My Sisterlocks Retie After 8 Weeks! A Before And After...

In this video I talk about and show what my hair looks like after 8 weeks of not getting a retightening! I show my new growth and my grid and then I show my braid-out, my slightly increased length and my cleaned-up grid after my retie!

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Hey everybody welcome back to my channel. If this is not your first time, i welcome you back. It'S been gosh, it's been like three weeks uh since i posted a video, um or or any kind of update um. So welcome back if you're, a subscriber or, if you've watched any of my videos before. Thank you for coming back and if this is your first time just hit that subscribe button, because this this lock content is gon na, be uh non-stop, okay, um! So if you are uh somebody with any kinds of lock sister locks micro locks, traditional locks subscribe, you don't want to miss out. Okay um, i oh gosh, like all. Throughout the summer i had been uh, you know not working uh and now i started back at work, so i don't have as much time to be uh doing videos and so um. That'S why i haven't posted in, like probably like a month or so um, but uh. I had to do this video today because i'm going for a re-tie today, i'm like i've never been this excited to have a retie okay, because it has been. Let'S count them. Eight weeks since my last retie, my loctition has been so booked um. When i had my last retie eight weeks ago, we just we usually, i usually schedule my appointment when i'm there right after i've done whatever i'm done with my reti and she just kept going and she was like. I don't have anything five weeks, so usually i usually do five. I usually do four to five weeks and so um. You know we were trying to look some for something for five weeks and there was nothing for five weeks. Nothing at six weeks, nothing at seven weeks and finally, she was like the next one. I have is that eight weeks i was like. Oh my god like i am gon na die. I don't know. What'S gon na happen, um i'm gon na because usually like by usually by like five weeks. My roots, are, you know, my roots are pretty poofy, which i don't mind, but usually my big problem is that my i have so much slippage around the perimeters around the edges all around, and so i was like i, i love my ponytails. I can't do a cute ponytail if, if you know all of this over here and all of this over here, um is out, and so i i don't know what i was gon na do so actually what i did was at four weeks i reached out to Her and i was like, can i can, can i just come and just have you like touch me up at my perimeter, because my all, my all my edges were completely um slipped out, like all the slippage had happened all around my edges all around. I don't know why, though um, because i wasn't doing anything different. What i did start to do, though, is um start washing. My hair between my re-ties, which i'm gon na talk about later, has helped so much um, but i'm always very conscientious. I always braid and band. I don't mess around with that, and so i don't know why i had so much slippage by four weeks, and so i just reached out to her and i said, help me out girl. She is so amazing. She had me come in. She spent like an hour and a half just you know getting my edges like right, so i can keep you know doing what i need to do without having to like die between for the next four weeks until eight weeks, when my appointment was so. I did go at four weeks to have her uh clean up my my perimeter, basically but um. What like i was saying before what i had started doing was uh wash my hair, so i've washed my hair. I think three or four times in the last eight weeks, um and very careful, always braiding and bending, because my hair is not locked y'all, it's this just so stubborn. I i don't know what i'm gon na have to do in order to get it to lock faster, but i don't see any the some of the some in the back have locked, but definitely like the minimal uh number of the locks have locked um. So i um started washing my hair. I washed my hair. Every yeah, like i said, probably like three to four times in the last eight weeks, and it's helped my hair so much usually by four or five weeks. My hair has gotten like for lack of a better term. I want to use the word crusty. That'S not really the right word, but it's just it's. It'S really shrunken a lot like it would have like shrunk, a lot. It'S it's starting to shrink a little bit. Now, because it's about time for a wash, but i knew i was gon na - get we'll get my re-tie today. So that's why i haven't washed it but um it would. It would be like really really shrunken and just kind of like lifeless it wouldn't hold like. I would do a braid on it. It wouldn't hold. The curl, wouldn't hold the braid out, none for none but 12 hours, and then it would be all straight and scrunched up again, but washing it has helped so much. So i'm going to be doing that in between my rites now consistently, and i also heard that washing helps with the locking process. So i'm going to be doing that also. But there's all that background to say that i am so excited to be going to get my retie today she is going to be like it might, it might take a little bit longer. It usually takes like three and a half hours, but it might take a little bit longer because of all this new growth y'all, i'm gon na show you uh, let's see first, i'm just gon na like just have you like just look at my roots and what They look like at eight weeks, like i said i usually go at like four to five. This is the first time i've ever done. Eight, and from now on, i have i haven't all scheduled out now: y'all, i'm not playing um until the end of the year and then like around, like uh like october or november, i'm gon na schedule all them all of for next year, because i'm not doing Eight weeks again it wasn't so it wasn't as bad as i thought, but i really would rather not do. Eight like six weeks is probably is going to be in my normal. So let's look at these. Let'S look at my roots, my you can still see my scalp pretty good but they're. You know they're pretty bushy and then yeah, so i've got some pretty some pretty decent new growth at eight weeks. Look at that. Let me see if i can find one like. We can like really look at the roots and how much so, let's see if we can see so i don't know if you can see that really good, but it starts right about. Let'S see, my luck starts right about there, so i don't know how much that is what is that? Maybe an inch yeah, probably like an inch or so like i said i don't really know like what rate my hair grows. I don't know if it's like fast or slow or whatever, but in eight weeks it looks like i got about an inch all around yeah. That'S that's about right! There somewhere, let's see right there yeah an inch or maybe a little bit less of it less than an inch hold on. Let me get my ruler because i really do want to make sure this is right. Okay, so i got my ruler um and we're gon na do some quick measurements here. So this is the inch. So let me see, let's find one where i can look at it pretty well yeah. I don't think that's even an inch. My hair grows slowly. All apparently, let's see, let's just see where it falls on the ruler, yeah it's about an inch it's about an inch so about a whole inch for in eight weeks. That'S not bad! I mean you know i used to think my hair didn't grow so now. I know that it does, and so that's good, i'm gon na give you guys a little 360.. Just just looks just so. You can see there's some so here like there's some in the front like this guy right here, that's not actual, although there's just some of it has like slipped out and then these little guys over here they're, you know the hair is short there, so it makes It so that they sleep more so, but when i went back to red four weeks like all of this, especially over here like on the side, these guys right here, these guys were all out. So this is actually held pretty good for the last four weeks. We'Re still all in locks and then the same thing with this side yeah all of this was out there's one over here. That'S completely unraveled, but she's gon na fix that i love it yeah like what this one right here is all unraveled, but otherwise everything is still intact. Let me see if i can, i'm gon na do a quick like 360. get closer, so i'm gon na go get this retie in about an hour or so, and then um, i'm gon na, come back and show you guys what how nice and clean my grid Looks again, i'm so excited about that and i probably will still have them in um, my uh, because she braids and bands and washes it and i'll probably still will have them in the braids, because i usually let the braids dry overnight so that tomorrow i'll have A you know a cute braid out, but um i'll come back, maybe or maybe i'll undo them just so just to see if, if they're dry, if they're dry, i'll undo them and then we can and then we can look at you know what my hair is. Looking like and how nice and clean and crisp my grid looks um yeah, but that's it. I just want to come and show you guys my you know my eight week grow out and um. I will come back after i get my reti uh thanks again, and i will see you later so i am back um. It was a long appointment today. So obviously it's been eight weeks right so um. I had a lot of growth. Usually my re-ties take about four hours. Today it took like five and a half hours, because i mean the extra two weeks, two or three weeks of growth, apparently just put me over the edge, and so she took along and also she said that um some of some of the locks, especially on this Side for some reason had a lot of holes, and so she needed to like repair them. So she did a lot of like that, a lot of repairs, um and then she did my read the reta and she shampooed it um and so five and a half hours. It'S definitely like, probably maybe the like the longest time that i have um sat to do a re-tightening, but it's so worth it. Oh, my goodness, look at my clean grid, y'all! Oh, i missed her so much my grid, i'm gon na take this this. These are the braids that she puts them in um in order to shampoo it um, and i usually leave them in, and i will probably take them out tomorrow because i didn't sit under the dryer. These are still wet, they're still pretty damp, and so i'm just gon na um leave them overnight and then tomorrow, i'm gon na take them out, hopefully they'll be completely dry by then and then i'll have a braid out. But i'll give you guys a little 360 here see how nice the grid is from now on no more eight weeks, okay, six weeks from now on, it wasn't as bad as i thought like i said, but um it just was a very long time and i Don'T like that, so uh thanks for hanging out um i'll, see i'll see what what it looks like tomorrow tomorrow. I have to go to work, so i may not have time to do a video of what my braid out looks like, but maybe after work i'll, do a quick, uh, braid out video and and and put it at the end of this video. So you guys can see the full 360 that my hair does after uh after my retime but uh in case i don't come back. Thank you so much for watching don't forget to like uh and comment on the video and also hit the subscribe button hit. The subscribe button, but um otherwise, thanks for coming again and i'll, see you in the next one bye. So i came back. I just wanted to show you guys real, quick, the braid out um, i feel like whenever i get a um, a retie and a wash. Maybe maybe this is the wash not just not a retire wash, but just a wash my hair loses so much volume. I feel like it's so thin, like you can see through the spaces um and i and i love volume. I want my hair to be bigger, but i mean it's just not. I have fine. I'Ve got fine hair, so it's just just not you know in the cards for me um, but uh hello. My hair is looking right and my roots look at that. Look at that grid. Look at that! Oh my gosh! Here, let's see if i can get closer, i can see the grain we'll turn around, so you can see the roots and the grid. My hair is definitely getting some length, though i might not be getting a volume, but i'm getting length length. Look at that right here when i screw. When i stretch it, i don't like my. I don't like my locs straight though so i don't think i'm ever going to see the true length, because i like them, curly and obviously when they're curly, they're shorter, but yeah i'll, show the length when they're nice and stretched out, and then i have these. Like bangs, which i never cut my bangs, i think my hair like broke off and in the on the top, but i have like these natural bangs now, which i don't hate. I don't hate at all. It'S cool, it's cool, it's all good, but yeah. I just wanted to. I just wanted to show you all. You know the the the end result and my grade, i don't know if anybody else loves my love their grit as much as i do, but anyway uh. That was it thanks again uh for watching like subscribe comment, do all the things, and i will see you next time - bye,

Ulanie Wilson: Hi sis loving your locs. Looks so healthy

Donna Thomas: Your locks look great. Thanks for this information.❣️!

Prettycautiousme: I enjoyed watching this your locs are so beautiful I love your dark color.

Forlocsake: Your hair looks gorgeous . Does your consultant wash after retightening? I was surprised to see you coming back from your appointment with your hair in braids

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