10 Things To Consider Before You Relax Your Type 4 Natural Hair | Black Girl Curls

Our hair is the only accessory that's front and center in everything we do. As an accessory, it's our prerogative to dress it up or down as much as we desire. We are not necessarily advocates of natural hair, as much as we are advocates of you deciding how you want to show up in the world whether it's rocking locs, a relaxer, wigs/weaves, etc. We also want you to keep healthy hair care habits at the top of mind when choosing how you want to show up.

During this discussion Black Girl Curls sits down with 27 year hair veteran Roni Jones from Pasadena, California to unpack some common generalizations around relaxers.

Black Girl Curls is a digital media company dedicated to educating naturalistas on the art and science of their tight curly + natural hair.

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Roni Jones


Black Girl Curls

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Hey y'all welcome to black girl, curls 10 questions with the pro today we have with us ronnie jones, a stylist or sorry, a tight curl specialist out of pasadena california, i'm gon na. Let ronnie introduce ourselves to y'all okay. I am ronnie jones, i'm in pasadena california, specializing in tight curls for about the last 15 years, but a hairstylist for 27 27. So you i know you, i wasn't gon na say it. I was gon na, let you say it because i was gon na introduce you like she has over and i'm not going to do that. She wants to drop the years for the people i'm going to let her, but today we invited ronnie here for this particular 10-q about relaxers, because ronnie has definitely been in the salon at some point in her career working with relaxed hair. So she is a very well versed, um and relaxes, and i thought she would be the like the best person to talk to in terms of talking about relaxer, and she also now has transitioned over to curly hair. I won't say, but she kind of does, but not really for real, sometimes may you know have to pop up and do a relaxer for a client, so we're gon na get started with the questions oops. That did not do what it was supposed to do. So, let's get started with the questions all right. First questions: what are the main differences between relaxed hair and natural hair? Well, the the biggest difference is that it's a chemical and it changes the structure of the hair which in turn, changes the care of the hair. So, there's a big difference between the care for natural hair and the care for chemically straightened hair, because you've now done something to the hair. That'S not meant to be done to it, so you've got to do a whole lot of things to maintain it all right. So the chemical being the biggest difference um between the two, but there's still maintenance involved, no matter what you choose in terms of how you wear your hair. Okay, just want to make sure the people know that, okay, what routine maintenance is involved with relaxed hair? How often should i visit the salon? Well, really, once a week shampooing once a week is the best way to maintain the health of the hair, because there are some things that are just across the board exactly the same: getting the water, the hydration people who who get their hair done or shampoo their Hair once a week have much healthier, hair and fair way better when they're doing that once a week, cleansing condition. Oh my god, you just made me think of when i had a relaxer and i for a while. I would only wash my hair every two weeks and then i remember this girl in high school. Having a conversation with her, i was like how is your hair so bouncy and she was well one. She didn't use any oil on her no grease like she didn't grease her scalp. She might have used like a can of oil sheen, but no grease on her scalp and she said she. She shampoos her hair every week and i was like i'm gon na try that and i never look back. I'Ve never looked back it's it's just i mean once you start getting out into the air, the pollution, all the things that happen it. It shows up in your hair and weighs it down, and then people go and they keep putting heat on it and trying to keep it just redo. It just redo it and then how often should somebody who has a relaxer visit the salon uh every time they need that retouch. So retouches happen depending on how fast your hair grows, and sometimes it's uh has to do with the style. People with the short pixie cuts probably need to go more often the shorter cuts, maybe depending on how fast your hair goes. It could be four weeks. It could be six weeks. Eight weeks might be too much if you have longer hair. Some people can stretch that relaxer out, which is a good thing, because you want to avoid overlapping, because once you start going over the same section of hair with that chemical you're, breaking it down and you're going to have problems. Oh my god. I definitely did that. I used to relax my own hair also. I love that you said in terms of how the hair grows, because that i feel like that is almost the same. When we start talking about how often those who wear their hair curly have to come into the salon. For haircuts, our short taper clients are coming in anywhere from four to six weeks, um, depending on how tight they like to keep their taper, which would be the same for somebody with a relaxed pixie on how tight they want. That base to be because i used to get mine when i had a pixie, i had mine almost clippered down, so i didn't have to come as frequently so i would always get the very shortest version of my haircut because also my hair, you know my hair Grows extremely fast, so knowing how fast your hair grows, and then how often you like to make your visits same thing. I just wanted to point out that, there's that similarity in terms of how often somebody should be visiting the slot in that sense longer can go longer unless you're a fine strand. Your fine strand, different. The game is different for you, for both the the relaxed and the natural yeah. How well you do with the relaxer has a lot to do with your hair type. I mean if you've got coarse, hair you're going to do a lot better than someone who has fine hair, but not only just coarse medium. Fine. Do you have like super tight curls, or do you have loose hair because that will affect your relaxer, especially if you're doing it yourself and overlapping and you're just going to have problems you're going to have problems you're going to have breakage you're not going to have The the healthy looking hair that a relaxer can have, if you're not doing it properly and pointing out that fact that you just said you can have healthy relaxed hair. Just like you have healthy natural hair. Both are very dependent upon the care and maintenance that is involved with it. Definitely lots of point to point that out. Okay, so next question is: does relaxed, hair cause damage or breakage everything you do to hair causes, damage or breakage, so relaxer, like anything else, any other tool that you use it's as good as the user. So if you are not well versed in relaxers and how they work, i guarantee you you're going to be those that person is going to be like relaxers broke, my hair off. You know if you go to a stylist that understands relaxers and how they work, you're, going to have higher much higher chance of having some healthy, beautiful, relaxed, hair, so healthy, relaxed hair is possible again when we talk about care and condition. It'S like if you bought trash hair and i'm sorry if somebody feels offended about that. But if you bring hair, that is in not in great condition to start off a relaxer with the stylus at that time can only do what that stylist can do. Just as if you bring the same hair into a stylist who works with curly hair like we only can do so much in that first appointment. So what what i will say is uh your expectations need to be minimized and you need to um very much. So listen to the stylist that you are partnering with. I want to say too yeah, because the condition of your hair going in matters if a lot of people they turn to a relaxer because they can't manage their hair. The reason they can't manage their hair is probably related, highly likely related to their hair, isn't in good condition to begin with so yeah. Whatever you give that relaxer, it's gon na give you right back and the same with natural hair same thing. If the care is not, i know we are talking about relaxers, but the reason why we're talking about relaxers and natural hair at the same time is because there's such this huge move and shift to people going back to relaxers because they think they're, easier, um and So we just want to point out, like everything that you choose to do, as you probably have seen, and you or we'll see in another conversation. So there's this idea that uh, that natural, sorry, relaxed hair is much easier um than than than curly hair and really what it comes down to is the knowledge and insight that we have when we're going into whatever we choose and that's another thing. We want to be uh very clear about whatever you do. It'S your choice, but we want you to make a very informed choice about how you decide to wear your hair so next question: how often should i get trims with relaxed hair? So it's kind of the same thing depends on your hair. You, don't you don't want to not ever get a haircut, but relaxed hair needs to get trimmed more often than natural hair does for sure. Okay, wear and tear things so once you get that relaxer you've used that chemical you've already worn that cute that cuticle layer down so you're starting off with some kind of worn down here. So it's going to quickly. Those ends are going to wear out a lot faster, so some people need six weeks. Some people need eight weeks. I wouldn't go more than that with the trim, but also when you're trimming relaxed hair. You don't need to cut as much either if you are getting regular maintenance cuts, because the longer you wait, the little more hair you're gon na have to cut off okay. So again, it depends on your hair uh, like the the condition of your hair, the essential elements of your hair, we're talking about like your surface texture, the size of your actual strand, being one of the the huge factors - and i would say that would be those Are the two huge factors that make and and one more thing, uh how you wear your hair like if you have a cut like a haircut and you like to keep that haircut, looking fresh and a lot of the relaxer girlies like to keep a haircut fresh? Yes, shortcuts need them more often because, especially if your hair grows fast you're, i used to wear a pixie and my hair grows, so it grew faster than you know. I could keep up with it, so i i'd always have to do these little. We call them out here mini relaxers, where you relax the sides and the back, so they don't yes, but i also have to cut it so that it, you know, doesn't grow out over your ears got to maintain that cut if you're trying to stay short. Now, if you're trying to grow your hair, then it's going to be a little bit different. You may want to stretch it out just a bit, but still it's the same thing that wear and tear is what you want to be. You want to get that before it gets you. So do you think that that's where that whole idea of every six to eight weeks for a trim comes from it's that's more of like a relaxer mindset that right here minds. It is that that comes from straight hair, yeah yeah, yeah, okay. I just wanted to point that out yeah you care for the hair, because, if you're, if you say you put heat in it, a lot all those things, those are gon na matter too anything. That'S gon na wear those ends out fast you're, just it's going to determine when it's time for you to get a cut and the girlies used to use a lot of heat back in the day like in the 90s. That'S when flat irons became super popular and people were bumping, it bumping curly. You were curly turning the the iron over 400 degrees and bumping the hair and burning it and which is why um. So many people were getting more haircuts at that time because it's like. Oh, we got ta, you know and it needs to look a certain way when you're wearing hair, that is straighter, um it. It needs to look polished um and if it's not looking polished um, the hairstylist is, like you know, she's like no or he's like. No, this cannot, you can't go out in the streets like this plus it doesn't curl. Well, exactly it doesn't occur. Well, the style doesn't hold up and it also just does not look polished, and so oh it doesn't yeah. You need a haircut every time you get that haircut and you're like oh, that's all i needed like that's all and it usually is like the like the most minimal amount of hair. It really is okay, next question: how long after relaxing my hair should i wash it you can wash it. I mean a couple of days later. It'S it's well, let me say it depends on again the types of shampoos that you're using right. So, if you're, using a shampoo that has some of those detergent like sulfates i'd, be careful about, you know how often you're washing it. Unless you know, you've got a lot of say, silicones and things like that. A lot of the creams and stuff that you're putting in your hair, you may need those sulfate, but then i would pair back on. You know how often you're going to wash it. So it depends on why you know you're washing it and are you watching it often like maybe every three or four days, because you like to wash your hair or you feel like you're, refreshing it or because you need to you know i don't know, photo shoot, Got a lot of spray in it, i don't know, but you can wash your hair a couple of days after a relaxer. Do you need to wash it a couple of days after the relaxer is the real question? That is a great question and you made a good point about how dirty is it basically like? Is it dirty? Have you been somewhere um in the desert and the dust was blowing around like that, would be caused, of course, to like re-shampoo your hair and style? It all over again so same rules apply again to being relaxed or being natural. If your hair is dirty, why you know shampoo it, but also use the shampoo appropriate for that particular shampoo session. Okay, is it harmful to heat style, my relaxed hair home? Absolutely if you, if you've gone to the salon and gotten your hair heat styled and you have to go home and use that heat again, you are doing some damage. You'Re gon na do your your hair is drying out once it gets dry and relaxed it's gon na start breaking and get brittle. Those ends are gon na. Go a lot faster, so it just all depends on yeah, i'm just going to say. Yes, it is i'm going to tell you why she's saying that too, because we don't trust y'all at home. I don't know how to use it. You think you do. If people are oh, my god, when i did relax, it was like oh yeah. I just i redo it like every two or three days at 320.. I'M like do you understand what 320 and you're not getting anything straight at like 200, not on some some kinky hair, so yeah, just absolutely! If you need to redo your hair, you probably don't need a relaxer or you just need to buy some rollers like make sure you go, make sure you re-up on all the things you used to have rollers uh sponge ones. I love sponge rollers. Actually, when i was relaxed um rollers, i used to actually sponge roll, my hair, and then i noticed this off the topic, but i was sponge rolling and in the morning i would wrap it around and get in the shower yeah amazing. That was amazing. It'S a good way to like to to minimize the amount of heat you're using at home, so we say it's harmful because of the way you all are using the heat that that's the problem for us at with at home heat styling, but in between business. Of course, if you're going to shampoo, it condition it and restyle it some heat's going to be involved. We what we're suggesting is that he'd not be involved after that session, yeah yeah, i mean that tension, it's that heat. Now i mean there's an option like you were saying you can roll it and then you know wrap it. You can, if you can, depending on the style. You know those rollers that you get that heat up in the little container yeah you can use those put a little bump in it. Take it out, wrap it. You know, and then you'll have some movement. That would be the lesser of two evils, but he he's going to eat indirect heat because we're talking about direct heat and those rollers would be a version of indirect heat by the way yeah they're not they're, not as bad but yeah yeah right flat, irons, the Curling irons, yeah squirrel wands, because that's a new thing now that we had it in the 90s, we have a girl, curl wands. Those two saying lay that hair on and change it yeah, no okay. What are some things i should avoid doing with relaxed hair like what are some things like with clients to come back you're like? Oh, don't do that anymore, just don't like eat on it after you've gotten it done. Okay, that first initial shampoo yeah no heat um. I would say you still have to be careful with the manipulation of your hair, a lot of people who have relaxers. They don't know what what their hair is. They don't know if it's coarse, if it's fine, if it's medium, they just know they get that little wave when and it'll tell them when it's time for a retouch, but that still determines how much your hair can take. Okay, so like pulling, i would, i would think about, like because y'all get lazy out here, depending because not be kind to the hair pills. Don'T oh flicking back stuff um what else uh, oh relaxing your hair and then like going right behind it with color. Like oh yeah and box color, don't don't even do it, don't don't even box color and relax or just no enough hitting the edges with the comb? Oh or the oh, because now that i got that y'all didn't have all we didn't have all this stuff in the nights we didn't have electric person combs. Nobody was really using pressing calls because at the time when i was relaxed flat, irons were a big thing, but there were still a lot of hairstyles still using their marcel, because my style was very much a marcel stylist, and so we didn't have all of these. Like additions, but we have all these heat tools. The flat iron was the the flat iron was like uh. That was that was the the one thing that people were like falling flat on like and messing up their hair with, because everybody was like. Oh flat, irons like i could just press my hair off real, quick, smooth it nope. It was burning it and the other thing is, you know those titanium flat irons. They attract a lot of heat. Those are the most damaging people, love them because they get their hair real silky straight, but they get the hair very silky straight because of the amount of heat that emits from them a ceramic iron, a completely not ceramic coated. But it's around ceramic iron, which are they tend to be very expensive but they're the best tool to use if you're going to use some. You know heat in your hair and you're trying to save it. Okay, so ceramic iron. Is there ceramic tools? Yeah? If you have must okay that new those new, is it titanium, those those are what messes people up? Oh okay, i don't think i have any titanium, but i do think i might have some ceramic. I don't even know because when was the last time i used the iron tool. Like i don't know, it'll tell you if the tools are ceramic these days, um of um um companies that do use ceramics, but not so much awesome. Okay, would you say ronnie that relaxed hair is easier to maintain than natural hair uh? It depends um. I think when people are thinking about ease it's because the hair is straight and it's easy to manipulate, but people who are having difficulties with their natural hair unless they have like super dense, super coarse, very long hair. That'S just going to take a long time period. They just don't know how to manage their hair right. We and straight here we've been doing that forever. That'S right that, with our eyes closed right. It just comes down to you know it's not that you can it's easier. Is that you just don't know what to do with your natural hair like just say that just right getting this and understand that it takes practice? It'S it's like tying, your shoe, you tie in that shoe and then it's janky and then you get it and then one day, you're just tying your shoe without even thinking about it. Natural hair is kind of the same way, but you just have to understand what first, how do you want to wear your natural hair? This is true. This is definitely very true and ease, i think, depends what i always ask clients when they're in the salon um as naturals, because we both work with tight, curl, um, natural hair folks. I always ask like how much time do you want to spend a week on your hair, also when clients like? Oh, i want that taper and i go. How often do you want to visit the salon, and the same goes for relaxers, because when you relax, you are now signing up to be visiting the salon somewhere between, as ronnie said, she said anywhere from four, probably up to about 16 weeks, i used to go A little i used to go a little longer, sometimes because, because i kind of could because i lived in two places, because i'm real course i'm also very dense and i didn't mind the puffing at my roots, because i like to i don't like my hair super Straight, i never did so you you live in that place like. How often are you going to be frequent in this line? Um and then how do you want to wear your hair? Because if i, during my relaxed bob time right, i got a vibe on time. It lasted four weeks. I had a whole new haircut in four weeks. The hair was hanging somewhere else. It was, it was not about. It was not even alive, it was something. The other thing is that i mean there's a lot of anxiety that comes with wearing your hair straight because it's like is it going to stay straight? How long is it going to stay straight? When can i get it done? When is it time for a retouch, because when it's time for a retouch, you start getting, you know hairs that start coming out or you'll start getting breakage, because that straight hair and that curly hair don't live together. Well, so that line of deformation will cause some breakage and there's just this anxiety about like i can't go swimming. I can't do this. I can't do that for some people, it's all up here, so is it easier to maintain you tell me: is it easier also? I think there's this idea. Um i would like to well, i would say, is one they don't know how to wear their hair like how do they want to wear their hair because we're so concerned as naturals about like no heat, styling, protective style and doing is doing it? And it's like all these things have nothing to do with, but how you actually want to wear it? Do you want to color it? Do you want it to be a bob? Do you want it to be short? Do you like to wear a twist like nobody's like really exploring like how do i want to look when i am outdoors like how i want to present like that? I think you is. How do you want to feel? How do you want the world to see you, and so a lot of that anxiety about natural hair? Is how comfortable you with your natural hair? Some people don't like their hair because it's too tight or they don't like the way that they look with short hair or they think they don't look great with short hair. I don't understand that, but i know either i'm like everybody should have a short haircut. At least one whole time in their entire lifetime, you should be short, yeah yeah i mean it's it's so it really comes down to like. Is it really easier? Is it easier to maintain? Does it look better or is it that you don't feel confident or you know your self-esteem is kind of going down the drain because you're not sure or you're, not ready to accept? You know what's going on with your hair, so a lot of time, it's just! It'S just what's happening up here and i totally agree with that, and i want to also stress that we are team whatever you want to do just so we're clear, because if i decided i want a pixie cut, guess what i'm getting tomorrow, a relaxer i'm getting A relaxer i signed me up for missani buttercream, i'm in line i'm getting a relaxing for right. Yeah, i've done it. I'Ve had clients who you know they're, like you know what i want that little, that pixie cut where they don't have to curl it. They just have to put some stuff in it's just it. They got a cute little funky style they're. On their way, do i have to get a relaxer? Yes, there's no problem, you know, but you have to know you have to know you. You have to know what you want so going back to a relaxer is easier because it's comfortable because it's what you know just what you know, we all will hide behind our hair and we will all hide behind the comfort level. You know you, you, okay, you didn't win for our souls today, because this is what you know. Oh oh, what you trying to know. I know that makes total sense um, because it's we see it a lot behind our chair when clients are coming in because when they come to us uh, it's the final. It'S the final draw at that point. When clients come to the salon to see us - and it's all these things, that their hair is it's all these things, it's not beautiful. It'S you know, i, i don't know what to do with it and like all these things, there's 4c. 4Z. 4 lmg. I got ta lco, it lbc, just just don't know or understand their hair and you've got to start somewhere. You'Ve got to know your actual hair, not your hair, with creams and butters and oils on it. Your hair, your clean hair. It starts there once you know that hair understanding it and then accepting it will follow like free your mind and your ass will follow absolutely and it'll free you up to actually decide how you want to look, because, if i feel like i want to bob tomorrow, Cause i'm saying some really cute bops. Coming across my um instagram and uh, i was like bob's right now: they're the girls, the listen, the stylists are killing i've seen some bobs that have made me i'll get a wig, though first before i cut it before i relax, i get a wig. I ain't gon na play with it, but i i'm, but i would if i really wanted that i would do it, and so we want to encourage you. If that's what you want to do, do it and it's a judgment, i'm not. Even judging i'm saying all these, like i'm getting to relax, so it's like y'all making a whole ritual of it. Meanwhile, i'm like i'm just going to do my wash and go get my color touched up and be on the move and get my hair cut. I'M i'm not making a big hole like to do that and a ritual and a video, and it's like it is a whole thing happening on tick tock about this and i'm like just get the relaxer friend you're, not making any savings. Honestly, i'm not sure there's a stylist out there who cares? No, i don't care like good for you live your life, absolutely absolutely we'll be in our salons working with the folks who want to wear their hair curly, because that's what we that's! What we work with um so again, your choice, no need to make a political statement about it, um and no need to vilify anybody if they decide that's what they want to do if they want to get the relaxer, please by all means girl kill a game Snatch, my eyebrows, when you come back from the salon, please i mean you know there are. I have i have a couple of relaxer clients. Still i don't even want them to go natural and then they're fun because they're fun, because they're fun they're fine. You know i'm cause some peop, it's just too much for some people, you know and it's their and their anxiety level is high about their hair and switching them over to natural. I'M, not i'm not here for it. He was like stay over here, it's fun for you here, yeah, i'm, okay with you, don't even don't even try to be. Like the other girl. You say, don't be forget that they're like they have no desire, and i'm i'm so. Okay with that team, i'ma pull off this relaxer, i'm gon na touch it up come on come on, okay, okay! Is it safe to get color with my relaxed hair? Now, so much has changed since i had a relaxer and color at the same time, um. I i suffered uh breakage every time i got a relaxer in the 90s and it would always be a different spot of hair. It was always in a place. Nobody could see it um and usually what happens somewhere in here. I would have some breakage and it would be like this short was it was it somewhere in the back, because i know that no it'll be like right here, literally i'm like and right in here, because that's the hair yeah, that's yeah yeah. I know you're right right there right right here, i would get breakage or to be in some weird spot. It usually was like around my ear somewhere. It would always happen uh where i would get breakage uh, but i do see um now that a lot of stylists are being more intentional about how color is placed and also like. I see a lot of stylists, not coloring certain parts or sorry, not relaxing certain parts of the hair to color it and stand yeah yeah. So i would say if you are considering color on your relaxed hair, if you are not going to a professional, if you have not ever seen a professional color, a professional for your relaxer and for your color, because the there's so many nuances to that some people. Just cannot get color and relaxer they're two chemicals, and especially on the same day. There are very few people who can pull that off, and so i would one make sure that you are going to somebody who knows how to do that. If you really really have to do it, i would reconsider you know the same day, and sometimes it just depends on the type of color like no one's doing bleach and relaxer you just not in saving their hair. You know you can't and there's different types of color i mean. Are you getting semi you're getting demi you're getting a rinse? You know what's going on here in the color, but at home, color and relaxer. I would never um doing it myself. I absolutely not. I would say: yeah you need someone who knows and understands your hair and what your hair can handle, because some people can't handle relaxer this. You know right so, if you're here and again, if you went into that relaxer and your hair was compromised and then you try to go into some color with that relaxer say goodbye, say goodbye and also, i think too, that a lot of stylists because of their Skill set and or because what they know or have seen um during their career, make clients choose like either you're gon na get this relaxed or you're gon na get the color so which one you want to do yeah. That'S how a lot of people ended up. Relax i'm sorry. A lot of people ended up natural because they chose color over relaxer, yes and the type of relaxer. When you're doing color too, like that um color does not go well with the uh, the calcium hydroxides, the uh, the no lie relaxers. They don't mix well putting that calcium hydroxide and then you put some color in your hair. I know you did it yourself. It was like who did that color um, you know i got it, you did it yourself and to think that the no lie relaxer is gentler. It is not it just help. Wow okay, it is not gentler. The the regular relaxer you're, much better off. Okay. We didn't, we didn't even touch on that. The different types of relaxers, i'm gon na, add that in though before we go, we got one. We have another question we'll talk about that real quick. What are the things uh? I can do to have healthy, relaxed hair everything that we talked about, get your relaxer on healthy hair and, if you're not sure, go see a professional because some people they think they know, and they have no idea. You'Ve got those people that think just because they have long hair, they think it's healthy. That has nothing to do with the health. You want to cleanse it regularly condition it keep it trimmed. We all know what healthy hair looks like, so you need healthy hair practices, period period um so with relaxers, and this is off the cuff, but with relaxers there's different, there's two different types of relaxers right: oh there's, actually, there's a few there's there's a cute okay. So they're familiar with are the sodium hydroxide and the um, the calcium hydroxide. The no lie would be the culture yeah, but there's some there's some like soy, there's a bunch of different ones: okay and then there are different strengths of relaxer yeah, which means that all that means is that it's more base in one than the other. You know okay, but um yeah is relaxers, is relaxed or relaxer is going to do what it's going to do and let me before we go relaxer means that it relaxes the curl, not straightens, not bone straight. If you have relaxed your hair bone straight, you that's you've ended it just finish. It relax is just what exactly what it says it relaxes that curl. You should not have hair that is relaxed bone straight unless maybe you're just trying to do those little sides in the back in a pixie cut or something oh yeah. I used to uh get a super perm and um. She used to leave it on my hair for like 30 45 minutes. I definitely was super over processed and it got to a point where my hair would not get past. My like wouldn't get passed past mosh. It was like up right just right below my shoulder, but it would never go any further. If it doesn't, it won't move. No, it moved. My hair is heavy, so it moved upper process. Here you know has very little movement because it doesn't have a lot of elasticity in it yeah i did so yeah, it's be careful with those relaxers. If you're doing those home relaxers, i'm i'm, you know what i'm gon na go speak on it, but we'll encourage you not to do your relaxers your so we don't want you to do your virgin relaxers. Definitely don't do. Definitely don't do the virgin at home. Don'T please don't do the birthday don't do the touch-up at home, so basically don't go to the store and try to do your own relaxing yourself, um, because the the same here that you were having trouble with as a natural is now going to be some over Processed uh crunchy uh broke off hair that you could have avoided. Had you gone to a professional to have a professional? Do it or you could have gone to a professional if you wanted to? If again, if you wanted to stay natural without any chemical straightening could have also found a stylist to partner with for that as well. So i think what we really want to encourage you all to do is find a professional stylist honey, because we want you to have the most bomb hair ever mom snatch. Our eyebrows help us ask you like who who did this? Because i guarantee you, your hair care practices, no matter how you wear your hair are going to determine how your hair is going to look. If you have some subpar hair care practices - and you don't know it, it's going to show whether you think so or not. A lot of people are like, oh yeah, i relax my own hair and it's fine, but is it, though, are you sure, because i i've had so many people say that and i'm just like? Okay, i'm pretty sure mom was not because i was running myself in college. You can't see the back. You can't see if you're you know, if you're over here you have to if you're relaxing not bone straighten, how can you even see if you've relaxed it or relaxed it enough or over relaxed it? Absolutely if there's areas where you put it on first, you know it's going to process a lot faster and, if you're slow, you know this wherever you put it on first is going to be the first to go, listen, listen! All we want, for you guys, is to make again make decisions that that best suit you and also to partner with a professional throughout your journey of whatever it is that you decide to do when you can, because i know sometimes you can't you know always get There and if you go with go to a stylist that is going to that's really about hair care, they're, going to tell you what you need to do at home until you come back the next time. So i i don't know they've got all these things that they need and they know what to do and they've got me to defer to if they're, not sure, absolutely so i partner with somebody you can build a relationship with so that you can have again the Hair that that you desire, so we hope that you got a lot out of this relaxer conversation. We hope that those who are considering jumping over the fence to get to to line up for a relaxer appointment are doing so because that's what they want to do and not because they are so stressed out by being natural because it it does not have to Be hard, it doesn't have to be hard to be relaxed and it doesn't have to be hard to be natural. It doesn't have to be hard to have color in in either of those spaces. However, you some may choose, but what we do need to understand in its totality is the condition of our hair and what our hair allows us to do, because all of us are our hair is the thing that limits us every single time. It'S gon na tell us what we can and cannot do and if we obey it you know we'll have a better experience with it. So i wonder you want to add. I'M sorry. Do you want to everything, so i want to thank ronnie for joining us for this relaxer conversation. Please ask all your questions down at the bottom. We'Ll take a look see if anything comes up and if there's anything that we need to follow up as an address um and if ronnie's available we'll bring her back. If it's you know it's a lot. It'S a lot of talk and chatter underneath here, but in the meantime, we'll check you guys again on the next. Thank you with the stylist and yeah, see y'all later bye. You

LBellatrix: I had to go natural and get to know my real hair before I understood why relaxed hair care was so hard for me. Health was not the focus…”getting rid of the naps” was. Breakage was just a normal part of my life! for YEARS! I’m glad there’s more nuance and discernment in the black hair care space. Thank you both for helping to educate!

KAM M: I just want to thank Iamblackgirlcurls and those who have & still is helping us humans enhance our natural hair that grows out of our scalp. I'm so grateful for the discoveries that you all have made cause previously I had NO clue my hair could do a thing or so naturally lol! All the FREE knowledge that you all have shared is truly appreciated cause you all wasn't under ANY obligation to do so. I pray the true God continue to bless the efforts you all make in learning about our natural hair ➰➰❤️

Sonja Unapologetic: This is my first time watching this channel. Great information. And Aishia, your hair is gorgeous.

Teri Black: Roni is my stylist. Love her. My curls are doing so well.

BisaBlanks: Timely topic - thank you!

Star6uster: Relaxer was harder for me because neither I nor my mother had that education for maintenance. I didn't wear bonnets consistently til high school. Didn't know about cotton eating up your hair or any basics.

THE WANDERER 4K SHORTS: Great video, very beautiful. I'm a big fan of you+

Janet Jones: Auntie Jones, here. You guys were great. Can you make a house call, Roni?

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