Terraria & Movember Haircuts | W/ Chippy, Ped & Daf | Jingle Jam 2022 | (13/12/2022)

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Thank you, hey everyone and welcome to this year's Terraria jingle jam stream. That'S right! We'Re back in the building, hello, hello, and do we have a real special treat for you today because, unlike previous years right, where we've kind of goofed all around a little bit all right, we're not goofing, we've done a fair bit of goofing. Are we not goofing? Well, we have an agenda today. We have an agenda charity right, but second agenda we've never never before have we had a charity stream? No, no. We we've pocketed all of it. It'S actually the first one money's run out. So if anybody's got my PayPal, this one's definitely a charity. Oh no, it is uh, but we do have an agenda uh for this one and that's because, as a bit of a tree read the developer of Terraria, the man himself has created us a secret seed. Now, if you've never played Charlie before, like maybe just show up to this you're like I love the ox cast, I've never seen Terraria it's a Terraria. They have these things called secret seeds where it remixes the world a little bit. I really like it honestly yeah I've been telling a good feature. I'Ve been telling Alistair to put them in to play up yeah like just weird wacky seeds, where you type in the seed. I think any game that has a seat needs secret seeds, oh yeah. Without doubt like, instead of uh cooking, this mac and cheese in the kitchen back of an RV we're doing it Breaking Bad Business sure whatever yeah exactly you know chicken nose platter, oh yeah, I mean Minecraft, does Minecraft have any special seeds. I don't know if it does, it has good seeds, bad seeds. All I know is Charity yeah, so yeah yeah exactly, but this is going to be really fun um. This is like actually, actually it's gon na be wild because it's created by Red. If You Don't Know red, this could go either way right. It could be a great bad word. I'M going to go ahead and assume it's the it's gon na be a cursed seed and we're gon na die. I love it over and over again and then we're probably gon na remake and play on a less punishing season. It was a good effort. Boba and Ben will be joining us um at some point. The server there's some something's gone wrong with Discord and we're just trying to wire them back in so until then uh. I think it's a great time to talk about the bundle for anybody. That'S uh maybe popped into the stream from my YouTube channel, hello, The Collection, The Collection or the clondal. If you accidentally stop saying it and we'll call it a bundle. No, you can't. No, it's it's uh, very serious, very business. Oh, although I understand very serious stuff, I was the CEO of relogic for some time. I do understand business yeah, no bundles, boring election. Oh wow, since last year, put me in there there's a collection, it's a collection. We love a good click collection of bundles of Good Times um, so uh Pat, I feel like you, are the best person to talk about the collection yeah. I mean we're like two weeks into jingle jam, guys if you've not got it yet. What are you thinking, but you know what's going on with you yeah? What are you thinking, but there's a big bunch of games, um, jinglejam, dot tiltify.com go check them out. We'Ve got plate up, we've got, we've, got, we've got factory town we've got, there's loads of awesome games, go check it out, I'm getting the bundle just for plate up. You should honestly yeah like legit straight at the end of the stream I'm gon na be buying. My bundle, uh collection, yeah I've been doing it collection. I actually just can't remember collection and people are saying it was a collection last year. Remember it's been a collection for as long as I can remember, chippy. I don't know what you're talking about the Box kiss. I'M just hearing that we can now collect our Ben and Boba from the supermarket, we're wiring him in life. Better Boba. Are you here, hello, hello, I'm at the supermarket wow collected our children yep. What does he look like? They look sick, beautiful, let's talk about, looks actually real, quick because looks uh. You know they're an interesting, important, important right. We do have some fancy. Things happening this stream, potentially okay and uh, and there is a stretch goal to the Stream. True talk: do you want to talk about pets? Okay, okay, so it's hot. I mean I mean it's a big goal. It'S a big stretch. It is, I said, to chippy beforehand I said: hey chippy. If we can beat last year's total of jingle gym, yeah total total, total and and get the record today right now beat last year today in this set, it's a lot of money whatever that is, it's like a hundred grand literally like it's literally 100 Grand it's About 100 Grand yeah, I will, I will shave my entire face: yeah, oh my God, and I'll get a haircut we've got movember in movember is in the studio back there right, oh my God, they're back there somewhere, so ask if they can shave my nipples. Would you be all right with that? What that has to be done? Yeah I've had a haircut if you want to get your money's worth about my nipples, I'm just gon na get mine from me. Listen we're all coming dimples and November here to sort it out entire base, including us not impossible, chant. It'S actually not it's not impossible, it's not impossible. So if you are here - and you feel like being charitable this year - and you feel like it wasn't time to do - you want to do your bed, I feel like the closer we get to that goal, the better anyway right, yeah right. If I get to shave Pet's face to win for everyone yeah, so so keep them coming in and picking up the bundle and it's going to be a cracking stream. Let me tell you yeah yeah, so we'll we'll have to see um. There might be some big donations. Anyone got 200 Grand Lane around. Oh we'll have to see collection. Somebody will have done um feel free to show my screen here. There'S nothing under there. I I've never played Terraria before I don't even know how to join your game. I'M sorry, I'm a Rube, it's okay, you're in for a bad time. It'S going to be a long free hour. Listen, we can invite you um. Let'S, just let me just show real quick look, look yeah, Pinkie Pie's Adventure, so so the special seed we've been given is like has this been like? Is that normal, the tree's upside down and has no wait? Why is it my little pony and why is it Pinkie Pie's Adventure exactly? Are we gon na be it's awesome? Are we Pony? Is it Pony? Oh, my God. Is it really? Okay, see, I'm pretty sure, Red's just trolling us yeah shadow of Israel, Pony it's the most famous thing to come out of the Yogscast, it's in the game of Terraria now, so it's got to be only the most famous people make it into Terraria. You know that pet - hmm, true true, I haven't me remembering I'm in Terraria he's in the credit we've got Terraria in the chat. Terraria. Are we 500 pounds from darreneth already hell, yeah, oh my God, what's up and that keeper, with 2001 icon huge donors coming in right at the start? Oh wow, it keeps going yeah, it's crazy, um, just wow. I know it sounds like it's a lot of money, but there's a lot of people here. Listen and a lot of people can ship in we're here for charity and collections uh. That keeper says I just wanted to say a special thank you to Pat and Boba for helping me get through a very difficult year. I'M trying to get my degree um. Thank you very much. We love you keeper. Thank you. So much you're amazing we're married for a day. Oh, they wrote that they said that I said. Do you remember see you skipped out for that because you thought I wouldn't remember our anniversary. It is their anniversary. They were married for a day. Another 200 pound just came in. Thank you very much. It'S pretty soon huge donors for the gold. I think you're flying out yeah. Thank you very much Earth's slash, ethaniel uh for the 200 pounds and love it and another 150 from Noone. We love charity around here. Thank you, um. Okay, shall we boot up wait, magical one last thing for context: everyone. I don't know. What'S on this seat right, I'm scared legitimately. Don'T we might we've got me and Chippy there Terraria experts as experts. I think that I say veterans veterans and then we've got bober and Ben Ben's. Never booted up the game before I'm assuming oh you've done that so far, have you managed to boot it up? Yet I've made a man. Oh he's made a man. I'Ve painted I've painted colors on my man, nice, that's great um and then we've got Boba. Who he's played a little bit? I played a little bit just a little bit. It'S a little bit a little bit. I should follow you around with the grappling hook action. So that was a hundred pounds from Simon goodness. Thank you, Simon. Thank you. I'D really like to give a shout out as well to all the little donations as well, because we obviously won't be able to read out every single information, but every little does help if everyone watching this stream right now gave five pounds we'd be here. Our Target right now here and now yeah that just went uh, but I don't know, did we just get a big one? Why not? But it's not came through on our side where nothing's happening nothing's capable I'm scared. It'S your mustache sweating. Yes, oh there we go, that was the power of thousands of people. It'S getting a couple of pounds, each maybe yeah. I didn't want the reader yet where what was that? What it's Pierre, just troll me like. What did you? What what where we go, um wait. Is it once we hit that thing that we're 93 of once it's at 100? Is that shaving your face time yeah? What is the current yeah? How much more do we actually really need for a real facial change? How much are you gon na? How much are you gon na say now um? Well, if we can beat last year's? Oh, it's! A big goal got the figure for last year's right in front of me, yeah yeah. Can you make the goal last year because last year was three three million: 345 156? Okay, so there's still a long way to go in 3.3 that but yeah, maybe we love that a little we're 16 minutes into the stream. You better be quaking good time from display. Well this plate want it gone motivating that girl. Does that mean wait? A second. Does that mean if pedman gets rid of his mustache, we can get an honorary disc plate. That'S a photo of him getting his mustache shaved off. Oh my gosh! Yes, I love that on the wall. Okay, this is true. We have a more achievable donut right, that's great, we'll bring it down a little bit come on. If we hit uh like four million dollars, is um 3.2, something like we could hit it. We can set this goal where it's only it's achievable, but it's still difficult. Okay and it's a nice round number. Okay. Um three point: I would also like to say a great incentive, maybe for this whole stream as well. If we hit that Milestone, maybe this custom seed that red created could be released to the public, I'm scared of the seed yeah, it could be garbage. You could be paying for real garbage here, so the the number you just put in Ben you want that three, two three five, but it's like a hundred grand less than this current goal and it rounds up to exactly four million dollars which feels like pretty good. Doesn'T it yeah? Well, that's too obtainable. That'S too realistic! Yeah! Oh, wait! That'S I was like Ben um, you typed in numbers that are not four million. How are you saying it's four million we'll see how well everyone does that works. Maybe let's punch in that new goal as like a because that one up there seems pretty high, because I said what I would shave my face for and now everyone's moving the goal post all over the place, even after the display just donated 40K or something like That was it yeah 50k. I don't even know. Okay, here's the deal also chat. Okay, I didn't know you can give any dollar or a pound amount that you want towards charity. If you do over the 35 pounds, you also get a nice collection of games, wow, which is valued at over a thousand pounds worth of games and there's multiplayer. There'S games that you can play couch Co-op all that kind of stuff they played a bunch of them on the streams. They'Ve been a really good time, so don't forget to do that and also you'll get to make penguin's face less mustachy and you'll get very nice. Terraria seed, it is true, um 100 pounds from mechanical Nimrod. Yes, thank you very much. What what a fantastic Christmas present you could give someone as well right like if you've already got these games. You'Ve already got the collection yourself, you could donate again and you could give someone a thousand pounds for Christmas. I don't know what to give someone for Christmas. Well, no! You, okay joined via thousand pounds. Why is my try not working? I can't press invite. I can't click join via steam. That'S weird! No! No, I'm not connected to Internet. I can't shift tab. We not send that to an internet uh. Do you need to log out and log back in or something out of the game? Are we not connected? I also. I think they've done. I think terrari has done that because I'm I'm at home and I can't shift oh my gosh. Okay, all right. Oh we've had the game open too long. We'Ve broke it yeah! That'S strange! All right! I'M just gon na reboot! I guess don't worry about it. Don'T worry Ben got an achievement for chopping down a tree though oh okay, Simon I built a hammer. I played single play for 10 minutes to get to the control. I knew you would good on me. Only 70 of people have got a hammer. They added the achievements really late, actually he's actually true. So that's such a good amount of people for how late they added those achievements. Could you spend a long game? Some people might be gone. You know yeah. No, that makes sense yeah, so people yeah, maybe not everybody - sees every problem as a nail Ben everybody needs a hammer. Maybe some people just didn't, throw it down it's true right. So, okay, I have booted back up the game. I can invite everyone um yeah here you go, invites game, invite the game a lot of hundred pounds coming in. Thank you chat. Let'S take the stash off. You can show the game now, Pierre um yeah, if slash ethniel, 100 pounds. Thank you very much. Um really appreciate that sent Sentinel Dark Star 50 pounds really appreciate it. I haven't been able to catch many streams this year, but they always warm my heart and I much appreciated his 2023 um aisling as well. Look at this seed. I know! Look it's wacky. What'S this, you look dead. Why do I look dead? What'S up with you? Oh, I always go with pale skin. Oh thank you! Chippy there you go. Thank you chippy. You look like a gimped Israel, hello, oh the Santa's, elf, a Santa's outfit. Am I right. I gave it to bed. Oh wait. Oh you've got um here, you go there, you go. You know if you want Santa, if you want to go festive yellow bit festive yes, I remembered I got something inventory button 100 pound from Avery hey. Thank you very much. We'Re reading as they come in, so I'm I'm personally a big fan of just reading out these donors, so you get them in people. I'M always here to talk donos and charity. Hmm that I said what I said it's up to you, Patrick! You can change the goal for that for now, but that isn't what I'm shaving my face for, but we'll see how it goes, maybe I'll. What'S that one for then that's just the halfway mark. Maybe we'll do that, for you should do your secret uh handshake. What, if you and Chippy, do your secret handshake for everyone? No, that's exactly what I was going to say: how are they going to say if you can get us the pineapple, the cream and a pair of trousers with flies, yeah, wait. I'Ve played this game before so I've got to get a pineapple and cream for Chippy, but I'm gon na have to trade the guy down the street a horse to get his pineapple in the cream, but to get the horse I'm gon na have to trade. Somebody else a jar of milk - oh my God, this is gon na, be too much work. Wow welcome to Terraria! Oh my Red's face. Do you see it in the sky? I see a lot of things he's blessed us look. Watch out. We have been in here yet. No, where are you been Santa? Oh, it's me. I wish I'd pick you up. I wish I'd picked you a better outfit Ben, but if you come over here, oh how awkward we're dressed the same, this is embarrassing. This is my brand lately. Okay, hang on I'll, be right back I'll, go wear it. I'Ve got a different character. Okay, we we shouldn't. Look the same. That'S not good! No, no! No! I'Ve! Given you an outfit yeah, oh God yeah! You just need to uh right right. Click on each item, but you get poisoned. Fool should be there's a new type of trap, really yeah a gas, a gas trap. I was invited to the school play, but I had to be a tree. Have you seen that before yeah, I love it? Where did you find it down there in the water? Oh, that's definitely, oh in the chest and I got baby shark as well. Okay, I don't think that's new I've seen a gas trap before I have this on Tuesdays after raps comes in oh true, I knew it looked familiar. I knew it okay, so trippy with your expert knowledge is what is different about this scene. Well, you know. I'M plugging all the data into the uh, the machine. As you know, uh it looks. Oh my God, I'm still dying. It looks a lot like the celebration seed. So far. Oh there's actual. Oh I'm gon na head left and we'll see what I can do. So. The far the far trap does exactly 99 damage. Does it we have a guide called Andrew. So that's interesting, oh kill him. Look at the Hat interesting. You should give baby shark to Ben. Oh, should I oh yeah, you're right. I should give it it's his child. Is it on Brent you're holding my child? I gave you something Ben. It'S like a little oh fish tree. If you right click that you'll get your baby shark, yeah baby shark you're just gon na, follow me around forever. Now it will follow you around forever. An anti-lion we got a, we got a pet, real, quick I'll, be honest. Can he die wow, another 100 pounds from tooks? Laugh it and they did not leave a message, but what they did leave is kind feelings in my heart. I have to leave that this guy's mean and 100 pounds from No Name provided that says shave that face shave that head get it done. We have got them in your head getting here, so they will be doing. I think they're going to do daf's hair at some point: um they're, literally just gon na pull out a Barbers yeah like chair, we're just gon na sit and play terrariums. That happened like you're, like that's going on, there's not even acknowledge it yeah! Oh, not that's! Beautiful hair, oh no buy a blue slime as well; they got him, they got him, the blue slimes. They got him so yeah for anybody watching. Okay, I was happy about it. Uh remember you can go to tiltify.jinglejam.com. I think that might be right. Uh. You can donate as little as like a quid and it all goes to a good place. You can pick the charity that you want it to go specifically to or you can have it divided and you do get a big collection of games. If you donate over 35 quid - and it is well worth it - and you know this is why we we put on these streams - and if you can, if you can spare Summit it'd, be nice it'd be very kind. Yeah it'd be very good. I mean it's genuinely life-changing. We had someone else streaming earlier today and someone watching donated and said: they'd had a um a baby at the um at the Bristol Children's Hospital. Oh my gosh, and they genuinely believed that, if it wasn't for the services of their grand appeal um, they think that they're like premature baby might not have survived wow, and so they were like. Thank you so much for every everyone who's donated, because we've literally like helped save that baby wow very grateful insane yeah. Now that is amazing, that's great, and so you know a little goes a long way as well. It really does, like you know, there's a lot of people here today, please, okay! So so far, this is a lot like celebration. That'S good, yeah! It'S a great seed, it's a great seed! So there's like, I think, probably increased drop rates and stuff like that scorpion. Okay, I'm gon na make everyone a cactus sword. Oh you're, good, bye. Everyone I mean. I made two Cactus swords: oh yeah, I'm gon na go get a cough sweep. Oh, no, I've got a cake I'll be right. Back one sec, this patchy one I'll, try and get some more Cactus there you go. Oh no chippy's got him on end. They worry about it. Oh she scrapped it. It'S already gone, oh no, she's grabbed it. Oh she's she's coming to get it. Is there like a longer melee weapon? I'M really I don't like how little must must yeah Dabber is yeah yeah. I can help you out with that. If we chop this Cactus tree down, oops - okay, here you go Ben uh at this work station here just want to acknowledge a little bit of confusion here. They did just lift the barber's chair into the room. That is why I just started looking real flabbergasted. You know if you press Escape you'll, get like a crafting menu on the left and yeah. Hopefully, if you scroll along, you should have it's 10 characters to make a cactus, or do you have enough uh, let's find out? Oh I'm dead, got it Rippy chippy! Oh, it's real big yeah, it's huge, isn't it so! This was all amazing. That'S what I need. I know all the NPCs left, the chairs, all the NPCs die chippy. Oh, why I tried. I tried. I tried to keep them alive. What happens in celebration? The party's over - oh, so I'm guessing, this is uh which, which seed is it where, when the party's over everyone dies, that's the one in hell, yeah right. Is it that's right? So is this like a mixture seed, it's like all the seeds in one yeah. So I think this is a combination of a bunch of different stuff. But what stuff we do not know and uh yeah a little bit of the everything seeds yeah. It is in the ever in the get fixed boy in that seed. Um things die things they perish, including including, I can't trick me. I'Ve never played a seed so yeah exactly they can't trick me. No, oh, the Fallen star unfold, this one, oh my gosh! Well, we know that fallen stars, don't kill you. So that's a positive chant because you know there are seeds where that happens. Oh god! Oh you think. Are you that Fallen starpad? You better put that in your pocket. All right, yeah we got ta have become Wizards. You got ta, save it. Oh wow, I can be a wizard yeah, oh yeah, with stars. You can get Madness, there's a whole there's a whole world out there. This is a weird way to experience it for the first time I won't lie. Should I be digging? I feel like I should dig there's a lot of sand. Honestly. We just keep. We got ta kind of make our way out of the sand. I would say so. We want to keep heading left. Oh okay. Maybe if we all huddle together um, you know the real morals. What happened there, something something killed, all the enemies when we exploded when we died, it was just the explosion we made. Oh, oh so I found a normal world over here. Pez and the trees are painted well we're all the way at spawn we're just gon na kill things. We'Ve got three Cactus swords, though so that's oh yeah, oh we're moving up in the world. It'S a little bit falling. How do I? How do I get that? Zoomed in view you've got okay, so Plus or negative on the the keyboard. It seems in my mini map: oh you're, doing the wrong ones next to your backspace yeah. Next to your backspace. Now, if you open up settings, you've got zoom and UI scaling. Okay, very amazing. This is so much better already. I reckon I'm gon na dig down for a little bit. I reckon let's see what lies bit beneath the Earth at first. We could also do that over here, yeah. Oh, I got. I got an iv hey. We got a big Dono, big Dono, 200 pounds from donger plus and they say Clem with every penny and we also got a hundred pounds. I died glooms. Why did you two incredible casters one incredible game? Uh we had clowns last year. I think. Oh no way. Sorry Glenn to the chat, oh God, good good, lad, Don't Starve, Legend yeah, a true icon and obviously Ferrari has its Don't Starve crossover. Oh true, you're right! Maybe we can experience some of that today. Actually yeah that'd be kind of cool all right, so yeah. If you want to get donating, get donating, get get get checked, go check, maybe even if you've not thought about it yet go check out. The website go check out where your money goes and what's in the collection and just be like okay, it's for me. You know that's right: jingle jam, dot, tiltify.com what you can check out, all the Charities and all the games. If anybody wants to sing along you know just just chime it out, yeah, that's how it goes the whole hole. I know it's certainly hole diggers, yeah any any hole diggers in the chair - God! Oh no! No! No! No! Oh distractions! Amazing! Okay! If anyone wants to come to my my private small chat, to tell me how to play the game that'd be very much appreciated. We'Re sticking together, I don't want to keep interrupting. You, though, like you guys are doing the charity shout out and I don't want to be like help, I'm in a hole, please. I want to hear it all right this between me and pep. There'S me in the hole it's bad in the hole. Oh yeah be careful in the hole. Why don't we make a base so that we can spawn yeah all home on the beach and we can make like a little. The grand appeal welcoming my ADHD brain welcome. Grand appeal hello, we were just talking about you wow, you guys are doing great work. I went to see them. They showed me around the children's hospital and the site where they're going to build the like accommodation for families. It'S amazing that they let you meet the real Wallace came to the office on the first day. I knew they would I knew it. You know I didn't even check it out, but I I knew it deep in my heart: yeah they they're really nice. They brought his presence. Did anybody have it where, in my in my school it might when I was an infant, so they would uh wheel out the TV. You know the big big chunky TV and as a as a street we'd, get to watch uh a Wallace and Gromit cartoon, which is very limited because it was only three at the time, but they were great. Oh my gosh. What is this? Oh, you give built a house, thank God, you're safe. Yet I don't know if I call it the house quite yet murdered me, we watched the go, I guess all our symmetry yeah! Oh no! We did. We build on a burial, ground, nice. What color shave is the best one uh that that's the wrong trousers, sure yeah oops, I just punched. The demon out here Dave could be the tagline of today's stream. If we reach that goal yeah, yes very good there, you go yeah yeah, rename, Pat Shawn, the streamers okay, 35. 35. 000.. The wrong trail is a bit of a banger I'm like do. I agree to this. Do you thinking about this look at right? Okay! Think of it like this pet right, look at how far away it is I get I I set a certain unattainable goal, and now this goal is too attainable, but should I should I I feel like I feel like there's a bit of flexibility here. Should I chat motivate him with your wallet yeah if we, if we, if we can get some donors wow thanks for that one, because I don't know, if chat can even do this one? You know it sounds lovely, let's really see. Okay, oh no! Oh, it looks horrendous out there, I'm I'm hiding I'm staying in the house, it's real bad in English literature. We watch that we just watched Of Mice and Men and then somebody would like Midway through walk past the classroom and be like. Oh sorry, sorry, I can't remember which character. So it's all right. It'S all right! I just know there was a dog involved. I can't remember the rest, the dog, it writes itself, it writes itself, it's poetic. Oh I let them in I'm. Sorry, I didn't realize fans did the Minecraft sand thing. I thought I could dig down living guide right over here. A rabbit right is it a rabbit. Dog also dies gosh. I don't remember the only thing I remember about it is uh. It was part of my My GCSE coursework to write an essay of mice and men and I did earn something in and my teacher went I'm sorry, but I've had to change it, but you've got an A and it was there. It'S great it's great the chain. What do you mean? They changed your essay? No, no! No! She uh modified my essay to get me a better grade. Did you deserve that? What were you doing with this teacher Jesus? I said I said many years from now I'll help raise money for charity and she knew the excitement. But no that really happened and it happened in I.T as well. I'M not gon na lie the education system's a little scuffed right. Oh, my God much jeez a little bit. I just don't think they did oh right. They were like. I can't teach you for another year that was it uh right. Okay, that makes a lot of sense, so yeah, so so yeah. That was. That was my English experience. You know um, sorry, it's all right. It'S all right to lie about your gcses get some remote. Although I needed those it's fine. I think once you've got the next level up like it doesn't matter like once. You'Ve got an A level. No one cares what your gccs were and if you get a degree levels yeah and then you get a job and then and then no one cares about anything. You'Ve got experience in the real world yeah and that's all that matters gosh. I really hope they care about my 2000 hours in Terraria, because that pride of place well, you know, if YouTube ever disappeared. That'S how I'd have to greet myself there's a lot of skills. Yeah, okay, you know, have you explain some of them to me because I'm lacking a little bit? Oh, yes, explain. I'Ve got 99 woodcutting in RuneScape, so I think if I just like signed up to be a lumberjack sign up to be a lumberjack, I think I would like get get it straight away. You know like yeah, smell level, 100 man that takes in real life before. Oh yeah, all the time, yeah yeah, just I I've legit chopped down two trees. Well, really, bad! That'S really cool yeah! It'S um! It'S way harder than it looks, especially if you don't have the right equipment wow I'll, throw that out there big Dono from Wild on with 161 quid. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. The wild arm and we've got 100 pounds from No Name, provided it says shave the face: shave the head. Okay. So if we hit that current goal, I will shave my face and we also have movember here that'll I'll. Do I mean it's very fitting right? They'Ll. Do my head, but not shape, not shaving, myself, give me a trim ball. That would be some kind of look. I wouldn't. I wouldn't necessarily want that um, but so you've got your you've got the goal in mind had as agreed. If you want to be, I will extra charity that is four million um dollars dollars, yeah, which I think is Ben yeah. Good idea to me. That'S an amazing goal, I'm good for you, ped man, that is um yeah. You know very bold of you yeah. I do have a steady hand, hey forty dollars. That'S Sweeney Todd, oh uh, bold! If we beat last year, okay, uh and uh I'll I'll shave, my head. If we beat last year's within this stream, because I know that's not happening, that is like that's. Like 200 000. - oh my God, no, no challenge accepted. That is not happening. So if anybody out there that's only like four pounds per viewer man, like that's achievable yeah, can we get literally everyone in chat donated four pounds right now. It'S done! No one wants to see bold penguin, but then again I've been wearing a Santa, a hat. Oh like Christmas. Oh my gosh. Could you imagine you whip it off right here, one way! Past Christmas? Oh no! You'Re right! Oh no! I found the secret tree they've done it again: four pound Drive: let's go two-wheel join red team. I was in pink, I always dreamed doing pink. Is it actually called pink? It looks purple. Would you agree with that pet? I agree late last year. No I'll move that sounds like cynics. It literally says pink party at the bottom left. No, but it looks purple Sanex red. If you're in the chat, let us know, are they? Let us know by calling it a sun like this? Oh no, oh Christ! What what is this playstates? Oh, my God, the boulders explode chippy. Really, yes, a boulder just exploded into tiny Boulders into tiny Boulders. Oh [, __ ]. You turned your brain into jam. Oh that's! My that's my death message. I came up with that. Oh yeah yeah they're for real, that's sweet and the other day. It'S like you always get that death message now. Is that just randomly that it happened just no just randomly and there's like 100 of them? Oh wow yeah, when, when they were like we're, adding more death messages, I was like. Oh, like you know, like you know what what oh my brain turned to gym. 100 squids, you put 100 quid in Boba. Oh, I just said cheeky bit: oh both! Oh very generous, if I could tap out right now, I'd also drop a donut. Oh you got. Phones, haven't you well, you have phones, give me one minute message. It says: Get Wrecked! Oh beautiful uh! Well, Bob has made a real political statement with that one. Let'S be real here, it did sorry man get through it. How do I make more torches? Look at this uh, so it's slime from it's gel from a slime and wood from Woods. I got what walking boots. Oh, I've got happy grenades. It'S a bloody chippy, bloody chips, throwing a bomb at the boulders okay. No, it's really weird. I don't know if I'm just not good at counting, but like 10 seconds ago, the donation thing was at four percent and now it's at seven, oh yeah, it's moving quick! It'S moving away, skip the few dude. I think it's skipped a few. I don't know. If that's how numbers work it might be um, it might only update every like two minutes or something like that yeah. I know I think it doesn't. I'M just saying I think it's just going fast, very generous. Let'S keep it going fast people pet. I think you found something that you unite. People in this age of division and um conflict and people really just not agreeing or talking to each other generally. You'Ve broken through those boundaries with um, just the desire to wipe off your face five seconds into seeing Pat again for the first time, I said how much of it to shave that one, it's not true and that wasn't even related to Jingle jumps. She just really hates it. Yeah pay him from his own path. Yeah. He wasn't even going to give it to charity. He was gon na give it me. Oh the silver font Starts Now gosh um, I'm making a little progress, I'm feeling actually pretty good. So the secrets, the seed that we're playing on is the Custom Creation from Red uh. It seems to be uh. I think it's for the worthy mixed with celebration, mixed with no traps mixed with this is yeah. I mean I've. Seen Boulders and they've got stunk bombed. Didn'T I yeah okay, so if we see bouncy Boulders, then we know it's like a no um, a no ore seed, as far as I can tell, but when I've been digging for a good 10 minutes here, yeah and we've not found any medals. Yet I got some gold, but not too much, there's quite a lot of um gem trees. Red specifically said it's got great world generation, they're legit! That'S how you described. It depends on what you think gray is, I guess, Crystal hey. Let'S talk Crystal boom, shall I save that for Ben or Bob holy [, __ ], that is so much top uh Ruby. Look at that! Oh my gosh, all right, Pat you're, a little bit too powerful here, I'm a little bit eliminated! Powerful mustache is gone. It'S gon na be weak, that's the source of all of his power, so we did get true is that is that a recent One Pelham, I'm not reading that top one? Is that right, uh? No, you can read that is that so 100 pounds from Sader Buick uh only one day left, let's blow past last year's total thanks for a wonderful jingle gym. What do I do to get rid of it? Do a little clicker. Do it just click on it? Oh, my gosh, look at me. I'M a tech, whistles he's a wizard. He did a click. Is there water at the bottom, no [ __ ]? Why would there be? What is this? Oh you're gon na have to drop platforms on Zara uh. I just yeah. I pretty much just stuck straight down like if you're looking at the stream. I just you ain't supposed to do that from Arrow and flats. Merry Christmas, Terraria gang hell, yeah! Merry Christmas! Yes, thank you. There'S two things. I love in this world. It'S charity and Christmas. Then then, this is all of it, so you know thanks for having us again chippy. Oh no, please! When I, when I posted my schedule and you're like Terraria, I was like. Oh I get invited back, oh yeah. Well, last year was great: last year it was good. Louis didn't get the invite, though sadly uh, oh no, oh, he was a spicy boy. That'S why yeah I mean, let's not, let's not blame Lewis. Let'S blame filbert! Oh tree, yeah Lewis isn't responsible for filbert. You know - and I wouldn't I wouldn't even put that on him. You know I can't whoa all the small money, Justin Sani um, how much to how much to trim the mustache to a chaplain. What'S a what's a chip, no a Charlie Chaplin! Oh oh! No, Charlie! Chaplin'S iconic facial hair, that's never been used for anything else. No yeah, I'm not a big fan. I'M not a big fan. Oh my gosh. I don't I mean he was like honey, but no you're, not the worst chicken I'm like so dense, sometimes, and I would never have got that five minutes yeah, I think also you've got you had the hairs halfway there as well, to be honest to completely work. Yeah you'd make a great chaplain ped. Thank you. He does also only see in black and white. Yes, he only. He only acts for interpretation, and I I can't even hear what he's saying right now. There'S nothing um. Is that what he said, wow 100 pound from Rogue princess, I like pets, facial hair, but I can't pass up the opportunity to help troll The Yogscast. Oh, my goodness, what is wait? Can you oh well yeah. We have um because this is appearing on like charity websites, so we've got the profanity filter cranked up to like 11.. That'S cute! Oh, that's a really! That'S great! That'S nice, but you can click up. There'S a button. You guys can click so that you can see. What'S been filtered and decide, if you want to read it or not, yeah yeah so uh are we ready for the for the head haircut that might get people with the donating mood honestly yeah and maybe we can hit the goal and uh okay, so uh we're About to the the stream's taking a real turn, but it's gon na get good. You know we're yes, uh! Let me let's get Daffin, let's get Daffin and dafkin chill and get his haircut Fina hair grows back. It does that's why I'm asking for the nipples. You know yeah a real problem: did they bring a dog groomer too? Oh, my God, yeah you're right yeah. Do you know dog's hair? If you don't like your hair cut, don't worry, it will grow on you, true, you're, right I'll, be back by next year. Is this stuff that is death the dog that is correct? I'M gon na ask if they'll give him a mohawk. Yes, there's not a lot to trim out here, it's better than I think Lewis beheaded him once or something, but he did say he said he's better. Now we put him through a table, saw oh, my God. He got better. What'S that you want, but he got better the Mustang. No, he does he hates it. Oh, no! No Edwin! Do you even know how long it will take you to grow your mustache? It'S been a long time since I've shaved. This then we're close. He did the he did the calculations. Earlier, though you know yeah some numbers were crunch. I'Ve definitely not had it permanently. I wasn't born with this. Oh, what if it just doesn't grow back, though I haven't seen Babyface ped man for so long. Oh yeah, it's been hours, I've never seen one, I think. Did you call them baby face pet man yeah? That'S my favorite superhero wow 200 pounds from that guy Vince. I finally got a job and could donate this type around keep up the amazing work. Thank you very much. 100 pounds from Mr Jose here's some change for that baby face yeah. Thank you, Mr Jersey. It'S been a while it's been a while. You know we used to rock the same facial here and I'm I'm actually a little envious. We used to rock the same facial hair, yeah, nothing, hello! Welcome to the Stream by Matt, uh, chippy's gon na be cutting your hair twist. I told everybody: I've got steady hands. I that's before this. I was using a razor right straight razor. No, yes, and I am doing it Terraria Tree on the back of the heads um. Are you gon na get that which you consider a Terraria Tree on the back of the head instead of a Christmas tree yeah we can, we can do we can do a um. Are you serious? Oh God? No, no! So this is in Aid of um of movember in the jingle jam, I'm about to come down with uh the movember guys little hell, yeah, that's great, brilliant yeah, that's an sm7b! You might want to be closer uh. Well, it's a combination of a lot of things. Um, you know, to be honest: I'm not gon na lie for Ben it's real trial by fire here, and I don't know if it's. If he's, how are you feeling Ben uh? Okay, I just if I see a thing that moves. I build a wall and then I just keep digging. That'S honestly. It'S probably good. That'S a good stretch. I found three Life Crystals in a row though so, oh nice, oh yeah. Well, I See Your Life Crystals and raise you 868 dirt blocks. I like it. Oh, no, I'm gon na blow myself than me he's winning hey, senix, hey so Cenex. I don't know if you've heard the goal, but ped is going to shave his mustache off. He reached the goal. There'S a current goal on the screen and if we hit that yeah I will shave my face right and uh and also daf house said he will get a trarary on the back of his head, he's just doing that for fun, yeah, nothing to do with Charity. I don't know why he booked it during this. I will pay you to not shave it: okay, okay, all right um! Oh, my goodness, we can do a bidding war right, think back to a time of Babyface pet right. Think back to his youth. Think back to the olden days right. Do you not want to recapture that, at least for a for a couple of months right remember when ped was innocent because my God you're a different you're, a boy then and now you're a man, and it all started with that that mustache I mean, I guess, If they donate 51 of the goal, they have the final say so that is pretty pretty true. Oh wow patrolling vote, yeah yeah majority, though I see how it is donate with hashtag shave it or keep it. Oh gosh, okay, having his hair combed right, I'm enjoying the secret seeds so far, if you're watching at home, I actually uh, it's really lovely. What'S that? What'S what are you enjoying about it? What specifically is good, oh put me really on the spot. Yeah, it's actually a good combination, so it's it's uh good items right mixed with uh colorfulness right um, I think special enemies in the seed, but there's also more traps which is quite fun. Yeah, it's a golden sign. They drop loads, um, that's cool! There'S also. I think it's for the worthy as well, and I actually read if you are listening, is it? Could you DM me and tell me what what's this? Is it just? It'S not just celebration is it I don't think it is. It'S definitely got stuff. Well, the original proposal was called senix's seed right cynics has a special seed and uh, and I I proposition I said: could I have one of those please all right Ben? Where are you at? Have you joined pink um, I'm with I'm with uh Boba? Would you be able to join? Oh there, you go. How do I have you just been jumping now to escape, and then you click the little pink shield on the right hand, side yes and pink rope at the bottom. If you have a scape open and on your left hand, side, we have crafting, you can make wooden platforms, and then you can pass through those instead of a floor Toby, you are actually becoming a real expert I'm. This is why we got you back. All right are you able to fix it, I'm trying to fix it. I jumped down and broke so we got 150 pound donation from DRL Rolf Rolf I'll, throw a grenade the real roll. Yes, my favorite, so we just jump down now in it. Well, me and Ben are deeper than you are yeah. You are you're winning the 50-pound problem to Dave. Enthusiast 420. shape laughing emoji it. Thank you, shave, Enthusiast 420., we're doing really well, oh yeah. We'Re smashing goals. It'S a Terraria tree actually happening because I'm genuinely wanting to see it, I think. Oh sorry, I'm gon na have to see a tree. I am just booting up a tree real quick cause, yeah that is such an icon for this Terraria tree. It looks like this. Can you do that, just a tough one, you can just do an auto. If you are, we could just do it. Four, no trees! Why don't you do a tree with two bushes at the base of it, yeah yeah or maybe a dog's face? Oh, a normal haircut, oh true, okay, oh gosh, say Bubba said that for the dog uh Bob That Boba said, uh Daft, the dog and to get a Terraria tree. She said that okay, there's a dog on this side of your head yeah. I don't know how it I think it should be quite hard doing a Terraria tree. Then it's up to you man, you can do you do what you're on you can freestyle. I think it would be quite hard because there's there's not much detail to it. Really. Yeah, okay Lobby. I think that sounds great. So I reckon everything's too. I reckon just just a Christmas tree jingle jam, yeah JJ, that's simple! Right! Yeah, TJ Christmas tree, perfect! So chat real quick! Can you hit it's Matt right yeah? Can you can chat? Can you hear Matt because, if not I'll, regurgitate whatever Matt might say hello right, that's good! That'S good! Just really wanted to try developers to hear that their tree had no detail. You know they're very yeah, so much so much more detailed. This is good, though. Normally, when I'm sat in the barber's chair, like I don't know what to talk about, I find it really awkward. But okay, you know death's got us to do yeah, okay, so red said it's celebration for the worthy: no traps, but with less trapped and drunk but also half the world is Shimmer water. That is just gibberish yeah, that that was a stream of nonsense. But I it sounds good yeah, I think they're lying to you. We did make that up. None of that was it was real things, no traps with less traps. How do you have less traps than no traps so so no traps is like a bit of a meme. It'S more traps he's a sneaky one. Oh I'm sorry! I was about to Chuck. I just went to Chucky these there you go. Oh, what are these heart? Crystals they increase your maximum health. Do I eat them? Oh wow, so we're 13 of the way to to shave it off yeah, and here you go it's going up quickly. Are you nervous bud? How do I eat these? Are you just I'm not gon na hit? It left click them outside of your inventory to like grab them left said. If we get to three two three six you'll get a Terraria Tree in his head as well yeah. Oh my gosh 999.99 from real logic. Thanks for streaming for all the nines, all the nines - oh my God, Terraria devs. Thank you, one dollar less from Cenex, because they don't want it. They said that one dollar it makes all the difference. Oh and we've gotten 38 of the way to the goal. All right, how do you feel now tonight? Nothing will be fine. I think we'll be yeah. This is gon na be cold, oh God. I can't even imagine it's been really chilly. I, like my eyes, have been cold. When I go out, my job will be cold. It'Ll be quivering for it. It'S below forget for shaping your eyelashes yeah. True yeah, it's the eyelashes. I I trim them too much. I knew it. I knew it did any of you got wood uh, it's pretty good, but it's really! I'M not gon na lie. Can you throw some at me Ben? Why are you standing on top of Ben while he's giving me items there is no law against standing? Give me the wood. I did I've done it to me. Thank you, foreign, okay, I'll, put I'll put a scarf on how about that all right. Oh God yeah my it's my I I don't have facial features. You know it's just now, you're gon na say it's my identity. I don't have anything else. I don't. I don't have any basic brain filled in the rest of the sentence. I don't have any other fake features. It'S just it's all stash. He doesn't even have a chin under there. It'S just more neck yeah, it's Old Mac. It just go straight down. Oh God, all the way down, it's got a bloody giraffe. Ah, oh my gosh how's it how's the haircut going nice yeah. It looks good so far, one sec death. Let me get a mirror to hold up at the back. Yeah really hold the mirror up. First flavor before you answer, I've never said no. When someone shows you never never anyone I'm like. Oh awesome, okay, great job, I really like it and do you dying on the inside, I'm still in training he's also on day release. I hate this haircut. You have to change it yeah. I got a haircut so bad once I went home and my sister saw it and went what the [ __ ] is that we're off back? I was so embarrassed. I actually I died and then you know I'm still thinking about it to this day, I'm not even gon na lie. I mean if ever, if anyone's wondering, what's going on, uh match down with movember and um, giving haircuts to me and pads and Chippy super little tender, stuff, Jiffy and Chippy chip. You want some um designs. I said nipples only nipples, I think yeah. Is there a wax? That'S off stream, though that's just a bit of fun, yeah November, one of the 12 Charities that the jingle gem supports this year. Um donations will go towards um research on men's health issues, including cancer and other other things. It'S really good charity. Oh, my God, they're great folks, brilliant 101 pounds from Mr jozo Ben should bleach his hair for jingle jam anyway, Brad right. Why is this no tracks? He said no traps 100 pound from RAV and Air um. I love the yogs and and again you hero Herald the star of Xmas um. We just found out our family is getting bigger next year through the rich law in a few years. Oh, I love it. Alpha bow tie with a hundred pounds shave the bed. We love to see Burr and ped play more Terraria. Oh to you all, and I hope your jingle mess is wonderful um. I feel like I'm getting a nice little bit of ASMR in my in my headset yeah, there's a little bit of Razor. I like it. It'S quite nice, I'm enjoying it. What the heck is, that a race Falcon get me is trimmed. My wreath just spawned One Shot Through red red some say: whenever you die in Ferrari, he gets more powerful. So I don't know what he's going to be like after this street I learned a new command last night. Actually uh, you did a what now look at that in the chat. Oh look at that. Oh, what the heck yeah! I have not died. The most wow! That'S pretty good, I'm happy with that. That'S actually it and Ben are at the bottom. You'Ve died the most wow. We have nothing to lose. Oh my gosh, oh I'm playing I'm trying to go. I love the jacket. I'M gon na bring some wood down into the caves, but there is not much wood around here. You'Re a wood, getterer yeah yeah. I should have replanted. Oh, I do actually have a lot of wood. If anybody needs it. Sorry who needed it uh I need. Oh. I was I was out and I get paid was out too. I found a tree. Oh there's a bomb in this tree. What the hell was it sorry uh chat, it was uh. Penguin has died, 15 Santa, which is Boba uh with slain 11.. I'Ve been telling 15 and Bobo's been slain 10 times. What'S that about what? Yes, I'm getting bullied in this seed as this is this is a mockery red I'll make a pickaxe. How could you, but for real, though real logic?

ChippyGaming: This stream was wild, thanks again Re-Logic and Movemeber for making it so memorable!!!

CreatingWorlds: anyone who says to Daf, "you look like an idiot with that tree." he's just gotta let em know, he did it for 4 million dollars worth of charity, and they can... just go away, since charity :P

Chris Green: Re-Logic were amazing. Chippy was amazing. Ped was amazing. Mat the barber was amazing. Boba was beautiful as always. Ben was stunning as always. But the true stars were Matt (the barber) and Movember. I was so happy to donate for these beautiful people and a great cause.

CreatingWorlds: I gave used all the keys I wanted from the bundle (COLLECTION)*, and gave all the rest away during a stream of a content creator I watch.

Sad Cat Lin: 1:42:02 ped looks like Mr.Beast

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