7 Easy Hairstyles For *7 Different Mixed Race Hair Types*



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We hope you guys are well. Thank you so much so so much for coming back to join us again today for another video today, guys I'm going to show you seven really easy everyday hairstyles for mixed race hair. Now it might be a bit of a conundrum mixed race. Here, too, you might be a confusing area and whether your child has got me to trace here whether you've got mixed with hair, whatever, whatever the weather. There are so many different textures and hair types when it comes to hairs that have been mixed from different heritages. You never know whether you're going to come out with really tight coils or whether you're going to come out with really loose waves. Why are you looking at me funny? You said: coils yeah, Tomatoes, Tomatoes, curls coils, whatever you want to call them, but obviously like a curl is like a curl there and if you get very healthy coils, they should be quite nice and springy and bouncy like this. You see, lovely lovely coils there and hosanna's also got very, very curly hair, so um, I'm gon na you've got a lovely Beauty, curly hair too, and then some of my children have slightly more well more wavy, less curls, I would say: Hallie's hair is the least Curly curly of all hers is quite straight. Her curls all seem to go to the ends of the hair, so it's quite straight from the roots and then goes curly at the ends, which is interesting and she has her hair cut before and I've cut quite a lot off in the past. But it still goes back to the same kind of texture with the straight roots and the curls in the end, and that can always be a bit of a funny thing. When you cut your child's hair, you never know if it's then going to kind of change, or it will continue to keep the same kind of curl pattern and whatnot anyway, my youngest child Halo, she's, actually currently asleep. Obviously, she doesn't have much hair on her little head yet see that she's only 11 months. Do you think she's awake? How would you like this because she's your best friend she's your best friend, I'm big and finished, that sentence um, yeah she's only 11 months old, but recently her hair has started growing like wildfire um. I was away from her for a couple of days. When I came back, I was like no, your hair was actually growing, but with hers. I literally just put her in the bath in the mornings. I'Ll tend to maybe wash her hair with, like a very, very mild shampoo, maybe once a week but um, even if that just depends on whether it's looking too greasy or not. But hers is actually just a wet and guy really just wet it with a sponge and then she's done. But after that we're going to move on to Houston Scarlet, you want to come and sit in the shed. I will style your hair for you, because we're gon na put your hair into two bedrooms, so what I do like to do sometimes is wet their hair. If it's dry at the moment like hers, is haven't done anything to her hair so far today, the only reason I'm wetting just this section here is because I'm going to redo her parting and I always find like dragging the climb through their head when it's completely Dry is it? Is it a nice experience for you, that's great yeah, really good A little bit of sarcasm there, guys I'm keeping your head down for me, please darling and obviously not every day in the morning. Do I line them up in chairs to do their hair at all and obviously, if you've been you've jumped in before not every day? Do I do their hair? But obviously do you guys feel, like you've, learned a lot from Mommy doing your hair? Yes, yeah and you don't have to say yes, you might imagine you do with my with mine. I feel like it's still a little bit like we're still like trying to find out what is actually best for my hair and stuff um, but I think when we do get it right, it comes out good, so, okay, cool yeah. I think that, because your hair, oh where's, my head, gone what it's running away. I'M gon na have to move on to another head. If you don't come back um, obviously with your hairs, I would say that your hair's had the most chemicals on your hair and had the most stuff done to it. You want a plaque. Okay, well, I'm actually gon na do bunches today. Oh she wants that. This is often I don't know mum's what happens with you guys. I know that I used to give my mum so much trouble. Oh my gosh in the mornings, especially Sunday morning for some reason when it came to my hairstyle. Oh my gosh, and if she didn't put my bun in quite the right position, I wasn't a happy bunny, but anyway we're literally just using the bristle brush to smooth this up into position. You know what guys, whenever I'm not combing their hair on camera, I don't get so many, but as soon as up yeah as soon as I've seen it on camera. Oh that hurts I'll. Tell her like Harper she's been Young. No, your main problem, yeah last one very good: can you not slap your sister? Please she's been very good at not complaining about her hair hurting so with Houston's. I'Ve literally just put a little bit of gel in it. I'M just sticking it up on one side and I always think especially when they're young getting it in the position. Relax did you just say, relax. I think getting it up into the position where it's right. Okay, so much nicer. Can I say something yeah you can. Can you help us yeah? I have got a lot of off of mine because the last two days we stay at Grandma's for one night or like two and I dye my hair and then I slipped it back and in a ponytail that I plaited it, and I done that twice and It looks actually presentable yeah we might have had to gel it up a few more times, but it still looks good in the morning time. So yeah, that's good. Let'S be at Garden. We left. You left your grandma's, because Grandma's almost called trustworthing. That'S right! She'S our mom yeah. She is your grandmother. Yes, all right, we've got one up and we are gon na. Do I'm gon na show you a plait on that one, because the little lady would like a plait okay. Let me just put this one up as well, and sometimes you'll see that their hair at the front. For example, these curls are just curling up and just putting a little bit more water in it. It'S water mommy made sure it's a nice little Adventure as well, and it's funny what your flowers in different temperatures, the hair will react differently. So in the summertime, they'll get a lot more curls just coming around the fronts and sides of their hair because of like, obviously the hot weather. Can you I have your um Bubble now my eggs as well is so it usually goes like blonde kind of oh yeah. That'S the sun changing color, it's kind of still there a bit, but it's quite good, but guys when it comes to the canossa curls. I think the main issue is learning how much moisture your hair does or doesn't need. Um and obviously trying to get enough moisture into your hair can sometimes be hard work, but then, obviously with some people's hair, but they might have very light hair. I thought you wanted to pronounce and put in too much moisture, yeah, okay, so stay there. I'M gon na apply at the end, so putting it too much moisture can actually weigh it down too much. I think her hair is still very much like baby hair. So like it's still got a lot of it natural you are pretty, it's still got a lot of its natural moisture in the hair as well. So can I do your plaits in a minute? Is that okay yeah do it now? Yes, okay, all right! What'S the word that comes after that, there you go so obviously she had two coils there and then, if she wants a variation on her hairstyle, we can do a plug guys. Which way do you play? Do you play inwards or outwards? I play outwards these days. Yeah, I always forget: let me try another day. What was that yeah you're going in yeah you're, passing into it and then try to work it out? Yeah, you think you do outside plastic. Well, she doesn't yeah. Well done one done and five to go there. We go so we're gon na move on to Harper's hair, I would say Harper and Houston's. Hair is quite similar with Harper's hair. What I'm going to do quickly is a little flat round here and then we're going to leave the back out so often times will finish all that off all right guys. Thank you. She doesn't I like a lot of days these days. Um plays. What do you do you play football and oftentimes when she's playing football? Could you sit upright for me? Please darling. She needs to have her hair actually fully tucked away on the days. Maybe, when she's not and get away with giving you like a pretty princess yeah, we might go outside one more time because we just came inside, but it doesn't really make a big deal, but when we're actually doing football at a training session, I have to have My hair out of the way yeah, because otherwise you can't see where you're going no and your long hair will get into your eyes yeah now I didn't actually start to learn how to cane row until four, because he must have been like 10 or something like That so, 10 years after I had my first child, can you put your hair this way? Please thank you and then I'm sure there's many many different techniques for Kano in but mums. You know what sometimes you just get by with what you can do and how you can do it right, and I know I've done this style on Harper plenty of times, and it's looked really nice for the duration of the day. Um I mean for her. What I will do today is I'll. Do the plus here sorry, I'm tangling a bit into your hair a little bit. Oh one, more question, please um one more thing to say: go on Harper! I had this hairstyle on my fifth birthday. I think okay and I had a crown on it and it looked really pretty and if you haven't watched that video I'm going to quickly watch it well, not quickly, you don't have to rush, but after this one make sure you go and check that out. Yeah there you go we'll be at the old house, then okay, I see so I mean a good variation on this. One would be the two plaits on both sides and obviously she can have the back down and out - or she can have this - these parts, just like literally put together a little bit at the back or she can have the whole thing at the back put in One so because I know that she's gon na actually end up going football again later on today. I might actually tap the back away. So I'll show you what it looked like with the back out and then I will tuck the back away for maybe more practical reasons and purposes. Yeah Rue. Do you ever play football with your hair out uh sometimes easier? Is it better with it tucked away uh better with a Touch Away, because then I can see one move when I'm in my matches, yeah yeah, it makes sense but anytime the boys do go and play and the girls play football and they have their hair out. Their hair goes really really nicely yeah and all that yeah, it's like the natural air going through the hair, yeah really kind of is good for us yeah, and it's the same for you, Jose your yours, like Buffs out like crazy, like that in a night really, Nice way really nice yeah yeah, it does um, especially for summertime as well. So we've got that mixture of the wind, but also put your heads more to the side place. Also it's nice and warm at the same time. So it's kind of quite humid um. Obviously, I'm trying to do this as quickly as I can guys for your sake on a usual day, I do kind of like make sure there's no hairs caught up in the plait and all that kind of stuff. So it'd probably be a lot neater, but it probably does take me a little bit longer on a normal day and also, of course, you can just put their hair straight into protective Style. Just stick it up into a bun, or what have you um sometimes do that as well? Sometimes I do that. Could you just stand up for mummy, please darling, because the length of your hair just stay there. I just need to um way down your back. Doesn'T it now? What I would do now is, I would take a little bit of moisturizer just to make sure that it's all kind of um when I was on this guy's Buffy in a really nice way. It normally just goes into a side pattern when she's done the side parting. For yesterday I remember, I used some little parties and I I don't think they look that great little bit unless like well, when my hair's wet they just look really bad, but then when it dries sometimes if it has to go really really big and then it Looks a bit better, but side Parts usually look better on there. Okay, okay, I think everything is doing it but yeah what I'll do what she calls. The princess hairstyle is what I just literally kind of pin it around here like Princess Leia, and then that is out of the back and she's just got the two plaits coming around okay yeah. What I'm going to do today sit down for mummy place and put your head down, because she's got a football, I'm just literally gon na put this back bit into a bun. So it's all tucked away nice and neat and tidy I'm gon na put a little bit of gel in it just to make it super tidy. There we go I'll, get the bristle brush. Stick it all down into position. Could you put your head down really low for mommy? Please, I think, having the head in the right place is so important for the angle of like where your bun sits or where and I feel like. I'Ve watched people do their hair before and I'm like. I'M not holding my hair in the right place in order if your hairstyles come out like nicely so I can just get the bun right at the back of her head here. There we go, I'm literally just going to twirl it into a bun. So it's all tucked away and ready for you to go to football later on. Obviously, when you're dealing with curls and waves, you always have to like detangle as you go, especially if the hair is still wet, because when you're maneuvering, the hair around all the curls want to like put your head down for mummy want to Bunch up onto each Other, and also when you've got super long hair, like Harper kind of need enough space. That'S why I often have a standing up while I'll do your hair in order to like swirl the hair around without honking the hair into the back of her neck all right. There we go if you could stand up and give us a 12. nice neat, but pretty hairstyle for a little girl doesn't take too long. Okay, very straightforward! Can you sit forward for me? Please we're gon na stick his hair into a bun okay, but we're gon na tuck it away because usually, if you stand up and turn around the room, please usually, if I'm going to do his hair, like in his signature hairstyle where it's out - and he has Like the ends out, then I would leave his hair to dry so that it, you know, gets all nice and big and the curls are fully dried. And then I would just stick it into one. But what I'm going to do today, because the ends are still wet so usually, if they're wet and you put it up in one, it tends to just look a bit limp I'll, show you what I mean with mine. It ends up like going like in the middle part and then just down instead of like going big yeah yeah. So when you put it in one, it tends to just like look quite lip really and that's not really a great look. I would say our preference is not yeah, but hey. That'S not what we like. Yes darling. Are you actually keeping this hair in this? I'Ve got to gel up these parts that don't want to sit down by themselves, yeah yeah, so I need to stick this back. It'S good you're asking so many questions. It'S good, though it's very good. Does this hurt your Headroom? That'S how you find out about life, no yeah, and obviously you can see that today, just selling their hair. I'Ve literally done my life as well I'll get there. Thank you, darling. I'Ve literally just used like similar products for all of their hair and also what you'll find someone else discuss. This is a friend of mine. The other day is that when it comes to your hair, your hair goes through stages and it will like, for example, get used to it gets used to products that you use um. So this one in your hips, something that might have worked for a while. You go to like use that product again you're like. Why does it not like working in my hair, the way it used to it? It'S just your hair gets used to it and then you kind of need to rotate it now. What I was saying before is when his hair is wet and if you put it in a ponytail turn around which makes it really nice and big. It can come back this way. If I just pull it through now, then we literally have but everyone's come to know as a man bun, isn't it there we go now. If you can go and do what you want to do. Ruben right now is actually quite easy when it's been left out. Obviously, like we said the other day, his hair is going through the growing out process. What'S interesting about him yeah. So sorry, could you explain what he was like? So what's happened and what he's doing okay, so basically, he used to have um like hair on top, which you would wear in like a ponytail or what have you and all. The sides were like literally short back and sides, and it looks really slick and yeah. It was just a nice style, quite a popular one. I think a lot of the boys have it um, but now he wants to be able to have pearls this length, obviously and longer, but all over his hips. His hair is the same length all over. Obviously, that means these side bits have to catch up with the top bit now some people might have just cut all the hair off and started again, but it's not really what we wanted to do so yeah we wanted to do it. It was like your hair. Does grow quite fast, isn't it yeah? It does yeah. I spent like when we have cut my top and it's growing back really quick. I feel um, but the sides also, I feel, like they've, been growing quite fast and which I'm happy about. So it doesn't just happen to like trust the process and just get through this this bit, but I can get it um planted now when I want to so yeah. It'S long enough to have came out all over, but it's just that it doesn't last very long because the sides do start to kind of obviously come out because they're so short um, but obviously with his hair, like what I said before, just making sure it has Moisturizer in it every day is really important. Now the funny thing about his hair - and I don't know why it's done this, but the side bits don't really curl up as much as the back and it might be to do with where he sleeps and he'll think he sleeps on his sides, maybe but literally The back is like super curly and the sides I really kind of have to like work them to try and make them curly. If you know what I mean so I'm putting my hands through and tapping it down. That kind of does create some curls. I'Ve obviously put moisturizer in it and it needs to be wet as well. Giving your hair water every day is so important. Just like your body needs water. Your hair needs water as well, so I'm always telling the kids. You know with their hair, make sure you wet your hair and then make them restyle it, and obviously it dries throughout the day um, but yeah. I'Ve literally just saturated his hair with water. To put some moisturizer in it and then the point of me now tangle teasing it out and just trying to get the curls to sit in the right position. It'S just so that you don't get a load of FlyAway hairs. Basically, because if you just go like that, with your hand, it kind of separates in a way that leaves a lot of flyaways and then you kind of end up with just a muppet top of just what frizz. One thing with my hair, though, is when I tangle these, I feel like I still have to do like lots of other stuff like scrunch it put other stuff in it, but with like ruse and the others really. I feel like when they Tangled these out they're curls, just like bounce back up yeah um, which is really good. Yeah dyed your hair, your clothes will kind of become a bit looser, but they're still afro, but they come a bit looser. So, as we haven't really put loads of like dye in it and stuff and uh, what is it what's the word they did the little bit on here, but yeah anyways, that's one thing that is really hard for me is finding the right. You probably had this about a million times, but if I did the right product for my hair, so it doesn't look like too greasy or just too dry yeah too dry yeah, finding the right product, I think, sometimes as well like you can find a product that Is good, but you just have to reapply it and reply it like. Even for us, the best product for our skin is astral cream. It doesn't mean like an astral cream, my face once in a day, and then it's done like you have to continue to do it because obviously you're selling, your your skin will just dry out so have his hair is done and it just needs to just dry Out basically yeah and as we go from the day, it will just get bigger and the curls obviously are formed and whatnot and then yeah but dry, which is cool and the overly drugs have moisturized it. So please yeah they can go back out this one. So with Hallie's hair, oh you've got lessons. Are you being a hairdresser, you know so? Can you explain what you're doing with Hallie's hair please you're doing curls? Okay, then all right love, it you've got a brush here. Oh you are in for some fun today. Oh nice, she actually did it with her up. Yes, oh can't reach go around that way, got it. Oh, she can do it yeah. Those two are mine, okay, which one we're gon na go for both okay. Here she comes. I probably do my hair and I didn't get wrong to it, but that's why don't you do that? While this is yeah, you just got to skip so um right guys? Oh, oh, look at the wrist action. Oh this is funny there you go. Go ahead. Wait! Don'T you think this is so important, though, like of course little children to allow them yes to express themselves because they're just copying what they're, seeing precisely and if they get no chance to actually do that? Do it then? Obviously, what are they gon na? How are they gon na learn? Just watch the chairs. Don'T put your hands on you didn't, but don't just don't pick your hands up. Okay, pop it uh! What'S that that's fine, a pressure brush! Okay, yeah! Just just a brush! Don'T worry: you're, safe, you're, safe, oh yeah, oh sorry, Miss specific yeah, so Hosanna, I'm actually copying a hairstyle intends to do on herself and she does these really cute hairspray low low bunches. Now you know what I was saying earlier for little girls. I think it's really cute and they've got their bunches. It'S all good! She could do what she needs to do. Yeah so literally hosanna's been doing this really cute hairstyle, where she just literally brushes her hair into two low bunches um. So I'm gon na it's really quick. If I have time of the day, I would do my hair out all the time, because I love my hair out but, like I do not have time for that. One and I've put so many products in there make sure it dries in the right way, and sometimes, if I just leave it in like the winter, especially it won't come out, it'll come out really flat at the top yeah yeah, that's true like when Hosanna tries To wear her hair out, like she said, she's got to kind of be with it in the dry process, otherwise it can kind of clamp up into a funny just big mass of just like curls. Isn'T it I remember one time I was called it was. I had like shoe as a whole family in Spain and we I there was this hairdresser and she was using like a hair, dryer a book or a blow dryer whatever. But she had this like special attachment, which is for curly hair, and it's like the one where you put it in your head, like that, it's a big head and it looks like it's got clothes on it. Yeah. It looks like a big brush yeah it does. It looks like a big brush. You know that one yeah I do um that and you just put in your hair like that, and it made my hair look really nice and I think then I had a middle part that actually ended up coming out. Really nice yeah. I was gon na ask whether your daddy sometime today can we buy one of those yeah yeah and come out so good yeah yeah. We can. We definitely yeah because, like I'm saying like it's so nice for their hair to obviously dry naturally, but I think those those hairdryers actually do give the kind of look of natural. We only have the right. We only have the one for straight hair which daddy used to use for his hair because their daddy's blow dryers, and it's like the one, but that you just go like that. Like the color yeah straight up, it's not great for what yes, yeah um. Just a question: are you going to be able to salvage Halley's hair yeah yeah? Oh, she can. If anyone can she can she's doing a great job, honey, yeah and you are a great sport. You'Re a sport. Oh sorry, when I start to put the hair band in then your hair doesn't continue to lay flat and it goes in a funny position. Where'S the Sprite, oh she's, got the surprise yeah. Thank you, and now I'm gon na just sweat it. This is how you do it right, nice, oh yeah. I see it's lovely yes and then I'm just going to comb out this side as well, because what you don't want, as well when you're finishing a hairstyle, so your hair is picking in your hair is to have like half dried and half wet curls yeah. That looks baby to either all be dry or all. Beware, because otherwise it's just never even once it all dries out. It still just doesn't light up quite sit right. If you know what I mean, these are things that sometimes people like get overlooked, yeah and then we're gon na quickly do Rosanna swells. Now I don't know what you guys like to use for doing like edges on someone's hair I like to use the Eco Styler gel rather than the gummy gel. What do you usually use on yourself? I use the Eco Styler gel because it's just a lot easier to like move the the edges, otherwise, sometimes with the gummy gel it like sticks, and you can't really, you can't really move it all right. So if you could turn to me this way we're just gon na do and also I don't like doing swells that are too heavy, yes, okay, so just very two seconds pop it. This is very, very, very, very light swirls, so not too heavy on her edges. Just light cute little swirls there like that and then sometimes, if you some people where they get like wigs, I'm like ladies, they cut some of the edge of it off and then they do like swells, which looks nice, but with you could only really do that With wigs, because you have to cut some of your hair and I'm not cutting the front of my hair just doing edges, but obviously you've got hair that you just generally pull out. Look at mommy for your edges as well um. But it's your baby hairs at the front, all right! So that's yours done nice! Oh, do you want to do hosanna's hair? No. What would you like to do? Okay, can I do it and then we'll take it out and then you can do it yeah? Yes, all right, we have to do it really quickly, just for the greenway gang and then you can yeah. Then you can do yours after okay. Well done get me high. Five Hosanna can come and open it for you sweetie right, so we're just gon na. Do a side parting in Hallie's, hair, okay, yeah with Hallie's hair. What what's the matter laughing all right head down for you, please she's, acting like he's hurting! Why not it's not hurting you've got your hair is fully detangled. That is not hurting yeah. So why were you like? Oh my god, oh okay, oh right, right now, so I'm just literally is obviously that whole thing where I said it's part, wet and part dry. Is it really the one, but because of the style that I'm going to do for her hair? It shouldn't matter too much because I'm gon na, like half pull hers through and Tuck some the ends away say that again daddy's favorite, hairstyle yeah it just kind of sits right on you. You know what I mean so we're literally just gon na put a bit of gel in here, just not too much just a little bit brush it all in I'm, hoping that I've got a cool deal like um hair bands in this house. Oh, my goodness, even when I buy new ones, they still seem to disappear. You just use my alarms. I'Ve got another couple. Where'S they gone. If I use them all up, I do well. We must take them out. Do you use the purple one? No, I have the purple ones used to Scarlet. Oh someone's got sick. We need some hair bands. Thank you. Oh there we go right, so we're going to put this one in here. Thank you. Just literally, can I put this away and then just pull it through. I said chicken: do you know what now that she's, giving me extra ones, I'm gon na? Do this tuck it through? Oh, it's cool! Now I'm giving you extra. What now that she's, giving me extra hair, but I'm just gon na, do like a bun and obviously you can see the weight of the hair where it's wet. It'S still holding this down a bit, but once it dries yeah, absolutely fine. I'M just going to kind of do this bun like this. If this child would hold her head in place ever that would be really helpful. Um just love to move all over the place. So sometimes with pins and whatnot, it's easier to kind of stick it in position and then head down, please my love. Thank you very much, and just put this in here like so you can see why, even though these hairstyles are not that elaborate, because there's so many heads and so much hair to deal with it can take a while, and this is you fast forward him really Fast forwarding yeah half an hour yeah and I'm not paying attention to all the little flowers too much like for me. I would not necessarily yeah send her out with it kind of falling. I would probably wait for it to dry a bit longer, but we don't tuck it away with hair pins yeah, but we don't have much gel anymore. That'S not the problem. It'S just. I would have just tucked it away with hairpins yeah. Those things are always uh lost in this household. Thank you. Can you put your hair down again? Please. Thank you very much tuck this all away, because you do just so quick, because I want to look to listen to this ain't quit right. Yes, you're! A genius girl all right there, you go this one, I'm not so happy with, but yeah. It'S fine look at Mommy. Look at mummy there. We go. That'S fine here you go. It personally is waiting for the whole day. It'S ready uh. Here we go so yeah and that's quite open to her stuff, so I had to wear on a daily basis, but it doesn't take too long um all right there. You go guys. Obviously those are really individually. Each of them pick one try it send us. Your pictures get to us on our Instagram family and take a picture of your child's hair. Maybe using one of these styles all right, we hope you've enjoyed this Vlog. We hope it's helped you and we should stay here all right, guys, baby

21Liss: The children articulate themselves so well, it's so beautiful to hear.

Carmen Ortiz-Joseph: Just love these children they are so mentally grown and can understand what is occurring around them..They are so polite and can speak so well..Congratulations Tim and Ella for the excellent job you both are doing with your beautiful children..Many blessings..

Betty Wright: The kids are so well behaved and observant and obedient, what a blessing.


La'Juana McNeil: I love to hear Houston call all her siblings her best friend! It’s so cute and funny to hear ❤

Toni Peters: Oh my gosh Houston is such a character! I’m glad Harper feels her hair do was “presentable”.

Desteddyeggroll: Houston needs her own segment on the Vlogs. She has too much personality and she is giving me so much life in this video. - words from my friend!

Utube Channel: I love Hosanna's hair because she can wear it so many ways. I always marvel at girls that have hair like that because it can be beautifully naturally curly or straight. It's amazing how the length changes when it is straightened. Her hair is super long but the curls make it deceiving. I love those wild semi-dry curly looks that people with hair like hers have. All of the children have lovely hair.

Martha J: I love to listen as Harper is articulating a point. All the children are good at articulating themselves.

Michele Bradley: I haven't been here in quite a while, little Houston is such a big girl ❣️I remember when you revealed your pregnancy w/her . All of your children have grown more BEAUTIFUL & smarter (if that's possible). I always plaited my daughter's hair inward when she was a girl. She's 26 now, my goodness how time flies! Always a pleasure & uplifting to watch your BEAUTIFUL family. Continue to be Blessed ❤️.

Patricia Robinson: It’s amazing how different they are but beautiful at the same time

arwhitman12: I obsessed with watching your video and I can appreciate the time taken to care for the kids appearance especially the hair, great parents ❤️

Just Smaj: Hosanna is talking about a diffuser nozzle. That work’s really well for her texture of hair! Heze’s hair appears to have lots of different textures, which is common in afro textured hair that’s why his sides may be straighter than other parts. They all have lovely hair and you do a great job caring for it!

Oshin Kimoya Lewin: Harper is a gem! such a sweetheart

@mimy's life: These kids are the most well behaved kids I've ever see on internet in my whole entire life! Love them❤️

Zorah Sherrill: Rue is maturing. All of them are. ❤️ Great job Grimwade Family

Sh&ies: A diffuser for Hosanna’s hair is a great buy

Nita Lewis: Lovely! Reu is everything So many textures, all Lovely

Muriel James: Hi Grimwade family ! It’s always nice to see all the kids. I really like watching Hosanna look like, oh no not the hair thing again I didn’t sign up for this, because we all know Hosanna does not like people in her hair and she chooses to do her own, she is such a beautiful amazing old soul way before her time.

Cheyenne Janae': Brings me back to how I first found you guys ❤️ Reu was just a baby

Audrey Totheworld: Daddy was right,watching Houston try to do Halle's hair was so funny and yes, Halle looked like mummy was hurting her. I loved all kids' hairstyles. Thank you for sharing, have a blessed weekend ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Gail Jackson-Chapman: They all have gorgeous hair. Just beautiful ❤️

philesia J. wilcox-Bartsch: Hosanne, hair is growing nicely, and still naturally curley!!!

Kbandzz023: PLEASE READ!!! for harper the reason why her roots are not curly could be because of the hairstyles. If she is constantly brushing her hair very slick and straight back then your hair will start to form in that way. I have her hair and that used to be my problem, now i’m wearing my hair out more and when i go to sleep i put it in a lose ponytail, now my hair is much more curlier

Annie Lehnhardt_Kolakowski: Your children knows the assignment of treating others the way they want to be treated. (For anyone reading, I didn't say perfect.) I wish I knew you guys personally. YOu are a lovely family.

Stephanie Addison: It is good to show the different textures. Love watching the family

kate nkosi: Always mommy knows what is best for her children and you always doing their hair beautifully I salute you Ella ❤️

Doris Weems: That's a lot of hair to take care of, but everyone always looks so beautiful ❤️

Dehlilah: Wow first time coming across your channel and I must say all your children are so well spoken

Sophia Lindsay: The attachment is called a diffuser for Hosanna's curls It reduces shrinkage

Cass the Dreamer: Ru Bear felt left out. Mommy said something about everyones hair but his. Awwww! He had a sad face. We love you Ru and you have beautiful blonde curls! Kisses!!

Annie Lehnhardt_Kolakowski: Love how little Sis emulates Mom's grooming skills.

LionMarl Jam: Excellent parenting, beautiful and intelligent children.

Ebonie Desmond: I am mixed rased and have curly hair , my hair used to be really afro curls but when i was 14 got my hair relaxed my hair now sections into three sections afro, wavy and straight . I find that not using products makes my hair a messy nice to see how you do it and great to watch the different advice tips.

Che Rhys: When did Reu’s voice get so deep?!!! I can’t believe it

Valentina Purnell: The kids are gorgeous. Love this family.

Jque Freeman: Great job, mom! Ironically, I received your notice as I was about to wash my hair . I was saying that I need to keep my hair moist. Unfortunately, I’m sensitive to a lot of products .

Juliet Lewis: Houston reminds me of Rue when he was younger ( very emergetic). Rue has matured so much. Harper looks like a little Indian girl with the braids pinned to the back with the rest of the hair " just out".

Maria Davis: I love Harper, she’s the sweetest!!

Al Freda: What’s up Grimwade Family! Hope you are all doing well! Love you All. Sharing in the mixed race offspring Joy ! Xxx

Donna Taylor: Blessed beautiful family, awesome hair styles ❤️

Victoria Brown: I always love to watch these lovely kids I admire how they love each other's as there siblings

It's T.T from Tdot: Beautiful individual hairstyles ❤❤❤❤❤❤ love the nails Hosanna and Halle and I love the music at the end Tim !!!❤❤

baphithi: It’s been a long time since I saw your videos. Reu has gone very quiet. Such a gentleman.

Danielle88: Rue is so adorable

Dee Dee Bak: The hairdryer attachment is called a diffuser it makes the dryer wider with controlled airflow for scrunching. God bless Grimwade family

Layla: You guys are so blessed to have this many children I can't even have children so...❤ God bless you❤

Miss Terri: The girls hair is so beautiful with all its textures. Rue's hair so cool. Hez needs to have a professional barber do his hair.

karen jones: We all had different hair textures in hair in my family too. And we all were tender headed

Ann Harradan: They all have beautiful hairyou always do a great job with their hair love it❤️

Tasana Smith: The tool that hosannas talking about is called a diffuser and when she was talking about not having enough time to wear her hair out on a daily basis I thought about a diffuser. I think it would be a good investment mom and dad for her. Just a follower's observation.

SwanaMonica: I think you guys are a wonderful family and mean this with the utmost respect. The discussion of who!s hair is straight and who’s is curly I think effects Hiosana I can see it all over her face, she starts explaining the benefits. Where Halle (Sorry if misspelled) seems pretty happy with her hair when being discussed. Now I understand that is life but I think it’s made a thing too much. Not all have the humble spirit of Harper who is gorgeous. I really do think you guys are great parents just wish you did not talk hair texture quite in this way

Politics in Plain English: Little Houston is the terror in the family because she thinks maybe all the attention should be on her, but excuse me miss lady you have plenty of to be beautiful just be patient like your other siblings and you will get it.

Mia Smith: You are an Amazing Mother and Wife...continue! Blessings!!!!

My Channel: 9:37 Harper - “Go and quickly watch it - well, not quickly; you don’t have to rush...”

Lyn Briggs: Hey Grimwade gang! I love watch your vlogs and family videos. Love from the USA

May Ffriend: I just love Harper quite intelligent ,I do like all the children but Harper have me going .

Annie Lehnhardt_Kolakowski: I love all their hair. I love the Curly Fan Club hair action going on.! Your older son, Hezzie looks like my nephew in American who is Asian American.

christa: Rue looks just like Harper when you guys just started yt All the kids are so cute

Joy Rees: They are all beautiful styles

Zoe Summer: I love Hosanna hair,yummy curls.Huston and Harper seem to have the same kind of hair, thick and full love it also. Halle hair is too thin, not my favourite but lovely she would probably have the easiest hair to manage and would be able to be more flexible styles with it. I would say she has the best hair, but my preference is hosanna’s. All the girls are very beautiful little angels.the boys are handsome. You Parents have beautiful geans

Shay Parks: I think the oldest two should now be getting box braids or like new styles from other with they natural hair I think embracing our black culture is needed as well but they all have good hair texture

Barbara Terry: My favorite family such beautiful children can't expect anything different handsome dad and ms Ella's beautiful woman God bless

Big J: Ella…. You probably need to do a protein treatment on Hezi’s hair. I’m sure you are aware that every time you put chemicals (like perms, dyes) it breaks the bonds of the hair. The chemicals can cause split ends and change the structure (curl or wave pattern) of the hair.

Sue Sue: You done a brilliant job .i was so into this one.well done. .

Annie Lehnhardt_Kolakowski: Could you do a video Mom and Dad, and have the kids stand next to the parent they think they look like? If they look like both, they stand in the middle of you too. I would love this video.

Lucimar Gomes: o cabelo deles são bonitos não precisa ficar preso

P. Dunigan: Rue has grown up so. He is so quiet today. My hat is off to you, so much hair to comb.

Bea Bea Jordan: Houston,the beautician is caring for her sister's hair is so cute and adorable.

Tramaine Antoinette: Rues voice has changed!! He's growing up too fast!

Sholahrwiz: Would’ve loved to see the hairstyles when they were dry, especially heze and hosanna’s

Carol D Anderson: The lovely babies... all beautiful! <3

Destinyseeker: Every time the video views dip, a new hair video is launched (their most viewed videos). Can we see a home schooling video???

habiba muse: Masha Allah this family is beautiful and unique ❤

M Bell: ‍♀️Awesome job Ella and nieces &nephews..looking good &for being patient ....keep up the good job...take care auntie from the States..ky

Amanda O: I suggest leave in conditioner just for halles ends to curl. It will also straighten easy

Dimples Cotton: They have really beautiful hair

Kass88: Mielle would work so good in heze and hosanna hair and reu

Ladybird: A diffuser is the attachment used on the hair dryer for curly hair.

virgie roundtree: Actually, I think if you have a proper salon chair , that you can adjust the heights. It will make your hair combing easier and possibly save your back too...

Tori Coney: It’s called a diffuser friends. And it’s the only way I dry my curls

Gladys Oyeabo: Lovely family. Love you all. Watching from ATL USA.

Natalie St. Hill: Hey family. Everyone looks great. That dryer is called a diffuser

Justlocally Mary: Awww Houston always mentions halo is her best friend! I can't believe halo is turning 1 in 11 days(yes I'm counting days because it's special to me because I love her and her family!)✨❤️

Lisa Farris: It's Rue for me Beautiful Family ❤️

Betty Wright: Houston can be a little spitfire when she wants to have her way, therefore they have to keep a quick eye ️ on her

It’s a deal Cherry: Hosanna’s hair is so so beautiful, I love her curls!!!!!

Nelcia Lazar: Every one looks beautiful and cute.

Antonita Gaston: Beautiful hair style I love your family be bless

Deborah Anderson: Houston sounds, Soooo cute. Like a London accent. I love it.

Brenda's Thrifty Decor & DIY: 7 beautiful children!! ❤️ I love them all!

La'Juana McNeil: Loved watching! ❤❤❤

bria lo: All of the kids have beautiful hair, and beautiful kids

Creole lady Cousins: So for my curly hair I just wash it with pantiene hydration shampoo and conditioner sulfate free. The next day I will style my hair with hair foam with sponge roller for a curly look and if I want my hair to remain straight I use the hair foam and heat defense styling serium with argon oil then I blow dry and it will not curl for a few days. And a little bit goes a long way. Always hydrate with water, when saturated then add a quarter amount of product.

danseuse de-degas_princesse: Hi family very beautiful kids all are my favourite but Reu Houston and harper and halo Halle hosanna and Heze are fantastic

Christine Hamilton: Hosanna , rue, hezi, Halle and halo resembles their dad soooooooo bad and Harper and Houston resembles their mom so bad beautiful family ❤️. from the Caribbean ❤️❤️❤️

Kim King: Great job Ella

Beatrice Moore: At what age will you allow your daughters to cut or dye their hair?

bj1922! J: Beautiful family

Lillie Parnell: Mrs. Ella r children are so beautify an hosanna is a very beautify young lady she is a beauty queen .they all are adorable love them all bless u so well respected

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