How To Style Curly Hair For Frizz Free Curls

EDIT: To watch at an at-home version of this technique - click here -

Today I'm learning a new technique to style my curls with Val of La Biosthetique in Sydney. Val is Brazilian and trained with Lorraine Massey at Devachan in New York to master curly hair styling.

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Christina xx

My name is Robert Lani Laval and I work at lobbyist at teak and youngest reit Waterloo and we use labios city curly cream and it's amazing cream, because it's a light and then once it's dry, you don't feel it and we use a little bit of the Gel the texture, gel lobby, aesthetic as well, and we use to control those fries and to get some of those ends that wasn't curling much. That is quite a stretch and drive. It takes a while and you get moisture back and and then get cool again. So use the gel to kind of empower up that that crew and make them you know Kirlia, so you can blend it in with the other ones that is curly naturally. So when we are the basing it we all focus about the hydration and about putting water and moisture back into the hair, especially when the hair is too dry. So it's just making sure that you put the right amount of water mix with the right amount of cream or curly cream and at the sink we mix the a little bit it's like so key when you feel the curls. It'S like silky, like melting, not draping or all togethers, more like separating them, and you feel like that's nice and silky, and the cream is not like thick and not just in one place. You just mix them out and with your fingers, you go through and you put them all like. You know just defining a little bit, but not separating them just defining the curls, so they kind of define by itself as with all your own fingers. So then, once you do that defining with a little bit of water a little bit of the cream, the crow cream, and then you just scrunch it, and then you leave it there that part and you you put a more water on the other crews. That is quite drying a little bit more putting the cream from like not too but focus more from the middle shaft to the end and going scrunching like that and making that movement and that one so you're kind of defining and scrunching them they scrunching part is More for the hold it's just more like to make them hold the ball and get bouncy back and more Kirlia than before. It'S quite stretchy and more frizzy. So the defining and the scrunching is more like controlling the freeze and then the elasticity as well. When you put all over the cream and they define all of the hair, the top, you did the same thing. You do the side part to the side that you like to party here if it is at the middle leave at the middle, if you, if you like, on the side already part to the side, so that's how your head is going to sit and drive after That we come to the chair or like in our salon. We come to the chair, but if you're at home, you you, I would say just if you have fine hair, flip your hair to get more before to dry and to get more bouncy to get more. Like volume always doing those movement, this way that way, so you get more and more volume and if you want to, if you want to like control the fries, but I don't want a too much volume, so I would say just to define them and then just Do a little tip a little bit to the side, the other side and then to the back a little bit like that and then scrunch that sauce and always doing that movements. Not never doing these oo like they see happen so once you define the curls, make sure that you're not going through and touching them to March and not, I know, you'll be tempted, but don't touch too much just for ten minutes and go out to be on A walk right in the head: don't use a blow dryer with a high wind power, just the low put on the low the high heat, the high see a heat power, but not the low wind power, and, and that way you don't you control them. So you can dry without causing freeze, because they too much wind would cause freeze as well, and that's it pretty much wow. You can always like peanut up like there do little things, and it's amazing. This is nice for the wind up style as well as you create that nice soft texture and you can do hair like this. Pin it up design it so much. It'S so long, a complete like how it could have something pair to the motion.

PeriwinkleFilms: Your hair looks so gorgeous after! And I loved how she used a hairbrush as a microphone. :)

Twin Mom: I think you are kind of my hair twin. Love the videos, I'm 3 months into CG method and am finally seeing good results

Adriélly Calil: Thank you so much! Love this tutorial!

Aileen Respicio: Ive loved my curls again because of this video! Im almost decided to get a chop! Whew! Youre a hair life saver! Thanks!

Lana Summer: Thanks for the tips, love this!

M. CS: how much hair product does she use? one tube for one styling?

Dida079: Wow its like I'm looking at my own hair in the before shot. I have never been able to get curls like that...i need a diffuser bad haha

Laura L Cochard: WHY is she using a brush as microphone? LOL

Mikaela Emily (sapphira31): I actually thought an in-between of her before and after would look better, personally. It just looked too perfect for everyday, but I'm sure she would lose the perfect definition after a few hours. (And frizz-free is always great!) I wish my hair had the same amount of curl, by day two I'm back to wavy. Good job!

Ruba Alameri: Do they last long? Cuz when i make a bun with my curly hair for a whole day and take it off i find that my curls go and it gets a mess

Memei Ra: amazing curls !

xxGuItArGiRLxx89: It's all about the scrunch. #CurlyLife

Yazmin Espinoza: I appreciate my curls. I always get compliments on it, but it's just so hard to find the right product to use on my hair. Where could purchase the products?

Let's eat Grandpa: Do you need that particular product to get great curls?

Melanie Sinclair: hi I'm tired of my hair so looking up how to style curls so stumbled on your channel want see what I do without having my hair frizz when I style it doesn't stay way I want it

shawnee pierce: I am struggling to get a good part. Do I part, then put in products? Will this break up my curl clumps?

Darcy: I wish my brush was also a microphone :(

Symmie & Chin: Great tips!

DawnFinder: (I only just realized I have curly hair) If I do this do I have to do it every day or like once a week?

Deboraha Goates: After you shampoo condition . Put just a dime size conditioner in your rub work thru ends of hair then a quick run the on scalp. Large tooth comb to distribute well.flip hair in front of head scrunch hair. Now wrap a "soft" t shirt around your head,hair still in forward position. Nowvleave it alone. Watch a movie do nails clean hoyse laundry,leave hair alone.depending on thickness this could be awhile. Couple hrs later release hair.if still damp leave it alone. When dry, dont comb or brush.just use your finger tips to shake loose.dont drag your your fingersvthru. You should have smmoth curly volume

belbun: I love the girl who used the brush as a mic lol shes so sweet and beautiful and as is the curly haired one!!!!!

christine palmer: wish we could see her doing thin fine hair

ansley: I have no time for all this omg

Malana Marie: I just put leaving conditioner when I get out while it's still wet and then wait for it to dry like a little bit and when it's still damp I put mousse in it and then scrunch it and then like get on my roots and like wiggle it around so it's like all night like scratch together and then you have to wait for it to dry and then I put hairspray in it and then I put it in a bun when I go to bed and then when I wake up I put more hairspray in it and then I take it down and it looks like gorgeous

The Cookies Cosmos & LadyLuck: Did she say using the diffuser on high heat? That's a big No No for a curly girl, hope you don't normally practice this, it'll fry your curls.

MING CHENG: Hey I bought this and it works!

hot drink: Hello i was wondering what products have you used in this video??

Val Identity: Very nice. I have curly hair but cannot use any products with fragrance:( Any suggestions?

Mariana Di Stasi: I'm brazilian too!! <3 <3

Riri KB: lol you gave her the brush microphone xD I love it!

Mols: My hair looks like the before always no matter what I do someone help plz

Mary Bennett: If I was to do that to my curls it'd be huge haha. I think Im the only person I know that don't mind my curls if they wouldn't get big I hate volume. Trying to stop straighting my hair but I hate big hair. Is that only me

Flo Green: I use a leave in conditioner with keratin and Its A Ten with keratin and I put it up in a bun and let it air dry.

Deb Eight One Three: The curls look great but that seems like a lot of work! I just find a product I like and tip my head upside down over my diffuser fo a couple mins!

B Rite: hi, which diffuser did you use?

Tanya Portillo: Is she using a brush as a microphone?? Lol

Phink-Shiny: Diy Hairbrush microphone please!!

Kelsey Finch: i wish my curly hair would dru like that straight out of the shower :(

kmadelin: woah do any of those products have silicone or sulfates ?

Ellie May: I swear I have the driest hair in the world. Even when it's completely wet, it's still frizzy. There's nothing that works to define my curls.

Q Seki: OMG i want go in this saloon but im in malaysia T_____T i want this treatment hair!! my hair is curly many people ask me go straight hair but i dont want ever ever ever i love curly hair ORIGINAL!

Skeleton Lemonade: Did somebody say “frizz free curls” i’m interested

k w: I see a lot of clips in the top of her hair when blow drying...I've been trying different products and can't seem to find the right stuff. My curls end up dry and frizzy. I just want a fast, easy morning routine. I have to be to work at 7 am, it takes 25 min to get there, I don't want to get up any earlier. :(

Arlene Portsmouth: After a while her microphone started to look like a hair brush!

abby fletcher: i do the exact same thing you do but my curls are just lifeless and frizzy all the time. :( do you think it is because of the products i use??

Pilar Gamboa: Beautiful, but to much product for one day comb!

2008MrsKim: Wow, you would need a whole tub per wash.

teresa: I have a cousin with gorgeous curls, I've always wanted her hair lol. But she said she uses a diffuser & I just don't have time for that lol. I would love to but I need my sleep lol. If I did this routine at night, would my curls be as awesome as yours looks here? (no frizz, curls intact)

S.... Bajpai: My hair I very frizzy,and curly

Ellyse Walters: that fact that she's using a brush as a microphone has me weak

Sharifah Sabandi: Where to buy the product ?

Lizbeth: My hair is the first picture on the thumbnail

Nayomideena Selvarathnam: im from Israel. i want to take this product. where i can get this....

MMAGirl Rowdy: why is she using the round brush like a mic?? .. oh boy

Rimi Z: You said you husband cuts your hair can you show a video of the technique please ??

NP: What products did you use

momma: sorry - lost me at the hairbrush microphone BAHAHAHAHAHAHAA

JulieRock: What does she accomplish from pretending the brush was a microphone? lol

Cristina M: Did 1:05 make anyone else cringe? If i did that with my curls i'd be spending the next hour untangling one giant knot

Chowbaccca: Wait where's that place?

LotusFlower Flores: is the cream curly girl approved

Hammond Miers: I'm pretty sure the best CBD is on the Weedborn website.

ŃÄĐÄ ĹİMÄŃİ: I looks like spaghetti

Pronita Barua: Lady that's a hair brush, why you holding it like a microphone ?

stephyclaws: Hairbrush microphone is quite bizarre to me Good tips though

Di-Flower Photography: What ‘s the idea of using a brush as a microphone ?seriously !!!!!!!

James R. G.: This is not curly lol

Serina Obando: Scrunching does nothing.....

Y Todorova: Am. I the only one who prefers the before hair? It looks soft and cute, while the after version looks hard and greasy. I wish curly hair was accepted to look as it naturally does. Why there is so much pressure to have greasy gelled up defined curls?

frenzila lorene: i guess crazy

Kabuki Roll: "curly"

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