"I Didn'T Think My Hair Could Get Texture In It" Medium Length Haircut On Flat Hair W

Zainedine came to the Regal Gentleman Studio wanting a middle part haircut, but didn't realise the issues his previous undercut was giving. He wanted height in the hair but the hair was sitting flat because of the previous haircut. To his surprise, Dan gave him a more balanced medium length haircut, with lots of texture in it, that could be grown out into a longer style.



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All right guys welcome back to the legal gentleman youtube channel when today we've got zennadine in the chair who we've both dressed pretty much the same for how are you doing mate you're, good, i'm good? How are you awesome? I'M all right, man, i'm all! I can't complain so what we're doing what's the plan today um, so what i want to do right now is you want to get some texture behind my hair, okay kind of have a slight middle parting, but just make it all flow backwards, because, right now my Hair is like pretty flat some texture, mostly yeah, all right cool. Have you got some images? Yeah yeah yeah, it's a little! Oh my hair. Isn'T that length yeah yeah! Just you see what i mean stuff like this right: okay, yeah! Yes, you want to sort of flow back. Okay, there you go yeah um, okay, yeah we can try. The problem is, is what i'm looking at your hair in a minute. You'Ve got quite a quite a heavy undercut right, so the sides of your hair aren't that long compared to the top right. So if you go back a few photos for me all the flow is coming from the sides in the back. Okay, can you see that so, let's just there's the top, that's where the flow is coming from there yeah right do another one. If you don't mind same one again, if you go again see that's all coming from the sides in the back, all that flow there. So you're going to have to grow your hair out to get that look right, but what you can do in in the meantime is cut it, so it grows out into that shape. Yeah, just also some like how to maintain my hair, because i didn't use any products any hairspray. So, like any advice on you know, if i should use some like salt spray or any products, yeah of course, yeah 100 yeah yeah i'll, always try and give you some advice yeah to leave with that you can. Obviously you know. I want your haircut to look at its best when you do it yourself, so um yeah. We can talk about products at the end, but i'll do that at the end, because it's more fresh and you can see exactly why we're doing it and what the products have achieved, all right, cool man all right. Well, let's have a look at your hair. Let'S see what i'm working with so we've got as you can see, we've got quite a quite a heavy undercut from the sides, which obviously was for the last haircut right. You can see where you're going for that center part nick, oh come on down, makes sense. Why you'd have this right problem? Is this all the styles you've shown me now? Aren'T really that kind of center part undercut right, they're, not really an undercut they're just a longer more medium length, and that's where the flow's coming from all right. So what we're going to have to do is, let me just get me my combs in that one side. So what we're gon na have to do is grow out. The sides in the back all right and we're gon na have to try our best to connect. The top, so the style will change slightly okay only because we need to connect in these bits here now. The sides in the back have got a fair, fairly decent bit of length on. Actually they don't look like they have, because the top is kind of almost overshadowing all the length. If you know what i mean, but that's that's an impressive bit of length to have it's very hard to get that on the sides of the back. So you've done well there. The only thing is at the moment, though it looks as though have you cleaned your own neck up or somebody done it for you. I went to this barbers because i had a wedding last week, so i was, i thought it was going to be last week, yeah now yeah i had to compromise and get a quick cut because my mom wanted me to but um yeah. We all know what mums are like man, yeah, of course, okay um, it's not it's, not a game, changer mate it! The more length would have been better. It'S not it's not that much of an issue. What'S that say, even if it doesn't look like the pictures as long as it, you can make it so when it does grow out yeah, it has some sort of uh, similar yeah yeah, of course, that that's that's basically, just what i was gon na say really. Is it's because the way that, just because the neck's almost just being kind of cut in to tidy up which it makes sense, why it's been done? And it just compromises the the flow on? Not actually this little bit here, but it just compromised the shape because it almost from from the back because it is so cut off on the neck. It can almost look like you know, like a bob effect. You know what i mean, because, if you think about, if you were to pull this down, if you think of a bob, it's kind of what one is at the moment, just what i mean, because it's along with the side like this, this is the top bearing In mind right so, but the top's giving that effect, the sides aren't as long, but you can see if i pull the sides down a bit. It is that kind of thing just because it's been cut solely just basically tied up at the very bottom. It hasn't been layered into for that, but it's not look. It'S not an issue, not the end of the world right. We are. This is a a work in progress. Okay, that's what you got to look at it. It'S a work in progress paul for the time being. I still want it to be a nice work in progress, because i want to be something that you're going to enjoy. Having and you've got enough length in there i think to to make it work. I think the only thing you're going to have to compromise on, which is what we have spoke about briefly - is that we're going to have to remove quite a bit of length of the top, but i think that would will be better because you'll see the style You'Re trying to achieve in the long run at the minute all you're seeing is a very 90s center part, which i mean, but if we get rid of that you'll start to see the shape you're trying to create. But in the long run. How short we're talking like um i'll it will you'll have a lot more length on there, probably through the middle. But what we're going to have to do is just try and balance the tops of the sides in the back, because that a lot of them haircuts you've just seen, then the top's actually shorter than the sides in the back or, if anything, the same length believe It or not, it doesn't look like it, because all the length you're seeing is the perimeter is here. This is what you're seeing on the pictures is here. The flow you're seeing this through here. That'S what creates the longer effect is the neckline being longer and the sides being longer the top's actually, probably either the same length or shorter. Okay, that's how you get enough flow, because the sides in the back are standing out more because the top isn't overshadowing it and sitting over it. So what i'm thinking is we will you'll still have a lot of length through the top, which is here. This is the top okay. Let'S just look at the top section through here. You also have a lot of length through there, not all that, but let me just see what we'd need to connect in, so what i'd be doing, i'd be bringing it down to try and balance through to the sides. So what we'd have to do for this? To grow out well and this cigar the way you want it to you're, going to be losing at least that for connection. Can you see that actually you're gon na lose that for connection and then through the top here, you're, probably gon na end up losing a bit more, so you're, probably gon na end up losing about that through the top. You see that yeah. So i pick it i'll pick it up here a different way, probably about that much through the top you're going to lose, but don't forget everywhere else is going to stay the same. So it will you it will seem shorter, but you'll still have all the length on the back and sides. So it's just that compromise you're not going to get that look to go into it if you're still keeping such a heavy undercut. It'S just always going to look like this just longer. Oh yeah, 100 yeah, definitely yeah, because the thing is these haircuts need to need to be balanced because that's the way you get the movement in them, you get the movements of the of everything fallen into place. That'S how you get the flow at the minute, because you've got such a heavy heavy disconnection everything's just falling flat, because it's all your hair's, so heavy yeah, that's it! But it's just too heavy! That'S why, if you you've got the thing is what happens right with an undercoat there's ways to play place disconnection within haircuts right when you're doing something like this? This is made for this specific look. It'S meant to sit flat, you're not meant to have height, you're meant to have it sitting flat. If you look at every 90s hairstyle there's barely any height in there, it was all just very kind of again slightly feminine. I suppose sitting very soft soft finishing on the eyebrows soft on the ears it was meant to sit. Heavy problem is with an undercut, it's all about support within the hair right. So it's the foundation. You got on the sides, it's when you start connecting in here. You start to build up the foundation that hair won't sit as heavy over the top it'll actually sit within here, so it'll create more flow. It'Ll sit more like that. Okay, more than sitting heavier over it right. That'S what you basically do. You'Re, building up the support underneath to allow this hair not to sit flat, basically um and then just take a bit off the top, and we can obviously we can. We can put a lot of attention with the razor as well to create that lift and movement. So then, i can show you how to style it as easy as as it should be um, but i think that's, i think, that's the compromise you're gon na have to make for it to get to where you wanted to in maybe a few months time, but You'Ve probably got maybe something as a compromise. I don't mind a shortcut. It'S just um. You know long time. It'S fine yeah, i haven't had a shortcut in a while. It'S actually not going to be a shortcut believe it or not, because there's a little bit of a medium yeah yeah, the back and sides are staying the exact length, yeah, okay, so no not overall you've got long hair on the top. Oh okay, that's what happens? Is when you get this style, you feel like you've got long hair because you have an element in your on your head, which is longer here, but overall, it's a short length, because if we get away with, if we take this top away, it's probably like a Shorter medium length on the sides - yeah, do you mean medium is probably here? If you come into about here, will be classes like maybe a medium length. Anything longer is like shoulder length so because the top is so long, it's slightly disguising of your hair being long. Even though it's not really it's just if you, if you break it into sections like i do when i do a horseshoe section, that's the size in the back, then the bit that i've sectioned off is the top. So 50 of your hair is like short to medium 50, centimeters long okay. So if this was all the same length all over it'd be down to about here, just what i mean. So it's quite deceiving because of where the length is is kept. But it's not going to be a short cut. Okay, it's only going to feel a bit shorter because we're moving some length off the top, but the back and sides are going to stay exactly the same length. Okay, all right because we need to grow them out for that flow, cool, all right man, yeah cool, all right! Well, we're on the same page, um again, i'm looking forward to seeing how this grows out because it'll be a i'm sure, it'll be a nice finish. Um, so let's get your gown done and we'll get you started all right. Man, yeah yeah, it's it's! We we filmed. This is like that's what i said to you when you sat down: keep your phone in your ankles, because when we talk you know at the very start, when you sat down, you were going to tell me about what you wanted. That'S when i said to you keep your phone in your pocket for now, because we can talk on camera. That'S that's how we kind of do it. We film it as like as real as we possibly can. You know, without with minimal minimal editing um only because it's kind of how how i work. So, if anyone comes to me for a haircut from the videos, it's pretty much exactly the same. That'S well that's one of the reasons why it works. Why? I think it works so well, because it is as raw as we can possibly make it. You know we're not we're not adding any edits to it or you know we're only cutting bits down just for time, because you don't want it. No one wants to see me wearing your hair down. No, no one needs to see these things because it's not it's not enjoyable to watch. Is it right guys, so we are going to start by um kind of breaking up the back and sides and trying to add that texture that um that zinedine's looking for we're looking for that kind of uh movement and flow, especially as it grows out. So this this is a haircut that these techniques work well as the hair grows, so when anyone's got a medium length, haircut or short or medium or even long, this sort of technique helps you. I mean it's slightly counter intuitive for me because i don't make as much money because they don't come back as often, but i know the client's happy so with that i get more clients in the chair. So that's the kind of way you're going to look at it as much as you'd like them to come back once a month or every five to six weeks. The reality is, this kind of style doesn't require a lot of maintenance from the barber or hairdresser. It just requires maintenance from the client, so shampoo and conditioner, looking at basically looking after us here. These are things we'll touch on um for you by the way. Isn'T it we'll touch on these for you but um, you know th, this isn't a very sort of profitable haircut should we say as a barber, but it can be profitable because the clients walking around for three months with your really nice haircuts, the way you've done It his friends will be like wow that looks awesome that really suits you. Where did you go and then it opened space for their friends to come and sit in your chair so in a way you're doing more clients, so your client list becomes bigger and and also the clients happy. So, in a way, it's actually a good air good to have in your chair, so just getting this on the cut right. So we want to try and remove this undercut and give the balance. There will still be an element of a disconnection throughout the circuit. Anything like this style there always is an element of this connection because we have to disconnect the top for it to flow. We need that's where the flow comes from right, it's from the disconnection, and so we still connect it to an extent. So at some point on the sides there will be a connection, but then, if you lift the section up a little bit higher over it, it'll probably be disconnected so there's that thing i i know some people think i've got this real sort of dislike for for Undercuts and disconnections, which i don't have a dislike for them. I just think not, i think, a lot of the time. They'Re just done they're just done incorrectly. That'S why i don't like them, and so i now then i'm having to re reproduce something that i don't believe is the right haircut to be done. That'S that's! That'S where the the dislike comes from. It'S not necessarily the the style, it's more like the understanding of where the disconnection needs to be is the thing i find i struggle with more and because i do a lot of disconnections throughout my whole effort. I just don't ex. I just don't tell people i'm disconnecting here, but i am it's it's it's. You know it's a vital part of men's hair. It is a disconnection somewhere, whether it's the fringe. Like my haircuts, for example, my haircut's got this connection in it. My fringe is very disconnected to everywhere else, because that's how i get the height in it. So, if i'm to wear my hair down, if anyone follows me on instagram - and they see some photographs of me when i'm with the kids or when i'm just you know not not not at work, you'll see that i don't always wear a product in my hair And you'll see i've got a very, very floppy fringe right. So that's one of the things that people will that you will notice about my haircut, that there is disconnection in it, but i need the disconnection there, because otherwise my fringe would not be as high or as set or as kind of the. The focal point of my haircuts as what it is now because of that reason, so i do i do like this connection. I just don't like the the the modern take on disconnections. I just don't think they look great. That'S just again would all allow that opinion, and especially this this industry is so opinionated anyway. It'S it's a based on opinion. So um, that's just my opinion on it. Some people love it, i'm just not the biggest fan. This is what is going through my head. Now, okay, so this is something the client wouldn't hear, because i would be saying this to myself: okay, zenithine's looking for flow and movement in his hair, he's just showing me about three or four images of the type of movement he wants. We all know it's just the flow right. So in my mind, i'm like that's just flow, that's what we need to accentuate, that's done by heat and blow drying. That'S how we do that. So we already know this right. Those professionals know this zinedine doesn't. But this is me talking to myself out loud, okay, so we're looking at the sides here now. We need to keep the flow in this right. So, as you can see, zinedine's hair does move about quite nicely, so i mean i can move it about with the comb and it moves around just very heavy and obviously there's that undercut that we're gon na get rid of as well. But we could really break this up and add that flow, and then all we need to do is just blast the hair with the heat underneath the hair and that's what will create that flow. We just need to show that off a bit more today. So, in my mind like what i'm thinking now, i'm thinking right, let's get rid of this undercut. Let'S balance, this hair cut out a little bit more, but let's just add that texture through the section and pattern that will allow that movement to to come alive a bit more now again, this is a work in progress. This is a haircut for a few months time, but for now i still want it to look as though we're doing the right cut as well, because at the end the expectation from the client today is not the perfect haircut. That he's shown me, but his expectation is that perfect haircut in three months time. So what i'm going to do, i'm going to take very, very wide sections, starting from the side here, so i'm going to use three fingers whip. That'S how i do it just based on three fingers: that's how wide i'm gon na take my section you're gon na pull everything into the middle. I'M gon na cut it quite a bit length off in the middle, but i'm gon na leave length either side. Okay, then, the top as that disconnection comes in from the top. That'S gon na also showcase the length as well. I'M gon na take a section, so we always do we with this is automatically pulled in so let's just say we we never. We always forget about this little bit here, because we need to keep that into play, because that is almost like an isolated bit of length on its own. That we need to keep full because everybody's head concaves in here and that's what that starts to come around into the forehead, so that always needs to be. We don't even need to think about this bit right. We take our first section from the side bends, so my three fingers come from the side bend to there, okay and then what we do work alongside it later put a little section there. So we find it. So we always pull that back into our face section. Okay, so we'll pull it in right into the middle like, so i want to show off this length either side of the section this this connection here, so i'm going to take that much off straight down to the bottom, so this bit here is shorter. Now through here, but either side is still long. Can you see that that's where the over direction comes into play, so we've kept all the length through here but we'll shorten this middle bit, and then we've kept all the length through here as well. A bar shorter bit allows longer to stand out a lot more. If you're taking them length shorter, the sectioning pattern creates the texture in the sides: okay, not thinning out, not razor in it, nothing else. This is the first thing. This is the primary shape that will create the shape that we're looking for, but it also adds secondary shape as well. Now i'm going to start balancing out the back as well, because you can see the back is a bit shorter, so we're going to leave that as it is and just start to balance this bit out as well. So, oh my god, you see the bottom's a bit shorter, there's not much. We can do with that. Let'S just leave that as it is we'll just we'll just point cut into that a bit just to break it all up, but hopefully this will start to give a bit more balance to the neck as well, because at the minute, as you can see, it's very Heavy and hanging over, whereas this side starts to look a lot more, a lot more balanced within there as well, so we're keeping the length we're allowing the flow to move around like so. Oh, my god, the final section, as you can see, is three fingers in with the wicks all right right into the middle of the section, pull my guide. So i have to break up this bit in a minute as well. We'Ll do that we'll do that in a little bit when we can, you know down point just into it right now. What what do i just want to balance out the perimeter just through here a little bit, so i'm just going to point into the bottom here. Just to kind of make it balance a bit more, so some longer with some short bits. Just from the section pattern, i want to try and even out okay, i also want to balance to the neck as well. I want it to not look kind of like that, bob that was when he came in try and give more balance to the bottom there as well, and just break down a thickness above it like so and slide through it, with your scissors, cut into like that. As well, i'm gon na break that neckline up. We don't want to be as blunt i'll float at the back slide them through, so take away that as well. That'Ll really help too. What we'll do now is we'll just tie up the neck here as well anyway, that curl will really help the hair to sit a lot flatter as well. Yes, right so back inside there, i'm going to add the razor in when we've done the top as well. So we can kind of work together on the razor work. Now. What i'm going to do is i want to try and connect in this top now to give it a bit more of a more of what we're trying to achieve in the long run. So taking a section of the round of the head like so, let's have a bit of connection into here now as well, so i'm using the guide underneath i'm using the longest part of the hair at the sides. That'S what i'm using so i'm not using the short bit that we cut in in the middle of our of our three finger section, i'm using either side as the guide, so that's still maintaining length through there. Now, on the top i'm taking like sort of finger width sections because i'm taking obviously a bit more off, i want to fall and balance nicely. So i'm bringing everything down so, as you can see, creating this and creating more length sitting through the top by bringing this and lowering down the section to match the other side. So let me talk about keeping this connection in there by changing the angle that you're cutting out we'll create this connection higher up. So if you watch what i mean after we've cut this section, you see where i'm coming from. So, as you can see that connection there, we just cut it. Then if we pull it up, it disconnects higher up see, but as we pull it down, it connects there and that's what we're looking for. We'Ve got a connection in there at some point, but this allows for that flow to sit in there as well. So there is an element of disconnection but again there's a connection point somewhere within that now one final section just past the center part. So i don't want this just to sit into a center part, because you can still fall into one. We did speak and obviously jenny wants to be able to do a few different things with it as well. So again it can just come back. It can go to the side, it can still go down the center. I think, as as you're growing your hair out anybody's growing the hair out. I think you need options. Otherwise, if you're stuck with the one haircut, it might bore you, and i think you might want to change it up a little bit then as well. So that's why i always think take away the center part so that it can be just styled into one more. Then it's cut into one. I think it allows you to have more options. It takes away the boredom of what you're trying to achieve as well. You know just get boring when you grow in your hair. Doesn'T it you know you just you can't go the barbers. You can't go to the hairdresser, you can't get cut. You want to be able to have a few things you can play around with maybe make it look different each week or whatever like more formal occasions. I might want to slip back more casual ones. Yeah there. We go that's, but the thing is that that that that is exactly true. You want to you, want options right. You want to be able to do something with it that isn't just the same. All the time there's a guide. I feel like this side's been a bit left a bit long. You know, compared to the other side, feels a lot longer through here yeah on the top okay. Now one final section just passed again: this is to take away that or to get the option away from us a center part, so you can wear it this way as well. There we go now, let's just find the peak in the middle, all right little triangle we're going to end up with through here there we go, there's a triangle: now we want to lose as little as possible right. So, as you can see, you can go any length here for it to connect both sides right. The peak is this is always within the top. Just depends on where you want to cut it out. So that's what's great about this technique is that you can go. You go with this shorts and it still look good. It'S so balanced. You can leave more length in it, so you're doing is connecting to either side right. Let'S leave as much as length as we possibly can in there take the peak off so angle that over can i paint we don't need all that in through there i'm doing any favors for this haircut whatsoever. It'S just going to add too much weight. You know you can slice into if you want, so it's a really choppy finish, just shorten down the fringe a bit as well. There we go, i'm going to wipe this down a little bit as well and put the razor through it now as well. Otherwise, i'm just going straight down and through this section here that direction, so i'm mixing up the texture halfway within the hair, so it moves about i'm coming back like this. That'S going to force that to go back as well a bit higher up well, this is adding a kind of thinning element to it, still not in like a straight line or nothing like that, just slicing through the hair, it's basically to thin it out, but to Also, you know add the texture to it as well. That'S what we're trying to achieve force that direction. So you see much more of an angle, bringing it back and last one straight down we're leaving the fringe out. I'M all work into the crown again and a little bit of lift as well. You know, there's anything to say about how it collapses so much so, let's put a little bit of lift in there for him as well move the fringe out. So i just want to try and break up this element here so coming over the top and pump it right into that just want to thin these little bits out and do this over here. Let'S show you how to style this now. Okay, so, as you can see, you can still have it in the center part. If you want it right, but now we've got more connection. You can wear it over to this way and bring it back. You can get. You can see the height when it's wet. How much higher that's standing up from when you came in? Do you mean, but all that length is exactly the same on the sides in the back we haven't touched, we haven't taken any length off the overall length, okay, just a bit within it. Now, you're gon na need a bit of a product to style this into the hair okay. So what i'm gon na use is a little bit of clay. Okay. Now this is a texture. Clay! Okay can use about much out what i still need to use this and when my that or like as it grows out when you've got more hair, you'll be able to apply more sprays and things of that. Like a salt spray, for example, or something that, but with the minute, because it is still quite like a short to medium length on the sides in the back, where that shape needs to be, you need something to dry into the hair, to show it off. Basically, to show off the look that you're trying to achieve in the long run: okay, so a bit of clay all over your hands and rub it into your hair: okay, yeah your hair's damp and that's where you want to apply it so before i apply it, Make my head down yeah so just when you have the shower not not like soap and wet no just just damp as it is now, so you can still feel it's wet, but it's not like overly wet. You know like so i really like this. Thank you, though. It'S a nice slime for them. Yeah, like i know, i'm throwing it out, but this thing isn't bad. You might a lot of time. People do get it cut into like a shave and they're like actually kind of like this yeah. So what we're gon na do now is we're gon na use a paddle brush for this okay. Now you want to get this exact. Look: that's how you do it high speed, high heat start lifting at the front all right a little bit of lift at the front. Now we just pull it over push it right over from the round of the head and it'll naturally shut apart. Okay, what we do we need to need the speed to blaster here: okay, dry, it over to one side like so let me dry it upwards and then dry the hair upwards, and then we drive back again. You start to see the individual hair being kind of moved, just blast it upwards and then blast it across and that's what you'll get you'll see it in a second right around we'll blast it off and there you start to see all that texture same thing. Just wrapping the brush around it like, so the reason why you put the clay in now is you start in the hole you want the holes to stay in there and you want the definition to be in the hair as well. That'S what using a styling product to dry in gives definition a salt spray wouldn't give as much definition as a clay. Would you know right now to finish off? You want something. That'S just going to add. Def, it's going to add a little bit more definition and it's going to be weightless. You don't want to add any more product into this. Okay, as in like style and heavy style sprinkle. It all the way over right and then rub it in, and this just adds to the whole. I mean look at that. Hold you getting that in your hair. Now you see yeah. No, you want that texture through the sides. You have to bring it up like so okay, and then this bit at the top just falls very naturally over it's the sides that are giving you that shape right, and you can see that the powders just help to just it just gives you that little bit More definition through the hair, but you see you've, got a lot more volume in the hair too. It'S not sitting as heavy or flat at all. You'Ve got all that texture in the hair now as well, that you never had when you came in, but also you've not taken any end off on the back inside. So again, just balancing out a haircut and showing off the kind of the shape you're trying to achieve it works a treat. It really does. I didn't think my hair would like. I should have this texture. You know yeah. I have really straight hair, so this is actually amazing man. You see that more from that angle, yeah imagine there's a bit more length in there. Yeah you'd see it even more. That'S what i'm saying this is a this is a haircut that can go out into what you want the cut. Is there it's just styled like that. So again, bit of clay blow dryer i used a paddle brush just to help get the product in there and blow dry it right up and then, as you light flat, that's the shape you achieve. Thank you so much man you're welcome man. What'S great honey yeah. Thank you man. You

MXSSEY: Dan. Could we see a video of you getting your hair cut for a change? We always see you doing a cut but I’d love to see you getting your hair cut to see what your barber/hairdresser does on your hair

Unity- X Fitness: You really can see the genuine love care and time that Dan has for cutting hair, huge huge aspiration for any apprentice, hairdresser or barber. Been watching his videos from the start as i’m not long far from growing my hair to shoulder length from when i had a low fade before Christmas a year ago as going through stages where i am at now, me and my barber talked through what method of cutting we should go for and he suggested using the texture razor and then scissoring the top fading the beard in, then blow drying the hair with salt spray which i think is gonna be the way going forward with having chops from time to time. Keep the amazing work up you’re doing Dan you’re absolutely smashing it! Can’t wait to have shoulder length hair one day so i can have cuts from time to time! One question though Dan, do you have advise for what products i could use as salt spray seems to be only one that works for me?

Ciclopea2: Beautiful haircut, loved how happy he looked at the end, Dan explained himself so well in the consultation that his client could feel understood and also understand in order to achieve that awesome result

Craig Wall: As my mom keeps telling me that these disconnected haircuts don't look right. What you have done with this cut is made it flow. I am growing my hair out and hope in six months time to have my haircut by you. Fantastic stuff really enjoy regal gentleman upload on a Sunday.

IWTBF: Amazing work with the dryer and the styling. Texture is dope

Terrie Griffith: Love this haircut,especially how it looks in the back. I really like that you explain why you may have to compromise to get the style you want. It makes the haircut less "scary" for the client. You are the best.

Theodore Matsouliadis: Finally an amazing haircut that isn't a fade or an undercut.

Fratboy Fitness: You can tell how happy he is with that cut

Radu: We tend to think too much on having length instead having a nice shape and flow. I like this haircut

zoiek21: I love how you talk to him about everything basicly

BLProductions: The Legend, Dan Gregory.

BigJewShnozzle: We really need to see Dan grow his hair out a bit

CS: Dan's hair looks awesome, does anyone know what that hairstyle is called?

Aasim Yousaf: Would love to see what the hair looks like in 4-5 months time

Swing66: moroccanoil as a prestyler is daring - only dan could pull this off

prod. uri: Could using the "Slick Gorilla Volumizing Matte Powder" give the same effect as the powder used in the video? By the way I have similar flow as shown in the photos and a medium length style with almost identical hair texture.

Shweet Magie: Master class ✨

Coffee Lover: Another fantastic cut. Dan, please come to USA, live with me and style my hair every day…lol

Me, I’m Not: I love this clients honestly about his mum lol

Foxy: another dan masterclass

Nick Stevenson: What scissors do you use Dan?

Bryan Ujueta: That 9:50 edit

RJ Carter: I think he looked better before the cut, but he seems satisfied. All good.

Paperboy: Not sure what’s different this time but Dan’s own hair with his thicker beard & mustache looks really good. Not only a “Regal Gentleman” but one sexy guy!

Dan: Amazing cut

Shammi Arora: A proper hairstyle now

Zachariah: Haircut looks great.

RYN: 11:00 thats what I never understood about this business. I kinda have an "undercut" "pompadour" hairstyle. But it requires or I like it quite short on the sides and neck. Almost every time it seemed every barber or stylist would buzz too much length off the top. So botch a haircut probably never comes back or have a client every 2 weeks?

IWTBF: Good on the customer asking questions

Robin Burcham: This haircut looks really good!

EatClenTrenHard AnavarGiveup: Listen, Man United might not thank me but get the contract out, put it on the table. Let him sign it, let him write whatever numbers he wants to put on there, given what he's done since he's come in. TEN HAG'S (Ole 4.0) at the wheel, man. He's doing it. He's doing his thing. MAN UNITED ARE BACK!!!

Yuksel Abbasbeyli: Professional

IWTBF: We don’t get as many “and here’s my guide” as we used to. Not good for the drinking game

Adeel Imtiazi: Dan, could I come down for a haircut this week?

Dawson Johansen: Dan you should do a tutorial on how you flip your shears lol

Cristian Luna: Dan reveal your hair product secrets.

jibbo123: Please expand to the US

э с: классно сделали

Aquarius Queen:

Nathan Timpano: Your looking slim you’ve clearly lost weight

Kaladin Storm blessed: Very good

N M: What’s the powder called

Blayne: bravo

Emre Y: Dan has immaculate hair + hairline

THE TERMINATOR: zinedine zidane

Mark Stephenson: I normally like most cuts on this channel. But if I’m being honest this was a hideous mess

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