know we're gon na have to do that for sure I got ta Fly a little froggy hello, and so, if you guys are using the bee houses, I personally wouldn't recommend processing any of the uh scavengeable flowers in the bee houses, because it still will take the three days. But you don't really make enough profit for it to be worth it. I would just focus on processing any flowers that you're growing yourself um. Definitely some will be worth more than others, which is something I'm you know experimenting with on this. This save uh so we'll figure that out we'll see. What'S the most worth it, you know, let's add a Pablo here. How can I work inside when the day is so beautiful, sometimes being a blacksmith sucks? A temperature outside only feels right to me in summer, maybe because I'm always in front of a furnace that makes sense - I guess probably like serene it's just about noon, for us to head into Sam's, I'm not sure. Yet what I'd like to buy I'll, probably just decide on the spot, with you playing guitar in the rain? Why do I feel like there's a new bug in town every summer, so before we stop into Sam's? Why don't we head into the hair salon? Just because I wanted to show you guys we haven't really been in here. The exterior is beautiful, it's right next door to White Flamingo. So, let's head in - and this is the inside of the hair salon, it is so beautiful, absolutely gorgeous this entryway. It'S stunning, oh Emily's, just popping in to start her shift Emily and Erica both work here. It'S just gorgeous. I love the color palette, I'm a little biased because I love pink so much um, but it is beautiful. There'S a back area here as well. Ah, the water feels nice generics shampoo for oily hair, sulfate free cruelty, free, that's nice, and so, if you customize your character in the beginning - and you changed your mind about anything just come on in here - you can change up your hairstyle to any of those starter. Styles, um and they're going to be adding more hairstyles in the first update that should be coming out fairly soon at the time of recording this anyway um and that one's gon na have more hairstyles. So maybe you'll be wanting to pay a visit here in the near future to update your hairstyle to one of the new ones. That'Ll be really cool, but I like mine, I like the color still, but you can change it to like any color right. You can make it like any color of the rainbow, which is really fun um. You can also change up your facial features. If you know you change your mind about any of them, so that is awesome, and then you can also change up your your skin tone. Your body type, the mass of your body, like you, can change this all in here, so it's super flexible. It'S just gon na cost 500 coins, which you know isn't too much, but I would suggest waiting until you're like ready to do it all at once. Um and if you're thinking of changing anything now like maybe hold off until they've added some more some more hairstyles, save your money for that uh, because they'll be adding them most of the updates, but definitely the first one yeah. That'S something that I'm gon na be waiting for, but I just wanted to show this off. You can also like Zoom at different angles, to see better. If you want like a really close up, you can get close up here. It'S nice, but yeah, I'm good! For today, I'm gon na say hi to Erica and Emily, though Erica says perfect weather for some spicy red curry. This is why we need a kitchen. We need to start cooking for these. These townies, the Islanders Erica, says I don't cook very well anything beyond a simple salad is out of my league. I got you Erica. We can make you some red curry one day. Hopefully Emily says I want to say: I'm surprised, puffer fish moved in, but I'm not life is unfair. Sometimes I might go to the lake later. Rainy days are perfect for Berry hunting. Can you guess why less competition correct great minds? Think alike they? So I wonder if that's hinting, that there might be more forageables on rainy days, okay, let's pop over to Sam's, that's very busy in here: it's Sam's busy cooking over here! That'S funny! Okay, let's help ourselves here. So we need three things. I'M gon na sell these for some extra coin up front. I think I want to definitely plant more wheat. It only takes the five days to grow and I feel like this is gon na be an essential product to have on hand. You know uh to make like lots of different meals, so I'm definitely gon na get nine of these and then what else do I think I want I'm honestly kind of feeling actually another plot of weeds and then perhaps a plot of sunflowers. I think that's what I'm thinking yeah! That'S what I'm thinking so I'm gon na do another plot of wheat, but do I want them to be? Do I want to do nine of this one or eight? I think I'll. Do nine and then I'm gon na do eight sunflowers for that new sprinkler we made yeah, I'm feeling good about that. I'M feeling good about that decision. Let'S say hi to Eva it's nice and warm here. Hmm, the baked goods here are freshly baked every day. Don'T you worry Sarah? I can vouch for this because I bake them myself. Oh, that was so sweet Lily. These are honestly two of my favorite characters right here, it's too hot to use a blanket at night. Now it's a problem because I sleep better with it. Honestly, I can relate to that like I need a blanket on me, but then it's like too hot, sometimes Yuri says oh gosh, piping, hot curry would be perfect right now, nice to see you here. Sarah, are you buying or selling a little bit of both? Oh hi, mayor Connor, before I head back to the farm. I just want to try to do some fishing, since it's a rainy day, some fish will only be available when it's raining according to Sunny At The Beach Shack, so we're gon na try that out see if we can catch anything good. We do have the improved fishing pole now. This is a fish. It'S not trash, at least that's good, I'm always happy when it's not trash, because even if it's something I've already caught it's better than nothing, ruby, red, Dragonette, okay, we've already caught that before I'm looking for something new, oh another fish that one was fast. Okay, it's a fighter. Oh this one's a fighter. It might be something new then or it could be a mackerel or it could be a mackerel got it. Oh, a lionfish. It likes warm water commonly found in summer. That'S new! That'S exciting! Okay! I want to try one more, I might be pushing my luck here, but that one's blown really quickly got another fish. Maybe yes, another fish? Okay, we got this. We got this a clownfish. Let'S go! Okay! We found a couple of fish. That'S awesome! Um, while I'm here, I do want to kind of use up some energy and like dig around on the beach um, just after the last episode, I had so much fun with that foreign see I'm looking for coffers as well, because we need to donate, I believe, Seven more items to the museum for the quest that we're on so between you know: fish bugs artifacts gems. We have a decent chance to find something new in these coffers. So I'm definitely looking for coffers. It'S gon na be found one okay, I'll do one more row. I'Ll do one more row. You guys it's very um, satisfying to do this. Even if you don't get anything. I really can't deny that it's uh quite satisfying. If you're, on the slower time too you're gon na have more time to do this than I am okay, that's good enough! So we found a couple things. You know nothing like ground breaking, although I've only. I wonder if I should try another area, because I've only like gone treasure hunting in that one area: okay, oh some forageables! Let'S grab these wait! Hibiscus nice that one's valuable, let's go plant these seeds. Oh, let me see if I can catch that, just wait for it to cool down this one might be tough. I don't have the improved uh bug net, yet I'm gon na sneak it's coming towards me. This is good, can't see it, but ghost mantis wow I've. Never seen that before that's a good find this one's just chilling next to us: okay, grab it we can and a maple leaf cutter Ma what delightful luck we have here on this save file. It has metallic wings, amazing, okay, so before it's midnight we're just gon na quickly plant the seeds uh, we don't need to water them because it's raining. So I definitely. I was not in a rush to get back here to plant them because of that perfect. So we're going to be growing, more weeds and then I'm gon na plant, the sunflowers here perfect all right. So let's wrap up the day here, so we're gon na be able to sell some of this. Now I just want to check on the clownfish, because I think we determined that they will still pop up as being new when you catch a critter. If it's a new quality um, oh, but we actually haven't donated this one. Yet this one is new uh, but that's worth keeping in mind because when you catch it, if you've already caught it before, it's not going to show up like brand new at the bottom um. But if you catch a new quality of the same uh like species, it will pop up again. So that's one little caveat to that, but not to worry in the first Early Access feedback update they're, going to make it even easier for you to tell if you've donated it or not. It'Ll literally be like a little indicator on the description here. It'Ll say donated. So uh, that's going to be amazing. Amazing! We'Re gon na have to definitely go with the blacksmiths. Let'S open these up tomorrow and then I think we're gon na have enough donations to complete that museum Quest. So that is super exciting we've been working towards that one. For a while, now all right, so, let's head to bed, so we made a thousand coins we sold all the radishes are actually quite good. Some good profit actually um, so farming yeah. I definitely think the wheat is better to hold on to versus. So I think, that's my opinion, so I think we're gon na hold on to the rest of this, the wheat that we grow uh to process it further before we sell it. Some good money off of foraging a fish, a fly, a thousand coins, not bad, not bad. That'S good! Excellent! Let'S have a look at. What'S on TV, oh, the animal channel. I'M gon na watch that oh this is beautiful. Welcome to Animalia! Oh my gosh! It'S Paul! No way it's Paul well, like I guess, yeah, I guess that makes sense, because they're always like recording stuff. Oh my gosh, this is so cute Paul, it's so nice to see Paul on the TV Paul says: hello, viewers welcome to Animalia. My name is Paul and I ran oh, my gosh. This is so cute. This is so cute uh we're a husband and wife Duo who loves animals and Zoe. Oh my gosh. We moved to Coral Island to document the amazing fauna that lives on this amazing Island. Together with our daughter Zoe, we want to show you just how wonderful the critters of this island are Whispers. We'Re here in the forest trying to get some footage of an amazing bird called the Sandra wassi, also known as the bird of paradise, the name a bird of paradise comes from Anne. Do you hear that over there Anne this is the Magnificent Sandra wassi, also known as the bird of paradise? Why is it called the bird of paradise and that's because these birds can only be found on islands like coral island? Would you agree that this island is Paradise too definitely and because of how beautiful they are local Legends thought these birds were the messengers of the goddess: oh no, who's, J, James jonasen, stupid humans. No one cares about a pretty bird where's. The footage of the wooded Bighorn hmm: what's this wait a minute? That'S not the wooded Big Horn, Paul thanks for watching everyone and remember, take nothing but pictures. Oh wait! That'S so cute! Why, like you, why do the cutest things in this game make me emotional and look it's even on the TV? Oh, my gosh, I love this, leave nothing but footprints. Oh and keep nothing but memories see you next time, wow that is so sweet, they're, so sweet and so true, I love that. I'M so glad we checked the TV okay. So today we will have to water. Oh, look, our hot peppers are ready and these are the ones that will grow through into the fall if you want them to so that's exciting, okay, so I'm gon na follow suit. I'M gon na store these up sell these uh. They are going to reproduce as long as we keep watering them they're going to keep reproducing. So that is awesome and amazing. I love those crops that do that makes life a little bit easier on us as farmers and we're just gon na go ahead and water. Everything the one nice thing about playing on uh the faster speed is that by the time you're done watering your your crops, usually a lot of the stores are open, so you don't have to wait. If you want to like go right to a task, the downside is that you have less time for like foraging and stuff like that in between, but I always got ta look at the positive side right and that could definitely be a draw for certain people. I could see like wanting to play on the faster speeds. You don't have to wait for things to open. I get that okay, these are all watered because we have sprinklers. This is amazing. Okay, so honey still being produced there. Okay, so I'm gon na sell those peppers see what they sell for. Okay, oh and my yeah I haven't. I haven't been able to collect anything yet from this. This tap um, but that book said that we should shake trees on a windy day, which is today for better luck, which I can definitely see that as being the case, because, usually when I shake trees, I really don't get anything. Sometimes I'm shaking them shaking them. Shaking them and I'm like trying to get tree seeds and there's nothing but look at this look at I've gotten a tree seed from almost every single tree, so that book, that was a good tip that was a very good tip, grab that as well wow. I could really go to all of these trees and get so many seeds, which will be great for replanting and also crafting. This is a great discovery, I'm so glad we found that book. It definitely makes me want to treasure hunt at the beach more though, because that's the only way I've found a book so far like that was literally the first book I've ever found, even after playing like 200 hours of this game. So oh there's trash here. What'S this doing here, get rid of that, it's hiding behind the tree, yeah wow. Look at that look at all those seeds. We got just from shaking the trees shaking some trees. We didn't even Shake all the trees. Okay. So let's grab these along with all these donations. I believe these are all new, at least for the most part and let's head to the blacksmiths, more wild seeds. That'S awesome more wild seeds, we're saving those for sure. Oh, what's Joe go up to having a little water break. Part of the reason Dinda - and I moved here - is so that we can enjoy the beauty of nature, but with pufferfish here. Oh, there are simple graphs that you can make yourself to improve your form like scarecrows or lampposts lampposts. I have not yet unlocked any lamp posts. That'S a great thing to know. We saw some of these blueprints if you'd like to try. Oh interesting, maybe in the future, they'll, have additional blueprints for like fun things to craft for your farm as well as like the farm buildings, while we're here. I just want to stop in and take a look at that house upgrade uh. So how's stage two comes with a kitchen okay, so it's gon na be 100 Wood, 50 Stone, five bronze bar and five silver bar and five thousand coins. Okay, so that's definitely something we have to work towards. We don't have silver yet and we definitely don't have 5 000 coins uh. We also need more bronze, so we're gon na have to do some serious mining um in a future episode, so we can start working towards that. I'M just gon na head up here. I notice a larkspur we're gon na grab that a bug you can catch this, it's running away, got it another one of those all right. Taco talk about the vineyard, so cute Brian Walter sitting on opposite sides of their property. Oh nice finds the biscuits all right. Let'S head into the blacksmiths having a good day so far, I am Pablo I'm having an amazing day, I'm gon na open three coffers, a blue mask nice, some glass and a hammer Stone Okay, so I think we've already found both of these artifacts, which means, if That'S true that that means we're gon na make some money. I don't mind finding duplicate artifacts, because that means we're gon na make some money off of it. I'M just gon na do a quick foraging run up here before we head to the museum, see if I can spot anything, there's a dick spot. A little bug here got it a soldier beetle, oh quickly, catch that too, a blue morpho butterfly watch out it's poisonous. Oh, but it's so beautiful, that's so we're doing pretty well with catching things here. I wonder if there's more available in summer, like just in general or if we're just having good luck like we seem to always have here, let's head through town, while we're passing through town, I do just want to take a look at the calendar. Oh, I spot a cosmo up there. I might have to go for it: hi bonbon brown, trout, okay. So let's take a look at the calendar for summer. Oh it's Sam's birthday! Today! It'S nice um! Okay! So this month, uh, the festivals are disco and color day, which sounds so cool and the beach cleanup right now in Early Access. The beach cleanup is implemented uh, so that's not until the 27th. So we still have a lot of time to get ready for that. Uh, that's definitely something to look forward to you know what, if Sam's here, since it's, we haven't really doing birthdays, but since we're here since Sam's is open, let's give him a larkspur for his birthday. This is a great birthday gift. Thanks no problem and we might as well right. We need to have a good relationship with Sam, because we're gon na be buying a lot from Sam Ben uh summer enjoy the heat and humidity Sarah. Isn'T it great uh say it with me: uh, okay, Ben okay, wan na grab that little hidden, Cosmo, okay, so we're going to head to the museum. Now, let's say hi to Jack. I haven't seen Jack, oh no! I don't want to give you my clouds mode. I was sorry I try and stick to shady areas on my way to work in the mornings I might melt. If I spend too much time in the Sun. Oh that's, fair people need to be careful when they let their kids swim in the ocean. I'Ve heard some wild legends about what lives down there. Oh, I won't risk it the merfolk. They wouldn't hurt your kids, but what else like that creature in the introduction of the game? Maybe oh wow, look at this! You guys one two, three, four, five! Six! Seven! Eight, nine ten. I guess we hadn't. I think I mixed it up with this one, so we hadn't donated that one yet uh, so this is definitely gon na get us to that magic! Number. Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Cutscene! Here Comes Scott foreign, hey! Sarah, what are you up to I'm here to donate an item? Not sure what am I doing again you caught me. I was trying to pull a museum Heist. I'M gon na pick this one. It'S funny you and your jokes I'll, never get tired of. It looks like you just put something in the donation box. Let me take a look at it. I just put 10 things: 10 things in the donation box, yup another great item from the lovely. Sarah: hey wait a minute. I think this is the last item. We need you've donated enough items for us to get the pick starter campaign started. Oh no, I have so many people to call. I have to contact Macy and Millie. I also got to talk to Lily. Should I talk to the mayor too? Oh, I have to clean the museum who's best at cleaning, not me for sure, and then I just got calmed down. If you panic, I'm gon na Panic too. Oh, I also want to run around like that. I'M gon na say Scott calm down what oh, I'm so sorry I didn't realize I was shouting. Let me take a few deep breaths good call in out in out whoo looks like Charles's meditation lesson is pretty useful. After all, Charles interesting, I was expecting Ben right. So, as you can probably tell, I have a lot of things to do so. I'M gon na get right on that I'll need to talk to everyone involved and get the wheels rolling. We'Ve got most of the Necessary Things sorted out, but the pictures from Macy will take at least a day. I think, maybe even more. You know what why don't? I just send you a mail when we're ready to launch the campaign, I'm sure you're busy with other things, and I've already taken a lot of your time. So many things to do thanks once again. Sarah, oh, that's so exciting, so we're gon na have to wait. Bequest is updated, okay, so I guess that's marked as completed so we're gon na get 150 coins from that nice. Oh, and we are one vegetable way from hitting the 50 bronze quality, vegetables and then the fruit, of course, Okay, so yeah we definitely just have to wait now. I guess we'll get something in the mail when everything's all ready to go Valentina, sometimes school is boring. You read all these hard books. All the time lick. I understand I'm just going to drop some stuff off at my farm, sell some stuff and then head down to the beach, I think so yeah we can sell this duplicate, artifact, no problem perfect and then I'm going to fast travel down to the diving, Pier, oh Jim'S here I saw fish here and there you know especially now in salmon season. The water is warm this time of year salmon season I want to catch a salmon. Can I catch a salmon here? A mackerel. I'M gon na look for some shells - foreign a couple big spots now to use the rest of my stamina. I'M gon na go dig on the beach. I I don't know how I feel about the fact that I discovered this, because I don't know if it's a good use of my time, but I really enjoy doing it. So I think it is what it is at this point. Just the fact that I found that one book has me hooked and the fact that we found coffers. Sometimes there we go a golfer nice, oh another, Coffer, an ornate coffer, even better, maybe Maybe some silver kelp, seeing finding the silver kelp from this too was what allowed us to build all those sprinklers foreign to feel tired, so I'll stop I don't really want to Eat my snacks to do more of that, but oh nice, a shallot, I'm probably still gon na - have to wait a few more days to have our crops that we need for the offering be ready. Oh lots of forageables in this area. Right now you can see my screens a little bit uh gray because of my low stamina. I love that they have that indicator. So you like, don't forget you don't forget if you do keep using more stamina, it's pretty obvious. Okay. So let's sell some more stuff. Awesome put the rest away, we already have two more coffers and we only need one more silver kelp to make another sprinkler actually, which is pretty cool, so we're gon na head to bed. Oh look at that, so we gained a heart with Sam, which was from giving him a birthday gift. That'S going to give you an instant heart with any of the characters, so that is awesome. Now we also came to heart with Scott, so I'm guessing. That was from helping him with the quest uh with the museum, so that is actually amazing that the game is responsive to those activities too, not just giving them gifts not just talking to them, but actually helping them with those quests um. That'S amazing that it's responsive to that. I think that that's that makes the game more immersive. You know because it makes sense if you helped Scott out with a project of that size he's gon na. You know appreciate that, so I love that and let's see, okay, the hot peppers are pretty good, especially because they're gon na keep respawning uh good money from foraging. As always, these are the two uh forageables to have our eyes out in the summer season. The Watercress and the white hibiscus are the most valuable fish and that that artifact see it's great to sell, duplicates some good coin there. It'S awesome all right, so we are now on summer day, nine check our mail. Sarah word travels fast in the archipelago. You have an eye for hard to come by things. Well, I am a purveyor of rare finds the lighthouse Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Sundown discreet business, only Lili. So I believe that this is a letter to tell you about the black market, but we happen to stumble upon the black market before this letter, so that is kind of fun that we just organically discovered it um. But it looks like the black market will be parked at the Lighthouse on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at sundown. Okay, so they'll be there today, so we could go check them out, see what they have look, there's some stuff ready. We have our bell peppers ready. The sunflowers are ready. I'M gon na leave these ones in just they look so beautiful here. So I'm gon na leave those flowers for Aesthetics. We will harvest them before the end of the season and look. These are all watered with our sprinklers that are just so amazing um. So let's go ahead and harvest these now. These are also going to continue to reproduce. So that is awesome uh. Let me check that Quest so yeah. After the end of yesterday, we met the requirements here for the bronze quality vegetables. So now we just have to ship the bronze quality fruit. That'S going to be no problem because we have blueberries coming in uh. We have melons coming in star fruit. We have all sorts of fruit coming in, so we'll be totally fine um. What am I gon na do this time, I only got one regular quality, which is actually amazing. That means those lab upgrades are really coming in handy um, we're getting more high quality than we are regular quality um. So for now, I'm going to just keep the one and sell these I'm gon na just keep with that trend for the first harvest. Awesome and now we're gon na get to watering awesome, so we're all finished watering. These are already taken care of. I'M Gon na Fill this up for next time. Okay, so I think I would also like to craft a mason jar, so we need 25 Wood and 10 glass. We have that. We'Ve been getting a lot of glass from the beach, so I'm gon na make one of those and then we can start processing. Some of our Goods - thank you. Maybe eventually we can make a second one and we can just parallel the bee houses, it's kind of what I'm thinking. If it wants Holloway I do and then maybe we can get some wood flooring tile as well. Perfect just like that, that looks awesome. That looks awesome. Let'S see if we can put any of these things in there, let's see if we can put either of these products in there. The rest I only have one of so I don't really want to process them. Yet so we can put the radishes in there uh, but not the hot peppers, so we're gon na do we're gon na make pickled radishes. Why not? So you just have to equip them and then you're gon na right click load them up can take three at a time. So cute looks awesome, so we can start using those as well as the bee houses. Put those away I'll have to find another use for those - I guess maybe just cooking we'll see we will see, and I definitely want to make a second one down here. So we just need one more piece of glass. You can make glass with a kiln which we haven't even crafted, yet to be honest, because so, if you make a kiln, it can process wood into charcoal, scrap into glass and sand into glass um. It does take 20 bronze ore to craft, which is one of the reasons why I didn't do it right away. I also didn't find that I was really needing charcoal or a glass too desperately in the beginning of the game. So this is something you can definitely hold off on Crafting um. I'Ve definitely found in later game, I'm always running out of charcoal, so this does come in handy later on, but I'm still going to be saving my bronze ore right now for the other projects. I need it for so we'll see if we can find some some glass just at the beach, maybe to make one more mason jar. We seem to have had pretty good luck with that. I also want to try. Oh, here's Brie, you can grow grapes in the fall. Are you planting some this year? Oh, I certainly will be. Farming is easier if you have automatic sprinklers, but not everybody needs them. If you only have a few rows of crops, you can probably do without them. Oh Brie, you underestimate me, I have more than a few rows of crops and the sprinklers are amazing. I can't lie Macy says my head: hurts it's so light. Oh hang on. I need to change my lens. Okay, I won't bother you Macy. I'M gon na check back here and see if the black market uh will arrive today after Sundown, but I want to see if I can find some glass on the beach we haven't tried digging around this area: foreign kelp, a coffer nice. This is so exciting. This is a problem honestly. This is a problem. This is way too much fun. This is way too much fun. Okay, I'm gon na go over to the other, the other Beach, oh another, Coffer nice, oh there's the glass! We need look at that. Okay, I think I'm happy. I found a couple coffers. I found the glass I needed, so we can make a second mason jar. Let'S grab some shells while we're down here for some extra coin. Oh a dig spot: let's, head back to the farm, sell some stuff put the rest away more coffers. I already have four more to go: get opened, I'm gon na take these glass and the wood because we need that for the mason jars put the rest away. Um so we're gon na craft one more of these perfect perfect and we are going to place this right here. I'M gon na make some more of these wood floor tiles, just four and put them around. I just love. How that looks. Oh two of them are already ready. So that's very quick, still one more processing, okay, what does it say? It says, put one fruit or vegetables or seaweed to produce Jam interesting. I have seaweed. I have one piece. Oh, maybe I need more than one piece, or maybe it's not implemented yet, but that'll be cool in the future. To process that I love that little touch. It is so nice, okay. So let's sell these pickled radishes, that's fun, and then we are gon na head back to the beach again um. Actually, first, I'm gon na pop up to the forest just see. If we can collect anything else today and then we will head down back to the beach uh to see if the black market is there and if they have anything worthwhile, say hi to Kenny. It is hotter than I'd like for eating outside, but it's much better than eating inside nothing beats eating in nature, not even air-conditioned rooms. I love that it's true there's something so relaxing about just having a picnic. Oh I see one in here. I don't usually go in here unless I spot something, because I always get stuck on these uh weeds, which I know I can just you know cut away, but I like to leave them I like to let them be, but I will go in. If, oh, do you see that one so hidden, okay? So, according to the letter in the mail, maybe not yet, is it not Sundown? Yet I'm not sure? Oh, oh my gosh they're pulling up. Oh my gosh. Did you see their outfit? I can't believe I got that they had a little hat that matched this. Oh my gosh, I'm so glad I caught that, I'm so glad I didn't leave. I I was just about to leave foreign just about to leave. This would be great to buy, but I don't have enough money: okay, well, yeah! The fossils are just about the only thing I'd recommend getting here, but you need money for that and I don't have enough, but I'm so glad I caught that that was so cool to see. I love I want to see their outfit. I want them to actually like walk off the boat, I'm sure eventually, that'll be implemented and they'll be walking around. Maybe with that that outfit that was so cool, it's the little things you know so little things all right. Let'S head back to the form. That was definitely worth the trip and go ahead and sell this. I'M just gon na check on the honey. Oh look if some ready nice, so I'm gon na go ahead and end the day. Just so we can see what we made the money we made: foreign. Okay, 1400 coins. Okay, these really added up having that many to sell pickled radishes, those sold for 150 coins each. I have to compare that to what the regular radishes were worth, but regardless I mean they didn't take long at all to process, so that was definitely worth it and that honey is awesome. Just have to have patience some foraging and that's all so we made most of our money to have a farming. That'S super exciting. We did awesome all right, friends, that's where I'm gon na wrap up today's episode again so much happened. So much is always happening. This game, this game has so much to offer and I still can't believe it has this much content and only Early Access so definitely give this video a like and leave a comment below, even if it's just an emoji, if you are still enjoying this series, I Really appreciate it, it does help the channel. So thank you in advance, I'm so excited to continue our adventures in the summertime on coral island. So I will see you in the next episode and with all that being said, thank you so much for watching. I love you all and until next time take care and a very special thanks to Mandy Meredith for Modis, tansy, Cisco, tier Quinn, Sky whale cheese, Coons Divine Raven, Lex and Magic. My Sunstone members - I I love you all and thank you so so much for your support. It really helps to make all of this possible and means the world to me.

Oracle Card Messages: That entryway for the salon is amazing! Definitely a place to relax, recharge, and redo one's look. LOVE IT!‍♀

Barb: I know you have heard it before but, I love this series!! Thanks for another relaxing afternoon watching you play.

Natalie Hendrickson: This let's play series is seriously my favorite thing to watch right now. I'm so excited everytime I see there's a new video. Thank you for the great content Sarah!!!

Oracle Card Messages: Love the bell! Surprised and happy to see another Let's Play so soon. Thank you!!!

Faye: Your farm is looking great, Pickstarter campaign begins, and you House is ready for an upgrade! There is always so much to do in this game.

Sulthan A: 40:00 Lele is an Indonesian for catfish, i think the name refers to the shape of the boat that ratih use there btw i love this series

Renan Lim: I think you can store your clothes in the dresser in your house (the blue one) so you dont have to leave your outfit in the chest

Sweet Shoppe: So satisfying watching you play.

Steven Gernandt: Another good stream and definitely noting the windy day tree shaking hint :)

Opal Harmony: Yes! She donated enough dearest Scott. Breathe man! Pickerstarter campaign unlocked!

M Buckley: 20:34 The person yelling on the nature show is a reference to Spiderman. He is Peter Parker's boss. He yells PARKER often times so that is why we see him yelling a name during this scenario.

leslie97gargi: can't wait for #13!

Nshane: out of curiousity try to check the bin next to welcome sign in diving area :D

RiverChaos: Fun fact time: you can put stone in the kiln to make glass! I don't think it's supposed to work like that, but it gives you something to do with all the rocks you'll accumulate during mining.

Christian QW: You should definitely buy some more blueberries to complete that task now that you have the better quality crops! Thanks once again for your videos, I love all of them!


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